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Page 1: Bulletin Issue 6, Vol 1 (December 2013 – January 2014)

Innovative . Entrepreneurial . GlobalDr Faizah Abd Ghani, from UTM, won the top spot with his invention called Model Sayangku under the copyright category. He walked away with RM10,000. Associate Professor Dr Buang Alias, also from UTM, walked away with RM7,000 when his product called the i-ASSET won the second spot in the same category, while the third prize of RM5,000 went to Associate Professor Dr Sevia Mahdaliza Idrus. Prof Dr Ahmad Fauzi Ismail won RM10,000 for inventing the "smart membrane for carbon dioxide removal" under the patent category. Both Sevia Mahdaliza and Ahmad Fauzi are also from UTM. "We always encourage our researchers to focus on their inventions and also to have their products commercialised," said Azraai. Up to last December, UTM has recorded 866 intellectual properties in various categories. Of these, 697 have been patented. UTM has also received close to RM20 million under the Malaysian Technology Development Corporation Fund, through the incorporation of companies. A total of 18 technologies have been licenced to private corporations, and 122 products are already in the market. Meanwhile, in a collaboration with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), the university has been working with an open courseware consortium pioneered by the latter to strengthen a conducive learning environment. Called the Open CourseWares (OCW), the programme offers high-quality digital learning-based courses taught at UTM. More than 100 open courses have been developed and given the intellectual property rights in 2012. The complete learning materials of the OCW include lecture notes, lesson plans and training questions that all Internet users can access. More than 20,000 hits have been recorded since its launch in March 2012. Visitors to this site come from various countries, including the United States, Singapore, India, Indonesia and the Philippines. In addition, UTM has also collaborated with MIT to implement the UTM_MIT BLOSSOMS (Blended Learning Open Source Science or Math Studies) project to enhance interest among undergraduates and even post-graduates in science, mathematics, engineering and technology by engaging students in problem-solving and critical thinking, and acquiring knowledge through hands-on experience.

Prof Dr Mohd Azraai Kassim (standing, fourth from left) and the other award winners with their prize cheques. Read more: UTM wins IP accolade again - Johor - New Straits Timeshttp://www.nst.com.my/streets/johor/utm-wins-ip-accolade-again-1.303492#ixzz2i42bAyQ1

"IJN and UTM are two experts in their respective fields, and I am confident that the merger of expertise between the two institutions will be able to benefit the country and the people in terms of better cardiovascular research and development. "With current advances in science and technology, it will also have an impact on our economy, since artificial hearts are in high demand, especially in the Southeast Asian region, China and India." The centre also sought knowledge and product sharing from the Cardiovascular Engineering Centre at Aachen University in Germany. "The collaboration with international institutions has so far benefited us, in terms of giving us the option to get better cardiovascular treatments at a lower cost using stem cell technology, artificial tissues and medicines." Muhyiddin said the Education Ministry aimed to produce at least 150 Doctorate degree holders (PhD), 500 high-impact academic journals and 100 patents in 10 years through the centre. "The centre is expected to produce artificial hearts, stems or tubes and heart tissues. "It will also provide the best facilities in the country for cardiac imaging and telecardiology. "The facilities in the centre will contribute towards increasing Malaysians' life expectancy and will spur Malaysia into becoming among the most advanced nations in the fields of technology and cardiovascular research." Present was IJN chief executive officer Tan Sri Dr Robaayah Zambahari, UTM Vice-Chancellor Professor Dr Wahid Omar and Aachen University Cardiovascular Engineering director Professor Ulrich Steinseifer.

Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin signing a plaque at the launching of the IJN-UTM Cardiovascular Engineering Centre, to be built at UTM’s Skudai campus in Skudai, Johor. Pic by Syarafiq Abd Samad Source : http://www.nst.com.my/nation/general/ijn-and-utm-team-up-to-build-artificial-hearts-1.373923#ixzz2iLOku26L  


UTM Wins IP Accolade Again

ISSUE 6, VOLUME 1 (DEC 2013 - JAN 2014)

IJN and UTM to Build Cheaper

Medical Equipments


Page 2: Bulletin Issue 6, Vol 1 (December 2013 – January 2014)

system at the Taman Universiti mosque as well as our mobile work station at the hospitals. We will also be creating 10 new additional spinoff companies as part of our annual UTM-MTDC Symbiosis spin-off formation programme where we will invest on potential technologies and turn them into business set-ups run by a full time CEOs. Apart from that, we also plan to create a UTM sprinter programme which offers open-space concept for technology techno-preneurship for UTM inventors. We hope to provide incubation office to accommodate 50 small start-up companies which will stay for 2 years and grow with our match making services with potential clients and customers.

In addition to these, ICC will also be sponsoring UTM students’ innovative projects with the assistance of UTM CSI innovation fellows where students will be challenged to come up with innovative ideas based on the day to day problem which may assist with the creation of more SMEs based on innovative products and ideas. These innovative idea business will boast local grown technologies. As such, we warmly welcome all industries to work closely with us.

Prof. Ir. Dr. Azhar Dato’ Abd. AzizDirector of UTM ICC

Preface From The DirectorWith the innovation led driven market challenges

facing the worldwide Industry, it has been our priority to focus on improving our industry’s competitiveness. We believe that industry led research is vital to this cause. UTM boasts a huge number of Centres of Excellence, run by 10 Research Clusters, featuring established laboratories and sophisticated equipments to facilitate research which will have a direct impact on industry.

The UTM research focus on various aspects of technology engineerings to social science aspect ranging from energy efficiency improvements, medical equipments innovations, hybrid transports such as electric vehicles, super micro chip for mobile phones and many others. These innovations will enable the Malaysian manufacturing industry to improve competitiveness via breakthroughs in many aspects such energy efficiency, environmental friendliness and cost reduction. UTM ICC is also proud to showcase hybrid green energy system on fuel cell, wind turbine and solar demonstration projects. We will be working with 100 SMEs on the Industry-Academia Key Focus Areas by linking industries to work with our Research Alliances and various research centres. As part of our community technology assistance programmes, we will impart our technology know-how to the community such as the renewable energy

Innovative . Entrepreneurial . Global

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Arham AbdullahDeputy Director (Innovation)Associate ProfessorFaculty of Civil Engineering

Dr. Md. Zaly Shah Md. HusseinDeputy Director (Commercialisation)Senior Lecturer/Active InventorFaculty of Built Environment

EDITORIAL BOARDChief Editor : Prof. Ir. Dr. Azhar Dato’ Abd. AzizEditors :

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Arham Abdullah Dr. Muhammad Zaly Shah Md. Hussein Zarina Md. Yassin

Contributors : Md. Herme Yusman Md. Tahir Hafizah IthninHaffisza Ahmad Azlin Jamil Nur Ammi HamzahNoran Norhaniza Cholan Muammar Sirajuddin Ibrahim Norliza Abd. Rahim Mohd. Fitri KhamisFabio Marchetto Zafri Wan Lokman Wan Bedurdin Nur Fariza Mohamad Amin

Email : [email protected], [email protected] : www.icc.utm.my

CONTENTSPreface from the Director Services & Trainings Offered AMIR Softcore CPU – Innovation BreakthroughPersonality of the Month IJN and UTM team up to develop cheaper medical equipments UTM and KIMLUN to commercialise Industrialised Building System (IBS) technology for construction work UTM wins IP Accolade Again Gigalink MOU on SMARTAXIADS digital advertisement systemThe Bolar Provision : Defense to IP Infringement UTM Potential Innovations & Technologies for Commercialisation Dust-Buster for Construction Activities Smart Gated Community and Automation System by In Sync Sdn Bhd SEER-SAC : Seismo Accelero Crackometer to detect Ground Movement Seer I Block & Palm Ecocrete from Biomass Waste Industrial Collaborations, International Trade Expo & Business Forum E Element Innovation Technology System to enhance Air Conditioning Efficiency Transparent Antenna for WiFi systemWorld Inventor Award Festival 2013 award-winning products UTM Chemical Free & Scientifically Proven R&D Nature Herbal Products E Tuk-Tuk – Malaysian First Stylish Casual Electric VehicleSmart Medical Cart




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Prof. Ir. Dr. Azhar Dato’ Abd. AzizDirector of ICC Professor Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

2 www.icc.utm.my


Email : [email protected], [email protected] : +607-559 1501

Email : [email protected] : 019-752 8000, +607-559 1509

Email : [email protected], [email protected] : 07- 5591503, 013- 7426251

Page 3: Bulletin Issue 6, Vol 1 (December 2013 – January 2014)


Innovation Point• Innovation Awareness Program • Innovation Funding Options

Innovation Idea Incubation• Innovation Training• UTM-MTDC Symbiosis Program • Business Incubation Program

Innovation Prototype Development and Innovative Solution

• Prototype Development • Industry Solution

Intellectual Property Management• Intellectual Property Application • Intellectual Property

Maintenance• Intellectual Property Database

Services Offered By ICCTechnology Licensing

• Technology Licensing• Commercialization Projects• Spin-off Company Formation • Business Plan Assistance for Potential

Product• Commercialization Training

Marketing, Exhibition & Industrial Networking

• Product Marketing• Product Promotion• Product Exhibition

Legal and Standard Management • Legal advice for intellectual

property exploitation• Commercialization documentation,

standards and policy management and execution



Email : [email protected] and [email protected] for more information

Visit from Czech and Local Universities

We were also proud to receive continuous visits from the local and international universities to refer on our technology transfer process and commercialization success.

In December 2013, we received a visit from the Hradec Kralove University at Republic of Czech who are interested to further collaborate with us in the IT and biomedical engineering fields. They were also keen to study on our technology expertise and R&D commercialisation success rates.

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Deputy Director of Innovation Deputy Director of Commercialisation

Page 4: Bulletin Issue 6, Vol 1 (December 2013 – January 2014)

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Market opportunityThe total CPU market size at the end of September

2012 is USD94.2 billion with more than half cornered by Intel at 57.1% or USD$53.8 billion, with PC chips accounting to 43.6% or USD$41.1 (ITCandor, 2012). Global SoC (System-on-Chip) market is expected to reach USD$39.4 billion by 2015 according to Global Industry Analysts, Inc. New Report .

This new CPU targets the USD$26.8 billion 32-bit microprocessors in embedded systems market segment which are not used in PCs & smartphones such as; internet devices (door-access, PA, IP-video), instrumentation (digital oscilloscope, remote metering), medical equipment (dialysis machines, patient monitoring), military (drones, night-vision), education (smart lab), broadband communication (internet switch, internet access).

Industry experts such as Microprocessor Report are predicting that the business model of Intel and even Microsoft cannot continue indefinitely without spiraling down to minor players. This proprietary business model of Intel will give way to the SoC model for processors such as this A1420, and the open-source web-based model for software replacing Microsoft’s proprietary model.

The A1420 supports the Digital Malaysia (DM) masterplan initiatives launched in late 2011 with the three strategic thrusts, and manifested in the eight specific projects.

By Assoc. Prof. Dr. Muhammad Nasir Ibrahim

Why is AMIR CPU the most advanced and sought after technology today?

Technology Source : AMIR-Lab, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) Faculty of Electrical EngineeringPatent-pending CPU architecture maps to Posix software standard & broadband applications with Freeware licensing without legacy design mistakes of Intel & ARM the world market leaders.

New 32-bit CPU for the 21st century : A1420

UTM’s A1420 softcore SoC vs fixed-chip Intel Pentium

This invention fits exactly as that described in Project #7 titled “Grow the embedded systems industry”, as well as the priority areas described by MOSTI under Computer Sciences & ICT; numbered as 4: Broadband communication, & 18: Processor design.

The inventionThe CPU superiority lies on four main foundations:

1) superior 21st century architecture, 2) Freeware licensing, 3) Softcore SoC model, & 4) Protection of R&D investments.

Key distinguishing features from other CPUs are the large register set (256) with no bank-switching aids fast common kernel processes; separate I/O & graphics addressing aids multiprocessing in multicore & PC applications; FIFO & buffer instructions facilitate packet processing; native synchronous burst transfers obsoletes DMA; vector reference facilitates data structures, descriptor tables, object handles, multithreading, multitasking; and small instruction set.

