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Page 1: Bulletin 2013 08 04
Page 2: Bulletin 2013 08 04

FIRST ENGLISH EV. LUTHERAN CHURCH800 Vertrier Roaal, Giosse Pointe Woods, MI 48236-1350

(313) 884-5040 Fax: (313) 884-4460 $rrry.feelc.ory

Rev. christina VereB Dr. Walter A. Schmidt R€v. Paul F. KepplerAstodrLPoslor Seniof Pttslor PattorEtuia$

Renata Conger Robed E Foster Christina Judsolntudion/Yoath Coon tdtot Coo tnob.olvush Dtr..totoJ AeU Choi^


Prelude "TrumpetTune" H. PurcellWelcome and Announcemcnts

Confession and ForgivenesEP: ln the name of the Father, and ofthe Son, and ofthe Holy Spirit. C: AmenP: God of all mercy and consolation, come to the help of your people, turning usfrom our sin to live for you alone. Give us the power of your Holy Spirit that we mayconfess our sin, receive your forgiveness, and grow into the fullness ofJesus Christ,our Savior and Lord.C: AmenP: You may kneelfor confession. Most merciful God,C; we confess that we are captive to ain and cannot free ourselves. We havesinned againstyou in thought, word, and deed, by what we have done and bywhat we have left undone, We have not loved you with our whole hearb wehave not loved our neighbors as ourselves. For the sak€ of your Son, JesusChrist" have mercy on us. Forgive us, renew us, and lead us, so that we maydelight in yourwill and walk in your ways, to the glory ot your holy name.Am€nP: ln lhe mercy of almighty God, Jesus Christ was given to die for us, and for hissake God forgives us all our sins, As a called and odained minister of the church ofChrist, and by his authority, I therefore declare to you the entire forgiveness of allyour sins, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit- C:Amen

Hymn 11542 "O Living Bread from Heaven" (ELW

Page 147 Pastoral Greeting and KyriePage 148 'This is the Feast"lnsert Prayer of the Day

Childrsn's Time - Children's Song "My God is So Greaf'Gee back ofbuleth)

Insed First Reading: Ecclesiastes '1 :2, 12-14;2118-23Re,sponse: Thanks be to God!qnserli Fs?iin ,ir::i - 1:l

Page 3: Bulletin 2013 08 04

lnsert Second Reading: Colossians 3:I-11Response: Thanks be to codlPagel5l GospelAcclamation,Alleluia"

lnsert cospel Reading: Luke 1219-21

Sermon "True Riches"

Hymn #732 ?f,,ming CJy' (ELW


The Sacrament of Holy Bapffsm page 227 ElWPeter Max Moskaluk

The Apostles' Cr6ed - Page 105I believe in God, the Father almighty, crcator of heaven and earth.I belieye in Jesus Christ, God,s only Son, our Lord, who was conceiyed bv theHoly Spirit born oJ the virgin ilary, suffered under pontiua pllato, was cr;cifiod,died, and w8s buried; he descended to th6 dead. On th€ thld day he rose again,he ascended irto heaven, he is seated at the tight hand of the faiter, ana td witicome to judge th6 living and the dead.I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy catholic church, the communion ofsaints, theforgiveness of sins, the rssurrection of the body, and the llfe everlasting, Amen

Dr. Walter A. Schmidt

E. Thiman

The Prayers of the Church

OfferingOfferlory 'Jesus, the Very Thought of Thee,

N an ette S on n e m a n-W h itcaft, s o I oi st

lVyn1 Uge Congregat:ton Offettory 'Let the Vineyards, IELWLet the vineyards be fruitful, Lod, and till to the biim ou;;up-of bt6sing.Gathef a harvest from the seods that vyere sown, that we may be fud with thebread-of life. Gather the hopes and drsams of all; unite them with the prayerswe olfer. Grace our table with your presence, and give us a foretaste ;f thefeast to come.

Page '152 The Great ThanksgivingPage 153 'Holy, Holy, Hotfl"S"!!q Words Of tnstitution (Sung Response; "Ch rist has died/Amen")Page'154 Lord's Prayer and "Lamb Of God,,

The CommunionPage 155 The Communion Blessing

y"W! yO4 Poat Communion Hynn -'Thantdut Heatts, ELWThankful hearb and voices Eise; tell ev,ryone what God has done. Let all whoseek the Lord rcioice and bear Chrisfs holy name. Send us with your pronisesand lead your people forth tn.ioy wiih shouts ofthanksgivkrg. AlGluia;Alleluia.


