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  • 8/14/2019 Buying Power in the Night and Selling in the Day Presentations in Word Format


    Slide 1

    1 2 3456 7

    Slide 2Customers withlarge generatorsbeing paid Rs. 21.15per unit forgenerating theirown powe r. Two days before news


    Copper indiumgallium(di)selenide (CIGS) verifiedby NREL to beas efficient as14.6%in2006,

    http:// www.popsci.com/popsci/flat/ bown/2007/index.html

  • 8/14/2019 Buying Power in the Night and Selling in the Day Presentations in Word Format


    Slide 4 Solar cell Price and production 2008=3700 MW

    Slide 5

    Slide 6

    12345 6 7

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    Slide 7


    Sri Lanka getsat6(kWh/m 2/day)7000kWh/yearColombo

    Slide 8


    (Lumens/Watt)Rated Life(Hours)

    Cost per 50,000hours

    Kerosene .03 Supply of Kerosene$1251

    Incandescent Bulb 5-18 1000 $175

    Light Emitting Diode(LED) 25-50 50,000 $20

    Slide 9

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    Slide 10

    Buy power during the night

    Slide 11CEB TARIFFDomestic effective fromNov 2008

    Fuel Adjustment Charge 30%on all unit chargesexcept DP& RPconsumersconsuminglessthan 90unitsper month

    Slide 12Residential tiered tariff





  • 8/14/2019 Buying Power in the Night and Selling in the Day Presentations in Word Format


    Slide 13 Rs39Rs39Rs39Rs39Rs39


    Slide 14

    Technologytransfer to

    rural SriLanka

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    Slide 15Annual Savings Before and After


    1 2 3 4 5








    . 0

    Slide 16Accumulated Net Savings

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13





    . 0

    Slide 17How Storage will Help Smoothing of Out Put


  • 8/14/2019 Buying Power in the Night and Selling in the Day Presentations in Word Format


    Slide 18

    Slide 19Conversion factor

    (multiply top row by factor to obtain side column)

    W/m kWh/(mday) sun hours/day kWh/my kWh/kWpyW/m 1 41.66666 41.66666 0.1140796 0.1521061kWh/(mday 0.024 1 1 0.0027379 0.0036505sunhours/day 0.024 1 1 0.0027379 0.0036505kWh/my 8.765813 365.2422 365.2422 1 1.333333kWh/kWpy 6.574360 273.9316 273.9316 0.75 1

    Slide 20Solar Radiation in W/m sq

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    Slide 21

    Slide 22

    Slide 23

    Efficiency of Solar cell s



    1 2 3 4 5

  • 8/14/2019 Buying Power in the Night and Selling in the Day Presentations in Word Format


    Slide 24Cost of Generation by Solar

    CEB DOM tariff for>600kWh/m



    A Typical CEBLoad curve

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7

    Slide 26 Theannual resultsforSri Lanka, which rangefrom4.5to 6.0kWh/m2/day, areconsistent with, andslightlyhigherthanearlier studiesusingsunshinerecorders, whichgaveresultsof 4.2to5.6 kWh/m2/day.

    Theslightlyhigherresultsareduemost l ikelytothefact that, for Sri Lanka, wechosetocalculatetheresourcefor aflat platecollector tiltedtolatitude, ratherthanthemore

    traditional methodof calculatingthe resourceonahori zontal surfacethat theearlier studiesused. Withtwoaxistrackingoneaxisdonemanuallyfor seasonswecanget 7.32kWh/m2/day .

    http://www.nrel.gov/docs/fy03osti/34645.pdf http://rredc.nrel.gov/solar/codes_algs/PVWATTS/version1/#map

    With a 4kW system we can get this amount of Energy Radiation Energy Energy (kWh/m 2/day) (kWh) Axistracking perWatt/day Colombo Ratmalana 6.58 7411 2 1.85 22.5%Extra 6.35 7172 1 1.79 5.38 6028 0 1.51 Colombo/Katunayake 6.71 7632 2 23.56%Extra 6.47 7377 1 5.46 6177 0 Hambantota 7.32 8494 2 2.12 29% Extra 7.00 8140 1 5.71 6583 0 Trincomalee(AFB) 7.11 8033 2 26.1%Extra 6.83 7731 1 5.64 6343 0

  • 8/14/2019 Buying Power in the Night and Selling in the Day Presentations in Word Format


    Slide 27Solar Power Costs for Sri Lanka

    Power needed 1577 kWh/yr OR131 kWh/Month ACoutput needed 0.75kWModule area1.33 sq.ft Areaneeded 11sq.ft No of Modules8 Power per module

    100watts DCpower 789 watts Inverter efficiency95 %AC power 750wattsModule cost rate$2.00 watt Module Cost $1,500 Rs/house 178,406(assumingtodays exchangerate) Inverter cost rate $0.50 wattsInverter cost $395 Installationcost rate$0.50per watt Installation cost $395 Capacityfactor 24% Sri Lanka 2102.4

    kWh/Year/kW Output per year 1577kWh Degradation rate-0.30%/ Output afteryear: 25 Total power delivered kWh 37,991

    Cost per kWh amortized with out batteries =$0.11(With net meteringno Batteries are required) . Simple Payback period < 4Years

    Cost per kWh amortized with batteries =$0.25Moneysavingfor consumers >331kWh/M =Rs1,252,693/Y (Attodaystariff ofRs32.50for>18unitsNetmeteringbutsurelythe CEBtariffwill increase ) Typical CO2 emission fromoi l 583 kg/MWhEmissions saved (kg) 22,148 Typical fuel consumptionper MWh125gal. Fuel saved(gal)

