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Executive Summary

After studying the theoretical concepts of a topic, understanding its practical

implications and applications is the next step in the learning process. This assignment on

the Business plan of any new product is a part of that next step. In the process of writing

this report, we came to know about different aspects of marketing, especially the

Business plan techniques of the company we have designed with the light of our little


We have been given to work on ‘The Business plan” of an upscale furniture store.

We believe that by targeting a segmented market, we can successfully occupy an

emerging niche that other channels of distribution have not been able to target.

Our objective in this business plan is to create a better everyday life for the many

people. We do this by offering a wide range of well-designed, functional home furnishing

products at considerably low prices so that the highest possible number of people will be

able to afford them.

Our strategy is to reach a concise market niche so that we could serve to it with all

our efforts. Our company mainly imports furniture made of Plywood. The Plywood-made

furniture is relatively cheaper as far as the production cost is concerned. This makes our

job a bit easier as we look for offer something before our target consumers with a

relatively lower cost.

There are three functional departments in Kraft Furniture which are

Administration, Purchase and Sales & Marketing and there will be a Chief Monitoring

Officer who will monitor three functional departments. On the basis of our projected

profit and loss statement we are going to achieve the break-even point for our company

after 4.4 years.

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As people move upward to the higher ladders of the hierarchy of motivation they

tend to expand their wants to various dimensions. Physiological satisfaction is an

important thing. When the worry about food, clothing and shelter is over and one knows

that one is secure and has a respected place in society, the desire for comfort blended

with style and class comes to the heart and mind. Kraft Furniture provide both the

comfort and the beauty in their product and our job is to pass this message to the public

who are craving for such an opportunity where not only will they be able to relax and

enjoy the furniture of high quality but will also be able to sooth their eyes by their beauty

and style not to mention the overwhelming joy they will get when others appreciate their

precious possessions.

Since trendy furniture are already in the market it will not be that hard to make the

consumers of our client understand the value of it. What our main job is here is to let

people know that our client’s product is the best they will find where not only the fashion

is kept in mind but high class quality is added to it. The Furniture includes all sort of

home furniture. A list is provided below:

1. Bedroom furniture.

2. Kitchen furniture.

3. Study furniture,

4. Drawing/ living room,

5. Dining room,

6. Lounge furniture,

7, Others

After a thorough research and study we have come up with a systematic idea as of

how to carry on the whole marketing plan. Basically we will use the fighting method of

advertising, skills and hard work. We will provide a step by step explanation of our

market plan throughout this project.

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We have a mission statement that drives everything we do.  Its purpose is to help us

maintain our long-term vision to serve our customers with the high quality home

furniture and service they expect.

We strive to be one of the best furniture assembling firms in the industry through which

our target market can reach its preference.

We are dedicated to provide the highest quality home furniture, furnishings, and materials

to businesses and consumers all over Dhaka at affordable prices based on Quality. 

We are sensitive to the look and feel of good wood and fine furniture keeping in view of

current trend, market demand and life-style.

We are committed to develop mutually beneficial trade relationships with our customers

based on integrity and efficiency. Our aim is to position our product line as the High

Quality. We always provide the best possible value to our customers who care about

quality home environments, and we want every dollar spent by us to be well spent.

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The Furniture industry of Bangladesh has proved to be one of the most promising sectors

with a high export potential. The industry has its members spread all over the country

with key players located at Dhaka. Dhaka is further segregated into three to four main

clusters: Mirpur, Gulshan, Panthopath and Elephant Road. The demand and import for

furniture is growing fast. Unfortunately, the producers have not been able to exploit this

growth. One of the most critical issues that influenced the producers last year was a

policy restriction which affected the availability of good timber and which leads to great

uncertainty and reluctance to changes and investments.


Sawmills and timber traders: Wooden home furniture sector largely depends on their

saw mills and timber traders. The saw mills and timber trading units buy their timber on

auctions organized by certain government bodies. The major input markets for these

enterprises are located at Farashganj (Dhaka), Chittagong, Pirojpur, Khulna and

Chandpur from where they collect locally grown timbers which are imported from

Myanmar (Burma), Nigeria, Indonesia, Malaysia etc.

