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Jl. Mayor Zurbi Bustan, Lebong Siarang

Tahun Ajaran 2010/2011

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Palembang, June 2011

Approved by Approved by Writer,

Examiner, Advisor,

Fikha Prastidiarmi Septaria,S.Pd Chintia Syarly K.


Certified by

The headmaster of SMA Plus Negeri 17 Palembang

Drs. H. Syaiful Bahri

NIP 1957090719833011002

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All praise and gratitude for the presence of Allah SWT blessings of the grace and

guidance I can finish the paper entitled " The Interest Level of Choosing Natural Science

Program or Social Program in Tenth Grade of SMA Plus Negeri 17 Palembang" with my best.

On this chance, I do not forget to give thanks to Allah SWT and say thanks for the size of

all those who have helped in completing this paper are:

1. Drs. Syaiful Bahri, the head of SMA plus Negeri 17 Palembang who always provide the

motivation to complete this task.

2. Miss Septaria, S.Pd and Miss Susy Amizera which always lead author in completing the


3. Both of my parents and my family who always supported me.

4. And friends who have helped and supported me.

I realize that in the writing and preparation of this paper still far from perfect, for that

criticism and constructive suggestions are still. I needed for success in writing at a later date.

Palembang, June 2011

Chintia Syarly Kurniawati

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Title …........………………………………………………………………………… i

Validation Sheet …..……….………………………………………………………… ii

Preface ………………………………………………………………………….…....


Table of Contents …..……….………………………………………………………. iv


1.1 Background ………………………………………………………….…... 1

1.2 The Problem Formulation ……………………………………………….. 2

1.3 The Objective …………………………….……………………………… 2

1.4 Significance of Study …………………………………………………….. 2


2.1 History of Program ……………………………………………………… 3

2.2 High School Program …………………………………………………… 3

2.2.1 Science Program ……………………………………………..... 3

2.2.2 Social Program ……………………………………………....... 4

2.2.3 Language Program ………………………………………….... 4

2.3 High School Program in SMA Plus Negeri 17 Palembang ……………… 5

2.3.1 Characteristics of SMA Plus Negeri 17 Palembang ………….. 5

2.3.2 Requirements of School Program …………………………... 5

2.4 Interest …………………………………………… …………………. 5

2.4.1 What Influences Interest ….……………………… ……….. 6

2.4.2 How to Increase Interest ………... …..…………… ………. 6

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3.1 Research Method …………………………………………….………….. 7

3.2 Place and Time Research ……………………………………………….. 7

3.3 Population and Research Sample ………………………………………. 7

3.4 Data Collection Methods ………………………………………….…… 8

3.4 Data Analysis …………………..………………………………………. 9


4.1 Result ………………………………………………………………….. 10

4.2 Discussion ……………………………………………………..……..… ` 16


5.1 Conclusion ………………………………………………………………. 17

5.2 Suggestion ………………………………………………………………... 17

REFRENCES ……………………………………………………………………..….. 18

Appendices ……………………………………………………………………………… 19

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1.1 Background

The students of Senior High School have options to choose their programs to lead them

in choosing the faculty in university. Three options in senior high school are science program,

social program, and language program. It helps them study not too much in eleventh and twelfth


The condition of choosing the program in Indonesia is more people prefer choose science

program to social and language program. Some reasons which appear because science program

has wider chance to choose the faculty in university or because of many students want to be

doctor. Although if we look deeply, social program also has benefit than science, such as many

scholarships are prepared for the one who are very good in school to enter the university freely

without any test. Then by easily get into the in to the university, it makes us easily continue our

education or occupation.

In SMA Plus Negeri 17 Palembang, there are only two programs, science program and

social program. There is no language program. The number of science class in twelfth grade is

six and the social class is only one. Then, in eleventh grade, the number of science program class

is seven and the social class is also only one as the twelfth grade. This phenomenon happened

since the first generation in SMA Plus Negeri 17 Palembang. The first generation only has two

classes of social and the rest generations have a class of social.

Science program always have more students than social program. Science program give

the students a bigger chance in choosing their job in the future.

