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Biol. Rev. (1999), 74, pp. 143–175 Printed in the United Kingdom # Cambridge Philosophical Society 143

Building large trees by combining phylogenetic

information: a complete phylogeny of the extant

Carnivora (Mammalia)


"Department of Zoology, University of Oxford, Oxford OX1 3PS, U.K.#Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tennessee, 37996–1610, U.S.A.$Department of Biology, Imperial College at Silwood Park, Ascot, Berks SL5 7PY, U.K. E-mail : a.purvis!ic.ac.uk

(Received 2 June 1998; revised 27 November 1998; accepted 16 December 1998)


One way to build larger, more comprehensive phylogenies is to combine the vast amount of phylogeneticinformation already available. We review the two main strategies for accomplishing this (combining rawdata versus combining trees), but employ a relatively new variant of the latter : supertree construction. Theutility of one supertree technique, matrix representation using parsimony analysis (MRP), is demonstratedby deriving a complete phylogeny for all 271 extant species of the Carnivora from 177 literature sources.Beyond providing a ‘consensus ’ estimate of carnivore phylogeny, the tree also indicates taxa for which therelationships remain controversial (e.g. the red panda; within canids, felids, and hyaenids) or have not beenstudied in any great detail (e.g. herpestids, viverrids, and intrageneric relationships in the procyonids). Timesof divergence throughout the tree were also estimated from 74 literature sources based on both fossil andmolecular data. We use the phylogeny to show that some lineages within the Mustelinae and Canidaecontain significantly more species than expected for their age, illustrating the tree’s utility for studies ofmacroevolution. It will also provide a useful foundation for comparative and conservational studies involvingthe carnivores.

Key words : Carnivora, character congruence, taxonomic congruence, supertree, matrix representation,parsimony, divergence times, fossil dates, molecular clock, macroevolution.


I. Introduction ............................................................................................................................ 144II. Combining phylogenetic information ...................................................................................... 145

III. Methodology............................................................................................................................ 146(1) Mechanics and limitations of matrix representation ......................................................... 146(2) Determination of the composite phylogeny....................................................................... 147(3) Establishing times of divergence........................................................................................ 148

IV. Results and discussion.............................................................................................................. 149(1) Distribution of taxonomic coverage .................................................................................. 149

* Present address : Section of Evolution and Ecology, One Shields Avenue, University of California at Davis, Davis,CA 95616, U.S.A. E-mail : orbininda!ucdavis.edu.

† Present address : Department of Biology, Gilmer Hall, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA 22903, U.S.A.E-mail : JLGittleman!virginia.edu.

144 Olaf R. P. Bininda-Emonds, John L. Gittleman and Andy Purvis

(2) Resolution and robustness................................................................................................. 150(3) Times of divergence .......................................................................................................... 153(4) Fossil versus molecular dates .............................................................................................. 156(5) Systematic implications ..................................................................................................... 160(6) Macroevolutionary............................................................................................................ 164

V. Conclusions .............................................................................................................................. 165VI. Acknowledgements .................................................................................................................. 165

VII. References................................................................................................................................ 165VIII. Appendix ................................................................................................................................. 173


The benefits of a complete phylogeny for a giventaxon (beyond the systematic ones) are clear.Phylogenies underpin comparative biology (Felsen-stein, 1985b ; Harvey et al., 1996), and trees that arewell-resolved, complete, and include estimates ofdivergence dates allow more powerful tests of a widerrange of hypotheses (Harvey & Pagel, 1991). Inaddition to facilitating general studies of adaptation,complete phylogenies are critical for testing macro-evolutionary hypotheses (Purvis, 1996; Mooers &Heard, 1997). For instance, have rates of diversi-fication varied over time or among lineages? Arethere any recurring correlates of diversity (e.g. keyinnovations, environmental or ecological factors,biogeographic events)? Finally, complete phylo-genies may have implications for conservation efforts(Humphries, Williams & Vane-Wright, 1995;Va! zquez & Gittleman, 1998).

Attempts to generate complete phylogenies fromprimary data face two size-related limitations : (1)obtaining sufficient data that are informative for allsets of relationships spanning the history of the groupin question and (2) the inability of current computeralgorithms to find optimal trees for more thanapproximately 20 taxa (Swofford, 1993). The firstlimitation is perhaps the more serious. Althoughoptimal solutions cannot be guaranteed for analyseswith large numbers of taxa, heuristic searchalgorithms appear to be remarkably powerful(Swofford, 1993), particularly when prefaced by thecombination of compartmentalization (Mishler,1994) whereby large data sets are broken down intomore manageable nested subsets, and parsimonyjackknifing (Farris et al., 1996), which is a fastprocedure for detecting well-supported clades.

Despite the recent explosion in phylogeneticstudies, the uneven distribution of research effortacross taxa and of the resulting phylogenetic in-formation into many individual studies means thathomologous data (e.g. the same gene sequences ormorphological characters) for all members of a

group often do not exist. Furthermore, when suchdata exist, they frequently cannot resolve relation-ships throughout the tree, particularly for groupswith long evolutionary histories. One solution is acoordinated effort to fill in the missing information.A simpler and more cost-effective solution might beto combine the vast amount of phylogenetic in-formation that already exists, and this is the strategywe employ herein for the carnivores.

The mammalian order Carnivora is a diversecollection of 271 extant species (followingWozencraft, 1993) found on every continent andoccupying habitats ranging from oceans to rainforestand deserts. Carnivores range in body size over fourorders of magnitude – more than any other mam-malian order – and are also notably diverse in theirphysiology, social structure, and, despite theirordinal name, their feeding ecology. Furthermore,there are marked differences in the current speciesrichness among high-level taxa (e.g. there are 65mustelids and only four hyaenids).

Recent comparative studies of adaptation in theCarnivora include the evolution of life histories(e.g. Gittleman, 1994a), colour patterns (e.g.Ortolani & Caro, 1996), body, brain, and skull size(e.g. Gittleman, 1994b ; Gittleman & Van Valken-burgh, 1997), home-range size (e.g. Garland et al.,1993), energetics and physiology (e.g. Lee, Majluf &Gordon, 1991; McNab, 1995), and social structure(e.g. Creel & Macdonald, 1995; Geffen et al., 1996).Yet, despite its utility for studying carnivore evolu-tion, no complete species-level phylogeny has everbeen assembled for this diverse and varied order. Allthe above studies were limited by having only apartial or poorly resolved phylogeny of the carni-vores available that included only a number of keytaxa (rarely more than 30) spread throughout theorder (e.g. Wayne et al., 1989a ; Garland et al., 1993;Wyss & Flynn, 1993; Vrana et al., 1994; Ledje &Arnason, 1996).

We initially introduce methods of combiningphylogenetic information, focusing particularly onconstructing a phylogenetic supertree (Sanderson,

145Carnivoran phylogeny

Purvis & Henze, 1998) by matrix representationwith parsimony analysis (MRP; Baum, 1992;Ragan, 1992). We then illustrate the utility of MRPfor building larger, more comprehensive phylogeniesby deriving the first complete species-level phylogenyof extant carnivores based on a thorough survey ofthe systematic literature from the past 25 years. Wealso date the nodes in the resulting cladogram asfully as possible, following methods in Purvis(1995a). The carnivore ‘ supertree ’ will facilitatetests of comparative hypotheses as we demonstratewith some preliminary macroevolutionary analyses.We stress, however, that our tree is not intended tobe the final word in carnivoran phylogeny, but isintended more to provide a working hypothesis, toprovoke alternative hypotheses, and to direct moresystematic attention to groups that have so farreceived little or none.



As mentioned above, existing information can bereexamined to provide more complete estimates ofphylogeny. Historically, two approaches have domi-nated, both of which were initially devised to assessthe degree of congruence between independent datasets. ‘Character congruence’ (sensu Kluge, 1989)operates by combining and re-analysing the raw(primary) data to derive the most consistent, unifiedstatement regarding relationships among a set oftaxa (Swofford, 1991). With ‘ taxonomic congru-ence’ (sensu Mickevich, 1978), the data sets areanalysed individually and the resultant trees arecombined using consensus techniques to indicatethose clades supported by the most independent linesof evidence (Swofford, 1991). We discuss theadvantages and limitations of each approach in turnbefore introducing a recently developed technique:constructing phylogenetic supertrees (sensu Sander-son et al., 1998) using MRP (Baum, 1992; Ragan,1992).

Character congruence has been promoted largelyon the principle of ‘ total evidence’ (sensu Kluge,1989): the best phylogenetic hypothesis is the onethat uses all the available data and then as muchinformation within those data as possible. Its appealto many derives from the advantages of combiningthe raw data. First, signals and subsignals within thedata can interact to support one another, yieldingrelationships that were not indicated by any singlesource study (‘signal enhancement ’, de Queiroz,Donoghue & Kim, 1995; also Nixon & Carpenter,

1996). Second, studies are easily differentiallyweighted to reflect confidence levels and samplesizes. Finally, using the raw data means that thedescriptive and explanatory power of the solution ismaximized (Kluge & Wolf, 1993; Nixon &Carpenter, 1996). For instance, the solution can beused to infer processes such as character evolutionand support for it can be summarized using standardmetrics such as goodness-of-fit indices (Swofford,1991), bootstrapping (Felsenstein, 1985a), or Bremersupport (Ka$ llersjo$ et al., 1992).

Disadvantages of character congruence includethe necessity of a single clustering or tree-buildingtechnique (typically parsimony), which limits its useto compatible data types only. Another potentialproblem is whether data pointing to vastly differentsolutions should be combined. This statistical ar-gument takes its lead from ecology where oneroutinely tests for data heterogeneity prior toprospective pooling. Many have argued againstcombining phylogenetic data lacking a single under-lying distribution (e.g. Bull et al., 1993; de Queirozet al., 1995), but some remain unconvinced (e.g.Nixon & Carpenter, 1996).

Taxonomic congruence instead combines treesand thus is one step removed from the primary data.To many, this is a less desirable approach, such thattaxonomic congruence is advocated more as a fall-back option when character congruence cannot beapplied (e.g. data heterogeneity or incompatibility)(Bull et al., 1993; Rodrigo et al., 1993; de Querioz et

al., 1995). This dual strategy has been referred to aseither ‘prior agreement ’ (Chippindale & Wiens,1994) or the ‘conditional combination approach’(Huelsenbeck, Bull & Cunningham, 1996). Taxo-nomic congruence has also been criticized becausethe choice of consensus technique used to combinethe source trees is essentially arbitrary (Kluge, 1989).

However, the strategy of combining trees presentscertain advantages. Methodologically, consensustechniques find solutions in polynomial time asopposed to the less efficient non-polynomial time ofoptimization-based tree-building techniques(Graham & Foulds, 1982). Therefore, taxonomiccongruence is less prone to size limitations than ischaracter congruence. Data sets are also combinedequally, preventing smaller ones from being‘swamped’. Concerns about swamping have beenstrongest for combining morphological and mol-ecular data sets as the latter tend to be much larger(Kluge, 1983; Miyamoto, 1985; Barrett, Donoghue& Sober, 1991). However, swamping may be less ofa problem than formerly thought : most molecular

146 Olaf R. P. Bininda-Emonds, John L. Gittleman and Andy Purvis

characters are not phylogenetically informative (i.e.they are invariant or the changes do not cluster taxa)and so the two sources are often more equal in sizethan they might first appear. Finally, it is easier tovisualize conflict between data sets using taxonomiccongruence because conflicting regions contain poly-tomies (although this depends on the consensustechnique used to some degree). This becomesimportant philosophically because many hold thebest hypothesis to be the one that has the mostindependent lines of evidence supporting it(Mickevich, 1978; Farris, 1983; Penny & Hendy,1986; Novacek, 1992b).

