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Page 2: Business Etiquette and Professionalism

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Business Etiquette and Professionalism

KeyPoints to develop in your own time!

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The information gathered here are under the format of KeyPoints for readers to develop in their own time. Some tips on how to proceed, perhaps:

- Identify all the Keypoints on which you feel a need to expand your knowledge.

- Choose a good book or two or info from Internet and then work towards gaining the needed knowledge.

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Page 3: Business Etiquette and Professionalism

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To introduce the reader or the learner to today’s business etiquette and professionalism

Aim of publication

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(Section 1) Everyday Business Etiquette – Summary

☺ The rules of proper business etiquette are changing.

☺ In many corporations, middle management and the concept of seniority are being replaced by a flat organizational structure and intense competition.

☺ Such an environment makes the need for appropriate behavior especially crucial, particularly if you're looking to advance your career.

☺ How do you maintain your private "space" when you sit in one of a dozen cubicles?

☺ How should you address your peers and superiors, and what's the proper attire for today's corporate culture?

☺ In this publication, you'll learn how to conduct yourself in the everyday business environment with poise and confidence.

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After going through the KeyPoints outlined in this publication, the reader should be able to:

☺ Have a grasp of Everyday Business Etiquette☺ Recognize Communication Etiquette☺ Link Etiquette and the Business Meeting☺ Understand Etiquette for Supervisors

Learning Objectives

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☺ Everyday Business Etiquette

☺ Communication Etiquette

☺ Etiquette and the Business Meeting

☺ Etiquette for Supervisors

Business Etiquette and Professionalism - Sections list

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(Section 1) Everyday Business Etiquette – HighPoints

☺ Fitting In: The Basics of Everyday Etiquette

☺ Team Players: Etiquette and Your Co-workers

☺ Etiquette and Sensitive Situations

☺ Who's in Charge? Leading, Following, and Etiquette

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(Section 1) HighPoints – Fitting In: The Basics of Everyday Etiquette

☺ recognize the importance of understanding the basics of business etiquette.

☺ identify principles of good etiquette during business introductions.

☺ identify principles of business etiquette for speaking with co-workers.

☺ analyze ways to dress appropriately according to an etiquette decision model.

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(Section 1) HighPoints – Team Players: Etiquette and Your Co-workers

☺ recognize the importance of learning the proper etiquette for getting along with your co-workers.

☺ identify examples of the etiquette of personal space at work.

☺ apply steps to discourage work space intrusions in a given business scenario.

☺ analyze opinions expressed between co-workers in specific business scenarios to determine if correct etiquette has been used.

☺ apply the proper conflict-handling etiquette in a given situation.

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(Section 1) HighPoints – Etiquette and Sensitive Situations

☺ recognize the importance of learning the proper etiquette when interacting with members of the opposite sex.

☺ identify guidelines of proper etiquette to use when communicating with the opposite gender in the workplace.

☺ identify guidelines of proper etiquette to use regarding the office romance.

☺ identify examples of chivalrous behavior that conform to the guidelines of etiquette for the 21st century.

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(Section 1) HighPoints – Leading, Following, and Etiquette

☺ recognize the importance of learning the proper etiquette of leading and following.

☺ match supervisory styles and company cultures to the way decisions are made within each.

☺ analyze interactions between supervisors and subordinates for effective decision-making strategies.

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(Section 2) Communication Etiquette – Summary

☺ "How's it going?" Is this an appropriate greeting in today's corporate workplace?

☺ How about telephone use? Is it always necessary to return phone calls?

☺ If so, how soon should you do it?

☺ Is e-mail the method of choice for communicating all your ideas, or is another way better?

☺ How important is your tone of voice when dealing with a customer?

☺ All these questions above are a matter of etiquette.

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(Section 2) Communication Etiquette – Summary

☺ How you communicate--in person, over the phone, electronically, and with customers--has a direct effect on how people treat you, on whether you sell your idea or product, and on how quickly you advance in your career.

☺ Discover the subtleties of communication etiquette in the world of business.

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(Section 2) Communication Etiquette – HighPoints.

☺ Modern Communication Etiquette Challenges.

☺ Functional Communication Etiquette.

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(Section 2) HighPoints – Modern Communication Etiquette Challenges

☺ recognize the importance of understanding modern communication etiquette challenges.

☺ identify components of the CAGE decision-making model.

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(Section 2) HighPoints – Functional Communication Etiquette

☺ recognize benefits of knowing functional communication etiquette.

☺ match types of writing tools to appropriate circumstances.

☺ identify key aspects of proper telephone etiquette.

☺ apply the four steps of proper telephone etiquette in a business scenario.

☺ identify principles of the CAGE model.

☺ analyze whether modern communication tools have been used effectively in a given situation.

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(Section 3) Etiquette and the Business Meeting – Summary.

