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Preface ...........................................................................

About DYMAT ................................................................

Welcome ................................................................

Membership ............................................................

CEA (co-organiser) ..........................................................

I2M (co-organiser) ..........................................................

About Arcachon ..............................................................

The John Rinehart Award .................................................

Conference Committee ....................................................

International Advisory Committee ...................................

Organization Committee ................................................

Conference Venue ...........................................................

General Guidelines .........................................................

Short Course ....................................................................

PhD Thesis Prize ..........................................................

Programme .....................................................................

Poster Exhibition ............................................................

Sponsors and Exhibitors .................................................






















Ezio Cadoni

DYMAT AssociationPresident

DYMAT, the European Association for research into the dynamic behaviour of materials and its applications, celebrates in 2018 its 35th anniversary. This represents an important milestone for our association that groups leading research institutions in Europe and worldwide. Since 1983 DYMAT has organized every three years a five days single session conference of oral presentations and poster exhibitions. This represents the platform to present the most recent scientific achievements on dynamic behaviour of materials.

The 12th DYMAT International Conference, being held between September 9th and 14th 2018, is organized by the French Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique et aux Energies Alternatives (CEA), in Arcachon, France. Specific emphasis was placed on the following key topics: Experimental Techniques, Microstructural Effects, Modelling and Numerical Simulation, and Industrial


Applications. As in the previous two conferences held in Freiburg and Lugano, the Conference offered two types of publications. The contributions in this current issue of “European Physical Journal Web of Conferences” (EPJ-WoC) were submitted as proceedings papers while, other authors chose to submit their manuscripts to a peer review process for publication in an issue of the “European Physical Journal Special Topics” (EPJ-ST).

As written in the statutes, the principal aim of the Association is to bring together engineers and scientists who are working in the general field of impact with a particular focus on the study of the mechanical properties of materials at high rates of strain, their modelling and associated numerical simulations as well as the applications of this work. For this purpose, DYMAT organizes International Conferences, Technical Meetings, Working Groups and Student Camps. Since 2015, two Technical Meetings have been organized: the 22nd TM on experimental techniques and modelling of brittle materials at high strain-rates held in October 2016, Grenoble, France, and the 23rd TM on dynamic fracture of ductile materials, held in September 2017, Trondheim, Norway. Our gratitude goes respectively to Prof. Pascal Forquin and Prof. Magnus Langseth for the excellent organization of these two events.

DYMAT2018 will have the honour of being the fourth DYMAT International Conference to give the John S. Rinehart Award. This distinction, established in 1990 to recognize outstanding effort and creative work in the science and technology of dynamic processes in materials, was formally awarded every five years on the occasion of EXPLOMET International Conferences. In 2009, DYMAT became the Custodian of the Award. A special jury, composed of the members of the DYMAT International Advisory Committee and members of the DYMAT Governing Board, voted and selected two winners. Our sincere congratulations go to George T. (Rusty) Gray III and to Gordon R. Johnson, the two recipients of the John S. Rinehart Award 2018. My sincere gratitude goes to Dr. Antonio Cosculluela and Dr. Eric Buzaud, chairmen of the Conference and co-editors of the 2018 EPJ-ST issue. Antonio and Eric have completed a remarkable work in the organization and the success of this conference. My thanks go to them and their colleagues, who greatly contributed to the success of DYMAT2018.

Finally, I would also like to thank the members of the International Advisory Committee and the Governing Board for their commitment in ensuring the high scientific level of the conference.



Dear delegates to the DYMAT2018 conference,

The 12th International DYMAT Conference, being held from 9 to 14 September 2018, is organized by the Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique et aux Energies Alternatives (CEA) in partnership with the Institute of Mechanics and Engineering (I2M) of the University of Bordeaux. More than for its natural charm, the foremost reason for choosing Arcachon, is its proximity to Bordeaux, one of the most dynamic towns in Europe. We take the opportunity to thank the Nouvelle Aquitaine region for its generous sponsorship. This conference is a unique occasion to bring together from around the world members of the scientific community who are working on the dynamic behaviour of materials and structures. It is a great honour and a real pleasure for us to have been able to organize this conference. With authors from 32 countries, the DYMAT international conference has once again demonstrated its influence and international character.

As in previous years, the conference has offered two types of publications. The proceedings of the conference have been collected into an issue of the “European Physical Journal - Web of Conferences” (EPJ-WoC). Alternatively, authors were encouraged to submit their articles to a peer review process in order to publish their work in an issue of the “European Physical Journal - Special Topics” (EPJ-ST), entitled “ Advances in the Characterization, Modelling and Simulation of Materials Subjected to High Strain Rates”. Out of more than 250 abstracts submitted, 175 manuscripts were selected for the

Eric BuzaudAntonio Cosculluela

DYMAT2018 Co-chairs


proceedings and in addition, 15 papers have been published in the EPJ-ST journal, volume 227, issue 1-2.

Since the last DYMAT international conference, several developments and innovations have been adopted. First, considering the importance of deepening our connections to the next generation of researchers and engineers, an exceptional financial effort has been made to offer a reduced fee to PhD students. We hope to have the pleasure of welcoming a large number of them from all over the world. For this reason, and for the first time, we will hold a pre-conference 3-hour short course: an introduction to DYMAT's fundamental fields of interest that will be taught by three eminent researchers and professors on Sunday, the 9th of September. This course will be open to all DYMAT members, both students and non-students. Moreover, we are proud to announce the revitalization of the prize for the best PhD thesis written in DYMAT's domains of interest since September 2015. The prize will be awarded during the conference.This year, scientific contributions have been distributed among 4 key topics : Experimental Techniques, Microstructural Effects, Modelling and Numerical Simulation, and Industrial Applications. One novelty is that two dedicated poster sessions of 2 hours each have been added to the agenda, so as to provide much better conditions to present work that could not be incorporated into the tight oral presentation schedule. We hope that this new format will foster even more scientific and technical exchanges, in a convivial and relaxed atmosphere.

We wish to express our sincere gratitude to all authors, who once again have massively answered our call for papers. In addition, we would like to express our thanks to the International Advisory Committee and the members of the Governing Board of the DYMAT Association. Their remarkable and continuous support in the reviewing and organization processes has been extremely helpful in setting up the scientific program of the conference. Finally, we would like to address our warmest thanks to the local organizing team for its patience, quick reactions and professional handling of the unexpected. Its invaluable support has made the organization of DYMAT2018 a real pleasure and a great adventure.Together with all our colleagues on the DYMAT Governing Board, we look forward with confidence to DYMAT2018 in the hope that it will break new ground in our chosen field of interest and be of the greatest benefit to all participants.

Welcome to Arcachon and enjoy the conference!



The DYMAT conferences are of high interest for everybody concerned with the dynamic behaviour of materials with aspects such as experimental techniques, constitutive modelling, micro-structural effects, and numerical simulations.

The dynamic behaviour of materials is relevant in multiple applications such as crashworthiness in transport including cars, trains, boats and airplanes; terminal ballistics related to defence, shielding of satellites, of turbine blades and discs; blast effects due to industrial explosions, terrorist attacks; material processing such as high-speed shaping of metals.

The principal aim of the DYMAT Association is to bring together engineers and scientists from all nations working in these fields. For this purpose, every three years the DYMAT Association organizes an international conference (since 1985). We also encourage the holding of technical meetings, seminars, training courses, student camps.

The DYMAT Association endeavours to strengthen or to develop the connections with other scientific associations involved in similar fields of research.

We invite you to visit our website www.dymat.org, get to know our Association and become an active member of it.

DYMAT members are invited to participate in the DYMAT General Assembly.


DYMAT membership fees are € 50 (one year) or € 120 (three years).

Why become a DYMAT member?

There are many reasons to join us:

• DYMAT members have free access to all e-publications of the DYMAT international conferences technical and subgroup meetings since the creation of DYMAT in 1983.

• DYMAT members can submit a request for financial support for the organization of symposiums or special sessions in multidisciplinary conferences related to the dynamic behaviour of materials.

• DYMAT members pay a reduced fee at DYMAT international conferences and technical meetings.

• DYMAT members have free access to the protected area of our website providing detailed information about the member laboratories, recent theses, and review publications.

• DYMAT members are invited to the yearly DYMAT General Assembly, vote on the president's and treasurer's report, submit requests, and vote for the composition of the DYMAT Governing Board.

• DYMAT members can be elected as DYMAT governing board members and participate in the decision making process of the association (certain conditions apply).

For more information about DYMAT, visit the official website :



CEA co-organiser

Devoted to deterrence

The CEA's Military Applications Division (DAM) is responsible for the design, manufacture, through-life support and dismantling of the nuclear warheads that equip France's sea- and airborne deterrence forces. The reliability and safety of French nuclear warheads are now guaranteed without conducting any further nuclear tests, through the Simulation programme, launched in 1996. The DAM is responsible for the design and manufacture of the nuclear reactors and reactor cores on French Navy submarines and aircraft carrier. It assists the Navy with in-service follow-up and through-life support for these reactors. CEA DAM is also in charge of procuring strategic nuclear materials required for the nation's deterrence.

Based on its nuclear fuel and weapons cycles knowledge, CEA DAM also contributes to national and global security through the technical support it provides to the authorities relative to the prevention of nuclear proliferation and terrorism.CEA DAM also provides project management assistance to the French defence procurement agency (DGA) for conventional defence activities, making use of its expertise on the effects of weapons and weapon system vulnerability, CEA DAM has put its expertise in conventional weaponry at the service of the Ministry of the Armed Forces. CEA DAM organizational structure is optimized for the management of its programs: nuclear weapons, nuclear propulsion, nuclear materials, non-proliferation and conventional defence.

Actively involved in French industrial policy

CEA DAM works closely with French industry by applying an industrial policy which relies on the three following principles. CEA DAM remains the prime contractor of its core business: design and guaranteeing of the nuclear package, design and guaranteeing of nuclear warheads, nuclear materials and components, explosives and nuclear warheads re-entry vehicles, design and experiments in the large experimental facilities of the Simulation Program.

CEA�s Military Applications Division (DAM) www-dam.cea.fr


Firstly, CEA DAM carries out the research and the design of its products in its own laboratories. Secondly, CEA DAM transfers design and associated processes to industry. Thirdly, CEA DAM remains the prime contractor of the main systems for which it is responsible. So, more than two-thirds of CEA DAM's budget is devoted to industrial contracts.CEA DAM is also keen to see its centres play an active role in the local economy through their involvement in competitiveness clusters. It finds applications outside its specialist area for its research work through technology transfer to industry and by filing numerous patent applications.

Research Sharing knowledge nationally and internationally (when possible), undergoing scientific assessments by external agencies, and participating in expertise networks are guarantees of scientific credibility. CEA DAM research teams publish some 2,000 scientific publications and reports every year. In addition, CEA DAM experimental resources are made available to the scientific community, and research teams participate in external research programs.



CEA DAM has five centres with co-ordinated missions, involved in fundamental research, development, and production:

DAM Ile-de-France (DIF), in Bruyères-le-Châtel, near Paris, is dedicated to research on weapons physics, numerical simulation, and the prevention of nuclear proliferation. DIF is also the CEA DAM's engineering centre. The Nuclear Propulsion Unit at the CEA's Cadarache site in the Provence Alpes-Côte d'Azur region, which houses the test facilities and certain nuclear propulsion products, is attached to the DIF.

