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  • Pre-PhysicalTherapyAcademicAdvisingBrianCaster,Pre-PTAdvisorProfessorofExerciseScience

  • WhatUndergraduatemajordoIcombinewithPTProgramrequirements?(Pre-PTatWOUandmanyinstitutionsisnotaformalmajor)



  • DoctorofPhysicalTherapy(DPT)programsare3-year,GraduateDegreeprograms,requiring:

    • ABachelors(undergraduate)degree.• Completionofpre-requisitecourses.• Clinical(observational)hours.• GREExam(mostprograms).• Applicationmaterials(transcripts,lettersofreference,etc.)

    NorthwestUniversitieswithDPTprograms:PacificUniversity IdahoStateUniversityGeorgeFox UniversityofMontanaUniversityofWashingtonEasternWashingtonUniversityUniversityofPugetSound

  • TypicalDPTProgramPre-requisites (andWOUcourses):

    • 1yearofHumanAnatomy&Physiology (BI234,235,236)

    • 1yearofChemistry(CH221,222,223)

    • 1YearofPhysics (PH201,202,203)

    • AdditionalBiologicalSciences(BI211,212,213;butothersmaybeaccepted;thisrequirementvariesbyprogram)

    • SocialandBehavioralSciences (Typically2coursesinPsychology;thisrequirementvariesbyprogram)

    • Statistics(MTH243,orotherstatsclassfromdisciplinessuchasPsychology)

    • OtherMath(NotePH201prereq:MTH112)Handouts:CoursePrerequisitesSummary

  • TypicalDPTProgramPre-requisites– WheredoIstart?:

    • 1yearofHumanAnatomy&Physiology (BI234,235,236)• BI234prereq:BI102orBI211• BI211prereq:BI102(mingradeofB),orcompletionof


    • 1yearofChemistry(CH221,222,223)• MultipleCH221entranceavenues.See:


    • 1YearofPhysics (PH201,202,203)• PH201prereq:MTH112ElementaryFunctions

    • AdditionalBiologicalSciences(BI211,212,213;theBiologycoursesincludedintheHumanBiominormaysatisfythisrequirement)

  • AcademicPerformance:ThinkbeyondtheMinimums!

    A4.00 A- 3.70 B+ 3.30 B 3.00 B- 2.70Handout:GPAsaverages


  • AcademicPerformance:ThinkbeyondtheMinimums!

    A4.00 A- 3.70 B+ 3.30 B 3.00 B- 2.70Source:2015-16PTCASApplicantDataReportSource:2015-16PTCASApplicantDataReport

  • TypicalDPTProgramPre-requisites– Major&Minor?• Youracademicstrengthsandinterests.• EfficiencyofmeetingDPTprogrampre-requisites.• Alternatecareerchoicesandopportunities.• Alternatemedicalprogramprerequisites.• Areasthatmaydistinguishyoufromotherapplicants.



  • Academic Degree Program WESTERN OREGON UNIVERSITY Date__________________2016-17 Checked by____________B.A._____ B.S. X Exercise Science

    Name: V# _________________________________________Student Signature:__________________________ Date:____________ Date

    TakenEXS 230 4crEXS 310W 4cr 27cr EXS 371 4crEXS 415 4cr BI 234 4EXS 444 4cr BI 235 4EXS 470 4cr BI 236 4EXS 473 4cr 8EXS 483W 4cr


    Applied Exercise Science Track Taken 3 or 4HE 325 4cr 3 or 4EXS 485 4crEXS 419 4cr

    8crEXS 484 Advanced Topics in Biomechanics 4crEXS 486 Advanced Topics in Motor Behavior 4crEXS 487 Advanced Topics in Physiology of Exercise 4cr 72crEXS 488 Exercise Motivation & Adherence 4cr

    HE 426 Sports & Exercise Nutrition 4cr BA Degree Requirements BS Degree Requirements:Math and CS: Writing Intensive:

    20cr Writing Intensive: Cultural Diversity:Must be selected with advisor approval, and may include courses outside the division Foreign Language: Math/CS/Statistics:

    CH 221 5 A minimum grade of C- is required in all courses used to fulfill requirements of the major.CH 222 5CH 223 General Chemistry 5PH 201 General Physics 4PH 202 General Physics 4PH 203 General Physics 4


    Health Electives (300/400 level)Psychology Electives (300/400 level)