☺ "Sleep not when others speak, sit not when others stand, speak not when you should hold your peace, walk not on when others stop." Was George Washington referring to the etiquette required at the business meeting?

☺ Indeed, such meetings have their own set of rules.

☺ Did you know that it's acceptable to use the telephone to invite people to a small, informal meeting but that written invitations are considered proper for all formal meetings?

☺ Did you realize that at a business lunch, small talk should be reserved for the period before the food has been ordered?

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(Section 3) Etiquette and the Business Meeting – Summary.

☺ Such is the nature of etiquette at the business meeting.

☺ In the KeyPoints, you'll expend on the proper conduct to display during both formal and informal meetings, negotiations, and entertainments.

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(Section 3) Etiquette and the Business Meeting – HighPoints

☺ Business Meeting Basics

☺ Preparing for a Meeting

☺ Running a Meeting

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(Section 3) HighPoints – Business Meeting Basics

☺ recognize the value of understanding the relationship between proper etiquette and the business meeting.

☺ identify reasons people dislike meetings.

☺ identify appropriate reasons for having a meeting.

☺ identify tasks required for the three key roles played at a business meeting.

☺ identify ways of properly demonstrating interest at a business meeting.

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(Section 3) HighPoints – Preparing for a Meeting

☺ recognize the value of planning for a meeting according to the principles of proper etiquette.

☺ analyze whether someone has effectively prepared for a business meeting using the principles of proper etiquette.

☺ assess whether the appropriate steps have been taken in preparing an agenda in a given business scenario according to the principles of proper etiquette.

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(Section 3) HighPoints – Running a Meeting

☺ recognize the value of applying proper etiquette when running a business meeting.

☺ evaluate a given meeting scenario to determine if a meeting leader is successfully facilitating participation.

☺ evaluate a given meeting scenario to determine if the meeting stayed on track.

☺ employ proper etiquette to handle a difficult person in a given business meeting scenario.

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(Section 4) Etiquette for Supervisors – Summary

☺ Some supervisors seem to be able to energize their employees to give their best efforts.

☺ Other supervisors have to engage in a battle of wills to accomplish the simplest tasks.

☺ What's the difference?

☺ According to a 19th-century management thinker, a supervisor: "has the power to make employees happy or unhappy; and to make their jobs a pleasure or a burden.

☺ A supervisor's power lies in words and looks, things so intangible they are impossible to measure."

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(Section 4) Etiquette for Supervisors – Summary

☺ In other words, supervisors increase their own effectiveness as well as the effectiveness of their subordinates simply by the way they conduct everyday tasks.

☺ In short, they do it by applying simple etiquette.

☺ In this section, the reader will explore the special etiquette of being a supervisor, the etiquette of one-on-one interactions with subordinates, the etiquette of listening as a supervisory tool, and the supervisor's role in sharing information between his subordinates and the rest of the company.

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(Section 4) Etiquette for Supervisors – HighPoints.

☺ Special Etiquette of Being the Boss

☺ Leading One-on-one

☺ Listening to Lead

☺ The Leader as Messenger

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(Section 4) HighPoints – Special Etiquette of Being the Boss

☺ recognize the importance of establishing behavior and performance standards.

☺ differentiate between examples of core courtesies, team building, and fraternizing.

☺ identify ways for supervisors to communicate behavioral expectations to subordinates.

☺ choose examples of how supervisors can use critical leverage points to set behavioral standards.

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(Section 4) HighPoints – Leading One-on-one

☺ recognize the importance of using etiquette to work with subordinates individually.

☺ apply appropriate steps to clearly communicate work assignments to subordinates in a given business situation.

☺ identify the most effective ways to deliver corrective messages.

☺ apply appropriate methods to correct errors by subordinates in a given business scenario.

☺ identify ways to make praise more effective.

☺ analyze a business scenario to determine whether a supervisor is praising subordinates' work effectively.

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(Section 4) HighPoints – Listening to Lead

☺ recognize the importance of using good etiquette when listening to subordinates.

☺ choose statements that describe effective ways for supervisors to implement open-door policies.

☺ apply correct etiquette for listening to subordinates' suggestions, requests, or complaints in a given scenario.

☺ analyze a supervisor's strategy when handling a subordinate who has willfully violated work standards in a business scenario.

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(Section 4) HighPoints – The Leader as Messenger

☺ recognize the importance of proper etiquette when relaying information between subordinates and the rest of the company.

☺ determine whether supervisors should pass given examples of company-related information to their work groups.

☺ choose the appropriate audience for sharing information about members of a supervisor's work group.

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Business Etiquette and Professionalism – Conclusion

☺ At this point you should be able to be familiar with the following:

• handling intrusions in your own work space.

• maintaining etiquette when expressing opinions.

• maintaining etiquette in conflict situations.

• handling performance and behavior issues.

• exercising the power of praise.

• dealing with professional friendships.

• communicating standards of behavior.

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