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8/6/2019 Business Meeting in India

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Business meeting in Indian

context� In such a richly diverse and complex countryas India it is difficult to impart generic

conclusions that can be used by those doingbusiness there.� Regionalism, religion, language and caste

are all factors needs to be taken into account

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� Behavior, etiquette and approach are allmodified depending on whom you are

addressing and the context in which theyare being addressed.

Business meeting in Indian


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� Indian society has an aversion to saying"no" as it is considered rude due to thepossibility of causing disappointment or offense.

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� Listen carefully to Indians' responses to your questions. If terms such as "We'll see", "I will

try" or "possibly" are employed then thechances are that they are saying 'no'.

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� During negotiations, trust and well-established relationships with your Indian

counterparts must be in place before anyform of business can take place.

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� In India, the family unit is highly valued,therefore showing interest and respect

towards your Indian counterpart¶s familyis vital for establishing successfulrelationships.

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� Flexibility is paramount. Familyresponsibilities take precedence over business so last minute cancellations arepossible when doing business.

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� When entering a meeting room you mustalways approach and greet the most senior figure first.

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� Meetings should always commence withsome conversation. This is part of the 'gettingto know you' process.

� Favorable topics of conversation are thelatest business news, the fortunes of theBombay Stock Exchange or cricket.

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� Showing hospitability is a part of negotiationprocess. Often meeting starts by offeringtea-coffee or snacks. It is courteous toaccept the offer.

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� If your business dealings in India involvenegotiations, always bear in mind that theycan be slow. If trust has not yet beenestablished then concentrate efforts onbuilding a rapport.

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� Indians do not base their business decisionssolely on statistics, empirical data andexciting PowerPoint presentations. They useintuition, feeling and faith to guide them.

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� Once terms have been agreed you will beexpected to honor them. When negotiationsend successfully continue the relationshipbuilding process with a celebration dinner.

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� Indians are polychronic people (tend to dealwith more than one task at the same time.

� Be prepared for some distraction or disturbance during meeting i.e secretarywalking in to get the paper signed.

� But such behavior do not show/indicate lackof interest

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� For example, within companies

manual labour will only becarried out by the "peon"(roughly equivalent to a'runner'). It is not uncommon for the moving of a desk to takehours. This is because no-onein the office will carry out the

task but the "peon", who, if otherwise engaged can not doso.

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Indian Culture ± Key concepts andvalues

Hinduism and the traditional castesystem - In India, religion is a way of lifeand must be respected in order to

maintain successful businessrelationships. Despite the elimination of the traditional caste system, that was adirect outcome of Hinduism, attitudes stillremain and both aspects of Indianculture still influence the hierarchicalstructure of business practices in India


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F atalism - The concept of fatalism stemsfrom one of the most characteristic traits of Indian culture ± spirituality. The notion of Karma and that everything happens for areason is still significant in the decisionmaking process of many Indians. It also

influences the concept of time in India andas a consequence business negotiationsmay take longer and are never rushed.

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C ollectivism - India¶s strong sense of community and group defined orientationmean a greater acceptance of hierarchicalsettings. In India, there is a noticeable lack of privacy and a smaller concept of personalspace, where several generations often livetogether under one roof. For Indian business

practices this places an additional importanceon interpersonal contacts, avoidance of conflictand a more indirect approach to


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S tructure and hierarchy in Indiancompanies ± Within the system of hierarchy in the Indian work

place, senior colleagues and especially elders areobeyed and respected. Discussions are almostalways lead by the most senior person.

± Final decisions rest with the highest-rankingbusiness executives, therefore it is important tomaintain strong relationships with senior figures inIndian business.

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W orking relationships in India ± It is the responsibility of the senior management to

monitor, check and look after their Indiansubordinates.

± Face and self-esteem is an essential part of Indian

culture, therefore any individual criticism inbusiness situations must be done carefully andwith sensitivity.

± Despite the distinguished hierarchical system, the

relationship between an Indian boss and hisemployee can be similar to that of close relatives.This is a direct influence of the community lifeexperienced for thousands of years in India.

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