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  • 8/20/2019 British Council Presentation


    Active Citizen In EgyptPresentation of

    The Partnership between

    The Association For Development And Enhancement for Women (ADEW )


    The British Council

  • 8/20/2019 British Council Presentation



     This Presentation Shows TheEffect Of Applying “Active

    Citizens” Training In Egypt.

     The Association ForDevelopment And

    Enhancement Women ( ADEW)

    has been cooperating with the

    British Council in the

    implementation of Six Projects,

    based on “Active Citizens”


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    The Partnership between (ADEW) andthe (BC)

    The partnership between ADEW and theBritish Council has begun

    in 2010.

    Six projects have been

    implemented during theperiod of the partnership.

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    The partnership between (ADEW) and(BC)

    • Cairo• Giza

    • Alexandria

    • Mahala

    • Helwan

    • Qaliubiya

    • Beni Suef

    • Dakahlia

    • Suez

    • Minya• Sohag

    • Qena

    • Luxor

    • Monofia

    • Sharkia

    These projectshave been carried

    out in 15governorates

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    The Partnership Between (ADEW) And(BC) In Numbers

    The number of

     beneficiaries ofthese projects

    • 2725 beneficiaries.

    • 18 NGO, 2youth center

    The selected


    • 17communityinitiatives weredonated by

    British council

    The numbers of

     beneficiaries ofthese initiatives

    • 10196


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    The Partnership between (ADEW) and (BC)

    •The community initiatives addressed several topics , such

    as follows:

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    Quick View of the six projects that have been implemented in the

    framework of the partnership between DEW and the British Council

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    The First Project- Active Citizens 2010

    The project wasimplemented in 2010.

    •In order to develop thecommunity leaders’capabilities in Masr El-Qadima district.

    •150 women have beentrained in Masr El-Qadima


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    The outcomes of theproject were 3 Initiatives

    initiated by theparticipants



    "Renewal of oneof the schools


    The First Project- Active Citizens 2010

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    The Second Project- Active Citizens 2011-2012

    •The project was implementedin 2011-2012.

    •In four governorates: (Cairo,Minya, Beni Suef, Helwan).

    •The project aimed to reach outto 1,200 young men andwomen in the age range of 18-25 years, who graduated from

    universities and institutes.

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    The Second Project- Active Citizens 2011-2012

    133 Initiatives were initiated by the participants.

    14 Initiatives were selected as the best initiativesamong the 133

    4 Initiatives were implemented during 2012-2013

    The outcomes of the project

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    A free year of addiction

    Contribute to the creation of creative generations

    Together for a healthy society

    Together to achieve the interrelated families."

    The four implemented initiatives

    The Second Project- Active Citizens 2011-2012

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    The Third Project- Active Citizens "CanChange" 2012-2013•This project was implementedduring 2012-2013 in Cairo andUpper Egypt governorates.

    To socially empowerEgyptian youth•This project reached out to540 youth

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    The Third Project- Active Citizens "CanChange" 2012-2013

    What distinguished thisproject is that it relied entirelyon the youth; 40 youth whowere chosen as the best young

    men and women received the“Active Citizens“ training

    • and the TOT to later deliverthe information, 20 out ofwhom were selected to transferexperience to the other youth.

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    At the end of this project, 4 Initiatives have beenimplemented between 2013 & 2014:

    The Third Project- Active Citizens "CanChange" 2012-2013

    in the fieldto live in thelight that is

    my right

    Know Your




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    The Fourth Project- “She's an ActiveCitizen": "Women Participation in Public

    Life":•The project was implemented inthree countries: "Egypt, Libya andTunisia.“

    •Within three months; from Januaryuntil March 2013.

    •In order to enable girls and women

    to be active citizens, contributing tothe service of their communities.

