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Business Booklet Chase excellence – Success will follow

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Booklet Chapters Diversity& Inclusion


Leadership Sales


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Customer Chapter 1

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Empathize, Apologize, Appreciate, Assure, Confirm, Selectively agree, Set limits

1/ Empathize Show acceptance not necessarily agreement for what the customer said or experienced. Use it when a customer..

Expresses a concern - Expresses a strong feeling -Describes a bad experience

2/ Apologize Express sincere personal regret for the bad experience, If appropriate apologize on behalf of the organization

without blaming anyone. Use it when a customer..

Complains about the organization - Complains about an individual

3/ Appreciate Show appreciation for customer feedback or actions that help you understand and resolve the situation.

Use it when a customer..

Makes an accommodation - Brings a problem to the light

4/ Assure Let the customer know you are ready and willing to help and will personally follow through. Use it when a customer..

Complaints in a forceful or skeptical way - Is worried and needs assurance

The Seven Defusing Techniques

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Empathize, Apologize, Appreciate, Assure, Confirm, Selectively agree, Set limits

5/ Confirm Check your understanding of what the customer said or what actually happened. Use it when a customer..

Is worried - Is complaining - Is confused - Has provided a lot of information

6/ Selectively agree Agree with at least one thing the customer said. Use it when a customer..

Attacks you - Attacks the work - Attacks the organization

7/ Set limits Make statements that let the customer know that certain words or behaviors and always use a positive

supportive tone of voice. Use it when a customer..

Is aggressive - Makes personal remarks

Based on the Experience the employees should receive it from practicing on the

defusing techniques, they can deal with the customers professionally and

work in their future problems

The Seven Defusing Techniques

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Customer Complaints are Inevitable If you run a business that sells to the public no matter how great your goods or services are

the old adage will eventually be proven true: You cannot please 100% of the people 100% of the time

When one of your customers complains, handle it by giving their complaints your full attention so that you can resolve the issue

Because there is an adage in our Retail called: The Complaint Is a Gift

How We Can Handle Our Customers?! 1/ LISTEN

Whenever you set out to handle a customer complaint the first thing that you must do is Listen

Listen to the customer to figure out why they are upset?

Listen to the customer to determine whether any of your policies were not abided by or if this is

something outside or not contemplated by your systems?

2/ Understand Next... Put yourself in the shoes of the customer

Given what you now know try and see their point of view, Why did they come to you?

Until you view the issue from their perspective you cannot have a complete picture of the reason for the

complaint. So always think, If I was in their shoes how would I feel?

Customer Handling Techniques

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3/ Asking Question

Ask questions to clarify the problems and the causes?! Many times the problem may not be with the price, merchandise or service, but with an employee's negative attitude while dealing with the customer, If the language is a problem, find someone that

speaks the customer's language for clear communication to expedite matters

4/ Take action Offer options to allow the customer some control over the outcome

Say what you can do, not what you can’t do! The Resolution could be in the form of a replacement, refund, store credit or discount on price

If the customer's request can be met, explain the time it takes to process or what it will

entail to make it happen

5/ Follow Up Call the customer to see that the problem was adequately

resolved to the customer’s complete satisfaction When a date is given to the customer, make sure the date is kept or the delay is

explained by a follow-up call or email

Customer Handling Techniques

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The L.E.A.R.N Principle When you are talking to a complaining customer - You could apply the LEARN principle

You may think that the customer is calling upon you to have his troubles resolved

LISTEN Listen carefully to your customer, don't interrupt or tell the customer to calm down

EMPATHIZE Feel the pain of the customer, and tell him that you can understand how they feel

APOLOGIZE Apologize to the customer, even if you feel that you have no part in the problem

REACT Decide what you will do to resolve the problem, and tell this to the customer

NOW Do not delay and take immediate action

Because the longer you wait, the harder it is to produce outstanding

LEARN Principle

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Customer Focus is something that is different for every business Many business leaders are considering using the idea of a customer focus to ramp up business and appeal to their client base

Steps! 1/ Evaluation

Evaluate what goods or services you provide to a customer base Your customer focus ideas are going to be the key of products or services that you offer

2/ Feedback Use customer feedback tools to get information about your customers

One of the essential starting points for developing a customer focus is to get the information that you need to figure out what your customers are like, and what appeals to them.

