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Bundled Payments:The Impact on IT

January, 2014

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If you remember just one thing…..

Your next CFO isn’t coming from the health industry.

Your next CFO is coming from industrial USA.

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The Commoditization of Healthcare

• Great news

– everything’s getting better

– and cheaper

– and more accessible

• Bad news

– providers are a dime-a-dozen

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Your New Bag of Tricks

→Differentiators in offerings

→New reimbursement models

→Bundled payments

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What Are Bundled Payments?

• Episode - all services provided to a patient related to a specific medical problem in a limited timeframe

• Bundle – all services provided during an episode for which “you” are financially responsible

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What Are Bundled Payments


CABG Gall Bladder

Colonoscopy Joint Arthroscopy

C-Section Joint Replacement

Endoscopy Pregnancy/Deliver

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What Are Bundled Payments

Chronic Conditions

Asthma Depression

CAD Diabetes


COPD Hypertension

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The Theory

Cost savings by shifting risk Being closer to the care, the

provider can drive efficiencies

Nothing new here

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The Reality

→This time it’s different

→Commoditization makes this possible

→That’s what’s new….for healthcare

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Why Participate?

Profitable – if you can figure it out

First one to success

sets the stage




Increase market size

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If I Don’t Participate?

•Lose patients

•How many patients do you have to lose to be out of business?

•30%, 20%, 10% ?

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Planning/executing your project

•Getting started

•Determining bundles



•Cost management

•Monitoring performance

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Getting Started

• Secure project champion

• Develop multidisciplinary team

– Gain physician “buy-in” early and often

• Identify key success factors

• Identify key performance analytics (KPIs)

• Establish baselines – gather historical data

• Build cost accounting models for case tracking

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Determining Bundles

•You’re building a model(s)

•Acute vs. chronic situations

•Limiting exposure while maintaining quality

•Clinical/finance involvement in design

•Redeveloping care models

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Determining Bundles

•Where to start?

– What you’re good at

– What you can control

– Areas of excellence / best practices

– MS-DRG if you’re a hospital

– High volume

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Determining Bundles

•Questions to answer

– What products/services are in/out?

– What have we done in the past?

– What is redundant/unnecessary ?

– Where can we leverage control?

– What causes “outliers”?

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Determining Bundles

•Many answers (currently) in claims data

– The only structured data source we have

– Your internal systems (billing)

– Business partner (payer)

– CMS data

•Start and end point (warranty)

•Commercial products can help

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Determining Bundles

Source: http://info.medinsight.milliman.com/?Tag=Bundled+Payment

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Determining Bundles

Source: http://info.medinsight.milliman.com/?Tag=Bundled+Payment

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Determining Bundles

•Redeveloping care models

– Review current models

– Specialty clinical protocols

– Best practices…for you

– Financial ramifications

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Determining Bundles

• IT impacts

– Identifying data sources

– Data aggregation from disparate sources

– Defining/acquiring/developing analytical tools

– Ongoing analysis to refine bundle definition process

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• Gainsharing and withhold models

• Employer-provider contracting bypassing insurance companies

• Physician directed models – the hospital as a resource

• Including non-medical services in bundles

• Billing for bundles in a fee-for-service world

• Patient/provider contracts

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•Examples of excluded conditions

– BMI > 33, A1C > 6.5, anemia

– Significant depression/drug use/abuse

•Examples of excluded services

– Inpatient/outpatient rehab

•Examples of warrantied services

– Readmission related to surgical site issues

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• IT impacts

– Tracking/analyzing historical data

– Directing/receiving bills to/from multiple parties

– Billing for bundles in a fee-for-service world

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•Clinical and IT

– Operating both FFS and BP treatment models

– Operating both FFS and BP billing models

– Standards (and lack of) in bundled payments

– The effects of bundles on analytics

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•Treating bundled patients

– Different than traditional patients?

– Case management

– Ongoing tracking of costs (services)

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•Billing bundled patients

– Effects on charge capture

– Automation of different billing models

• “Dummy” 837

• “Conventional” invoicing

– Effects on payment processing

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•The effects of bundles on analytics

– Example: pro-rating payments

•Metric: average reimbursement for a service

– FFS: 835 ties payment to service

– BP: What portion of payment is assigned to a service?

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• IT impacts

– EMR identifying and tracking BP patients

– Ongoing feedback on BP case progress

• Wholesale changes to charge capture?

– Billing/invoice processing

– Payment processing

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Cost Management

•The key to profitability

– Cost accounting methods and systems

– Issues in tracking costs by case

– Standardizing care to leverage purchasing and reducing costs

– Expanding the bundle process to FFS

– Broadening the scope of services

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Cost Management


– How do we know if we’re making money?


– If revenue exceeds cost.

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Cost Management

•What are costs?

– The usual suspects (payroll, supplies, …..)

– Direct costs (implants)

– Indirect costs (administration, regulatory)

•FFS ties direct costs (implants) thru billing

– Sometimes

•Reality: Healthcare lags industry in cost management

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Cost Management

•Cost management/reduction issues

– Understanding current costs

– Cost reduction: standardizing care

– Cost elimination: process change

– Expanding the bundle process to FFS

• Reduces revenue, also!

– Broadening the scope of services

• ↑ costs & ↑ revenue

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Cost Management

• IT impacts

– Cost management system implementation

– Ancillary support systems (e.g., surgical trays)

– System integration

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Monitoring Performance

•Continuous improvement

– Case tracking/intervention avoids adverse exposure

– Quality measures/KPIs

– Ongoing analysis/corrective action for outliers

– Using results to renegotiate payer contracts

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Monitoring Performance

• Questions:

– Are we making money?

– Where are the “exceptions”/how to avoid?

– How can we squeeze/eliminate costs?

– What are the opportunities for more revenue?

– Are my “customers” happy?

– Can we renew our contracts with better terms?

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Monitoring Performance

•Examples of KPIs:

– Clinical: Readmission rates/SCIP scores

– Financial: Average cost/case, margin/case

– Customer: Satisfaction index/outcomes

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Monitoring Performance

• IT impacts

– Exception reports/alerts in “real time”

– Regular/on-demand performance analysis reports

– Quality measures: capture, analyze, report

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Thank You!

Sheldon Hamburger

[email protected]

(248) 613-7166

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