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Page 1: Brentwood, CA 94513 • (925) 634-4154 • FAX (925) 516-9340and hear inspiring talks by the Franciscan Friars of the Renewal and testimonies from young people from our own parish.

Brentwood, CA 94513 • (925) 634-4154 • FAX (925) 516-9340 Office Hours: Open Monday-Friday 9:00 am-4:00 pm. — E-Mail: [email protected]


Fr. Jerry Brown, Pastor 634-5202 [email protected]

Fr. Fabio Correa, Parochial Vicar 634-4154 [email protected] x 108

Fr. Joseph Le, Parochial Vicar 634-4154 [email protected] x 111

Fr. Jim Sullivan, Parochial Vicar [email protected]

Dn. John Kortuem - 634-4154 x 115 Dn. Ed Spano - 634-4154

Dn. Ron Horan - 963-6501 or 634-4154 [email protected]

Missionary Sisters - 513-8154 or 634-4154 x 154

MASSES / MISAS Saturday/Sábado:

8:00 AM and 5:00 PM Eng 6:30 PM Español


7:30 AM, 9:00 AM and 12:30 PM Eng 10:45 AM and 2:00 PM Español,

5:00 PM Traditional Roman Rite (Latin)

Weekday Masses/Misas Diarias: Mon thru Fri: 7:00AM English

Mon-Tues-Wed-Fri: 8:30 AM Bilingual Thurs: 8:30 AM Spanish

Tues 5:15PM Traditional Roman Rite (Latin) Tues. 7:00 PM Spanish

Candlemas, February 2, candles will be available at all masses. Blessing of throats on St. Blaise feast day, February 3, at all masses.

Misa de la Presentación de Jesús será el 2 de Febrero y habrán velas disponibles en todas las Misas. La bendición de las gargantas en el dia del Santo de San Blas tendrá lugar el 3 de Febrero en todas las Misas.

PAN DE VIDA RETREAT is returning to Immaculate Heart of Mary on February 13th, 14th and 15th. All youth and young adults from IHM ages 13-33 are invited to attend. The young people learn and experience the powerful presence of Christ in Mass, Adoration, the Sacrament of Penance and hear inspiring talks by the Franciscan Friars of the Renewal and testimonies from young people from our own parish. For more information , please contact: Linda Kortuem at (925) 634-4154, Ext 117 or at [email protected]

Page 2: Brentwood, CA 94513 • (925) 634-4154 • FAX (925) 516-9340and hear inspiring talks by the Franciscan Friars of the Renewal and testimonies from young people from our own parish.

4th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Entrance Chant: O Word of God


1. I will hear what God proclaims. Truth shall spring from out of the earth. Open our minds, show us your truth.

Transform our lives anew.

2. Fill us with your love, O Lord, our God, and we shall sing for joy! Open our minds, show us your truth. Transform our lives anew.



Page 2

Psalm Response

Page 3: Brentwood, CA 94513 • (925) 634-4154 • FAX (925) 516-9340and hear inspiring talks by the Franciscan Friars of the Renewal and testimonies from young people from our own parish.

Gospel Acclamation

Nicene Creed I believe in one God, the Father almighty, maker of heaven and earth, of all things visible and invisible. I believe in one Lord Jesus Christ, the Only Begotten Son of God, born of the Father before all ages. God from God, Light from Light, true God from true God, begotten, not made, consubstantial with the Father; through him all things were made; For us men and for our salvation he came down from heaven, (all bow) and by the Holy Spirit was incarnate of the Virgin Mary, and became man. For our sake he was crucified under Pontius Pilate, he suffered death and was buried, and rose again on the third day in accordance with the Scriptures. He ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father. He will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead and his kingdom will have no end. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life, who proceeds from the Father and the Son, who with the Father and the Son is adored and glorified, who has spoken through the prophets. I believe in one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church. I confess one baptism for the forgiveness of sins and I look forward to the resurrection of the dead and the life of the world to come. Amen.

Preparation of the Gifts: All that Is Hidden

Page 3

Sanctus (Holy, Holy) Holy, holy, holy Lord God of hosts. Heav’n and earth are full of your glory. Hosanna, hosanna, hosanna in the highest! Hosanna, hosanna, hosanna in the highest! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. Hosanna...

