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Informative Bulletin Nº 4Press Office

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International recognition. Peru was considered by the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) as one of the countries that had a very good response to FLU AH1N1 cases, both the topic of prevention and treatment of infected persons.

On a visit to our country, the Director of PAHO, Mirtha Roses noted that to date there has been no loadings on health services, but persist with recommended prevention measures.

At the time of the 6 121 cases reported, 5 743 has been discharged, which shows that the government through the Ministry of Health was very well prepared.

Furthermore, it has already confirmed that the epidemiological curve of new influenza cases within the country has begun to decline as in Lima and Callao, however monitoring systems will remain on alert in hospitals, health centers, schools and other public spaces with inflows.

Social projects will be financed with sovereign bonds

26 projects of social investment that will benefit thousands Residents of the Regions Junin, Amazonas, Piura, Madre de Dios and Metropolitan Lima will be implemented by over 175 million soles, funded with sovereign bond issues authorized by the government between last August 6th and 20th.

With the issuance of bonds by 78 million 426 thousand soles will develop 20 projects of public investment in

the regions Junin, Amazonas, Piura and Madre de Dios. Amazonas will have up to 18 million 743.618 soles for running 4 projects, Piura: 10 million 207.997 soles which will fund 2 investment projects and Madre de Dios 24 million 188.320 soles for 6 projects for public investment.

The regional government of Piura will also have 71 million 436.579 soles and the Metropolitan Municipality of Lima have 25 million 879 thousand 230 to fund six road works.

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The images of men and women awaiting the arrival of trucks tanks in different parts of the country to have access to drinking water are gone.

Today, thanks to the "Water for All” program, over 2 million Peruvians have this basic service, thus fulfilling, a major promises made by President Alan Garcia.

"No water, no democracy," said the chief State the day when the “Water for All” program began, which to date has built 389 thousand water connections and sewer at a cost of 2,700 million soles.

The level of investment made by the government in the first three years is unprecedented, and this is only the first stage of the great project called "Water for All 'which aims to get to 2011 with coverage to 100% of all households of the capital.

Recently, the government through the "Water for All” program opened water and sewer works at the districts of Carabayllo and Ate in Lima.

At North of the capital city is located Carabayllo, first district founded by José de San Martín in 1821. In this jurisdiction 160 thousand people benefited, for the first time could access to potable water.

For Ate Vitarte, the second district of Republican foundation, the oldest in the capital city founded in August 1821, the people served are over 65 inhabitants.

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"This is not an electoral device (...) I have nothing to gain and nothing to look forward.” (President Alan García, August 8th, 2009, by signing decree regulating cores executors)

With the opening road exchange linking the district of Cerro Azul with the center of the province of Cañete, construction of Road Network N ° 6 become reality for the benefit of thousands of residents of that area in country.

The work required an investment of over $ 3 million and comprises seven branches connecting roadway widths of variables. The first is a two-way branch passing on the highway, then there are four branches of exit and entry to the motorway and two branches of two-way connection with the Pan American Highway roundabouts and access to Cerro Azul and Cañete. It also includes a bridge length of 37.5 meters.

The inauguration was led by President Alan García. "We are opening this exchange road that opens the way for the direct route between Cañete and Chincha on the coast, and allows also integrate not only Lima and the provinces, but turn left towards Huancayo on the road at the moment is mostly paved proportion, "The president said.

Additionally, the Head of State inaugurated a 1.6-kilometer highway which demanded an investment of 1 million 475 thousand U.S. dollars.

In his attempt to expedite the execution of works in the most remote and needy areas of the country, the government decided to allow direct participation of the population in the construction of small works whose value does not exceed 350 thousand soles (5 UITs).

In announcing his decision to create cores executors, President Alan García said there are 23 billion soles to invest in public works this year and in the best cases the capacity of government spending as remainder of the year to reach 80 percent.

There would be in the banks 4,500 million soles or more, unused. If through the cores executors make 4 thousand works, including canals, dams, ladders or other small works, would have used just 2 billion soles in direct works.

•Public entities responsible may spent on cores executors up to 6% the undrawn balance of investments at 31st June.

•From 2010, the cores executors will handle up to 6% of the resources that State agencies will use by implementation public investment projects.

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The central government handed over the last two years 117 million soles to regional governments and municipalities of Lima and Ica to perform the reconstruction of earthquake affected areas August 15th, 2007. However, they only have invested 14 million.

