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Improving your life doesn’t have to be about making monumental changes. In fact, small changes can often make a huge difference to how happy you feel, and taking things one step at a time will help avoid overwhelm. Here are 100 ideas for improving your life, one step at a time.

1) Set Goals You Can Really Achieve

If we want to push ourselves to achieve more, then goals are a great way to do this. Although we can achieve things without goals, making time to set them can make our vision clearer.

However, setting goals that are too difficult to achieve won’t make you any happier. Next time you make your goals, make sure they are SMART: specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and time-bound.

2) Wake Up Earlier

Making a goal to wake up earlier can bring a number of improvements to your life. Numerous studies have shown that early risers are more likely to exercise, get better sleep, be better at planning their day, and much more.

If you want to get started, check out this article from Zen Habits.

3) Practice Gratitude

Although many things in life are beyond our control, the way we choose to see things isn’t. Even if it seems like bad things just keep happening you, start to practice daily gratitude and you’ll train your mind to focus on the positives.

Try starting each day by listing 10 things you’re grateful for. If you can’t think of anything then list the basics – for example the fact that you are healthy, or the fact that you have a roof over your head. Even that puts you in a better position than many other people in the world.

4) Check Your Email Less Frequently

Checking email multiple times throughout the day can dramatically decrease your productivity. It’s all part of the myth of multi-tasking. The truth is that it’ll just distract you from what you’re doing. Worse, it can get addictive and you can end up in a loop of constantly checking emails and social networking accounts.

Make a vow to stop checking your emails so often. Remember this – the world will not fall apart if you take a few hours to respond to an email! If there’s any emergency, people can contact you in other ways.

Try setting a block of time for emails once in the morning and once in the afternoon, and closing your email client the rest of the time.

5) Have Tech-Free Days

Technology can bring many benefits to our lives, but many of us also find that we’re addicted to checking our emails, being available to others by carrying a phone around with us wherever we go, or wasting time reading online articles instead of doing other things.

Try to consciously take time away from technology completely, for example for a day each week or month. It might open you up to activities you forgot you used to enjoy! Or you could use it as the perfect excuse to spend more time with your family.

6) Unsubscribe from Newsletters

If you constantly find yourself bombarded with physical or digital mail that you don’t want then it’s time to do something about it. If you receive a magazine each month that you never read, cancel the subscription! Use the unsubscribe link in the bottom of emails to get off marketing mailing lists. This will reduce the information clutter that goes into your mind each day.

7) Quit A Bad Habit

Quitting a bad habit is never easy, but it can have a huge impact on your life. You can try something big, like giving up smoking, or start small, for example by vowing never to skip breakfast again. Whatever you do, make a list of the benefits it’ll bring you e.g. cost savings, health benefits, better relationships with others etc. Use that to motivate you.

8) Cut Down Your Carbon Emissions

97% of scientists agree that global warming is occurring due to human activity. Even if you personally haven’t made up your mind, making an effort to cut down on your carbon emissions can still improve your life.

For example, walking or cycling to work will help you get fit while spending less time at the gym. It can also save you money. Plus, you can feel peace in the knowledge that you’re protecting this planet for your descendants!

9) Build Your Self-confidence

Building your self-confidence can lead to a number of benefits. You might be more ambitious, be less scared to do the things your really want to, have better relationships with others and more.

But how can you boost self-confidence? In the long term, it will come from gradually doing things you’re scared of, working out and just acting like you’re more confident. However, you can get an instant self-confidence boost by maintaining a strong posture, smiling and dressing well.

10) Complain Less

Experts believe that constructive complaining is a healthy part of being human – i.e. complaining in a way that can actually help to change the situation you’re in.

However, complaining regularly for no reason, especially about another person behind their back, won’t do anything to change the situation, will encourage you into thinking of yourself as a victim (rather than changing your circumstances) and spread negativity onto others.

11) Reduce Information Overload

Information overload is what happens when we try to take in – or have forced upon us – more information than our brains can actually process. With the rapid uptake of technology like smartphones and tablets, most of us have experienced this frazzled feeling at some point. But it’s not just a short-term problem. Information overload can lead to social and emotional issues.

Some ways to reduce information overload in your life include: subscribing to fewer magazines/ blogs, not checking emails as often, going tech-free on certain days, not multi-tasking, and setting time limits for casual reading/ internet browsing.