Mystery of Faith


Agnus Dei (Lamb of God) Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world: Have mercy on us. Have mercy on us. (repeat) Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world: Grant us peace. Grant us peace.

Practicing Catholics (those at Mass each week and regular at confession) are invited to receive the Sacrament. Non practicing Catholics should go to confession before receiving Holy Communion. Non Catholics are welcome to come for a blessing (cross your arms over your chest).

Page 4: Brentwood, CA 94513 • (925) 634-4154 • FAX (925) 516-9340and hear inspiring talks by the Franciscan Friars of the Renewal and testimonies from young people from our own parish.

Communion Chant: Let Us Be Bread

Blest Are They

Page 4

Song of Praise: The Path of Life

Sending Forth: Holy God, We Praise Thy Name 1. Holy God, we praise thy name; Lord of all, we bow before thee; all on earth thy scepter claim; all in heaven above adore thee. Infinite thy vast domain; everlasting is thy reign. Infinite thy vast domain; everlasting is thy reign. 2. Hark the glad celestial hymn Angel choirs above are raising; cherubim and seraphim, In unceasing chorus praising, fill the heavens with sweet accord: Holy, holy, holy Lord. fill the heavens with sweet accord: Holy, holy, holy Lord. 3. Holy Father, Holy Son, Holy Spirit: three we name thee, though in essence only one; undivided God we claim thee, and adoring bend the knee while we own the mystery. and adoring bend the knee while we own the mystery.

Page 5: Brentwood, CA 94513 • (925) 634-4154 • FAX (925) 516-9340and hear inspiring talks by the Franciscan Friars of the Renewal and testimonies from young people from our own parish.

IV Domingo Ordinario

Entrada: Vienen con Alegría

Gloria Estribillo: Gloria a Dios en el cielo, y en la tierra paz a los Hombres que ama el Señor Altísimo. Gloria a Dios para siempre. ¡Amén!


1. Por tu inmensa gloria te alabamos, te bendecimos, te adoramos, te glorificamos, te damos gracias, Señor. (a Estrofa 2)

2. Señor Dios, Rey celestial, Dios Padre todopoderoso. Señor Hijo único, Jesucristo, Señor Dios, Cordero de Dios, tú, el Hijo del Padre. (Estribillo)

3. Tú que quitas el pecado del mundo, ten piedad de nosotros; Tú que quitas el pecado del mundo, atiende nuestra súplica; Tú que estás sentado a la derecha del Padre, ten piedad de nosotros. (a Estrofa 4)

4. Porque sólo tú eres Santo, sólo tú, Señor, sólo tú Altísimo Jesu- cristo, con el Espíritu Santo en la gloria de Dios Padre. Amén. (Estribillo)

Misa Luna. Peter Kolar. Text ©1978, Comisión Episcopal de Liturgia Music ©1998. World Library Publications. All rights reserved.

Salmo Responsorial .

Page 5

Aclamación del Evangelio

Credo Niceno Creo en un solo Dios, Padre todopoderoso, Creador del cielo y de la tierra. Creo en un solo Señor, Jesucristo, Hijo único de Dios, nacido del Padre antes de todos los siglos: Dios de Dios, Luz de Luz, Dios verdadero de Dios verdadero, engendrado, no creado, de la misma naturaleza del Padre, por quien todo fue hecho; que por nosotros, los hombres, y por nuestras salvación bajó del cielo, Todos se inclinan: Y por obra del Espíritu Santo se encarnó de María, la Virgen, y se hizo hombre; Y por nuestra causa fue crucificado en tiempos de Poncio Pilato; padeció y fue sepultado, y resucitó al tercer día, según las Escrituras, y subió al cielo, y está sentado a la derecha del Padre; y de nuevo vendrá con gloria para juzgar a vivos y muertos, y su reino no tendrá fin. Creo en el Espíritu Santo, Señor y dador de vida, que procede del Padre y el Hijo, que con el Padre y el Hijo recibe una misma adoración y gloria, y que habló por los profetas. Creo en la Iglesia, que es una, santa, católica y apostólica. Confieso que hay un solo bautismo para el perdón de los pecados. Espero la resurrección de los muertos y la vida del mundo futuro. Amén.