A new solution for combining phylogenetic in-formation is constructing phylogenetic supertrees.Building supertrees, for which MRP is one method,resembles taxonomic congruence methodologicallyin that trees are combined rather than raw data.Thus, supertrees can combine heterogeneous orincompatible data. However, because the algorithmsdo not use (conventional) consensus techniques to doso, a distinguishing feature of supertrees is that thesource trees can possess different sets of terminaltaxa. [Except for Lanyon’s (1993) modified semi-strict consensus algorithm, all consensus techniquesrequire source trees to have the same set of taxa.]

Due to its mechanics, MRP also possesses proper-ties reminiscent of character congruence. Briefly,MRP represents the pattern of relationships within asource tree as a series of binary elements(‘characters ’) describing each node in turn.Descendants of a node are scored as ‘1 ’, all others(except taxa missing from that source tree whichreceive ‘? ’) as ‘0 ’ (Baum, 1992; Ragan, 1992). Anall-zero hypothetical outgroup is used to polarize theelements. A parsimony algorithm perfectly recon-structs any single tree coded in this manner and isthe ‘most efficient ’ means (Baum & Ragan, 1993, p.638) of deriving a composite tree from many sourcetrees (Baum, 1992; Ragan, 1992).

Because trees are a graphical representation of thesignal within a data set, MRP is essentially aparsimony analysis of the different phylogeneticsignals within each data set stripped of any con-founding noise (i.e. homoplasy). Thus, it obtainscharacter congruence-like properties such asoccasionally indicating clades not found among anyof the source trees (analogous to signal enhancement)and is less sensitive to conflict among source trees inthat the composite tree is usually well resolved(Barrett et al., 1991; Purvis, 1995b ; Bininda-Emonds& Bryant, 1998). Furthermore, differential levels ofsupport, both within and among source trees, can be

accounted for by weighting (Purvis, 1995b ;Ronquist, 1996). Unfortunately, MRP faces sizelimitations like any parsimony analysis, althoughMRP analyses tend to be relatively ‘clean’, allowingmore taxa than usual to be analysed using exactsearch algorithms.

An important distinction between MRP andcharacter congruence techniques is that the matrixelements generated by MRP’s coding procedure foreach source tree are not independent, forming cliquesof elements that support one another. Because ofthis, support for MRP analyses should not besummarized by techniques like bootstrapping thatassume character independence (Purvis, 1995b).Moreover, it means that MRP has a size bias.Bigger, more resolved source trees contribute moreelements to the overall matrix and so tend to havegreater impact on the composite tree (Ronquist,1996; Bininda-Emonds & Bryant, 1998). Attemptsto correct for the size bias using differential weighting(Ronquist, 1996) or a modified coding procedure(Purvis, 1995b) have been unsuccessful or shown tobe theoretically flawed (Ronquist, 1996; Bininda-Emonds & Bryant, 1998). It is debatable whetherthe bias is a shortcoming, but it does not appear tobe correctable and, at the very least, will causeMRP to ‘combine trees ’ in a way we might not beaccustomed to. However, the bias is most apparentwhen very limited numbers of source trees arecombined; with increasing numbers (as herein),differences arising because of the bias appear to besmall (for a more complete discussion of this issue seeBininda-Emonds & Bryant, 1998).

The full potential of MRP to combine phylo-genetic information has yet to be fully explored;however, it has already been used to produce acomposite tree for all extant primate species (Purvis,1995a) and ones for bats, insectivores, andmarsupials are currently under construction.


(1) Mechanics and limitations of matrixrepresentation

In addition to its potential shortcomings mentionedabove, MRP as applied here also has some his-torically-based limitations. To some degree, themethod amounts to a majority rule summary of pastand present systematic opinion, and so will beheavily biased against new, non-traditional hypoth-eses, even if they are now widely accepted. A case inpoint is the recent contention by Wyss (1987) of a

147Carnivoran phylogeny

walrus–phocid pairing to the exclusion of the otariids.Although currently accepted by many pinnipedsystematists (e.g. Flynn, 1988; Berta, 1991; Cozzuol,1992; Wyss & Flynn, 1993; Berta & Wyss, 1994;Vrana et al., 1994), this hypothesis has not yetaccumulated sufficient support to outweigh themore traditional view of a walrus–otariid pairing.Results from molecular studies would be expected tosuffer the most from this bias due to the relativelyrecent origin of the field.

Additionally, our analyses do not provide a strongtest of the monophyly of some taxa because many ofour sources tacitly assume the monophyly of taxaabove the species level. We have minimized thisproblem whenever possible by identifying the speciesbeing referred to; however, this was often notpossible with older references, particularly those thatlisted groups in a taxonomic fashion (therebyimplicitly including all species).

(2) Determination of the compositephylogeny

Potential source trees were identified from on-linesearches of the Science Citation Index (1981–95; via

Bath Information and Data Services), BiologicalAbstracts (1990–5), and Zoological Record (1978–95) for any of the key words cladistic*, clado*,classif*, phylogen*, systematic*, or taxonom* incombination with any major carnivoran taxon name(scientific or common). Additional sources wereobtained from references within previously foundarticles. We restricted the search to between theyears 1970 and 1995 inclusive. Exceptions weremade only for ‘ landmark’ articles (e.g. Gregory &Hellman, 1939; Leone & Wiens, 1956), ‘ in press ’articles of which we were aware of by the end of1995, and articles for groups (notably the herpestidsand viverrids) that otherwise yielded too few sourcetrees. Species assignments followed Wozencraft(1993).

Our phylogeny explicitly details relationshipsamong extant carnivorans, for which we havefollowed a recent and widely accepted species list(Wozencraft, 1993). To our knowledge, this listexcludes only two putative carnivore species (besidesthe domestic cat and dog): the Iriomote cat (Felis

iriomotensis) and a newly described viverrid (Viverra

tainguensis ; Sokolov, Rozhnov & Anh, 1997). How-ever, the Iriomote cat was held to be an islandsubspecies of the leopard cat (Felis bengalensis) byWozencraft (1993) and the taxonomic status of V.tainguensis requires verification. Additionally, recog-

nizing that fossil information can overturn phylo-genetic hypotheses based on extant forms alone(Gauthier, Kluge & Rowe, 1988; Donoghue et al.,1989; Novacek, 1992a), we included source treeswith fossil and extant species whenever possible.

Source trees were obtained from a total of 177publications (see Appendix and Table 1 for abreakdown according to family). Only that in-formation which the author(s) indicated to havephylogenetic relevance was used. Where a researcheror group has published a series of papers usingvirtually the same methodology and data source,only the most recent and complete study was used.However, when different researchers analysed thesame data source, we used each tree becausedifferences in the analyses (e.g. assumptions, use ofdifferent segments of the same gene) might changethe results between the studies. Finally, when asource contained multiple analyses of a given dataset, we combined the results of these analyses into asingle source tree using MRP.

Unlike Purvis (1995a), we drew no distinctionbetween source trees based on the type of analysisused to obtain them. Hence, all elements from allsource trees received equal weight in the finalanalysis. Because any choice of weights, includingequal weighting, is inevitably subjective (Barrett et

al., 1991), we also examine the effects of a differentialweighting scheme (see Purvis, 1995a).

The size of the problem precluded an efficientsingle analysis of all species, so composite estimateswere made for the following taxa: Canidae, Felidae,Herpestidae, Hyaenidae, Mustelidae (and Lutrinaeand Mephitinae therein), Otariidae, Phocidae,Procyonidae, Ursidae (including the giant panda,Ailuropoda melanoleuca), and Viverridae, and onelinking these taxa plus the monotypic walrus(Odobenus rosmarus) and red panda (Ailurus fulgens)together (‘higher groups ’). The nested estimateswere combined into a single tree in a process akin tocompartmentalization. Most of these groups arewidely, if not universally, accepted as monophyletic.The only substantive objections that might be raisedlie with grouping Ailuropoda melanoleuca with theursids, and the assumed monophyly of procyonids,mustelids and viverrids. Despite the historical con-troversy surrounding the relationships of Ailuropoda

melanoleuca, the clear majority now hold it to be aprimitive ursid (O’Brien et al., 1985; see Mayr, 1986for a summary). Among recent studies, only Peters(1982) and Tagle et al. (1986; but see Czelusniak et

al., 1991) dissent from this view. Support for amonophyletic Procyonidae comes from Seal, Phillips

148 Olaf R. P. Bininda-Emonds, John L. Gittleman and Andy Purvis

& Erickson (1970), Baskin (1982, 1989), Wozencraft(1989), and Decker & Wozencraft (1991). Whilegrowing evidence exists that the mephitines are onlydistantly related to the remaining mustelids(Arnason & Widegren, 1986; Wayne et al., 1989a ;Arnason & Ledje, 1993; Vrana et al., 1994; Ledje &Arnason, 1996), this claim still requires furthersubstantiation. There is also speculation that theAfrican palm civet (Nandinia binotata) may be aprimitive feloid, and not a viverrid, based on theprimitive morphology of its auditory bulla (Hunt,1974; Wiig, 1985; Flynn, Neff & Tedford, 1988;Hunt & Tedford, 1993; Flynn, 1996), but we couldnot adequately test this hypothesis because thetopological disparity of the two hypotheses wasdifficult to accommodate under the constraints of thenested analysis. Therefore, we assumed Nandinia

binotata to be a viverrid.Matrices were constructed using the data editor of

MacClade 3.05 (Maddison & Maddison, 1992). Ahypothetical all-zero outgroup was added to each topolarize the elements. All matrices were analysedwith PAUP 3.1.1 (Swofford, 1993). The exactbranch-and-bound algorithm was used for matriceswith fewer than 20 taxa. For larger matrices, we usedthe approximate heuristic algorithm with a randomaddition sequence (25 repetitions), TBR branchswapping on minimal trees only (steepest descenton), collapsed zero length branches, and unlimitedMAXTREES. Equally most parsimonious solutionswere summarized using strict consensus.

Only one search could not be completed due tomemory limitations. Initial results for the herpestidswere highly unresolved (see Fig. 11A), with at least30000 most parsimonious solutions, because manyherpestid species have scarcely been investigatedsystematically. Because the phylogenetic position ofmany species is unknown beyond a certain level (e.g.subfamilial or generic assessment), MRP indicatesall placements within that clade to be equallyparsimonious, collapsing the clade to a bush understrict consensus. To improve resolution within thisfamily, we applied safe taxonomic reduction(Wilkinson, 1995) to identify poorly known taxawhose (few) matrix elements were identical withthose of one or more of the more completely knownspecies and provided no novel clustering infor-mation. Twelve species were identified in thismanner and removed from the analysis. However,contra Wilkinson (1995), these species were reinsertedinto the tree at the most basal position indicated forthem in the literature (dashed branches in Fig. 11B).For example, both Dologale dybowskii and Rhynchogale

melleri are known to be herpestines, but no study hasplaced them any more precisely, so both taxa wereadded to the basal node of this subfamily. Suchplacements do not strictly reflect phylogeny(although weak membership statements can be madefrom them), but rather identify poorly studied taxa,much like Adams consensus (Adams, 1972) identifies‘rogue’ taxa among many competing source trees.Although the same lack of information applied to theintrageneric relationships of the procyonids (see Fig.5), safe taxonomic reduction could not improve theresolution there.

We use Bremer support (Bremer, 1988; Ka$ llersjo$et al., 1992) to estimate the robustness of each nodein the composite tree. Bremer support indicates howmuch less parsimonious the tree would have to bebefore the clade in question disappears. Bremersupport depends on how many characters orelements there are (Novacek, 1991) and how wellthey agree, so values may be low because of smallnumbers of source trees or conflict among them (see‘Results and Discussion’).