Page 4: Bulletin 2013 08 04

Page 155 Prayer Affer CommunionPage 155 Blessing and Dismissal

Hymn #705 1God of Grace and God oi Glory' (WSharing of the Peace

PGtlude 'Son of God, Etomal Saviot" G. Young

SPEAKER SYSTEI$ for the hearing impaired is available. Speak to one of the ushers.

9UBl{U!.-E94Eqg show the hymn numbers being sung today- They are found in the backportion ofthe@ The front portion of thebook conbins the liturgies and resourc€a for prayer and is noted by page numbeE at the bottomof each page.

PTEASE E!!!_gUI a visitor or member card found in the pews and place the card in the offedngplate. We are blessed to have Christian ftiends fIom other places and congregalions visiting atwochip today.

lN HOLY COiTMUNION we believe that Christ is truly present in the bread and wine forgiving oursins, We welcome you to such a table of p.esence and iorgiveness. Martin Luther said: "Thatperson is well prepared and worthy (to receive Communion),,vho believ€s these words, 'givenand shed for yo! for the remission of gins'. lf you cannot drink the wine, it is appropriate breceive just the bread, orjust touch the glass oI wlne to ones lips, also glasses of white g(rpejuice are placed in the middle of the kay. Youger children are invited to come foMard to receivea blessing.

CHILDREN'S SONG:llvSq!.ilSqfuct

My God i! so grert, so strong atrd so mighty! There's nothitrg my God cannot do!(clap, clap)

My God is so grcat, so Etrotrg end so mightyl There's uothing my God c{lnot alo!(clap, clap)

The moutrtains ar€ His, the rivers are Eir, thc stars rre Hir hardiwork too!My God is so great, so rtrotlg and so mightyl There's nothing my God cauot do!



Page 5: Bulletin 2013 08 04

Today's ReadingsSunday, August 4. 2013

11th Sunday after Pentecost

Prayer of the Day

Benevoler. God. you are the soure, the guide, and the goal ofour liles. Teach us lolove wlu. is vorth loving, io reject what is offensive to )ou, and to treasure wha. is precious iD your siglrt, through Jesus Christ, o1lr Savior and Lord. Amen.

First Reading Ecclesiastes 1 :2,'12-'1 4; 2t1A-23

':Vanity of vadties, says the Teacherva ty olvanidesl Al1is va t}'

DI, thc Teacher, wher king ove.Israel in.lcrusalem, '3applied my mind to seek aodto search out by wisdom all thar is doneunder heaven; it is an unhappy businessthat God has given to human bcings tobe busy $'ith. ral saw all the deeds that aredone undcr thc sun; md sec, all is vanityand a chasing afte vnld.

!'rsl hated at1 mv toil in which I hadtoile.l under the sun, seeing that I mustleave il to rhose who come afrer me "-and who knows whether theywill be wiseor fooiish? Yet they will be master of all


for which I toiled and used my n'ndomunder the suD. This also is vanity. ?!So Irurned and gave my hea.i up ro despai.con(erning all the toil ofrnylaboN underthe s[n,':]beca[se sometimes one whohas toilcd with wisdom and knouledgeand skill Eusr leave all to be enjo,ved byanothcr who did Dot roil lor it. This alsois vanity and a great enil- !{^rhat do mortals get iiom all the roil and strain uithwhich thcy toil rnder the sun?:3For alliheir days arc full ofpaiD, and their workis a vcxadoni evcn at ght thcb minds donot rest. This also is vanny.

Psalm 49:1-12; tone 3

Hearthis, I all you peoples:

all you rfio duelllin the world,

'?you of high d€- I glee and low,dch and I poor together.

5My mouth shall r speak ofwisdom,

shall meditate o l undcrstanding.aI will irclire my ear I to a proverb

ud set loith my riddleup- , or tLe harp.

swhy should I be af.aid in I evil days,i{hen the wickedressofthose aL my lheels surounds me,

6the wick€dness of thosewho trust in I their o*'n prcwess,

and boast of I their greatliches?tOne can nerer re l.leem anothel

or give to Cod the ransomfor an I other's life:

3for the raNom of a life I is so grcatthat there would rever bee- | nough to pay it,

'gin orde. to live lbrev-rer and everard never I see the grave.

roFor we see that the wise die also;lile the dull and stu- | pid they pe sh

and leave their wealthto those who come I after ahem.