Similar to other kinds of market research, Customer Focus research helps business leaders to develop goals and objectives

Customer Focus

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3/ Practice Another big aspect of developing a customer focus for a business is to make sure the

understand of the roles in approaching the business with a customer focus

You should practice and train for all the elements of Customer Service

Customer Focus is about keeping attention on the customers, their needs and their value

4/ Giveaways

Consider providing customer Giveaways& Incentives Whether they are in the form of temporary sale offers, or targeted giveaway programs

are often a major part of customer focus

When business leadership members have identified what customers like, they can use these items to reach out to their base further

Customer Focus

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Sales Chapter 2

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Selling is offering to exchange an item of value for a different item The original item of value being offered may be either tangible or intangible, the second item, usually money,

is most often seen by the seller as being of equal or greater value than that being offered for sale

Sales techniques are used in majority of sectors such as retail, marketing, and communication

The techniques and skills of sales are teachable to anyone who has the desire to learn

However, there are a few natural skills that are of great benefit if they already

exist within those that want to be successful in sales

So what skills are needed to be

a successful salesperson?

Sales Basics

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1/ Effective Communicator

Communication is the ability to speak clearly and in a manner that is easy to understand

Sales is all about talking to people and getting them

to understand what you are trying to communicate!

Sales Basics

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2/ Ability to Listen Along with speaking, a great salesperson knows when to stop talking and listen

They NEVER cut someone off while they are talking

Because in doing so they would fail to hear a key element

in identifying what that Customer's Needs might be!

Sales Basics

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4/ Problem Solver

Great salespeople are always solving problems The ability to search on what the buyer's problem is and offering suggestions

that will effectively solve the problem with respect to what products

or services you sell, generally results with a sale

Sales Basics

3/ Asks Great Questions Salespeople are naturally inquisitive and know that in order

to know what the real need or desire is in the buyer

They need to ask questions that will lead them to the answer

They naturally ask questions because they have a desire to help solve

their problem

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5/ Well Organized Sales people have a keen ability to break things down into smaller steps and organize a plan of action

They know how to analyze what their goal is and in what order the

steps need to be in in order to reach that GOAL..

Sales Basics

6/ Self-Starter and Self-Finisher A successful sales person moves

forward on their own They never need anyone to tell them when it is time to go to work because

they know that if they do not work they will not earn

They achieve their goals, even if they are small ones

7/ Positive Self Image Having the attitude that they can do just

about anything that they put their mind to is usually very common among sales people They rarely allow negatives that are either

spoken to them or about them to effect what they are trying to accomplish

BECAUSE they know who they are

and what they are capable of doing

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8/ Naturally Persuasive and Person of Integrity Another very common skill with great salespeople is that they are very persuasive

or know how to get what they want They focus on what they want and they are

persistent to keep chipping away until they get what they want

They almost never give up or give in

Sales Basics

Also a salesperson without integrity will have many struggles which will often include hopping

from job to job

Honesty in sales is so important

and it is almost impossible for this skill to be taught

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The Five Types of Customers

In the Retail Industry it seems as though we are constantly trying to find a New Customers

Most of us are obsessed with making sure our advertising, displays, and pricing to attract New Customers

This focus on pursuing new customers is certainly prudent and necessary, But at the same time it can wind up hurting us, therefore our focus really should be

on the percent of our customers who currently are our best customers

Loyal Customers They represent no more than 20 percent of our customer base, but make up more than 50 percent of our sales

Discount Customers They shop our stores frequently, but make their decisions based on the size of our markdowns

Payments Customers They do not have buying a particular item at the top of their “To Do” list, but come into

the store on a while, they will purchase what seems good at the time

Need-Based Customers They have a specific intention to buy a particular type of item

Wandering Customers They have no specific need or desire in mind when they come into the store

Customers Types

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There will be times when you have done everything right and didn’t get the Sale

AND probably sometimes you made some mistakes and got the Sale anyway

Here are a few avoidable mistakes that

should help you close more deals!