Advantage gained by incorporating the best and proven CPU designs while leaving out the acknowledged mistakes from more than 30 years of CPU implementation. Removed notable mistakes from Intel: segmented addressing, varying byte & redundant instructions (from trial & error and inadequate OS modelling), and ARM: bank-switch registers, software interrupts, & slow software procedure calls. Both have no vector instructions.

Using the A1420 will create a system with homogenous method of attaching devices (device-driverless), and removing many complicated parts such as; external bus, bus bridges, & DMA. The homogenous method allows native parallel processing of devices not done under current CPU platforms. Freeware open-source licensing is better than the GPL (General-Public-License) open-source as it encourages intellectual property to be kept proprietary of the developer which is the key

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Ms. Hafizah Ithnin is a certified technology transfer manager, consultant and highly skilled commercialisation trainer with extensive experience in areas of technology licensing terms and activities. Her previous attachment as a training manager in the skill development programmes for industrial workers coupled with her engineering background has definitely enriched her skill and lengthens her experience in her current profession which put her in the best position as a licensing manager for the university. She helps inventors to make the most out of their ideas and R&D products.

She consults to these senior and young researchers on how to set up their technology licensing and forming start up companies. She assists the inexperienced inventors by giving advice during the whole commercialisation process from providing the letter of intent, discussing on royalty and licensing fees to the need in preparing a feasible business plan. The matter will then be brought to the Inno-Comm meeting where the spin off paperwork will then be discussed by the UTM Top Management Committee. She will then further advise the inventors to apply to the Vice Chancellor for approval to run the newly set up company. During the process, she and her team will study business proposals received from the university staff related to its business viability and market feasibility. She also works closely with the legal officer who will advise on the proper content of the MOU and MOA documentations.

Besides her areas of expertise in the technology transfer licensing and advising the commercialisation process, she also assists in monitoring and overseeing the compliance of the content of agreements. Apart from that, she also help collect data related to the university’s commercialisation activities and achievements for the university and MOHE records.

Structuring and organizing trainings is one of her profession whereby she will occasionally organize commercialisation related trainings to sharpen the researchers’ business development skills. Other than that, she also help manage the prototype development of several products and also handle the management of the university Technovation Park. Being a vibrant person who is always full of ideas, she also enjoy travelling as it broadens her perspectives and allows her to experience different cultures.

A cheerful personality, she is always ready to be consulted for matters related to spin off formation and the product commercialisation process. She can be contacted via her email address, [email protected] or her office number 07-5591504.


www.icc.utm.my 5

differentiating factor. GPL requires derivative works to be made public which is contradictory to a real business which requires proprietary ownership. Freeware covers software development tools which comprise of compiler, assembler, kernel, and protecting proprietary IP.

The Softcore SoC model ensures no monopoly of CPU as well as flexibility. In this model, the future of CPU does not belong to Intel. Intel & others have been practicing monopoly with their fixed hardware business model with their planned obsolescence.

Flexibility in the softcore SoC model is that a CPU can be tailored to any application on-demand with just-in-time inventory which is in opposition to the Intel business model. This also beats the ARM SoC model as its licensing agreements require large production volume which cannot encourage local startups in hardware development.

An example of softcore SoC flexibility.If a chip requires a main CPU with a few

supporting processors as front-end specialized engines, this chip could be produced in one day at no cost which is impossible with the fixed hardware model of Intel. This is also not possible with ARM as a licensing scheme has to be negotiated.

Finally, the invention protects R&D investments in that the design on the platform is reusable, creating not only the company’s IP value but a reusable component which is a key advantage to any R&D outfit. The fixed hardware model of Intel & others created fixed solutions with fixed life cycle. The next batch of chips will need new development tools. Software targeted for the old chip cannot be used on the new chip.

Project StatusComplete CPU architecture for full multi-

processing 32-bit applications. Work-in-progress for simple single-tasking version for microcontroller & SoC applications. One microcontroller version is currently demonstrable on an FPGA. One ASIC version will be produced by Silterra.

Inventor: Assoc. Prof Dr Muhammad Nasir Ibrahim

Mobile No: 013-736-9065

Email: [email protected]

Page 6: Bulletin Issue 6, Vol 1 (December 2013 – January 2014)

6 www.icc.utm.my

IJN-UTM Cardiovascular Engineering Centre to Develop Cheaper Medical Equipment  

Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin is briefed by Dr. Ing Ulrich Steinseifer (second left) Rein heart life-Saver artificial heart during after launching the IJN-UTM Cardiovascular Engineering Centre at IJN, Kuala Lumpur. NSTP/Syarafiq Abd Samad

Source : http://www.nst.com.my/latest/ijn-­‐utm-­‐cardiovascular-­‐engineering-­‐centre-­‐to-­‐develop-­‐cheaper-­‐medical-­‐equipment-­‐1.373613  (New  Straits  Times)

IJN and UTM team up to build artificial hearts By ZARINA ZAKARIAH | [email protected] 12 October 2013 MOU INKED: More heart patients could be saved due to collaboration, says Muhyiddin KUALA LUMPUR: MALAYSIANS can now get cheaper artificial hearts with the sharing of knowledge and further collaboration between two experts in their fields -- the National Heart Institute (IJN) and Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM). Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin said with the joint effort in cardiovascular and engineering research and development by UTM and IJN, more heart patients could be saved. He was speaking at the officiating ceremony for the IJN-UTM Cardiovascular Engineering Centre, to be built at UTM's Skudai campus. The event also saw a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) inked by IJN and UTM.

KUALA LUMPUR: The National Heart Institute (IJN)-Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) Cardiovascular Engineering Centre is expected to be able to develop cheaper medical equipment to serve all levels of society.

Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin said insufficient expertise and cardiovascular medical equipment resulted in expensive medical costs that not all patients could afford.

“Indirectly, this centre can turn Malaysia into a renowned tourist destination for cardiovascular medicine in the region, as well as for reference and to help the nation’s economy,” he said when officiating the centre at IJN here today.

Muhyiddin said setting up the centre was the right move towards helping heart patients to recover and continue living a normal life.

“According to statistics from the Health Ministry, lack of exercise and failing to practise a healthy lifestyle and dieting is believed to be why the number of new heart patients has reached up to 38,000 people each year,” he added.

Muhyiddin, who is also Education Minister, said the centre will also increase the number of local specialists in the field, allowing more patients to receive early treatment.

He said the centre will be capable of producing 150 Doctor of Philosophy graduates, 100 patents, publish 500 high-impact journals and generate at least RM300 million from laboratories developed within 10 years.

The government, through the Education Ministry, will continue giving full support by funding laboratory development and equipment for cardiovascular research, he said.

According to Muhyiddin, the centre is expected to produce artificial hearts, stents or artificial tubes and tissue, as well have the best facility for cardiac imaging and telecardiology in Malaysia.

“This will surely contribute towards improving the quality of life and lifespan of Malaysians and make it the most advanced in cardiovascular technology and medicine,” he said. Muhyiddin said the joint study between IJN and UTM will involve researchers in biomedical engineering, electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, chemical engineering, computer science, and biological science.

“I understand that UTM has allocated RM1 million to implement

research in this field through the Research University Fund,” he said.

The centre located in UTM Skudai, Johor, in collaboration with the Cardiovascular Engineering Centre at Aachen University in Germany, will drive the development of products and technology in Malaysia such as artificial hearts.

At the ceremony, Muhyiddin also witnessed the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between UTM, represented by its Vice-Chancellor Prof Dr Wahid Omar, and IJN, represented by its Chief Executive Officer Tan Sri Dr Robaayah Zambahari. - BERNAMA

Source : http://www.nst.com.my/latest/ijn- utm- cardiovascular- engineering- centre- to- develop- cheaper- medical- equipment- 1.373613 (New Straits Times)

Refer: www.fbme.utm.my

Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin is briefed by Dr. Ing Ulrich Steinseifer (second left) Rein heart life-Saver artificial

heart during after launching the IJN-UTM Cardiovascular Engineering Centre at IJN, Kuala Lumpur. NSTP/Syarafiq Abd


Page 7: Bulletin Issue 6, Vol 1 (December 2013 – January 2014)

UTM & KIMLUN Commercialising IBS (Industrialised Building System) for Building Constructions SystemKUALA LUMPUR, 7th November 2013 – Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) and Kimlun Sdn Bhd, one of the largest providers of engineering and construction services in Malaysia will work together in developing areas of infrastructure and building construction, project management, industrial building systems (IBS) and manufacturing of concrete products.

As a premier university in the engineering and technology field, Kimlun has entrusted UTM to be their main research arm in a collaborative Research and Development and Commercialisation (R&D&C) project of IBS products with any of their subsidiaries. In the collaborative effort, both parties agree to establish an IBS Center in UTM which will produce and manufacture IBS based product such as Sine Slab and Smart IBS. In line with the development of more efficient building technologies, the Malaysian construction industry is moving towards the adoption of IBS to shorten the construction period, efficient construction costs and ensure better construction quality.

IBS is a system of construction which uses industrial production techniques either in the production of components or assembly of buildings, or both. One of these techniques is the utilisation of standardised forms of pre-cast concrete and hybrid structures in construction works. The system also involve offsite, and to a lesser extent, on-site, mass production of building components. This system of construction allows for a more efficient and cost effective construction cycle because the pre-cast concrete and prefabricated steel structures for each individual project are customised and standardized. In addition, there will be improvements to the quality of these pre-cast concrete and hybrid structures as there will be greater consistency in the fabrication of these structures. Such pre-cast concrete and hybrid structures are particularly useful for high rise buildings or mass housing estates where a similar structure can be replicated numerous times.

Kimlun Group is an engineering and construction services provider specialising in infrastructure and building construction, project management, industrial building systems (IBS) and manufacture of concrete products. They are also involved in property development and trading in construction and building materials. Acting as a one stop engineering services provider, their product range expanded ranging from the traditional precast concrete to automation of precast concrete products to meet the demand of infrastructure and building construction in both Malaysia and Singapore markets. As such, they seek for UTM’s expertise to be more innovative, competitive and remain relevant to the building construction market.

Led by Prof. Dr. Muhd Zaimi Abd. Majid, this collaborative effort will be coordinated with the UTM ICON (Innovative Construction Research Alliance) Group. ICON’s researcher member’s research area encapsulate areas like housing, structural analysis and building, materials engineering, pavement study, earthquake engineering, construction security, survey, land survey and geology study and so on. Prof. Muhd. Zaimi is also well known for his established Fast Track Wall technology which has been adopted and commercialized by many housing agents in Malaysia.

The UTM Construction Research Alliance works together with UTM- Construction Research Centre (UTM-CRC) aimed to stimulate and facilitate collaboration and information exchange between universities, government research institutes and organizations engaged in the building and construction sector. UTM-CRC conducts technological research and consultancy for organizations with particular construction concerns and specializes in continuing education, courses, workshops and conferences in construction.

The support for the services comes via collaboration with organizations engaged in servicing the construction industry. Based in the Faculty of Civil Engineering, the Centre boasts a number of qualified academic staffs and fellows in multi-disciplinary fields (i.e. science, mechanical and civil engineering) who are capable of teaching and conducting research and consultancy activities in subjects related to steel including metallurgy, production, building structural analysis, and design. Complete back-up facilities for all types of construction research activities are also available at UTM-CRC.

The effort for the collaboration was brought about by the UTM Innovation and Commercialisation Centre which is a unit responsible for the all the efforts in accelerating UTM’s R&D products’ commercialization process with Assoc. Prof. Dr. Arham Abdullah, the ICC Deputy Director of Innovation witnessing the event.

UTM ICC Deputy Director of Innovation Assoc. Prof. Dr. Arham Abdullah and CEO of Kimlun Sdn Bhd, Mr Sim Tian Liang exchanging document and

witnessing by Education Minister, Dato’ Seri Idris Jusoh at Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre (KLCC).