Prep. de las Ofrendas: Aquí Estamos, Señor

Page 6: Brentwood, CA 94513 • (925) 634-4154 • FAX (925) 516-9340and hear inspiring talks by the Franciscan Friars of the Renewal and testimonies from young people from our own parish.


Santo, santo, santo es el Señor, Dios del universo. Llenos están el cielo y la tierra de tu gloria. Hosanna.

Estribillo: ¡Hosanna en el cielo, hosanna en el cielo, Hosanna en el cielo, hosanna! ¡Hosanna en el cielo, hosanna en el cielo, Hosanna en el cielo, hosanna!

Bendito el que viene en nombre del Señor. ¡Hosanna en el cielo, hosanna! (Estribillo)

Misterio de la Fe Anunciamos tu muerte, proclamamos tu resurrección. Ven, Señor, ven, Señor, ven, Señor Jesús.


Cordero de Dios Cordero de Dios, que quitas el pecado del mundo: Ten piedad, ten piedad, ten piedad de nosotros. (BIS) Cordero de Dios, que quitas el pecado del mundo: Danos la paz. Danos la paz. Danos la paz, Cristo Jesús. (BIS)

Comunión: Bienaventurados

Pan de Vida

Page 6

Salida: Grita, Profeta

Page 7: Brentwood, CA 94513 • (925) 634-4154 • FAX (925) 516-9340and hear inspiring talks by the Franciscan Friars of the Renewal and testimonies from young people from our own parish.

Pastor’s Page Page 7

Give and it will be given unto – X

When I wrote the check to the missionary society I mentioned last week [they challenged us to give $270.00] I could afford it, but had not intended to give that much. Then after the fact, I realized that even though there was no unforeseen check in the mail that next week, I did eat, pay my bills and had money in my pocket, despite my generosity. In II Corinthians Paul challenged the people of Corinth to match the generosity of the Churches in Northern Greece [Corinth is in the South] in an offering for the poor in Jerusalem. He wrote “according to their means…they [the Macedonians from the North] gave themselves first to the Lord and then to us.” In other words they gave what they had. Paul in challenging the Corinthians to similar generosity wrote “your surplus at the present time should supply their [the poor in Jerusalem’s] needs.” We give what we have. Paul’s last word on it “whoever sows sparingly will reap sparingly, and whoever sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. Each must do as he determines without sadness or under pressure, for God loves a cheerful giver.” II Cor 9:8 The word cheerful in Greek is literally “hilarious.” Think of it this way: when we experience hilarious laughter we are not thinking about ourselves but honestly reacting to something funny. So with giving, without thinking about ourselves, such as “will there be enough for me?” we give what we have in an appropriate way. God loves that. IHM pray for us. Fr. Jerry

Dad y se os Dara – X

Mencioné la semana pasada que cuando escribi el cheque para la sociedad misionera (ellos nos retaron de dar $270), yo podia pagarlo, pero no habia planeado dar tanto. Pero después de todo realizé que aunque no habria un cheque inesperado en el correo la próxima semana, yo comi, pagué mis cuentas y tenia dinero en mi bolsillo a pesar de mi generosidad. En la Segunda carta a los Corintios, Pablo reta a la gente de Corintia de igualar a la generosidad de las Iglesias del Norte de Grecia (Corintia esta en el Sur) como un regalo a la gente pobre de Jerusalem. El escribió “Según con lo que puedan…ellos (los Macedonicos desde el Norte) se ofrecieron primero al Señor y después a nosotros.” En otras palabras ellos dieron lo que tenian. Pablo retando a los Corintios en tener una generosidad similar escribió “tu exceso en estos momentos puede abastecer las necesidades de los que necesitan (los pobres de Jerusalem). Nosotros damos lo que tenemos. Las últimas palabras de Pablo sobre esto “el que siembra con mezquindad, con mezquindad cosechará, y el que siembra sin calcular, cosechará tambien fuera de todo calculo. Cada uno da según lo que se determina sin amargura o sentirse presionado, porque Dios ama a quien da con corazón alegre.” II Cor 9:8 La palabra alegre en Grieco es literalmente “gracioso.” Yo lo pienso de estra manera: Cuando nosotros experimentamos una risa graciosa nosotros no estamos pensando en nosotros mismos pero honestamente estamos reaccionando a algo que tiene gracia. Asi que dando, sin pensar en nosotros mismos, tal como “tener suficiente para mi?” nosotros damos lo que tenemos en una manera apropiada. Dios ama eso. ICM Ora por nosotros Fr. Jerry


For the weekend of February 8, 2015, please bring canned tomatoes. Thank you!

