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Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer Protection

Brussels, 22 March 2017

Timetables 2017

Coordinators agreed the following timetables:

Løkkegaard- Legal and operational framework of the European services -2016/0402 (COD)

Exchange of views/ presentation of IA 3 May 2017Public hearing 21 June 2017Deadline for sending draft report to translation 10 July noonConsideration of the draft report in IMCO 4 September 2017Deadline for tabling amendments 13 September 2017 at 12h00Consideration of amendments 11-12 October 2017Consideration of compromise amendments 20-21 November 2017Vote in IMCO 4 December 2017Vote in Plenary Tbc

Van Bossuyt - European services e-card and related administrative facilities -2016/0403 (COD)

Exchange of views/ presentation of IA 3 May 2017Public hearing 21 June 2017Deadline for sending draft report to translation 10 July noonConsideration of the draft report in IMCO 4 September 2017Deadline for tabling amendments 12 September 2017 at 12h00Consideration of amendments 11-12 October 2017Consideration of compromise amendments 20-21 November 2017Vote in IMCO 4 December 2017Vote in Plenary Tbc


Gutiérrez Prieto report: Enforcement of the Directive 2006/123/EC on services in theinternal market, laying down a notification procedure for authorisation schemes andrequirements related to services, and amending Directive 2006/123/EC and Regulation(EU) No 1024/2012 on administrative cooperation through the Internal MarketInformation System - 2016/0398(COD)

Exchange of views 8 June 2017

Deadline for sending draft report to translation 15 June 2017 at 12h00

Consideration of draft report 12-13 July 2017Deadline for tabling amendments 6 September 2017 at 12h00Consideration of amendments 28 September 28 2017Consideration of compromise AM 11-12 October 2017Vote in IMCO 20-21 November 2017Plenary December 2017 - January 2018 tbc

Gebhardt Opinion: A Space strategy for Europe

Deadline for sending draft opinion to translation 27 March 2017

Consideration of draft opinion 24 April 2017

Deadline for tabling amendments 03 May 2017 at 12h00

Consideration of amendments/compromiseamendments

30 May 2017

Vote in IMCO 8 June 2017

Vote in ITRE 22 June 2017

Charanzová opinion: European Electronic Communications Code (EECC) (2016/0288 (COD))


Exchange of views/ Presentationby Commission 6 February 2017 6 February 2017

Public Hearing 20-21 March 2017 20-21 March 2017Deadline to send the draftopinion to translation 28 March 2017 6 April 2017

Consideration of the draftopinion 24-25 April 2017 2-3 May 2017

Deadline for amendments 27 April 2017 at 12h00 10 May 2017 at 12h00Consideration of amendments 30 May 2017 8 June 2017Vote in IMCO 8 June 2017 21/22 June 2017Vote in ITRE (lead committee) 21/22 June 2017 (tbc) 11 July 2017


Borzan Opinion (Rule 54): Cross-border parcel delivery services


Exchange of views in IMCO 9 February 2017 9 February 2017

Draft opinion to translation 1 March 2017 1 March 2017

Consideration of draft opinion in IMCO 20/21 March 2017 20/21 March 2017

Deadline for amendments 29 March at 12:00 29 March at 12:00

Consideration of amendments in IMCO 24/25 April 2017 2/3 May 2017

Vote in IMCO 30 May 2017 30 May 2017

Adoption in TRAN (lead committee) tbc 11 July 2017

Grapini Opinion: A new skills agenda for Europe


Draft opinion to translation 28 February 2017 28 February 2017

Consideration of draft opinion in IMCO 20/21 March 2017 20/21 March 2017

Deadline for amendments 28 March at 12:00 28 March at 12:00

Consideration of amendments in IMCO 24/25 April 2017 2/3 May 2017

Vote in IMCO 11 May 2017 11 May 2017

Adoption in EMPL/CULT (leadcommittees)

21/22 June 2017 21/22 June 2017

Stihler opinion: copyright in the Digital Single Market


Draft opinion to translation 14 February 2017 14 February 2017Consideration of draft opinion 13 March 2017 13 March 2017Deadline for tabling amendments 29 March 2017 at noon 29 March 2017 noonConsideration of AMs 24-25 April 2017 24-25 April 2017Consideration of CAs 11 May 2017 11 May 2017Vote in Committee 30 May 2017 08 June 2017