(3) Establishing times of divergence

Following Purvis (1995a), a combination of absolute(fossil and point molecular estimates) and relative(molecular) dates from the literature were used todate the composite tree (see Appendix). Both kindsof data present inherent difficulties.

No clear guidelines have emerged for estimatingtimes of divergence from the fossil record. Wefollowed Wayne, Van Valkenburgh & O’Brien(1991) in using the time of first occurrence of eitherdescendant lineage, unless there was good phylo-genetic or biogeographic evidence to the contrary.One problem with fossil information is the greaterinstability of fossil systematics (e.g. see McKenna &Bell, 1997). This reflects (1) changes in phylogeneticopinion caused by the discovery of new species or ofadditional material for poorly known species, and(2) that, historically, fossil species were frequentlygrouped taxonomically rather than phylo-genetically. (Similar problems affect analyses ofextant forms, but are generally less severe and fossilsystematics is becoming increasingly based on morerobust, cladistic methodology.) Taxonomic group-ings tend to be unstable at many levels (e.g. tribe,subfamily), something also arising from shifts inphylogenetic opinion. Thus, the context of a taxonmight have changed since a fossil species was assignedto it. For example, Viverridae long includedmongooses and kin as the subfamily Herpestinae

149Carnivoran phylogeny

(despite the lack of any derived features unitingthem; see Wozencraft, 1989). However, sinceWozencraft (1989), the elevation of mongooses (asHerpestidae) to equivalent status as viverrids hasbeen increasingly accepted. Thus, when using fossilinformation that predates this taxonomic change,one must ensure that the fossil ‘viverrid’ is what wewould recognize as a viverrid today.

Furthermore, not all fossil information is usablein the current context. The absence of fossil species inour phylogeny means the divergence estimated bymany fossils will not be present, particularly thosethat predate the most recent common ancestry of theextant taxa. For example, Hesperocyon is widelyregarded as the oldest known canid, but since it isnot a member of the clade including extant forms(Savage & Russell, 1983; Wang, 1994), its time offirst occurrence cannot be used to date theirradiation. Information from Hesperocyon would, how-ever, be appropriate for dating the divergence of allcanids from the remaining caniforms.

Altogether, these problems necessitate care to beexercised when using fossil dates. Our generalstrategy was to use information from relatively wellknown and stable fossil species only and then to useit to establish divergence times for nodes equivalentto the more robust taxonomic levels (generallyfamilies and genera). This strategy provided datesfor 129 nodes.

The use of molecular data to derive times ofdivergence is hampered by different lineages evolv-ing at different rates (Gillespie, 1991; Wayne et al.,1991; Flynn, 1996) and evidence of a decrease in therate of change with increasing divergence times(Wayne et al., 1991; Gittleman et al., 1996). As such,calibrating molecular information to a few widelyspaced nodes of known age will likely lead tocorrelated errors (and typically underestimates ;Wayne et al., 1991) throughout the tree. As in Purvis(1995a), the concept of a local molecular clock(Bailey et al., 1991) was employed to minimizepotential errors. Briefly, this method estimates thedate of a node relative to some (not necessarilyimmediately) ancestral node based on relativebranch lengths (see Purvis, 1995a for more detailand a worked example). Whenever possible, thebranch lengths we used for this were derived fromthe original pairwise matrices in the source paper.

A total of 74 studies yielded 545 point estimates(293 fossil, 236 molecular and 16 from a studyassimilating both types) for 150 nodes throughoutthe tree. To minimize the effect of outliers, thedivergence time for a node was calculated as the

median of available estimates. Whatever theirsource, estimates of divergence time are likely to beunderestimates. Fossil dates will consistently be sobecause the first appearance in the fossil record neednot correspond with the origin of a taxon (Marshall,1990; Flynn, 1996). This bias will, in turn, affect therelative molecular estimates, as we calibrated suchestimates against fossil dates. The negative cor-relation between divergence time and the rate ofmolecular change further compounds this problemfor molecular estimates, particularly when cali-brations are based on only a few nodes. We thereforeincorporated fossil dates throughout the tree (unlikePurvis, 1995a).

Finally, dates for those nodes that did not possessan estimate in the literature were interpolated usinga pure birth model, under which a clade’s age isproportional to the logarithm of the number ofspecies it contains (see Purvis, 1995a, p. 416).Estimates were calibrated relative to dated ancestraland, unlike Purvis (1995a), from dated descendentnodes whenever possible. The use of more than onecalibration point should reduce errors associatedwith erroneous dating of calibration points. Ourinterpolations are intended more to accommodatethose comparative methods requiring a complete setof branch lengths than as precise estimates ofdivergence times. Factors such as extinction maydifferentially reduce the representation of some ofthe older lineages and other related biases also exist.Fortunately, comparative methods are reasonablyrobust to errors in branch length information(Purvis, Gittleman & Luh, 1994) and the majority ofnodes (150 of 211) had divergence times derivedfrom literature estimates.


(1) Distribution of taxonomic coverage

Prior systematic effort has not been distributedevenly throughout the carnivores (Table 1). Thegroups for which there are most source trees includecanids, felids, mustelids, phocids, ursids, and theinterfamilial relationships of the carnivores. Thisuneven distribution of effort has many causes.Geographic distribution (largely Africa and southernAsia) and cryptic habits both count againstherpestids and viverrids, whereas some families havebeen targeted by particular research groups (e.g.U. Arnason & colleagues for phocids, S. J. O’Brien& colleagues for felids, R. K. Wayne & colleaguesfor canids), often with conservation in mind. Ad-

150 Olaf R. P. Bininda-Emonds, John L. Gittleman and Andy Purvis

Table 1. Indices relating to the distribution of taxonomic coverage for and the resolution on the composite tree of various

carnivoran taxa. The parenthetical value of per cent resolution for herpestids refers to when safe taxonomic reduction

(Wilkinson 1995) was used to improve the resolution of this family (see Fig. 11B). We refer to the index elements per

source tree per taxon as the ‘ coverage index ’ in the text

TaxonNumber ofsource trees

Number ofelements Per cent resolution

Elements pertaxon

Elements persource treeper taxon

‘Higher groups’ 62 202 100±0 16±8 0±27Mustelidae 30 155 72±7 3±4 0±11Lutrinae 6 37 75±0 2±8 0±47Mephitinae 5 18 87±5 2±0 0±40Procyonidae 7 27 52±9 1±5 0±21Otariidae 15 46 69±2 3±3 0±22Phocidae 21 120 94±4 6±3 0±30Ursidae 28 50 85±7 6±2 0±22Canidae 36 180 69±7 5±3 0±15Felidae 40 282 97±1 7±8 0±20Hyaenidae 6 8 66±7 2±0 0±33Herpestidae 9 53 27±8 (55±6) 1±4 0±16Viverridae 9 90 97±0 2±6 0±29

ditionally, researchers have been attracted to groupswhose relationships are controversial. Finally, manyspecies that are poorly known systematically are alsounstudied with respect to other biological character-istics. It is unsurprising that most of these species arenocturnal, solitary, fast, and have large home ranges,often in poorly inhabited or remote regions (seeGittleman, 1989, 1996).

The groups that have been studied the most oftenalso tend to have the most binary elements pertaxon. However, this latter measure does distinguishamong the more poorly studied groups, with theherpestids and procyonids lagging behind the rest.

A final measure, the ‘coverage index’ (i.e.elements per source tree per taxon), reveals howthoroughly a group has been investigated in eachstudy. High values indicate that individual studieshave on average examined a large proportion of theconstituent taxa (although the number of elements isalso determined by the resolution of the source tree).Hyaenids, lutrines, mephitines, and phocids havehigh coverage indices. Except for the phocids, thesegroups did not have many source trees. Groups withlow coverage indices include the canids, felids,herpestids, and mustelids. Note that a low coverageindex does not necessarily imply that only the samefew taxa have been examined in each tree (althoughthis is true of herpestids). Given the inherentdifficulties in examining a larger number of taxa, itis unsurprising that smaller groups tend to have

higher coverage indices than do the larger ones(r#¯ 0±43, P¯ 0±01).

The numbers for the viverrids are deceptive. Thisfamily has generally been poorly studied; however,the complete species-level phylogeny of Wozencraft(1984) obscures this. Without this study, the numberof elements for viverrids would drop by over a thirdand the two ratios would fall to the levels found inother poorly studied taxa. The exclusion would alsoimprove the correlation between the coverage indexand the size of the group (r#¯ 0±51, P¯ 0±006).

(2) Resolution and robustness

The composite tree (divided among Figs 1–12;presented as a whole in Fig. 13) contains 211 nodes,making it 78±1% resolved compared to a fullybifurcating solution. Resolution varies amonggroups, ranging between 27±8% (herpestids) and100% (higher groups) (Table 1). Removing thepoorly known herpestid species (see ‘Methodology’)improves the resolution for this family to 55±6%.Apart from the herpestids, the poorest resolution wasfor the Procyonidae (52.9%). Most groups were atleast 70% resolved, and three (felids, phocids andviverrids) were more than 90% resolved. However,for the viverrids, the resolution is again due toWozencraft’s (1984) full species-level analysis. If thisstudy were excluded, resolution for the family wouldfall to 69±7%.

151Carnivoran phylogeny









MUSTELIDAEPROCYONIDAEAilurus fulgensOdobenus rosmarusOTARIIDAEPHOCIDAEURSIDAECANIDAEParahyaena brunneaHyaena hyaenaCrocuta crocutaProteles cristatusFELIDAEHERPESTIDAEVIVERRIDAE

Fig. 1. The composite tree for the higher groups ofcarnivores plus Hyaenidae (which were assumed to bemonophyletic as denoted by the solid circle). Nodenumbers refer to Table 2. In this and Figs 2–12, branchlengths are not proportional to time. References used assource trees are given in the Appendix.


Mustela lutreolaMustela lutreolinaMustela nudipesMustela sibiricaMustela strigidorsaMustela eversmanniiMustela nigripesMustela putoriusMustela altaicaMustela ermineaMustela frenataMustela nivalisMustela africanaMustela felipeiMustela kathiahMustela visonMartes americanaMartes melampusMartes zibellinaMartes martesMartes foinaMartes flavigula

Lyncodon patagonicus

Martes gwatkinsiiMartes pennantiGulo guloEira barbaraGalictis cujaGalictis vittata

Ictonyx libycaIctonyx striatusVormela peregusnaPoecilogale albinuchaMellivora capensisArctonyx collarisMeles melesMydaus javanensisMydaus marcheiMelogale everettiMelogale moschataMelogale orientalisMelogale personataLUTRINAEMEPHITINAETaxidea taxus























Fig. 2. The composite tree for Mustelidae (exclusive ofLutrinae and Mephitinae). Node numbers refer to Table3, other details are as in Fig. 1.

The poor resolution for the procyonids is restrictedto within the genera Bassaricyon and Procyon andarises not from conflict between the source trees but








Lontra felinaLontra provocaxLontra longicaudisLontra canadensisLutra lutraLutra sumatranaAonyx capensisAonyx congicusAmblonyx cinereusLutra maculicollisLutrogale perspicillataPteronura brasiliensisEnhydra lutris

Fig. 3. The composite tree for Lutrinae. Node numbersrefer to Table 4, other details are as in Fig. 1.








Conepatus chingaConepatus leuconotusConepatus mesoleucusConepatus humboldtiiConepatus semistriatusMephitis macrouraMephitis mephitisSpilogale putoriusSpilogale pygmaea

Fig. 4. The composite tree for Mephitinae. Node numbersrefer to Table 5, other details are as in Fig. 1.









