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Page 2: By: Briana Reustle, Noah Gordon, Cody Sullivan, Jared Leuz, Craig Ragnoli, Austin Keil and Joe Murphy.
Page 3: By: Briana Reustle, Noah Gordon, Cody Sullivan, Jared Leuz, Craig Ragnoli, Austin Keil and Joe Murphy.


England took over the seaports so France couldn’t trade by sea routes.

Many peasants died from war or disease. The people that survived were needed as

workers. The peasants knew this and made demands. Peasants forced the nobles to pay them

wages. Most peasants became farmers and rented

land from the nobles.

Page 4: By: Briana Reustle, Noah Gordon, Cody Sullivan, Jared Leuz, Craig Ragnoli, Austin Keil and Joe Murphy.

Tech/ Warfare

Long Bow- shot steel-tipped arrows which went farther

Crossbow- could not send arrows as far a long bow

Steel tip arrow- shot farther than regular arrows

Crude portable canon- difficult to use but lead to the development of the refined canon

Page 5: By: Briana Reustle, Noah Gordon, Cody Sullivan, Jared Leuz, Craig Ragnoli, Austin Keil and Joe Murphy.


Joan of Arc heard heavenly voices, whom she thought was God, while praying telling her to save France.

She went to Charles and told him that God had sent her to help him.

Charles gave her a suit of armor, an army, and a white linen banner.

Page 6: By: Briana Reustle, Noah Gordon, Cody Sullivan, Jared Leuz, Craig Ragnoli, Austin Keil and Joe Murphy.


Archery is a common sport of todays generation

The longbow is used today in the sport of archery.

Cannons have developed into rocket launchers and high tech weaponry.

Page 7: By: Briana Reustle, Noah Gordon, Cody Sullivan, Jared Leuz, Craig Ragnoli, Austin Keil and Joe Murphy.


First:England declared themselves ruler of France.

Second:Once England won many battles over France Joan of Arc wished to have an army to Fight England.

Third:Joan Won the battle of Orleans

but was captured and eventually killed for witch craft.

Fourth:France finally won their land back after Joan of Arc dies.

Page 8: By: Briana Reustle, Noah Gordon, Cody Sullivan, Jared Leuz, Craig Ragnoli, Austin Keil and Joe Murphy.


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