Cesta, in the Aquitaine region, is dedicated to nuclear weapons architecture and guarantee and to environmental resistance testing. It houses the Megajoule Laser, a key component of CEA's Simulation Program.

Valduc, in the Bourgogne region, is dedicated to nuclear materials and is home to the EPURE experimental facility developed as part of the Simulation Program.

Le Ripault, in the Centre region, is dedicated to non-nuclear materials (chemical explosives, etc.).

Gramat, in the Midi-Pyrénées region, conducts studies on systems vulnerability and weapons effectiveness for the French Ministry of the Armed Forces.

CEA co-organiser


Megajoule Laser Facility Target Chamber


I2M co-organiser

I2M is a “multi guardianship” laboratory, whose parent institutions are CNRS (French National Center for Scientific Research), University of Bordeaux, Arts et Métiers ParisTech (ENSAM), Bordeaux INP Aquitaine. I2M is also associated with INRA.The Laboratory's overall specialisation is Mechanical Engineering including: Solid Mechanics and Systems, Fluid Mechanics, Acoustics, Heat and Mass Transfer, Civil Engineering, Mechanical Design, Process Engineering. I2M's activities are structured into 6 Departments and 3 interdisciplinary activities: Wood engineering, Green building and sustainable energies, Non-Destructive Testing and Evaluation (NDT/NDE).


Institut de Mécanique et d�Ingénierie de Bordeaux

UMR5295 - i2m.u-bordeaux.frOverall number of staff members: 340Head office address: ENSCBP - 16, Avenue Pey Berland - 33607 Pessac Cedex +33 (0)5 40 00 28 47 - Contact: [email protected]

General presentation


Civil and Environmental Engineering (GCE)

Rheology of wood, rocks and building materialsEnvironmental impact of construction sitesConstruction site selection and evaluation

Mechanical Engineering and Design (IMC)

Multiphysics simulation and knowledge integration into decisionVariability management and multi-criteria optimizationComposite structures and architectured materials

Material, Process, Interactions (MPI)

Materials processingCutting processesPharmaceutical technologies: Mechanics of Compacted

Pharmaceutical Powders

Durability of Materials, Assemblies and Structures (DuMAS)

Interactions Mechanics - CorrosionFatigue and impact behaviour of materials and structuresAdhesion, bonding, interfaces

Energy, Fluids and Transfers (TREFLE)

Computational fluid dynamicsThermal imaging and characterizationBuilding and systems energyPorous media Thermodynamics of heterogeneous media

Physical acoustics (APY)

Ultrasonic imaging (materials and structures, bio objects)Conventional and ultrasonic lasers, femtosecond opto-acousticsMetamaterials for stealth and beam control

I2M Departments

Characterization at different scales of sites and building materials

System for cooling liquids by flash expansion

Correlation between numerical simulation and experimental weld

pool dimensions

DEM simulation of impact on dry fabric. See GranOO workbench:


Thermal microfluidics

Ultrasonic NDE


In the framework of the program �Investments for the future�,

IdEx Bordeaux:

• AMADEus: Advanced materials by design• CPU: Digital certification• LaScArBs: Painted caves• LaPHia: Centre of Excellence in photonics • EQUIPEC Xyloforest: Wood• ITE INEF4: Green building

Platforms and transfer and valorisation structures:

• Nobatek: Sustainable development and construction• CANOE: Organic nanostructured composite• FAHRENHEIT: Thermal characterization of materials –

Non Destructive Testing (NDT)• PTAU: Machining• PERMME ENSAM: Durability• The ARTS Carnot Institute: Materials, Manufacturing Processes, Design• Avenia: Energies• Xylofutur: Wood• Creahd: Civil engineering and building energy• Route des Lasers: Photonics-Lasers• Aerospace-Valley: Composites, Processes

Academic and industrial collaborations:

• GIS Albatros – Thales (Alliance between Bordeaux Universities And Thales on Research in Avionics)

Major projects and collaborations

I2M co-organiser


• GIS SAMBA – Airbus• Actions SOLR2 (ASTF) : Solar Energy• Common research team ABENGOA (Innovative technology solutions for

sustainability) - Spain• Local laboratories: LCTS, LOMA, PACEA, OASU…• European Union's Research and Innovation - FP7

Advanced equipments:

• Supercomputer (400 processors)• Environmental Scanning Electron Microscopy• Spectrometer• Femtosecond laser lines• NDT benches with air-borne ultrasounds• Fluids and Transfers software “Thétis”• Workbench for dynamic mechanical DEM simulations• GranOO: www.granoo.org

Emerging fields:

• Single living-cell imaging• Fluid-structure interaction modelling• Adhesive-bonding in composite materials• Realization of zero- and negative-index acoustic metamaterials • High spatial and temporal resolution non-destructive testing• Design and recycling of composite materials• High temperature materials for thermal energy storage• Environmental flows• On site non-destructive testing • Preservation of painted caves


About Arcachon

Welcome to Arcachon

Arcachon, situated in a bay – ‘Bassin d�Arcachon� – is one of the gems of the French Atlantic coast. Its mix of beaches, wonderful sea views, extensive ‘Belle Epoque� architecture, great atmosphere and excellent food and wine come together to create a wonderful holiday destination.


Arcachon itself is a relatively new town. It was carved out of the pine and oak forest in the early to mid-19th century, first as a place for the sick folk of Bordeaux to go to take in the sea-air and bathe in the water as part of their convalescence, then as an alternative destination to Switzerland for those with tuberculosis. When the railway was extended, cutting the journey time from Bordeaux from 18 hours to two hours, the town swiftly became popular as a seaside resort for the wealthy of Bordeaux as well as Paris. Arcachon officially became a town in 1857, its deeds signed by Napoleon III who in visiting twice, added to the reputation and allure of the town.


Arcachon lies on the southern bank of Arcachon Bay, a large triangle-shaped bay of the Atlantic Ocean, linked to the sea on its south-west corner by a narrow channel which has a reputation of being quite challenging to navigate. The Bay is home to a rich and diverse wildlife, especially birds and waterfowl, which can be observed all year round. Many parts of the Bay are protected by natural preservation reserves and restricted-access areas. At its southern entrance from the Atlantic Ocean, Arcachon Bay is crowned by Europe's largest sand dune, the Dune du Pilat (also spelled Pyla), nearly 3 kilometres long, 500 metres wide, reaching 107 metres in height.


What to see and do


Arcachon is great for gastronomy – not just oysters but fish and other seafood from the bay, plus the best of the south-west and Basque influences, delicious meals are easy to come by. Enjoying a seafood feast as you watch the sun go down is a simple but memorable pleasure.

Visit the Winter town

Original architecture is the order of the day here. Neo-gothic villas sit alongside Swiss chalets, English cottages and colonial-inspired residences. Depending on style, they are called “innovations”, “follies” or “modest”. Despite this stylistic excess, the 215 villas scattered among the pine trees form a harmonious architectural heritage, unique in France, giving pride of place to gingerbread, bow-windows, multi-coloured façades…

Visit the port

The second largest marina on the Atlantic coast with mooring for 2600 boats, there is also now a heritage quay for the Bassin's traditional boats including the long, narrow, flat-bottomed ‘pinasses', barges and tall ships. If you're up early, get there for 6.45 am to see the fishing catch being landed.

Go on a boat trip

A boat trip gives you a different perspective on Arcachon. There are a number of ferries which traverse the bay including the ‘Transbassin' boat which runs all year, departing from Thiers pier at Arcachon for Bélisaire pier at Cap Ferret. The journey takes 30 minutes. Bicycles are allowed on board.

Lazing about on a beach

As it's situated in a bay, many of Arcachon's beaches are gentle waves and so just the thing for families, but travel just a short distance and you reach the wildness of the Atlantic coast and its surf beaches.


Further information can be found in the city guidebook which you will find at the information desk.

www.arcachon.com | www.bordeaux.tourisme.com


The John S. Rinehart Award

The John S. Rinehart Award was established to recognise outstanding and creative work in the science and technology of dynamic processes in materials. This encompasses the processes by which materials are welded, formed, compacted, and synthesized, as well as dynamic deformation, fracture, and the extremes shock loading effects. The award is named after a true pioneer who witnessed and actively contributed to the field for over forty years.

John S. Rinehart has actively taken part in the development of field of dynamic deformation. He has dedicated his life to the study of stress waves in solids; the results of these investigations have been published in over 130 technical articles and three books, two of them co-authored by John Pearson. Behaviour of metals under impulsive loads, explosive working of metals and stress transients in solids, have been the vade mecum of all scientists and engineers throughout the world working in the field. The simple, no nonsense, yet fundamentally correct approach used by Dr. Rinehart combines the rigorousness of the physicist with the practicality of the engineer. His fifty year career has been divided between government and university, and he has frequently served as a consultant to industry. He has occupied many positions of high responsibility throughout his career:


• Director of research and Development for the U.S. coast and Geodetic Survey,

• Director of the Mining Research Laboratory of the Colorado School of Mines, which he founded,

• Assistant Director of the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, • Head of the Mechanics Branch at the Naval Ordnance Test Station,

China Lake, • Professor of Mechanical Engineering at the university of Colorado.

Dr. Rinehart was associated with Dr. E. J. Workman's Ordnance Research Group before this activity became a division of the New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology in the Early 1950s.

The John Rinehart Award has been given every five years, at the occasion of the EXPLOMET conferences. Since 2009, DYMAT is the custodian of the award.


Andrey A. Deribas Mark L.Wilkins EXPLOMET 95

Rolf Prümmer Akira B. Sawaoka


Don ShockeyDon Curran

TMS 2007 Lawrence E. MurrYilong Bai

Previous Award Winners

DYMAT 2009

John E. FieldMarc A. Meyers

DYMAT 2012

Alain Molinari

DYMAT 2015

Carlos AlbertiniRon Armstrong


The DYMAT2018 John Rinehart Award

George T. (Rusty) Gray III

Winner of the DYMAT2018 John Rinehart Award

George T. (Rusty) Gray III is a Laboratory Fellow and staff member in the dynamic properties and constitutive modelling team within the Materials Science Division of Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL). He came to LANL following a three-year visiting scholar position at the Technical University of Hamburg-Harburg in Hamburg (Germany), having received his PhD in Materials Science in 1981 from Carnegie-Mellon University. As a staff member (1985-1987) and later team leader (1987-2003) in the Dynamic

An international jury composed of the DYMAT2018 International Advisory

board Committee and the DYMAT Governing Board members has decided

to attribute the DYMAT2018 John Rinehart Award to MM. George T. Gray III

and Gordon R. Johnson.


John Rinehart Award

Materials Properties and Constitutive Modelling Section within the Structure / Property Relations Group (MST-8) at LANL, he has directed a research team working on investigations of the dynamic response of materials.

He conducts fundamental, applied, and focused programmatic research on materials and structures, in particular in response to high-strain-rate and shock deformation. His research is focused on experimental and modelling structure/property studies of defect generation, substructure evolution, mechanical behaviour, and dynamic damage-spallation of materials.

These constitutive and damage models are utilized in engineering computer codes to support large-scale finite element modelling simulations of structures ranging from national defence (DOE, DoD, DARPA), industry (GM, Ford, Chrysler, and Bettis), foreign object damage, and manufacturing.