Procyon cancrivorusProcyon gloveralleniProcyon insularisProcyon lotorProcyon maynardiProcyon minorProcyon pygmaeusNasua naricaNasua nusuaNasuella olivaceaBassariscus astutusBassariscus sumichrastiBassaricyon alleniBassaricyon beddardiBassaricyon gabbiiBassaricyon lasiusBassaricyon pauliPotos flavus

Fig. 5. The composite tree for Procyonidae. Node numbersrefer to Table 6, other details are as in Fig. 1.

Arctocephalus australisArctocephalus forsteriArctocephalus galapagoensisArctocephalus philippiiArctocephalus townsendiArctocephalus gazellaArctocephalus tropicalisArctocephalus pusillusNeophoca cinereaPhocarctos hookeriOtaria byroniaEumetopias jubatusZalophus californianusCallorhinus ursinus






Fig. 6. The composite tree for Otariidae. Node numbersrefer to Table 7, other details are as in Fig. 1.

from a complete lack of information. This mayreflect suggestions that there are fewer legitimatespecies than are currently recognized (e.g. Poglayen-Neuwall & Poglayen-Neuwall, 1965; Lotze &Anderson, 1979; Hall, 1981; Olson & Pregill, 1982).

152 Olaf R. P. Bininda-Emonds, John L. Gittleman and Andy Purvis













Phoca caspicaPhoca hispidaPhoca sibiricaPhoca larghaPhoca vitulinaHalichoerus grypusPhoca fasciataPhoca groenlandicaCystophora cristataErignathus barbatusHydrurga leptonyxLobodon carcinophagusLeptonychotes weddelliOmmatophoca rossiMirounga angustirostrisMirounga leoninaMonachus schauinslandiMonachus tropicalisMonachus monachus

Fig. 7. The composite tree for Phocidae. Node numbersrefer to Table 8, other details are as in Fig. 1.





Ursus arctosUrsus maritimusUrsus thibetanusHelarctos malayanusMelursus ursinusUrsus americanusTremarctos ornatusAiluropoda melanoleuca

Fig. 8. The composite tree for Ursidae. Node numbersrefer to Table 9, other details are as in Fig. 1.

Canis lupusCanis rufusCanis latransCanis simensisCanis adustusCanis aureusCanis mesomelasPseudalopex culpaeusPseudalopex griseusPseudalopex gymnocercusPseudalopex sechuraePseudalopex vetulusDusicyon australisAtelocynus microtisCerdocyon thousChrysocyon brachyurusCuon alpinusLycaon pictusSpeothos venaticusNyctereutes procyonoidesVulpes corsacVulpes ferrilataVulpes rueppelliVulpes vulpesAlopex lagopusVulpes veloxVulpes canaVulpes zerdaVulpes bengalensisVulpes chamaVulpes pallidaUrocyon cinereoargenteusUrocyon littoralisOtocyon megalotis




















Fig. 9. The composite tree for Canidae. Node numbersrefer to Table 10, other details are as in Fig. 1.

Bremer support values differed significantly amonggroups (Kruskal–Wallis H¯ 48±4, P! 0±0001;see Tables 2–13). Taxa with large values are thehigher groups, hyaenids, phocids, and ursids ;only the herpestids display low values. Older nodes

Panthera leoPanthera pardusPanthera oncaPanthera tigrisUncia unciaNeofelis nebulosaPardofelis marmorataLynx canadensisLynx lynxLynx pardinusLynx rufusCatopuma badiaCatopuma temminckiiProfelis aurataLeopardus tigrinusOncifelis geoffroyiOncifelis guignaOncifelis colocoloOreailurus jacobitaLeopardus pardalisLeopardus wiediiFelis margaritaFelis nigripesFelis silvestrisFelis bietiFelis chausOtocolobus manulCaracal caracalLeptailurus servalPrionailurus bengalensisPrionailurus viverrinusPrionailurus rubiginosusPrionailurus planicepsHerpailurus yaguaroundiPuma concolorAcinonyx jubatus

























Fig. 10. The composite tree for Felidae. Node numbersrefer to Table 11, other details are as in Fig. 1.

tend to show higher Bremer support values(r#¯ 0±17, P! 0±0001) because relationships atthese levels are more agreed upon and better studied.Many phylogenies, particularly molecular ones,detail relationships among somewhat distantly re-lated species. This provides information at the older,higher levels, but none for the more closely relatedsister species that are missing from the analysis.

The differential weighting of source trees ac-cording to the data and}or methodology used toobtain them had little impact on the composite tree(Tables 2–13). When more robust source trees(following Purvis, 1995a) were weighted four timesas heavily, only 10 of the 211 nodes of the compositetree were contradicted, most often due to a slightlyaltered position for a single clade (which auto-matically results in two, non-independent contra-dictions). Differential weighting also resolved sixpolytomies within the composite tree. This extraresolution is not surprising given that weightingcertain elements essentially amounts to increasingtheir number within the matrix, which has beendemonstrated to increase resolution (Hillis &Huelsenbeck, 1992; Wheeler, 1992). However, threenodes within the herpestids collapsed under thedifferential weighting scheme, including the basal

153Carnivoran phylogeny

Herpestes brachyurusHerpestes edwardsiiHerpestes ichneumonHerpestes javanicusHerpestes nasoHerpestes palustrisHerpestes semitorquatusHerpestes smithiiHerpestes urvaHerpestes vitticollisGalerella flavescensGalerella pulverulentaGalerella sanguineaGalerella swaliusBdeogale crassicaudaBdeogale jacksoniBdeogale nigripesCrossarchus alexandriCrossarchus ansorgeiCrossarchus obscurusHelogale hirtulaHelogale parvulaMungos gambianusMungos mungoAtilax palundinosusCynictis penicillataDologale dybowskiiIchneumia albicaudaLiberiictis kuhniParacynictis selousiRhynchogale melleriSuricata suricattaGalidictis fasciataGalidictis grandidieriGalidia elegansMungotictis decemlineataSalanoia concolorHelogale hirtulaHelogale parvulaMungos gambianusMungos mungoCrossarchus alexandriCrossarchus ansorgeiCrossarchus obscurusIchneumia albicaudaSuricata suricattaBdeogale crassicaudaBdeogale jacksoniBdeogale nigripesLiberiictis kuhniCynictis penicillataParacynictis selousiHerpestes edwardsiiHerpestes javanicusHerpestes brachyurusHerpestes urvaHerpestes ichneumonHerpestes nasoHerpestes palustrisHerpestes semitorquatusHerpestes smithiiHerpestes vitticollisGalerella flavescensGalerella pulverulentaGalerella sanguineaGalerella swaliusAtilax palundinosusDologale dybowskiiRhynchogale melleriGalidictis fasciataGalidictis grandidieriGalidia elegansMungotictis decemlineataSalanoia concolor




















Fig. 11. The composite tree for Herpestidae. (A) Initialanalysis of all species. (B) Subsequent analysis in whichpoorly known species (indicated by a dashed branch)displaying taxonomic equivalence with better knownspecies were excluded from the analysis (followingWilkinson, 1995) and subsequently re-included at the

Genetta abyssinicaGenetta thierryiGenetta johnstoniGenetta angolensisGenetta maculataGenetta genettaGenetta tigrinaGenetta servalinaGenetta victoriaePrionodon linsangPrionodon pardicolorPoiana richardsoniiOsbornictis piscivoraViverra civettinaViverra megaspilaViverra tangalungaViverra zibethaViverricula indicaCivettictis civettaParadoxurus jerdoniParadoxurus zeylonensisParadoxurus hermaphroditusArctictis binturongPaguma larvataMacrogalidia musschenbroekiiArctogalidia trivirgataNandinia binotataChrotogale owstoniDiplogale hoseiHemigalus derbyanusCynogale bennettii

Fossa fossanaEupleres goudoti

Cryptoprocta ferox






















Fig. 12. The composite tree for Viverridae. Node numbersrefer to Table 13, other details are as in Fig. 1.

node for Herpestes (Table 12). To summarize, itseems that most source trees are giving the samegeneral pattern of carnivore phylogeny, regardless ofthe data or methodology used to generate them.

(3) Times of divergence

Date estimates were obtained from the literature for150 nodes on the composite tree, 73 of which had atleast one estimate from both fossil and molecularsources. Four families plus the higher level relation-ships had date estimates for every node, with allremaining families except herpestids and viverridshaving at least 66% coverage. For these latter twofamilies, date estimates were only available for eightout of 20 (40±0%) and seven out of 32 (21±9%)nodes, respectively.

Errors in median dates were reasonable, with‘coefficients of variation’ (calculated relative to themedian and not the mean) exceeding 100% for only12 nodes of the 105 that possessed two or more dateestimates. Using a one-way analysis of variance oflog-transformed dates with node number as thegrouping factor (see Purvis, 1995a for more detail),the error for the 45 nodes with only a single date

least inclusive level indicated for them. Node numbers in(B) refer to Table 12, other details are as in Fig. 1.

154 Olaf R. P. Bininda-Emonds, John L. Gittleman and Andy Purvis

P < 0.05

P < 0.01 Mustelidae












60 40 20 0

Millions of years before present

Fig. 13. The composite tree for all 271 extant species of carnivore, including estimated times of divergence and showingwhich lineages have given rise to significantly more extant descendants than expected (hatched squares : P! 0±05;filled squares : P! 0±01). Within major taxa, species are presented in the same order as in Figs 1–12. Dates wereestimated either from the literature (see Tables 2–13) or via a pure birth model. Negative branch lengths are drawnas having zero length. See text for further details.

155Carnivoran phylogeny

Table 2. Statistics relating to the times of divergence of and support for the nodes of the composite tree for the ‘highergroups ’ of carnivores plus Hyaenidae (assumed to be monophyletic) (see Fig. 1). All divergence times are in millions

of years before present. Both median and mean estimates for a number of date estimates from the literature (N) are

presented as is the standard error of the mean (S.E.M.). Dates proportional to the logarithm of the number of species in

the clade (‘birth model ’; see text) are given for nodes without a literature estimate. The best estimate for a node is the

literature estimate or, secondarily, the birth model estimate corrected for negative branch lengths. Results for ‘differential

weighting ’ refer to whether or not a node was retained when the weighting scheme of Purvis (1995a) was applied.Unless otherwise indicated, the node was retained unaltered under this alternative weighting scheme

Literature estimatesBirth Best Bremer Differential

Node N Median Mean ... model estimate support weighting

1 6 53±8 53±6 3±1 — 53±8 n}a2 16 41±5 41±1 2±2 — 41±5 243 14 36±0 37±1 1±7 — 36±0 134 2 35±5 35±5 0±5 — 35±5 1 No5 9 29±3 27±9 2±5 — 29±3 1 No6 6 28±1 29±4 2±1 — 28±1 47 11 24±0 23±7 2±1 — 24±0 148 5 14±2 18±2 4±8 — 14±2 99 12 37±6 35±4 2±1 — 37±6 20

10 13 35±0 32±7 2±5 — 35±0 211 3 17±5 17±5 0±0 — 17±5 n}a12 5 10±0 9±2 1±3 — 10±0 413 9 32±5 33±8 1±4 — 32±5 4

estimate was calculated as ³80%. Fortunately, theeffect of all these errors on comparative studiesshould be minimal, given that all estimates are likelyto be underestimates and that comparative methodsare fairly robust in such cases (Purvis et al., 1994;Purvis, 1995a).