The regional governments and municipalities have yet to invest 104 million soles, as the president Alan García called upon local authorities to implement the remaining work with these resources only to rebuild the cities and towns destroyed by the quake.

Not everything is the fault of the Central Government; the local authorities have responsibility for implementation of the resources. We are in a decentralized country where the 70 percent of the resources are managed by regional governments and municipalities; it's unfortunate that they have much of the money deposited in banks.

Henceforth young school-leavers in public universities may obtain their career degrees in civil engineering, agriculture and human medicine with partial or total financing provided by government. They also will be provided with the invaluable experience of participating in the execution of various works that will benefit the poorer sectors of the country.

For this the school-leavers beneficiaries aged 18 to 29 years, must have the requisite participation prior protected in the cores executors for a period of not less 6 months.

In addition, receive a monthly stipend of 300 soles, under the resources Core Executor.

“Professional Youth" aims to promote the certification of school-leavers to generate a body of qualified professionals with accredited training in different areas of development of public works arising from the creation or participation on core executor and strengthen them with their participation. The Professional Youth Program "was created by a Supreme Decree issued on Thursday, August 20th by the Head of State, Alan García Pérez.

Construction of water supply and sanitation continues in Canete. To the date, have rehabilitated the pipes in San Vicente, Lunahuana, Mala, Quilmaná and different towns

The classrooms attended exceed the 4 thousand.

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The Central Government, regional and local governments and people will defeat the narco-terrorism with more works, said president Alan García, to preside at the Government House, the signature of contract of electrification for the town of San Jose de Secse in Ayacucho.

The president who said he was sure that project will be implemented immediately to address, that way, "with modernity and progress, those who bring the message of the past of hatred and primitiveness.

"The entire people will defeat any form of hatred in our country," he said, expressing solidarity with the residents of San Jose de Secse, where there was a narco-terrorist attack.

Garcia said the government continues to work for the poor, in that regard, he announced that for 2011 a total of 10 thousand new locations will have electric power.

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The Ministry of Finance authorized the provision of additional resources for the Regional Governments hire specialized technicians in developing investment projects.

This was announced by the cabinet chief, Javier Velásquez Quesquén after the meeting No. 201 the Council of Ministers, which was chaired by the president Alan García.

"The technicians will support the design of pre feasibility, as well as the relevant files in order to prioritize and

stimulate investment. The goal is to accelerate the implementation budgets, "said Velasquez to reaffirm the Executive commitment with regional governments.

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El Gobierno Central, los Gobiernos Regionales, Locales y el pueblo derrotarán al narcoterrorismo con más obras, afirmó presidente Alan García, al presidir, en la Casa de Gobierno, la firma del contrato de electrificación para la localidad ayacuchana de San José de Secse.

El mandatario quien dijo estar seguro que el referido proyecto se ejecutará de inmediato para responder, de esa manera, “con modernidad y avance, a quienes traen el mensaje del pasado de los odios y la primitividad”.

“El pueblo en su conjunto derrotará cualquier forma de odio dentro de nuestro país”, enfatizó, al expresar su solidaridad con los pobladores de San José de Secse, donde hubo un atentado narcoterrorista.

García aseguró que el trabajo del gobierno continúa en favor de los pobres, en ese sentido, anunció que para el 2011 un total de 10 mil nuevas localidades tendrán energía eléctrica.

The only guarantee of democracy and freedom are political parties in force, those who wanted settled or kill them had gone first.

"All who intend to end the political parties are first settled into their theories and, second, end up acting like political parties, "said the head of state, Alan García Pérez, during the presentation of the book "The Political Parties to the Society, Legality and Peruvian case by the lawyer Luis Enrique Jimenez Borra, on Friday August 14th in the auditorium of the Bar Association of Lima, in Miraflores.

Political structures called parties are those that have a responsibility and differentiate from the pressure groups that these are sectoral and have a theme.

"And they differ from the media that they should inform objectively, irrespective of political party, "he said.

In this context, the president stressed the need to approve the renewal part of Congress and voluntary voting, noting that these reforms will strengthen political parties in Peru.

As part in the strengthening of the democracy, the President, Alan García Pérez, sent to Congress a bill that proposes to renew half of its members at two and half years of their choice. The project aims to give more opportunity to the people's opinion about the ongoing work by legislators, oxygenate the Parliament and reaffirm its legitimacy base.