12) Try Free Writing (Even If You’re Not A Writer)

Free writing means setting aside a set time or length (e.g. 3 pages or 5 minutes) and just writing whatever comes to mind, without editing it or worrying about what you’re saying.

Anyone can benefit from this technique – it’s a great way to get worries out of your mind, or for creative types to get ideas flowing. See Julia Cameron’s “Morning Pages” for more information.

13) Start Drinking Tea

An easy way to improve your health is to start drinking tea in place of fizzy drinks or those expensive, calorie-laden flavored coffees.

Green tea is a great choice for people who want to lose weight (it speeds up your metabolism), and other kinds of tea contain a number of healthy antioxidants. They are also very low in calories and are a really healthy way to stay hydrated.

14) Get A Passport and USE It

If you don’t have, or have never had, a passport then get one now. You might think that traveling abroad is too expensive, but you can visit neighboring countries on a tight budget. The experience of seeing new places and cultures will really enrich your life. Don’t have regrets about not doing the travel you want to do.

15) Grow Something Yourself

It’s a fact that gardening is good for your health. Not only does it get you outdoors or simply away from your desk, but some of it can be quite good exercise too!

Even if you don’t have an outdoor space, try growing just one thing yourself (like kitchen herbs). Reap the benefits of knowing you did it yourself and that you’re helping to bring nature into your home!

16) Keep A Journal

Although we all think we’ll remember what we did or how we felt at a certain time in our lives, memories soon fade or become less than vivid. Keeping a journal can give us a great record of personal growth, plus many happy memories to read over and share with the grandkids some day.

Writing in a journal every day isn’t always an easy habit to keep up. If this is true for you, then commit to writing just one sentence each day, like Gretchen Ruben.

17) Separate Work Problems from Your Personal Life

Living life in the present moment is one of the key ingredients of happiness. The problem is, so many of us take work issues and stress back home with us at the end of the day.

This is a really hard habit to break out of, but you can start now taking small steps. Start by setting strict work-free hours. These are hours where you can’t work or even think about work. Also vow to pay more attention to your family members – ask them how their day went and you’ll help yourself forget about your own day.

18) Get Enough Sleep

If you constantly stay up late to get more done then you need to stop. You can dramatically improve your life just by sleeping more! Sleep improves your mood, your sex life, your weight, your appetite, and your health in general.

If you feel like sleeping less makes you more productive, remember that going to bed earlier will actually give you a clearer head to get more done the next day.

19) Cook More

There are several benefits to cooking more from scratch. Firstly, you’ll know exactly what goes into your food, helping to improve your health. Cooking can also save you money, and it can be very relaxing and enjoyable to take time out of your day-to-day busy life.

20) Manage Your Money Online

Although money shouldn’t rule your life, it’s important to keep on top of what you’re spending and pay all your bills on time. Why not start managing your money online to make things easier on yourself, save paper clutter and help the environment?

Use online banking to keep track of your bank balance, get digital instead of paper statements, and set up online billing for your most important expenses.

21) Stop Following Fashion

Most of us like to look nice in the clothes we wear, but following what’s “in fashion” every single season isn’t going to help anyone. Fashions can come and go extremely quickly. Trying to keep up is a waste of money, not to mention the environmental impact and the space that unworn clothes take up in your home!

Instead, try to choose timeless items. This means taking an extra minute to think about each purchase, considering whether it’ll go with other clothes already in your wardrobe, and whether its style is part of a short-lived fad or not.

22) Consume Less

Today’s modern world tries to sell us the idea that the more things we have, the happier we will be. Unfortunately, however, studies have shown us that this isn’t the case.

Instead of buying new things to try and make you happy, try saving your money and spending it on experiences instead. Things that will create memories for you and your friends and family.

23) Read More

There are a number of benefits to reading more each day:• Improve your focus (smartphones and computers actually

hinder our productivity, but focusing on a book improves it),• Improve your memory,• Improve your vocabulary,• Reduce your risk of Alzheimer’s,• Relaxation (again, reading a book is more relaxing than the

information overload of browsing the internet),• Improve your life with new skills/ information,• Become more open-minded by reading people with different

points of view.

24) De-clutter

There are a huge number of drawbacks to having a cluttered home, according to Psychology Today: more stress due to having so many possessions to manage, feelings of guilt at not being organized enough, difficulty relaxing, distraction and more.