Para el fin de semana del 8 de Febrero del 2015, por favor traigan tomates enlatados.



03/15/2015—Catholic Relief

FECHAS DE SEGUNDA COLECTA 03/01/2015—Préstamo de la Iglesia

03/15/2015—Ayuda Católica

HORA SANTA — Están todos invitados a la Hora Santa todos los Jueves de las 5:15pm a 6:00pm en la Iglesia.

“In the footsteps of St. Paul” a pilgrimage to Greece and Turkey, November 2015. Brochures are available in the office or speak to Fr. Jerry. “En las huellas de San Pablo” una peregrinación a Grecia y Turkia en Noviembre del 2015. Folletos en la oficina o hablén con el Padre Jerry.


TURN PALMS INTO ASHES Please bring the palms you received last year and

leave them in the basket in the church before February 16 so they can be burned for Ash

Wednesday’s services.

CONVIERTAN LAS PALMAS EN CENIZAS Por favor traigan las palmas que recibieron el año pasado y Póngalas en la cesta en la iglesia antes del 16 de Febrero, para que sean quemadas para los servicios del Miércoles de Ceniza.

Page 8: Brentwood, CA 94513 • (925) 634-4154 • FAX (925) 516-9340and hear inspiring talks by the Franciscan Friars of the Renewal and testimonies from young people from our own parish.


SAT. JAN. 31st, 8:00AM Familia Olivares Rodriquez - Health 5:00PM † Katy Allawos, Maria Orozco 6:30PM Carlos Hernandez - Special Intention Mario Magana - Birthday SUN. FEB. 1st.

7:30AM † Benigno Publico, Violeta del Valle, Mary Wagner 9:00AM Elle Sue and James Halvorsen - Special Intension † Joe Estrella 10:45AM Gimena Valladares Baldeón -Birthday Vitalina y Pedro Oseguera - Anniversary † Zeferino, Maria and Rafael Mendoza 12:30PM Henry Muchlinski - Health † Richard Russell 2:00PM IHM 5:00PM Metu-Egbuonu Family - Special Intention

MON. FEB. 2nd. 7:00AM Metu-Egbuonu Family - Special Intention † Olga–Terrero-Cataquet 8:30AM † Jesus del Real Fr. Paul Fazio - Health TUES. FEB. 3rd. 7:00AM Danielle Rose Ochoa—Birthday Metu-Egbuonu Family - Special Intention 8:30AM † Katy Allawos Gwen Smolik - Health 5:15PM John Burns - Special Intention 7:00PM † Teresa Vicino WED. FEB 4th. 7:00AM † Jake Enos - Birthday 8:30AM † Wilfredo Villanueva, Honor Kristin Dunn THURS. FEB. 5th. 7:00AM Julie Ann Quizon - Heath † Chuck Tota 8:30 AM † Felina Cabauatan, Hana Singhova FRIDAY. FEB. 6th. 7:00AM Shrick Family - Special Intention † Rafael Martinez 8:30AM Giselle Honore - Special Intention † Valentina and Romana Aguilar

Prayer & Ministries Page 8


Join us on EVERY FIRST SATURDAY OF THE MONTH for the cenacle of the

Marian Movement of priests. The group prays the Rosary and offers up the Intentions

primarily for The Pope, Bishops and priests worldwide. Time and Place: 10:30am Fr. Jim Sullivan is

the advisor for our group sessions.

Sick Relatives & Friends/Parientes y Amigos Enfermos Courtnay Wallpe, Tom Kane, Kris Szilagyi, Austin Bolender, Ron Sutton, Michelle Crow, Linda Spring, Lisa Korstad, Juanita Estrella, Henry Muchlinski, Edward Fedock, Tom Muise, Maria Lagman, Ronald and Giselle Honore. Pete Villapondo, Kathy Craw, Rosa Oliveira, Joanne Crammer, Gloria Godinez and family, Nancy Lingo. ***** Lisa Hamlin, Gaby Montes, Sage Leifer, Dan Lesebvre, Juanita Estrella, Lisa Harrop, Henslee Family, Rita Nahm, Consuelo Martinez. If you would like a name added to the prayer list, please call the parish office at (925) 634-4154, or e-mail [email protected], Names will be removed at month-end unless requested otherwise.