    •This project reached out to 534girls

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    At the end of the project, 4 Initiatives wereimplemented in 2013-2014:

    The fourth project- “She's an ActiveCitizen": "Women Participation in Public



    •Transparency at the Ballot is your responsibility

    2•Know your civil duty

    3 •Theatre of the oppressed

    4•Empowering women candidates

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    The Fifth project - “Women Participation inPublic Life."•The project was implemented in fourgovernorates: "Cairo, Alexandria,Suez and Minya.“

    • Within 9 months from December

    2013 until August 2014.• The project reached out to 100 girlsand youth

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    At the end of the project, 2 Initiatives wereimplemented during 2013-2014:

    The fourth project- “She's an ActiveCitizen": "Women Participation in Public


    Raise The Legal And Constitutional Level For YoungPeople And Prepare Them For The Next Election

    Supporting The Political Participation Of Young


  • 8/20/2019 British Council Presentation


    The sixth project - “Women Participation inPublic Life."

    •The project was implemented inManshiet Nasser area during 2014.

    • In order to socially & economically

    empower young men and women,to have a leadership role in theircommunities.

    The project aimed at & reached outto 300 young men and women fromuniversity students and theunemployed youth from the age of

    16 to 25 in Cairo.

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    At the end of the project, 2 Initiatives wereimplemented during 2015:

    The sixth project- “She's an Active Citizen":"Women Participation in Public Life":

    Make right choose

    Participating in putting the policy of youth

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    Now, we will present the Initiatives carried

    out by each Community

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    Initiatives of First


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    The initiatives of the first project "ActiveCitizens" 2010•Lighting initiative: where lighting poles have been installed in dark

    streets, to make them safer for the residents.

    •Cleaning initiative: where many tons of garbage have been removed fromthe streets, by the youth self-effort.

    • The renewal of one of the schools initiative: where it was to identify theneediest school to develop its infrastructure in the project area.

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    Initiatives of

    Second project

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    The initiatives of the second project "ActiveCitizens" 2011-2012

    A Year, Free of Addiction initiative:The objective of the initiative:reducing drug addiction rates inHelwan, through creating anactive citizens community, andmaking the community aware ofthe seriousness and harms ofaddiction.

    The target group: children whoare suffering from drugaddiction.

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    The initiatives of the second project "Activecitizens" 2011-2012

    A Year, Free of Addiction initiative :The activities of the initiative:1)ADEW signed a CooperationProtocol with the Anti-AddictionFund.

    2) Then the initiative youth initiativewere trained on how to make

    awareness sessions about thedangers of addiction and smoking.At the end the initiative reached635 beneficiaries.

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    The initiatives of the second project "ActiveCitizens" 2011-2012

    To Create Creative Generations:

    The objective of theinitiative: Elimination of

    illiteracy among young peopleand develop their talents andabilities.

    The activities of theinitiative: opening classes to130 students from schools inArab El-Walda in Helwan.

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    The initiatives of the second project "ActiveCitizens" 2011-2012

    Together For A Healthy Society InitiativeThe objective of the initiative:Raise the awareness of the peopleof Kafr El-Elw area in Helwanabout the damages caused by thelack of a sewage system, as well asmake them involved in the projectto build sewage network in

    cooperation with government.

    The target group: Direct: 400 beneficiaries. Indirect: 1200

    families in the targeted area.

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    The initiatives of the second project "ActiveCitizens" 2011-2012

    Together For A Healthy Society Initiative:The activities of the initiative:

    1.Installing a sewage system

    2.Installing 25 lighting poles in darkstreets.

    3. Removing 10 gears of garbage.

    4.Organizing 4 awareness sessions toeducate the people and natural leaderson how to rationalize electricity andwater consumption. 220 persons have benefited from these four sessions.

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    The initiatives of the second project "Activecitizens" 2011-2012

    "Together To Achieve Close-Bonded Families Initiative:

    The objective of the initiative:

    Raise awareness of the target

    groups on how to resolve familyissues to reduce marital problems,& for parents to be aware of thefundamentals of perfecteducation.

    The target group: Engaged, &married couples in the initiativearea.