Take it upon yourself to gradually reduce the clutter in your home over the next few months. Let go of your feelings of guilt, think carefully every time you bring something new into the home, and gradually get rid of items you no longer use.

25) Meditate

Meditation isn’t just for hippies! This TED talk and blog post showed that there are a number of scientifically proven benefits to meditating each day. The best part is that you only need to set aside 5-10 minutes a day to sit down and relax your mind. This is the perfect antidote to today’s busy world.

26) Visit Your Local Library

With so many people now reading books on computers or tablets, libraries are becoming less and less used. Yet there’s still a wealth of information there waiting for you! Make it a resolution to visit your local library at regular intervals. Bask in the silence, find something new and exciting to read, and feel good that you’re helping to keep libraries open.

27) Get Enough “Me Time"

So many of us spend so much of our time looking after others that we forget to look after ourselves. From now on, start scheduling in some me time – even if it’s just one interrupted hour per week. Don’t focus on anyone else during this time. Sit down in a quiet room with a book, take a long bath, get a massage or anything else that’ll help you unwind.

28) Boost Your Energy

Many of us go through life feeling constantly tired and run down, yet we never have enough time to let ourselves rest! Improve your life starting today by doing some small things to boost your energy levels.

Ideas: don’t skip breakfast, take more exercise, drink more water, eat slow releasing carbs and get enough sleep each night.

29) Remember That 99% of People Are Good

Remembering that 99% of people are good and have good intentions can save you a lot of stress in your life. It’ll help you trust people more, it’ll stop you getting so angry at other’s mistakes and it’ll help you to see the positive in seemingly negative situations.

30) Move More

Studies have shown that sitting down for so many hours a day – which most of us do these days - can be very dangerous to health. Not to mention the fact that a huge percentage of us aren’t getting enough exercise, leading to more and more cases of obesity and weight-related illnesses.

Exercise doesn’t just benefit your body; it also helps combat anxiety and depression. It can also help you feel more self-confident and boost your energy levels.

31) Stop Multi-tasking

It’s been proven time and time again: multi-tasking leads to mediocre results. Instead, focusing on one task at a time dramatically increases how well you get it done.

Make it a vow to multi-task less. Turn off background distractions, like emails and the latest podcast, while you’re working on something, and stop trying to do a million things at once. Your productivity will increase!

32) Donate to Charity

There are a number of benefits of donating to charity: donations can make you feel better about yourself when you know you’re helping others, and they’re tax deductible!

If you can’t afford to donate money, think about donating your time by volunteering. You could even have a clear out and donate any items you no longer use. This has the added benefit of reducing stress by cutting down on clutter in the home.

33) Respond to Emails Quickly

If you regularly get a number of emails then make a vow to respond to them immediately. This does not mean you should be glued to your emails all day. Check them once or twice per day, respond to all those that can be answered in around two minutes or less, and mark those that need further thought. It’ll take a load off your mind!

34) Do Things That Scare You

Staying in your comfort zone may be comfortable but it probably won’t get you to where you want to be in life. This is why you should make an effort to do things that scare you on a regular basis.

Although things can go wrong, the most likely outcome is that you’ll feel proud that you pushed yourself further than you thought you could. You’ll also experience things you didn’t think you would, and your comfort zone will grow bigger and bigger as a result!

35) Be More Green

If you want to reduce your impact on the planet and help preserve it for future generations then make an effort to be more green.

Using less energy can benefit you in many ways: you’ll spend less money on stuff you don’t need, you’ll have lower energy bills, you’ll get healthier if you walk more and drive less, and you’ll gain a sense of well-being from helping the environment.

36) Be Open to Other People’s Opinions (But Don’t Always Take Them As Gospel)

Being more open to the opinions of others will give you the opportunity to grow as a person. They may challenge our beliefs, causing us to look more closely at why we hold them in the first place. They can also help us improve the way we do things at home and at work.

So make sure to listen when people have something to say. Be open to what they’re saying, but don’t always take it as gospel!

37) Go Digital

You already know how clutter can have a negative impact on your life. It isn’t always easy to get rid of “stuff”, but certain things are so easy to digitize that you’ll kick yourself for not doing it sooner.