He is a Life Member of Clare Hall, University of Cambridge in the UK where he was on sabbatical in the summer of 1998. He co-chaired the Physical Metallurgy Gordon Conference in 2000. He is a Fellow of the American Physical Society (APS), a Fellow of ASM International (ASM), and a Fellow of the Minerals, Metals, and Materials Society (TMS).

He is a member of APS, ASM, TMS, and serves on the International Scientific Advisory Board of the European DYMAT Association. In 2010, he served as the President of the Minerals, Metals, and Materials Society. Starting in 2012, he became the Chair of the Acta Materialia Board of Governors which overseas the publication of the journals Acta Materialia, Scripta Materialia, Acta Biomaterialia, and Materialia. He has authored or co-authored over 440 technical publications.

In 2017, he was elected to the United States National Academy of Engineering (NAE).


Gordon R. Johnson

Winner of the DYMAT2018 John Rinehart Award

Gordon Johnson is a Program Director at Southwest Research Institute (SwRI) in Minneapolis, MN, USA. He began his career at Honeywell and Alliant Techsystems in 1966, moved to Network Computing Services in 2001 where he was involved with the U.S. Army High Performance Computing Research Center at the University of Minnesota, and then joined SwRI in 2007. He received a BS (1964), MSCE (1966) and PhD (1974) in Civil Engineering and Structures from the University of Minnesota.

The DYMAT2018 John Rinehart Award

An international jury composed of the DYMAT2018 International Advisory

board Committee and the DYMAT Governing Board members has decided

to attribute the DYMAT2018 John Rinehart Award to MM. George T. Gray III

and Gordon R. Johnson.


He began development of the EPIC (Elastic-Plastic Impact Computations) code in the 1970s and has been the principal developer of this code since then. EPIC is both a research and production code with applications for high-velocity impact and other intense impulsive loading conditions. During the course of his career he has developed numerical algorithms for finite elements, meshless particles, contact and sliding, and automatic conversion of highly distorted elements into meshless particles (which combines the accuracy of finite elements for small distortions and the robustness of meshless particles for large distortions). He has also developed computational constitutive models for metals (Johnson-Cook), concrete (Holmquist-Johnson-Cook), ceramics (Johnson-Holmquist-Beissel), composites (Johnson-Beissel-Cunniff) and glass (Holmquist-Johnson). Some of these models are widely used in the computational community.

He is an author of numerous research publications in the areas of numerical algorithms, computational material models, and applications involving high-velocity impact. He received the H.W. Sweat Engineer-Scientist Award from Honeywell in 1977, the Distinguished Scientist Award from the Hypervelocity Impact Society in 2007, and was given the title of Ballistics Science Fellow by the International Ballistics Society in 2014. A unique and beneficial aspect of his career has been the long-term (16-33 years) working relationships with a team of co-workers, including Stephen Beissel, Charles Gerlach, Timothy Holmquist and Robert Stryk.

John Rinehart Award


Conference Committee

Prof. Nadia Bahlouli

University of Strasbourg, France

Dr. Eric Buzaud

CEA-Cesta, France

Prof. Ezio Cadoni

SUPSI - University of Applied Sciences of Southern Switzerland, Switzerland

Dr. Antonio Cosculluela

CEA-Cesta, France

Dr. Hervé Couque

Nexter Munitions - Bourges, France

Prof. Pascal Forquin

University of Grenoble Alpes, France

Prof. Francisco Galvez

Universidad Politecnica de Madrid, Spain

Dr. Sandra Guérard

Arts et Métiers ParisTech, France


Prof. Stefan Hiermaier

Fraunhofer Institute for High-Speed Dynamics,

EMI, Germany

Dr. Mikko Hokka

Tampere University of Technology, Finland

Prof. Leopold Kruszka

The Jaroslaw Dabrowski Military University of Technology,


Prof. Magnus Langseth

Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway

Prof. Lorenzo Peroni

Politecnico di Torino, Italy

Prof. Patricia Verleysen

University of Gant, Belgium

Prof. Eric Markiewicz

University of Valenciennes, France

Dr. Stephen M. Walley

University of Cambridge, United Kingdom


International Advisory Committee

Dr. C. Albertini

Former Head of Large Dynamic Testing Facility, European Commission,

Joint Research Centre, Italy

Emeritus Prof. Dr. R. Armstrong

University of Maryland, USA

Prof. Y. L. Bai

Chinese Academy of Sciences, China

Prof. Bragov

Research Institute of Mechanics, State University, Russia

Dr. T. Cloete

University of Cape Town, South Africa

Dr. J. A. Epaarachchi

University of Southern Queensland, Australia

Dr. G.T. Gray III

Los Alamos National Laboratory, USA

Prof. B. Lundberg

Uppsala University, Sweden

Prof. M. A. Meyers

University of California, San Diego, USA

Prof. A. Molinari

University of Lorraine, Metz, France

Prof. D. Rittel

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Israel

Prof. J. Weerheijm

TNO Defence, Security & Safety, The Netherlands


International Advisory Committee Organization Committee

From left to right : Benjamin Croquelois, Louise Le Barbenchon, Simon Dousset, Laure Vacher, Eric Buzaud, Sandra Guérard, Sandra Esteves, Antonio Cosculluela.

Brigitta Soergel Camille Gautier


Conference Venue

Located at Arcachon, the Convention Centre in Arcachon (Palais des

Congrès) has 3000 m² of space dedicated to hosting all your events, from a meeting of 10 people to congress or seminar of 700 people.

Each year, nearly 200 regional, national and international conferences, seminars and events choose to come to Arcachon: an ideal destination to combine business with pleasure.

The auditorium of 500 seats will host all the oral presentations. It is equipped

with essential technical services such as: computers with Windows system, video

projection, sound system, WI FI access.

Convention Centre of Arcachon


Salle des Ambassadeurs: beautifully overlooking the bay of Arcachon, this fully

modular room of 500 m² will host exhibitions, animations, posters, coffee breaks as

well as different food buffets all along the conference.

Espace Deganne: this 450 m2 room located at ground level will host lunches on

Monday, Tuesday and Thursday.


Ground floor

General Guidelines


First Floor



The most important conference areas are indicated on the orientation maps provided in this brochure.The opening of the conference, all oral presentations and the DYMAT General Assembly will take place in the conference room: Auditorium on the 1st floor.Please turn off your mobile phone while being in the conference room.The poster area, the technical exhibition booths and the coffee break area are also located on the 1st floor: Salle des Ambassadeurs.The conference information desk can be found in the reception, on the 1st floor.Lunch will be served at the ground floor Monday, Tuesday and Thursday, and at the 1st floor, Salle des Ambassadeurs, on Wednesday. Desserts and coffee will be served on the 1st floor during all the congress. A packed lunch will be offered at noon on Friday at the exit of the Auditorium.Restrooms are located at the ground and 1st floor.The smoking areas are is at the 1st floor on the balcony and at the ground floor in front of the conference centre.

Conference Badge

Upon check-in, you will receive a personal badge. Please, wear your badge when entering the conference centre and at all times during your stay within the conference centre.For accompanying persons, please don�t forget to bring your badge to the

conference tour and the conference dinner (Wednesday), as well as to the

conference centre.

Information desk

For questions or problems, please contact the information desk. It is open throughout the conference, except on Wednesday afternoon (conference tour).

Conference Staff

For the purpose of better recognition, the conference staff members wear a badge with a red lanyard.


The conference centre offers free wireless internet access : SSID: Palais Des Congres | Password : congres2018

General Guidelines


Oral Presentations

There are 66 scientific oral presentations (see corresponding section in the booklet).We ask all speakers as well as the session chairs & co-chairs to meet the staff member responsible for the oral presentation session in front of the conference room 20 minutes prior to the start of their session.

Poster Presentations

There are 122 scientific poster presentations. All poster presentations run during the entire week (except on Wednesday afternoon).Two poster sessions are scheduled on Monday and Thursday and during the lunch time.Authors are invited to remove their posters Friday 14th September, from 9:00 a.m. to 12.00 noon.

Opening hours of the Conference Centre

Sunday: 14.00-20.30Monday: 7.00-20.00 Tuesday: 7.00-20.00Wednesday: 7.00-14.00 Thursday: 7.00-19.00Friday: 7.00-13.30

Technical Exhibition

The technical exhibition runs during the entire week (except on Wednesday afternoon). You will find more information about the technical exhibitors later in the brochure.

Conference Tour with Dinner

The meeting point for the start of the conference tour with dinner is in front of the Arcachon Casino, behind the conference centre. On Wednesday the conference centre will close the doors for all participants at 15.00.

Conference Dinner

The conference dinner is on Wednesday, at 19.00, and takes place in the “Château Giscours”, Grand Cru Classé 1855, Margaux.Address : Château Giscours, 10 route de Giscours, 33460 Labardewww.chateau-giscours.fr


This short course is opened to DYMAT members, and consists in a series of three keynote lectures of 1 hour each. Sunday, 9 September 2018, 14:30 pm, Auditorium.

Origins of the Hopkinson bar and Taylor impact tests

Stephen Walley, Doctor, Research Associate (Retired), Fracture and Shock Physics

Group, Department of Physics, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom

Course description

Systematic, quantitative, static mechanical testing of materials started in the middle of the 19th century, largely due to the increasing use of iron and steel in critical structures such as bridges. The frequent explosions of steam boilers and the realisation that there was no understanding of the effect on steel rails and bridges due to the passage over them of trains also led to the desire to develop high rate tests. However, due to the lack of instrumentation with sufficient time resolution, it was a long time before such tests were developed.

Short Course

A Short introduction to the Mechanical and Physical Behaviour of Materials under Dynamic Loading


Just before the First World War, Bertram Hopkinson developed a technique that for the first time allowed the analysis of mechanical impulse into force and time. This allowed him to explain qualitatively why steel plates spalled when subjected to explosion or impact. His bar method also led to improvements in fuse trains in explosive shells. But it was not until the Second World War that his invention was used by G.I. Taylor, Enrico Volterra and R.M. Davies to measure the dynamic strengths of soft materials such as explosives and plastics. After the war had ended, Kolsky developed a detonator-loaded version that could be used to measure the dynamic stress-strain curves of metals.During World War 2, G.I. Taylor also analysed the rod-on-anvil technique (developed in France at the beginning of the 20th century) to enable the dynamic compressive strengths of the hard steels used in tank armour to be estimated.The use of the split Hopkinson (or Kolsky) pressure bar to obtain the dynamic properties of materials began to ‘take off' in the 1970s with a few tens of papers a year (now there are around 400 per annum). The technique is used for a wide range of materials, both brittle and ductile.The Taylor impact test is no longer used for its original purpose (Kolsky bars give much more accurate data). But it has experienced a new lease of life in recent years as a severe test of the predictive abilities of constitutive models and numerical methods. Instructor

Stephen M. Walley read Natural Sciences at Corpus Christi College, University of Cambridge 1974-1977, specialising in Physics in his final year. He graduated BA(Hons) in 1977. He then attended Bristol University for one year to do an MSc in the Physics of Materials. He started PhD research in 1978 at the Cavendish Laboratory on impact erosion damage to polyethylene. He graduated PhD from the University of Cambridge in the summer of 1983. Since then he has been involved in a number of projects at the Cavendish Laboratory including ballistic impact on glass/polymer laminates, ignition mechanisms of propellants and polymer-bonded explosives, and high strain rate mechanical properties of polymers, metals and energetic materials. He is minutes secretary of the Governing Board of the DYMAT Association. He is author or co-author of about 100 published journal and conference papers. In retirement, he is writing papers and book chapters of a more historical nature as well as writing up for publication studies performed in recent years by former members of the Fracture and Shock Physics Group.