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    The initiatives of the second project "Activecitizens" 2011-2012

    "Together To Achieve Close-Bonded Families Initiative:

    The activities of the initiative:

    Organizing awareness sessions forthe target groups, where 569persons benefited from it.

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    Initiatives of third


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    The initiatives of the third project "Activecitizens" 2012-2013

    To Live in the Light that is My Right initiative

    The objective of the initiative:Re-integrate the blind people in

    the Egyptian society by enhancingtheir skills and encouraging theirsocial contribution through aspecially designed version of the"Active Citizens" program that better meets their special needs.

    Target group: the blind people inthe Egyptian society.

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    The initiatives of the third project "ActiveCitizens" 2012-2013

    To Live in the Light that is My Right initiativeThe activities of the initiative:

    Forming a network of stakeholdersthrough partnerships with anumber of CBOs whose target

     beneficiaries are blind people.

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    The initiatives of the third project "ActiveCitizens" 2012-2013

    Youth Political Participation initiative:

    The objective of theinitiative:

    Empower youth, aged 25-35,with the skills and knowledgeto participate in the politicalprocess both as voters and

    potential candidates and to beactively participating in theirlocal community

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    The initiatives of the third project "ActiveCitizens" 2012-2013

    Youth Political Participation initiative:The activities of the initiative:

    1. Training 46 social and political

    activists form 8 Egyptiangovernorates.

    2. A network with a number of

    political parties and civil societyorganization was formed based ona comprehensive database.

    3. Cooperation protocols were signed

    with a number of political parties.

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    The initiatives of the third project "Activecitizens" 2012-2013

    In the Field Initiative

    The objective of the initiative:

    Build the capacity of politicalparties and civil societyorganizations throughempowering their human capital(volunteers) with all the

    knowledge and skills of workingdirectly with the beneficiaries inthe field and effectively managingfield campaigns.

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    The initiatives of the third project "Activecitizens" 2012-2013

    In the Field Initiative

    The activities of the initiative:

    1324 young men and womenfrom the field coordinators have been trained on volunteerismmanagement skills, and fieldleadership skills

    197 young men and women whohave received TOT training.

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    The initiatives of the third project "Activecitizens" 2012-2013

    Know Your Country Initiative

    The objective of the initiative:

    Raise the awareness of youngpeople and residents of squatterareas about their country; byencouraging them to search fordata and information to participate

    in competitions which containEgypt-related questions, in variousfields: cultural, geographical,historical & political.

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    The initiatives of the third project "Activecitizens" 2012-2013

    Know Your Country Initiative

    The target group: Direct: morethan 4,000 people; Indirect: more

    than 20,000 thousand in onecompetition.

    The activities of the initiative:Organizing sessions with the

    target group, discussing historical,political and economic, social andtechnical topics about Egyptthrough the competition.

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    Initiatives of

    Fourth Project

    Th i i i i f Th f h j “Sh '

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    The initiatives of The fourth project- “She's anActive Citizen": "Women Participation in PublicLife":

    "Theatre Of The Oppressed & Violence Against Women"Initiative :

    The objective of the initiative:

    Training 30 interested universitystudents on how to use Theatreof the Oppressed to bring to lightthe various forms of politicalviolence currently beingpracticed against women.

    Th i i i i f Th f h j " h ' i

  • 8/20/2019 British Council Presentation


    The initiatives of The fourth project- "she's activecitizen": "Women's participation in public life":

    "Theatre Of The Oppressed & Violence Against Women"Initiative :

    The target group:30 university students interested in using Theatre of the

    Oppressed to fight a social phenomenon.

    Th i iti ti f Th f th j t “Sh '

  • 8/20/2019 British Council Presentation


    The initiatives of The fourth project- “She's anActive Citizen": "Women Participation in PublicLife":

    "Know Your Civil Duty" Initiative:

    The objective of the initiative:

    Educate women on theimportance of democraticparticipation and create aculture in which young girlsknow that they have a voice andthat they can directly affect thedecisions that have an impact ontheir lives by expressing theiropinions at the ballot box.