The language program never exists in SMA Plus Negeri 17 Palembang because the

direction in curriculum field think that they could also teach language in science and social

program. So the language program is never held here.

The big differences which appear between the science and social program lead me to do

investigation about the eleventh graders’ interest in choosing the programs.

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1.1 The Problem Formulation

1. How do programs influence students’ ambition?

2. How do the students choose the good program for them?

3. What should the students consider in choosing the program?

1.2 The Objective

1. To know how do programs influence students’ ambition.

2. To know how do the students choose the good program for them.

3. To know what should the students consider in choosing the program.

1.3 Significance of Study

1. For students in eleventh grader, as the consideration to choose the program.

2. For writer, to give more information about the condition of programs in SMA Plus

Negeri 17 Palembang.

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2.1 History of Programs

Majors or Course offered at the level of secondary education is implemented in Indonesia

since the Dutch. HBS School which is a high school for European children, and AMS which is a

high school for indigenous children the first time divided into 2 courses of Culture (Group A)

and Science (group B). In subsequent periods of majors in the Indonesian system implemented

since junior high, which was abolished in 1962. Systems majors then only known in high school

with 3 kinds of departments, A (science), B (language / culture) and C (social).  is experiencing

change and specification in the subsequent periods, such as A1, A2, A3, and A4. Finally as now,

naming the department no longer uses the symbol of the letters or numbers, but with the category

of science, social studies, and language. (Kuncoro 2008:3 in http://indosdm.com/penjurusan-di-


Majors were introduced in an attempt to direct more students based on interests and

academic abilities. Students who have the ability to exact science and good science, it usually

will choose science majors, and who have an interest in social and economic social will choose

majors, and who likes to speak will choose the language.

2.2 High School Program

High school program in Indonesia divide the biggest subject into three programs, they


2.2.1 Science Program

Natural science program teaches students about physic, chemistry, and biology which we

couldn’t find it in social program and language program. This is the different between them.

Every high school in Indonesia must be provided natural science program. Most of

students also choose natural science program because, they thought natural science program

provide more options to be chosen when they have reached university or when they are college.

Another reason why most students choose this program is because most of them want to be a

doctor. Then some wants to get scholarship. Natural science program provide more scholarship

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than natural social program. But, the competition is also more than other programs. But there are

also students choose natural science program because they could follow the lesson well. ( Bsed

on Dian Purnama – Cermat Memilih Sekolah Menengah yang Tepat)

2.2.2 Social Program

Social program teaches the students about social, they are economy, geography,

sociology, and history. Students could not find these subjects in natural science program and

natural language program. The number of students which choose natural social program usually

are fewer than the students choose natural science program. Because, the options of faculty to be

chosen in university is a few than the number of faculty could be chosen if we are in natural

science program. Natural social program also provide scholarship, so because the number of

students or rivals are fewer than other programs, the competition will be easier to be won. Some

students also choose this program because they could study and feel suitable with the lessons.

(Based on Dian Purnama – Cermat Memilih Sekolah Menengah yang Tepat)

2.2.3 Natural Language Program

This program teaches us about language from the basic until the expert level. But,

unfortunately language program now is seldom to be found. Because, the language lesson could

be added to natural science program and social program. So, school thought they could not have

to add one more program like natural language program. (Based on Dian Purnama – Cermat

Memilih Sekolah Menengah yang Tepat)

2.3 High School Program in SMA Plus Negeri 17 Palembang

2.3.1 Characteristics of SMA Plus Negeri 17 Palembang

SMA Plus Negeri 17 Palembang is a school which provides two programs, they are

natural science program and social program. This school has more teachers in natural science

program than in social program. The number of classes in natural science program in SMA Plus

Negeri 17 Palembang has are six classes for twelve grade, and 7 classes for eleven grade. Then

the number of classes in social program in SMA Plus Negeri 17 Palembang has are one class for

twelve grade and also one class for eleven grade. This is the characteristic of SMA Plus Negeri

17 Palembang in program field.

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2.3.2 Requirements of School Program