UTM & KIMLUN commercialising IBS (Industrialised Building System) for building constructions system

KUALA LUMPUR, 7th November 2013 – Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) and Kimlun Sdn Bhd, one of the largest providers of engineering and construction services in Malaysia will work together in developing areas of infrastructure and building construction, project management, industrial building systems (IBS) and manufacturing of concrete products.

As a premier university in the engineering and technology field, Kimlun has entrusted UTM to be their main research arm in a collaborative Research and Development and Commercialisation (R&D&C) project of IBS products with any of their subsidiaries.

In the collaborative effort, both parties agree to establish an IBS Center in UTM which will produce and manufacture IBS based product such as Sine Slab and Smart IBS. In line with the development of more efficient building technologies, the Malaysian construction industry is moving towards the adoption of IBS to shorten the construction period, efficient construction costs and ensure better construction quality.

IBS is a system of construction which uses industrial production techniques either in the production of components or assembly of buildings, or both. One of these techniques is the utilisation of standardised forms of pre-cast concrete and hybrid structures in construction works. The system also involves offsite, and to a lesser extent, on-site, mass production of building components.

This system of construction allows for a more efficient and cost effective construction cycle because the pre-cast concrete and prefabricated steel structures for each individual project are customised and standardized. In addition,

www.icc.utm.my 7

UTM ICC Deputy Director of Innovation Assoc. Prof. Dr. Arham Abdullah and CEO of Kimlun Sdn Bhd, Mr

Sim Tian Liang exchanging document and witnessing by Education Minister, Dato’ Seri Idris Jusoh at Kuala

Lumpur Convention Centre (KLCC).

Page 8: Bulletin Issue 6, Vol 1 (December 2013 – January 2014)

JOHOR BAHRU: UNIVERSITI Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) has done it again. The university recently won the Intellectual Property Award for the fourth time since it was first presented in 2006. UTM acting vice-chancellor Prof Dr Mohd Azraai Kassim said the latest win has made UTM the university with the most number of intellectual property awards to date, having also won in 2006, 2009 and 2010.

Domestic Trade, Cooperatives and Consumerism Minister Datuk Hasan Malek presented the cheques to Azraai and the other winners at the Malacca International Trade Centre in Air Keroh, Malacca. Dr Faizah Abd Ghani, from UTM, won the top spot with his invention called Model Sayangku under the copyright category. He walked away with RM10,000.

Associate Professor Dr Buang Alias, also from UTM, walked away with RM7,000 when his product called the i-ASSET won the second spot in the same category, while the third prize of RM5,000 went to Associate Professor Dr Sevia Mahdaliza Idrus. Prof Dr Ahmad Fauzi Ismail won RM10,000 for inventing the “smart membrane for carbon dioxide removal” under the patent category. Both Sevia Mahdaliza and Ahmad Fauzi are also from UTM.

“We always encourage our researchers to focus on their inventions and also to have their products

commercialised,” said Azraai.

Up to last December, UTM has recorded 866 intellectual properties in various categories. Of these, 697 have been patented. UTM has also received close to RM20 million under the Malaysian Technology Development Corporation Fund, through the incorporation of companies. A total of 18 technologies have been licenced to private corporations, and 122 products are already in the market.

Meanwhile, in a collaboration with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), the university has been working with an open courseware consortium pioneered by the latter to strengthen a conducive learning environment.Called the Open CourseWares (OCW), the programme offers high-quality digital learning-based courses taught at UTM. More than 100 open courses have been developed and given the intellectual property rights in 2012. The complete learning materials of the OCW include lecture notes, lesson plans and training questions that all Internet users can access. More than 20,000 hits have been recorded since its launch in March 2012. Visitors to this site come from various countries, including the United States, Singapore, India, Indonesia and the Philippines.

In addition, UTM has also collaborated with MIT to implement the UTM_MIT BLOSSOMS (Blended Learning Open Source Science or Math Studies) project to enhance interest among undergraduates and even post-graduates in science, mathematics, engineering and technology by engaging students in problem-solving and critical thinking, and acquiring knowledge through hands-on experience.

By CHUAH BEE KIM | [email protected] NST ONLINE – 20th June 2013

FOURTH WIN: Latest victory makes Universiti Teknologi Malaysia the institution with the most

intellectual property awards to date.

Source : New Straits Times Online (www.nst.com.my/streets/johor)

Dr Faizah Abd Ghani, from UTM, won the top spot with his invention called Model Sayangku under the copyright category. He walked away with RM10,000. Associate Professor Dr Buang Alias, also from UTM, walked away with RM7,000 when his product called the i-ASSET won the second spot in the same category, while the third prize of RM5,000 went to Associate Professor Dr Sevia Mahdaliza Idrus. Prof Dr Ahmad Fauzi Ismail won RM10,000 for inventing the "smart membrane for carbon dioxide removal" under the patent category. Both Sevia Mahdaliza and Ahmad Fauzi are also from UTM. "We always encourage our researchers to focus on their inventions and also to have their products commercialised," said Azraai. Up to last December, UTM has recorded 866 intellectual properties in various categories. Of these, 697 have been patented. UTM has also received close to RM20 million under the Malaysian Technology Development Corporation Fund, through the incorporation of companies. A total of 18 technologies have been licenced to private corporations, and 122 products are already in the market. Meanwhile, in a collaboration with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), the university has been working with an open courseware consortium pioneered by the latter to strengthen a conducive learning environment. Called the Open CourseWares (OCW), the programme offers high-quality digital learning-based courses taught at UTM. More than 100 open courses have been developed and given the intellectual property rights in 2012. The complete learning materials of the OCW include lecture notes, lesson plans and training questions that all Internet users can access. More than 20,000 hits have been recorded since its launch in March 2012. Visitors to this site come from various countries, including the United States, Singapore, India, Indonesia and the Philippines. In addition, UTM has also collaborated with MIT to implement the UTM_MIT BLOSSOMS (Blended Learning Open Source Science or Math Studies) project to enhance interest among undergraduates and even post-graduates in science, mathematics, engineering and technology by engaging students in problem-solving and critical thinking, and acquiring knowledge through hands-on experience.

Prof Dr Mohd Azraai Kassim (standing, fourth from left) and the other award winners with their prize cheques. Read more: UTM wins IP accolade again - Johor - New Straits Timeshttp://www.nst.com.my/streets/johor/utm-wins-ip-accolade-again-1.303492#ixzz2i42bAyQ1

Prof Dr Mohd Azraai Kassim (standing, fourth from left) and the other award winners with their prize cheques.

8 www.icc.utm.my


An MOU was signed between Gigalink Solutions (UTM) and Destination Transport on 18th December 2013 at UTM KL Campus to mark the collaboration and launching of the SMARTAXIADS digital advertisement system between the two parties.

The SMARTAXIADS is a digital advertisement system using latest technology installed in cabs. For a start, 500 taxis under the Destination Transport management will be equipped with the system in early 2014 by Gigalink Solutions, a UTM subsidiary company commercializing UTM technologies. SMARTAXIADS which enables fast and effective information disbursement using the cloud computing technology via the wireless broadband is expected to accelerate the nation’s advertisement industry along with the international standard.

For more information on this technology, please contact Gigalink Solutions Sdn Bhd or email to [email protected] (tel : +607-012-7660303)

MOU between GigaLink & Destination Transport

Page 9: Bulletin Issue 6, Vol 1 (December 2013 – January 2014)

www.icc.utm.my 9

By P. Kandiah & Kimberly Liam

What happens when a patent for a particular drug expires or is about to expire? Patented drugs lose their patent exclusivity as they go off patent and pharmaceutical companies that own these patents start to worry as the generic pharmaceutical companies begin to sell their drugs in the market. Generic drug makers will most likely begin to manufacture these drugs on a smaller scale in order to apply for regulatory approval prior to manufacturing them on a larger scale for commercial purposes.

Most of us will know that the manufacture, use, sale or import of a patented product without permission is an act of patent infringement, in places where a patent for the product subsists. So how can generic drug makers go about taking steps to manufacture the generic drugs to obtain regulatory approval and so forth well before the expiration of the patents of the drug of interest?

In the US and Europe, the Bolar provision (also known as the Roche-Bolar provision) allows other parties to conduct studies, research and tests for drug regulatory approval and other related acts such as manufacturing the drug. This provision or exemption originated in the US by virtue of the Roche Products vs. Bolar Pharmaceuticals judgment.

Under this exemption, generic drug makers have the advantage of producing or making serious preparations to produce the generic drugs well before the patent expiration of the drug of interest, without the risk of being accused of patent infringement. Most countries adopt this provision, which is part of the TRIPS agreement, allowing researchers and scientists to utilize information from a patented invention to further understand the invention for the purpose of manufacturing the generics and perhaps developing or manufacturing new and innovative drugs.

What is the situation in Malaysia? In Malaysia, Section 37 1(A) of the Patent Act

1983 states that “The rights under the patent shall not extend to acts done to make, use, offer to sell or sell a patented invention solely for uses reasonably related to the development and submission of information to the relevant authority which regulates the manufacture, use or sale of drugs.” This translates to allowing the manufacture, use or sale of a drug which has been patented without first obtaining the owner’s permission for the purposes of researching, developing and submitting information to relevant regulatory authorities.

In many countries, the Bolar exemption applies to not only pharmaceutical drugs but also to various

IP Section: The Bolar Provision: A Defense to Patent Infringement

fields such as medical devices, cosmetics, food products and more. However, Malaysia’s Bolar provision, as indicated in the Patent Act, is limited to drugs. Therefore, the Malaysian interpretation of the Bolar provision is considered narrow and restrictive compared to most countries. In addition, there is no specific mention as to when one can begin the permitted act before the expiry date of a patent.

Without this exemption, generic drug makers will only be allowed to conduct research and develop the equivalent of the patented product after the patent has expired, and the sale of the generic product will only happen years after the expiration of the patent. This indirectly extends the monopoly of pharmaceutical companies or the patent owner of the said patented product for several more years after the patent expires.

The generic market now has a formidable presence in the pharmaceutical market compared to a few years back where the market was dominated by blockbuster drugs. This is due to more consumers being aware of generic drugs and opting for generic drugs which are much cheaper than innovator drugs due to the lack of breakthrough research, advertising or marketing expenditure. With the adoption of the Bolar exemption, foreign generic manufacturing companies have the incentive to relocate to Malaysia.

This freedom is limited and exists for the benefit of the public. Either way, the Bolar provision provides many more advantages especially for a country where R&D is the driving force in the nation’s development and also for the consumers who are able to have access to top-selling prescription drugs at a very much lower price.

P. Kandiah is the Founder and Director of KASS International, an established intellectual property firm with offices in Malaysia, Singapore and Indonesia. Mr. Kandiah has vast experience in assisting local and international clients in obtaining patents, trademarks and industrial design rights on a global scale, and specialises in identifying patentable inventions, designing around patented technology, creating new products together with clients, and advising on the commercialisation of IP Rights, franchising and licensing strategies. This article was co-authored with Kimberly Liam, Assistant Manager of the Patents Division at KASS International, who specialises in the drafting and prosecution of patent applications in fields relating to chemistry, bioscience, biotechnology and pharmaceuticals. For more information, visit www.kass.com.my or drop an e-mail to [email protected].

This article was first published in the November 2013 issue of The Petri Dish

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UTM SELECTED PRODUCTS AND TECHNOLOGIES FOR COMMERCIALISATIONUTM ICC provides innovative and unique solutions for your current technology requirements. We welcome industries and business angels to work with us in various advanced areas of technology, engineering, software development to the social science solutions. Get updates on our latest products and

technologies for commercialization at http://www.icc.utm.my/product-commercialisation/products-2012/or email to [email protected] and [email protected]


Assoc Prof. Dr. Ahmad Mahir Makhtar [email protected]@utm.my


Dr. Muhammad Zaly Shah Md. [email protected] [email protected]

A building system that can build various building shapes, in a short period of time, strengthened against earthquake, high wind or tsunami, easily disassembled and renovated structure

Verification of halal certificate using OQ Code. IMBAS with 2-D barcode technology provides electronic document authentification & verification service for products and consumption goods


Dr Airil Yasreen Md. [email protected]


Prof. Dr. Noraieni [email protected]

Automate analysis & design works for building construction.Cheap and cost effective for various applications, teaching & learning purposes. Customise presentation (interfacing) of various features (textbook like environment). Assist in EAC accreditation

Shore erosion control Industrial Design that safeguards coastlines against severe water erosion, land & property damages.Saving billions of property protection cost. Hindering economic and intangible losses. Providing biodiversity of ecosystem with its aesthetic value.


