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  • 8/14/2019 Broadcast - June 2008


    Be ye fishers ofBe ye fishers ofBe ye fishers ofBe ye fishers of


    You catch themYou catch themYou catch themYou catch them----

    Hell clean them.Hell clean them.Hell clean them.Hell clean them.

    Pastor Patricks Pen .. Page 3Catechism Connection. . Page 6Stewardship.Page 7Missions & Ministry... . Page 8Questions & Answers..Page 9Lutheran Women Missionary League ...Page10TAG/Joy Circle ..Page 11Youth News ...Page 14VBS/Catechism Retreat..Page 16A Fathers Day Note...Page 17Pastors Summer Schedule Page 18Word Search...Page 20Financial Update . ..Page 22Anniversaries .. ..Page 22Birthdays ...Page 23

    News for Gods people at Peace With Christ Lutheran ChurchJune 2008

  • 8/14/2019 Broadcast - June 2008



    1412 West Swallow Road Pastor: Ralph Patrick

    Fort Collins, CO 80526 Ministers: All MembersPhone: (970) 226-4721 Preschool Director/Teacher: Cathy ToomeyFax: (970) 204-1570 Editor: Marcy PetagoEmail:[email protected] the web:www.pwchrist-fc.org Youth Coordinator: Marilyn LasichPrayer Chain: 229-1459 Prayer Chain Coordinator: Cheryl Harsen

    Radio Broadcast: KCOL (600 AM), at 9:00 AM Sundays

    Church Elders:Paul Rubel, Head Elder... ....472-9250Ray Kaiser, Worship Elder......223-0987Dan Krueckeberg, Staff Elder... 482-9545Dale Heermann, Elder..226-1403Michael Rohlfs, Elder......482-2663Tom Lasich, Elder........568-3701

    Church Council:President, Ryan BehmVice President, Chad HamiltonSecretary, Ernestine MunseyTreasurer, Larry SiegfriedEducation Chairman, Eric PetagoEvangelism Chairman,Fellowship Co-Chairman, Kerri Fagan/Linda SiegfriedYouth Ministry Chairman, Connie JesserMissions & Ministry Chairman, Jerry BuchleiterHead Trustee, Fred KroppHands in Harmony Chairman, Sharon Wiesner

    Preschool Chairman, Donna Richman

    Next months articles are due Sunday, June 15!



    Members are invited to sign up to place flowers on our altarfor special occasions: in memory or honor of a loved one ora special event. Please sign up on the flower chart locatedin the Sunshine Hall and see posted guidelines for flowers.

  • 8/14/2019 Broadcast - June 2008


    Pastor Patricks PenPastor Patricks PenPastor Patricks PenPastor Patricks Pen

    The Father Factor

    Husbands, love your wives as Christ loved the church andgave himself up for her, that he might sanctify her, having

    cleansed her by the washing of water with word In thesame way husbands should love their wives as their own

    bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself Fathers, donot provoke your children to anger, but bring them up in

    the discipline and instruction of the Lord.Ephesians 5:25-28; 6:4

    Dear Children of God,

    I sometimes comment on the culture in which we live, and

    the challenges with which we are faced as a result of tryingto live as Christians in such a challenging setting. But today

    I heard something on the radio that actually ENCOUR-

    AGED me! It was an advertisement from a law firm of all

    places. The spot began by talking about how important it is

    for children to be raised in a two parent family. It ended by

    encouraging men to do what is necessary to keep their mar-

    riages together. WOW! And this was a law firm that


    Continued on page 4

  • 8/14/2019 Broadcast - June 2008


    Continued from page 3

    specializes in divorce. Not only were they doing the right

    thing in their advertisement, they were recognizing the

    debilitating affects that divorce has on children and fami-

    lies. Consider the following statistics:*

    Children raised in homes without a father are five

    times more likely to be poor, have a higher rate of drug

    use, affective disorders, alcoholism and incarceration at alater age. They are also 77% more likely to be physically

    abused. In addition children raised by a father who at-

    tends church regularly are far more likely to remain

    faithful as adults.

    So what can be done in order to be a good father? The

    answer is surprisingly simple: Faith and Faithfulness.

    Faith in God our Heavenly Father.+

    Faith in Jesus Christ His Son and Our Lord. Read the

    passage from Ephesians again. Note how our callings as

    husbands and fathers are the HIGHEST callings we have

    received, and are to reflect Christ and His love for His

    bride the Church.