Actually, students could choose their program by their own selves. But, teachers also give

recommendation to students which program they could choose based on their score from daily,

examination, and the way they study. Teachers give more attention to students about the way

they study, because when they look liked feel enjoy in studying natural science, the teachers

probably recommend students to join natural science program. It is supported by their scores in

daily and examination. And it also happened in natural social program. (Based on Dian Purnama

– Cermat Memilih Sekolah Menengah yang Tepat)

2.4 Interest

Interest is a feeling or emotion that causes attention to focus on an object or an event or a

process. ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Interest_(emotion) 2006:1)

2.4.1 What Influences Interest

Students choose their program because of the things which are available in their chosen

program. Some interests then appear after they enjoy study in the tenth grade. Interest could also

appear because some pushing which come from parents, friends, and also teachers. Our

ambitions and faculty that will we choose in university also influence our wish to choose

program. Many things appear could influence and be the reason why they choose their program.

(Sekolah: mengajar atau mendidik? Oleh JIGM Drost SJ)

2.4.2 How to Increase Interest

To add more students in a program, school should increase more interest in that program.

How to increase the interest? School could provide more teachers which has excellent quality.

Then, school could also provide more scholarship in a program, so students will be interest to

enter that program. Because, scholarship give students easier way to be a college. They do not

have to join any test to enter the university. They are some way to increase students’ interest to

choose a program. (Sekolah: mengajar atau mendidik? Oleh JIGM Drost SJ)

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3.1 Research Method

The method that is used in this research is descriptive method, descriptive method is the

investigation which describes about something that really happen and still need investigation as


3.2 Place and Time of Research

The research is done at the Senior High School Number 17, South Sumatra. This research

is done on April 2011 until Mei 2011.

3.3 Population and Research Sample

1. Population

Population is the whole people who inhabit a territory or state. The population of this

research is all students eleventh grader at SMA Plus Negeri 17, South Sumatra. They

are students from XIPSIA 1 - XI PSIA 7 and XI PSIS

Population of Research

No Class Total

1 XI PSIA 1 33 students

2 XI PSIA 2 33

3 XI PSIA 3 33

4 XI PSIA 4 33

5 XI PSIA 5 33

6 XI PSIA 6 32

7 XI PSIA 7 25

8 XI PSIS 20


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2. Sample

Sample is a small part of something intended as representative of the whole. The

samples of this research are 80 students from XI PSIA 1 – XI PSIS randomly.

Sample of Research

No Class Total

1 XI PSIA 1 11

2 XI PSIA 2 11

3 XI PSIA 3 11

4 XI PSIA 4 11

5 XI PSIA 5 11

6 XI PSIA 6 11

7 XI PSIA 7 7



3.4 Data Collection Methods

In this research, the writer tries to get good results. Therefore, the writer uses several

ways of collecting data. They are:

1. Literature review

A literature review is a body of text that aims to review the critical points of current

knowledge including substantive findings as well as theoretical and methodological

contributions to a particular topic.

2. Questionnaire

Questionnaire is a research instrument consisting of a series of questions and other

prompts for the purpose of gathering information from respondents. This research

also used a questionnaire that is filled by the respondents as many as 80 students in

eleventh grade.

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3.5 Data analysis

Analyzing is done by using quantitative analysis.

1. Quantitative Analysis

Quantitative analysis is the process of determining the value of a security by

examining its numerical, measurable characteristics. This analysis is about calculating

percentages and values that are gotten from the sheets questionnaires and will be

discussed in the fourth chapter.

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4.1 Result

From the questionnaire that we have given to 80 respondents, we could get information

as the table below:

Table 1 : Attract program

Question Natural Science


Social program Language program

(if available)

What program attracts

you now?

73 students – 91,25 % 7 students – 8,75 % -

According to the table above, 91,25 % respondents are going to choose natural science

program, 8,75 % respondents are going to choose social program. While there are no students

who choose natural language program. Then, we can conclude if most of respondents from 80

students eleventh grade of SMA Plus Negeri 17 Palembang which chosen randomly are going to

choose natural science program.

Table 2 : Students comprehension based on the program that they choose.