De Jong report: functioning of franchising in the retail sector-2016/2244 (INI)


Deadline for sending draft report totranslation

6 January 2017 6 January 2017

Consideration of draft report 25/26 January 2017 25/26 January 2017

Deadline for tabling amendments 7 February 2017 noon 7 February 2017 noon

Consideration of amendments 6 March 6 March

Consideration of CAs 20/21 March 2/3 May

Vote in IMCO 24/25 April 11 May

Schaldemose opinion - proposal for a directive amending the Posting of Workers Directive -COM(2016)0128 - 2016/0070(COD)


Exchange of views 28-29 November 2016 28-29 November 2016Deadline for sending draft opinion totranslation 23 January 2017 23 January 2017

Consideration of the draft opinion in IMCO 09 February 2017 6 March 2017Deadline for tabling amendments 14 February 2017 noon 22 March 2017 at noonConsideration of amendments 06 March 2017 24-25 April 2017Vote in IMCO 21 March 2017 11 May 2017Vote in EMPL (lead committee) March 2017 (tbc) 12-13 July 2017

Reda opinion: online transmissions of broadcasting organisations and retransmissions oftelevision and radio programmes - 2016/0284(COD)

Draft opinion to translation 18 January 2017Consideration of draft opinion 9 February 2017Deadline for tabling amendments 15 February 2017 at 12.00Consideration of AMs 20/21 March 2017Consideration of CAs 24 April 2017Vote in Committee 25 April 2017


Lopez-Isturiz opinion: 5G and the Gigabit society - Internet connectivity for growth,competitiveness and cohesion - 2016/2305(INI)

Draft opinion to translation 13 January 2017

Consideration of draft opinion 6 February 2017

Deadline for tabling amendments 14 February 2017 at 12.00

Consideration of AMs 6 March 2017

Vote in Committee 21 March 2017

Vote in ITRE 25 April 2017

Durand INI report: A longer life-time products: benefits for consumers and companies -2016/2272 (INI)

Draft report to translation 9 December 2016Consideration of draft report 26 January 2017Deadline for tabling amendments 1 February 2017 by noonConsideration of AMs 6 March 2017Vote in ENVI 10-11 April 2017Vote in IMCO 24-25 April 2017Plenary June (tbc)

Gàll-Pelcz report: Rules on the making available on the market of CE marked fertilising productsand amending Regulations (EC) No 1069/2009 and (EC) No 1107/2009 - COM(2016)157 final -2016/0084 (COD)

OLD New Timetable

Presentation of Proposal and EoV 13 July 2016Workshop with stakeholders 12 October 2016 at 15 :00Deadline for sending draft report toTranslation December 14, 2016 February 13, 2017

Consideration of draft report January 25-26, 2017 March 20-21, 2017Deadline for tabling amendments February 7 2017, at noon March 28, 2017, by noonConsideration of amendments March 6, 2017 May 11, 2017Delivery of Opinions (ENVI, AGRI,INTA) March 2017 May 30, 2017

Consideration of compromise AM April 24-25, 2017 June 21-22, 2017Vote in IMCO May 11, 2017 July 12-13, 2017Plenary June 2017 (tbc) September 2017


Stefanec opinion: Establishing the Body of European Regulators for Electronic CommunicationsCOM(2016)0591 - 2016/0286(COD)

Deadline to send the draft opinion to translation 10 February 2017Consideration of the draft opinion in IMCO 13 March 2017Deadline for amendments 28 March 2017 at 12h00Consideration of amendments 24/25 April 2017Vote in IMCO 11 May 2017Vote in ITRE (lead committee) tbc

Virkkunen-Juvin INI report (ITRE-IMCO): Online Platforms and the Digital Single MarketCOM(2016) 288 final - 2016/2276 (INI)

OLD NEWExchange of views 25/26 Jan 2017 25/26 Jan 2017Deadline to send draft report totranslation 28 Feb 2017 28 Feb 2017

Consideration of draft report incommittee 22/23 Mar 2017 20/21 Mar 2017

Deadline for amendments 28 Mar 2017 at 12h00 23 Mar 2017 at 12h00Consideration of amendments 24/25 Apr 2017 24/25 Apr 2017Consideration of CA 11 May 2017 11 May 2017Vote in committee 11 May 2017 11 May 2017Vote in Plenary June/July 2017 June/July 2017