Generally, nodes with higher ‘coefficients ofvariation’ were (1) relatively recent, making anyerror proportionately larger or (2) those whose dateswere derived from very few estimates, allowing asingle discrepant estimate to inflate the standarddeviation (and hence our reason for using mediansrather than means). Naturally, there are exceptions.For example, despite the nodes for the ursine bears(node 3 on Fig. 8), the genus Panthera (node 11 onFig. 10), and that uniting Alopex lagopus with Vulpes

velox (node 20 on Fig. 9) being strongly supportedand having dates estimated from a relatively largenumber of sources (e.g. 17 in the case of the ursinebears), the ‘coefficients of variation’ in each caseexceeded 100%.

Eleven of the 236 molecular estimates were singlepoint estimates and so could not be re-calibrated.The remaining molecular estimates were calibratedagainst a total of 56 nodes. The nodes used mostoften for calibration include the basal node for the

Arctoidea (20 estimates), the canid-arctoid diver-gence (17), the caniform-feliform divergence (15),and the basal nodes for many families (e.g. mustelids,phocids, ursids). Nodes with only a single dateestimate (either fossil or molecular) were used ascalibration points on only five occasions and nonewas used to calibrate more than two nodes.

Twenty-two nodes were estimated to be olderthan an ancestral one (resulting in a negative branchlength). In most (15), the difference was less than100% of the age of the ancestral node. The largestdiscrepancy was 770% (nodes 21 and 22 in theMustelidae; Fig. 2; Table 3). Felids and mustelidshad the largest number of negative branch lengthswith six apiece. The basal nodes for felids, herpestidsand phocids, upon which molecular estimates withinthese families largely depend, were indicated to bemore recent than a descendent node. The con-sistency of dates within herpestids and viverridsprobably arises from there being very few dateestimates for either family.

Negative branch lengths normally arose in one oftwo ways. First, they were more likely if at least oneof the dates was based on three or fewer estimates orwas derived from the pure birth model. Such datestend to have larger confidence intervals, so many of

156 Olaf R. P. Bininda-Emonds, John L. Gittleman and Andy Purvis

Table 3. Statistics relating to the times of divergence of and support for the nodes of the composite tree for Mustelidae

(exclusive of Lutrinae and Mephitinae) (see Fig. 2). Other details are as in Table 2

Literature estimatesBirth Best Bremer Differential

Node N Median Mean ... model estimate support weighting

1 10 20±8 20±8 1±5 — 20±8 n}a Resolved2 2 8±2 8±2 0±0 — 11±4 23 6 14±6 13±6 1±8 — 11±4 24 3 10±4 10±7 2±0 — 10±4 35 5 4±4 5±5 1±4 — 4±4 36 2 2±8 2±8 0±7 — 2±8 17 1 0±2 0±2 — — 0±2 18 4 2±8 3±0 1±3 — 2±8 49 3 0±2 0±5 0±3 — 0±2 3

10 0 — — — 3±4 3±4 111 0 — — — 3±1 3±1 112 4 2±6 2±5 0±6 — 2±6 1 No13 1 1±2 1±2 — — 1±2 114 0 — — — 1±1 1±1 215 0 — — — 6±9 8±2 316 0 — — — 6±7 8±2 117 0 — — — 6±2 8±2 118 1 2±6 2±6 — — 8±2 119 2 18±7 18±7 4±2 — 8±2 620 3 0±2 0±5 0±4 — 1±8 121 2 0±6 0±6 0±4 — 1±8 122 2 4±8 4±8 4±1 — 1±8 123 1 0±3 0±3 — — 0±3 124 1 0±9 0±9 — — 0±9 125 1 1±8 1±8 — — 1±8 426 1 4±2 4±2 — — 4±2 127 1 0±3 0±3 — — 0±3 128 0 — — — 13±7 13±7 129 2 10±2 10±2 2±1 — 10±2 330 0 — — — 3±5 3±5 631 0 — — — 6±9 6±9 332 2 14±9 14±9 3±6 — 17±1 4

the negative branch lengths are simply overlappingregions of uncertainty. The second way applies onlyto dates derived from fossil information and occurswhen a well-recognized clade, believed to berelatively ancient, is in a fairly terminal positionwithin the phylogeny. Some taxa with good fossilrecords were indicated to have (frequently mono-typic) sister groups with a poor one. Therefore,divergence times will be underestimates when takento be the time of first occurrence of the apparentlymuch younger sister group. This problem isexacerbated if the crown clade of an ancient lineagehas diversified only recently. Dates obtained solelyfrom molecular sources frequently resolved the

inconsistency; however, such estimates were notalways available.

(4) Fossil versus molecular dates

Are fossil and molecular estimates of divergencetimes similar? Wayne et al. (1991) showed thatmolecular distance data are highly correlated withfossil estimates of divergence time within carnivoresand primates. However, fossil and molecular esti-mates could be highly correlated and yet still differsystematically. We examined this possibility byconsidering the 73 nodes that possessed at least oneestimate from both fossil and molecular sources.

157Carnivoran phylogeny

Table 4. Statistics relating to the times of divergence of and support for the nodes of the composite tree for Lutrinae

(see Fig. 3). Other details are as in Table 2

Literature estimatesBirth Best Bremer Differential

Node N Median Mean ... model estimate support weighting

1 2 9±9 9±9 1±7 — 9±9 n}a Resolved2 1 7±0 7±0 — — 7±0 13 1 1±2 1±2 — — 1±2 64 0 — — — 1±0 1±0 15 0 — — — 0±6 0±6 16 1 0±2 0±2 — — 0±2 27 0 — — — 4±2 4±2 38 1 2±6 2±6 — — 2±6 49 1 0±3 0±3 — — 0±3 1 Resolved

Table 5. Statistics relating to the times of divergence of and support for the nodes of the composite tree for Mephitinae

(see Fig. 4). Other details are as in Table 2

Literature estimatesBirth Best Bremer Differential

Node N Median Mean ... model estimate support weighting

1 3 19±2 17±6 1±8 — 17±1 n}a2 1 2±6 2±6 — — 4±0 23 3 5±5 4±7 1±8 — 4±0 14 0 — — — 1±1 1±1 15 5 12±8 11±4 3±0 — 12±8 16 4 5±0 5±5 2±0 — 5±0 47 2 2±1 2±1 0±9 — 2±1 2

Table 6. Statistics relating to the times of divergence of and support for the nodes of the composite tree for Procyonidae

(Fig. 5). Other details are as in Table 2

Literature estimatesBirth Best Bremer Differential

Node N Median Mean ... model estimate support weighting

1 2 22±1 22±1 0±8 — 22±1 n}a2 4 17±6 17±1 1±0 — 17±6 23 3 6±5 6±0 0±5 — 6±5 24 1 1±2 1±2 — — 1±2 35 1 3±7 3±7 — — 3±7 16 0 — — — 2±3 2±3 27 1 0±3 0±3 — — 0±3 38 1 19±0 19±0 — — 19±0 19 0 — — — 17±1 17±1 5

Initial results gave a weakly significant difference(paired t of log-transformed dates¯®2±21, P¯0±03). However, this finding depends upon how the

molecular estimates are calibrated. In the abovecase, we used two (absolute) molecular estimates ofthe time of the caniform–feliform divergence. One

158 Olaf R. P. Bininda-Emonds, John L. Gittleman and Andy Purvis

Table 7. Statistics relating to the times of divergence of and support for the nodes of the composite tree for Otariidae

(see Fig. 6). Other details are as in Table 2

Literature estimatesBirth Best Bremer Differential

Node N Median Mean ... model estimate support weighting

1 7 11±5 11±5 1±1 — 11±5 n}a2 3 3±4 3±8 0±6 — 6±1 53 1 8±1 8±1 — — 6±1 14 0 — — — 6±7 6±1 15 0 — — — 5±8 5±8 16 6 3±2 4±7 1±1 — 3±2 87 3 3±0 3±0 0±3 — 3±0 58 2 1±6 1.6 0±2 — 1±6 39 2 0±9 0±9 0±4 — 0±9 1 No

Table 8. Statistics relating to the times of divergence of and support for the nodes of the composite tree for Phocidae

(see Fig. 7). Other details are as in Table 2

Literature estimatesBirth Best Bremer Differential

Node N Median Mean ... model estimate support weighting

1 11 15±0 14±4 0±7 — 16±0 n}a2 4 17±0 17±7 2±2 — 16±0 63 2 12±9 12±9 0±1 — 12±9 34 3 12±4 11±8 0±7 — 12±4 65 4 5±6 5±8 0±3 — 7±1 36 4 8±6 8±0 2±6 — 7±1 17 1 2±8 2±8 — — 2±8 4 Resolved8 2 3±9 3±9 0±5 — 3±9 49 1 9±9 9±9 — — 9±9 9

10 5 14±7 14±7 0±1 — 14±7 411 7 8±8 8±7 1±6 — 8±8 112 5 6±7 7±2 1±3 — 6±7 713 1 4±9 4±9 — — 4±9 114 2 3±8 3±8 0±7 — 3±8 215 3 3±1 3±0 0±3 — 3±1 816 1 4±8 4±8 — — 4±8 817 1 2±8 2±8 — — 2±8 2

estimate [52±0 million years before present (MYBP);Sarich, 1969b] was derived from an albumin clockcalibrated with primate data while the other (40±6MYBP; Goodman et al., 1982) used a molecularclock of many different proteins calibrated using anestimate of 90 MYBP for the common ancestor of allextant eutherian mammals. Thus, the averagecalibration point (46±3 MYBP) was independent ofthe carnivore fossil record. This does not seemappropriate given that different lineages evolve atdifferent rates (Gillespie, 1991; Wayne et al., 1991;

Flynn, 1996) and any rate anomalies peculiar to thecarnivores would therefore likely be missed.

When the molecular estimates are calibratedagainst the carnivore fossil record (using the medianestimate of 55±0 MYBP obtained from the fossilsources), they now clearly provide significantly olderestimates (paired t of log-transformed dates¯®3±71,P¯ 0±0004). This seems reasonable given that fossilestimates will nearly always be underestimates of thetrue time of divergence (Marshall, 1990; Flynn,1996). We add that although both differences are

159Carnivoran phylogeny

Table 9. Statistics relating to the times of divergence of and support for the nodes of the composite tree for Ursidae

(see Fig. 8). Other details are as in Table 2

Literature estimatesBirth Best Bremer Differential

Node N Median Mean ... model estimate support weighting

1 13 21±8 21±5 2±5 — 21±8 n}a2 17 14±5 13±1 1±1 — 14±5 133 17 5±7 8±6 1±7 — 5±7 9 Resolved4 6 3±3 3±4 0±7 — 3±3 25 12 1±0 1±2 0±3 — 1±0 36 3 1±0 4±7 3±8 — 1±0 1

Table 10. Statistics relating to the times of divergence of and support for the nodes of the composite tree for Canidae

(see Fig. 9). Other details are as in Table 2

Literature estimatesBirth Best Bremer Differential

Node N Median Mean ... model estimate support weighting

1 5 12±5 15±1 3±5 — 12±5 n}a2 2 9±3 9±3 2±3 — 9±3 13 6 7±6 7±3 0±6 — 7±6 34 8 6±1 6±5 0±9 — 6±1 105 11 2±5 2±5 0±3 — 2±5 26 4 1±1 1±0 0±3 — 1±1 27 3 2±5 2±6 0±4 — 2±5 28 3 2±5 2±2 1±0 — 2±5 19 3 2±5 2±1 0±4 — 2±5 1

10 1 2±5 2±5 — — 2±5 111 2 0±8 0±8 0±4 — 0±8 112 2 7±0 7±0 4±4 — 8±4 313 1 8±2 8±2 — — 8±4 114 2 10±1 10±1 0±2 — 8±4 615 3 6±8 6±8 2±3 — 6±8 116 3 2±0 3±2 1±6 — 2±0 117 1 1±9 1±9 — — 1±9 118 1 0±2 0±2 — — 0±2 119 4 1±1 2±4 1±7 — 1±1 120 6 1±1 1±8 0±7 — 1±1 121 4 2±9 3±4 1±7 — 2±9 122 2 1±5 1±5 0±0 — 1±5 123 4 4±7 4±5 1±3 — 4±7 7

significant, they are small. Back-transforming showsthe mean difference in dates between the two sourcesto be either 1±3 or 1±5 million years, depending onthe calibration point used. In approximately a thirdof the cases, these values are smaller than thestandard errors associated with either data source fora given node (results not shown).