Question Yes No

Do you really

understand and feel

suitable with the

subject in your chosen


78 students – 97, 5 % 2 students – 2,5 %

Based on table 2, we could get information about the students’ comprehension and

students’ suitable feeling with the subject of their chosen program. The information we could get

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are 97,5% respondents feel understand and suitable with the lesson in the program, and also

2,5% respondents feel like not really or don’t understand and don’t feel suitable with the lesson

in the program. So, we could get the conclusion, if most of the respondents eleventh grade of

SMA Plus Negeri 17 Palembang (about 97,5% respondents) feel understand and suitable with the

lesson in the program, but there also few respondents are doesn’t understand and feel suitable.

Table 3 : The students’ reason why they interest in their choosen program.

Question Yes No

Do you interest in

your chosen program

for supporting your


80 students – 100 % -

After did a research, we could get information as the table above. Actually, 100%

respondents choose the programs because of the program is supporting their ambition, Finally,

we could conclude if all of students in SMA Plus Negeri 17 Palembang got interested with a

program because of the program is supporting their ambition.

Table 4 : The students’ reason why they interest in their chosen program.

Question Yes No

Do you interest in

your chosen program

because the subject is

your favorite and the

teacher have good


77 students – 96,25 % 3 students - 3,75 %

Based on the table 4, the other reason why students choose the program , is because the

subject is their favorite and the teacher have good quality, 96,25 % respondents tenth grade of

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SMA Plus Negeri 17 Palembang are choose it. But, there are also 3,75 % respondents disagree

with it.

Table 5 : Whether students choosen program has relation with the faculty that students will


Question Yes No

Does your chosen

program have relation

with the faculty that

you’ll choose?

80 students – 100 % -

Based on the table, the information we could get tells about whether students’ chosen

program has relation with the faculty that they’ll choose. The data that has been gotten are 100%

respondents said that their chosen program have relation with the faculty that they’ll choose, and

0% respondents said that the program has not relation with the faculty that they’ll choose. So, the

conclusion is all of respondents said that they are sure if their chosen program has relation with

their faculty in the university or institute.

Table 6 : Any outside influences in choosing the programs.

Question Yes No

Are there any outside

influences in choosing

the programs ? 76 students – 95 % 4 students – 5 %

Based on above table, 95% respondents choose that there are any outside influences in

choosing the program in SMA Plus Negeri 17 Palembang. But there also that disagree are 5 % if

there any outside influences in choosing their program. The outside influences in choosing

program for example: their parents’ suggestion, the lesson is easy to be studied, social

environments influence, and the others.

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Table 7 : The relation between students’ ability with the program which their choosed.

Question Yes No

Whether the program

which you choosed

appropriate with your


80 students – 100% -

Based on the table, the eleventh grade of SMA Plus Negeri 17 Palembang 100% choose

the program that appropriate with their ability.

Table 8 : The desire of students to more deeply the program that their choosed.

Question Yes No

Does your chosen

program associated

with the field of

lesson you wish could

be deeper?

80 students – 100% -

According to the table above about does your chosen program associated with the field of

lesson you wish could be deeper, we could get information if all of the respondents said that they

choose a program because they want to make their knowledge in lessons of that program could

be deeper than before, and 0% or nobody said they don’t want to make their knowledge in the

lessons of program added. So, we got conclusion if most of respondents (100%) said that they

really want to increase their knowledge in lessons of a program.

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Table 9 : The influence of social environment on the choosing program.

Question Yes No

Does your social

environment influence

you in choosing the


76 students – 95% 4 students – 5 %

Based on the table 9, we could get information whether social environments influence

our choice in choosing or not. Then the result is 95% respondents said that their social

environments influence them to choose a program, and 5% respondents said that social

environments didn’t give any influence to choose a program. So, the conclusion is 95%

respondents does feel get any influence from their social environment.

Table 10 : The family’s support to choose the program.

Question Yes No

Are your family

support you to choose

the program?

79 students – 98,75 % 1 student – 1,25 %

Based on the table, 98,75% respondents said that their family support them to choose

the program . But 1,25% or 1 of 80 respondents said that her family don’t support her to choose

the program. So, the conclusion is most of respondents get support from their family to choose

the program.