Dynamic Testing of Ductile Materials

Patricia Verleysen, Professor, MST-DyMaLab Research Group, EEMMECS Department,

Ghent University, Belgium

Course description

This lecture starts with an outline of the basic principles of dynamic testing of ductile materials. To characterise the dynamic behaviour of ductile materials, split Hopkinson bar (SHB) test setups are commonly used. The Hopkinson test technique allows reaching strain rates ranging from 102 s-1 up to 104 s-1. This short course addresses the merits and limits of SHB setups to test ductile materials. Key topics include:

• Sample geometry: a judicious selection of the specimen dimensions and geometry is of paramount importance for the quality of the obtained results. Recommendations on sample geometry will be given.

• Shear testing: since the widely used tension and compression tests exhibit some inherent shortcomings, which are even more pronounced at higher strain rates, specific attention will be devoted to dynamic shear testing of metals.

Short Course


• Identification of damage and fracture properties: in addition to measuring dynamic plasticity properties, Hopkinson tests allow identifying damage and fracture parameters of ductile materials as well. During this course, test techniques to evaluate the effect of the stress state (e.g. triaxiality, Lode angle) on ductile damage and fracture will be introduced.

• Application full field deformation measurement techniques: by their very nature, Hopkinson tests have a very short duration (~ms) and use fairly small specimens (~mm). The use of high speed cameras and full field deformation measurement techniques such as digital image correlation can provide a vault of very valuable information to complement the traditional measurements.


Prof. Patricia Verleysen is head of DyMaLab, the Ghent University (Belgium) laboratory for Dynamic Materials Research. DyMaLab focuses on research into the mechanical behaviour of materials under high strain rate dynamic loading conditions and the microstructural phenomena lying at the origin of the observed behaviour. Research at DyMaLab has a strong experimental component. Test techniques are developed to identify the strain rate dependent constitutive response, including damage and fracture. To this purpose DyMaLab disposes of a wide variety of experimental test facilities, all equipped with state-of-the-art measurement devices. Based on the experimental observations, models are developed to describe the strain rate and temperature dependent mechanical material response.In addition to high speed material test devices, facilities have been designed and built which allow simulating high speed forming processes and dynamic severe plastic deformation at labscale.


Experimental approaches to characterize the

dynamic behaviour of brittle materials

Pascal Forquin, full-professor, Laboratory of Soils, Solids, Structures and Risks,

Grenoble Alpes University, France

Course description

Brittle materials such as ceramics, rocks, glass and concrete, are widely used in many civil and military applications involving dynamic loading, impulse loading, shock or impact: “Explosive compaction of powders”, “blasting of rocks”, “seismological studies”, “ballistic impact against ceramic armour or transparent windshield”, “plastic explosive against concrete structures”... In most of these applications, the brittle material is subjected to intense loading characterized by high or very high strain-rates (hundreds to several tens of thousands 1/s), high pressure (hundreds to thousands of MPa) leading to extreme and specific damage modes such as multiple fragmentation, dynamic cracking, pore collapse, shearing and mode II fracturing or microplasticity mechanisms etc.

Additionally, brittle materials present complex and fascinating features that justify greater efforts to develop research works. Indeed, they are

Short Course


characterized by random failure stresses under static tension or unconfined compression loadings. At low strain-rates they are sensitive to size effects, the larger the sample the lower its mean strength. In addition, the tensile strength of brittle materials, which increases with the strain-rate and the behaviour of brittle materials at high strain-rates, becomes deterministic. Furthermore, brittle materials are strongly sensitive to confining pressure, their behaviour being more and more ductile with the increase of pressure level. This course aims at describing the principle and data processing of popular experimental techniques (Hopkinson pressure bar testing, planar impacts) used to investigate the behaviour of brittle materials at high-loading rates as well as their limitations and drawbacks. A particular attention is devoted to the relationship between microstructural parameters and the dynamic response of brittle materials. Instructor

Pascal Forquin is head of the Risk and Vulnerability Division in the Laboratory of Soils, Solids, Structures and Risks at the Grenoble Alpes University, Grenoble, France. He has extensive experience with dynamic testing of brittle materials (ceramics, rocks, concrete), notably the edge-on impact, the spalling and quasi-oedometric compression techniques on Hopkinson bars as well as with the modelling of fragmentation processes in brittle solids under impact loading. Prof. Forquin is elected member of the DYMAT Governing Board (European association) and is Associate Technical Editor of JDBM (Journal of Dynamic Behaviour of Materials). He organized the 2016-LWAG workshop (Light-Weight Armour for Defence & Security) and the 22nd DYMAT Technical Meeting dedicated to “Experimental testing and modelling of brittle materials at high strain-rates”, both held in Grenoble in October 2016.


On the occasion of DYMAT2018, the Governing Board of the European Association for the Promotion of Research into the Dynamic Behaviour of Materials and its Applications will award one PhD Thesis prize to recognize the excellence of a recent PhD in dynamic behaviour of materials and its applications.

Personal prize:


• The PhD must have been conducted under the supervision of a DYMAT member;

• The candidate must have successfully defended his/her PhD Thesis at the home institution in the period between the September 1st, 2015 – July 31st, 2018;

• The candidate must have at least one first-author manuscript published or accepted for publication in an international journal;

• The winner has to be available to attend the DYMAT2018 conference.

The nomination must include:

• Extended 6 pages abstract in English of the PhD Thesis;• The CV of the applicant, including: - Full citation of a first-author manuscript (published or accepted for publication); - Full list of publications; - List of academic and professional awards, if applicable; - Relevant professional experience, including teaching duties, if applicable;• An electronic copy of the PhD diploma or certificate;• An electronic copy or link to the PhD Thesis document;• An electronic copy of the first-author manuscript.

Call deadline: July 31, 2018 (midnight, Brussels time).

DYMAT PhD Thesis Prize Selection Committee*:

DYMAT Governing Board members (chair: DYMAT President)

* In case an applicant should be applying from the same lab as a member of the DYMAT

PhD Thesis Prize Selection Committee, this member will automatically be excluded from

the final assessment of this candidate.

PhD Thesis Prize


Pyla Dune




Oysters fields in Arcachon Bay


Sunday, September 9th, 2018

Monday, September 10th, 2018

Ice Breaking Cocktail

End of short course






Technical Exhibition Set-Up / Pre Check-in

Short course: A Short introduction to the Mechanical and Physical Behaviour of Materials under Dynamic Loading

Poster Set-Up

John S. Rinehart Keynote ectures (JSR Award Laureates)

John S. Rinehart Award Ceremony (President of DYMAT and DYMAT2018 chairmen)





Coffee Break10.30



Welcome (DYMAT2018 chairmen)

Conference Opening (President of DYMAT)

Experimental Techniques

Modelling and Numerical Simulation

Microstructural effects

Industrial Applications

Color legend

Sunday 9th, Monday 10th, September 2018


Session 1 �Experimental Techniques 1� (S. Walley, E. Cadoni)

Session 2 �Modelling and Numerical Simulation 1� (G.R. Johnson, E. Buzaud)

Strain Rate and Triaxiality E!ects on the Dynamic Ductile Damage of DOMEX 355MC

Lunch Break

T. Cloete South Africa epjst171068

Strain Rate Jump Tests on an Austenitic Stainless Steel with a Modified Tensile Hopkinson Split Bar

N. Vazquez Fernandez

Finland 02026







Towards Standardising SHPB Testing- a Round Robin Exercise

R.A Govender South Africa 02027

Variability of the Effective Strain Rate in SHTB Tests and Related Effects on the Dynamic Stress Amplification

G. Mirone Italy 02024

Image-based High Strain-Rate Testing for the Characterization of Viscoplasticity

P. Bouda France 02032

Shock Tube Testing and Modelling of Annealed Float Glass

On the Tensile Resistance of UHPCat Impact

K. Osnes Norway 01035

Plate Impact Shock Experiments and Numerical Modeling of Lightweight Adobe Masonry Material

C. Sauer Germany 01017

M.R. Khosravani Germany epjst171057







Poster Session

Live Cultural Event



Governing Board Meeting

Scientific Committee Dinner



A Model for the Dynamic Behaviour of Geomaterials applied to Asteroid Impact Problems

K.T. Ramesh USA

Discrete element Modelling of ConcreteStructures under Hard Impact by Ogive-NoseSteel Projectiles

A. Antoniou France epjst171059

DEM/FEM Simulation for Impact Responseof Binary Granular Target and Projectile

S. Takeda Japan epjst171071


Tuesday, September 11th, 2018

Session 3 �Modelling and Numerical Simulation 2� (M. Langseth, T. Holmquist)

Session 4 �Microstructural effects 1� (M. A. Meyers, A. Cosculluela)

Numerical Simulation of Crack Initiation and Growth in PBX High Explosive Subject to Compression

Development of Constitutive Model for DPX2 Explosive

X. Huang China 01019


P. Church UK 01059







Coffee Break 10.00

Material Tests and Mesoscale Computer Model for Ballistic Impact on Carbon Fiber Composite

S. Chocron USA 01048

Experimental and Numerical Analysis of High and Low Velocity Impacts Against Neat and Shear Thickening Fluid (STF) Impregnated Weave Fabrics

D. E. Tria Algeria 01044

Study of the Ballistic Behaviour of UHMWPE Composite Material - Experimental Characterization and Numerical Simulation

H. Abdulhamid France 01051

Analysis of Dynamic Plastic Deformation Process on an Electrolytic Tough - Pitch Copper (Cu-ETP): From Material Characterization to Models Improvement

A Novel Method for Severe Plastic Deformation at High Strain Rate

J. Mespoulet France 03023

Mechanical Properties of High-Density TRIP-steel Honeycomb Structures with Varying Cell Profile Under Different Load Conditions

C. Baumgart Germany 03025

H. Lanjewar Belgium 03008







Lunch Break 12.30

Structure / Property (Constitutive and Dynamic Strength / Damage) Behavior of Additively Manufactured Tantalum

G.T. Gray USA 03002

Investigating the Dynamic Tensile Response of Lean Duplex Stainless Steel and the Effects of Radial Waves Using the Recovered Plate-Impact Experiment

P.J. Hazell Australia 03012

Deformation Mechanisms and Microplasticity of Austenitic TRIP/TWIP Steel Under Flyer Plate Impact

R. Eckner Germany 03007


Session 5 �Experimental Techniques 2� (G.T. Gray III, T. Cloete)

High Strain Rates Testing and ConstitutiveModeling of B500B Reinforcing Steel atElevated Temperatures

Poisson's Ratio Induced Radial Inertia During Dynamic Compression of Hyper-elastic Foams

D. Forni Switzerland epjst171046

B. Sanborn USA 02007






Tensile and Compressive Behaviour of S355Mild Steel in a Wide Range of Strain Rates

L. Kruszka Poland epjst17111316.00


Coffee Break

DYMAT General Assembly and Election of the new Governing Board (members only)