    Th i iti ti f Th f th j t “Sh '

  • 8/20/2019 British Council Presentation


    The initiatives of The fourth project- “She's anActive Citizen": "Women Participation in PublicLife":

    "Know Your Civil Duty" Initiative:

    The target group:

    20 local female communityleaders from Samalot, El Minya,who were provided with aT.O.T. on civic awareness andthe electoral process, and some200 young girls aged 16-25 whowere introduced to a culture ofactive democratic participation.

    Th i iti ti f Th f th j t “Sh '

  • 8/20/2019 British Council Presentation


    The initiatives of The fourth project- “She's anActive Citizen": "Women Participation in PublicLife":

    "Know Your Civil Duty" Initiative:

    The activities of the initiative:

    2 seminars were held, whereguest speakers were discussingcivic responsibility & duties’topics; that aimed at furtherempowering these youngleaders to be more empowered& engaging in civic participationin their communities.

    Th i iti ti f Th f th j t “Sh '

  • 8/20/2019 British Council Presentation


    The initiatives of The fourth project- “She's anActive Citizen": "Women Participation in PublicLife":

    "Transparency at the Ballot Box is Your Responsibility"Initiative:

    The objective of the initiative:

    Training female youth on how toeffectively monitor elections. Afterreceiving the training, traineeswere linked to civil societyelection-monitoring committees so

    as to participate in the observationof future elections.

    Target Groups: 200 female youth

    aged 18-30

    Th i iti ti f Th f th j t “Sh '

  • 8/20/2019 British Council Presentation


    The initiatives of The fourth project- “She's anActive Citizen": "Women Participation in PublicLife":

    "Transparency at the Ballot Box is Your Responsibility"Initiative:

    The activities of the initiative:

    1. Preparing a training manual brief, explaining the electoralprocess/stages and the rights ofvoters and the candidates.

    2.Training 200 female youthaged 18-30 on how to effectivelymonitor elections

    Th i iti ti f Th f th j t “Sh '

  • 8/20/2019 British Council Presentation


    The initiatives of The fourth project- “She's anActive Citizen": "Women Participation in PublicLife":

    "Empowering Women Candidates" Initiative:The objective of the initiative:

    Build the capacity of potential

    female candidates to run forlocal political and professionaloffices, and how to incorporategender issues into the public


    Target Groups: 200 high-leveleducation and university

    female in the age range of 18-35.

    The i itiati e of The fou th oje t " he' a ti e

  • 8/20/2019 British Council Presentation


    The initiatives of The fourth project- "she's activecitizen": "Women's participation in public life":

    "Empowering Women Candidates" Initiative:

    The activities of the initiative:Preparing a training manual

     brief; to illustrate the

    importance of women'sparticipation in political life andthe role of local councils andtheir types.

    We have now 200 girls fromCairo and Alexandria who havethe ability to run in the nextelections, & who have theability to participate effectivelyin the political life

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    Initiatives of Fifth


    The initiatives of women's participation in public

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    The initiatives of women s participation in publiclife.“ (Fifth project)

    Legal and Constitutional Awareness initiative:

    The objective of the initiative:Create a caliber of youth who arefully aware of their civic andpolitical rights, & who are

    equipped with politicalparticipation and civicengagement skills.

    Target Groups: 50 young females& males (direct beneficiaries), 200young females & males, throughthe initiative's face book page.And at least 1,000 youths (indirect


    The initiatives of Women Participation in Public

  • 8/20/2019 British Council Presentation


    The initiatives of Women Participation in PublicLife."

    Legal and Constitutional Awareness initiative:

    The activities of the initiative:

    1.Designing a curriculum for theinterpersonal skills, & one for the

    civic & political education .2.Training 50 young naturalleaders to run for elections .Training 50 young natural leaders

    to monitor elections.3.Issuing 50 permits for theyoung natural leaders whoreceived the training.