Prof. Ir. Dr. Sheikh Hussain Shaikh [email protected]@yahoo.com


Assoc. Prof. Dr Wan Aizan Wan Abd. [email protected]@gmail.com


Prof. Ir. Dr. Sh. Hussain Sh. [email protected]@yahoo.com


Assoc. Prof. Dr Wan Aizan Wan Abd. [email protected]

Real time and continuous monitoring of streetlight with instant alert on failure or malfunction using sms system. System provides report for fast maintenance feedback with efficient information management through a centralized database. Power breakdown complete monitoring system for buildings, power, billboard and local authorities.

Mobile secured patient medicine dispenser system. Sophisticated and practical mobile cart for usage and applications in hospi-tals and medical centres that can carry a computer with access secured by the RFID system. Excellent for frequent medication dispensing and patients treatment record updating during bed to bed visiting hours.

Strong paper based product from pineapple leaves for various souvenir paper bags, boxes and packaging materials. Green and environmental friendly product in high demand everywhere and globally. Cost effective using pineapple residues.

Plastic products from pineapple waste into degradable plastic composite. Cost effective product used to produce various green and disposable tableware, packaging, Home decorationand Injection moulding products.


Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sevia Mahdaliza [email protected] [email protected]


Prof. Dr. Hussein Ahmad Dr. Md. Abu Bakar Sidik [email protected]

An integrated SMS parking payment system with enforcement interface facility for easy monitoring and data service. Location independent, the parking fee is directly charged to mobile phone credits to ease users who will just park, sms their parking details and get notified of expiry time reminder. Benefit parking operators and car park users significantly by reducing operating costs, low maintenance and increased collection efficiency.

Acid proof rod made of stainless steel with alterable size. Reduced manufacturing cost with aesthetic value.Tallest air terminal providing most probably point of lightning strike.

10 www.icc.utm.my

2010 Selected Technologies for Commercialisation

Page 11: Bulletin Issue 6, Vol 1 (December 2013 – January 2014)

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Prof. Dr. Hussein [email protected]


Prof. Datuk Dr. Mohd Tajudin Md. [email protected]

ICT technology applied fully in the process of measurement and evaluation of human psychology. Personality, stress and career interest profiling helps to identify suitable candidates for the right position and helps match people to the best career match according to personality inclination. Assists the job of administrators, counsellors and interviewer panels.

Cheaper grounding system for electrical networks, lightning protection systems, gas pipelines etc. Less prone to theft. Grounding system using galvanized steel wire and naturally available material i.e peat soil and palm ashs. Low ground resistance to remote earth with easy installation and reinstallation.


Prof. Dr. Noriah Bidin [email protected]@dfiz2.fs.utm.my


Prof. Dr. Azlan [email protected]

DPSS - diode pumped solid state laser kit designed in a compact system for easy use and storage after operating. The novel system was incorporated with flexible optical components and adjustable laser stability region. DPSS laser kit is for teaching and learning, laser training and scientific research. It can be applied either as a light source or an energy source. A very cost effective laser source alternative for education and various use.

A novel invention sensor (SEER-SAG) that uses one single mass-spring system to measure three components ground motions. Sensor utilizing system not only as seismograph but also as accelerograph as well. The system will be replacing three (3) units seismograph and three (3) units accelerograph into single system only. Very significant in cost reduction (about 1/5 from the existing equipment).


Prof. Dr. Tharek bin Abd [email protected]


Prof. Dr. Abu Bakar [email protected]


Prof. Dr. Naomie [email protected]


Dr. Faizah Ghani [email protected]

An integration of a wireless system and a modern router that function as the backbone for a wireless local area network (WLAN). Wireless access portable broadband operating using the unlicensed frequency band (2.4 GHz & 5.8 GHz). Operates on battery and solar power and used for indoor, outdoor and rural application.

A web-based system that supports cross-language, semantic-based plagiarism. Document submitted to the system will be summarized, translated into English and used to search for similar documents throughout the web. Both longest common detection, subsequence and semantic based comparison is used for similarity detection, allowing paraphrased sentences to be detected.

Alerts people through SMS once the water level near their homes starts to rise. The technology helps save lives and minimise the millions of ringgit worth of property damage particularly during flash floods. Great assistance in flood proned areas.

Useful Stress Profiling to detect existence of stress amongst teachers and working population. Helps identify stress level and recommend strategies to overcome stress at work. Help motivate staff better at work by identifying their level and source of stress at work that affects their work performance.


Prof. Dr. Tharek Abdul RahmanWCC Telco Sdn BhdAb. Ghani Che Wahab [email protected]


Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mohamad Kamal A. RahimGigalink Solutions Sdn BhdMd. Reduan Abd Lah [email protected]

Flat antenna wireless broadband system - point-to-point wireless and point to multipoint system is the fastest, most cost effective and easy to manage solution in providing seamless network linkages between scattered buildings to the Internet link.Covering a radial distance of 10km, the system is suitable for telecommunication operator, government agencies, internet service provider, housing areas and universities.

Antenna array is operated at 2.4 GHz and is suitable for point to point wireless communication system such as wireless local area network (WLAN) and wireless security system. Can be integrated or embedded with the RF front end system with higher gain, flat shape, easy installation, easy integration, low profile, improve the communication distance, using unlicensed band with fairly inexpensive features.

2011 UTM-MTDC Symbiosis Products

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12 www.icc.utm.my


Assoc. Prof. Dr. Zaharah IbrahimMicroclear Sdn BhdIfnu Hakim Abd. [email protected]


Assoc. Prof. Dr Eko SupriantoSono Engineering (M) Sdn BhdMohd. Arshad Abdul [email protected]

Microclear uses effective microorganisms as alternative solution to the use of harmful chemicals in the removal and degradation of colours from wastewater. Also used in anaerobic or aerobic conditions and wide range of pH as well as temperature. Help generates minimum sludge with enhanced quality of final wastewater discharge at reduced overall operation cost.

Developed to enhance ultrasound image quality making it a handy add-on system to low-end ultrasound diagnostic machines. Improves image uniformity, depth of visualisation, vertical and horizontal distance accuracy, axial and lateral resolution, high scatter object diameter, contrast and geometry accuracy that helps a practitioner making accurate interpretations of results and diagnosis.


Prof. Dr. Ida Idayu MuhamadM. Hafiz ShamshuddinHQ Nutraceuticals Sdn [email protected]


Prof. Dr. Ida Idayu MuhamadMohd. Zakuan ZakariaBioswitch Technologies Sdn [email protected]

Flour made from pineapple that provides better dietary fiber dietary fiber with more delicate texture and higher water content capacity than other vegetal fiber. Alternative flour source with dietary fiber and longer shelf life to improve digestive system, lower blood cholesterol, regulate sugar level and maintain body weight.

Special type of plastic films used as smart labels, secondary packaging or food coating to provide barrier and protection as well as freshness pH color indicator of packaged food. Better alternative to existing type of plastic packaging and wax dipping as it is based on natural source and designed to extend shelf life of packaged food while maintaining the appearance, nutritional value, quality and safety. Practical for food, cosmetics, pharmaceutical and nutraceuticals industry.


Prof. Dr Md Nor MusaMd. Akmal Baharain Abd. RahimE Elements Technology Sdn [email protected]


Prof. Dr. Ahmad Fauzi Ismail Suriati Mohad NasirMembrane Technology Sdn [email protected]

ATCS Technology is a control panel with varying speed drive capability utilising PID control method and window comparator. Provides feedback signal generated from electronic thermal sensors and cascades control through the use of an advanced controller with frequency-drive inverter and soft-starter for two refrigerant compressors. The product improves the energy efficiency of air-conditioning system and monitors compressor energy consumption.

An efficient and effective advanced hollow membrane technology used to treat surface water, ground and industrial waste water. Also applicable in food and beverage and oil and gas industries. Provides a compact water filtration system with space saving advantages and higher filtration rate. One of most popular membrane used in industries with modest energy requirement, zero wastage, reduced operational cost, better performance and flexibility.


Dr. Zulkepli MajidZam Hairizad IsmailPhoto Laser Grammetry Sdn [email protected]


PM Dr. Mohammad Sakhawat HussainHusnul Nizam SaifuddinMaxglaze Sdn [email protected]

3D surveillance system as new approach in the detection of criminal suspect through video images and close range photogrammetric technique. Perfected technology suitable for low light environment and in total darkness. High accuracy forensic evidence provides better tool for law enforcement and forensic agencies. Excellent for various security monitoring purposes.

Electroplating service focusing on aluminium coating. Improving the level of adhesion of coating on aluminium significantly.Suitable for various applications and products that requires excellent nickel protection. Direct plating on the metal without any pre-treatment and pre-plate. Using high speed plating innovation with a substantial saving in energy consumption, time and manpower and overall production costs.


Prof Ir Dr Mohd Warid [email protected]@fka.utm.my


Dr. Shreeshivadasan [email protected]@ic.utm.my

EGB is one of the CFC products. Manufactured using fly ash or palm oil fuel ash (POFA) along with optimum proportions of lime and gypsum, An alternate to clay bricks proving to be a revolution-ary invention that produces bricks without sintering process and greenhouse gases emission. EGB has the density of 1400 to 1500 kg/m3 with compressive strength of 12 MPa at 7-days.

Expanding and developing a multi-stage anaerobic reactor prototype for the treatment of recalcitrant wastewater. The novel system was incorporated with separate compartments for better removal of organic and micro-pollutants. In addition, each stage provides phase separation for better overall reactor performance. Cost effective and environmental-friendly technology.

Page 13: Bulletin Issue 6, Vol 1 (December 2013 – January 2014)

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Dr. Dedy Hermawan Bagus [email protected]@biomedical.utm.my


Prof. Dr. Norshiela FaisalRozeha A. [email protected]@fke.utm.my

Cloth structural material for fabricating embeddable microfluidic cloth-based analytical devices. Utilizing inexpensive, disposable cotton cloth that can be fabricated as microfluidic devices. Hydrophilic cotton cloth can be patterned by hydrophobic wax, using simple wax patterning technique. Cloth can transport liquid via capillary force from inlet. Applicable for personal health care, sanitary product and medical industry.

Early warning detection system of potential fire hazard and domestic disaster such as gas leakage. Excellent home invasion alert system. Home automation for energy saving. Web-based monitoring and access system. Enhancing home living quality an effective cost. Providing a flexible platform for a wide range of WSN’s applications.


Dr. Ahmad ‘Athif Mohd [email protected]@fke.utm.my


Prof. Dr. Ruzairi Abd Rahim [email protected]@fke.utm.my

Provides huge advantages and simplicity in various applications. Featuring next-generation actuator development with new fea-tures giving better control, higher position and force accuracy, communication ability and all-in-one mechanism for compact system for any related applications. Smart invention that decides the output target based on the feedback inputs with real-time communication capability and 200mm stroke to give force up to 100N. Very high accuracy for position control.

Innovation features the use of GSM technology to provide door lock system where controls of this product are conveniently done via SMS. Uses GSM modem to communicate with any hand phones equipped with a SIM-card. Authorized numbers with the system is given access to control the door to ensure heightened security provided by the system where only registered numbers can access the electromagnetics’ lock and unlock state.