Governing Board Meeting17.50


The Shear Response of Beryllium as a Function of Temperature and Strain Rate

C. Cady USA 02017

The Mechanical Behaviours of the Ti-10V-2Fe-3Al Alloy Under the High-Tem-perature and Dynamic Loading Conditions

M. Wei China 02008

The Mechanical Response of Pre-Shocked Aluminium Single Crystals

J. Millett UK 02010

Pyla Dune at high Tide


Wednesday, September 12th, 2018

Session 6 �Modelling and Numerical Simulation 3� (A. Clausen, S. Guérard)

Modelling of the Behaviour of Metal Foams Under Shock Compression

Coffee Break

N. Jacques France 01041

Numerical Simulations of Laser-Driven Cratering Experiments into Porous Graphite

B. Aubert France 01060







Response of a Polystyrene Foam Subjectedto Large Strains and High Pressures

G.R. Johnson USA epjst171072

Dynamic Compaction of Polyurethane Foam: Experiments and Modelling

P. Pradel France epjst171116

Deformation of EPS Foam Under Combined Compression-Shear Loading: Experimental and Computational Analysis

C. Ling Ireland 01009

Session 7 �Industrial Applications 1� (S. Hiermaier, L. Kruszka)

Dynamic Crack Arrest Capability of Some Metallic Alloys and Polymers


P. Longère France 02002







Lunch Break 12.00

A Highly Effective Energy Mitigation System Combining Carbon Nanotube and Buckyballs

China epjst171058

Additively Manufactured Penetrating Warheads

J. Limido France 04007

Response of UHPCs in Tension Under High Stress Rate

E. Cadoni Switzerland 04003


Conference Dinner at Château Giscours

DYMAT2018 Group Photo





Bus Departure22.30


Bus Departure

Conference Tour (Bordeaux)

Bus Departure

Château Giscours - Grand Cru Classé Margaux since 1855


Session 9 �Modelling and Numerical Simulation 4� (L. Peroni, H. Couque)

Session 8 �Experimental Techniques 3� (C. Siviour, N. Bahlouli)

Large Deformation Behavior of High Strength Steel Under Extreme Loading Conditions: High Temperature and High Strain Rate Experiments and Modeling

Benefits of Using Lode Angle Dependent Fracture Models to Predict Ballistic Limits of Armor Steel

Switzerland 01053

C. Roth Switzerland 01052







Modeling Stress Upturn at High Strain Rates for Ductile Materials

Y. Partom Israel 01002

Characterisation of the Behaviour of Welded Aluminium Structures Under Dynamic Loading

H. Bornstein Australia 01038

Flow Stress of Beryllium: Attempt for a Bayesian Crossed-data Analysis from Hopkinson Bars to Rayleigh-Taylor Instabilities

C. Bolis France 01004

Temperature and Strain Rate Effects on the Mechanical Properties of a Polymer- bonded Explosive

Poster ession including Coffee Break

S.M. Walley UK epjst171060

Experimental Investigation of the Impact Response of Novel Steel-Biocomposite Hybrid Materials

K. R. Ramakrishnan Finland 02040






Lunch Break12.50


Compression, Tension and Shear Testing of Fibrous Composite with the Split Hopkin-son Bar Technique

A. Gilat USA 02006

High Strain-Rate Compressive Properties of Carbon/epoxy Laminated Composites: Effects of Loading Direction and Temperature

K. Nakai Japan 02011

Challenges Related to Testing of Composite Materials at High Strain Rates Using the Split Hopkinson Bar Technique

A. Elmahdy Belgium 02021

Thursday, September 13th, 2018


Session 10 �Experimental Techniques 4� (P. Forquin, F. Galvez)

A Novel Experimental Method to Charac-terise the Shear Strength of Concrete Based on Pre-Stressed Samples. A Comparison with Existing Techniques

An Image-Based Impact Test for the High Strain Rate Tensile Properties of Brittle Materials

P. Forquin France 02049

UK 02042

V. Rey-de-Pedraza Spain 02065

Dynamic Compression and Perforation Tests of PMMA for a Wide Range of Temperatures - Experimental and Numerical Analysis

M. Klosak Morocco 02055






Measurement of Fracture Energy of Concrete at High Strain Rate18.10


Coffee Break

Shockless Spalling Characterization ofCeramics in a 1D-Stress State

B. Erzar France epjst171112

Experimental Technique for Dynamic Fragmentation of Liquid-Driving Expanding Ring

Y. Zheng China 02034

A Fisherman�s Hut on the Banks of the Garonne


Session 12 �Microstructural effects 2� (P. Verleysen, M. Hokka)

Session 11 �Industrial Applications 2� (P.L. Hereil, E. Markiewicz)

Strain Rate Influence on Mechanical Behavior of a Single Wire Entangled Material

Final Announcements

S. Gu rard France 03001

Strain Rate Effect on the Compressive Behaviour of Reinforced Cork Agglomerates

L. Le Barbenchon France 03018







Lunch Break

End of Conference



Shear Localization of FCC High-Entropy Alloys

M. Meyers USA 03028

Effects of Microstructure on the Dynamic Strain Aging of Ferritic-Pearlitic Steels at High Strain Rates

A. Mardoukhi Finland 03009

Effect of Strain Rate on the Hydrogen Embrittlement of a DP Steel

Belgium 03015

Coffee Break

Ti6Al4V-AA1050-AA2519 Explosively Cladded Plates Under Impact Loading

T. Fras France epjst171114






Bird Strike on Aircraft Radome: Dynamic Characterisation of Quartz Fibre Composite Sandwich for Accurate, Predictive Impact Simulations

S. Heimbs Germany 01007

A Rate-Dependent Experimental andNumerical Analysis of Adhesive Joints UnderDifferent Loading Directions

M. Lißner UK epjst171070

Connections Between Steel and Aluminium Using Adhesive Bonding Combined with Self-Piercing Riveting

M. Reil Germany 04010

Friday, September 14th, 2018


ET44 posters

MN48 posters

ME17 posters

IA13 posters















Poster Exhibition



Poster Title Authors Paper Index

Temperature Dependent Crack Initiation of 42CrMo4 Steel at High Loading Rates

S. Henschel, L. Krüger 02001

ET-007Variations in Hardness with Position in One Dimensionally Recovered Shock Loaded Metals

G. Whiteman, D. Higgins, B. Pang,J. Millett, Y.-L. Chiu, I. Jones


ET-008Dynamic Behaviour of an Earthen Material Under Different Impact Loading Conditions

L. Fenu, F. Aymerich, L. Francesconi, D. Forni, N. Tesio, E. Cadoni 02014

ET-009Dynamic Tensile Behavior of Strain-Hardening Cement-Based Composites (SHCC)

I. Curosu, V. Mechtcherine, D. Forni, E. Cadoni


ET-003Development of "Dropkinson" Bar for Intermediate Strain-rate Testing

B. Song, B. Sanborn, J. Heister, R. Everett, T. Martinez, G. Groves, E. Johnson, D. Kenney, M. Knight, M. Spletzer


ET-004Behaviour of UHPFRC in Compression Under High Stress-Rates

E. Cadoni, M. Dotta, D. Forni 02005


Experimental Study of the Mechanical Strength and the Failure of Multi-Sheet Multi-Material Spot-Welded Assemblies Under Pure and Combined Loading Conditions

R. Chtourou, F. Chaari, G. Haugou, N. Leconte, E. Markiewicz, B. Zouari


ET-006High Strain Rate Behaviour of Fiber Reinforced Concrete

M. Popovic, J. Buchar, M. Drdlova 02012

ET-012Experimental Characterization of Dynamic Deformation Behavior for SCM440 Steel at High Strain Rates

K. Lee, Y. Lee, S. Woo, C. Lee, L. Park 02019

ET-013Rate-Dependent Ductile Fracture Under Plane Strain Tension: Experiments & Simulations

V. Grolleau, V. Lafile, C. Roth, B. Galpin, L. Maheo, D. Mohr 02022

ET-014High Rate Loading of Hybrid Joints in a Split Hopkinson Tension Bar

N. Ledford, H. Paul, M. Isakov, S. Hiermaier 02023

ET-016Dynamic Behaviour of Al-Mg Aluminum Alloy at a Wide Range of Strain Rates

T. Kami, H. Yamada, N. Ogasawara 02028

ET-015Comparison of Stress-induced Martensitic Transformation Under Tension and Compression in Fe-28Mn-6Si-Cr Shape Memory Alloy

B. Cao, T. Iwamoto 02025

ET-010High Strain Rate Compaction of Porous Materials - Experiments and Modelling

M. Cotton, J. Maw 02016


Ultrasonic Detection of Spall Damage Distribution Subjected to Plate Impact Test with Different Thickness

N. Nishimura, T. Ito, T. Watanabe 02029

ET-018 Nonlinear Spatial Localized Strain WavesV. I. Erofeev, S. I. Gerasimov, A. O. Malkhanov 02030


Dynamic Compressive Behaviour of Closed-Cell Foam Materials Using Load-Measuring Apparatus with Opposite Load-Cells

H. Yamada, K. Tateyama, N. Ogasawara, K. WatanabeD. Kenney, M. Knight, M. Spletzer


ET-020Hypervelocity Impact Phenomena of LPSO-magnesium Alloys

M. Nishida, F. Kodama, K. Hayashi, Y. Akahoshi, K. Hokamoto, Y. Kawamura


ET-021Dynamic Properties of Stainless Steel Under Direct Tension Loading Using a Simple Gas Gun

A. Bragov, A. Konstantinov, L. Kruszka, A. Lomunov, A. Filippov



Poster Title Authors Paper Index

ET-023Numerical Analysis of a Testing Technique to Investigate the Dynamic Crack Propagation in Armour Ceramic

Y. Duplan, P. Forquin,B. Lukic, D. Saletti 02039


Combined Tension-Shear Testing of Fibre Composites at High Strain Rates Using an Image-Based Impact Test

L. Fletcher, J. Van-Blitterswyk,F. Pierron



Experimental Study of the Dynamic Behaviour of High Performance Concrete (HPC) Under Tensile Loading

B. Lukic, D. Saletti, P. Forquin 02043

ET-022Dynamic Tension of Aluminum Alloy AMg-6 at a Facility of Split Hopkinson Bar

V. Pushkov, A. Yurlov, V. Leonov, A. Tsibikov, T. Naydanova



ET-028Characterisation of the High Strain-Rate Behaviour of Tubular Materials

Dynamic Fracture of a Dual Phase Automotive Steel

C. Caisso, N. Jacques, A. El MalkiAlaoui, H. Fresnel, Y. Demmouche 02046

ET-029S. Chandran, P. Verleysen, J. Lian,W. Liu, S. Münstermann


ET-026Effect of Strain Rate on Compressive Behaviour of Silicone Rubber

K. Tateyama, H. Yamada, N. Ogasawara


ET-030 Dynamic Properties of Reactor Steels Kh16N15M3T1 and Kh13V2 Under Shock-Wave Loading of Submicrosecond Scale

S. Mokrushin, A. Mayorova,S. Malyugina, A. Pavlenko,V. Sagaradze, N. Katayeva,E. Volkova


ET-036Experiment and Finite Element Analysis of U-profile Subjected to the Dynamic Loading

M. Rund, M. Mašek,02056

ET-037Characterizations of Dynamic Material Properties on Compact Pulsed Power Generator CQ-4