Si Ud. quiere añadir un nombre en esta lista, por favor llame a la oficina de la parroquia al (925) 634-4154 o mande un correo electrónico a [email protected]. Nombres serán borrados de la lista a final de cada mes si no especifican cuanto tiempo quieren que se dejen en esta lista.


Monday: 524: Mal 3:1-4 Ps 24:7-10 Heb 2:14-18 Lk 2:22-40 or 2:22-32 Tuesday: 324: Heb 12:1-4 Ps 22:26b-28, 30-32 Mk 5:21-43 Wednesday: 325: Heb 12:4-7, 11-15 Ps 103:1-2, 13-14 17-18a Mk 6:1-6 Thursday: 326: Heb 12:18-19, 21-24 Ps 48:2-4, 9-11 Mk 6:7-13 see 527: 1 Cor 1:26-31

Lk 9:23-25 Friday: 327: Heb 13:1-8 Ps 27:1, 3, 4, 8b-9c Mk 6: 14-29 see 528: Gal 2:19-20 Mt 28:16-20 Saturday: 328: Heb 13:15-17, 20-21 Ps 23:1-6 Mk 6:30-34 Sunday: 74: Jb 7:1-4, 6-7 Ps 147:1-6 1 Cor 9:16-19, 22-23 Mk 1:29-39

Join Fr Jim on a pilgrimage to Medjugorje’s Annual Youth Fest. July 29-August 7. Cost $3,159. For details and registration form, see the website at: www.pilgrimages/com/frjimsullivan. Or contact Lisa Fisher, Group Coordinator at (925) 785-1969 or [email protected]. For more information on Medjugorje: www.medjugorje-apologia.com


Every Tuesday through February 24, 2015 at Church of the Good Shepherd, 3200 Harbor Street, Pittsburg, Ca. 94565 at 7:00pm to 9:00pm. Speakers include Deacon Ed Spano, Julie Figueroa and Fr. Bill Adams. Come and learn how to live in the spirit of God as Catholics. For more information, please call Fr. Carl Arcosa at (925) 432-6404


Moses told the people, “A prophet like me will the Lord, our God, raise up for you from among your own kinsmen.”

God still provides among His people the gifts and talents necessary to continue the work of His Church. What gifts

are yours to share?

Moisés dijo al pueblo que “El Señor, vuestro Dios, para vosotros criará un profeta como yo entre vuestros propios semejantes.” Dios todavía

proporciona entre Su pueblo los dones y talentos necesarios para continuar el trabajo de Su Iglesia. Qué dones son los suyos para


Page 9: Brentwood, CA 94513 • (925) 634-4154 • FAX (925) 516-9340and hear inspiring talks by the Franciscan Friars of the Renewal and testimonies from young people from our own parish.

Ministries & Events/Fundraisers Page 9

Knights of Columbus and Italian Catholic Federation PANCAKE BREAKFAST

Come visit with your fellow parishioners and welcome our new parishioners at the pancake breakfast on the

first Sunday of each month, Co-sponsored with the Hospitality/Welcome Ministry for February. Breakfast hours

are 8:15am to 12:00pm.

Caballeros de Colón y Federación Católica Italiana DESAYUNO DE PANQUECAS

Vengán a visitar con sus amigos parroquianos y darles la bienvenida a los nuevos parroquianos al desayuno de

panquecas el primer Domingo de cada mes. Esta función esta patrocinada con el Ministerio de Hospitalidad en

Febrero. Horario del desayuno es de 8:15am a 12:00pm.

NAMI COURSE AT IHM The National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) is offering a 12-week FREE course that provides education, skill training, emotional support, self-care and empowerment for anyone who has a loved one with a diagnosed mental illness. This class is not open to those that suffer from mental health issues but for those that interact with them. This course covers the symptoms and treatments of major mental illnesses, as well as skills to help family members communicate with an advocate for their loved one(s) more effectively.

IHM parishioners Tony and Jan Khalil will be your instructors.