Try ripping all your CDs to your computer so you can free up all that space, or scanning in important documents and even signing up to paper-free billing to stop all that paper even coming into your home.

38) Play Music

If you’ve always wanted to play a musical instrument then now is the time to start! Even if you’re terrible, playing music comes with a number of physical and mental benefits. Plus, doing it now means you won’t regret never having tried!

You’ll probably also find that playing an instrument, or even just singing when there’s nobody around to hear you, helps to distract you from the stresses of the day.

39) Use Procrastination to Your Advantage

Procrastination is a struggle for just about anyone. We all procrastinate on things we need to get done, and this can often cause us stress as we miss deadlines or try to finish too much too quickly.

However, remember to use procrastination to your advantage, too. Next time you procrastinate, think about whether it’s a sign that you’re not doing what you’re meant to be doing in life, or whether you need to change something for the better.

40) Get That Health Problem Checked

Many people put up with niggling health concerns because they fear wasting their doctor’s time, they are “too busy” or they are afraid of the results. Just remember, the sooner you go, the sooner you’ll probably get the all clear. And, if you don’t, you’ll be thankful you got the problem checked sooner rather than later.

41) Stop Hating Mondays

If you hate Mondays, you’re not alone. Many of us get into work late, don’t smile until mid-morning and complain about the fact that it’s Monday!

But you can change this! Change your mindset and see Monday as the start of a new week full of new opportunities. Sure, it can be hard to get out of bed early after your relaxing weekend, but you can choose to be happy about Monday!

42) Don’t Worry So Much About the Past and Future

So many of us forget to live in the present. Instead, we let our minds get consumed with the past and future. Although there are reasons to think beyond the present moment, when you’re feeling stressed try grounding yourself in the moment.

Focus on your breathing and remember that this moment is the only thing you know for certain. Worries of the future can wait. Enjoy whatever you’re doing. And, if you’re not enjoying it, find a way to improve your situation now.

43) Admit When You’re Wrong

There’s nothing good that comes out of not admitting when you’re wrong. Being stubborn only prolongs arguments, and keeps anger within you. Instead, don’t be afraid to admit when you’re wrong. People will always appreciate it, and you’ll let a weight off your mind.

44) Be More Observant

How much of life do we miss by staying glued to the screens of our smartphones, or by sticking earphones in our ears? Being more observant of the world around you can really bring a sense of peace and relaxation, which will only benefit your life by reducing stress levels.

Next time you go for a walk outside, stop checking your phone, don’t listen to music. Instead, listen to the birds in the trees and watch other people go about their busy lives.

45) Learn More About Other Cultures

So much of our day-to-day worries are grounded in our culture and how we are “supposed” to act. It can be refreshing to learn about cultures who do things differently, and who find happiness in different ways.

Even cultures that seem similar to our own can have fascinating differences. Learning about them makes us more sensitive when we meet people from foreign countries, and also opens the mind to alternative ways of living.

46) Fix Things

We are part of a generation who takes things for granted. Products are cheaper than they were for our ancestors, and so we readily throw things out instead of trying to make do and mend.

Take some time to try and repair items that may have broken. It’ll save you money, and it’ll save more products from going to the landfill.

47) Visualize Success

Studies have shown that people who visualize physical activity in their heads reap the benefits in their body. Visualization has the power to make things happen, so practice visualization in your day-to-day life.

The more you visualize your desired outcome, the more you tell yourself that it is possible. Visualize how you will think and feel when you achieve that outcome, what you’re wearing, where you are, and as many other details as you can to make it real.

48) Love Yourself First

It’s important to love and care for other people, but this is very hard to do if you don’t love yourself first. Make a vow to take time for yourself, and to stop judging yourself. Don’t feel guilty about being selfish every once in a while!

49) Get Outside Every Day

Most of us spend so much time inside that getting “outdoors” generally means walking to the car! However, there are a number of health benefits of making sure that you get outside every day, such as getting Vitamin D, and being more at one with nature (which can boost the effects of exercise).

50) Plan Your Meals in Advance

There are a number of benefits to planning your meals in advance. You can lose weight by planning healthy meals, you’ll waste less food since you’ll stop buying ingredients you don’t yet know how you’ll use, and you’ll save time!

Planning meals doesn’t have to take long – simply think a week ahead and plan to use your leftovers, too. If you really need help, there are a number of websites dedicated to meal planning.

