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  • 1. Building a coaching community to support joint practice development Jo Higginbottom Mary Carter Mike Boud 07764 944872 Mike Boud

2. 2 Plan for todays session An introduction to Coaching : Open - practise attending in pairs [15] Barnhill Coaching Programme Review [20] Q and A [ 5] Wrap up [ 5] 07764 944872 Mike Boud 0 3. 3 Open Practise attending in pairs What do we mean by Coaching, mentoring and counselling 4. 4 Paying Attention - Just one phrase - In new pairs: 1.Client speaks for approximately 2 minutes about a live, personal challenge. 2.Coach listens and keeps their eyes on their client no matter what and conveys their respect, interest and fascination 3.Coach responds with a paraphrase. Looking to capture the core of what was said by the client 4.Client gives feedback is the coach on or off the mark 5.Client gives feedback How did that feel ? 6. SWAP and REPEAT Purpose: to improve the quality of our clients thinking 5. 5 5 Whats the difference between Coaching and Mentoring ? Showing Guiding Giving Feedback Learning from Experience Asking Key Questions Challenging Assumptions Instructing CoachingCoaching MentoringMentoring Pull Push Finding Options 6. 6 People should be encouraged + able to bring their whole self to work for the greater good What do we mean by Coaching ? The quality of everything we do depends upon the quality of thinking we do first Thinking EnvironmentIGROW Process Behaviour Access to inner self Prompts Attention Freeing self belief Limiting Assumptions Second self Doing Being Time to Think Nancy Kline 2011 Effective Coaching Myles Downey LEARN2LEARNPLD.CO.UK 7. 7 Coaching focuses on the opportunities in the future . . . . . . Counselling visits the past in order to improve the future FutureFuture ProblemsProblems OpportunityOpportunity PastPast CoachingCoaching CounsellingCounselling NOWNOW Feedback 8. 8 Barnhill Coaching Program 2012/13 Coaching this year My Research Purpose, Promotion, Monitoring and Evaluation How teachers feel they have benefitted What impact teachers feel it has had on learning Recommendations 9. 9 10. 10 Coaching this Year Whole staff training [82 people] Opt in/out Trios set-up 7 half hour sessions=3 hours total Commitment 73 people participated, 9 said no. Coaching Programme Coaching workshop Opt Review Plan 11. 11 My Research Purpose, Promotion, Monitoring and Evaluation Promotion Promotion through weekly bulletin BLOG Promotional leaflet Monitoring and Evaluation Monitoring Questionnaires Focus Group Meetings Inducting new staff The purpose of my bursary was to measure the benefits and impacts of coaching on Teaching and Learning 12. 12 Promotional Leaflet 13. Collaboration Being able to speak with colleagues about issues. It has been a good platform to discuss with other practitioners challenges faced and possible strategies to overcome them. Allowing some time for collaboration Opportunity to share good practice and get advice from others. It has been good to meet other members of staff. I have also made good relationships with my coaching trio. It has provided me with a time for reflection, goal setting and thinking about processes. Great bonds built with staff. 14. Support Offloading of problems. It provides me with a support system. Able to support colleagues. I have had the opportunity to air professional issues I have and been supported in finding solutions to them. 15. Less Positive Comments I feel the format of the coaching structure is too restrictive and should be done when I feel there is a problem and not when I am forced to It was too monitored and overly structured and involved too much recording of topics. The most valuable part of it was the opportunity to discuss practice, issues and to 'download' on others, the focus on the structure was limiting. I find it a waste of time that could be spent doing something useful that would aid my own progression and that of my students - such as marking or planning. The fact that we have to write a report of each session undermines what it is supposed to be about. It simply feels like an exercise to monitor staff and keep them in line. Coaching is undervalued by Leadership group 16. Teaching and Learning ideas Sharing of T&L ideas. Makes you set aside the time to reflect on teaching, learning and how to address obstacles. Improved my practice and given me options for improving practice It has enabled me to focus on problems I have with a particular class. Good impetus to improve teaching and learning. It has made me focus on a particular aspect of my lesson. 17. Teaching and Learning Increased awareness of strategies used by other staff members or in other CAs. Able to use questions in my assessments of learning; Able to guide rather than tell students what to do through questioning. It really has helped me to focus on strategies to help me with a particular group. Able to use good listening skills with students. If nothing else it has made me more conscious and aware of teaching methods, styles, etc. When I assess their work, I now ask more reflective questions and create a dialogue. I am able to listen to my students and avoid interrupting their flow of ideas. 18. Focus It really has helped me to focus on strategies to help me with a particular group. It has made me focus on one particular group and think of strategies to help them. Helped with thinking problems through to search for alternative solutions. 19. Professional Development The way the coaching programme is structured, has allowed me to delve deep into teaching practise resource bank and encouraged me to research new questioning strategies to implement in my lessons, thus improving my class room practice. I have become more confident in my teaching. Lots of self-development has occurred following and during coaching sessions. Helped me cope with challenging situations. It makes you face up to things rather than ignore them. Has resolved some classroom issues that I thought would not be easy to deal with. 20. 22 Has coaching benefited you ? Yes - How ? No - Why not ? Has coaching had an impact upon your teaching ? Yes - How ? No - Why not ? Coaching sessions - How + Effects ? [3 people/session][1 person/session][1 person /1+ sessions] How did that work ? Coaching sessions ? Regularity , Duration Further Training on Coaching ? What , When, Timing Questionnaire included: 21. 23 Coaching is Not a quick fix May not be reflected in grades Teachers need time to develop Time to revisit issues However, we cannot prove a direct correlation between coaching, teaching and learning 22. 24 Did Teaching Practice improve during the time of the coaching programme ? ? However, we cannot prove a direct correlation between coaching, teaching and learning 23. 25 Impact of coaching in a similar school 2011 2012 Percentage of lessons good / outstanding 38% 67% Coaching Cohorts Percentage of lessons good / outstanding 45% 63% Whole School 07764 944872 Mike Boud 0787500 6571 Sybille Schiffmann 24. 26 Issues/questions that are relevant to each stage of the impact evaluation model Things we do / put in place What the participants (will / have) experienced What difference did / will it make to a)knowledge, b) attitudes and / or c) behaviours In the workplace Bottom Line Impacts ? Inputs Outputs Intermediate outcomes Final outcome Stage Evaluation Model Evidence needs e.g. number of things run? Range of things covered? e. e.g. Who participated? Participant satisfaction? Engagement of participants in activities? Level of tailored support? Range of problems addressed? Number of referrals? e. 25. 27 Our Recommendations to Leadership Group We should continue with coaching Experienced coaches (6 people) Time - Protected Paperwork ? 26. 28 Do you think coaching sessions are regular enough? 48% of participants felt that coaching sessions were regular enough. 27. 29 Proposed Barnhill action plan 01/07/13 Structure Fast start Setting up Trios Scheduling Regularity/Length Development Coaching Development Group Training targeted, Workshops Evaluation strategy 28. 30 Wrap up How has coaching worked for you ? When has coaching not gone so well ? How have you measured the impact of coaching ? What went well today ? What could have been better ? 29. 31 Challenge Partners Workshop 07764 944872 Mike Boud 0

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