This course will be held at IHM, Brentwood, classroom John, starting on FEBRUARY 2ND through APRIL 27, 2015. Monday evenings from 7:00pm to 9:30pm. For information and pre-registration, please contact Nancy Seibert at 925 285-5995 or email [email protected].

El grupo Jóvenes Para Cristo de San Pedro Mártir te invita a su Retiro de Iniciación en el cual vivirás un fin de semana diferente donde te encontraras contigo mismo, con tu prójimo y sobre todo con Dios. En Febrero 6,7 y 8 del 2015. Casa de Retiro Holy Redeemer, Oakland Ca. El Retiro es para personas mayores de 18 años. Donación: $65.00. Para más información llamar a: Maritza Samaniego (925) 852-3885, Javier Miranda (925) 550-4453, Marina Hernández (510) 978-8774 o a Rebeca Magallon (925) 301-0562


Se invita a formar parte del Youth Group de IHM que se reune los Viernes a las 7:00pm en la Libreria. Para mayor información favor de llamar a la Sr. Carina Vargas at 513-8154 o a Roxanna Alvarez al 325.5162.

13TH ANNUAL EMMAUS MONTE CARLO NIGHT The 13th Annual Monte Carlo Night will take place on Saturday April 18, 2015 from 6:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. at Club Los Meganos at Trilogy in Brentwood. Your $65 donation includes Dinner, Gaming, Dancing, 100 gaming chips, door and raffle prizes, No-Host Bar and Sports Memorabilia Silent Auction. The proceeds fund our parish Emmaus Retreat Weekends. Limited seating. Mark your calendar, get a group together and come enjoy the fun. For general information contact: Kathy Vigil 634-0549. For tickets contact Mary Weber 628-5468 or Kathy Vigil 634-0549.

Attention Emmaus Brothers & Sisters: We need you to purchase & sell tickets; donate a door prize; become a Sponsor; or volunteer to help that evening for a few hours. Call Kathy at 634-0549 for general information. Call Mary Weber 628-5468 for ticket information. We are also seeking donations of gift baskets and/or items to create baskets. Contact Teresa Bustos 240-1944. JESUS CHRIST IS RISEN….HE IS RISEN INDEED! EMMAUS TRECEAVA NOCHE DE MONTE CARLO

Evento anual, el décimo tercero, de la Noche de Monte Carlo que tomará lugar el Sábado 18 de Abril del 2015 de 6:00pm a 11:00pm en el Club de Los Meganos en el Trilogy en Brentwood. Su donación de $65 incluye: cena, juegos, baile, 100 fichas para juegos, premios, y rifas. Bar a pagar y una Subasta silenciosa de memorables de deporte. El dinero recaudado sera para beneficiar los retiros anuales del grupo de Em-maus en la parroquia. Asientos estan limitados. Marquen sus calendarios y formen un grupo y vengan a disfrutar de una noche de diversion. Para información general, favor de llamar a Kathy Vigil al 634-0549. Para tiquetes llame a Mary Weber at 628-5468 o a Kathy Vigil at 634-0549. ATENCION HERMANOS Y HERMANAS DE EMMAUS Necesitamos que ustedes compren y vendan tiquetes; donar articulos para los premios; sea un patrocinador, o voluntario para ayudar esa noche for varias horas. Para información general, llame a Kathy al 634-0549 . Para información de tiquetes, favor de llamar a Mary Weber al 628-5468. También necesitamos donaciones de cesta de regalos o de articulos para hacer cestas. Favor de llamar a Teresa Bustos 240-1944 JESUSCRISTO HA RESUSCITADO …..VERDADERAMENTE EL HA RESUCITADO!

Page 10: Brentwood, CA 94513 • (925) 634-4154 • FAX (925) 516-9340and hear inspiring talks by the Franciscan Friars of the Renewal and testimonies from young people from our own parish.