Fauzan Khairi Che [email protected]@fke.utm.my


Dr Mohd Azizi Che [email protected]@cheme.utm.my


Dr Yeong Che [email protected]@fke.utm.my


Dr. Mohd Ridzuan [email protected]@fke.utm.my


Dr. Haslenda [email protected]@cheme.utm.my


PM Dr Zolkafle [email protected] [email protected]

Smart Invention with ease of reading that displays and monitor heart rate whilst exercising. Providing self-programmable heart rate monitor which displays a colour representing the intensity selected for specific type of exercise, enabling a user or coach to conveniently and easily monitor the user and athletes’ suitable rate of exercise intensity in real time.

A Rigid nanoneedle for delivering drug inside single cells with precise and high efficacy of drug delivery. Targeting drug delivery to specific cells. Provides High disease recovery with single cell based treatment. No cell bursting effect after the injection.

Catechin as green product and natural colorant source with non-toxic chemicals being plant-based dyes extracted from “Buah Pinang” using green extraction technology. This product has a unique property where it acts as both textile colorant and textile therapy by featuring both anticancer and antioxidant properties.

First software offering perfect solution to assist in the design of integrated electricity and environmental planning at national, regional and community level. Beneficial to overcome issues such as energy crisis and global warming through incorporation of clean energy for off-grid and grid-connected fleet wide/distributed generation system.

Low-temperature sterilization solution. Suitable for many heat sensitive and moisture sensitive or moisture stable medical devices. Non-toxic and environmentally friendly green technology. Safe, rapid and economical alternative compared to other low temperature sterilization modalities with superior sterilization efficacy. Easily compatible and immersed into ozonated distill water at setting time.

Smart Invention of Haptic Knob Robot assists and helps to train stroke patient’s hand pronation/supination. A Low Cost Robot Aided Theraphy. Cost effective local invention. (RM1.2K). One DOF is sufficient. High power and torque suitable for training and rehabilitation purpose.

(b) After penetration

4 m

(b) After penetration

4 m4 m

Page 14: Bulletin Issue 6, Vol 1 (December 2013 – January 2014)

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Dr. Saad A. Amir [email protected]@ic.utm.my


Prof. Dato’ Dr. Norbik Idris Dr. Mohd. Nazri KamaEmail : [email protected]


Assoc. Prof. Dr. Muhammad Nasir IbrahimEmail : [email protected]


Dr Airil Yasreen Mohd [email protected]@yahoo.com


Dr. C. F YeongEmail : [email protected]


Eng. Dr. Mohd. Fadhil Md. DinEmail : [email protected]

Help detecting Hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) which affects the function of neurons resulting in permanent damage to the brain and high death risk. Device provides alarming system warning users of danger based on humidity level. Helps diabetic patients detecting hypoglycemia episode particularly during sleeping time where the patient might be unaware of the symptom.

Malaysia Electric Vehicle (MyEV) is a cloud based portal providing online and real time information to users of electric vehicles and operators of charging stations. MyEV portal enables the smart phone to locate the nearest available charging stations. Booking can be made ahead to avoid queuing where payment can also be made online. Other complementary services include topping up charge credits, guide to nearest charging stations, booking of chargers and many others. This invention benefits infrastructure providers such as business owners, shopping malls, petrol stations and public car providers.

Breakthrough invention of a latest chip technology called AMIR softcore CPU which is proven far more advanced than any other similar products in the market. A far improved version from the current available products which has gone through lengthened research to eliminate all the current products’ weaknesses and deficiencies. The innovation of AMIR chip will create a new advanced ecosystem of a long range of far more efficient high technology products and home equipments, industrial controller, biomedical, telecommunications, aerospace and many others. This product will replace all the current telecommunication chips in the market.

Securing safety of the structure prior to aerodynamics stability and extreme weather condition. 2D Finite Element formulation of full Navier Stokes equations with nonlinear algorithm. Friendly GUI. Locally developed without the use of any existing subroutine, plug-in, toolbox etc. Very cost effective and competitive product.

Useful in manufacturing areas, AGV can move on its own to deliver goods and various items from one location to the other automatically. Works well in the production line, store, office and various range of working environments on routine point to point delivery basis. Built with various safety features such as laser and bumper sensors, its structural design allows easy access to battery and circuitry for ease of routine maintenance. Reduce high labour reliance and increase workload efficiency without increasing cost. AGV is an amazing customized, cost effective innovation to a long range of production lines with strong after sales service.

Black mosquito attractant and electrocution trap that comes with a sensor to control its operation as well as to maintain its efficacy. Saving energy, money and using less maintenance, this innovation provides signal to the circuit to stop operating during rain and will be back online once it dries. Sustaining eco-system, this invention spares harmless and beneficial insects. Designed for outdoor use, particularly locations with high mosquito density like recorded dengue case area, residential, hospital, school, recreational parks, industrial estates as well as business parks. Innovation award winner. In collaboration with Japanese company.


Dr. Fadhil Md [email protected]@utm.my


Prof. Datin Dr. Rubiyah YusofEmail : [email protected]


Dr Muhammad Ramlee [email protected]@fke.utm.my


Eng. Dr. Mohd. Fadhil Md. [email protected]@utm.my)

New innovation from crushed wasted ceramic tiles to reduce the impact of Urban Heat Island (UHI) phenomenon. Basically light in colour with special anti-stored material to reflect the radiation or heated temperature from sunlight. Practical during the peak time of solar intensity. Very cost effective and improves the eco-living, especially in modern township area. Offers ‘cooling’ surrounding ambient and useful to promote better health living in the society. Suitable for pedestrian walkways, car-porch of each residential house and theme parks.

This invention offers new features not available in most chicken processing machines. These new features help ensure that only Halal and Thaiyyiba chickens/chicken products are produced at the end of the production line. The software consists of a chicken tagging system, a Halal inspection system, a chicken death inspection system, and a chicken control & monitoring system to make sure that each chicken is processed compliant to Syariah requirement. This complete slaughtering system provides consistent halal-authenticated, high quality, clean and premium chickens to Muslims and all consumers worldwide.

New technology with better data transmission security (e.g. for the military). The proposed antennas are designed to operate from 3.3GHz until 14GHz with compact size and low cost. The antennas consist of slotting and radiating elements in both sides which complement each other. The switching components can be placed on the radiating elements to provide band rejection for future application such as Cognitive Radio System.

UTM Rainwater Harvesting Technology provides viable alternative high quality recycled material with clean water storage that allow unlimited capacity of infiltration of water. Space saving, it also provides a sustainable solution through the immediate reuse of clean water. A major advantage for communities with low rainfall or water restrictions, the technology is in line with the government’s mandatory requirement for new development of housing and commercial projects. Benefitting housing areas, factories, agricultural farms, sports fields, parks and gardens, car parking lots and community lands.

“Contact [email protected] or [email protected] to discuss on your interest and joint-commercialisation collaboration efforts. More info at www.icc.




Page 15: Bulletin Issue 6, Vol 1 (December 2013 – January 2014)


6 www.icc.utm.my

A Green technology to Control Dust at Demolition Site

Why is Dust-Buster Important to us?Normally, high level of dust is generated by the

demolition and construction activities which can cause reductions in air quality, creates health problems, environmental degradation and loss of amenity for residents and businesses. In addition to pollution, creation of unsafe working conditions and increase in costs associated with the loss of materials or additional work involved are another problem with the demolition and construction dust.

Malaysian companies and construction contractors are legally bound to control dust emissions from the construction and demolition sites under the CIDB protection of the environment act: EQ (Clean Air) Regulations 1978. Currently, most of the contractors are using surface suppression and airborne capture techniques for controlling demolition dust. Surface suppression aims to prevent dust from creating problems by wetting the source before particles become airborne. While methods such as hoses and sprinklers can help reduce the amount of migratory dust, they tend to saturate target surfaces, often creating standing water that can become an additional safety concern or environmental hazard.

High water consumption and COST are the main drawbacks for traditional dust control method. In addition, their reach is generally limited, and the approach frequently requires significant staff time to handle the hoses or reposition sprinkler heads.

Dust-Buster as an approach to demolition dust control

The Dust-Buster helps significantly in minimizing dust from demolition projects, in both machine removal applications and implosions, reducing the potential for health concerns, complaints and fines. The powerful mist of atomized water droplets collides with airborne particles to drive them to the ground and avoids over-saturating debris. For urban projects and explosive demolition, this technology allows customers to create a virtual dust curtain in front of remaining structures to help protect buildings, occupants and equipment.

The goal is to produce water droplets with an opposite charge from the airborne dust, resulting in greater attraction and particle control. Fogging nozzles in Dust-Buster produce an ultra-fine mist, with extremely small droplet sizes that deliver excellent dust agglomeration, while adding very little weight



to the debris. It is primarily an approach to airborne suppression, and typically achieves very little surface wetting. The technique is well suited to windy or turbulent air conditions. Dust-Buster delivers very small water droplets within high air volumes at moderate velocity and facilitates a collision with airborne dust particles to drive them to the ground.

Dust-Buster is well suited to demolition applications, one of the few technologies capable of delivering dust control via surface wetting and airborne capture. Even though Dust-Buster can be compact in size and capable of reaching a very large surface area with powerful oscillating fans that can generate as much as 850 m3 of air flow. This high performance machine has a throw of more than 60+ metres; delivering a high-efficiency spray that can cover nearly 0.2 hectares from a single location. Given its efficiency and portability, the Dust-Buster offers the most attractive option for demolition projects and on-site recycling.

Remote control capability is going to be applied for Dust-Buster. Dust-Buster represents a truly portable dust control option that delivers greater suppression efficiency than either fixed systems or traditional hand spraying. The modified nozzles will apply to deliver the proper spray angle and pattern to achieve the optimum combination of droplet size, distribution and air speed. The high capacity tanker will incorporate a fully functional high-performance oscillating dust suppression unit mounted on the back and can be completed with booster pump and adjustable elevation.

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By Assoc. Prof. Dr. Arham Abdullah & Mohammadali Kazerooni Sadi

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Table 1 shows the proposed features and specifications for Dust-Buster.

Table 1 Dust-Buster Specifications


DimensionsSize (LxWxH in) 1450x70x165cm

Weight 250 kg

General Specifications

Coverage (*no wind) 2000-2800 sq.

Oscillator Angle 180°

Electrical Specifications

Electrical Fan 3Phase/415 V/50 Hz

Electrical Fan 3.5 kW

Water specifications

Water Consumption 540 l/hr

Water Pressure 7 bar

Water Filter Yes

Water Throw 60 m

Noise Levels < 90 dB

Optional Items

Remote control √

Pump for chemical additives √

water tank √

Benefits of Dust-Buster• The most effective method for dust control

at demolition site by providing the best attraction between dust particles and water droplets

• Use less water than traditional hand water spraying thus avoiding flooding at demolition site

• Reduce labour and operation cost for dust control at demolition site

• Meet local authority requirement and environment regulation

• Modified nozzle, fan and 180o rounding system

• Competitive Price (< RM 50, 000) compared to imported products (≈ RM100, 000)


Table 2 Comparsion between Dust-Buster & Current Technologies

CompetitionsTable 2 shows the benefits of Dust-Buster in comparison with the current technology and competitions in construction industry.

Value Chain

Figure 2 Proposed Business Core for Dust-Buster

For further information on this technology, please contact :Inventor : Assoc. Prof. Dr. Arham AbdullahTel : 019-7528000 (Mobile), 07-5591500 (Office)Email : [email protected], [email protected]

Co-Inventor : Mohammadali Kazerooni SadiTel: +60177520021Email: [email protected]

Page 17: Bulletin Issue 6, Vol 1 (December 2013 – January 2014)

SMART GATED COMMUNITY AND AUTOMATION SYSTEM(PCT/MY2010/000249 and PI 2010005153) PRODUCT FEATURES• Integrate existing and new houses/ buildings into

one fully integrated smart gated community.• Promote community safety and interactivity via the

smart community application.• Enable remote monitoring & control of home

environment via web interfaces.

NEEDS• A technology that could connect all properties in

a gated community into one fully integrated smart gated community.

• A prototype technology for futuristic urban living - the Connected City.