G. Wang, B. Luo, X. Zhang,J. Cai, T. Chong, J. Zhao, X. Chen,F. Tan, C. Sun, C. Liu, G. Wu


ET-038Research on Phase Transition and Strength Under Ramp Compression with Graded Density Impactor Y. Tan, X. Li, Y. Yu, K. Jin 02058

ET-039Experimental Study on Counterintuitive Behavior of Thin Aluminium Plates Under Free Airblast Loading Z. Xu, Y. Liu, F. Huang 02059

ET-031A Testing Technique to Investigate the Tensile Behavior of Propellant Representative Material

T. Viant, P. Forquin, D. Saletti,D. Imbault, P. Brunet,J. Moriceau, G. Poirey


ET-032Inertial Impact Tests to Identify the PlasticProperties of Metals

F. Davis, L. Fletcher, F. Pierron 02051


A Wedge-DCB Test Methodology to Characterise High Rate Mode-I Interlaminar Fracture Properties of Fibre Composites

S. A Ponnusami, H. Cui,B. Erice, M. Pathan, N. Petrinic



Experimental Characterisation of Rate-Dependent Compression Behaviour of Fibre Reinforced Composites

M. Pathan, B. Erice,S. A Ponnusami, N. Petrinic


ET-035 Nickel- Titanium Pseudo-Elastic Behavior UnderEqui-Biaxial Dynamic Loading Condition

P. Quillery, B. Durand,O. Hubert, H. Zhao



Poster Title Authors Paper Index

ET-040 High Rate Characterization of Three DP980 Steels

A. Zhumagulov , A. Abedini, T. Rahmaan, J. Imbert, C. Butcher, M. Worswick, S. Malcolm, J. Dykeman, H. Ezzat


ET-041Dynamic Characterization of Tungsten Carbide Behaviour at Very High Strain-Rates

B. Erzar, J.L. Zinszner 02061

ET-042 J. Hu, S. Yin, J. Xu 02062

ET-044A Constant Acoustic Impedance Mount for Sheet-Type Specimens in the Tensile Split-Hopkinson Bar

G. C. Ganzenmueller, T. Langhof, S. Hiermaier


ET-045Low Energy Shock Response of a Melt Cast Simulant Material

D. Drouet, P. Bailly, J. Pavier, N. Eches, J.-L. Hanus


ET-046 Y. Fu, X. YU, X. Dong, F. Zhou 02038


Experimental Methodology for the Measurement of Plasticity on Metals at High Strain-Rates

A. Sancho, M. Cox, G. Aldrich-Smith, T. Cartwright, C. Davies, P. Hooper, J. Dear


Compression Behavior and Energy Absorption Capacity of Woven Flax-Epoxy Composite Under Various Stain Rates

Experimental Investigation of Low Velocity Impact Response of Reinforced Concrete Beams Without Stirrups



Poster Title Authors Paper Index

Comparative Quasi-Static Mechanical Characterization of Fresh and Stored Porcine Trachea Specimens

B.J. Butler, A. Williams, A.W. Tucker, W.G. Proud, K.A. Brown

IA-007Fiber Reinforced Mortars Based on FreePortland-CSA Binders Under High Stress Rate

L. Coppola, D. Coffetti, E. Crotti,D. Forni, E. Cadoni


IA-008Experimental Characterization of B500A and RB500W Building Steels in Tension and in Compression L. Kruszka, J. Janiszewski 04004

IA-009Blast Resistance of Hybrid Fibre Reinforced Concrete Containing Polyvinyl Alcohol, Polypropylene and Steel Fibres with Various Shape Parameters

M. Drdlová, M. Popovič,O. Koutný



Study on the Dynamic Properties of AM-SLM AlSi10Mg Alloy Using the Split Hopkinson Pressure Bar (SHPB) Technique

B. Nurel, M. Nahmany, A. Stern,N. Frage, O. Sadot 04005

IA-003Impact Tensile Properties of Notched TitaniumAlloy Bolt for Fairing Separation of Launch Vehicle

H. Shimanuki, H. Yamada, T. Kami,Y. Yamasaki, H. Ikaida, T. Kamita,H. Amakawa, M. Nishimoto,H. Kobayashi


IA-004Temperature and Strain Rate Dependent Mechani-cal Response of METCO 601 Aluminium-Polyester Abradable Seal Coating

A. Pellegrino, M. Jesus Perez-Martin, K. Dragnevski,G. Zumpano, N. Petrinic


IA-005Mechanical Properties and Strain Rate Sensitivity of 3D Laser-Deposited Ti-6Al-4V Alloy

S. Woo, Y. Lee, L. Park 04002

IA-006 Model of Segmentation of Rocket Fairings Due tothe Action of a Cumulative Charge

M. Chernobryvko, K. Avramov,B. Uspensky, A. Tonkonogenko, L. Kruszka



V. Dorleans, F. Lauro, R. Delille,S. Treutenaere, D. Notta-Cuvier,B. Bennani, G. Haugou, B.Bourel, E. Michau, J.-D. Thoby


IA-012The Performance of Armour Steels with Pre-Layers Against Fragment Simulating Projectiles

R. Van der Wal, E. Carton,F. Hilvers


IA-013Energy Absorption Due to Oblique Impact Crushing of Thin-Walled Tubes

T. Umeda, K. Mimura 04001

IA-010High-Speed Impact Experiment for Evaluation of Magnetorheological Fluid's Shock-Absorption Performance

Y. Mitani, T. Yano, T. Hagi, K. Watanabe, K. Fukudome



Time Temperature Equivalence for a Mineral Filled Polymer for Automotive Applications

Bordeaux - Pont de Pierre



Poster Title Authors Paper Index

Experimental Analysis and Modelling of the Strain-Rate Sensitivity of Sheet Niobium

L. Peroni, M. Scapin 01014

MN-007Strain Rate Effects Associated with the HJC Modelfor Concrete

G. R. Johnson, T. Holmquist, C. Gerlach


MN-008High Strain Rate and High Temperature Response of Two Armour Steels. Experimental Testing and Constitutive Modelling

B. McDonald, H. Bornstein,A. Ameri, J. P. Escobedo-Diaz,A. Orifici



Assessing Through-Thickness Damage Propagation Impact Tests on Layered Composite Beams - Experimental Work and Numerical Simulation

I. Vidal Perez, R. Eriksen,C. Berggreen, J. Kepler


MN-002Strength Model Evaluation Based on Experimental Measurements of Necking Profile in Ductile Metals

L. Peroni, M. Scapin 01015

MN-003Laser-induced Cratering of a 3DCC Material at Mesoscale: Experiments and Simulations

V. Jaulin, D. Hébert, B. Aubert,J.-L. Rullier, F. Malaise, E. Lescoute



MN-005Evolution of Penetration Mechanism Induced by Strain Rate Effect

G. Li, C. Song, M. Wang 01063

MN-006Analysis of the Localization Process Leading to Fragmentation of Dynamically Expanded Rings S. El Maï, S. Mercier, A. Molinari 01064

MN-011Analysis of Fracture Behavior of Exploded MetalCylinders with Varied Charge X. Dong, X. YU, P. Shunji 01036


Shock Wave Speed and Stress-Strain Relation of Aluminum Honeycombs Under Dynamic Compression

P. Wang, J. Zhang, H. Huang,Z. Zheng, J. Yu


MN-013Investigation of the Behavior of Functionally Graded Materials Under Impact Loads

M. Orlov, Y. Orlov, V. Glazyrin,Y. Orlova


MN-014Blast Loading of Concrete Pipes Using Spherical Centrically Placed C-4 Charges

M. Kristoffersen, K. Hauge,G. Valsamos, T. Børvik


MN-016Microspalling Process of an Explosively-Driven Metal Tin: Experiments and Numerical Simulations

Q. Li, P. Wang, G. Ren, W. Liu, Y. Chen


MN-015 Tensile Properties of AM Maraging SteelP. Church, M. Reynolds, P. Gould,R. Oakley, N. Harrison, N. Taylor,C. Braithwaite, D. Williamson,



Numerical Analysis and Experiment for Stress Wave Propagation in Two Connected Cylindrical Bodies with Different Cross-Sectional Area and Same Mechanical Impedance

H. Kobayashi, Y. Seo, K. Ogawa,K. Horikawa, K. Tanigaki


MN-017Mechanical Behaviour of Graphdiyne Film Experimental and Molecular Dynamics Simulation

K. Xiao, X. Wu, Q. Yin, C. Huang 01011

MN-019Laser-driven Shock Experiments to InvestigateMitigation Ability of Polymeric Foams

P. Pradel, F. Malaise,T. De Resseguier


MN-010Kinetics of Formation and 'Extinction' of Metastable Phases at Ultra-High Rate Deformations of Materials: Atomistic Simulation

A. V Karavaev, V. Dremov, F. Sapozhnikov, G. Ionov


MN-020Modeling of a Dynamic Thermal Load Generated by a 7 TeV Proton Beam Impacting the Beam Dump of the Large Hadron Collider at CERN

T. Polzin, A. Perillo-Marcone,L. Bianchi, M. Calviani, M. Frankl,M. Guinchard, A. Lechner


MN-021 Impact Perforation of Aluminum Cymat Foam I. Elnasri, H. Zhao 01003

MN-022Dynamic Failure of Viscoplastic Structures Under ASB and Micro-Voiding

H. Lois-Dorothy, P. Longère 01005

MN-023Improving Data Interpretation from SHTB Tests onDuctile Metals

A. Lindenfeld, Y. Partom 01006

MN-024Constitutive Modeling of High-Strength Steel Designed for Ballistic Protection

P. Zochowski, M. Zielenkiewicz 01012


Poster Title Authors Paper Index

MN-026Dynamic Resistance of Multi-Layered Protective Elements Under Impact Loads

L. Kruszka, Y. Vorobiev, N. Ovcharova


MN-027An Improvement of the Lagrangian Analysis Method Based on Particle Velocity Profiles Y. Ding 01023

MN-028Creation of Database for Strength Calculation of Constructions

A. Bragov, S. Isaev, S. Kapustin,A. Konstantinov, A. Lomunov



Three-dimensional Constitutive Model for the Description of Semicrystalline Polymers over a Large Range of Temperatures and Strain Rates Application to Ultra High Molecular Weight PolyEthylene

C. Anna Bernard, T. Deplancke,O. Lame, K. Ogawa,J.-Y. Cavaillé


MN-030Study of Wave Propagation in Poroviscoelastic Halfspace Under Normal Harmonic Load via BEM

A. Ipatov, S. Litvinchuk 01029

MN-031An Accurate SPH Scheme for Dynamic Fragmenta-tion Modelling

A. Collé, J. Limido, J. Vila 01030

MN-032Hyperelastic Modelling of Yarn Structures for Dynamic Applications

P. del Sorbo, J. Girardot, F. Dau,I. Iordanoff


MN-033Aluminium Plates with Pre-Formed Slits Subjectedto Blast Loading

H. Granum, V. Aune, T. Børvik,O. Hopperstad


MN-035Thermo-elastic-plastic Model for Numerical Simulation of Fasteners Destruction Under Gasodynamic Impulsive Pressure

M. Chernobryvko, K. Avramov,B. Uspensky, A. Tonkonogenko, L. Kruszka


MN-034Calibration of Johnson's Damage Model byBayesian Approach

G. Perrin, L. Pillon 01037

MN-036 Prediction Procedure for Hail Impact S. Dousset, J. Girardot, F. Dau,A. Gakwaya


