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Oral Health:An Introduction to Your Teeth


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Why should we care about our teeth?

Our teeth help us chew food

Our teeth allow us to talk

Finally, our teeth give us our beautiful smiles!


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How many sets of teeth do we have?

Humans have 2 sets of teeth Baby Teeth (primary teeth)

Children have 20 baby teeth Baby teeth are temporary and fall out

Permanent Teeth (secondary teeth) Adults have 32 permanent teeth This set of teeth has to last us our

entire lifetime

Unlike sharks, once we lose our permanent teeth, a new set of teeth will not grow back. So we need to learn how to take care of our teeth! http://joyceagojo.files.wordpress.com/2009/06/shark1.jpg

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How can we take care of our teeth?

Brushing Brush after every meal (but at

least twice a day) Brush every surface of your

teeth, roof of your mouth, and tongue (to get rid of bad breath)!

Make sure to buy toothpaste with FLUORIDE

Flossing Floss once a day Floss along the sides of your

teeth If your gums bleed, it means

you’re not flossing enough!


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What happens if we don’t take care of our teeth?

We get cavities ! Cavities are little holes in

our teeth that can cause: Pain Tooth loss Infection


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Visit your Dentist

Most importantly, visit your dentist at least twice a year Dentists will keep your teeth healthy so that you can

have beautiful smiles for a lifetime!


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