    *These are taken from The National Fatherhood Initiative. I would encourage you to explore theirweb page at Fatherhood .org+See the Catechism Connection in this Broadcast.

    Continued on page 5


  • 8/14/2019 Broadcast - June 2008


    Continued from page 4

    Faithfulness to our Lord.Faithfulness to our wives.

    Faithfulness to our children.

    This faithfulness is reflected in our priorities, such as the

    importance of being with our families in church, of being

    with our families at home, and of praying with our wives

    and families both at home and at church. In other words,

    we are called to be a faithful man of God.

    As we prepare to celebrate Fathers Day this month, it

    is our prayer that God our heavenly Father would grant

    each of us a great appreciation for this sacred gift of hus-

    band and father. And may He equip us so that we might

    faithfully carry out his highest of callings.


    Pastor Patrick


  • 8/14/2019 Broadcast - June 2008


    Catechism Connection

    The Apostles Creed: First Article - I believe in God the FatherAlmighty, Maker of heaven and earth

    Why is the first person of the Trinity called The Father?God is the Father of my Lord Jesus Christ and also my Father

    through faith in Christ. Galatians 3:26He is also the Father of all people because He created them.

    How did God first create life?

    God created all living things, both plant and animal, by HisWord alone, from nothing. He created humanity specially, fromdust, then gave us His own breath as life.

    What does God do to take care of me?He gives me food and clothing, home and family, work and

    play, and all that I need from day to day. Psalm 145:15-16

    What do we owe our heavenly Father for all His goodness?It is our duty to thank and praise Him, serve and obey Him.


    Summer Bible Study

    During the summer we will only have onSunday morning adult class. We will bemeeting in the fellowship hall, and will bestudying the Small Catechism. Take Notethat this will be the new catechism thatlooks like and corresponds to the new hymnal. We look for-ward to seeing you there!


  • 8/14/2019 Broadcast - June 2008




    Courtesy of Thrivent Financial for Lutherans

    Nine Methods of Giving: Outright Monetary GiftBequest in Will or Trust

    Investment GiftLife Insurance Beneficiary

    Life Insurance ContractCharitable Gift Annuity

    IRAs and Qualified PlansCharitable Remainder Trust

    Zero Estate Tax Plan

    An investment gift can be accomplished by transferringownership of an appreciated investment, like stock, mutualfund shares, or real estate, to an IRS recognized charity.Why do some people make investment gifts? The benefitsof giving highly appreciated assets to charity include theability to take a charitable income tax deduction for the

    full value of the gift, assuming the donor can itemized de-ductions. In addition, the capital gains tax is completelyeliminated as well through the gift. If the donor has a largeestate on which estate taxes will be due, then the estate taxmay be reduced or eliminated as well.

    Thrivent Financial for Lutherans and its respective associates and

    employees cannot provide legal, tax or accounting advice or ser-vices. Work with your team of professionals, including your Thrivent

    Financial representative, your attorney and tax professional to de-

    termine and implement the appropriate option.

    For further information or for assistance in establishing a gift, con-

    tact Ryan M. Behm, Financial Representative, 266-1700

  • 8/14/2019 Broadcast - June 2008


    continued from pageMISSIONS AND MINISTRY NEWS

    St. Johns food bankcollection is the first two weeks of this month.Food is greatly needed at this time! Clothing is not in demand asmuch right now. Please bring your donated items to the SunshineHall/library during this time. As a reminder, we collect every othermonth. Our next collections will be in August, October andDecember. Please bring your donations only during the first twoweeks of these months, and help us keep the Sunshine Hall/libraryarea neat and orderly. Thank you!

    The Ysleta Mission trip is underway! Our 24 participants will bethere the first week of June. Please keep all of them in your prayers,for safe travel mercies, good health and safety while gone, and thatthey will be a witness of Gods love to all they meet and work with.Many work projects at Ysleta are planned, and medical clinics areplanned also. Thank you to all who donated funds and supplies. Weare pleased to announce that Thrivent Financial for Lutherans willmatch funds up to $1,500.00!

    Monday, August 11th, 6:30 pm is an ice cream social for theresidents of Good Shepherd homes. Plan to come and mingle withthe residents, and have a good time eating ice cream!