Why Some Sales Don’t Happen

Giving the client too many choices

Not getting to the real decision maker

Getting there too late

Not listening carefully enough

Making a tactical or technical mistake

Failing to meet your commitments

Failing to identify an objection

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Your customers will have differing needs and wants However customers have common expectations for your treatment

They always expect a level of service that they think is appropriate for their value and their type of purchase and

they always need to feel WELCOME

Sales Excellence

Use a pleasant greeting with a

SMILE Be actively engaged in the conversation Maintain a positive and upbeat tone of voice

Use the customers title and Introduce yourself Ask if there is anything else you can help them with

Appreciate the customer’s problem

Thank the customer for his


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Individuals working in the business environment often use

persuasion and negotiating skills to advance their company's

operations and achieve business goals or objectives

Persuasion& Negotiation are often seen as soft skills..

Which typically represent the intangible abilities individuals bring to companies

While some individuals may have natural soft skills, others may need to work on developing them

The More time you give yourself,

The More information you can gather about their true needs

Negotiation and Diplomatic Skills of Persuasion

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Principles for Negotiation The most important person to know in a negotiation is YOURSELF

Success in negotiation is directly related to the preparation

Your first offer should never be your final offer Everyone has power in a Negotiation

Don't negotiate with yourself - Don't be afraid to take a risk

Don't talk out of company - Control your emotions

Don't get personal - Take your time

The agreement is the END

Reminder.. The greatest failure in negotiation is failing to negotiate

Even when two sides are far apart on major issues, there are always things they can agree upon

Negotiation and Diplomatic Skills of Persuasion

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Leadership Chapter 3

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Coach, Role Model, Counselor, Supporter, Guide

Do these words ring a bell? Being a coach involves being a role model, sometimes a counselor

or supporter, and always a guide

Coaching is based on a partnership that involves giving both support

and challenging opportunities to employees


What, when and why?

What? Unlocking a person’s potential to maximise their own performance

Helping them to learn rather than teaching them

When? Through out the performance dialogue process, except for disciplinary issues

and where time doesn’t allow for quality coaching

Why? For Company, Employee& Managers

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Goal setting What do you want?

Set an end goal and smaller session goals to ensure coaching is output-focused and potential is reached

Reality What is happening now? Understand and check the real situation to encourage

honest and open thinking, without Judgement

Coaching Structure

Options What could you do?

Create a list of as many alternative courses of action as possible, however ‘possible’ they may seem

Will What will you do?

Turn discussion into actions with realistic commitment

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Being an Effective Coach Imagine someone you think is an Ideal Coach

What characteristics do they demonstrate? Supportive, Interested, Available, Good listener, Not judgemental, Aware

Self-aware, Pays attention, Remembers, Honest and Goal-focused

You Don’t Need To Be An EXPERT To Be An Effective Coach Just help your coaches by being there, only offer advice if requested

Effective Coach

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The way we communicate with others and with ourselves ultimately determines the quality of our lives

Communication, think of how differently you feel when someone approaches

you with a smile and a compliment as opposed to a complaint

The Basic 3Cs of Communication

Clarity - Consistency - Confidence

1/ Clarity

When your message is clear and straight forward people like it

They know where they are? They TRUST what you say and they UNDERSTAND what to do

However, in business: we all know people whose comments

can be misunderstood or maybe even misleading

Communication 3Cs

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2/ Consistency We all doing reacts, statements, direction, instruction and sending-receiving messages all day

Which is consistent it’s seem to fit the normal style of behavior within the limits of people’s expectations

Nothing is more disconcerting to prospects than hearing one story from one communications channel and then reading a different version of the story someplace else

They don't know which version to believe, reestablish who you are with every customer interaction

Reinforce your STORY as often as possible

3/ Confidence

Did they believe you? Did u believe yourself? Displayed confidence in communication is Essential, It is a key signal that your team will read and react well to

Be Sure, certain and happy with your decisions before you announce them to the team

communicate from the heart

Communication 3Cs

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Changes are never far from our door Change isn't easy but, it often provides an opportunity to grow in life.. You can cope with it!