MN-029Atomistic Simulation of Plasticity and ColdMelting of Beryllium Under Shock Compression

V. Dremov, A. Rykounov,F. Sapozhnikov, , A. V. Karavaev,G. Ionov


MN-037A Mesoscopic Model for Compression of Granular Materials

E. Rejovitzky 01054


Numerical Simulation on the Specimen Dynamic Plastic Deformation Behavior in the Torsional Split Hopkinson Bar Test

G. Chen, X. Huang, J. Chen,W. Zhong


MN-044Boundary Element Modeling of Dynamic Bending of a Circular Piezoelectric Plate

L. Igumnov, I. Markov,A. Konstantinov


MN-045Modelling and Characterisation of the High-Rate Behaviour of Rock Material

S. Larsson, M. Nishida,S. Kurano, T. Moroe,G. Gustafsson, H. Häggblad,P. Jonsén


MN-038Mechanical Behaviour Modelling Under Dynamic Condi-tions Application to Structural and High Strength Steels

P. Simon, Y. Demarty,A. Rusinek


MN-039Energy Absorbing Properties of a Steel Profile Made of Dual Phase Steel

W. Moćko, A. Brodecki 01062


Experimental and Numerical Studies on the Dynamic Behaviors of Concrete Material Based on the Waveform Features in SHPB Test

X. Chen, T. Lv, G. Chen 01001


MN-047Structural Response and Stochastic Impact Modeling

R. Troian, M. Dallali,D. Lemosse, L. Khalij


MN-048Design and Optimization of Dynamic Test Samples for Ductile Damage Assessment

M. Sasso, E. Mancini,L. Cortese, F. Nalli


MN-049Hydrocode Studies of High Explosive Double Shock Dynamics

A.L. Bauer -

MN-046 Development of Boundary-Element Time-StepScheme in Solving 3D Poroelastodynamics Problems

I. Vorobtsov, A. Belov, A. Petrov 01042



Poster Title Authors Paper Index

The Mechanical Response of UFG and Nanostruc-tured Microalloyed Steels Subjected to Dynamic Loading Conditions

E. Cerreta 03019

ME-007Study of Flow Stress and Spall Strength of Additively Manufactured Ti-6-4 Alloy 03003


Comparison of Dynamic Tensile Extrusion Behaviour of WCu Composites Made by Different Process


ME-009 Static and Dynamic Behavior of ECAPed Copper Alloy


ME-002In-situ Experiments to Capture the Evolution of Microstructure During Phase Transformation of Titanium Under Dynamic Loading


ME-003Investigation of Spalling Damage in Ultra-High Performance Concrete Through X-ray Computed Tomography



Spall Fracture Nucleation and Evolution in Α-Ε

and Damage RecoveryD. Belyaev


ME-005Bonded Solids


ME-006Microstructure Based Failure Criterion for Ductile Materials



Dynamic Deformation Evolution of the Adiabatic Shear Bands in Zirconium Alloy Impacted by Split


ME-012Glasses Under Plate-Impact Loading 03013

ME-013Modeling Dynamic Deformation and Failure of Thin-Walled Structures Under Explosive Loading 03016

ME-014Static and Dynamic Response of Ultra Fast Annealed Advanced High Strength Steels 03017

ME-016Elastic Behavior of Zirconia Under Ramp Compression


ME-015Stress and Strain Rate Effects on Incipient Spall in Tantalum 03021

ME-018Structure of U-Zr-Mo Alloy Shell After Explosive Loading

C. Levi03025

ME-010Dynamic Deformation Behaviour and Dislocation Substructure of AZ80 Magnesium Alloy over a Wide Range of Temperatures



Arcachon Bay - Village de l�Herbe

Sponsors and Exhibitors


Thiot Ingenierie, created in 1988 by Patrick Thiot, has developed unique expertise in the development, design and manufacture of laboratory launchers. For the last thirty years, these high-tech devices have been used in the world's most prestigious research centers and laboratories. Our scientific and technological expertise in high-pressure equipment and shock physics has enabled us to expand the scope of our activity. Our product range now includes: single-stage gas guns, two-stage light-gas guns, firing-range chambers, detonation chambers, explosion-containment chambers, Split-Hopkinson bars for compression or direct-tensile tests.In 2008, Thiot Ingenierie decided to offer its services directly to its clients by opening its own shock physics laboratory with also numerical simulation and R&D center.

The company now boasts numerous test facilities - equipped with the most advanced metrology tools available - to carry out tests, primarily for the requirements of the defence, aerospace, aeronautics and research sectors. These tests serve to observe, study and analyse the behavior of materials subjected to different levels of velocity impacts: from a few m/s for crash phenomena up to 10 km/s for space debris collision. The tests conducted in our laboratory allow us to observe impact phenomena by the nanosecond and measure movements in the order of a micrometer. This is all made possible due to our state-of-the-art instrumentation, which allows us to study materials down to their very core during the short duration of an impact.

At Thiot Ingenierie, we know that it is essential to combine laboratory testing with numerical simulation, both to gain a good understanding of how materials behave when subjected to shocks and to obtain reliable and realistic numerical simulation results. How does ceramic armor behave when hit by a bullet? What should the security perimeter be for demilitarization operations? How well can an armored door stand up to an explosion? Numerical simulation of fast phenomena - impact, blast, and crash phenomena - makes it possible to appropriately determine material behavior laws without the need for long test campaigns, assess the vulnerability of materials and structures, and extrapolate the results of laboratory tests to full-scale phenomena. We put our expertise in shock physics and numerical simulation at the service of a great number of manufacturers, scientific organizations and collaborative research programs.Our strength lies in the ability of our experts to combine dynamic laboratory tests and numerical simulation to provide you with global, exhaustive and practical expertise. We provide a comprehensive service to cover your shock-physics requirements. Today, more than 30 collaborators combine physical laboratory tests with expertise in numerical simulation to help you gain a better understanding of your materials and optimize your products.



ArianeGroup develops and supplies innovative and competitive solutions for civil and military space launchers, with expertise in all aspects of state-of-the-art propulsion technologies.

ArianeGroup is lead contractor for Europe's Ariane 5 and Ariane 6 launcher families, responsible for both design and the entire production chain, up to and including marketing by its Arianespace subsidiary, as well as for the missiles of the French oceanic deterrent force. ArianeGroup and its subsidiaries enjoy a global reputation as specialists in the field of equipment and propulsion for space applications, while their expertise also benefits other industrial sectors.

The group is a joint venture equally owned by Airbus and Safran, and employs more than 9000 people, highly qualified staff in France and Germany. Its 2017 sales are €3.4 billion.



Specialised Imaging is an internationally renowned company that focuses on the design and manufacture of ultra-high-speed imaging cameras for industrial, scientific and defence research applications.The company was formed in 2003, its founder members having previously worked together in the high-speed imaging field and bringing over 80 years' combined experience to the venture.Specialised Imaging has successfully launched many new and innovative ultra-high-speed imaging systems.The company is at the forefront of world-wide innovation in the high-speed imaging field, having won the BEEA's Small Company of the Year award in 2009, and the Queen's Award for Enterprise (innovation) in 2011 and 2016. This commitment to development has enabled the company to establish a reputation as an exciting and creative player in the high-speed camera market.Specialised Imaging has a strong track record in working with clients to design and develop new functions and facilities that fulfil their requirements.This level of commitment and support continues throughout the life of the product – on-going advice, problem-solving and the design and reconfiguration of software are all part of our after-sales service.

Product HighlightsSIM Framing Cameras – 1 billon frames per second and beyondThis Ultra-Fast Framing Camera offers the ultimate in ultra-high-speed imaging performance to scientists and engineers across all disciplines. The custom optical design offers up to 32 images without compromising shading, or parallax. High resolution intensified CCD sensors controlled by state-of-the art electronics provide almost infinite control over gain and exposure to allow researchers the flexibility to capture even the most difficult phenomena.Full remote control using Ethernet is offered as standard. Comprehensive triggering facilities, highly accurate timing control, and a wide range of output signals, coupled with a custom software package that includes full measurement capability and image enhancement functions simplifies image capture.SIM cameras can be configured to give up to 32 different multi-spectral images with a range of filters on each channel. Kirana Ultra High Speed Video Camera – 5 million frames per secondThe Ultimate high-speed video camera that combines the flexibility of video technology with the resolution of the ultra-high speed framing camera. The unique hybrid sensor design enables this camera to combine a resolution of 924x768 resolution at all speeds up to 5 million frames per second with storage up to 180 images.

This image intensifier system is used to enhance the sensitivity of either high speed video or image converter cameras. Extensive triggering facilities allow the SIL to be readily interfaced to most manufacturer's high-speed cameras, and in particular to high-speed video systems. Constructed around high gain micro-channel-plate image intensifiers, these units provide a wide range of sensitivity, spectral response, gain and resolution options to satisfy even the most demanding imaging applications.



DYNAmore France is part of the DYNAmore Group, the historical distributor of the LS-DYNA software in Europe. DYNAmore is also present in Germany, Sweden, Switzerland and Italy, and covers all of Europe (with the exception of the United Kingdom).LS-DYNA is originally an explicit finite element calculation software. It is intended to simulate physical phenomena in the field of rapid dynamics such as shocks, impacts, crashes of means of transport, falling objects, explosions, ... LS-DYNA is, today, a computer software for multi-physics analysis and has a set of solvers (implicit and explicit mechanical solvers, thermal solver, compressible and incompressible fluid solvers, electromagnetic solver). All these solvers can be coupled to each other, offering the possibility to cover many industrial applications. LS-DYNA is used in all industrial sectors: automotive, aeronautics / space, defense / security, energy / nuclear, naval, civil engineering, electronics, medical, sports,...

The products distributed by DYNAmore are:LS-DYNA - LS-PrePost: LS-DYNA Usage Environment - LS-OPT: Parametric Optimization Tool - LS-TaSC: Topological Optimization Tool - Eta / DYNAFORM: Stamping simulation software (solver LS-DYNA) - FEMZIP: Data compression tool (interfaced with LS-DYNA) - DIGIMAT: Multi-scale characterization tool (interfaced with LS-DYNA) - Models of HUMANETICS, FAT / PDB, LSTC mannequins - Human model THUMS - Impact and barrier models ARUP, DAIMLER / PORSCHE, LSTC - Simulation Data Management Tools (SDM).

DYNAmore offers to its customers all the services associated with these products:Installation / Integration - Technical Support (phone or email) - Training (initiation, advanced, theoretical, job, specific,...) - Support / Expertise - Benchmarking - Pilot projects - Software development - Model development (materials, biomechanics) - Development of methodologies - Process / system integration - Customization (specific modules, user interfaces).

DYNAmore employs more than 120 engineers including over 30 digital simulation experts with 10 to 25 years experience in LS-DYNA software.DYNAmore is LSTC's first partner and actively participates in the development of new features in LS-DYNA, LS-PrePost and LS-OPT.

DYNAmore has a strong R & D activity and participates in numerous national, European and international research projects in partnership with its industrial and academic clients.The DYNAmore customer base includes more than 450 industrial companies and 150 universities or research centers. DYNAmore supports more than 100,000 LS-DYNA computing cores with its customers.Further information on DYNAmore, its products and activities can be obtained from the website.