    4,749. Cost of fuel savedfor thecountry Rs 1,258,336. Assumingall marginal units arefromDiesel

    Fuel Saving in Import Rs719,049/house(Attoday'simportpricebut whichwill soongoup)



    Slide 29Flexible Plastic PV Cell

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7

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    Slide 30

    Slide 31Ultra Triple Junction SolarCells

    Slide 32

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    Slide 33Solar Concentrators

    12345 6

    Slide 34

    Slide 35

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7

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    Slide 36

    The SolarWallPV/thermalsolar system

    is housed on the roof of aservice

    centre and health clinic for theOlympic athletes in Beijing

    PV module efficiencyis typically between 8-20%.What happensto the rest of the sunsenergy thatshines on the panels? Most of it is converted intoheat energy, which normally is lost and providesno value to the systemowner. As well , the heatbuild-up behind PV modules reducesthe electricaloutput by 0.4-0.5%for every1Cabove its ratedoutput temperature (which is 25C). Given thatroofs can reach temperaturesas high as90C,the actual operatingeff iciency of PV systems isoften significantly less than the rated output.

    Slide 37 Benefits of Solar Cell Energy a ZeroEmission Technology

    Moremanual labor jobswill becreated Thevalueof the propertywill go up Bydistributedgenerationdaypeakwil l comedown.TransmissionandDistributionl osseswillbe reduced. Reductionof costlyoil importsto thecountry Reductionof costlyGas turbinegenerationandcostlyPrivatepower . Reductionof Global warming Reductionof pollutingCO2andother CHSGasses Reductionof wasteful useofwater inthermal Power stations Withnet meteringthelargehomeswill benefitmoreonreducingtherecostlyelectricitybills. Combinedwithenergyefficiencyandenergysavinganduseof LEDlampsthenightpeakcan alsobereducedto

    benefittheutility. Shouldbeableto getRenewableEnergyCertificatesandCarbontrading Lowinterestsoft loanswill becomeavailablefromt helocal bankslikefor Ruralsolarhomesystems Amental satisfactionthat wehave not contributedtoPollutionandGlobal warming. Itis expectedthatbil ateral andmultilateralf inanceandmarketstimulationprogramsbasedonbest serviceatleast

    costwill besoonavailable

    Distributed Generation: the Next Step in Smart Power Distribution

    Solar Power is commercially viable.

    Slide 38

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    Slide 39

    1 2 34 5 67

    20%efficiency =200W/m 2 or 20W/ft 2.LED lamp LIFESPANof up to 50,000hours!Up to 90%moreefficient thantraditional lighting

    Slide 40 Solar Powered LED Lantern

    Slide 41Solar street lamps in China

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    Slide 42

    D Light India

    Slide 43Solar power has several advantages

    Economical Benefits : Theenergyfrom thesun ispractically free, after thei nitial investment hasbeenrecovered Solar energyreducesour dependenceon foreignor centralizedconventional sourceof energy Solar energysupports local jobsand createswealth, whichelevateslocal economies

    Environmentally Friendly: Solar energyis clean, quiet, renewableand sustainable unlikeother conventional energysourcessuch asgas,

    oil, andcoal Solar energydoesnot contribute toglobal warming, acid rain, or smog, onthe contrary, ithelpsto lower

    harmful greenhousegasemissions

    Independent/Semi-Independent: Solar energyreducesour dependenceon foreignor centralizedsourcesof energy Solar energycanreduce your electric bill, andalsosupply your propertywith electricity in theevent of apower

    outage Solar energysystemscanoperateentirely independent froma power or gasgrid; thereforesystemscanbe

    installedin remotelocation

    Lowor no Maintenance : Solar energysystemsarevirtually maintenancefr eeand will last at least 25years Systemsizescan beincreasedi nt hefuture asyour electricity needsgrow Systemsoperatesilently, andhaveno movingparts

    Slide 44 Toyota 2010 Solar Roof Prius

    Thesepanelswill powertheair conditioningsystem,allowingits operationwithout turningonthe car'smainengine.

    Toyotahas announced that the next redesignof their highly successful hybrid Priusautomobile will include solar panels on itsroof

  • 8/14/2019 Buying Power in the Night and Selling in the Day Presentations in Word Format


    Slide 45A photo of the new world record solar cell.

    (FraunhoferI SE)

    The sunlight wasconcentrated 454-times onto a5 mm multi-junction solar cellcomposed of GaInP/GaInAs/ Ge(galliumindiumphosphide, galliumindiumarsenide on agermaniumsubstrate) a record 41.1percent efficiency.

    Slide 46

    Slide 47A new phoneof Samsung"Blue Earth"powered by

    solar energy isseen at the

    Mobile WorldCongress inBarcelona,

    Spain,Monday, Feb.

    16, 2009 .

    Priced at$40

  • 8/14/2019 Buying Power in the Night and Selling in the Day Presentations in Word Format


    Slide 48Researchers at the FraunhoferInstitute for Solar Energy Systems (ISE)

    in Freiburghave reached a record 41.1 percent efficiency

    Slide 49 http:/ /www.news.com.au/heraldsun/story/0,21985,25105900-2862,00.html

    Slide 50First Solar first to US$1 per watt

    manufacturing costhttp:// www.pv-tech.org/news/_a/fi rst_solar_fi rst_to_us1_per_watt_manufacturing_cost /

  • 8/14/2019 Buying Power in the Night and Selling in the Day Presentations in Word Format


    Slide 51

    Slide 52

    Thank You

    Slide 53

    Bicycle Powered Generatorhttp:// www.mattshaver.com/bikegen/index.htm IndRs.4000

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