Be Prepared

Life is full of unexpected surprises Don't let this be a lesson you refuse to learn Loss, and strange situations will be a part of

your life, no matter how much you may try to protect yourself from it

The major key to Coping with Change

is to begin by accepting the REALITY of change and its inevitability..

Coping with Change

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Notice the Signs Many a time we refuse to see what is before us

The Re-Structuring of the place we work at, the pointed

comments about things needing to be different, to avoid surprise or shock at the last minute, stay alert, listen and register the signs of oncoming change

Coping with Change

Putting in place options to

Cope with Change ahead of the actual change can help you to not only deal with it

but potentially


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Team Work

Teamwork is the ability to work together with others as a member of a group

Teamwork relies on several key factors:

The ability to Listen and Communicate The ability to work Co-Operatively

A leader or leaders with good team based skills

Group members who are willing to do their share of tasks

The ability to solve problems and work towards a common goal

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Team management refers to techniques, processes and tools

for organizing a group of individuals working towards a common goal

Build Your Management Team

Building your team demands matching jobs to People's Strengths That means giving people responsibilities according to skill level, not based on how close a friend they

are, or how closely related they are to you, or whether you just like their sunny personality

That includes YOU as well--don't give yourself an

impressive title and job unless you're right for the job The fact is, many smart entrepreneurs hire their own boss when they realize their skills lie elsewhere in the company

Team Management

A- Build Your Management Team

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Conducting Effective One-to-Ones

There are a number of ways managers can ensure they are doing everything they can to

keep their employees happy and therefore productive, sometimes this requires the

moon, and sometimes this requires only a new chair

But sometimes, it only requires a good discussion and reassessment of goals!

What’s important is that you know what it takes,

and how you can reach them?

In Conducting One-to-Ones ..

The Goal is to move beyond your role as a manager

And be an available ear for your staff, ready to discuss and resolve performance concerns, and just generally talk about work, Not only are you setting goals in these meetings, you are

also tracking their progress in achieving these goals; making you their biggest fan!

Team Management

B- Conducting One-to-Ones

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When managing performance, you should focus on your best people

These are the ones who are actually holding your operation together A top performer is probably worth 4 or 5 times as much as each of your average performers

Whether they're generating sales, making important strategic decisions, or handling difficult technical

problems, your top-performing employees are the keys to the success of your business

Lets face it.. if you have some really excellent performers, you had better make sure

you retain them, the cost of replacing them is a huge negative, not to mention the fact

that you may not be able to find another who is anywhere near as good.

Team Management

C- Manage Top Performers

• Listen, Support and Train • Challenging and interesting work • A chance to learn and grow • Clarify the next objective • Good rapport with co-workers • Fair pay • Be a great leader

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If you have an individual members of your team performing less well than you'd hoped?

You have to get to the root of the problem before anything you will do But because employee performance affects our organization performance, we want to look for a quick fix

These types of solutions focus largely on the ability of the person performing the job

Performance, though, is a function of both ability and motivation

Performance = Ability x Motivation Ability is the person's attitude, as well as the training and resources supplied by the organization

Motivation is the product of desire and commitment

Someone with 100 percent motivation and 75 performance ability can often achieve above-average performance, but a worker with only 25 percent ability won't be able to achieve the type of

performance you expect, regardless of his or her level of motivation

Team Management

D- Manage Poor Performers

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So, before you can fix poor performance, you have to understand the case and find the root of the problem for each one of them..

May it come from lack of ability or low motivation? Incorrect diagnoses can lead to lots of problems later on, if you believe an employee is not

making enough of an effort, you'll likely put increased pressure on them to perform

But if the real issue is ability, then increased pressure may only make the problem worse

Poor performance may be associated with the following

Team Management

E- Diagnosing Poor Performance

Over-difficult tasks - Low individual skill, and knowledge Evidence of strong effort, despite poor performance

People with low ability may have been poorly matched with jobs in the first place, they may have been promoted to a

position that's too demanding for them Or maybe they no longer have the support that

previously helped them to perform well.

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Successful businesses are built around people You need to keep your team always motivated and working toward a common goal

However, motivating your employees is not an easy task and requires a strategic plan, once you learn how to

motivate a team you should also be prepared to embrace them and use them on a regular basis

How to motivate your team?