Introducer of non-wood materials: Industry leaders like Partex, Otobi, Navana have

brought about a revolution in furniture materials. They have introduced particleboards,

woodex, plytex, medium density fiber (MDF) board on the market creating an impact in

the wooden furniture sector. The industry leaders in the cluster are showing an interest in

sophisticated MDF boards for innovative and stylish products.

Hardware shops: They provide all the necessary accessories starting from screws, nails,

hammers; hand-tools used for creating designs, jointers, and measurement tools to color,

varnish, polish etc. The hardware sellers collect their inputs from Nababpur,

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Karwanbazar and other wholesale markets and they try to introduce new products in the


Color suppliers: The color suppliers still confine their product line to traditional labor-

intensive French polish or Shellac whereas the industry leaders have already switched to

Sayerlack wood-lacquer imported from Italy via Singapore.

Fabric suppliers: There are around 10-12 fabric suppliers, which mainly cater to the end

consumer markets. Some of them also cater to the furniture manufacturers. The bulk

quantity of fabric comes from fabric suppliers located in Elephant Road and Islampur.


Almost all types of manufacturers face stiff competition from imported furniture and

locally made non-wood trendy furniture. Despite the high costs of some of the furniture,

the sector is incompatible in terms of quality and design. Globalization and increased

exposure to developed markets brought changes in people’s attitude & lifestyle and

products have made the traditional ways and products less attractive.


No Policy Support: Despite the ongoing changes in the furniture sub sector, there is no

government policy to support for this dynamic industry. The government has not yet

declared the furniture sector an industry and so it is not regulated under industrial law.

Role of Banks: Some banks like BRAC bank are providing loans to some of the

manufacturers under SME development scheme. Furthermore, local branches of different

banks have improved transaction patterns. Nowadays, banks like HSBC and Standard

Chartered have come up with Consumer Credit Schemes.

Public benefit service: There is a central association named BAFIOA. This association

plays a leading role in creating market linkages for large manufacturer by organizing

furniture fairs. They also facilitate the introduction of better business practices.

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The furniture industry of Dhaka constitutes a major portion of the entire furniture

industry of Bangladesh. The following table will provide evidence of the fact that it is the

center of growth of this sector.

The market size of Bangladeshi furniture with a combination of different types is

nearly Taka 4 billion with a growth rate of 15-20 percent.

The number of furniture manufacturing enterprises is nearly 10,000 in the


Average annual import of furniture with a combination of different types to

Bangladesh is estimated as high as Taka 8-10 billion.

The country has earned Taka 61 million from export of modern wooden furniture

during the first quarter of the financial year of 2003-2004.

The furniture sector employs 5 million people in the country and it can create

extended employment to 10 million people if some of the existing problems could

be eliminated.


Transportation: Transportation services are used at different levels. Retail owners

usually use rickshaw vans or pickup vans to deliver furniture to the clients address.

Sawmill owners use trucks to bring in timber from outside Dhaka and to deliver it to the

manufacturing units.

Promotion: Some large shop owners advertise on national TV channels and in

newspapers in order to promote their products. They publish product catalogues and

brochures in order to carve out a larger market share.

Access to Finance: BRAC bank has a special credit scheme for some of the stakeholders

of the furniture sector. They have even set up a unit office in various places to facilitate

their work in the area.

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After sales service (repair & maintenance): A certain fee is charged for fixing furniture

if something goes wrong within a certain period after purchase. The manufacturers also

charge a fee for polishing old furniture.

Design: Some of the large manufacturers have their own interior design units, which

provide a service in addition to the supply of furniture. The shop owners often assist

customers in choosing designs of their furniture according to the size and configuration

of their house.

After sales service (installation of furniture): Shop owners send their employees along

with the furniture to assist in installing it in the client’s house or office.

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SWOT Analysis

    Our business plan consists of a SWOT Analysis to identify Internal Strength and

Weakness and also to examine external opportunities and threats. While examining

internal strengths and weakness we have focused on our organizational resources such as

production costs, marketing skills and technology.

We are on the brink of major opportunity and have the strength of combined

expertise in high tech furniture assembling, and the opportunity of growing market and

new channel of distribution.