51) Be Proactive About Contacting Friends

Many of us lead such busy lives that weeks, months or even years can go by between contact with friends. Although it’s nice for the old friends to get in contact first, why not make a vow to be more proactive about contacting them yourself by phoning them more regularly, sending a personal message on Facebook or arranging to meet up? Don’t get offended if they don’t contact you first – remember how busy they are!

52) Get a New Job

Many of us spend decades of our lives in jobs we hate! Although some of this is down to circumstance, we do have the power to change our own situation. If you’re unhappy at work, learn to recognize the signs and find a new job!

You might not need to go out and get a new job to improve your life, and that’s fine too, as long as you’re happy!

53) Find a Lesson in Every Situation

When things go wrong in life it’s easy to let this get you down. However, by changing your perspective you can be happier despite things going wrong.

Just look at everything in life as a lesson. Each lesson contributes to who you are now and to who you will be in the future

54) View Your Home Town As A Tourist

“Travel” is such a huge goal of so many people, and many of us are held back due to other commitments. But you can travel in your own hometown! After all, tourists visit your town!

Start to view your own town through the eyes of a tourist. There are probably many places you haven’t been, many walks you haven’t taken, many activities you haven’t tried. Have a “staycation” and you’ll save a lot of money!

55) Make the Most of Your Gym Subscription

As many as 67% of people with a gym membership fail to ever use it! What a huge waste of money! If that sounds like you, then now is the time to change it.

Make a plan to start using the gym. Decide in advance which days and at what times you’ll go. And, if you really won’t ever use it, cancel that subscription. It’s a complete waste of money!

56) Drink More Water

Drinking water comes with a number of benefits. If you’re looking to lose weight, then studies show that drinking more water can help you feel fuller and help prevent overeating. Especially since many of us think we’re hungry when we’re actually thirsty!

Staying properly hydrated with water is also crucial to maintaining proper bodily functions.

57) Learn New Skills

Studies have shown that learning new skills that challenge you can help combat the mental effects of aging. Not only that, but making the decision to learn new skills can bring new enjoyment to your life, and can help avoid regret later on in life.

58) Accept That Nobody is Perfect

When you start to accept that nobody is perfect, this makes it easier to forgive and move on from disagreements. This includes accepting that you are not perfect, either!

59) Think More

Many of us take what the media says as gospel, however it’s always important to reach your own conclusions. You don’t necessarily have to go with the mainstream – try to think more about your opinions on certain issues, and how popular opinion is always changing.

60) Be More Natural

As a general rule, choosing natural ingredients is usually healthier. For example, when you’re buying food, check that you recognize the names of all the ingredients, or make it from scratch from whole foods.

When it comes to cleaning, natural products like vinegar and baking soda can do a great job in place of toxic products. You’ll be doing both yourself and the environment a favor!

Be warned, though, that just because a product has “natural” on the label, it isn’t regulated enough to mean anything specific.

61) Save More Money

Saving money is a popular New Year’s resolution. It seems that many of us just don’t save enough of it! The key to saving money isn’t just earning more. In fact, you can save quite a bit on what you’ve already got.

First, think of a reason why – maybe you have a big travel goal, maybe there’s a new baby on the way. Once you have your reason why, question everything you buy. For example, that morning coffee on the go could equate to the cost of an entire meal out in a country like Thailand!

Go through all of your small expenses this way and you’ll be surprised how the savings add up! You can even start de-cluttering and selling off old items to bring in some extra money.

62) Stop Using Plastic Bags

Did you know that a single plastic bag can take 1,000 years to degrade? And in 2011, only 8% of the plastic used in the USA was recycled. This is leading to a massive burden on the planet.

Why not take a super easy step to be more green and start using reusable shopping bags. Keep a couple in your car so you never forget them! These are often better at carrying heavier items than plastic bags, anyway!

63) Smile More Often

Did you know that smiling isn’t just a product of happiness, it can also cause you to feel happier? Try to make an effort to smile more often. Watch funny internet videos, look back at photographs of old memories that make you happy – take a few minutes to do this each day to boost your happiness levels.

64) Put Things Away As Soon As You’re Finished With Them

Many of us feel overwhelmed by clutter and untidiness in our homes. We leave things to build up until the task of cleaning becomes so mammoth we just don’t want to face it.