    Sunday, August 24th at noon, the Orphan Grain Train Fish

    Feed is coming! Save this date, and plan to come eat and hear aboutthe latest work the Colorado West Division of OGT is doing. Didyou know the American Red Cross has requested to work withOrphan Grain Train International? Many exciting things arehappening around the world through this organization.


  • 8/14/2019 Broadcast - June 2008



    Questions and Answers

    What is a Deaconness?

    Hopefully by now most of us haveheard the exciting news that on July 6 thClaire Rueffer, a deaconess intern fromValparaiso will be installed to serve atPeace With Christ. Many of us mayhave asked the above question. Fol-lowing is the answer given by the Lu-

    theran Deaconess Association.

    A deaconess is a Lutheran woman, formed in community,educated in Lutheran theology, consecrated to serve peoplein church and society.

    When Jesus took the towel and basin and stooped to washthe disciples' feet, he provided a most vivid picture of ser-vanthood and a model for deaconess ministry. "If I then, yourLord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also ought towash one another's feet." John 13:14

    In New Testament times deaconesses and deacons were setapart to assist and lead the church in caring for the poor, mar-ginalized, powerless people whom it would have been soeasy to forget. Throughout the ages the diaconate hasshaped itself in various ways, but the central heartbeat hasalways been the same -- to reach out in Christian love tothose in need.

    Deaconesses embrace the outcasts and those on the fringes.

    They care for the lost, the least, and the little ones. Theywash the feet of people in need.

    Continued on page 12

  • 8/14/2019 Broadcast - June 2008





    Mite Box Reminder: The LWML Mite Box for World Mis-sions will be in the narthex the first Sunday of the monthfor your convenience. Thank you for your donations!

    Rocky Mountain District LWML Mission Grants Up-date: As you were depositing your coins into the Mite Boxsome Sunday morning, did the thought ever cross yourmind, I wonder if these pennies, nickels and dimes reallymake a difference? Well, the answer to that is a resound-ing Yes, they do! All those coins (and cash) you continueto so generously provide helped the RMD LWML meettheir 2006 2008 Mission Grants goal. The goal for the 12designated missions was $65,000 and, as of March 31,2008 (the closing date of the drive) every one of the recipi-ents was Paid in Full! Thank you for your support and,

    remember, every penny counts, so please continue to sup-port our missions for the 2008 2010 drive.

    Mark Your Calendar!The next regular LWML meeting willbe a brunch held at Ann Rodenbecks home on Saturday,June 14

    th, at 10:00am. Please meet at the church at9:00a to carpool (maps will be provided) and bring onebrunch item per two women. The title of the program willbe, Lifting Your Eyes to the Lord. We look forward toseeing you there!

    LWML Executive Board Meeting: There will be no Ex-

    ecutive Board meetings in May, June or July.

  • 8/14/2019 Broadcast - June 2008




    All older adults are welcome to attend thevarious activities and Bible studies of this OlderAdult Ministry Group. Our meetings are on the1st and 3rd Tuesdays of the month. During thesummer months we will only meet on the 1stTuesday. Come and enjoy the fellowship.

    Tuesday, June 3rd at 11:30amWe will meet at the church and carpool toGateway Natural Area for a picnic. It is 5.2miles up the Poudre Canyon and is wheelchairaccessible. Bring a dish to share. Also bringlawn chairs and outdoor games. Tableware anddrinks will be furnished.


    Lutheran Family Services of Colorado holdsquarterly informational meetings for familiesinterested in becoming foster or foster to adoptparents. The next scheduled meeting is Tuesday,June 17th from 3-5pm. Please call Sarah Eisbrener

    at 970-232-1141 to RSVP. All are Welcome.


  • 8/14/2019 Broadcast - June 2008


    Continued from page 9

    What will Deaconess Claire do at Peace With Christ?Her primary responsibilities, as outlined by the elders andapproved by the church council, will be to focus on theyounger children in the church and their families. She hasexperience and training in music, and will use this as a tool tohelp teach the faith to Christs children. Claire is veryinterested in evangelism and outreach, so it is our prayer thather ministry to children will extend beyond Peace With Christand into the community.

    What Can we do to Support Deaconess Claire?As a congregation who has so much experience with vicars,the answer to this is obvious. But here are some suggestionsanyway. We can begin by praying for her. Ask the Lord todeliver her safely here, and to bless her time among us.When she arrives invite her to coffee or dinner. Get to knowher and offer her support and encouragement. Help her withprojects that she is in charge of. Learn from her not onlyabout what it means to be a deaconess, but what it means tobe a Child of God. And encourage others, especially those

    with children, to be involved in the ministry here at Peace WithChrist.