Internal Strengths and Weaknesses



Our firm focuses basically on High Quality keeping in mind that the money of the

customers is worth paid off. We will not only develop the product Kraft Home Furniture

but will turn into a brand and will make sure that customers favor our products.


We will Design our new product keeping in mind the trend, taste, comfort and culture of

our society and will use Micro-marketing strategy to tailor products and marketing

programs to the needs and wants of specific Individuals and local customer groups.


Financial Resource:

We will use High Financial Resource to launch the product and will try to use it

effectively and efficiently. We will try to add financial benefits besides adding social

benefit and structural ties to build customer relationships and customer equity, and

attract, retain and grow customers.



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 High risk:

High Finance in launching the product involves high risk taking. It is natural that putting

in a lot of money to a business will be a  matter of high risk taking, specially with quite

some competitors who are doing well in this line of business.


  Technological challenges

Establishment on the Internet will produce technological challenges. We are targeting to

launch an Internet based selling process as well as some physical outlets. We are

budgeting quite some amount of money to launch the web, but in an under developed

country like ours the risk is quite high. We are quite unsure about how or target markets

view e marketing.


  External Opportunities and Threats



Internet Marketing and Sales causes new channel of distribution. Click- and –motor

facility will discriminate us from our competitors. One of the main objective of ours is to

launch an internet based buying or selling or in a word an e-commerce solution for our

product. The competitors of ours have not yet made any offerings like this, but if they

have their service is quite poor, our research shows that.



Increase in portion of women in work-force who will be our one of the target market will

be attracted towards our new high class home furniture. Nowadays it is the women who

are the decision takers and makers of our family. It is quite natural for a woman to

understand art and design that our company is willing to develop in our furniture.



 Furniture' is a very common and demanding item for households. During the last few

years many furniture shops has been growing in every local areas of the Dhaka city. So,

it is easy to understand that there are a large number of competitors of our client. There

are so many competitors of our client in the market that it is very difficult to list all the

names. However, we have listed some of the important competitors names:.

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  The list of the competitors' names:

1.      Otobi – World Class Furniture;                                                           

2.      Navana Furniture Ltd.;

3.      Partex Gallery;

4.      Hatil;

5.      Hi Fashion Gallery;

6.      German Furniture Ltd.;

7.      Koncept – Better Price Better Furniture;

8.      Exclusive Furniture;

9.      Italiano;

10.  Touch wood;

11.  Euro Touch;

12.  Index Furniture;

13.  Gulshan – 1 Furniture Market. For e.g. M/S Rahim Furniture;

14.  Green Road Cane Furniture Shops;

15.  Panthopath Ship Furniture Shops;


It is not that people choose our competitors product instead of ours, It is they choose

cheaper quality mainstream material instead of a high quality product which we offer.

So we are also viewing the competition as an opportunity because our competitors

have a lot of gaps in their marketing strategy on which we will be taking advantage




Products are created keeping in mind the high life style of people nowadays. This will

ensure high quality with reasonable prices. Our new product mainly targets the middle

and upper class segment. Targeting segments like that involves some threat, as other

classes would not benefit from our product, thus not letting us benefit our profit.


Political and Legal Threats:

Due to high duty, taxation and changes in regulation of Government policies, fluctuation

in prices may occur, causing problems in keeping the price of the product stable.

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Besides, political interruptions, like blockade programs, may have a negative influence

on our shipments, suppliers and distributors.



Raw-material for our product is wood, which is obtained from chopping of trees causing

de-forestation resulting in Ecological threat. The cost of importing the bulky raw-material,

like cherry tree wood and oak from other countries, becomes expensive causing the

price of the finished product to rise.




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Specific Objectives


We aim to create a better everyday life for many people. We do this by offering a wide

range of well-designed, functional home furnishing products at considerably low prices

so that the highest possible number of people will be able to afford them.

Most of the time, beautifully designed home furnishings are produced targeting a small

part of the population — the few who can afford them. From the beginning, KRAFT

FURNITURES has taken a different path. We have focused on responding to the home

furnishing needs of people throughout our target market and plan to support them as

many ways as possible.

