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Page 1: Building High Performance Teame module (02) Teamwork Style in Workplace

Module (02)



Building High Performance Team

Page 2: Building High Performance Teame module (02) Teamwork Style in Workplace

2.1 Work Groups and Team

2.2 Re-Active and Pro-Active

2.3 Building Trust and Believability

2.4 Inter-Team Conflicts

2.5 Model of Effective Team

2.6 High Performing Leadership

2.7 Style of Behaving toward Team Members

Module (02) Teamwork Style in Workplace

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2.1 Work Groups and Team




A collection of individuals, the members

accept a common task, become

interdependent in their performance, and

interact with one another to promote its


Definition of a Group:

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Propinquity Theory:

People associate with one another due to geographical


Balance Theory:

People who have similar attitudes toward certain objects

and goals tend to form a group.

Exchange Theory:

The reward-cost outcomes of interactions serve as the basis

for group formation.

Dynamics of Group Formation:

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Stages of Group Development

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Building Team from Group

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Groups of 5-7 members exercise the

best elements of both small and large


Size of a Group:

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Work Teams:

A small number of people with complementary skills who are

committed to a common Purpose, common Performance

Goals, and an approach for which they hold themselves

mutually accountable”.

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• Enhanced Performance.

• Employee Benefits.

• Reduced Costs.

• Organizational Enhancements.

• Increase Reliability (Human/Machine).

• Increase Productivity.

• Employment Loyalty

Benefits of Work Teams:

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Team Versus Group

Work Group:

A group that interacts primarily to

share information and to make

decisions to help each group

member perform within his or her

area of responsibility.

Work Team

A group whose individual efforts result

in a performance that is greater than

the sum of the individual inputs.

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Types of Teams

Problem-Solving Team:

If there are 5 to 12 employees from the

same Department who meet for a few

hours each week to discuss ways of

improving quality, efficiency, and the work


Self-Managed Work Teams:

If there are 10 to 15 people who take on

the Responsibilities of their former

Supervisors to do certain Job.

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• Task forces

• Committees

Cross-Functional Teams:

Employees from about the same

hierarchical level, but from different

work areas, who come together to

accomplish a task.

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Virtual Teams:

Teams that use computer

technology to tie together

physically dispersed members in

order to achieve a common goal.

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Shaping Individuals Into Team Players


Good interpersonal skills


Can be trained by specialists


Financial or non Financial Rewards

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2.2 Re-Active and Pro-Active

Re-Active People:

They focus on the weakness of other People, and they do

action once the problem happen. They can’t think about future

but they are focusing one what in their hand only.

Reactive people, on the other hand, are often affected by their

physical environment. They find external sources to blame for

their behavior. If the weather is good, they feel good. If it isn't,

it affects their attitude and performance, and they blame the


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The proactive people focus their energies and attention on the

things which they can change for the better as per their vision.

Pro-Active People:

They thing about what they can do with their resources, They

have Vision and they try to achieve it, Also they focus on the

things for future.

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Pro-active means: Taking initiative first whatever the situation

may be and having initiative and responsibility to make things

happen and The ability to choose your response to a particular


Responsibility =>

Response + Ability

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Three Types of People

• People who watch things happen.

• People who make things happen

• People who wonder…what happened

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2.3 Building Trust and Believability

Importance of Trust and Believability:

“Under conditions of High Trust with right believes, problem

solving tends to be Creative and Productive. Under conditions

of Low Trust, problem solving tends to be degenerative and


In contrast, in High Trust Groups there is less socially

generated uncertainty and problems are solved more

effectively.” in Low Trust Groups, interpersonal relationships

interfere with and distort perceptions of the problem.

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Where Do We Trust?

Social Trust: It happen between people in the life activities.

Trust in Organizations : It happen between organization and

those they serve (Employees)

Intra - Organizational Trust: it happen within Organization’s


Inter- Organizational Trust : It happen between different


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Importance of Trust within Organizations

“Although an organization obviously cannot succeed without

high levels of trust between members, most aggressive

companies do little to actively build trust.

The typical corporation spends huge sums of money training

its managers in interpersonal skills, but pays lip service to the

critical issue of trust.”

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2.4 Inter-Team Conflicts

Conflict can be pretty much inevitable when you work with

others. People have different viewpoints and under the right

set of circumstances, those differences escalate to conflict.

You can choose to:

Ignore it.

Complain about it.

Blame someone for it.

Try to deal with it through hints & suggestions.

Try to direct clarify what is going on.

Attempt to reach a resolution through common


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ent Three-stage process below is a form of mediation process,

which helps Team Members to do:

Step 01: Prepare for Resolution:

Acknowledge the Conflict

Discuss the Impact

Agree to a cooperate process

Agree to communicate (Active Listening)

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Step 02: Understand the Situation:

Clarify People’s Positions

List of facts, assumptions and beliefs underlying position

Analyze in Smaller Groups

Convene back as a Team

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Step 03: Reach Agreement:

Now that all parties understand the others’ positions, the team

must decide what decision or course of action to take. With

the facts and assumptions considered. It’s easier to see the best

of action and reach agreement.

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2.5 Model of Effective Team

1. Trust ONE another.

2. Engage in In-filtered Conflict around Ideas.

3. Commit to Decisions & Plans of Action.

4. Hold ONE another Accountable/Catch Mistakes.

5. Focus on Achievement of Collective Results for all.

There are FIVE Functions of an Effective Team:

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The Strategic Team

Development profile uses

the High Energy teams

MODLE to address Eight

Fundamentals areas that all

Teams need to resolve, in

order to perform


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SWOT Analysis

Conflict Resolution

Role Clarification

Identifying Skill Gaps / Needs

Team Performance Reviews

Establishing Rewards Programs

Aligning Work Values

Improving Team Processes, Quality and Productivity

The Strategic Team Development Profile is a Team Needs

Analysis tool that will pinpoint the strategic issues that need

resolving in the group. Just some of the applications include:

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ent Warm, Friendly Attitude

Says Thank you and Smiles

Customer Focused Oriented

Prompt, and Reliable

Self-Motivated and Learning

Shares Knowledge & Values

Good Listeners & Reporter

Accountable and Accept Mistakes

Has high Standards and Professionally

Supportive and Cooperative

High Effective Team Module:

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2.6 High Performance Leadership

Today’s Business Environment requires a New Breed of High

Performance Leaders who can identify the Right People for the

Right Job:

Motivate and coach employees.

Introduce and facilitate proactive organizational

change Strategies

Use new communication skills

Become a visible champion for process

improvement programs and strategies.

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Strategies for Leadership and Organization Change:

Apply influence based Leadership VERSUS Control.

Integrate Organizational Change Strategies with


Develop Strategic Plans to support COMPANY BUSINESS


Provide Leadership Skills TRAINING, COACHING and


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2.7 Style of Behaving toward Team Members

Teams are made up of different

characters, feeling, believes and

personalities hence it makes the whole

situation of working in a team dynamic.

Things are always in a flux and throw in

the occasional ego trips; it can make

working in a team very stressful. But

there are behaviors you can adhere to

lessen the stress and get the best out of

the team

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Style of Behaving toward Team Members:

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