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What is Archipiphany? Architectural Epiphany - Realizing Architecture

Archipiphany’s mission is an architectural advocacy for social and cultural development. Archipiphany actively participates in an enlightenment revolution that encourages citizens, particularly young people, to contribute their strength, wis-

dom and vigour to making a culture of creativity and productivity rather than aimless consumption. Jamaica has a thriving culture and lifestyle and if we stop and take note of it, we will gain meaningful ideas that shape our buildings.

The word Archipiphany is a portmanteau of the words architecture and epiphany. Archipiphany was incepted in March 2010 out of a passion to understand what architecture is, especially in the context of a developing country as Jamaica; not only from the perspective of developed countries, but independently from the stance of thinking Jamaicans. It came to fruition when the word epiphany seemed to epitomize the nature of trying to find out what architecture is,

Trying to understand architecture is frustrating and the need for an epiphany continues to be imperative for its disciples. Jamaica has a rich history of frustrated people using the arts to find enlightenment and “emancipation from mental slavery.” It is beneficial rather that we should find ourselves in such a culture and it is our assertion, that architecture in Jamaica is dormant and can become more en-ergized by taking note of the instinctive efforts made in the past by our frustrated artist.

Architecture is a reflection of culture and society. Successful archi-tecture will construct environments that embody the positive quali-ties that enrich our lives and make us want to be better people, one with nature. Architecture must consult nature, society and culture – how people behave with the natural world and with each other. Only then will we begin to gain truths about architecture. This is the philosophy behind archipiphany.

Archipiphany Manifesto

1 - Architecture is not about buildings; buildings are about architecture. The study of architecture takes into account the precedented factors that generate architecture as opposed to trying to focus on the built form.

2 - There is no good or bad architecture. Good architecture is redundant, bad architecture is an oxymoron.

3 - Architecture is a quality much in the same way happiness is a quality. There is no such thing is good happiness or bad happiness,

4 - Architecture is lacked or possesed, scorned or adorned even though it can only be fully appreciated by those sensi-tive to its reality.

5 - You are what you are exposed to. A foreigner cannot spontaneous speak an unknown language unless he is con-ditioned. Our environments, culture and lifestyle, shape our attitudes and belief system.

Topics to be Covered in Archipiphany Magazine Main Subjects are Culture, Lifestyle and Architecture

- Food, Health and Wellness- Money and Wealth - Shopping and Travel- Politics and the Economy - Religion - Sports and Recreation- Residential and Commercial Architecture - Design and Decor - Social Diversity and Dynamism - WHAT we do, HOW we do and WHERE we do them.

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Culture - How

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Lifestyle - What

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Architecture - Where

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The Anticipation of a New SpiritThe state of the built environment is a manifestation of a country's social state. To focus on the former would prevent us from gaining meaningful inspiration that will enact change. Archipiphany aims to ameliorate the latter in order that the for-mer may begin to represent that positive change.

Archipiphany assesses HOW people live, WHAT people do, in order to create spaces by which they LIVE - Culture, Lifestyle and Architecture. The three are interdependent on each other.

We Anticpate great things for the future as we maintian a spirit of realistic optimism. We are conscious of our responsibility and will work tirelessly until the hope of our hearts comes to a reality.

Weeping comes in the night, but joy comes in the morning

25 Lincoln RoadBrown’s Town POSt AnnJamaicaMobile - 876-485-3352 or Landline - [email protected] - www.facebook.com/archipiphany

Magazine Debut October 26th 2013

First Issue - November to December 2013

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