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  • 1.With and Without Knockout

2. UI Patterns Data & Bindings Separation of Concerns Structured JavaScript 3. 6+ 2+ Separates behavior and structure Declarative bindings Observables 4. data-bind="value: firstName" Declarative Binding ko.observable ko.applyBindings Create an Observable http://jsfiddle.net/johnpapa/BEzJc/ 5. Source object Push from Source to Target 6. With and Without Knockout Observable 7. Taylor 110 Taylor 914ceTaylor 914ce Taylor 110 8. data-bind Declarative Binding product: { id: 1001, model: ko.observable("Taylor 314ce"), salePrice: ko.observable(1199.95) } ko.applyBindings(data); Source object Bind Source to Target, & Vice Versa 9. With and Without Knockout Observable Computed 10. computed dependentObservable 11. observables 12. With and Without Knockout Observable Computed ObservableArray 13. var myViewModel = { salesPerson: ko.observable("John"), empNum: ko.observable(39811), products: ko.observableArray([ { model: "Taylor 314CE", price: 1749, id=321 }, { model: "Martin D40", price: 1899, id=479 } ]) }; Pre-populating Operating on observableArray 14. With and Without Knockout Observable Computed ObservableArray Built In Bindings 15. enable value options value optionsText optionsValue Built into Knockout Binding for element attributes Multiple binding expressions 16. attr checked click css disable enable event hasfocus html options optionsText optionsValue selectedOptions style submit text uniqueName value visibletext value click disable enable attr Display and state bindings Text and value bindingsBindings for specific attributes visible event Event bindings 17. With and Without Knockout Observable Computed ObservableArray Built In Bindings Templates 18. If truthy conditionif If falsy conditionifnot Execute for each item in a listforeach Shortcut to execute for the objectwith 19. template: {name: 'productsTmpl', foreach: lines} Pass the context for the template with foreach productsTmpl 20. if: lines().length > 0 Any truthy expression 21. with: model text: brand text: name

22. All Part of the Native Template Engine in Knockout 23. With and Without Knockout Observable Computed ObservableArray Built In Bindings Templates Custom Binding Handlers 24. function(element, valueAccessor function(element, valueAccessor Runs first time the binding is evaluated Runs after init and every time one of its observables changes 25. element, valueAccessor, allBindingsAccessor, viewModel valueAccessor element element, valueAccessor, allBindingsAccessor, viewModel valueAccessor element element Bound DOM element What is passed to the binding All other bindings on same element The viewmodel 26. With and Without Knockout Observable Computed ObservableArray Built In Bindings Templates 27. JavaScript: The Developer Experience (DEV308) JavaScript: The Language (DEV307) 28. http://www.microsoft.com/visualstudio/en-us http://blogs.msdn.com/b/jasonz/ http://www.facebook.com/visualstudio http://twitter.com/#!/visualstudio Somasegars Blog http://blogs.msdn.com/b/somasegar/ 29. http://northamerica.msteched.com www.microsoft.com/learning http://microsoft.com/technet http://microsoft.com/msdn

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