Page 6: Bulletin 2013 08 04

'rThcir lraves shall be their homeslbrevet their dwclling placesfrom genemtion to I generation.

thorBh they tlad named landsaf- | ter theDsclves.

Second Reading

uEver though honoredithey carnot I live foreveri

they are like th€ I beasts that perish.

Cotossians 3:1-11

So if you have been raised $'ith Christ.seek the thirgs lhat arc above, whereCh st is, seated at the right hand ofGod.'Setyour minds on thnrgs that arc abole,not on things that are or earth, 3for youhave died, and your lifc is hidden withCh.lst in Cod. awhen Christ who is yourlife is revealed, then you also will bc re-vealed with him in glory.

'Put to death, th€refore, whateverin you is carthly: fornication, impuri6,,passior, evil dcsire, and greed (lvhichis idoiatry). 6On account ol these thewrath ofcod is coming on rhose who are


disobedient. rThesc are thc says you alsoonce followed, rlhelr you $cre living thatlife. sBut now vor must get d ofall suchthings anger, w.ath, malicc, slanderand rbtrsive language from your mouth-lDo not lie ro one arother, seeing tharyou have stripped off the old self lrith itspractices loand have clothed youNeivcswith the newself, which is being renewcdin kno$'ledge according to the image ofits creator. IIn thar renewal there is nolorger Grcek and Je1{, circumcised andu circumcised, barbarian, Scythirn,slave and fiee:but Ch.isi is all .nd;r ,ll!

Luke 12'.13-21

Someone in the crowd said to LJcsusl,"Tea.her, tell my brother to dividc thefamily inheritance with nte." LrBut he saidto him, "Friend, ho set me to be a.judgcor arbitrator over you?" ''And he saidto them, "Takc carel Re on your guardaganrst all ki ds of greed; lor one's lifedoes not co sisr in the abuDdance ofpossessions." t6then hc toid thcm a parable: "The land of a ch man produce.labundanrly. r'And he thought to himself,'What should I do, for I have no placc to

store my crops?''3Thcn he said,'Iwill dothis: I will pull down iy barns and buildlargcr ones, and there I will storc all mygrain and my goods. t'oAnd I will say tomy soul, Soul, you have ample goods laidup lbr many lears; relax. ea., drnrk, bemerry.' ':uBur God said to him, You fbol l

This very night ).our lile is being demand-ed ofyou. And thc things you have pre-pared, whose i,ill they be?' '?rso it is withthose who store up trcasures for them-sehes bu..re nol ri.h nN,r.l God "

TODAY'S READINGS Alsust 4,20r3 (Le.tonary i8)

mM)rFb$d@ s46,tusr4Fo

.o; o-." r.. .,, oo-

Page 7: Bulletin 2013 08 04

Suadry Summer Worship Schedule9:00 a.m. Cortempo.ary Worship with Holy Communion

1 0:30a.m. TBditional Worshipwith Holy Commudon the 6rst and rhird Sundays

7:00 p.m. Thnrsday evening Worship Service

Offce Houts:Monday - Fndey Et00 ad- 12:30a.d "+ l:30 p-o 400ps.

I{ews and Notes Concerning the Ministry of First English Lutheran Church

GOOD MORNII{G! Welcome to First English! Ifyou are interested in learning more aboutthe ministry of First English or would like to join our family, please fill out the Yisitor Card" inthe pew racl! check the approprlate respons€, and place in the offering plate. We will gladlycontad you and attempt to answer your quesuons. Thank you!

WE WELCOME CHILDREN at worship. $ you need the cry room it is located otr the backnarthex, A nursery for children 4 & under is located next to the office. We ask that thenursery be used for children in this age group only. Thank you for your cooperation.

FLOWERS ON THE ALTAR have been placed by crace Circle in honor of Dorothy Craigand by the Altar Guild in memory of l4ary Anderson

UEMORIAL CO TRIBUTIOT{S have been made to First English in memory of Agnes Prostby Dennis M. & Geraldine R. Prost.