The proposal was announced by the Head of State in his Address to the Nation on Independence Day, and the plan was submitted to Congress last August 5th.

To incorporate the partial replacement of Congress, should be amended Article 90 of the Constitution.

Congress must approve the amendment by a vote approving more than two thirds of the legal number of members in two successive regular legislative sessions.

To incorporate the partial replacement of Congress, should be amended Article 90 of the Constitution.

Congress must approve the amendment by a vote approving more than two thirds of the legal number of members in two successive regular legislative sessions.

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To promote respect and fair treatment for people with disabilities in the country, President Alan García enacted the law establishing administrative offenses and penalties for those who breach the rule that arrange a number of benefits for these people.

The Act specifies that the revenue collected in fines ranging from 1.775 up to 42.600 soles will go to the National Council of Integration of Persons

From the date, among other violations shall be punishable:

*The breach of the provisions that allow urban and architectural accessibility for disabled people.

*Do not employ people with disabilities, suitable for the position in the public administration institutions, in not less than 3% of total staff.

*No reserve 5% of vacancies in the process of admission to universities, institutes and colleges.

*Do not apply the discount of 50% input value for cultural, sporting or recreational shows organized by state entities, with a maximum of 25% of total inflows.

* 1 million Peruvians adults have been literate.

* More 560 thousand titles of ownership have been delivered.

* The poverty fell from 48% to 36% (4% in 2006, 5% in 2007 and 4% in 2008.

* More than 1 million Peruvians spread in over 3 thousand towns have electricity in their homes for the first time.

* The Peruvians with cellular went from 6 to 22 million and 800 districts have fixed telephony and internet.

* The work of Grand Port of Callao and soon the Great Highway Gambetta advance. * The Comprehensive Health Insurance had only 4 million policyholders. Now there are more than 10 million Peruvians affiliates.

* Have invested 560 million soles for preventive maintenance of 193.059 classrooms for 42.030 educational institutions.

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* That 1'400 thousand new jobs have been created.

* We are working on the new Huascacocha and Huachipa to provide more water for all north of Lima.

* That the freedom to opt out with positive result is other than 45 thousand people.

* Mi Vivienda Fund and Techo Propio have built more than 100 thousand homes and private sector has made another 35 thousand.

* 20 million Peruvians have been vaccinated against measles, mumps and rubella.

* To enhance public safety now we have 2,500 new vehicles, 5 thousand computers and 16 thousand new police officers.

* Has been canceled S /. 1,500 million soles to retirees of the 19990 and 95 thousand of them began to receive 10 thousand soles accrued by claiming the pension.

* That the Regional Government of Huancavelica had 30 million for investment in 2005 and now has 300 Million soles.

* That EsSalud opened and 4 hospitals (The Geriatric of Ate, the Sabogal of Callao, the Marino Molino de Comas and Victor Lazarte in Trujillo) and is building another 13 hospitals.

* Over 115,000 teachers have been trained in 33 universities and 36 higher educational institutes.

* 9 million Peruvians have been vaccinated approximately in 3 doses against Hepatitis B.

* That the National Bank has granted more than one million loans to teachers, retirees, police officers and public employees.

* The purchase of clothing, footwear, food and the payment for education increased by 25%.

* The Bank of material released to pay an unjust debt of S /. 592 million soles to 270 thousand Peruvians.

* Peru reserves in 2006 were 14 billion suns. Today are 32 billion.

* The work of the South Inter-Oceanic Highway advances and in a thousand days have been paved more than 700 kms.

* This administration has tripled the budget for Regional and Local Governments.

* That the National Bank has deliver 200 thousand credits to micro and small business.

* That have entered to the country 200 thousand cars and 17 thousand trucks and tractors.

* That Olmos will be delivered in the Second Quarter of 2010 with 33 thousand new hectares and a tunnel of 20kms.

* Has been enacted the new Law on Public teaching.

* That is under construction the pipeline of Humay and Marcona and will be built the Andean pipeline of Cusco, Arequipa, Puno and Moquegua.

* That Essalud has delivered 30 units of basic primary care (will be 100), 12 thousand equipments of high and medium complexity and 200 new ambulances.

* That have been paved 1,500 kms of road i.e. 12% more of new tracks.

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