NOVELTY• Cloud computing based smart gated community

system• Community-based smart home system

APPROACHUtilizes cloud computing and web computing technologies to connect individual members of the community into one fully integrated smart gated community

APPLICATIONS• Promote connected community lifestyle for current

non-connected gated community.

BENEFITS• Promote community safety and interactivity via the

smart community application.• Mass deployment of a community of smart homes

and smart gated community.ADVANTAGES• Mass deployment of a community of smart homes

& smart gated community.• Greatly reduces lead time for smart home

implementation by a scale of 1/10 using community-based smart home system.

COMPETITION• HomeAuto, USA• Crestron, USA• AT&T Digital Home, USA

POTENTIAL MARKET• Property developers. • Smart gated community: Smart Campus, Smart

Municipal Buildings, etc.• Smart Chain Stores: Seven Eleven, Clinics, etc


Why is A Gated Community A Priority?By: Prof. Dr. Noriah Bidin

A gated community is a neighborhood that is enclosed by a gate, fence or wall for a more private, secure and exclusive surrounding. Amongst the top reasons people choose to live in a gated community is the existence of greater security check, lesser unnecessary traffic from non community residence. The presence of security cameras, securely locked gates and neighbourhood watch groups makes the residence feel extra safe, expecting lesser crime rate. With the rising crime rate everywhere, the UTM smart gated community and automation system provides a more integrated smart gated community for Malaysian communities. The futuristic urban living features the connected city where residents are able to activate remote home monitoring and control of home environment via web interfaces anywhere they go.



INVENTOR : DR. LIM MENG HEE, PROF. DR. SALMAN LEONG, NGUI WAI KENGFACULTY : RAZAK SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING & ADV. TECH RESEARCH ALLIANCE : ConstructionTEL (O) : 03-26154368 FAX : 03-26931854EMAIL : [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

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SEER-SAC: Seismo-Accelero-CrackoMeter


(Contact: 013-5880257/011-15144159; email: [email protected])Awards:

• Gold Medal, British Invention Show 2013, 23-26 October 2013, London.

• Gold Medal, Malaysia Technology Expo 2013, 21-23 February 2013, KL.

• Gold Medal, INATEX2012, 3-5 October 2012, UTM JB.

• Silver Medal, Nuclear Innovation Day, 2-4 July 2012, Agensi Nuklear Malaysia, Bangi.

SEER-SAC combines several important functions in monitoring the earthquakes and structural damages, namely the seismogram, accelerogram and crack detector. When earthquake occurs, news will feature the epicenter (earth quake location) and the extend of its magnitude (in Richter scale). As most building structures are not designed to absorb higher or intensified movements, more steel reinforcement will be needed for the building structure to survive the earthquakes. This is where the magnitude and distance of the earthquake as well as the intensity of the wave force will be of utmost important factors to ascertain the overall damage for the earthquake location.

Crack detector is significantly crucial in determining the weaknesses of any main building structures where all structural damages will start with a crack caused by various factors such as the earth quake, impacts, temperature changes and extra burden on the building that exceeds its allowed capacity. The structure cracks will reduce its original capacity strength. This inevitable crack problem has triggered the idea to invent a more effective solution that combines all the three functions of seismogram, accelerogram dan crack detector. It is hoped that this innovation will be widely commercialized to provide a far more effective solution that is not only much cheaper, lighter and mobile (ultra-portable) using easily understood interface but also sourcing local expertise for lower maintenance and more practical overall solution.

SEER-SAC or Seismo-Accelero-CrackoMeter, is a portable, user-friendly multi-functional seismo-accelerometer, which measures ground movement, both three directions translational and rotational movements, as well as detects and measures crack in the structure.

Technically, SEER-SAC is an unprecedented novel invention which combines the functions of 1) seismometer to detect, locate and measure the size of earthquake in magnitude (Richter Scale); 2) accelerometer to measure the intensity of earthquake in Peak Ground Acceleration (PGA); and 3) crack detector to detect and measures crack in the structures; in a single portable device complemented with intuitive, user-friendly interface.One of the novelties of SEER-SAC is the ground breaking application of earthquake ground motion detection to detect crack in the structure, as shown in Figure A6.

The fundamental concept is akin to the formation of the faultline on earth’s surface after an earthquake (Global Concept), a certain amount of energy is also released during the formation of crack on a structure (Local Concept), in the form of energy wave.

At estimated cost of USD10,000, SEER-SAC is very cheap compared to nearest competitors like Kinemetrics, at around USD50,000, which is expensive. At the same time, SEER-SAC provides the best worth value to cost as the invention is multi-functional, practical, very portable, with easy and fast installation at site, and more important, very intuitive and user-friendly where no extensive and comprehensive training is required for personnel. The invention has been patented, with the Patent no.: PI20064351.

For more information on SEER- SAC, please contact :- Dr. Mohd Rosaidi Che Abas, 603-79678000, [email protected] Dr. Hendriyawan, +6281931392479,[email protected] Sk Muiz Bin Sk Abd Razak, 013-5880257/011-15144159, [email protected]

akin to the formation of the faultline on earth’s surface after an earthquake (Global Concept), a certain amount of energy is also released during the formation of crack on a structure (Local Concept), in the form of energy wave.

At estimated cost of USD10,000, SEER-SAC is very cheap compared to nearest competitors like Kinemetrics, at around USD50,000, which is expensive. At the same time, SEER-SAC provides the best worth value to cost as the invention is multi-functional, practical, very portable, with easy and fast installation at site, and more important, very intuitive and user-friendly where no extensive and comprehensive training is required for personnel. The invention has been patented, with the Patent no.: PI20064351.

Product pictures:

For  more  information  on  SEER-­‐SAC,  please  contact  :-­‐  

akin to the formation of the faultline on earth’s surface after an earthquake (Global Concept), a certain amount of energy is also released during the formation of crack on a structure (Local Concept), in the form of energy wave.

At estimated cost of USD10,000, SEER-SAC is very cheap compared to nearest competitors like Kinemetrics, at around USD50,000, which is expensive. At the same time, SEER-SAC provides the best worth value to cost as the invention is multi-functional, practical, very portable, with easy and fast installation at site, and more important, very intuitive and user-friendly where no extensive and comprehensive training is required for personnel. The invention has been patented, with the Patent no.: PI20064351.

Product pictures:

For  more  information  on  SEER-­‐SAC,  please  contact  :-­‐  

akin to the formation of the faultline on earth’s surface after an earthquake (Global Concept), a certain amount of energy is also released during the formation of crack on a structure (Local Concept), in the form of energy wave.

At estimated cost of USD10,000, SEER-SAC is very cheap compared to nearest competitors like Kinemetrics, at around USD50,000, which is expensive. At the same time, SEER-SAC provides the best worth value to cost as the invention is multi-functional, practical, very portable, with easy and fast installation at site, and more important, very intuitive and user-friendly where no extensive and comprehensive training is required for personnel. The invention has been patented, with the Patent no.: PI20064351.

Product pictures:

For  more  information  on  SEER-­‐SAC,  please  contact  :-­‐  

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Palm Ecocrete Palm Ecocrete is a product of composite materials that utilizes biomass waste which is abundantly available at low cost or free as compared to other cementitious materials such silica fume, fly ash, slag, etc. This product can help reduce the market demand for commercial cement and consequently reduces the environmental pollution. The product is highly cost effective, durable and ecogreen for building materials and construction industry as 80% of the production employs waste from palm oil industry. Moreover, it has greater durability and strength compared to conventional concrete products. Palm ecocrete can be produced at three density levels,

i.e., lightweight (low strength), medium weight (normal strength) and normal weight (high strength), making it a

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SEER I-BLOCK: Wall Interlocking Block Damper


Inventor: 1. PROF. DR. AZLAN ADNAN2. ONG PENG PHENG (Contact: 012-5317920; email: [email protected])3. HOSSEIN SHAD4. HAMID PESARAN BEHBAHANI

Awards: • Best Invention of the Year, British

Invention Show 2013, London.• Gold Medal, British Invention Show

2013, 23-26 October 2013, London.• Bronze Medal, Malaysia Technology

Expo 2013, 21-23 Feb 2013, KL.• Bronze Medal, INATEX2012, • 3-5 October 2012, UTM JB.

SEER i-Block is an innovative concrete structure designed in such a way that it could absorb movements either from the earth quake, strong wind or vibrations caused by internal machines inside the buildings. What differentiate i-Block from the ordinary blocks is featured in its ability to absorb any type of vibration using the sloshing effect. This invention will repair or return the building or object to its original position after the vibration effect. This invention that targets only the critical sides of the buildings will provide an optimum performance to the intensified movement effect.

SEER i-BLOCK provides a practical and economical interlocking block system able to mitigate vibration in buildings and structures.

Palm Ecocrete is a product of composite materials that utilizes biomass waste which is abundantly available at low cost or free as compared to other cementitious materials such silica fume, fly ash, slag, etc. This product can help reduce the market demand for commercial cement and consequently reduces the environmental pollution.

The product is highly cost effective, durable and ecogreen for building materials and construction industry as 80% of the production employs waste from palm oil industry. Moreover, it has greater durability and strength compared to conventional concrete products.

Palm ecocrete can be produced at three density levels, i.e., lightweight (low strength), medium weight (normal strength) and normal weight (high strength), making it a product with wide range of applications along with being low cost and environment friendly.

Palm Ecocrete Palm Ecocrete is a product of composite materials that utilizes biomass waste which is abundantly available at low cost or free as compared to other cementitious materials such silica fume, fly ash, slag, etc. This product can help reduce the market demand for commercial cement and consequently reduces the environmental pollution. The product is highly cost effective, durable and ecogreen for building materials and construction industry as 80% of the production employs waste from palm oil industry. Moreover, it has greater durability and strength compared to conventional concrete products. Palm ecocrete can be produced at three density levels,

i.e., lightweight (low strength), medium weight (normal strength) and normal weight (high strength), making it a Inventors:Prof. Ir. Dr. Mohd Warid [email protected] 019-7134341Assoc. Prof. Dr. Muhammad Aamer Rafique [email protected] 012-7685301

I-Block is a Wall Interlocking Block Damper used as brickwall in building. Normally, Brickwall is a masonry layers with bricks and mortar. The common brickwall material in Malaysia consists of material from heated red clay (ceramic material) and cement sand mortar rendered. Apart from brickwall, architectural partitions to office and internal area of building is also consist of material stacked together or laid above each other with standard size in bulk quantities to hold and to make a wall. The “Wall Interlocking Block Damper” in are made of Plastic block and the proposed connection parts.

The research product is mainly concentrate on the application of structural damping devices, which incorporate and modify the existing common building material into new adapting material without imposing additional usage of spaces or provision to building purposes and loading. Models simulated in SAP2000 and ANSYS has been compared to verify the results in calculation. The results have been concentrated on frequency, Mass ratio and Tuning ratio. The respective calculation, simulation and experiment have proven that the system is acceptable as a structural damper with almost all reduction to more than 50% reduction in response.

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Assoc. Prof. Dr. Arham and Mr. Jimmy Ngow at Swiftlet Ecopark, attending the royal courtesy by DYMM Pemangku Raja Perak Darul Ridzuan, Raja Dr. Nazrin Shah Ibni Sultan Azlan Muhibbuddin

Shah and DYTM Raja Puan Besar Perak Darul Rizuan, Tuanku Zara Salim

Industrial Collaboration

JB-ASEAN International Trade Expo And Business Forum 2013

UTM ICC through Mr. Jimmy Ngow, our industrial advisor was invited as a guest speaker during the JB-Asean International Trade Expo and Business Forum 2013 by the Johor Bahru Chinese Chamber of Commerce and Industry to talk on UTM Product



Research and Development. Mr. Jimmy shared some preview on UTM’s potential R&D products and inventions with the interested local industries and the seminar delegates.