  • 8/14/2019 Broadcast - June 2008


    Dear PWC Family,

    I am very excited to be working with the youth this summerat PWC. There are many fun activities for the youth to

    participate in as well as ways to serve the Lord. I ask thatyou all pray for the youth members, the Youth program andme.

    While we are all familiar with Proverbs 22:6 Train up a

    child in the way he should go, and when he is old he willnot turn from it. Here at PWC we are blessed withremarkable youth, they are faithful, talented, caring, andactive. These young men and women are all out children inChrist. We need to let them know that we care about themand value them. Romans 8:16 The Spirit himself testifieswith our spirit that we are Gods children. Please take thetime to say hello or come join us for a little while at a youthevent and get to know these young members better. They

    are an awesome group!

    Thank you for your support of the youth and me.

    In Christ,Marilyn Lasich


  • 8/14/2019 Broadcast - June 2008




    Dear PWC Junior and Senior High Youth Members,

    My first official day as Summer Youth coordinator began as I car-ried in two chicks, heat lamp, tub and three - 16 day old kittensplus all their various items. Im not sure what Pastor Patrickthought as he walked by the office!

    It was an eventful day which is what I hope the Summer YouthProgram at PWC will be! There are great activities being plannedas well as opportunities for serving our Lord.

    VBS is July 14-18! Please consider helping with it and let meknow.

    Did you know that the 3rd Sunday of every month is Youth Sun-

    day? I encourage you to take an active role in service to the Lordand our congregation by signing up to read, usher, help in thenursery, or provide special music.

    Plan to attend the June 8th BBQ and water games at 6:00pm hereat church. There will be more information on the camp-out andother summer activities.

    Watch the Greensheet for dates/times and more information onother coming events.

    In Christ Service,Marilyn Lasich

  • 8/14/2019 Broadcast - June 2008



    Youth Scrip ProgramYouth Scrip ProgramYouth Scrip ProgramYouth Scrip Program

    Do you shop for groceries, clothing, crafts,

    home improvement, gardening, gifts, etc.?

    Go out for lunch, dinner, movies, Star-

    bucks? Enjoy renting a movie or sending

    flowers on special occasion?

    Then check out the Youth Scrip Program!These are gift cards or certificates which

    YOU receive the full value of and the com-

    pany gives the Youth Group a percentage

    on each card. The percentages range from

    2% - 15%. Almost all major/national stores

    are available - just ask if one isnt listed as

    our order form only lists a small number of

    cards available.

    You may purchase the cards after earlyservice (and hopefully after late soon) from

    the Youth table or order them from Connie

    Jesser, order forms are available on the

    poster in the kitchen hallway.

    Place order forms in Connie Jessers box

    with payment. Contact Connie at 484-4343

    or Marilyn at 568-3701 for more informa-


  • 8/14/2019 Broadcast - June 2008



    Please plan to have your children join us, ages 3 - 6th grade in

    classes and 7th and up as helpers. We will learn more about

    Jesus, our forever friend on a Wilderness Trek. We are in

    need of a Kitchen/ Snack Leader and more Pre-K teachers.

    Extra hands are always welcomed to help with the crafts and

    snacks. Please invite your neighborhood children to join us.

    Contact Marilyn Lasich for more information 568-3701.

    Catechism RetreatIf you have already registered dont for-

    get to mark your calendars for the Lu-

    theran Valley Retreat THE LORDS

    PRAYER, June 17 - 21, 2008. There

    will be campfires, hiking, games, Bible

    Studies, etc.

    More information will be in the upcom-

    ing Greensheets or contact Marilyn at


  • 8/14/2019 Broadcast - June 2008



    A Fathers Day Note to MenBy Jon Pennington

    We are living in a time of great crisis for men. Massivecultural shifts have forced men to redefine their spiritualsense of identity, their roles and their spiritual lives. Lifeis a dangerous journey. But together through the teach-ings of Jesus Christ we can overcome the obstacles thathinder our Walk with Christ.

    We can become better husbands, fathers, leaders andChristians by applying Biblical principles to our every-day life.