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A/ Explain the positive outcomes of achieving the objective By incorporating this team motivating step, you are putting the control of their future compensation into their own hands

B/ Build a sense of curiosity within your team member's mindsets So that that they are interested enough to want to achieve the goals you expect; By doing this, your team members will

want to learn more, this can be achieved if you understand what interests your team members

C/ Establish a plan of action that requires cooperation between them So that they are forced to work together to achieve that goal, this may just mean that a project is divided into tasks that need to

be accomplished by each member of the team

D/ Challenge your team members to achieve an objective Make sure that they understand what you expect as a goal, don't set them up to fail

Establish a realistic goal and provide a tool that shows their progress as they get closer to attaining that goal

E/ Create a competitive environment Inspire your team members to achieve their goals; Make a friendly competition

F/ Put your team members in control of their own destiny You can have an objective that needs to be met, but passing that sense of control over each of your team members

will give them the feeling that achieving the goal is something they want done

G- Design a tool for recognition when motivating your team By doing this, team members know that their individual efforts will be noticed and not lost as a team effort

This will inspire all members to do their share

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The Emotional Intelligence represents is an ability to validly

reason with emotions and to use emotions to enhance thought

The Four Branch Model of Emotional Intelligence The four branch model of emotional intelligence describes four areas

of capacities or skills that collectively describe many of areas of emotional intelligence

Emotional Intelligence

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What Are the Four Branches?

1/ PERCEIVING EMOTION Facial expressions such as happiness, sadness, anger, and fear were universally recognizable in human beings

The capacity to accurately perceive emotions in the face or voice of others provides

a crucial starting point for more advanced understanding of emotions

2/ USING EMOTIONS TO FACILITATE THOUGHT The second area appeared every bit as basic as the first

This was the capacity of the emotions to enter into and guide the cognitive system and promote thinking

Having a good system of emotional input, therefore, should helped direct thinking

toward matters that are truly important

Emotional Intelligence

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What Are the Four Branches?

3/ UNDERSTANDING EMOTIONS Happiness usually indicates a desire to join with other people; anger indicates a desire

to attack or harm others; fear indicates a desire to escape, and so forth Each emotion conveys its own pattern of possible messages, and actions associated with those messages

Understanding emotional messages and the actions associated with them is one important aspect of this area

Emotional Intelligence

4/ MANAGING EMOTIONS Finally, emotions often can be managed A person needs to understand emotions convey information

In between, within the person's emotional comfort zone, it becomes possible to regulate and manage one's own and others' emotions so as to promote one's own and others' personal and social goals

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Management Chapter 4

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Everyone is given 24 hours everyday to work, to eat, to sleep

And to do the things they want to do, we all have the same amount of time to live

as we please and to get our work done, BUT Why is it that there are people who are more productive than us?

Why is it that they can complete projects earlier than we do?

How to Manage Tasks Efficiently ?!

Efficiency is about doing things quickly and still producing the same excellent results

It is about maximizing productivity without sacrificing quality In task management, this is necessary in order for you to complete your

work the soonest time possible so you can then focus on other tasks

Time Management

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How to mange your task efficiently? Keep a Clean Working Environment

This includes arranging your workstation and organizing your files, when everything is spic and span,

your motivation to work will be improved, this also helps clear your mind of clutter

Take a Break When your mind is all stressed out, it is difficult to be efficient

You need to be clear headed when doing your work otherwise you might miss out on important stuff

The break you need would depend on the level of stress and effort you are exerting for a particular task

You can take a short 15-minute break or even an entire day off, once you get back,

you will feel more refreshed to continue your work.

Stay away from Distractions Unnecessary interruptions will not do any good in terms of managing your task so steer clear of these as much as possible

Set aside a time for them and when that is over, be firm in your resolution to get the job done first before anything else

Keep the Lights on When you are in a properly lit working environment, you will be more focused and will be alert

Productivity is increased when you are in a well-lighted room

Time Management

A- Manage Tasks Efficiently

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Time Management

B- The Urgent/Important Matrix

Great time management means being effective as well as efficient Managing time effectively, and achieving the things that you want to achieve, means

spending your time on things that are important and not just urgent

How You Can Do It ?! You need to distinguish clearly between

What is Urgent and, what is Important ?