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Advanced Thermal Control Switchboard for water cooled package air- conditioning systemsTackling Sub-optimal Use of Electricity by Air Conditioning Units: e Element Technology’s Innovative System to Enhance Air Conditioning Efficiency

The environmental challengeThere are around 1.5 billion refrigerators and half

a billion air conditioners on the planet. Together with industrial “chillers”, these cooling systems are responsible for the bulk of HCFCs. In addition to releasing heat-trapping chemicals that contribute to ozone depletion, cooling systems use large amounts of electricity, contributing to climate change.

Efforts are underway internationally to deal with both types of environmental impact. Ensuring that the average global temperature rises less than 2°C by 2020 has become a focus of international climate change efforts. According to the UN Program on the Environment (UNEP), achieving this target will require reform of energy systems, including major improvements in energy efficiency.

Studies commissioned by UNEP found that, in order to close the “emissions gap” by 2020, which is necessary if the global temperature rise is to remain below 2°C on average, primary energy production will need to be 11% - 18% lower than it would be were “business-as- usual” to continue through 2020. A recent UNEP report notes that measures to improve the efficiency of air cooling and heating systems

could significantly reduce energy consumption of buildings, decreasing their impact on climate change.In Malaysia, air conditioning is estimated to account for over 60% of energy use in non-residential buildings.

Office buildings in Malaysia tend to be maintained at temperatures well below 23 – 25°C, the level recommended under the Malaysia Green Building Index. Moreover, many of the cooling systems in use are old and/or energy inefficient. While the Government of Malaysia currently subsidizes energy, the cost of fossil fuels is rising and it is estimated that by 2020 Malaysia will be a net importer of such fuels. It is thus imperative that – for economic in addition to environmental reasons – energy efficiency of central cooling systems be improved in Malaysia. This situation is replicated in other countries.

The technology solution developed by UTM and e Element

UTM researchers from the Faculty of Mechanical engineering have devised a system to improve the energy efficiency of air conditioning systems in non-residential buildings.

By Jennifer Brant for WIPO

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The technology, the Advance Thermal Control System (ATCS), is a monitoring system that can be used to retrofit many existing systems, resulting in substantial energy savings. While similar technology had been used previously for small capacity air conditioning systems, its application to medium range systems is novel.

ATCS is used to maintain a steady acceleration and deceleration of the air cooling system, which saves energy compared to the peaks generated by users turning the system up and down. ATCS’s thermal control system automatically matches the cooling capacity of the air-conditioning system with the variable daily cooling load imposed by the environment. In the process, energy used is optimized without over or under cooling.

ATCS controls the activity of two compressor circuits in order to moderate the performance of the air conditioning system, aligning it with changing loads. It does so through a digital temperature controller, which sends the circuits directions generated by embedded software based on a range of signals from the environment.

ATCS has been deployed in Malaysia with impressive energy and cost saving results. In one demonstration that took place at the UTM Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, involving retro-fitting of all air conditioning systems in the building, the deployment of ATCS resulted in energy savings of as much as 64% during a 6-month period.

Another demonstration, also at UTM, involved retro-fitting 2 of the 7 air conditioning systems in a building with ATCS technology. This demonstration recorded energy savings of as much as 10% during two separate 6-month periods. In these demonstrations, a steady temperature of 23°C was maintained in the buildings.

Advanced Thermal Control System (ATCS) Technology for Air Conditioning Systems• Environmental challenge: Improve energy efficiency of air cooling systems• Technology solution: Existing systems can be retrofitted with ATCS technology• National technology dissemination: ATCS and associated know-how• Transactions: Joint research, technology license• Key players: University Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, e Element• Technology• WIPO Green support: The ATCS technology has been uploaded to the WIPO Green database;• services are available to facilitate transactions involving this technology solution.

National technology transferThis technology solution is under patent in Malaysia.

The IP, which is owned by UTM, has been licensed to a start-up company called E Element Technology Sdn Bhd. In addition to the licence, which enables E Element to use the technology, significant know-how about the system and manufacturing process continues to be transferred from UTM researchers to E Element Technology – and vice versa, due to a close, collaborative relationship between the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and the company. E Element Technology is engaged in research aimed at preparing the technology for wider deployment in Malaysia, primarily in office buildings. In addition to driving commercialization of ATCS, E Element Technology provides services such as energy audit consultations.

Outlook for ATCSATCS has been uploaded to WIPO Green, and

transactions involving this technology solution can benefit from the range of services offered by WIPO Green, including assistance with licensing and obtaining financing. e Element Technology will consider engaging in joint research with public research and other organizations, to support deployment of ATCS in Malaysia and abroad. Deployment of ATCS in Malaysia will support the government’s objective to expand green innovation and the deployment of new green technologies, at the same time reducing the country’s carbon footprint and helping to alleviate climate change.

Article by Jennifer Brant forGlobal Challenges DivisionWorld Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO Green)

For more information on this product, please contact [email protected], [email protected] or [email protected] for more details.

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Contact [email protected], [email protected] or [email protected] for more details

Transparent Antenna for WiFi System which is one step forward to Green Energy Technology Purposes Wireless Communication Centre, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia

A thin film transparent antenna implemented on modern glass building for future wireless Green Technology

Market opportunity In Telecommunications Engineering, solar energy has become an alternative source of energy for power communication systems where grid power electricity is too expensive to drive the communications systems. In Malaysia, latest trends in property sector are that most buildings and houses are now using glass as one of the building materials. This will ensure less power consumption for lighting purposes. This is totally in line with green energy concept where there is a need to

conserve energy in an effort to develop a sustainable future. This is made possible as Malaysia is blessed with plenty of sunshine and long sun shine hours. In order to fully utilise glass in modern buildings, the transparent antenna is designed to be mounted on glass building where source of energy originated from the sun can be easily tapped out with the help of solar panel. As it is made of thin conductive film and transparent (not obstruct the outside view), the transparent antenna becomes the best option to be placed on the glass building, windows or mirrors for access point. The proposed system not only save the energy and cost but also provide buildings the necessary wireless communication network.

The invention Today, most buildings are constructed at a time when energy efficiency is not such a major concern and as a result, a huge amount of electricity is used for heating, cooling and lighting. These buildings are using conventional WLAN antenna that consumes continuous electrical power connections that utilises energy from the building itself. WLAN network is used to deploy WiFi/WiMAX coverage in a wide variety of indoor and outdoor applications. This requirement may often be very expensive, especially when the network includes wide outdoor wireless coverage areas. With these problems occur, there is a need for access point (WiFi/WiMAX) power saving in solar powered WLAN networks.

Project Status Further information, please contact by using the link below.

CONTACT PERSON : Researcher/CEO name : Assoc. Prof. Dr. Muhammad Ramlee Kamarudin Mobile & Office No : 019-7007001 / 07-5535350 Email address: [email protected] Personal Webpage: http://muhdramlee.fke.utm.my/

Transparent Antenna for WiFi System which is one step forward to Green Energy Technology Purposes

Market opportunityIn Telecommunications Engineering, solar energy

has become an alternative source of energy for power communication systems where grid power electricity is too expensive to drive the communications systems. In Malaysia, latest trends in property sector are that most buildings and houses are now using glass as one of the building materials. This will ensure less power consumption for lighting purposes.

This is totally in line with green energy concept where there is a need to conserve energy in an effort to develop a sustainable future. This is made possible as Malaysia is blessed with plenty of sunshine and long sun shine hours. In order to fully utilise glass in modern buildings, the transparent antenna is designed to be mounted on glass building where source of energy originated from the sun can be easily tapped out with the help of solar panel. As it is made of thin conductive film and transparent (not obstruct the outside view), the transparent antenna becomes the best option to be placed on the glass building, windows or mirrors for access point. The proposed system not only save the energy and cost but also provide buildings the necessary wireless communication network.

Wireless Communication Centre, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia

The inventionToday, most buildings are constructed at a

time when energy efficiency is not such a major concern and as a result, a huge amount of electricity is used for heating, cooling and lighting. These buildings are using conventional WLAN antenna that consumes continuous electrical power connections that utilises energy from the building itself. WLAN network is used to deploy WiFi/WiMAX coverage in a wide variety of indoor and outdoor applications. This requirement may often be very expensive, especially when the network includes wide outdoor wireless coverage areas. With these problems occur, there is a need for access point (WiFi/WiMAX) power saving in solar powered WLAN networks.

A thin film transparent antenna implemented on modern glass building for future wireless Green Technology

Researcher : Assoc. Prof. Dr. Muhammad Ramlee KamarudinMobile & Office No : 019-7007001 / 07-5535350Email address: [email protected]: http://muhdramlee.fke.utm.my/

UTM Wireless Communication Centre

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World Inventor Award Festival 2013The World Inventor Award Festival 2013 (WIAF (2013)

is an annual programme organized by the Korean Invention News (KINEWS) to recognize researchers from all over the world in highlighting their inventions to the international level. This year the WIAF 2013 was held at the Seoul Garden Hotel, Korea on December 14th, 2013. Four UTM inventors did us proud by winning several awards in different categories during the World Inventor Award Festival (WIAF 2013) recently held in Korea.

Amongst the UTM inventors that won the international recognitions are Dr. Syuhaida Ismail from the Razak School for the Construction Order of Merit award, Prof. Dr. Safian Sharif from Faculty of Mechanical Engineering for the Invention Academics & Education Order of Merit as well as for the Manufacturing Order of Merit award, Prof. Dr. Ruzairi Rahim from Electrical Engineering Faculty for Electronics Engineering Order of Merit Category followed by Dr. Mohd. Nazri Kama from Advanced Informatics School who was awarded the Information Technology Order of Merit category.

UTM Inventors/Researchers, Prof. Dr. Safian, Dr. Mohd. Nazri Kama, Dr. Syuhaida Ismail and the Qatar

Distinguished Representative at the World Inventor Award

Around 429 participations were received by the organizer this year, where 99 applicants won awards for every category competed.

The world invention award festival was participated by 22 countries all over the world such as Belgium, USA, Italy, Iraq, Turkey, Korea, Malaysia, Singapore and Indonesia.

The WIAF 2013 is an annual programme organized by the Korean Invention News (KINEWS) to recognize researchers from all over the world in highlighting their inventions to the international level.

Intellectual Property Status



1 Patent Pending 732 10

2 Patent Granted 118 4

3 Utility Innovation Pending 14 0

4 Utility Innovation Granted 1 0

5 Industrial Design Application 4 0

6 Industrial Design Registered 13 0

7 Trademark Application 20 0

8 Trademark Registered 21 0

9 Copyright 2554 0

10 Layout-Design of Integrated Circuit 13 0


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Drugs have been known to have hazardous effect in the long run if taken in the wrong setting. (drugscope.org.uk) As such, UTM IBD through its founder, Prof. Ramlan Aziz has then embarked on huge R&D activities on various Malaysian herbal plants such as tongkat ali extract, kacip Fatimah (labisia pumila) extract, mas cotek, manjakani, the various flower extracts, virgin coconut oil and even extended to the qualities of the most popular bird nest extract to the Asian communities. Halal and effective are also the sure features of IBD scientifically proven products and technologies.

Malaysia has been graced with the biodiversity of its rainforest housing more than 15,000 known species where 3,700 are known to be useful, 2000 species with medicinal value, with the balance remains largely unexploited. The World Bank estimated 7% annual growth of the global market value of herbal industry

where the local market for herbal and medicinal plants has now rocketed to almost RM10 billions. This is where Phyto Biznet Sdn Bhd steps in to manufacture and distribute its healthcare products through the Living Active brand such as aromatherapy massage oil & perfumes, kacip fatimah blister, natural coconut oil, probiotic chocolate, Tongkat Ali Blister, Kacip Fatimah Capsules, Tongkat Ali capsules, Herbal based cosmaceutical products such as skin moisturisers, the bird nest extract technology and many others for human wellness.

The birdnest extract supposedly rich in nutrients are traditionally believed to provide health benefits, such as aiding digestion, raising libido, improving the voice, alleviating asthma, improving focus with an overall benefit.

