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Building .NET Apps using Couchbase Lite

Zack Gramana

About Me

Zack Gramana

Senior Software Engineer



And, about me…

Wayne Carter





Couchbase LiteOn-device, lightweight, native

embedded JSON database

Sync GatewaySynchronize on-device

Couchbase Lite with Couchbase Server in the cloud

Couchbase ServerHigh performance, scalable, always-on JSON database in

the cloud

Couchbase Mobile


Couchbase Lite

Couchbase Lite

Full Featured







Sync Gateway

Sync Gateway



Data Partitioning

Data Access Control


Pluggable Authentication

JavaScript sync function runs on all mutations.

Data Partitioning– channel(…): Routes the document to the named channel

Data Access Control– Read

– access(…): Grants access to a channel to a specified user, list of users, or a role

– role(…): Grants a user a role

– Write

– throw(…): Prevents a document mutation from persisting

– requireUser/Role/Access(…): Validates the user, their role assignments, or their access privileges.

Authentication, Partitioning, Access Control


Couchbase Server

Couchbase Server


Highly Scalable

High Performance

Always On

Couchbase Lite In A Nutshell


• Document Database• Map Reduce Queries• Sync• Small: Assembly is < 500KB

Document Database Overview

• Semi-structured• Key-value pairs• Schemaless• JSON-backed• Very low-friction

Map Reduce Queries Overview

• Functional queries, instead of set-theoretic• Write query logic in pure C#, not SQL• Can be one-off, or auto-updating as data

changes• You probably already know how to use it:–Map is like LINQ’s Select method– Reduce is like LINQ’s Aggregate method

Sync Overview

• Master-master replication• Uses HTTP + REST• Offline mode for free• Manual or continuous modes• Automatic retry on failure• Responds to network changes

Programming Model

• You: make your changes to docs• Queries: will reflect those changes• Replicators: sync changes for you

Getting Started with Documents

Opening a Database

var db = Manager.SharedInstance.GetDatabase("foo");Debug.Assert(db != null);

var db = Manager.SharedInstance.GetExistingDatabase("foo");Debug.Assert(db == null);

Getting a Document

var doc = db.GetDocument("foo-doc");Debug.Assert(doc != null);

var doc = db.GetExistingDocument("foo-doc");Debug.Assert(doc == null);

Creating a Document

var doc = db.CreateDocument();Debug.Assert(doc.Id != null);

Deleting a Document


Updating a New Document

var rev = doc.CreateRevision();var props = new Dictionary<string, object> { { "foo", "bar"}, { "fizz", "buzz"} };rev.SetUserProperties(props);rev.Save();

Updating an Existing Document

var props = doc.Properties;var newProps = new Dictionary<string, object>(props) { { "foo", "bar"} };doc.PutProperties(newProps); // Saves a new revision

Dealing with Changes

doc.Change += (sender, e) => { // e.g. if we get a conflict... if (e.Change.IsConflict) { // we can resolve it! }};

DocumentChange Members




DocumentId IsConflict IsCurrentRevision RevisionId SourceUrl WinningRevision

Handling Conflicts

var current = doc.CurrentRevision;foreach(var rev in doc.ConflictingRevisions){ var newRev = rev.CreateRevision(); if (rev.Equals(current)) { newRev.SetProperties(mergedProps); } else { newRev.IsDeletion = true; } newRev.Save();}

Auto-merging Properties using LINQ

Dictionary<string, object> mergedProps;try{ mergedProps = doc.ConflictingRevisions .SelectMany(rev => rev.UserProperties) .Distinct() .ToDictionary( kvp => kvp.Key, kvp => kvp.Value );} catch (ArgumentException ex) { // Merge conflict requires manual resolution.}

Getting Started with Queries

Create a View

var view = db.GetView("foo");Debug.Assert(view != null);

var view = db.GetExistingView("foo");Debug.Assert(view == null);

Add a Map Function

view.SetMap((doc, emit) => { var foo = (String)doc["foo"]; if (foo.Equals("bar")) { emit ("text", doc["text"]); }}, "1");

Using a Reduce Function

ReduceDelegate reducer = (keys, values, rereduce) => { var i = 0; var wordCount = 0; foreach(var key in keys) { if (key == "text") { var str = (String)values[i]; wordCount += str.Split(' ').Length; } } return wordCount;};view.SetMapReduce(mapper, reducer, "1");

Create a Query

var query = view.CreateQuery();

// Options, like...query.Completed += (sender, e) => { Log("Results: {0}", e.Rows);};query.Descending = true;

// Get records...var rows = await query.RunAsync();rows.Where(row => ...);

Create a LiveQuery

var liveQuery = query.ToLiveQuery();

// Respond to changes in the view.liveQuery.Changed += (sender, e) =>{ Log("Updates: {0}", e.Rows.Count);};

Getting Started with Replication

Pull Replicator

var uri = new Uri(syncGatewayUrl);var pull = db.CreatePullReplication(uri);pull.Continuous = true;pull.Changed += ReplicationChanged;pull.Start();

Push Replicator

var uri = new Uri(syncGatewayUrl);var push = db.CreatePushReplication(uri);push.Continuous = true;push.Changed += ReplicationChanged;push.Start();

Next Steps

Couchbase Developer Portal


Xamarin Component Store


.:[coming soon]:.


Couchbase Connect

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Contact Me

[email protected] (email)@zgramana (twitter)

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