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4.2 Discussion

4.2.1 The Influence Students’ Ambition Toward of the Program That They Would


According to table 3 above, 100% of the respondents choose Yes that the ambition affect

them to choosing the program (natural science program or social program). We can conclude that

all of the students of SMA Plus Negeri 17 Palembang grade eleventh choose the program for

supporting their ambition. So, students’ ambition is very influential toward of the program that

they would choose.

4.2.2 The Good Program for Students

Most of the students eleventh grade in SMA Plus Negeri 17 Palembang choosing the

good program for them because of their own. They were very understanding and comfort about

the lesson or program of their choice. And also they were like the lesson. And most importantly,

how do the students to choose a good program for them is support from their parents or their


4.2.3 The students consider in choosing the program

That should the students considered in choosing the program is the lesson to be

understood and liked by them. And they hope the program that they choose can assist them in

achieving their ambition. And don’t forget the support from parents to consider the students in

choosing program.

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5.1 Conclusion

The conclusion after compare between the theory and also the finding is most students in

SMA Plus Negeri 17 Palembang choose their program based on their interest, but the special

thing they thought when choose a program is the relation between the program with their future.

The biggest thing influences the students’ interest is the relation of the program with their

ambition. And don’t forget, the support from their parents to consider the students in choosing


5.2 Suggestion

After making this BUGEMM and did research, we hope that students could choose the

program based on their ability, and consider the effect for their future even it is about the

faculty and university and also the ambition. Students have to really pay attention to their

ability to understand about the lessonin a program, Because it will be useless if we take the

wrong program, it can’t be used in the faculty and occupation one day. Teachers at school also

have to direct students to choose the right program based on what the teachers see, it is not only

from the score but also the way they study, whether is it suitable for them or not.

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Darmaningtyas. April 2004. Pendidikan yang Memiskinkan. Jakarta : Galang Press

Drost, JIGM. 1998. Sekolah: Mengajar atau Mendidik? Jakarta : Kanisius

Kuncoro. 2008. Penjurusan di SMA. http://indosdm.com/penjurusan-di-sma Accessed on 6th of November 2010

Lucy. 2009. Mendidik Sesuai dengan Minat dan Bakat Anak (Painting Your Chldren’s Future). Jakarta : Tangga Pustaka

Purnama, Dian. 2010. Cermat Memilih Sekolah yang Tepat. Jakarta : Gagas Media

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Class :

Gender : M/F

Please answer this questionnaire honestly by giving circle in one alternative choice!

1. What program attracts you now?

a. Natural science program

b. Social program

c. Natural language program (if available)

2. Do you really understand and feel suitable with the subject in your chosen program?

a. Yes

b. No

3. Do you interest in your chosen program for supporting your ambition?

a. Yes

b. No

4. Do you interest in your chosen program because the subject is your favorite and the teacher have

good quality?

a. Yes

b. No

5. Does your chosen program have relation with the faculty that you’ll choose?

a. Yes

b. No

6. Are there any outside influences in choosing the programs ?

a. Yes

b. No

Page 23: BUGEMM 2

7. Whether the program which you choosed appropriate with your ability?

a. Yes

b. No

8. Does your chosen program associated with the field of lesson you wish could be deeper?

a. Yes

b. No

9. Does your social environment influence you in choosing the program?

a. Yes

b. No

10. Are your family support you to choose the program ?

a. Yes

b. No

Thank you for your participation (CHINTIA SYARLY- X.E)

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Name : Chintia Syarly K.

Class : X.E

Group : 34

Adviser : Septaria,S.Pd , Susy Amizera,S.Pd

Title : The Interest Level of Choosing Natural Science Program or Social Program in

SMA Plus Negeri 17 Palembang

No Date of


Material Signature of


1 15 March 2011 Title

2 25 March 2011 Chapter I, Chapter II, Chapter III

3 11 April 2011 Revisi Chapter I, II,III

4 10 May 2011 Questionnaire

5 20 May 2011 Chapter IV, V

6 15 May 2011 Revisi

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