Mizzi report: European standards for the 21st century

Draft report to translation 15 December 2016Consideration of draft report + hearing 25-26 January 2017Deadline for tabling amendments 15 February at noonConsideration of amendments and CA 20-21 March 2017Vote in IMCO 30 May 2017Plenary tbc

Verheyen report: E-Government action plan

Deadline to send draft report to translation 12 January 2017Consideration of draft report in committee 06 February 2017Deadline for amendments 28 February 2017 at 12h00Consideration of amendments 20-21 March 2017Vote in Committee 25 April 2017Vote in Plenary tbc


Løkkegaard report: European Accessibility Act - 2015/0278 (COD)

Old NewPresentation by the EC 14 March 2016Presentation of the IPA 30 May 2016Exchange of views(extended with stakeholders)

11 October2016 9-10 November 2016

Draft report to translation 14 October 2016 4 January 2017Consideration of draft report 9-10 November 2016 25-26 January 2017Deadline for amendments 30 November 2016 at noon 8 February 2017 at noonConsideration of amendments January 2017 6 March 2017Consideration of CA February 2017 20 March 2017Vote in IMCO February 2017 24-25 April 2017

Danti Report: collaborative economy - COM(2016)0356 (INI)

Old NewFirst exchange of views 26 September 2016Workshop (1/2 day) 8 November 2016 AMDeadline for sending draft reportto translation

14 November 2016 16 December 2016

Consideration of draft report 5 December 2016 25 JanuaryDeadline AMs 13 December noon 7 February noonConsideration of AMs 25 January 2017 6 MarchConsideration of CAs 6 March 20 MarchAdoption 20 March 2017 24 AprilPlenary April - May 2017 May plenary

Gebhardt/Voss report: Contracts for the supply of digital contents - (2015/0287(COD))(Rule 55 IMCO/JURI)

Approved by writtenprocedure in May 2016

New timetable

Presentation by the Commission of theproposal and IA

27 April 2016(extr. joint meeting)

Hearing on "Contractual relations andconsumer remedies in the digitalsphere"

24 May 2016

Deadline to send working document totranslation

23 June 2016

Presentation of working document 13-14 July 2016

Deadline to send the draft report totranslation

7 September 2016 7 November 2016


Consideration of draft report 26 September 2016 28-29 November 2016(JURI)

Deadline for amendments 11 October 2016, noon 11 January 2017, noon

Consideration of amendments 7-8 November 2016 22-23 March 2017 (JURI)

Vote in LIBE (opinion) 7 November 2016

IMCO/JURI vote 5 December 2016 30 May 2017 (IMCO)

Plenary 2017 tbc

Arimont report: Contracts for the online and other distance sales of goods (2015/0288 (COD))(Rule 54 JURI)

Thun und Hohenstein report: Geo-blocking and other forms of discrimination based oncustomers’ nationality, place of residence or place of establishment within the internal market -COM(2016)0289 - 2016/0152(COD)

Exchange of views/ presentation of IA 29 September 2016

WG DSM on geoblocking 29 November 2016

Deadline for sending draft report to translation 15 December 2016

Consideration of the draft report in IMCO 25 January 2017

Deadline for tabling amendments 14 February 2017 noon

New Timetable

Deadline for sending workingdocument to IMCO Sec.*

06 July 2016 06 July 2016

Presentation of working documentin EN only*

13-14 July 2016 13-14 July 2016

Preliminary REFIT results on offlinecontracts

Summer Summer

Deadline to send the draft reportto translation

21 September 07 November 2016

Consideration of Draft Report* 10-11 October 28-29 November 2016

Deadline for amendments* 8 November 11 January 2017

Consideration of amendments* 5 December 20-21 March 2017

Vote in LIBE/JURI (opinion underRule 54)

22-23 March 2017

Consideration of compromiseamendments / Final Vote*

End January/February2017

8 June 2017

Plenary 2017 tbc


Consideration of amendments 6 March 2017

Consideration of compromise amendments 20-21 March 2017

Vote in IMCO 25 April 2017

Vote in Plenary Tbc

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