So why not adopt a simple rule that’ll stop you having to spend hours tidying your home on weekends? Simply put items back where you got them from as soon as you finish using them!

65) Stop Worrying - Ask Yourself “What’s the Worst That Can Happen?"

Next time you’re too scared to make a big decision, ask yourself the question: “what’s the worst that can happen?”

Take this through to the worst possible conclusion. For example, if you quit your job to go travelling, maybe you’ll run out of money and won’t have a home to come back to, maybe you’ll have to move in with your parents and maybe that might be a bit annoying.

But that’s the worst-case scenario. It probably won’t be that bad! And, even if it is, that’s still way better than the situations of many other people!

66) Do Something to Help Others

Did you know that performing random acts of kindness towards others could actually benefit your health? Why not make an effort to unselfishly help more people starting today.

Some ideas: paying for the person behind you in the grocery queue, donating blood, complimenting a stranger on their outfit, throwing away trash dropped on the street, sending flowers to an old friend out of the blue etc.

67) Be Spontaneous

Although it’s good to plan certain things in life, sometimes the best experiences are the unexpected ones. When an old friend proposes a road trip, or a local offers to show you around when you’re traveling, it can be a great idea to accept, even if you had other plans.

Spontaneity helps you move out of your comfort zone, let go of stress and opens you up to new and wonderful experiences. You never know where things will leave.

“Life is what happens while you are busy making other plans” – John Lennon

68) Take Responsibility for Your Own Life

Many people claim that they feel happier once they realize they are the only ones responsible for their own life. Sure, things can and will happen to you. However, you are always responsible to the way you react to the circumstances in your life.

Have you ever spoken to a person who has gone through so much heartache, yet seems to be happier than ever? That’s an example of someone who chooses to look on the bright side despite difficult circumstances.

69) Walk More Often

There are a large number of benefits of walking more often. It gets you outside more, it saves you money when you don’t drive, and it helps keep you fit.

To get started, aim to fit in a 30-minute walk each day. This is doable for most people. If you’re busy, park further away from work or walk on your lunch break. You could even walk with colleagues if you need to talk things through with them.

70) Stop Watching the News

Studies show that those who watch negative bulletins on the news are more likely to worry than those who don’t.

Remember, news shows pick out shocking headline in order to get people noticing and watching. Although events like murders and plane crashes are regularly reported, the chances of them happening are very low. Try looking at positive news instead!

71) Practice the “One in, One Out” Rule

If you’re finding it difficult to de-clutter and find space for all your items, then adopt a simple new rule in your life, starting today. For every new item you buy, get rid of something else.

This doesn’t necessarily mean throwing it in the trash! You can sell it, donate it, or give it to a friend.

72) Stop Being Jealous

Jealousy is a natural human emotion, though it doesn’t really serve us in any way. It’s easy to get jealous seeing how well everyone is doing on social networking sites like Facebook.

However, just remember that what people choose to tell you or to post on Facebook are their “best bits”. They don’t tend to show you photos of their kids at their worst, or those times when they felt like they wanted to quit their job. But everyone has good and bad days. Use that thought to help let go of jealousy and anger.

73) Watch Less TV

Although TV is an amazing invention, and it’s perfectly fine to spend some lazy hours in front of it from time to time, there are a number of drawbacks to watching too much TV:

• Watching TV while eating can lead to weight gain. • It’s easy to spend hours watching things you don’t care

about instead of doing something more worthwhile.• Television can lead to a reduction in social interaction within

families.• Negative TV bulletins can create extra worry in your life .

Try to be mindful of how much TV you watch, and limit it to a set window each day.

74) Start a Bucket List

The idea of creating a “Bucket List” (or “things you want to do before you die”) was made popular after the release of the movie of the same name.

Why not start yours today? It’s a great way to get your priorities in order and avoid the risk of having regrets about things you never got around to doing. It can contain anything you want, from places you want to visit, to foods you want to eat and things you’d like to experience.

75) Stop Wasting Food

36 million tons of food waste was generated in 2011 in the USA. That is a shocking statistic for a number of reasons:

• Wasted food could have been used to feed the hungry,• Wasted food costs you money,• Wasted food ends up in the landfill.

Do yourself a favor and stop wasting so much food. Simply plan out your meals once a week, and learn some recipes for old-but-not-bad ingredients, like soups.

