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  • 8/6/2019 Building a World Class Team Final


    StratBiz Bangladesh LimitedBeing a part, Solve the tough

    Dr. Naomal BalasuriyaMBBS[Sri Lanka], MBA[Sri.J], CIM[UK], MCGP[SL], MSLIM, MIMSL

    Life Changing Motivational Speaker

    [email protected]| www.stratbizbangladesh.com

    uuiillddiinngg aanndd BBoonnddiinngg


    Saturday, 23rd

    July, 2011

    Hotel Washington

    Dhaka, Bangladesh

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]://www.stratbizbangladesh.com/http://www.stratbizbangladesh.com/http://www.stratbizbangladesh.com/mailto:[email protected]
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    Page 4

    What makes a teamWORLD CLASS?

    Part 1

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    Page 6

    ExamplesoSri Lankan Cricket Team(1996)


    oSri Lankan Forces (2009)


    oTaj Mahal

    When every things coming your way

    you may be in the wrong lane

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    Page 7

    Group Exercise:Identify features of a WORLD CLASS team

    ........... ....... ....... ..............................................................................

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    Page 8

    ........... ....... .......


    What makes a team WORLD CLASS?

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    Page 9

    Buildinga WORLD CLASSteam

    Part 2

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    Page 10

    Key Success Factors of a teamCommunity with a shared vision

    Core values


    Complementary Core Competencies

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    Page 11

    Common Sense




    Challenging spirit

    Clear expectations of each other

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    Page 16

    Features of EI

    1. Honesty

    2. Empathy

    3. Enthusiastic

    4. (k)Nowing your self

    5. Concern

    6. Trust

    7. Transparency

    8. Cooperation

    9. Affection

    10. Fairness

    11. Warmth

    12. Helpful

    13. Supportive

    14. Sincere

    15. Sensitivity

    16. Understanding



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    Page 17

    Group Exercise:Additional features of EI



















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    Page 18

    Group Exercise:Comment on the video clip with regards to EI



















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    Page 19

    Making this world abetter place than whenwe found it at birth

    Part 4

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    Page 23

    Part 6Food for thought













    1.Shoot or be shot

    2.Shoot the wounded

    3.Shoot with a purpose

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    Part 7Summary1.


    3. .....


    5. .....

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    Page 26


    Group Exercise:Are they a WORLD CLASS team?










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    Page 28

















    How NOT to do

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    Page 29

    Mini Case Study 1

    Sam Walton of Wal-Mart

    Sam Walton was born on March 29, 1918 to Thomas Gibson and Nancy Lee Walton near Kingfisher,

    Oklahoma. They owned and lived on a farm in Oklahoma until 1923.

    The Walton's then decided that the farm was not profitable enough to raise a family. So, Sam and

    Jame's (Sam's younger brother born in 1921) dad decided he would go back to being a Farm Loan


    Once this job started the Walton family moved out of Oklahoma and moved from town to town in

    Missouri. This would traumatize most children but for the Walton boys it was no big deal. This could

    be seen when Sam was in the 8th grade at Shelbina. He became the youngest boy in the state's history

    to become an Eagle Scout and this was only the start of his many accomplishments.

    As Sam grew up he was always an ambitious boy. He attended Hickman High School in Columbia

    there he played basketball and football. Here he lead the football team to the state title in 1935. He

    wasn't the most smartest person at school but he was determined to succeed. He worked hard and with

    lots of studying he became an honors student. Besides being an athlete, he was also a political figure at


    He served as Vice- President of his Junior Class and as President of the Student Body in his senior

    year. He also had to help support his family, along with his father and brother because money was

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    Page 35

    with mud, and it works, you go on to break all sorts of conventions, from personal ethics to body care.

    Then, if you're me, you develop this stunning love for anthropology".

    Also the frugality that my mother exercised during the war years made me question retail conventions.

    Why waste a container when you can refill it? And why buy more of something than you can use? We

    behaved as she did in the Second World War; we reused everything, refilled everything and recycled

    all we could.

    Married life

    Anita's mother introduced her to Gordon Roddick. He was a 26-year-old Scotsman who was a poet

    and a traveler. Anita had no interest in romance. All she wanted was to have kids and needed a sperm

    donor. However, Anita's interests changed and in 1971 Gordon and Anita were married while she was

    pregnant with their second child.

    The couple owned and ran a restaurant and eight room hotel in Littlehampton. After three years of

    running the hotel, they found themselves overworked and not having enough time for each other or the

    children. It was then that they decided to sell it and pursue something more adventurous. Gordon

    wanted to ride a horse. Anita supported his decision and was left with two children to care for.


    While Gordon was away in 1976, 33-year-old Anita decided to open a natural, environmentally

    conscious cosmetic store. It was then that she opened the first Body Shop next to a funeral parlor in

    Brighton, which is about ten minutes away from Littlehampton.

    Throughout her travels, Anita observed no one sold bath products in small or sample sizes. In her first

    store she sold 15 natural cosmetic products that she developed in her garage. She packaged them in

    small plastic recyclable bottles, urine sample bottles to be exact. She painted the walls of the shop

    green to hide the damp spots and not specifically to show that she was environment friendly. Anita

    wrote, "I made no claim to any intuition about the rise of the green movement. At the forefront of my

    mind at that time there was really only one thought- survival. She says I had no training or

    experience and my only business acumen was Gordons advice to take sales of 300 pounds a week.

    Soon, Anita wanted to open a second store. By the time Gordon returned in 1977, ten months after he

    left, the popularity of the Body Shop had grown so much that many customers wanted to start their

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    Page 37

    Working with other NGOs, The Body Shop took on their cause and 4 years later Shell revised their

    way of doing business and committed the company to human rights and sustainable development.

    Achievements & current position

    Today, the Body Shop has grown from a single "hippie" store in England to a multinational company

    with 1,366 stores in 46 countries. Anita Roddick's success has grown as well. In 1993 she was one of

    the five richest women in England. She has received many awards. These include being named

    London's Business Woman of the year in 1985 and being awarded an Order of the British Empire

    [OBE] in 1988. In addition she has been named Communicator of the Year, Retailer of the Year in

    1988, and received the United Nations' "Global 500" environmental award. Anita says: I have been

    given a whole host of awards, some I understand, some I dont and a couple that I think I deserve.

    The success of the Body Shop demonstrates that one person can make a difference. As for now, Anita,Gordon and the Body Shop are continuing to promote social and environmental awareness.It is said

    that she embodies everything great about entrepreneurship. Her business is all about making the world

    a better place: great products to make customers lives more beautiful and enjoyable, commitment to

    employees, assisting economic and community development by purchasing natural ingredients from

    small suppliers in developing nations and strong social activism.

    Anita states, "I wake up every morning thinking . . . this is my last day. And I jam everything into it.

    There's no time for mediocrity. There is just no time for a damned dress rehearsal".

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  • 8/6/2019 Building a World Class Team Final


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