One thing which seems to be mentioned here with some importance is that, KRAFT

FURNITURE is being operated within Bangladesh which is considered to be a

developing country. The overall life-standard is relatively low here but it is increasing

day by days so there is certainly a limitation existing with the purchasing ability of the

local inhabitants. Since we are importing standardized furniture from different world-

class furniture manufacturing firms, we have to be settled with a certain level of price

despite our effort to make it as low as possible. This is the reason why we have

segmented middle class and upper-middle class people as our target consumer group.

In addition to financial status, we are looking for people with many different needs,

tastes, dreams, aspirations, of course with minimum wallets. People who want to improve

their homes and create better everyday lives are being considered as our premier target.

How we are Different:

How is KRAFT FURNITURE different from other furnishing stores? Well, most of the

furniture companies offer a wide range, or good design and function- that means quality,

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or relatively low/ affordable prices. We are a bit different here as we offer all of these.

That is our business idea.

A wide range:

The KRAFT FURNITURE product range is wide in several ways. First, it is wide in

function. The consumers should not have to run from one small specialty shop to another

to furnish their home. Here, you will find plants, living room furnishings, toys, frying

pans and whole kitchens. Secondly, it is wide in style. We have well-decorated furniture

that helps build a home that has room to lead better life. Finally, by being coordinated,

we would be able to offer a wide range of style at the same time.

Good design and function:

It's not easy combining good design and good function with the right quality, at an

affordable price. As a firm that merchandises furniture, we focus on different furniture

with varied designs and functions. In fact, as the procedure of importing quality furniture

is highly cost effective, we have decided to highlight on what is authentically important

for the consumers. We don not present to the consumers what is unnecessary, because

that costs money. Our customers want smart solutions to meet needs they have. The

KRAFT FURNITURE range is the result of our efforts to meet those needs.

Low prices:

A wide range with good shape and function is only half the story. Affordability has a part

to play — may be the largest part. That is why price comes as the most critical dimension

for us who seek to make a better everyday life available to the many, not just the few. A

low price is linked to the happiness of finding just what you need for your home. It

generates the joy of being able to own it without having to forsake everything else. That

is why we spend most of our days finding ways to keep prices low.

However, we also need to keep in consideration that we are not a manufacturing

company. So, the price level cannot be controlled according to our own will and our

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effort. Still, we reduce the price through having a minimum level of shipping and

importing cost and some other variable and overhead cost.



1. Furniture is a very common and demanding item for households. During the last

few years many furniture shops have been growing in every local areas of the

Dhaka city. So, it is easy to understand that there are a large number of

competitors in the industry.

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Business Strategy

Our strategy is to reach the market niche: This is undoubtedly a challenging job for a

firm to run a merchandising furniture firm in a third world country like Bangladesh ;

because the difficulty to raise up the initial business and the ultimate risk to face a loss is

quite usual here. However, as a business firm we are bound to deal with the

corresponding difficulties and risks.

The very first thing we have focused on here is our target market. We have segmented

our target market to make it concise enough so that we could serve to it with all our

efforts. As we have mentioned earlier, it is the upper middle and upper class people in the

society who we are going to serve to. The purchasing power of this segment certainly

matches our offered level of price. At the same time, we are offering them the products

they want with some importance. Taking up the cost associated with importing goods and

running the business in consideration, we have found this section of the society as our

desired consumer group who has surely got the taste and ability to buy our products.

Our company mainly imports furniture made of Plywood. The Plywood-made furniture is

relatively cheaper as far as the production cost is concerned. This makes our job a bit

easier as we look for offer something before our target consumers with a relatively lower

cost. Moreover, though the furniture industry in Bangladesh is a rapidly growing one, still

we have found not more than 100 stores who are selling plywood furniture. WE are not

sure, but it may be because of the scarcity of corresponding raw materials and converting

and polishing instruments. However, the usage of plywood furniture has increased to a

mentionable extent due to the user-friendliness of Plywood thanks to some prominent

local furniture manufacturing companies like OTOBI.