The discrepancy between the two tests stems from

Goodman et al.’s (1982) date for the divergence ofthe (extant) carnivores being substantially morerecent than both Sarich’s (1969b) and the fossilestimate. This arises from their use of a calibrationpoint of 90 MYBP for the origin of the extanteutherians, a figure now held to be at least 30 millionyears too recent (Graur, 1993; U. Arnason, per-sonal communication). Although we used the orig-

160 Olaf R. P. Bininda-Emonds, John L. Gittleman and Andy Purvis

Table 11. Statistics relating to the times of divergence of and support for the nodes of the composite tree for Felidae

(see Fig. 10). Other details are as in Table 2

Literature estimatesBirth Best Bremer Differential

Node N Median Mean ... model estimate support weighting

1 8 12±5 14±1 2±4 — 16±2 n}a2 0 — — — 15±4 16±2 2 No3 0 — — — 16±6 16±2 1 No4 3 20±2 20±9 7±6 — 16±2 15 2 12±8 12±8 1±2 — 12±8 16 1 7±3 7±3 — — 8±5 17 2 5±4 5±4 1±1 — 8±5 78 1 10±6 10±6 — — 8±5 2 No9 2 10±6 10±6 1±7 — 8±5 3

10 2 4±2 4±2 0±0 — 4±2 811 8 2±2 3±8 1±7 — 2±2 412 5 1±5 1±8 0±3 — 2±1 313 7 2±6 2±5 0±7 — 2±1 214 5 3±1 3±1 0±3 — 3±1 1415 1 2±2 2±2 — — 2±2 116 3 0±2 0±2 0±0 — 0±2 117 1 5±0 5±0 — — 5±0 218 0 — — — 3±2 3±2 419 6 3±7 4±9 1±4 — 3±7 720 2 3±5 3±5 0±1 — 3±5 521 1 3±2 3±2 — — 3±2 3 Resolved22 2 1±9 1±9 0±1 — 1±9 123 3 0±3 0±6 0±4 — 0±3 924 1 16±5 16±5 — — 16±2 3 No25 2 3±3 3±3 0±8 — 8±8 126 3 14±4 13±6 1±9 — 8±8 327 4 5±4 6±3 1±8 — 5±4 128 4 2±3 2±5 0±5 — 2±3 129 0 — — — 1±5 1±5 230 2 0±2 0±2 0±1 — 0±2 131 0 — — — 4±8 4±8 332 0 — — — 3±8 3±8 233 0 — — — 2±4 2±4 234 4 3±1 2±7 0±5 — 3±1 4

inal date estimate for the divergence of the carnivoresadvocated by Goodman et al. (1982), it is interestingthat using the currently held value of 120 MYBP forthe calibration point shifts Goodman et al.’s (1982)value to 54±1 MYBP in agreement with the otherestimates. At the very least, this highlights theimportance of using an accurate calibration point toderive divergence times using molecular data.

(5) Systematic implications

Detailed comments concerning all proposed relation-

ships specified by the composite tree are beyond thescope of this review. Instead, we highlight someresults in areas of particular historical interest. Thecomposite tree is merely a (most parsimonious)synthesis of a number of source trees ; therefore,direct evidence supporting (or refuting) particularrelationships on the composite tree should be soughtfrom the original references.

Among the higher groups (Fig. 1), two long-standing areas of contention concern the relation-ships of the red panda (Ailurus fulgens) and those ofthe pinnipeds. The composite tree places Ailurus

fulgens as the sister group to the clade of mustelids

161Carnivoran phylogeny

Table 12. Statistics relating to the times of divergence of and support for the nodes of the composite tree for Herpestidae

(see Fig. 11B). Other details are as in Table 2

Literature estimatesBirth Best Bremer Differential

Node N Median Mean ... model estimate support weighting

1 1 18±5 18±5 — — 19±0 n}a2 1 19±6 19±6 — — 19±0 23 2 17±6 17±6 0±1 — 17±7 0 Collapsed4 0 — — — 17±8 17±7 0 Collapsed5 0 — — — 16±9 16±9 06 0 — — — 14±5 15±5 07 1 16±5 16±5 — — 15±5 08 1 2±6 2±6 — — 2±6 09 1 2±6 2±6 — — 2±6 0

10 0 — — — 1±3 1±3 111 0 — — — 1±3 1±3 112 0 — — — 1±5 1±5 113 0 — — — 5±8 5±8 114 1 2±6 2±6 — — 2±6 015 0 — — — 12±1 12±1 116 0 — — — 7±3 7±3 0 Collapsed17 0 — — — 3±6 3±6 018 1 11±4 11±4 — — 11±4 119 0 — — — 8±2 8±2 220 0 — — — 3±6 3±6 1

plus procyonids, a relationship advocated directly byonly Braunitzer & Hofmann (1987). In part, thisunusual placement reflects the support for an Ailurus

fulgens–procyonid clade (four source trees), but onethat is outweighed by 10 source trees linkingmustelids and procyonids with no statement re-garding Ailurus fulgens. Interestingly, more sourcetrees (11) advocate allying Ailurus fulgens with theursids, but this solution is not globally mostparsimonious. It should be noted that support for theplacement of the red panda in the composite tree isexceptionally weak compared to the remainingnodes at this level (Table 2). The pinnipeds are heldto be monophyletic in agreement with currentopinion, but with an unusual sister group: theMusteloidea (plus Ailurus fulgens) in place of the morecommonly suggested ursids. The composite tree alsoshows strong support for the traditional Otarioidea(odobenids plus otariids), in contrast to Wyss’s(1987) recent assertion of an odobenid–phocidpairing.

Within mustelids (Fig. 2), the monophyly of theclassic Simpsonian subfamilies (Lutrinae, Melinae,Mellivorinae, Mephitinae, Mustelinae; Simpson,1945) are upheld with the possible exception of thebadgers (Melinae) and ignoring the monotypic

Mellivorinae. Although no definite statement can bemade regarding the cladistic status of the formersubfamily, the position of the meline taxa at the baseof the tree suggests that it might have been originallyerected on the basis of shared primitive features(symplesiomorphies). In our analyses, the mephi-tines (skunks) were constrained to be mustelids ;however, the large negative branch length aroundthis region (Tables 3 and 5) suggests a more ancientorigin of this group and may support the paraphylyof the Mustelidae (e.g. Arnason & Widegren, 1986;Wayne et al., 1989a ; Arnason & Ledje, 1993; Vranaet al., 1994; Ledje & Arnason, 1996). Relationshipswithin the mustelids are generally not stronglysupported (Tables 3–5). All subgenera of Mustela

(see Youngman, 1982; Nowak, 1991) are indicatedto be monophyletic except the nominal subgenus(species altaica, erminea, frenata, kathiah and nivalis)(Fig. 2). Within otters (Fig. 3), Lutra is polyphyleticand there is much uncertainty regarding the relation-ships among the major lineages. Among mephitines(Fig. 4), the South American species of Conepatus

(chinga, humboldtii and semistriatus) do not form asingle clade.

The procyonids are divided into their two recog-nized subfamilies with all relationships receiving

162 Olaf R. P. Bininda-Emonds, John L. Gittleman and Andy Purvis

Table 13. Statistics relating to the times of divergence of and support for the nodes of the composite tree for Viverridae

(see Fig. 12). Other details are as in Table 2

Literature estimatesBirth Best Bremer Differential

Node N Median Mean ... model estimate support weighting

1 0 — — — 27±5 27±5 n}a2 1 27±2 27±2 — — 27±2 53 3 27±2 26±4 3±2 — 27±2 64 0 — — — 14±5 14±5 15 0 — — — 14±0 14±0 16 3 4±5 7±4 3±5 — 4±5 47 0 — — — 4±0 4±0 18 0 — — — 3±3 3±3 19 0 — — — 2±2 2±2 1

10 0 — — — 1±4 1±4 211 0 — — — 1±4 1±4 112 1 2±6 2±6 — — 2±6 113 0 — — — 1±4 1±4 214 0 — — — 10±2 10±2 215 0 — — — 6±4 6±4 316 1 2±6 2±6 — — 10±3 117 2 15±2 15±2 1±4 — 10±3 118 0 — — — 13±0 10±3 219 0 — — — 6±5 6±5 220 0 — — — 6±5 6±5 121 0 — — — 27±2 27±2 322 0 — — — 22±7 22±7 123 0 — — — 21±3 21±3 324 0 — — — 19±6 21±0 125 1 22±4 22±4 — — 21±0 126 0 — — — 15±3 15±3 327 0 — — — 9±7 9±7 128 0 — — — 9±7 9±7 129 0 — — — 11±0 11±0 630 0 — — — 8±7 8±7 131 0 — — — 8±4 8±4 232 0 — — — 5±3 5±3 4

intermediate support (Fig. 5; Table 6). The lack ofresolution within Bassaricyon and Procyon reflects acomplete lack of information as noted previously.

The composite tree bears on two issues within thepinnipeds. Within otariids (Fig. 6), there is muchuncertainty concerning the fur seals (genera Arcto-cephalus and Callorhinus). Monophyly of this sub-family cannot be assured, supporting the view thatsubfamilial distinction within the otariids is un-necessary (Tedford, 1976; Repenning & Tedford,1977). Relationships within Arctocephalus are largelyunresolved due to both a general lack of researcheffort and conflicting source trees, the latter possiblyowing to the high degree of convergence amongspecies (Berta & Deme! re! , 1986). In contrast, the

phocid tree (Fig. 7) is more resolved and addressesfour hypotheses of paraphyly within the family. Thegenus Phoca is indicated to be paraphyletic [althoughits subgenera (see Burns & Fay, 1970) are mono-phyletic] with respect to Halichoerus grypus, a pointoften raised in the literature (e.g. Chapskii, 1955;McLaren, 1975; de Muizon, 1982b ; Wyss, 1988;Arnason et al., 1993, 1995; Mouchaty, Cook &Shields, 1995; Perry et al., 1995). Other hypothesesof paraphyly within the phocids are not supportedhere: the subfamily Monachinae (Wyss, 1988), thetribe Lobodontini (Bininda-Emonds & Russell,1996), and the genus Monachus (Wyss, 1988) are allmonophyletic in the composite tree. Finally, Arnasonet al. (1996) have used the divergence of Phoca (but

163Carnivoran phylogeny

actually equivalent to node 5 on Fig. 7) as astandard reference for calibrating recent mammaliandivergence events (the ‘Phoca standard’) ; however,Table 8 indicates their estimate of 2±7 MYBP to betoo recent.

The giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca), whichwas constrained in our analyses to be an ursid (see‘Methodology’), is very clearly the sister group tothe other bears in the composite tree (Fig. 8; Table9). The position of the American black bear (Ursus

americanus) remains contentious and merits furtherinvestigation; the polytomy in this region agreeswith recent, independent molecular findings(L. Waits, personal communication). At present, themonophyly of Ursus is not assured, which supportscontinuing calls for a revision of the genus-leveltaxonomy of ursids (see Goldman, Giri & O’Brien,1989; Zhang & Ryder, 1994). The close associationbetween the brown and polar bears (U. arctos and U.maritimus, respectively) is upheld, reflecting sugges-tions that the two might be conspecific (e.g. Croninet al., 1991; Talbot & Shields, 1996). The elevationof the polar bear to its own genus (Thalarctos ; Corbet& Hill, 1991) is clearly not appropriate withoutadditional taxonomic alterations.