UTM Chemical Free, R&D proven Herbal Nature Products

‘To become a leader in providing wellness solutions for healthy living’


‘To become a leader in providing wellness


for healthy living’ ~ UTM IBD UTM IBD is set to provide high quality bio-product with full compliance to industry's best practices and applicable food and drug regulations. Wellness Connections takes great pride in offering customers a range of tropical herbal products as either food or health supplements, including skincare, which have been scientifically researched and formulated for healthy living. The product range boasts the benefits of dedicated Research & Development supports from the UTM Institute of Bioproduct Development in all the products carrying the brand name of LivingActive™ to ensure the customers of

product quality, safety, and efficacy. LivingActive™ products are developed from tropical plants based on proven traditional practice of herbal medicines of past centuries. Modern science and technology has perfected the processing techniques and dosage level of the products fit for safe consumption. Phyto Biznet Sdn Bhd frequently undertakes pre-clinical studies conducted in accordance to Good Laboratory Practices (GLP) that complies with OECD principles to ensure the safety of the said herbal ingredients as cosmetic active ingredients. As the first company in Malaysia to conduct these pre-clinical and clinical trials on Malaysia’s home grown cosmetic products, Living Active brands are assured the safety of the said herbal ingredients as cosmetic active ingredients.. These trials are conducted in accordance to the requirements stipulated by European Cosmetic Regulations, which are the toughest in the world. These studies will enhance the value of the current products and also put Malaysian local herb into a new standard level. (http://etp.pemandu.gov.my/High_Value_Herbal_Project-@-Phyto_Biznet_Sdn_Bhd.aspx#sthash.EW3474lk.dpuf Living ActiveTM caters a whole range of wellness products for healthy living. Inspired by all things herbal and

UTM IBD is set to provide high quality bio-product withfull compliance to industry’s best practices and

applicable food and drug regulations.

Wellness Connections takes great pride in offering customers a range of tropical herbal products as either food or health supplements, including skincare, which have been scientifically researched and formulated for healthy living. The product range boasts the benefits of dedicated Research & Development supports from the UTM Institute of Bioproduct Development in all the products carrying the brand name of LivingActiveTM to ensure the customers of product quality, safety, and efficacy.

LivingActiveTM products are developed from tropical plants based on proven traditional practice of herbal medicines of past centuries. Modern science and technology has perfected the processing techniques and dosage level of the products fit for safe consumption. Phyto Biznet Sdn Bhd frequently undertakes pre-clinical studies conducted in accordance to Good Laboratory Practices (GLP) that complies with OECD principles to ensure the safety of the said herbal ingredients as cosmetic active ingredients. As the first company in Malaysia to conduct these pre-clinical and clinical trials on Malaysia’s home grown cosmetic products, Living Active brands are assured the safety of the said herbal ingredients as cosmetic active ingredients.. These trials are conducted in accordance to the requirements stipulated by European Cosmetic Regulations, which

are the toughest in the world. These studies will enhance the value of the current products and also put Malaysian local herb into a new standard level. Living ActiveTM caters a whole range of wellness products for healthy living. Inspired by all things herbal and natural, we go back to basics in providing Herbal, Food and also Soil Supplements for consumption. We take pride in assuring the use of only high end ingredients in processing and producing our products to obtain our main objective which is benefiting all with a healthy overall wellbeing.

• Herbal Supplement• Food Supplement• Soil Supplement

Scent Active ProductsIgnite your senses with Scent ActiveTM Aromatherapy

range. Inspired by pure herbal essential oils blended to suit every individual needs.

• Aromatherapy Massage Oil• Aromatherapy Fragrance

WELLNESS CONNECTIONS SDN BHD (933399-W) 47, Jalan 9/2, Taman IKS, Seksyen 9, 43650 Bandar Baru Bangi, Selangor

For any enquiry, contact usInstitute of Bioproduct Development,Universiti Teknologi Malaysia,81310 UTM Skudai, Johor, Malaysia.Tel : (+607) 553 2646 / 2647, Fax (+607) 554 9293Email : [email protected], [email protected]://www.livingactive.net.my/store/

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Within UTM, ADC acts as a research and development hub and a resource centre under the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering (FKM). ADC was equipped with the excellent facilities and equipments for the research and development projects in the area of automotive engineering components and systems. Its other role is to foster collaboration with the industries and other research institutions for the advancement of automotive engineering technology. ADC is adequately equipped to assist researchers and postgraduate students to undertake projects in mainly two prominent areas, Power Train and Vehicle Engineering. Apart from these, ADC also concentrates on research activities involving:

� Drive Train, � Integrated System Design and Simulation, � Structure and Materials, � Alternative fuels and fuelling system, � Noise, Vibration and Harshness (NVH), � Automotive Air-Conditioning, � Combustion Simulation and Modeling.

E TUK-TUK – Malaysia Stylish Casual Electric Vehicle

Traffic congestion has been a world wide frustration where the increase of vehicles on the road each year has contributed to the worsening air pollution and long vehicular queuing. Tourists coming for sight-seeing has not been able to fully enjoy the fresh air and beautiful scenery offered outside. As such, UTM has taken the initiative to develop an electric vehicle called E-Tuks2 together with NAZA Auto Solution (ASIA) Sdn Bhd (NASA) and Agensi Inovasi Malaysia (AIM) to enable passengers, tourists and golfers to enjoy the hassle free and simple transport.

This joint collaboration has produced a stylish,unique and eco-friendly E-tuks2 buggy for various commercial use. The UTM automotive experts helped developed several components of the E-TUK2 Passenger EV such as the battery & composite, motor & manufacturing, software and system, design engineering as well as automotive testing. For this good cause, Agensi Inovasi Malaysia has invested in RM445k whereas NAZA pumped in the rest.

The E-Tuk2 vehicle technology has been developed and completed in June 2013 where NAZA is now heading for its mass production. Amongst the experts involved in the project are Prof. Ir. Dr. Azhar Abd. Aziz, PM Dr. Arham Abdullah, Dr Bambang, Dr. Saiful and Dr. Nik from the UTM ICC and UTM ADC. UTM ICC is a unit entrusted to expedite the UTM R&D commercialisation process whereas the UTM ADC (Automotive Development Centre) is one of the various centre of excellence established in UTM to lead the research and development of automotive engineering technology in Malaysia.

Within UTM, ADC acts as a research and development hub and a resource centre under the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering (FKM). ADC was equipped with the excellent facilities and equipments for the research and development projects in the area of automotive engineering components and systems. Its other role is to foster collaboration with the industries and other research institutions for the advancement of automotive engineering technology. ADC is adequately equipped to assist researchers and postgraduate students to undertake projects in mainly two prominent areas, Power Train and Vehicle Engineering. Apart from these, ADC also concentrates on research activities involving:

• Drive Train, • Integrated System Design and Simulation, • Structure and Materials, • Alternative fuels and fuelling system, • Noise, Vibration and Harshness (NVH), • Automotive Air-Conditioning, • Combustion Simulation and Modeling.

ADC has a pool of engineers, technologists and technicians from various disciplines, who assist in the various academic, research and consultation works. Apart from the ongoing research and consultation works, there are currently 20 postgraduate students undertaking MSc. and PhD research in the field of automotive engineering.

Since its inception ADC has accumulated a total of RM9.7 million of grants under numerous research projects focusing on Power Train, Drive Train and Vehicle Structures. There are also many consultancy works with local automotive parts manufacturers. These works involve product evaluation such as for engine and vehicle performance enhancement, exhaust emission reduction and product design.

For more information on this technology, please write to [email protected]. Retrieved from http://www.adc.utm.my/about- adc.html

26 www.icc.utm.my

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Smart Medical Cart

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Daily hospital routine includes bed to bed visit to perform scheduled treatment and medication to the patient. Record is written on a piece of paper and kept hanging near the patient’s bed. The doctors or physician who performed the routine checkup will write their treatment and medication activities on this papers. These papers will be collected, piled on a steel trolley and brought to the computer room to perform data entry to the computer system. The whole scenarios in keeping medical records manually is a traditional practice which is time consuming because it depends on how the record is kept and accessed. Today, hospitals are moving towards paperless management where everything is keyed in and kept in digital format in a computer system.

Physician and medical doctors perform daily routine check to each patient from bed to bed in the ward. A ward can accommodate up to 40 beds of patients. A typical bed to bed check up routine normally takes up to three hours. What normally happen during this time is that every bed has a diagnosis and medication/treatment log pad, each time a doctor visits a bed, this log pad will be updated. This log pad or paper sheets will be gathered and stored in a record room which contains hundreds of thousands of patient medical record.

Recently, many hospitals are migrating from paper based record to Electronic Medical Record (EMR). Patient’s data are stored in digital format in CD or hard disk based storage system. Hospitals start to employ IT staff for data entry to make sure every record is stored in a computer accessible format. In order to transform the traditional hospital to paperless hospital, all the information must be translated into computer system from the point of the data were taken from the patient.

In line with this motivation, a Smart Medical Cart (SMC) is produced to complement the need of a paperless hospital. SMC is a computerized medical cart which is secured in term of access and always connected to the central database system. It is equipped with backup power system from Lithium Polymer battery and can last up to 4 hours before the next charging is required. It is charged using AC mains from the wall plug and required about 5 hours to reach the fully charged state.

It is secured with RFID system where only authorized person are allowed to use the system and access to sensitive patient information. Once a person is authorized, the power supply is turned on by the electronic system to power the computer and other devices. The corresponding person will be granted access to the patient history record as well as a medical tray which contain drug and other related medication. This will made drug delivery process easily tracked and monitor in case of adverse effect and etc.

Market SizeMOH Hospital : 130 Private Hospital : 209 MOH Health Clinic : 802 Private Clinic : 6371Medical training : 25 Total : 7,537 (Source: Statistic from Ministry of Health, 2008)

Product Key Features• 8-hours lithium polymer (LiPo) rechargeable

battery with battery status indicator• Charging time : 2 hours• 125kHzRFI Dcompatible• Support unlimited user• Support Electronic Medical Record (EMR)

standard system/Patient Information System and Hospital Information System

• Wi-Fi connectivity• Compatible with different type of computers

Product Benefit • Improve operational limitation with WIFI

connectivity. • Rechargeable battery.• Medication and basic medical apparatus can

be carried together. • Connectivity to the central database server.• Support the application of paperless hospital.• Control unauthorized access and boost security. • Medicine and drug dispensing activities can be

efficiently tracked and recorded. • This will help to trace the history of a patient and

the doctor’s treatment for the medication. • Any lawsuit – detail data is available. • Different type of computer device is available.

For more information on this product, please contact : [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]. Tel : 019-7559000 Inventor : Professor Ir. Dr. Sheikh Hussain bin Shaikh Salleh, Mr. Kamarulafizam IsmailArea of research: Heart sound, Infant hearing Screening, Speech Processing

Page 28: Bulletin Issue 6, Vol 1 (December 2013 – January 2014)


Breakthrough Innovation-AMIR SOFTCORE CPUUTM has made an amazing breakthrough with the innovation of the AMIR

Softcore CPU which was developed by the Advanced Microprocessor Research (AMIR) Laboratory from the UTM Faculty of Electrical Engineering in 2013. Led by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Muhammad Nasir Ibrahim, the team has successfully invented a latest chip technology called AMIR softcore CPU which is proven far more advanced than any other similar products in the market. A much improved version from the current market products which has gone through lengthened research to eliminate all the current products’ weaknesses and deficiencies, the innovation of AMIR chip will actually create a new ecosystem in producing a long range of high efficient technology products and home equipments, industrial controller, biomedical, telecommunications, aerospace and many others. We expect the emergence of more local spin off companies to cater for the new AMIR CPU demand. AMIR CPU will be a first Muslim breakthrough amazing innovation. The CPU will be manufactured by Silterra, a local company with capacity to produce its own chip such as the AMIR CPU. A discussion has been held in Korea for possible replacement of the current ARM with AMIR CPU for Samsung future products. The MOU document has been signed between UTM and Silterra Sdn Bhd on 7th January 2014 at the UTM KL Campus.

UTM Innovation & Commercialisation Centre (UTM ICC)

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UTM Technovation Park, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia,81300, Skudai, Johor Bahru, Johor, MALAYSIA

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