IMPORTANT These are activities that lead to the achieving your

goals and have the greatest impact on your life

URGENT These activities demand immediate attention, but

are often associated with someone else’s goals rather than our own

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The Urgent/Important Matrix is a powerful way of organizing tasks based on priorities

Here is a diagram of the Urgent/Important matrix

A-Urgent and Important Activities in this area relate to dealing with critical issues as they arise and meeting significant

commitments, perform these duties now

B-Important, but not Urgent These success-oriented tasks are critical to achieving goals, plan to do these tasks next

C-Urgent, but not Important These tasks do not move you forward toward your own goals, manage by delaying them,

cutting them short and rejecting requests from others, postponed these tasks

D-Not Urgent and not Important These trivial interruptions are just a distraction, and should be avoided if possible

However, be careful not to mislabeled things like time with family and recreational activities

as not important, you should avoid these distractions altogether

Time Management

B- The Urgent/Important Matrix

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Nine Ways to Overcome Procrastination Your ability to select your most important task at any given moment,

and then to start on that task and get it done both quickly and well Will probably have greatest impact on your success than any other quality or skill you can develop

Here are some ways to get moving on those tough tasks

Time Management

C- Procrastination

Do it now - Delegate - Delete it

Give yourself a reward Remove distractions Have clear deadlines Obey the 15 min rule

Ask for advice

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Delegation is the assignment of authority and responsibility to another person Normally from a Manager or a Leader to carry out specific activities

It means getting work done through others and, it is an investment in a person for future rather than a means of getting a single task done at a particular point in time

Delegation is a very helpful aid for succession planning, personal

development - and seeking and encouraging promotion

It's how we grow in the job


Why delegate? Allow time for managerial duties to achieve more

Develop skills of team members Increases team members involvement

Produces faster, more effective decisions Increases flexibility of operation Exchange trusts and experience

Enables us to gain experience to take on higher responsibilities

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The Steps of Successful Delegation Define the Task

Confirm in your own mind that the task is suitable to be delegated

Select the Individual or Team What are your reasons for delegating to this person or team?

Assess Ability and Training Needs Is the other person or team of people capable of doing the task?

Explain the Reasons You must explain why the job or responsibility is being delegated

Required Results What must be achieved? And How will the task be measured?

Consider Resources Required Discuss and agree what is required to get the job done

Agree Deadlines When must the job be finished? Or if an ongoing duty, when are the review dates?

Support and Communicate Think about who else needs to know what's going on, and inform them

Feedback on Results It is essential to let the person know how they are doing, and whether they have achieved their aims


Delegation Steps

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Strategic Planning is a tool to help an individual develop long-term direction and create a framework to establish objectives

Strategic goals should be reviewed annually and revised every three to five years

The Basic Steps of Strategic Planning

Strategic Planning

A- Problem Solving& Decision Making

Prepare To Plan Define and Review company Vision, Mission, Activities and Values

Identify Strategic Issues Develop Strategic Goals& Objectives

Create Implementation Plans To Achieve Goals & Carry Out Objectives

Monitor and Evaluate Periodically

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Much of what managers and supervisors do is solve problems and make decisions

They are Under the Gun stressed and very short for time

Consequently, when they encounter a new problem or decision they must make, they react with a decision that seemed

to work before, it's easy with this approach to get stuck in a circle of solving the same problem over and over again

Basic Guidelines to Problem Solving and Decision Making

Strategic Planning

A- Problem Solving& Decision Making

A/ Define the Problem This is often where people struggle

They react to what they think the problem is

instead.. Seek to understand

more about why you think there's a problem

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Strategic Planning

A- Problem Solving& Decision Making

B/ Prioritize the Problems If you discover that you are looking at several

related problems, then prioritize which ones you should address first

Note the difference between "important" and "urgent" problems Often, what we consider to be important problems to

consider are really just urgent problems

Important problems deserve more attention

To Define Your Problem You Should Ask Your Self First Some Questions?

