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Page 1: Bright Yellow Marketing Social Media Newsletter September 2014

Hello, we’re Sara and Chris from Bright Yellow Marketing – welcome to our newsletter.Read on for some top tips for Twitter and LinkedIn and find out about up coming business networking and social media events in Norwich.

Brighter Training

Sara’s Top 10 LinkedIn Tips1. Work out who you want as a client: eg size of business, interests, geographical location, typical job title.

2. Tailor your profile wording to appeal to those people: eg location / how you can help them. Play around with variations of your wording – try out different things until you find something that works.

3. Complete your summary: make sure that you fill out the summary section and use key words. You can use up to 2000 characters.

4. Connect with lots of RELEVANT people: the more people you are connected with, the more likely you are to show up in the “People You May Know” section, and the more people who can introduce you to other contacts.

5. Have a strategy to keep in touch with people who you connect with.

6. Join groups where you typical client hangs out. Comment on group discussions.

7. Move your profile sections around so that the important parts show up nearer the top of your profile.

8. Get recommendations.

9. Add skills: add as many skills as you can to the “Skills” section (you can add up to 50).

10. Add regular interesting updates.

If you would like more tips like this, including my “Secret Tip” (when you hear what it is you will think “but that’s so obvious” – yet 90% of people don’t do this) then have a look at my latest book – “LinkedIn Succes Strategies: For People Who Hate Cold Calling” out now on Amazon or email [email protected] for a copy.

30th September 2014 Norfolk Showground, Norwich

12th November 2014 Norwich City Football Club

Twitter 10am-1pm LinkedIn 2pm-5pm Book a half day or a whole day.

Cost: £59 per person per half day. Book 2 or more for £49 each.

Twitter 10am - 1pm

This Twitter Workshop assumes that you have already set up an account and are using Twitter. As well as looking at the Twitter website you will learn how to use HootSuite (a free web-based tool) to really maximise your time and get results.

• What to tweet

• Timesaving tools

• How to find followers who are likely to buy your products or services

Bring along your laptop for hands-on learning.

LinkedIn 2pm – 5pm


• Optimising your profile for the web

• Making the right connections

• Getting recommendations

• Creating a Company Page

• Making the most of LinkedIn for your business

• Creating a Strategy That Works!

Bring along your laptop, or borrow one from us, for hands on training.

Email Sara on [email protected] to book your place.

Feedback from previous sessions:

“Introduction to Hootsuite esp. for the management of Twitter was nothing short of a revelation and, similarly, I had really underestimated the power of LinkedIn. Your hand-out notes are a great aide memoire.”

“Thanks for today. Brilliantly useful again! I can honestly say I have never enjoyed learning so much as I do from you and Chris.”

Page 2: Bright Yellow Marketing Social Media Newsletter September 2014

Brighter Business Networking

21st October 9am - 11am

King of Hearts Cafe, Fye Bridge Street

Cost: £9

Networking with a

social media twist

Relaxed Networking, Introductions, Social

Media and Marketing Tips, Q&A Session.

Twitter in 5 minutes a dayI was giving a talk the other day and one of the delegates got quite upset with me because I said that you could do Twitter in 5 minutes a day.

She told me how she already had hundreds of emails to get through as well as all her work, so how could she possibly read through all these tweets as well?

It raises a good point. A lot of people who are new to Twitter think that they need to read every single tweet on their home page. This would, of course, take up

your whole life, especially once you start following lots of people.

Luckily, you don’t have to read all these tweets.

When I say that you can do Twitter in 5 minutes a day, I am talking about general Twitter maintenance. It takes a lot longer when you are learning, and you will need to do some preparation in advance.

The learning gets easier and quicker – a bit like driving a car. At the beginning you had to think about which pedal to put

your foot on, which gear to use, now you

drive your car almost on “automation”.

You don’t have to think about it. It is the

same once you get used to the various

social media platforms and the tools that

you use.

There is also a certain amount of work to

be done at the outset in preparing your

strategy and content. You will want to

spend time putting some of your more

important Twitter friends into lists, you

may want to spend time learning and

setting up some of the tools that I’ve mentioned previously, such as HootSuite, Tweetdeck or Sprout Social. Then there will be the time in creating some “evergreen” content – ie content that is created by you that can be used time and time again.

These are big jobs – but they only need to be done once.

Once these are out of the way, this is how you maintain a Twitter profile in 5 minutes a day:

Your 5-minute a day Twitter checklist:Reply to any mentions

Check new followers

Check for any direct messages

Scan your Hootsuite columns or run Twitter searches and follow any relevant people

Scan the tweets of people who are in your lists and re-tweet/ join in the conversation.

Check that you have plenty of scheduled tweets lined up

Check if there is anything trending on Twitter

Obviously, there will be times when you will spend longer chatting to people, developing relationships. You can set aside specific time for this. but these tips allow you to maintain a presence in the meantime whilst still being out and about, dealing with emails, and all the other things that take up your day.

Meet other local business people, keep up to date with the latest

marketing tips PLUS a chance to promote your business.

Email [email protected] to book your place.

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