Now, considering the escalating popularity and the relatively less availability compared

to the present and forecasted future demand, we have decided to serve this underserved

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market. This attempt might reduce the array of competition for us which is not ignorable

at any how since we are at the ‘probationary’ stage in the horizon of furniture business. It

is no deny the fact that we cannot expect an initial success at a very high scale. However,

A considerable amount as our initial revenue is also expected which is included in our

preliminary business strategy. This strategy has been set because we need to reach our

break-even with one & a half a year

Since we are focusing on quality, we have to be realistic enough to get ready for

receiving some initial losses and a slow initial growth rate. We need to take some time to

reach up to the ‘circle of preference’ of our consumers. It is apparent that we have to face

a very huge challenge from our giant competitors at the very initial stage. So the first two

or three months are going to be crucial.

We are dividing our operational period into quarters each of which lengths six months

here. It means, we have forecast six months as our first quarter. So we need to import

furniture for first six months and the first slot of our import wouldn’t include that much


We aim to start our business from January 2006 and accordingly our first quarter would

end up by June. During this period, our main target would be to get promote our

organization as an emerging and an evolving one and make people aware of what we are

doing. By this time, we start selling our products which were accumulated into inventory

by the time we aim to launch our product.

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The Marketing


Our marketing mix mainly depends on the product, but we are also putting high pressure

on advertising, and also maintaining our channels. We will also justify our price with the

value the customers will get by using our product. Our objectives and roles of each

element of the marketing mix are clearly specified and they are described below.


Our product marketing will emphasize the benefits of our unique combination of

technological expertise and fine furniture craftsmanship. We will sell pride of ownership

and workmanship, along with prestige. That will come out in our packaging, finishing,

shipping, and collaterals.

Since trendy furniture are already in the market it will not be that hard to make the

consumers of our product understand the value of it. What our main job is here is to let

people know that our client’s product is the best they will find where not only the fashion

is kept in mind but high class quality is added to it. The Furniture includes all sort of

home furniture. A list is provided below:

1. Bedroom furniture.

2. Kitchen furniture.

3. Study furniture.

4. Drawing/ living room.

5. Dining room.

6. Others


Our promotion strategy is based mainly on making the right information available to the

right target customer. We cannot afford to sell our expensive products to people, because

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most do not have the budget. What we really want to do is make sure that those who have

the budget and appreciate the product know that it exists, and know where to find it.

The marketing has to convey the sense of quality in every picture, every promotion, and

every publication. We cannot afford to appear in second-rate catalogs with poor

illustrations that make the product look less than it is. We also need to leverage our

presence using high-quality catalogs.

Newspaper: The Daily Star and Prothom Alo are the two premier papers we have

considered. These two papers are the most popular papers and are preferred by our target

audience. These advertisements will be given on the first page for the first month and

then on the third page for the next month also after that special advertisement will be

made on special occasions.

Banners: We will have about 20 banners all over Gulshan, Banani, Dhanmondi and

Baridhara. Since Banners are relatively cheap and do catch attention we have chosen this

media for Kraft Furniture advertisement. These banners will be placed near shops,

important roads, offices, clubs and restaurants.

Billboards: There will be two still billboards and one electronic billboard. The electronic

bill board will be three dimensional. They will be placed on Gulshan 1, Gulshan 2 and

Kamal Ataturk Avenue


We are having a single showroom at Panthapath. This is our only showroom through

which we are running our business and dealing with our various customers. As we are a

merchandiser organization, we have several big dealers abroad. Moreover, we also have

contacts with some local manufacturers and distributors also for the convenience of

getting different repairing materials.


We believe that by targeting the mid-level market, we can successfully occupy an

emerging niche that other channels of distribution have not been able to target. So we are

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eyeing for relatively moderately priced products. However the products will be composed

of high class material and the designs will be unique. We will be able to justify our

pricing strategy by providing quality and useful products. The pricing strategy is based on

the following aspects:

Levels of pricing

Acceptability of price

Customers’ price sensitivity

Pricing method

Payment Methods


Levels of Price:

As told before our price level will be moderately relative to that of our competitors, but

justification of this price is the high quality, elegant, and the prestige of these products.

To make a high quality product the materials, service should be up to the mark. This will

increase our product cost. So charging relatively high price is justifiable.

