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The Role of the Change Management

Function in the Service Introduction

Process6th February 2014

Anthony Oxley IT Change Manager, Rolls-Royce

[email protected]://uk.linkedin.com/in/tonyoxley

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Rolls-Royce IT Change Manager

18 years in IT, Technical background

10 years Change and Configuration Management practitioner

itSMF – Service Transition & SLM SIG


Rolls-Royce IT Change Manager

18 years in IT, Technical background

10 years Change and Configuration Management practitioner

itSMF – Service Transition & SLM SIG


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Change Management

Any deliberate action that alters the form, fit, or function of Configuration Items (CI) that impacts the production IT infrastructure.

Scope: Defined by business need/statutory regulatory compliance


In Scope Out of ScopeProduction Services, systems, and applications

Data management – backup and restore

Test/Dev Environments that interface with Production environments.

Sandboxed test/dev environments

Service Design Packages (Service support and configuration)

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Change Management

Benefits• Implementing changes in required times• Meet SLA, while optimising costs• Reducing failed changes and rework• Assessing and managing risks• Managing egress of Services from ELS• Agile

Risks• Non-compliance/subversion• Legacy perception• Executive support lacking


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Service Introduction Process

Project Delivery Framework:•Considerations

– Design– Build– Solution BAU functional testing– Component testing– Service readiness

•Output:– Approved as a Service and made available in the Service



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Service Introduction Process


To provide a robust and stable mechanism for the controlled delivery of IT Services and Environments, to satisfy a business appetite


ALL Services/Environments including Development, Build, Test and Production


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Service Introduction Process

Benefits– Establish a new or changed service WITHIN predicted cost, quality

and time estimates.

– Ensures integrity of all customer assets, service assets and configurations.

– Coordinate activities across projects, suppliers and service teams.

– Communications with customers, users and stakeholders.

Risks– Non-compliance

– Lengthened time frames for delivery

– Perception of “blocker”


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Service Introduction Process Tools

Gated process• Inception, Design, Build, Test, Operational acceptance

Checklists• Ask the questions at each stage/checkpoint to transition

to the next

Evidence artefacts• Living documents that form the core of the SDP when the

Service is in production


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Service Introduction Process Tools



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Service Introduction Tools

Implementation Checkpoint:• Business Change• Design• Testing• Disaster Recovery• Technical Readiness• Production Readiness• Release Management• Training & Communication• Security• Deployment Plan


Microsoft Office Excel 97-2003 Worksheet

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Sample Criteria

Production Readiness

Support Agreements and SLA:   Support RACI defined and agreed. Support

agreements, and associated SLA, in place with ServiceProviders and 3rd

Parties (as required) and are either activated or ready to be activated.

Technical Readiness

Implementation Strategy & Plans:  Implementation / cutover / fall back plans in

place and ready to be activated. Data creation, conversion and/or cutover

mechanisms in place and are ready to be executed. Deployment ownership

and responsibilities defined and accepted.

Disaster Recovery

Have the business accepted risks to Service on go live, and who has accepted

them?   If the RTO/RPO can not be met with the design have the business /

service owner been made aware and agreed to revised RTO / RPO?


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Sample Criteria


Have all priviledge access accounts been identified and handed over to


Release Management

Release necessitates a significant outage to the business which impacts beyond

Business Continuity Plans    

Deployment Plans

Has the go-live/hand-over date been confirmed and communicated to all relevant



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Sample Artefacts

Organisational Readiness Assessment:

• Financial Assessment: Cost of implementing and supporting the service;

• Technical Assessment: Effect on IT infrastructure – Hardware, software, interfaces;

• Resource Assessment: More/less people?

• Organisational Assessment: New functions required to support the service?

Service Lifecycle plan

• Service Program

• Service Transition Plan

• Service Operational Acceptance Plan

• Service Acceptance Plan


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Service Introduction Process 14

Approved Service Offering Userbase

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Service Introduction Process Tools



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Service Introduction Process Tools



IT Change Management

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Engaging Change Management 17Pr


t Del


y Fr





int 5




RFC created

Knowledge Transfer Plan

Operational Acceptance Plan

Communications plan

Deployment Plan

Training Plan

IT Change Management


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Delivery of Approved Service

Define deployment method:• User self install/Package push/Assisted

install/Announcement/Pilot/ELS deployment

Engage Change Management• Present at CAB• 7 R of Change Management• Approved deployment plan• Validates deployment readiness


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Change Management Process flow 19

CAB requirements Yes NO

RFC completed fully? Consider at CAB Reject RFC

CP5 completed Continue to next Refer to PMO

Required artefacts handed over to Run organisation

Continue to next Refer to CP5

Knowledge transfer/training completed Continue to next Enter ELS process

Deployment plans confirmed Continue to next Create deployment plan

Deployment & Support resources confirmed

Continue to next

Schedule approved Approve RFC for Implementation

Reschedule RFC & resubmit

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Service Introduction & Change Management

Same concept• Identify, define, design, build, test, validate, deploy

Appropriate rigour

Aligned but different focus• Ready to launch –v- launch ready


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Service Introduction & Change Management

Change Management facilitates Service Introduction

Service Introduction supports Change Management function

Change Management outputs include addendum to SDP


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Contact details

Anthony Oxley, MBCS

IT Change Manager, Rolls-Royce Plc


[email protected]




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