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Gilgamesh and Enkidu from the




They were whaaa?

Gilgamesh Two-thirds God, One-third human

Enkidu Half man, half beast

What else were they?

Gilgamesh Became the 5th king of Uruk,

Mesopotamia for 126 years Son to the priest-king Lugalbunda

and Goddess Ninsun Thought to have too much pride, a desire to have loads of power, and always trying to get

his way thinking it was the “correct way”

Enkidu Created by the God from a

pinch of clay thrown onto a plain – came into life full-

grown, hairy, and wild Was created to be Gilgamesh’s

equal-soul brother Wanted to help Gilgamesh

become a “wholer-being”

Good king, or bad?

Gilgamesh was sometimes not considered a good king because he was a womanizer

In the beginning of The Epic of Gilgamesh, the king was known to be somewhat of a jerk because he wanted his way for everything

Thought to be very proud and arrogant of himself


Born into the wild Gifted with strength Very courageous Lives with the animals until the

prostitute, Shamhat, comes to ruin him

Relation to One-Another

Gilgamesh and Enkidu started off as rivals with Enkidu trying to show the selfish proud king the meaning

of trust, friendship and courage. They soon became the best

buddies one could ever imagine a god and a beast to be!

Gilgamesh, a hero? How?

A divine birth He slayed the demon, Humbaba Became friends with an unfriendly greedy-

being Cooperated with his friend by killing the Bull of

Heaven which was sent upon them by the goddess of love, Ishtar’s father

He leads a quest for immortality by trying to find a specific herb that will give him eternal youth

Why is The Epic of Gilgamesh “A Must” Read?

It is among some of the earliest known works of literary fiction

This poem comes from a culture group (Sumerians) that was unknown to the moderns (Greeks, Romans, Persians, etc.)

The essential story revolves around relationships and feelings towards them

The poem involves the story of becoming “human together”

Has a high emphasis on immortality

It is…... Video Time!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xEeW1tx5QrQ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9cmV3LvMLMs

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