76) Give Up Alcohol for A Time

There are a number of benefits of giving up alcohol for periods of time. You don’t need to give up for good, but try going for whole weeks or months without drinking.

This is especially important if you feel like you’re starting to drink too much out of boredom or as a way to cope with life. Try taking a break and see how it makes you feel. You’ll probably feel more energetic, more hydrated and you’ll save some money!

77) Spend Less Time With Negative People

Jim Rohn famously stated, “You are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with”. Although this isn’t a scientific fact, it definitely holds some weight.

Ever been with someone who was so happy and friendly that you felt happy after being with them? Or have you experienced the reverse, where a negative complainer zapped all the life out of you?

Make some effort to spend time with people who make you feel good – and make the effort to help others feel good too! Although you can’t cut all negative people out of your life, you can choose who to spend the most time with.

78) Don’t Feel Responsible for Other People’s Happiness

If you ever find yourself worrying about keeping people happy, remember this – the only one responsible for your happiness is yourself. If this applies to you, then it applies to everyone else in your life too.

This thought can be very freeing – especially if you regularly sacrifice your own enjoyment of situations by worrying about how everyone else is feeling.

79) Remember Your Accomplishments

Most of us tend to remember bad things more clearly than all the good things we do and the compliments we receive. Make a point to rectify this by keeping track of your achievements.

You don’t need any kind of fancy system for this. It could be a simple as creating a new document on your computer and adding to it every time you do something well, get praise at work, or when someone says something nice to you.

Any time you’re feeling low, refer to this document!

80) Aim to Do Less

So much emphasis these days is on being productive and doing more every day. But is this really a goal worth striving for? Instead, why not try slowing down and letting yourself take in the little details, instead of always rushing off to do the next thing. Doing less can make you happier, as long as you’re spending more time doing the things you want to do.

81) Stop Pretending to Know Everything

Pretending you know everything does you no favors. Not only can it annoy people around you, but it means nobody will be there to offer you help when you really need it. It also leaves you closed off to the diverse opinions of other people.

Don’t be afraid to say, “I don’t know” or to ask for help on certain issues. It’s not weak at all. In fact, it takes courage to ask for help and people will appreciate the fact that they are of help to you!

82) Say “I Love You” More Often

Saying, “I love you” more often is a fantastic way to improve your own happiness and the happiness of those around you. Although most people close to you know that you love them, saying it reminds them just how special they are. You never know when will be the last time you get to tell someone you love them, so say it often.

83) Cut Yourself Some Slack

Many of us have extremely high expectations. We expect to get so much done each day and we beat ourselves up for not achieving what other people have achieved.

But it’s important to cut yourself some slack. You are not superhuman. You are allowed to have an off day sometimes. And your life is very different to other people’s. You might not have achieved the same as them, but you’ve got other experiences under your belt that all shape who you are.

84) Challenge Yourself for A Month

If there’s something you’ve really wanted to do, or a habit you’re finding hard to break out of, then try setting yourself a challenge to do it for just a month.

Having a fixed time frame like this makes things easier because the end will always be in sight. And, although the idea that “it only takes 21 days to make a habit” is a myth, after a month you will be well on your way to forming a new habit you can stick to.

85) Use A Slow Cooker

If you find it hard to make the time to make meals from scratch, then invest in a slow cooker. These allow you to prepare the ingredients in the morning, put them in the slow cooker on a low heat, and have a delicious, cooked meal ready for you when you return from work.

They are perfect for making things like soups, stews, casseroles, chili con carne and more.

86) Know Your Finances

You might not be good at math, you might have zero understanding of accounting, but you must get to know your own finances.

This means knowing how much money you get paid after tax, knowing how much money you have in your account right now, and knowing how much you spend each month.

Thankfully there are a number of apps to help you with that!

87) Stop Trying to Be Someone Else

So many of us go through life behaving how we think we’re “supposed” to behave. So many ideas are forced on us by society and our close family that many of us have forgotten what it’s like to be true to ourselves.

It does take practice to start being yourself. You have to be conscious of how you’re reacting, and recognize when you’re looking at other people and figuring out how to be more like them.

The fact is, we are all different, we’re not meant to be the same and we all have different destinies. Getting closer to yours might be hard at first, but it’ll ultimately make you happier.