Acceptability of price:

The main risk involving in this pricing strategy is whether our target market accepts this

price. The researches show us they will. People we are targeting are actually in the trend

of acquiring prestigious products, and we will be making sure that our products will bring

prestige and pride to one’s abode.

Customers’ price sensitivity:

Our target markets price sensitivity is also one of the main concerns of our company, but

again when buying prestigious product customers tends to be fewer prices sensitive but

more brand concerns. We will try to build a good brand name and sell by the company

name rather than the product itself.

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Pricing method:

We will be targeting for value based pricing. We will be setting the price based on

buyer’s perception of value rather than on the seller’s cost. The prestige, pride of having

our product will increase the perceived value of acquiring this product. We will be eyeing

for that perceived value.

Payment Methods:

Mainly we will be accepting cash payments, no check payment will be accepted only

except for special cases. We will also be accepting different credit cards. We will be

offering installment payment under specific conditions like time, interest rate etc.

Discounts: We are also targeting to put special discount on the products price in special

occasions like the Eid etc.

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There are three functional departments in Kraft Furniture. Our functional

departments are Administration, Purchase and Sales & Marketing. Three of the partners

of Kraft Furniture will perform role of the department head of three functional

departments. 4th partner of Kraft Furniture will work as Chief Monitoring Officer. He will

monitor 3 functional departments.

The target customers of KRAFT furniture will come from middle and upper

middle class of the society. They give more priority to user friendly appliances than the

luxurious products. We are giving these convenient products at a reasonable price so that

the targeted customers can afford it.

All the partners will formulate a grand strategy for Kraft furniture. After that each

department will individually develop his strategic plans. According to their plans, they

will go for implementation. Every partner will be responsible for their steps taken for

their own department. After the evaluation from the CMO, department head will take the

corrective action if needed.

Chief Monitoring Officer will take the necessary steps needed for arranging a

loan from bank. He will finance the purchasing department. He will provide all the

expenses of running the business. He will monitor the total cash inflow and out flow. He

will have the largest share in the business.

The Administration Department will issue the Trade License from Dhaka City

Corporation. He will do the Vat registration from the Vat Department. He will also

arrange the TIN (tax identification number) for Kraft Furniture. He will arrange the IRC

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(Import Registration Certificate) from CCI&E. head of the administrative department will

recruit the employees needed to run Kraft Furniture. He will also monitor their training

He will evaluate their job performance and have a strong control over them. He will also

monitor the infrastructure development and the home delivery system.

Head of the purchase department will deal with the foreign suppliers and

wholesalers. He will deal with the C&F agent (clearing and forwarding agent).

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Projected profit and loss


Initial Investment:

Land 6,000,000

Building 800,000

Interior Decoration 200,000

Generator 100,000

Total 7,100,000

Projected Income Statement (For a Month):Sales (15000*30) 450,000

Cost of Goods Sold (5000* 30) 150,000 Gross Profit 300,000

Other Expenses: Salary Expense 100,000

Utility expense 10,000

Advertising expense 15,000

Miscellaneous expense 10,000

Total 135,000

Net Profit 165,000

Break Even AnalysisFixed Cost 7100000Variable Cost (Per month) 165,000Revenue (Per Month) 300,000

BEP = FC/(R-VC) 52.6 Months or 4.4 years

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Break Even Point







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We believe that by targeting the high-end market, we can successfully occupy an

emerging niche that other channels of distribution have not been able to target, but still

the risk involved is quite high. It accentuate when it is considered that we are targeting a

concentrated market, but our uphill struggle and uncompromising of quality will be

ensured. The Marketing Plan will guide us through the whole process. The whole

campaign is designed in such a way that we are very much hopeful that it will bring the

targeted customers to the store and they will help us to increase our sales.



The executive furniture market is steadily increasing at an average calculated annual

growth rate of 7.75 percent. With this in mind, our marketing programs will expand

accordingly. The addition of an internally created catalog will allow Kraft High Class

Home Furniture to market to this expanding number of potential customers. Sales will

increase accordingly, providing working capital for internal product development,

marketing department growth, and Internet development. A presence on the Internet will

be a key milestone to expanding sales and marketing potentials through the utilization of

new channels.

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