RESCHEDUI-ED 'Hawaiian Resort Murdef play will be held on Auoust 10, 6:30 o.m,There is a sign-up poster in the lounge. If you previously signed-up, please put a yesnext to your name if you can still aEend. For others, if you would like to attend pleasesign-up on the poster. For planning and seating purposes we need a count. See you there!

BCId[lleEl Tiger game is today at 1:00 PM. at Comeri€a park *- Go lgers!

Peter Max Moskaluk is presented this moming to receive the Sacrament ofHolyBaptism. He was bom on December 5,2010 and is the son ofStephen W. and Mel& e A.(Stenberg) Moskaluk. His sponsors are Regina Thoruas and Ronald Scherz.Welcome to the Lord's family!

Page 8: Bulletin 2013 08 04

THIS WEEK AT FIRST ENGUSH - Auoust 4 - 11, 2013

SUN 4 9:00 Contemporary Worship Service

10:30 Traditional Worship Service

1:00 Tiger's Game

UON 5 9:30 Exercise Class

6:00 Princeton Revier,v

MES-]O 10:00 Volleyball

5:30 Exercise Class

WED 7 9:30 Exercise Class

10:00 Volleyball

6:00 Princeton Revieu/

THURS 8 5:30 Exercise Class

7:00 Summer Worship SeMce

SAT tO 9:00 Princeton Review

11:00 Pink Door Cotbge

6:30 Murder Mwery Dinner Theater

SUN 11 9:00 Contemporary Worship Service

10:30 Traditonal Wo6hip Service

11:30 Board of Fellowship Meeting



Fellowship Hall


Luther Center

Fellowship Hall

Fellowship Hall

Luther Center


Fellowship Hall



Luther Center Kitchen

Luther Center



Fellowship Hall

HOLY LAND AND IORITAI{ TOUR -Bmchures are available on the table in the hallwaydescribing our tour to Israel and lordan. The dates are F€bruary 26 - March 8/ 2014, Atour to the Holy Land is more than simply a vacation - it ls a spiritual, faith strengtheningpilgrimage which truly makes the Bible come alive. Any questions, please speak to PastorSchmidt-

Page 9: Bulletin 2013 08 04

SERVING THIS WEErc Auoust 4. 20139:(X, a.m,The Bezel family

Samantra Potter

Team #7Mark Balle

Team #5

Shidey LamarPam Southard

cerry Udell











1Or3O a.mDee Friscan

Anna lackon

Team #8Ken Kohler

Jeff Gates

Mad( BerkeschMarti Miller

l4arti Miller

Anna Unit Audrey Johnson/Kim JevonsLvdia UniL Pat Palm/Pat Thomas

The Nyquist family

Margot Kahl

Carol Logan/Kyle Clor

GOI{E WEEIGNDS???? If you are out of town on weekends, please remember that we dohave seMces on Thirsday evening during the summer months at 7:00 p.m. So, join us forworship before you leave for the weekend!

Traditional and Contemporarv SeMce Sundav Summer Solo Sign-up sheets are onthe counter in the offlce!!

Page 10: Bulletin 2013 08 04

SERVING NEXT WEEN: Auqust 11. 20139:0O a,m, 10r3O a,m

GREETERS Angel KrueEan Dan Rustmann

ACOLYTES Nora Smith Daniel Feldman

USHER Team #9 Team #10Charles lackson David Zwicker

COUI{TERS Team #6 Kyle Clor

COMMUIIIO Brandon TambourineJackie Tambourine

l-AY READERS Jackie Tambourine Joe Warnez

ALTARGUILD Anna Unit; Audrey JohnsonlKim JevonsLvdia Unit: Pat Palm/PatThomas

COFFEE HOUR Choir (Tenors)


GARDENS Claudettel4omeneefudyLeo

BULLETIN DEADLINE: Please submit any information to be published in the Sundaybulletin before 12100 p.m. the preeding Taeday. Ihankyou.

BE SILENT, BE REVERENT; for this is the House of cod, BEFOR.E the s€rvic€, spaakto the Lord; DURI G the service; Iet the lord speak to you: AFTER thesewice, speak to one another,

Have you remembered the ministry ofFirst English in your will?


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