    Total Required Credit Hours in the Major

    General ChemistryGeneral Chemistry

    Human Anatomy & Physiology

    BI 318 Microbiology for the Health Sciences

    Lifespan Motor Development

    BI 441 Human Heredity

    Exercise Testing and Prescription

    Human Anatomy & Physiology

    Select DPT graduate program pre-requisites, such as:


    BI 370 Humans and the Environment

    Major Advisor's Signature

    Required Core Courses

    InternshipChoose two courses from the following:


    Human Biology Minor

    Choose two:



    Social and Psychological

    Foundations of Exercise ScienceMotor Learning

    Human Anatomy & Physiology


    Physiology of Exercise

    Lifespan Adapted Physical Activity

  • SAMPLEProgramStartingpointsforMath&ScienceSequencesmayvary.Takethehighestmathcourseforwhichyouqualify.


    Minors containingoverlapwithPT-prerequisites:HumanBiologyBiologyChemistryPsychology

    Exercise Science Major / Human Biology Minor (for Pre-Physical Therapy)

    First Year: Fall Term Winter Term Spring Term

    General Biology (BI 102) 5 Social Science LACC 4 Computer Course (above 121) 3 College Writing (WR 135) 4 Literature/Language LACC 4 Gen. Psychology (PSY 201) 4 Indiv. Health/Fitness (EXS 131) 2 Public Speaking (COM 111) 3 College Algebra (MTH 111) 4 Found. of Exer. Sci. (EXS 230) 4 Philosophy/Religion LACC 3 Creative Arts LACC 3

    15 14 14 Second Year:

    Fall Term Winter Term Spring Term

    Human A & P (BI 234) 4 Human A & P (BI 235) 4 Human A & P (BI 236) 4 Elem. Functions (MTH 112) 4 Statistics (MTH 243) 4 Creative Arts LACC 3 Literature/Language LACC 4 Social Science LACC 4 Kinesiology (EXS 371) 4 PE Activity Course 2 Nutrition (HE 325) 4 Motor Learning (EXS 310W) 4

    14 16 15

    Third Year: Fall Term Winter Term Spring Term

    General Chemistry (CH 221) 4 General Chemistry (CH 222) 4 General Chemistry (CH 223) 4 Develop. Psych. (PSY 311) 4 Biomechanics (EXS 483W) 4 Lifespan Motor Dev. (EXS 415) 5 Adapted Phys. Act. (EXS 444) 4 Health Course (for HB minor) 4 Soc & Psych (EXS 470) 4 Creative Arts LACC 3 Open Electives 4 Open Electives 3

    15 16 16 Fourth Year:

    Fall Term Winter Term Spring Term

    General Physics (PH 201) 5 General Physics (PH 202) 4 General Physics (PH 203) 4 Exercise Physiology (EXS 473) 4 Exer. Test/Prescrip (EXS 485) 4 Internship (EXS 419) 4 Advanced Ex. Science course 4 Advanced Ex. Science course 4 Human Heredity (BI 441) 4 Open Electives 4 Microbiology (BI 318) 4

    16 16 16 Notes:

    • Strong Science students may elect to take BI 211 (instead of BI 102) as the prerequisite for BI 234. • Physics and Chemistry PT-prerequisites are used in the Exercise Science major elective block. • EXS 419 Internship may be used for 120 hours of clinical experience. Students are encouraged to seek out additional,

    varied clinical experiences spread out across their undergraduate degree years. • MTH 112 – Elementary Functions is the prereq. to PH 201. • A 200 Level Writing Course and a Medical Terminology course are required by many programs.

    The above sample program captures many or all pre-requisites required for consideration for admission to many Doctor of Physical Therapy licensing programs. As pre-requisites DIFFER among DPT programs, this sample program should not be used as a substitute for meeting with an advisor, or for consulting Physical Therapy program requirements directly. ** Visit with an advisor to develop an individualized term-by-term program plan. A more comprehensive advising presentation can be found at: http://www.wou.edu/wp/casterb/pre-physical-therapy-advising/ WOU Pre-Physical Therapy Advisor: Dr. Brian Caster, Professor of Exercise Science Division of Health and Exercise Science 503-838-8364 [email protected]

  • Key1st YearCourses:• BI102orB211Asprereq toBI234

    • MTH111(orprereq.Ifneeded)

    • EXS230(ifEXSmajor)



    Exercise Science Major / Human Biology Minor (for Pre-Physical Therapy)