AMOtronics develops and manufactures modular measurement and control systems with strong focus on precision, synchronization, reliability and safety. Main products and services are High-Speed Transient Recorders and customized Test Control Systems including synchronized optical transmission of measurement and control signals.AMOtronics' test and control solutions are designed to fulfill demanding requirements. Material testing involves the examination of complex physical processes and phenomena and usually requires high sampling rates, accuracy and channel count. Even higher demands are being placed on the test equipment in case of high electric power or long distances which need to be bridged. In such applications, the solutions from AMOtronics can exploit their full potential.The SATURN Transient Recorders by AMOtronics allow precise high-speed measurements. They are based on a modular expandable hardware platform and can be equipped with different input modules (200kS/s … 2GS/s) as well as analog outputs, digital I/O, PID controllers, incremental encoders etc. If needed, fiber-optic-coupled measurement probes enable safe measurements at nearly any voltage level and allow bridging of long distances (e.g. for large test facilities or for highly synchronized distributed measurements in the field).The SATURN Sequencer (also called “Timer” or “Trigger Generator”) is a programmable digital control unit which allows real-time control of test facilities (switches, relays, valves etc.) in a safe, flexible and accurate way (10ns step width, <50ns reaction on external events). Again, the inputs and outputs can be provided as electrical or fiber-optic signals as needed. The Sequencer can be used as a stand-alone device or integrated into a SATURN Transient Recorder System. The systems are controlled via the versatile SATURN Studio II Software. It allows a comfortable interactive system configuration, data acquisition and control as well as data analysis and report generation. It requires no programming by the users (operators). However, the software is highly customizable. The Professional Edition of the software allows users to program their own macros and dialogs in order to create custom user interfaces and functions for time- and cost-saving test control, data analysis and reporting. The software also offers flexible interfaces for remote control of external devices, data import and export. If needed the software can be remotely controlled which allows an easy integration into existing software solutions.

Example applications:Material research - Crash tests - Impact testing (multi-stage Gas Guns / Hail Guns) - Ballistic and pyrotechnic tests - Explosion chamber and field tests - Hyper velocity tests (Electromagnetic Launchers (EML) / Rail Guns) - Hypersonic wind channel test - Pulsed power & high energy testsTurbo machine tests - Propulsion system & rocket engine tests - Satellite testing




Impetus Afea Solver is a system for non-linear explicit finite element simulations. The tool is specialized in large-deformation analysis of structures, which often occurs for extreme loading conditions. The basis of the software is a unique higher-order finite element technology for modelling of solid materials.

High explosives, air, water and sand are modelled by particle-based methods. The software has constitutive models to cover most classes of solid materials and their large-deformation transient behavior.

There is also a library of pre-calibrated solid materials and explosives. The software is delivered as a complete tool for model set-up, job handling and post processing of results. It has an interface to read common mesh formats for the exchange of geometry.

GPU hardware technology from NVIDIA is used for high-computational speed. Our main market is the defense and security industry. Typical processes here are blast loading and terminal ballistics.


The electro-optical Extensometer 200XR contactlessly measures the motion of two black-and-white edges (targets) on a sample. The analog output signal is proportional to the strain. The frequency range of Model 200XR amounts to 0 – 250 kHz. The integrated viewer and the two liquid crystal displays simplify the performance of the adjustments required for the setup of the instrument; the viewer also allows observing the black-and-white edges on the sample while measuring takes place. Lens units with different measuring ranges of 1 mm - 500 mm can be mounted to Model 200XR by means of a flange. The calibration of the lens units results in an output voltage Δl of ±10V for the range of strain.

There is the option of delivering the 200XR with a switch to toggle between the two measuring axes; this allows using the instrument also as Biaxial Extensometer 200XR in order to measure strain in either vertical or horizontal direction.

The standard gauge length lo is 75 mm. A continuously adjustable gauge length of 1 mm upto 125 mm can be established by gauge length adapters mounted to the lens units.

Electro-optical Extensometer 200XR

for very high velocity strain analysis




DynaS+ is a technical engineering firm specialized in numerical modelling, which provides its customers (defense, aeronautics, space, automotive...) digital solutions to support and optimize the studies and development of their products. DynaS+ core business relies on fast dynamic phenomenon modelling and analysis, using the LS-DYNA software. Known worldwide for its use in dynamic applications, LS-DYNA gathers multiple capabilities organized around mechanical solvers so as to make feasible modelling of multi-physical phenomena (coupling with thermal, electromagnetism, CFD solvers…). Based on its long-standing experience of the software (more than 20 years) and its close relationship with LS-DYNA developers (LSTC), DynaS+ is at the cutting edge of crash and impact numerical studies. As part of its LS-DYNA distributing activities (in France, Belgium, Spain, Portugal and Africa), DynaS+ also provides its customers the associated trainings and the technical support so as to enhance their knowledge and help them make the best of the software use for their specific applications.

Beyond its LS-DYNA solvers expertise, DynaS+ has created strategic partnerships with others major editors in order to get a more global and simplified approach of the complete simulation process. This includes extensive parametrisation, geometrical and topological optimisation, CAD-CAE integration (synchronous technology), sensitivity studies, parameters identification and automatic experimental results fitting. In that scope, DynaS+ has developed tailored skills in the use of DEP MeshWorks software and SIEMENS Simcenter 3D suite (both being distributed by DynaS+).

DynaS+ then masters a set of complementary technologies to ensure a wide range of services. To reduce the number and costs of actual testing and product design times, using Finite Elements, meshless, mu lti-physics, explicit and implicit methods is DynaS+ challenge. DynaS+ also firmly focusses on technology innovation and participate to several research projects (positioned as project leader). Among them, PARAFLU a French ministry of defence funded project aiming at modelling a complete airdrop sequence with parachute deployment (fluid structure coupling) or ATHIS a European FEDER funded through the Occitanie region project aiming at enhancing satellites structure to better protect them from debris impact (HVI study) and develop new testing capabilities experimentally and numerically for velocities up to 12km/s. Besides enabling DynaS+ to be active and at the heart of innovation, its involvement in these projects sustains a strong relationship with the main industries among which the French Defence players.


An international Campus of ExcellenceThe University of Bordeaux has been awarded the Initiative of Excellence label, recognizing and supporting its innovative research, training and knowledge transfer programs.• 56,000 students (12% international).• Nearly 700 partner universities based in over 80 countries.• Dedicated exchange programs with more than 60 countries worldwide.• Strategic partners in 3 continents of the world: Africa, Asia, North America and one Euro-

regional campus, Bordeaux-Euskampus.The University of Bordeaux has steadily improved its position within the Shanghai general ranking, and now features within the top 200 universities in the world.

Education, a multidisciplinary offer • 245 Master programs, 125 Bachelor (incl. vocational) programs.• Unique fields of expertise, e.g. our national diploma in wine science.A multitude of international study possibilities: nearly 60 international study programs at every level (Bachelor, Master, PhD) with over 30 double degrees, 28 Master programs taught 100% in English, 18 EU-labeled programs of excellence, 2,000 students each year with credit mobility (incoming/outgoing), over 6,800 international students (> 150 different nationalities), leading university in France for the Erasmus Mundus Program.

Research, our driving force• 9 Clusters of Excellence: neuroscience, medical imaging, environment/climate, advanced

materials, archeology, lasers/optics, digital certification, health and society, cardiology.• 5 Laboratories of Excellence: leading research units with government funding to improve

scientific influence, international visibility and position.• 7 equipments of Excellence: high-level scientific equipment, conforming to international

standards.• A University Hospital Institute in the field of cardiology.• 8 doctoral schools, 70 research laboratories, 2,000 PhD students.• Strong partnerships with national research institutes (CNRS, Inserm, INRA, INRIA, CEA,


A hub of international, cutting edge research• 20 international joint research laboratories, 2 cross-border joint laboratories, as well as an

international joint research unit.• Over 150 EU collaborative projects (H2020, FP7 & Interreg).• 43 projects awarded a European Research Council (ERC) grant (Bordeaux campus site).• 260 joint PhD agreements.



Created in 2009, Bordeaux INP groups together 5 internal schools and 3 partner schools. These 8 public engineering graduate schools, members of the Bordeaux INP Nouvelle-Aquitaine Group, count 3,400 students and offer 19 engineering specialisations including 5 through apprenticeship programmes.

Its development strategy is based on enhancing the synergy between its three missions of Training, Research and Technology Transfer. Bordeaux INP offers high-level initial, continuing or work-study programmes which are constantly evolving to best meet business's needs.

Bordeaux INP's research professors carry out their research at 11 joint research laboratories* which support the schools' educational programmes.Bordeaux INP also collaborates with INRIA on 7 joint project teams.Since it was founded, Bordeaux INP has played an active role in the Bordeaux region through its strong ties with research organisations of excellence and the socio-economic world.

(*): with University of Bordeaux, Bordeaux Montaigne University, Arts et Métiers ParisTech, CNRS and INRA.



Nouvelle Aquitaine is the name of the new region created by the territorial reform that took effect on January 1, 2016. It combines the former administrative regions of Aquitaine, Poitou-Charentes and Limousin.Its administrative centre or ‘préfecture' and capital is Bordeaux. It is also France's 7th largest French city with 850,000 inhabitants. The region has 25 major urban areas, among which the most important after Bordeaux are Bayonne (288,000 inhabitants), Limoges (283,000), Poitiers (255,000), Pau (241,000), and La Rochelle (206,000), as well as 11 major clusters. The growth of its population, particularly marked on the coast, makes this one of the most attractive areas economically in France: the new region outperforms the Paris-Île de France and Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur in terms of demographic dynamism.

EconomyAgriculture and of course viticulture, tourism, aerospace and industrial ceramics are the base of the region's economy. However, Nouvelle-Aquitaine has perfectly integrated innovation in its economic strategy, notably through support for the emergence of key technologies: nanostructural materials, thermostructural composites, non-destructive control, organic electronics, catalysis, structural bonding, surface treatments or high-performance structural composites. The region coordinates the organization of a value chain that groups together enterprises, training networks and technological centres.With this in mind, the Nouvelle Aquitaine region has established partnerships with major industrial French companies such as ARKEMA, ARIANE Group, AIRBUS, THALES, TORAY, SAFRAN and EPSILON COMPOSITE. Overall, the sector of chemistry and materials represents 30 000 jobs.Nouvelle Aquitaine is also the largest European agricultural region in terms of turnover, and the first region in France in terms of employment in the tourism sector.Indeed, the prestigious seaside resorts of Arcachon, Biarritz and Royan, but also the Pyrénées ski resorts sustain this thriving sector.Nouvelle Aquitaine is also the second area of France (after Paris-Ile de France) with the largest number of Universities and “Grandes Ecoles” (Bordeaux, La Rochelle, Limoges, Poitiers and Pau).

The region is obviously well connected:The A10 motorway connects Bordeaux to Paris and to Spain, the A89 to Clermont-Ferrand then the Rhône Valley, and the A62-A61 to Toulouse and the Mediterranean coast. Also, the TGV railway connects it to Paris, Toulouse and Spain.Finally, Nouvelle Aquitaine has 5 international airports: Bordeaux-Mérignac, Bergerac, Limoges-Bellegarde, Biarritz-Anglet-Bayonne and Pau-Pyrénées.Area: 84,061 km²Population: 5,911,482 (27/12/2017)


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