    Join our mens ministry opportunities, serving as anusher, being a Sunday school teacher, participating inchurch cleanups, fellowship groups (Romeos, TAG),

    being a part of a small group Bible Studies (M n Ms,Kings Men).

    Join us for a Mens Breakfast, Saturday, May 31st at8:00am here at Church.

  • 8/14/2019 Broadcast - June 2008



    Pastors Summer Schedule

    This is going to be a very busy summer for me.

    There will be a number of Sundays when I will beaway due to various commitments. Following is alist of some of those commitments. If I am away ona Sunday, we will have a guest pastor to take theservices. If I am away during the week our eldersand other assisting pastors will be available to pro-vide pastoral care.

    June: Mission Trip to Ysleta Lutheran Mission inEl Paso. Confirmation Retreat at Lutheran ValleyRetreat. LWML convention. Installation of PerryCopus (former vicar). Wedding of Anna Stoltenow,Goddaughter.

    July: Wedding of Rev. Lehmann. Arrival and In-stallation of Deaconess Claire. Installation of Rev.Robert Harmon in New Mexico. VBS. Installation

    of Jon Dickmander (former vicar).

  • 8/14/2019 Broadcast - June 2008


  • 8/14/2019 Broadcast - June 2008



    BIBLE WORDSEARCHPlagues of EgyptExodus 8:16; 9:7





    After you find all the hidden words, the left over letters spell out

    a Bible verse reading from the top left to the bottom right.

    ___ ___ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ___

    ___ ___ ___ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ Psalm 3

  • 8/14/2019 Broadcast - June 2008



    F T D H D N U O R G N A T S K

    I D N E E W T E B S L E M A C

    E O O L N B S E S U O H T H O

    L N E P O E R C O N F R O N T

    D K F O M G D E H C T E R T S

    E E I E M S N R W L O C S U E

    S Y N P U D L I A S R A O C V

    E S G I S N R A N H C L D A I

    R P E H A A O U I R U A S T L

    T N R O I M C R I C O P T T T

    P E D A R M E F A N I M A L S

    Y H E R Y O I R Y A E F F E U

    G S N A I C I G A M A D F L D

    E O S H E M O U Y E N R U O J

    D G E P I H S R O W F L I E S

  • 8/14/2019 Broadcast - June 2008




    Ron & Kelley Pichel June 1, 2002Ted & Ann Rodenbeck June 8, 1968Bob & Janell Prussman June 10, 1966Chuck & Jana Black June 12, 1982David & Carol Caspersen June 12,1970Steve & Barb Spanjer June 15, 1974Cleve & Nancy Moore June 17, 1961Owen & Joanne Dahmer June 18, 1966Aaron & Mari Peterson June 19, 2000Cliff & Lu Buchholz June 19, 1976Jon & Pat Juchartz June 19, 1981Joe & Betty Walters June 21, 1941

    Marilynn & Richard Hudson June 21, 1947Dave & Tina Nierman June 24, 1995John & Carolyn Huisjen June 24, 1961Warren & Jan Wergin June 26, 1955Howard & Marcie Walter June 27, 1948

    We apologize if we missed your anniversary. Please notify thechurch office to update.

    Financial UpdateAs of April 2008

    2008 budget: $431,263.00

    Year-to-date total PWC income: $115,202.59

    Year-to-date total PWC expenses: $135,539.11

    Net Income: -$20,336.52

    Needed weekly to meet budget: $8,290.24

  • 8/14/2019 Broadcast - June 2008




    Racheal Bauder 2ndJeffrey France 2ndStarr Parke 2ndRon Pichel 4thJackson Roth 4thBill Roth 4thRich Dunker 5thCaleb French 6thArt Pforr 6thRobbie Fields 7th

    Alexa Allerheiligen 8thHarold Nansel 9thMike Allison 10thBrianna Lacey 10thGarrett Peterson 10thMarie Shupe 13thSarah Sutherland 13thTaneal Behm 14thMarcus Mueller 14th Nicholas Black 15thKyle Krueckeberg 21stLeora Snyder 21st

    Deb Caskey 22ndDave Nierman 22ndKay Rubel 22ndMarie Rubel 22ndKathleen Schultz 22ndPatty Price 24thTed Rodenbeck 24thColleen Rohlfs 24thMarilynn Hudson 25thStony Achziger 27thMillie Miller 27thLibby Hoy 28th

    June Grueber 29thErin Toomey 30th

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