What can you see that causes you to think there's a problem?

Where, When, How& With whom is it happening?

But.. Don't jump to "Who is causing the problem?" Because when we're stressed, blaming is often

one of our first reactions.. To be an effective manager, you need to address issues more than people

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Strategic Planning

A- Problem Solving& Decision Making

C/ Look at Potential Causes for the Problem Write down what your opinions and what you've heard from others

Regarding what you think might be performance problems associated with an employee, it's often useful to seek advice from a peer or your supervisor in order to verify your impression of the problem

Write down a description of the cause of the problem and in terms of

what is happening, where, when, how, with whom and why?

D/ Plan the Implementation of the Best Cause Your Action Plan

What steps should be taken to implement the best solution to solving the problem?

What systems or processes should be changed in your organization? What resources will you need in terms of people, money and facilities?

How much time will you need to implement the solution? Communicate the plan to those who will involved in implementing

Continually observation and feedback

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Strategic Planning

A- Problem Solving& Decision Making

E/ Monitor Implementation of the Plan

Monitor is the indicators of success If the plan is not being followed as expected, then consider.. Was the plan realistic?

Are there sufficient resources to accomplish the plan on schedule?

F/ Verify the Problem

Verify if the problem has been

resolved or not One of the best ways to verify if a problem has been solved or not is to resume normal operations in the organization

Consider writing a brief memo that highlights the success of the problem solving effort, and

what you learned as a result

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Strategic Planning

B- Goal& Objective Setting

You have to decide what you want first of all

Have a good plan of attack Start small, but keep walking Complete with time and dates

Be Positive when stating your goals

Don’t underestimate yourself Remember that some fears are unfounded

Write it down - Affirm it Start inculcating the habit of liking something

Plan ahead, So you can get ahead..

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Performance Measurement

Performance Measurement is the process of collecting, analyzing and

reporting information regarding the performance of an individual, group, or organization

Performance Measurement tell us something important about our

products, services, and the processes that produce them

They are a tool to help us understand, manage,

and improve what our organizations do

Performance measures let us know.. How well we are doing

If our processes are in statistical control

If we are meeting our goals If and where improvements are necessary

If our customers are satisfied

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Performance Measurement

Most performance measures can be grouped into one of the following six general categories

However, certain organizations may develop their own categories as appropriate depending on the organization's mission

1/ Effectiveness A process characteristic indicating the degree to which the process output (work product)

conforms to requirements

Are we doing the right things?

2/ Efficiency A process characteristic indicating the degree to which the process produces the required

output at minimum resource cost

Are we doing things right?

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Performance Measurement

5/ Quality The degree to

which a product or service meets

customer requirements &


3/ Timeliness Measures whether a unit of work was done correctly and on time

Criteria must be established to define what constitutes timeliness for a given unit of work, the criterion is usually based on customer requirements

4/ Productivity The value added by the process divided by the

value of the labor& capital


6/ Safety Measures the overall health of the organization and the

working environment of its employees

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Meeting Management

What Meetings are? To come together with a specific purpose at a particular time

Benefits of Meetings Ideas are expressed and discussed

People can communicate on an open platform Allow for employees to demonstrate creativity and problem solving ability

How to Effectively Manage Meetings?

•Have an Agenda •Define meeting objectives •Following the outlined activities on the agenda •Do not leave anything uncovered •Keeping the minutes of the meeting

Meetings are used in many ways in the world today..

The only way that meetings can be made effective is if they are Managed Correctly

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What is the difference between.. Leadership and Management?

Leadership Is setting a new direction or vision for a group that they follow

a leader is the spearhead for that new direction

Management Controls or directs people/resources in a group according to principles

or values that have already been established

Leadership and Management

The DIFFERENT between

them can be illustrated by considering what happens

when you have one without the other!

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Leadership Combined With Management It both sets a new direction and manages the resources to achieve it

Leadership and Management

Leadership without Management Sets a direction or vision that others follow without considering too much how the new

direction is going to be achieved

Management without Leadership Controls resources to maintain the status or ensure things happen according to already

established plans

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All the Success

MoatazBellah Magdi

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