88) Learn to Say No

We often cause ourselves a lot of stress when we feel obligated to say yes to everyone all the time. We feel as though saying “no” is rude. But we all have a limited number of hours in the day and we can’t do everything we’re asked.

Try offering alternative solutions, or even just saying you can’t do it right now. Yes, it’s direct but you probably feel worse saying it than the recipient feels hearing it (as long as you say it nicely!)

89) Forgive Someone

Holding onto grudges really only brings you harm, rather than the person you’re angry with. It creates a burden that you have to carry with you every single day.

Instead, release that burden by forgiving the other person. This doesn’t mean you necessarily have to keep that person in your daily life, but once you make the decision to let go of anger you’ll feel more at peace.

90) Stop Comparing Yourself to Others

It’s natural to compare yourself and your life to other people, but it’s counter-productive. Life is not a competition. Even when you win, constantly competing with other people is exhausting. We all have good and bad points, and good and bad things about our lives.

Next time you compare yourself to someone else, remember that they are likely comparing themselves to you too!

91) Print Out Your Photographs

With the rise of digital cameras, less and less of us are actually printing out our photographs. While this is great for the environment and for reducing clutter in the home, make an effort to choose a few important photographs to print and hang around the home. They will make you smile every time you look at them!

92) Always Eat Breakfast

Experts agree that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. You should never skip breakfast, even if you’re trying to lose weight. Make it a plan to eat a balanced, healthy breakfast every single day. If you need to, you can cut down on the calories at subsequent meals (but don’t skip them altogether!)

93) Practice Old Skills

If you have any old skills then make a point to practice them every now and again. This could be the ability to make an amazing dessert, or to play the piano.

Whatever it is, you don’t want to regret letting it go. You don’t have to practice it to the point of perfection, just enough so that you never forget it. It won’t take long and it’ll bring you lots of enjoyment!

94) Turn off Electronics

Here’s a quick tip that can make a big difference to your electricity bill: stop leaving your electronics on standby day and night and turn them off properly. Even better, unplug them from the socket to stop any “vampire” power drain. The biggest offenders? Cell phone chargers, TVs and laptops.

95) Stop Stereotyping and Assuming You Know People

Many of us are guilty of stereotyping other people, sometimes unconsciously. However, putting people into categories and assuming you know what they think or how they will act only leads to negativity.

Learn to stop stereotyping and give everyone an equal chance, just as you’d expect them to give to you. It takes conscious effort, but you’ll become a more positive person as a result.

96) Be Frugal - Where It Makes Sense

Frugality isn’t just for those who don’t have any money. Even if you’re relatively comfortable in your financial situation, practicing frugality can lead to a number of benefits:

• You’re more likely to feel happier with what you’ve already got,

• You’ll appreciate the things you buy more,• You get a greater understanding of waste,• You help to save the environment by using less stuff,• You can save money for experiences that bring happiness to

your life, rather than things.

That said, don’t let frugality rule your life to the extent that you miss out on important occasions or don’t let yourself enjoy anything!

97) Vote in Elections

If you don’t usually bother to vote, start now. Elections bring the perfect opportunity to learn a little about politics – and don’t think that politics aren’t relevant to your life! Democracy relies on everyone having their say. Your vote can make a difference to the way your country is run!

98) Stop Trying to Please Everyone

If you have an excessive need to please everyone else it probably stems from a self-confidence issue: you’re desperately trying to avoid giving anyone any reason to dislike you.

The truth is that you can’t please everyone. You can never keep absolutely everyone happy. Trying to do this is simply exhausting, and probably detrimental to your own happiness.

Instead, practice kindness and compassion but give yourself permission to love yourself and remember that people’s grievances are their own choice.

99) Empathize

You may not have realized, but learning to empathize with others can greatly increase your own happiness. For example, say someone is rude to you in a store - you could react back to them in a similarly rude fashion, or you could empathize.

You never know what’s going on in that person’s life. Maybe someone in his or her family just died. If you were in that situation, wouldn’t you be out of sorts too? Even if it’s not true, thinking in this way will avoid you holding onto anger that has no purpose whatsoever.

100) Don’t Try All of These At Once

And here’s a bonus tip for you: whatever you do, don’t try all of these at once! Cut yourself some slack, you’re not superhuman and it takes time to improve yourself. Even if you just take a few of these ideas on board, your life will be better for it!

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