Adoration/Adoración Thursday/Jueves 8:30am to 6:00pm. Friday/Viernes durante la noche

Anointing of the Sick / Unción de los Enfermos

Contact a priest/llame a un sacerdote

Home Communion/Comunión a los Enfermos

Please call 634-4154/Favor de llamar al 634-4154

Marriage and Baptism/Matrimonios y Bautismos Please call 634-4154/Favor de llamar al 634-4154

Funerals/Funerales Call Catholic Funeral Services al 757-0658/

Llame a los Servicios de Funerales Católicos al 757-0658

Page 10

DATE/TIME: MEETING: LOCATION: Mon. Feb. 2nd. 4:00pm Educated Angels Hall A/B/C 6:00pm Younger Youth Group Hall A/B 7:00pm Charismatic Prayer Group Chapel 7:00pm Bible Study/Sp Matthew 7:00pm Daughters of Mary Luke 7:00pm Men of St. Joseph Library 7:00pm Nami/Family to Family John 7:00pm Knights Officers Meeting Mark 7:30pm Life Teen Hall A

Tues. Feb. 3rd. 10:00am Crafty Quilters Hall C 2:45pm Faith Formation/Eng. Hall A/B/C/ Library, Matthew Mark/Luke/John 4:00pm Escuela de Musica Mariachi Music Room 6:00pm Legion of Mary/Sp Chapel 6:00pm Bible Study/Eng. Library 7:00pm Faith Formation/Sp Hall A/B/C, Library, Matthew, Mark, Luke, John Church, Cry Room Conference Room Wed. Feb. 4th. 7:45am Men’s Fellowship Group Hall C 10:00am Ministry of Caring Hall A 1:30pm Tutoring Class Matthew/Mark/ Luke/John 2:00pm Homeschoolers Hall A/B 4:00pm Choir/Youth Music Room 6:30pm Choir/9:00am Mass Music Room ‘ 6:30pm Choir/12:30pm Mass Music Room 7:00pm Confirmation/Teen Hall A/B/C Matthew, Mark Luke, John, Library Conference Room 7:30pm NCW Cry Room 8:00pm Choir/Spanish Mass Music Room Thurs. Feb. 5th. 10:00am Women’s Faith Sharing Library/Matt/Mark 4:00pm RCIC John 4:00pm Spanish CCD Choir Church 5:45pm Legion of Mary/Eng. Conf. Room 6:00pm Grief Support Group Hall B 7:00pm Confirmation Adult Matthew 7:00pm RCIA/Eng Mark/Library 7:00pm Emmaus Luke 7:00pm Emmaus Men/Sp. John 7:00pm Emmaus Women/Sp. Conference Room 7:00pm Escuela de la Cruz/Men Sp Music Room Fri. Feb. 6th. 9:00am Divine Mercy/Eng Library 9:15am St. Vincent de Paul /Food Dist. Hall A/B/C 10:30am St. Vincent de Paul /Client Meeting John 7:000pm Youth Group Library/John 7:00pm St. Joseph/Spanish Luke 7:00pm Divine Mercy/Sp. Mark/Matthew 7:00pm CFC/Youth Hall B/C Sat. Feb 7th. 9:00am Faith Formation/Eng Library/Matthew/ Mark/Luke/John 10:30am Our Lady of Fatima Library 10:30am Marian Movement of Priests John 7:30pm NCW Hall A/Luke Sun. Feb. 8th. 9:00am Children’s Liturgy of the Word John/Luke 10:00am Confirmation/Teen Make-up class John/Luke 10:00am Confirmation/Adult Make-up class Mark 10:45am Sunday School/Sp Matthew 1:45pm Fil-Am Officers Meeting Library 3:45pm Choir/Latin Mass Music Room 5:00pm Faith Formation/RICA John 7:00pm Divine Mercy/Sp Library

Have something to publish in the IHM Bulletin? Please submit your request to:

[email protected]

Need to schedule use of facilities? Please submit request to:

[email protected]

SAVE THE DATE Fiesta de 5 de Mayo—Cena, baile con banda. Sera a las 6pm Viernes Primero de May. Llamar a Sr. Carina Vargas al 513-8154 Retiro del Youth Group—Marzo 13,14, y 15. Jovenes de 14 años en adelante. Llamar a la Sr. Carina Vargas al 513-8154. FilAm Ministry Spring into Summer Dinner Dance—Saturday, May 30, 2015, 6-11pm at Brentwood Community Center. Emmaus English speaking Men’s Retreat is September 18-20, 2015 (details to follow). Emmaus English speaking Women’s Retreat is October 23-25, 2015 (details to follow).

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Page 12: Brentwood, CA 94513 • (925) 634-4154 • FAX (925) 516-9340and hear inspiring talks by the Franciscan Friars of the Renewal and testimonies from young people from our own parish.



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