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Page 1: Bridging the Digital Gap - Sean Hudson
Page 2: Bridging the Digital Gap - Sean Hudson

Bridging the Digital Gapor

Why your organization could benefit from a

reverse-mentor program

Sean Hudson


Page 3: Bridging the Digital Gap - Sean Hudson

Photo: http://alexascordato.com/Logo: tedxboston.com

Alexa ScordatoBarry Liebert, CEO of Mzinga

Page 4: Bridging the Digital Gap - Sean Hudson
Page 5: Bridging the Digital Gap - Sean Hudson

I'll call you onthe phone.

Why don't you justtweet me?

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Huh? You lost me at network


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Twitter is total crap! Why do I care what you had for breakfast?

Page 8: Bridging the Digital Gap - Sean Hudson

300,000iPads sold on the

very first day.

13.5 Days - iPhone Apps (1 billion in the first 9 months)

38 Years - Radio

Time to reach 50 Million Users

13 Years - TV

4 Years - Internet

3 Years - iPod

5 Months - Facebook

Every 60 sec another 24 hrs of

video are uploaded to Youtube

Google activates 100,000 Android devices

every day

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Today email is still a "can't live without it" tool, but what about tomorrow?

• Only 11% of teenagers use it on a daily basis.*

• As of 2008, Americans spend more time using social networks than email for general communication.**

• By 2014, according to Gartner Group research, social networks will replace email as the primary communications vehicle for 20 percent of business users.

*  http://www.pewinternet.org/Reports/2010/Teens-and-Mobile-Phones/Summary-of-findings.aspx?r=1** http://blog.nielsen.com/nielsenwire/nielsen-news/social-networking-new-global-footprint/

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Digital Immigrant

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Digital Native

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The generation gap argument is old.

                  Also, it's just plain lazy.

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It’s not an “us” versus “them” conflict.

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The ME generation just might be able to teach YOU


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"That which seems the height of absurdity in one generation often becomes the height of wisdom in the

next." -John Stuart Mill, British philosopher (1806-1873)

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Remember, he sits right across the hall from you.

Did you know Dwight is a social media genius?

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Page 18: Bridging the Digital Gap - Sean Hudson

I Challenge You!

Develop an official reverse-mentor program within

your organization.

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Give 'em a reason to do it.

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• Start simple • Few minutes every day or

week • Meet before work or during

lunch • Don't focus on the tools

 • Have specific goals

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Make it a two-way street - the executives also have something of value to impart to the younger

professionals eager to learn the ropes of leadership

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