Canids are divided into two main clades (Fig. 9),corresponding roughly to the ‘dog-like ’ and ‘ fox-like ’ forms of many authors (¯Canini and Vulpini,respectively, of Tedford, Taylor & Wang, 1995).The problematic genera Nyctereutes and Otocyon

cluster with the dog-like and fox-like clades, re-spectively, although Nyctereutes could almost equallywell be placed with Otocyon (results not shown). Ofthe monotypic dog-like genera, only the FalklandIsland wolf (Dusicyon australis) is placed un-ambiguously, forming the sister group to the SouthAmerican ‘ foxes ’ (Pseudalopex spp.), which havefrequently been considered to belong in the samegenus as it. Canis forms a well-defined clade dividedinto ‘wolf-like ’ and ‘ jackal-like ’ forms. The Simienjackal (C. simensis) clearly clusters with the wolf-likeforms and so justifies its less frequently used commonname of the Ethiopian wolf (see Gottelli et al., 1994;Geffen et al., 1996). The red wolf (C. rufus) forms thesister taxon to the grey wolf (C. lupus), although thesupport for this placement is overestimated in Table10. Several authors (e.g. Wayne & Jenks, 1991; Royet al., 1994; possibly Lawrence & Bossert, 1967) holdC. rufus to be a hybrid between the coyote and thegrey wolf, which we coded as a polytomy betweenthe three species. However, in our analyses, apolytomy is always outweighed by any fully resolvedanswer. Two studies advocated a hybrid origin while

four clustered C. rufus with C. lupus as on thecomposite tree. With the exception of the SouthAmerican ‘ foxes ’, the fox-like canids form a distinctcluster with Otocyon and Urocyon in basal positions.Vulpes is indicated to be paraphyletic with respect tothe Arctic fox (Alopex lagopus), an outcome sup-porting those arguing against the generic distinctionof the latter (e.g. Tedford et al., 1995).

The composite tree for felids is largely resolved(Fig. 10), but the backbone is weakly supported(Table 11), reflecting the historical controversy overfelid phylogeny. Three of the better supported clades(nodes 7, 19 and 26) correspond to major clades inrecent molecular phylogenies from S. J. O’Brien’sresearch group: the Panthera group, the ocelotlineage, and the domestic cat lineage, respectively(see O’Brien et al., 1996). Most of the extant specieswithin the ocelot lineage radiated between 3±7 and3±0 MYBP (Table 11). Although this time scaleaccords with some estimates of the earliest formationof the Panamanian land bridge (e.g. White, 1986;Martin, 1989), it predates others (e.g. Stehli &Webb, 1985; Wayne et al., 1991) as well as the firstappearance of fossil felids in South America (1±9–2±4MYBP; Hunt, 1996) and the time of the greatestfaunal exchange between North and South America(Plio-Pleistocene; Hunt, 1996). If our dates areaccurate, they suggest that much of the diversi-fication within the ocelot lineage may have occurredbefore it reached South America (contra PeconSlattery et al., 1994) or shortly thereafter. Thepantherine lineage of O’Brien et al. (1996) is notmonophyletic in our tree, being split into a majorterminal clade (node 6) and numerous smallerlineages in the basal portion of the composite tree.The cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus) occupies its traditionalposition as sister taxon to the remaining felids (Kra! l& Zima, 1980; Martin, 1980) rather than to Puma

(contra O’Brien et al., 1996). Within the terminalclade, the golden cats (Catopuma temminckii andProfelis aurata) are paraphyletic with respect to thebay cat (Catopuma badia), rather than polyphyletic asfound by O’Brien et al. (1996). Despite the lack ofrobustness of many nodes, all but two of the generarecognized by Wozencraft (1993), Leopardus andOncifelis, are monophyletic. Altogether, the patternwe found of well-supported groups of uncertaininterrelationships (i.e. the weak backbone) reflectscurrent opinion of felid phylogeny (S. J. O’Brien,personal communication).

In hyaenids (Fig. 1), the only point of consensus isthe sister group status of the aardwolf (Proteles

cristatus) to the remaining species. The traditional

164 Olaf R. P. Bininda-Emonds, John L. Gittleman and Andy Purvis

view that Crocuta crocuta was the sister group to thepreviously congeneric Hyaena hyaena and Parahyaena

brunnea has fallen out of favour recently (see Werdelin& Solounias, 1991), but no dominant opinion hasreplaced it : all three possible resolutions of thepolytomy were represented at least once among thefive relevant source trees.

The initial analysis of all herpestid species sup-ported only the monophyly of the two subfamiliesand the genera within them (Fig. 11A). However,removing the poorly known species from the analysis(see ‘Methodology’) revealed a surprising amountof structure within herpestines, although resolutionwithin genera is still poor (Fig. 11B). The positionsof two genera, Dologale and Rhynchogale, withinherpestines are completely unknown and theirpositions in Fig. 11B should be treated as highlysuspect. This family in general and the poorly knownspecies in particular (whose indicated positions aremore statements of membership than hypotheses ofrelationship) need further systematic research.

Viverrids (Fig. 12) cluster into their commonlyrecognized subfamilies (see Wozencraft, 1993).Nandinia binotata forms the sister group to theparadoxurines in our analysis, but our assumption ofviverrid monophyly precluded a test of the sugges-tion that it may be a primitive feliform (Hunt, 1974;Wiig, 1985; Flynn et al., 1988; Hunt & Tedford,1993; Flynn, 1996; but see Radinsky, 1975).Evidence for the latter placement relies largely onthe morphology of the auditory bulla. An equalnumber of studies based on a wider selection of dataplace Nandinia binotata within viverrids (e.g. Gregory& Hellman, 1939; Petter, 1974; Stains, 1983;Wozencraft, 1984; Taylor, 1988); however, thesestudies may not have directly tested this question.Removal of the unusually comprehensive (andpossibly dominating) study of Wozencraft (1984)did not alter the basic topology, but decreasesresolution within the paradoxurines and Genetta

(results not shown). Table 13 shows that threeviverrid lineages are long-lived, diversifying beforethose in other families, if not before the diversi-fication of (the extant members of) the familiesthemselves.

In summary, instances of non-monophyly wererare, occurring only for the genera Lutra (lutrines),Phoca (phocids), Vulpes (canids), Leopardus (felids),Oncifelis (felids), and possibly Ursus (ursids) ; thenominal subgenus of Mustela (mustelids) ; and someother felid groups. This low level of non-monophylyreflects both tacit assumptions of monophyly ofhigher level taxa (see ‘Methodology’), but probably

also the general consensus over current carnivorantaxonomy.

(6) Macroevolutionary trends

To illustrate the utility of our complete phylogenyfor studies of macroevolution, we have used it topinpoint evolutionary radiations ; that is, lineagescontaining significantly more species than expectedfor their age. The null expectation comes from amodel in which all contemporaneous lineages havethe same propensity to diversify (Nee et al., 1995).We do not assume any particular model of clado-genesis such as a constant-rates birth–death model.The test, implemented in End-Epi (Rambaut,Harvey & Nee, 1997), identifies ancestral lineagesthat have given rise to ‘more than their fair share ’ ofextant species in comparison with their contem-poraries (see Purvis, Nee & Harvey, 1995 for a moredetailed description).

The results are shown in Fig. 13. Eight lineagescontain significantly more species than expected(P! 0±05), with six of them significant at theP¯ 0±01 level. Note that radiations are not in-dependent : if a lineage is a radiation, more inclusiveclades will also tend to be. Interpreting Fig. 13 musttherefore be tentative, but there is at least oneradiation within each of Mustelinae and Canidae.The genus Procyon (node 4 in Fig. 5) also appears tobe a radiation, but its date of divergence is basedupon a single estimate and so may be inaccurate. Noradiations are apparent within Feliformia when theorder is analysed as a whole. However, if Caniformia(including pinnipeds) and Feliformia are analysedseparately, four feliform radiations are significant atthe P¯ 0±01 level. These are Felidae (Fig. 10),Genetta (node 6 in Fig. 12), node 6 within Felidae(Fig. 10) and node 8 within Herpestidae (Fig. 11B);the latter two, however, are dated from singleestimates. No new radiations appear when Cani-formia is analysed on its own. Our results tentativelycorroborate the suggestion that extant fields are anadaptive radiation (e.g. O’Brien et al., 1996), but donot support similar inferences for the phocine seals(e.g. Ray, 1976; Mouchaty et al., 1995) or ursinebears (e.g. O’Brien et al., 1985; Goldman et al.,1989). As more radiations are identified from furtherlarge phylogenies, it will become possible to test forgeneral correlates of extreme diversification (Purvis,1996).

Interestingly, our results suggest that the dis-tribution of species among lineages is much moreeven in Carnivora than in Primates, where the

165Carnivoran phylogeny

Cercopithecidae (Old World monkeys) constitute amassive radiation (Purvis et al., 1995). There is alsoa marked difference in the distribution of species-poor lineages. According to Tables 2–13, 19 car-nivore species last shared a common ancestor withany other extant species more than 15 MYBP. Bycomparison, only three primate species are soisolated (Purvis, 1995a). Even allowing for un-certainties in the dates, these differences betweencarnivores and primates clearly merit further investi-gation.


(1) Supertree construction is a powerful new tool forbuilding larger and more comprehensive phylo-genies. MRP in particular combines positive aspectsof both character and taxonomic congruenceapproaches.

(2) By using MRP, we have constructed the firstfull species-level phylogeny for all extant species ofCarnivora from a wide variety of data sourcesspanning 25 years of systematic research into thismammalian order. The incompatibility and po-tential heterogeneity in signal among some of thesedata sets would preclude obtaining an answer usingcharacter congruence, and taxonomic congruence’sreliance on consensus techniques would result in amuch less resolved answer.

(3) Our composite tree shows that disparatestudies of carnivoran phylogeny agree to a surprisingextent : poorly resolved taxa are generally those thathave been studied least. More research is clearlymerited for herpestids and viverrids as a whole andwithin the procyonid genera Bassaricyon and Procyon.For some other questions (e.g. relationships amongfelid genera and among hyaenines, and the positionsof the red panda and of the monotypic ‘dog-like ’canid genera), no clear answers have emerged despiteconsiderable effort. Additional data may help resolvethese issues ; however, it may be that they areinherently difficult because they involve successivesplitting events that were close together in time, andlong ago.

(4) The tree we present is the largest completespecies-level phylogeny for any group. It will providea touchstone for many kinds of comparative studywithin carnivores (e.g. character evolution, macro-evolutionary studies, conservation studies) and hasalready been used to test for correlations betweenpopulation size and geographic range in Britishmammals (Blackburn et al., 1997), between body size

and species richness in all carnivores (Gittleman &Purvis, 1998), between foraging strategy and theextent of stereotypic behaviour displayed by captivecarnivores (Clubb & Mason, 1998), and to examinefor edge effects with respect to the conservationbiology of large carnivores (Woodroffe & Ginsberg,1998). Our tree also serves as a strawman for furthersystematic research into this fascinating order.