    First Year: Fall Term Winter Term Spring Term

    General Biology (BI 102) 5 Social Science LACC 4 Computer Course (above 121) 3 College Writing (WR 135) 4 Literature/Language LACC 4 Gen. Psychology (PSY 201) 4 Indiv. Health/Fitness (EXS 131) 2 Public Speaking (COM 111) 3 College Algebra (MTH 111) 4 Found. of Exer. Sci. (EXS 230) 4 Philosophy/Religion LACC 3 Creative Arts LACC 3

    15 14 14 Second Year:

    Fall Term Winter Term Spring Term

    Human A & P (BI 234) 4 Human A & P (BI 235) 4 Human A & P (BI 236) 4 Elem. Functions (MTH 112) 4 Statistics (MTH 243) 4 Creative Arts LACC 3 Literature/Language LACC 4 Social Science LACC 4 Kinesiology (EXS 371) 4 PE Activity Course 2 Nutrition (HE 325) 4 Motor Learning (EXS 310W) 4

    14 16 15

    Third Year: Fall Term Winter Term Spring Term

    General Chemistry (CH 221) 4 General Chemistry (CH 222) 4 General Chemistry (CH 223) 4 Develop. Psych. (PSY 311) 4 Biomechanics (EXS 483W) 4 Lifespan Motor Dev. (EXS 415) 5 Adapted Phys. Act. (EXS 444) 4 Health Course (for HB minor) 4 Soc & Psych (EXS 470) 4 Creative Arts LACC 3 Open Electives 4 Open Electives 3

    15 16 16 Fourth Year:

    Fall Term Winter Term Spring Term

    General Physics (PH 201) 5 General Physics (PH 202) 4 General Physics (PH 203) 4 Exercise Physiology (EXS 473) 4 Exer. Test/Prescrip (EXS 485) 4 Internship (EXS 419) 4 Advanced Ex. Science course 4 Advanced Ex. Science course 4 Human Heredity (BI 441) 4 Open Electives 4 Microbiology (BI 318) 4

    16 16 16 Notes:

    • Strong Science students may elect to take BI 211 (instead of BI 102) as the prerequisite for BI 234. • Physics and Chemistry PT-prerequisites are used in the Exercise Science major elective block. • EXS 419 Internship may be used for 120 hours of clinical experience. Students are encouraged to seek out additional,

    varied clinical experiences spread out across their undergraduate degree years. • MTH 112 – Elementary Functions is the prereq. to PH 201. • A 200 Level Writing Course and a Medical Terminology course are required by many programs.

    The above sample program captures many or all pre-requisites required for consideration for admission to many Doctor of Physical Therapy licensing programs. As pre-requisites DIFFER among DPT programs, this sample program should not be used as a substitute for meeting with an advisor, or for consulting Physical Therapy program requirements directly. ** Visit with an advisor to develop an individualized term-by-term program plan. A more comprehensive advising presentation can be found at: http://www.wou.edu/wp/casterb/pre-physical-therapy-advising/ WOU Pre-Physical Therapy Advisor: Dr. Brian Caster, Professor of Exercise Science Division of Health and Exercise Science 503-838-8364 [email protected]

  • Pre-PhysicalTherapyAcademicAdvisingBrianCaster,Pre-PTAdvisorProfessorofExerciseScience

    NEXTSTEPS:StudentsonDr.Caster’sAdvisingList:- ReviewNextTerm’sCourseSelectionwithDr.Caster- HaveyourADVISINGHOLDCleared.StudentsNOTonDr.Caster’sAdvisingList:

    - SeeyourAssignedAdvisortoclearadvisinghold.Declareamajor(major/advisorrequestform).-Soonerisbetter,butchoosewisely(byendoffreshmanyear).BegintoEducateYourselfasto‘whatitREALLYtakes’,bothacademicallyandprofessionally, togetadmittedtoGraduateProgramsinPhysicalTherapy.ExploreAPTA.org,PTCAS.org,DPTProgramWebsites

  • ExerciseScience isthestudyofchangesthatoccurwithinthehumanbodyinresponsetoexerciseandphysicalactivity.


  • CareerOpportunitiesinExerciseScienceWOUGraduateshavepursuedcareersin:

    HealthCareNursing, PhysicalTherapy,OccupationalTherapy,Chiropractic,


    Fitness &WellnessFitnessCenterManagement&Ownership,PersonalTraining,Athletic




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