    The initiatives of Women Participation in Public

  • 8/20/2019 British Council Presentation


    The initiatives of Women Participation in PublicLife."

    Youth Political Participation, Model of Democracy

    The objective of the initiative: Support the involvement of

    youth in the political arena through providing anassimilation model for the Egyptian political process.

    Target Groups: Direct: 10 Female natural leaders, 20 localrepresentatives and government officials, and 60 female and

    male youth in the age of 18-35. Indirect: female and maleyouth in the universities and beneficiaries of the NGOs.

    The initiatives of Women Participation in Public

  • 8/20/2019 British Council Presentation


    The initiatives of Women Participation in PublicLife."

    Youth Political Participation, Model of Democracy

    The activities of the initiative:

    Training workshops was delivered to 60 participants on thefollowing topics:" Community Mobilization Techniques -Concepts of Democracy and Democratic Transition. Training10 Female natural leaders on how to assess the different

    needs of their community.

    The Challenges

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    The ChallengesProjects' implementation was faced by so many

    challenges:The first challenge was the insecurity conditions and theuncertainty of the political environment in governorates in thepast years.The second challenge were the youth’s exams: because all of

    our participants & target groups are youth, most of whom areenrolled in universities; the start-up had to be shifted till theywere done with the exams, which slightly shifted action plans.The third challenge was in communicating with the political

    parties to make the required link between the trainedparticipants and those parties; but, due to political momentumin the Egyptian environment, the negotiations and decisionmaking within the parties had taken longer time thanplanned.

    Success Stories

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    Success Stories

    Hany Eid one of the youth, who took "Active Citizens" training,

    said that

    The program provided me with a

    bundle of skills and knowledge in

    youth empowerment and it

    enhanced my training andfacilitation skill required to join

    other programs. As a result of the

    experience I received from the

    program I managed to join another

    program on learning for democracy

    called "Ledge“.

    Success Stories

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    Success Stories

    one of the youth, who took "Active Citizens" training, said that

    I heard about the Active Citizens training through afriend, who called, telling me that there is a goodtraining which he'd encourage me to participate in.I did indeed apply for the training. I walked into

    the AC training, thinking it's going to be just likeany other routine trainings delivered by NGOs thattry to publicize for themselves. But ADEW ingeneral & AC in particular proved otherwise".

    Success Stories

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    Success Stories

    Ahmed Khafagy one of the youth, who took "Active Citizens"

    training, said that:" Ayman Mohammed, one of the youth, who took"Active Citizens" training, said that:" Before thetraining I was convinced that there was no use ofdeveloping the society, and even if there isdevelopment, it is very difficult to harvest its

    impact. But after the training and having writtenour idea of the initiative on paper, and after startingwith the implementation, I now believe that if wehad a project with clear goals, it will makeunexpected results in the society.

    Success Stories

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    Success Stories

    Sohila Tarek one of the youth, who took "Active Citizens"

    training, said that:"

    I expected that I will benefit from the

    training because I'm aware of the status

    of the British Council and the long history

    of ADEW in the field. I finished the

    training & felt a big difference .. I got to

    know many terms on the true meaning of 

    citizenship, economic and social systems

    and other related concepts that I didn't

    know about before. And I knew the real

    role of volunteer work and its importance

    in the community we live in.

    ADEW th W b

  • 8/20/2019 British Council Presentation


    ADEW website “Arabic and English”:


    Face book Group and Page:

    1-Page: ADEW


    2-Group: ADEW


    ADEW's channel on youtube:


    ADEW's twitter: adew_egypt

    ADEW's blog


    ADEW on the Web

    Some pages created by ADEW:


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    p g y

    ADEW's PAGE FOR Active citizen:https://www.facebook.com/ActiveCitizenInEgyptAdew

    Parliament for You & Me Campaign (ADEW's Compaign)


    Together: People's Alliance with the Egyptian women (ADEW's Alliance)



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