We thank Paul Harvey, Steve O’Brien, David Penny andespecially Harold Bryant for helpful discussion, comments,and ideas. Additional constructive comments were pro-vided by several anonymous referees and Phyllis Lee.Greg Anderson, David Bininda and Kevin Seymourhelped to track down some of the more obscure or elusivereferences. Financial support was provided by AlbertaHeritage, the United Kingdom’s Overseas ResearchScholarship plan, and an NSERC postgraduate scholar-ship (O.R.P.B.-E.) ; a Professional Leave Award fromthe Graduate School of the University of Tennessee, theDepartment of Zoology of the University of Oxford, andthe NERC Centre for Population Biology at SilwoodPark, Imperial College (J.L.G.) ; and the Royal Society,the NERC (GR3}8515) and the Department of Ecologyand Evolutionary Biology at the University of Tennessee(A.P.).


(References marked with * and}or † were used, respectively, as

sources of phylogenies or date estimates for the composite


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The following references were used as source trees and}orto provide date estimates for the composite phylogeny.References are divided according to the various matricesthey contributed to and so may appear more than once.The matrices and composite trees have been deposited onTreeBASE (see Sanderson et al., 1994; study accessionnumber 5355; matrix accession numbers M472–484;http:}}www.herbaria.harvard.edu}treebase}) and arealso available from O.R.P.B.-E. on request.

Higher groups (excluding Hyaenidae) (Fig. 1, Table 2)

Source trees : Gregory & Hellman, 1939; Leone & Wiens,1956; Wurster, 1969; Hunt, 1974; Sarich, 1975;Tedford, 1976; Arnason, 1977; Bugge, 1978; Hendey,1978; Ling, 1978; Schmidt-Kittler, 1981; Dutrillaux,Couturier & Chauvier, 1982; Flynn & Galiano, 1982;Ginsburg, 1982; Wozencraft, 1984, 1989; Couturier &Dutrillaux, 1985; de Jong, 1986; Braunitzer &Hofmann, 1987; Wyss, 1987; Flynn et al., 1988;Holmes, 1988; Rodewald, Braunitzer & Go$ ltenboth,1988; Ahmed, Jahan & Braunitzer, 1990; Czelusniak et

al., 1990, 1991; Nojima, 1990; McKenna, 1991;

174 Olaf R. P. Bininda-Emonds, John L. Gittleman and Andy Purvis

Arnason & Ledje, 1993; Wolsan, 1993; Wyss & Flynn,1993; Berta & Wyss, 1994; Hunt & Barnes, 1994;Vrana et al., 1994; Lento et al., 1995; Austin, 1996;Bininda-Emonds & Russell, 1996; Werdelin, 1996

Date estimates : Repenning, Ray & Grigorescu, 1979;Martin, 1980; Radinsky, 1982; Savage & Russell,1983; Barnes, Domning & Ray, 1985; Gittleman,1986; Anderson, 1989; Jinchu, 1990; Wayne et al.,1991; Werdelin & Solounias, 1991; Janczewski et al.,1995; Hunt, 1996

Both : Sarich, 1969a, b, 1976; Seal et al., 1970; Radinsky,1975; Thenius, 1979; Goodman et al., 1982; O’Brien et

al., 1985; Goldman et al., 1989; Wayne et al., 1989a ;Janczewski et al., 1992; Garland et al., 1993; Hashimotoet al., 1993; Hunt & Tedford, 1993; Veron & Catzeflis,1993; Masuda & Yoshida, 1994a ; Slade, Moritz &Heideman, 1994; Arnason et al., 1995; Pecon Slattery& O’Brien, 1995

Mustelidae (excluding Lutrinae and Mephitinae) (Fig.2, Table 3)

Source trees : Petter, 1971; Graphodatsky et al., 1976, 1989;Stains, 1976; Long, 1981; Schmidt-Kittler, 1981; deMuizon, 1982a ; Youngman, 1982; Belyaev et al., 1984;Wozencraft, 1984, 1989, 1993; Couturier & Dutrillaux,1985; Arnason & Widegren, 1986; Holmes, 1988;Lushnikova et al., 1989; Obara, 1991; Vrana et al., 1994

Date estimates : Sarich, 1976; Savage & Russell, 1983;Anderson et al., 1986; Wayne et al., 1991; Garland et al.,1993; Masuda & Yoshida, 1994b ; Hunt, 1996

Both : Anderson, 1970, 1989; Simonsen, 1982; Hartl et al.,1988; O’Brien et al., 1989; Wayne et al., 1989a ; Bryant,Russell & Fitch, 1993; Hashimoto et al., 1993; Hosodaet al., 1993; Masuda & Yoshida, 1994a

Lutrinae (Fig. 3, Table 4)

Source trees : Davis, 1978; de Muizon, 1982a ; van Zyll deJong, 1987; Holmes, 1988; Bryant et al., 1993;Wozencraft, 1993

Date estimates : Savage & Russell, 1983; Wayne et al., 1991;Masuda & Yoshida, 1994a

Mephitinae (Fig. 4, Table 5)

Source trees : Holmes, 1988; Bryant et al., 1993; Wozencraft,1993

Date estimates : Savage & Russell, 1983; O’Brien et al.,1989; Wayne et al., 1989a, 1991

Both : Dragoo et al., 1993

Procyonidae (Fig. 5, Table 6)

Source trees : Couturier & Dutrillaux, 1985; Decker &Wozencraft, 1991; Wozencraft, 1993

Date estimates : Sarich, 1976; Savage & Russell, 1983;

Wayne et al., 1989a ; Garland et al., 1993; Hunt, 1996Both : Baskin, 1982; Zhang & Ryder, 1993; Pecon Slattery

& O’Brien, 1995

Otariidae (Fig. 6, Table 7)

Source trees : Sarich, 1969b, 1975; Stirling & Warneke,1971; Morejohn, 1975; Ling, 1978; Trillmich &Majluf, 1981; Berta & Deme! re! , 1986; Beentjes, 1990;Wozencraft, 1993; Berta & Wyss, 1994; Hirota, 1994;Lento et al., 1995

Date estimates : Repenning et al., 1979; Bogdanov &Pastukhov, 1982; Savage & Russell, 1983; Hoberg &Adams, 1992

Both : Kim, Repenning & Morejohn, 1975; Sarich, 1976;Barnes et al., 1985; Arnason et al., 1995

Phocidae (Fig. 7, Table 8)

Source trees : Chapskii, 1955; Burns & Fay, 1970; Anbinder,1971; Sarich, 1975; Ling, 1978; de Muizon, 1982b ;Couturier & Dutrillaux, 1985; Wyss, 1988; Nojima,1990; Wozencraft, 1993; Berta & Wyss, 1994; Lento et

al., 1995; Mouchaty et al., 1995; Bininda-Emonds &Russell, 1996

Date estimates : Repenning et al., 1979; Savage & Russell,1983; Hoberg & Adams, 1992; Arnason et al., 1993

Both : Sarich, 1969b, 1976; Hendey, 1972; Bogdanov &Pastukhov, 1982; Slade et al., 1994; Arnason et al.,1995; Perry et al., 1995

Ursidae (Fig. 8, Table 9)

Source trees : Wurster, 1969; Seal et al., 1970; Nash &O’Brien, 1987; Czelusniak et al., 1990, 1991; Zhang &Shi, 1991; Taberlet & Bouvet, 1992; Wozencraft, 1993;Mazza & Rustioni, 1994; Trajano & Ferrarezzi, 1994;Vrana et al., 1994

Date estimates : Sarich, 1976; Savage & Russell, 1983;Jinchu, 1990; Wayne et al., 1991; Janczewski et al.,1992, 1995; Zhang & Ryder, 1993; Hunt, 1996

Both : Thenius, 1976, 1979; Ficcarelli, 1979; O’Brien et al.,1985; Hofmann & Braunitzer, 1987; Goldman et al.,1989; Wayne et al., 1989a ; Cronin et al., 1991; Shields& Kocher, 1991; Garland et al., 1993; Hashimoto et al.,1993; Zhang & Ryder, 1994; Arnason et al., 1995;Pecon Slattery & O’Brien, 1995

Canidae (Fig. 9, Table 10)

Source trees : Kleiman, 1967; Langguth, 1969, 1975; Todd,1970; Atkins & Dillon, 1971; Fox, 1971; Chiarelli,1975; Stains, 1975; Clutton-Brock, Corbet & Hills,1976; Darbre & Lehmann, 1976; Atkins, 1978; Nowak,1978; Van Gelder, 1978; Tagle et al., 1986; Braunitzer& Hofmann, 1987; Czelusniak et al., 1990; Wayne et al.,1990; Wayne & Jenks, 1991; Phillips & Henry, 1992;

175Carnivoran phylogeny

Girman et al., 1993; Wozencraft, 1993; Roy et al., 1994;Vrana et al., 1994; Tedford et al., 1995

Date estimates : Savage & Russell, 1983; Wayne et al.,1989b, 1991; Lehman et al., 1991; Janczewski et al.,1992; Hunt, 1996

Both : Nowak, 1979; Berta, 1987; Wayne, Nash & O’Brien,1987 a, b ; Wayne & O’Brien, 1987; Wayne et al.,1989a ; Geffen et al., 1992, 1996; Garland et al., 1993;Hosoda et al., 1993; Gottelli et al., 1994

Hyaenidae (Fig. 1, Table 2)

Source trees : Gregory & Hellman, 1939; Galiano & Frailey,1977; Howell & Petter, 1980; Qui, 1987; Wozencraft,1993

Date estimates : Savage & Russell, 1983; Wayne et al.,1989a, 1991; Garland et al., 1993; Veron & Catzeflis,1993

Both : Werdelin & Solounias, 1991

Felidae (Fig. 10, Table 11)

Source trees : Kratochvı!l, 1976, 1982; Glass & Martin,1978; Hemmer, 1978, 1981; Robinson, 1979; Kra! l &Zima, 1980; Grove, 1982; Wurster-Hill & Centerwall,1982; Herrington, 1983, 1986; Werdelin, 1983;Tumlison & McDaniel, 1984; Couturier & Dutrillaux,1985; Tagle et al., 1986; Peters, 1987; Modi & O’Brien,1988; Czelusniak et al., 1990; Ahmed, Jahan &Braunitzer, 1992; Salles, 1992; Schreiber, Puschmann

& Tichy, 1993; Wozencraft, 1993; Masuda et al., 1994;Vrana et al., 1994; Russell et al., 1995; Decker, 1996

Date estimates : Savage & Russell, 1983; Centerwall,Wurster-Hill & Benveniste, 1985; Kitchener, 1991;Randi & Ragni, 1991; Wayne et al., 1991; Arnason et

al., 1995; Hunt, 1996Both : Martin, 1980; Werdelin, 1981; Benveniste, 1985;

Collier & O’Brien, 1985; O’Brien et al., 1987; Essop,Emmanuel & Harley, 1988; Wayne et al., 1989a ;Janczewski et al., 1992, 1995; Garland et al., 1993;Veron & Catzeflis, 1993; Pecon Slattery et al., 1994

Herpestidae (Fig. 11, Table 12)

Source trees : Gregory & Hellman, 1939; Fredga, 1972;Petter, 1974; Stains, 1983; Couturier & Dutrillaux,1985; Taylor, 1988; Wozencraft, 1993; Austin, 1996

Date estimates : Savage & Russell, 1983; Wayne et al., 1991;Veron & Catzeflis, 1993

Both : Taylor et al., 1991

Viverridae (Fig. 12, Table 13)

Source trees : Gregory & Hellman, 1939; Petter, 1974;Crawford-Cabral, 1982; Stains, 1983; Wozencraft,1984, 1993; Couturier & Dutrillaux, 1985; Taylor,1988

Date estimates : Savage & Russell, 1983; Wayne et al.,1989a ; Hunt, 1996

Both : Veron & Catzeflis, 1993

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