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By Jackie

Endangered tigers Many tigers are endangered in our world There is a population of 3,200 tigers left in our world. It may sound like a big number but not for tigers.

Tigers are very important in our world!

What do tigers eat Guess what tigers eat! Just guess Sambar deerGuar ChitalBarasingha Wild boar Nilgai

Answer You are all right tigers eat all of that including Water buffalo Leopards PythonsSloth bears Crocodiles Sika deer

Siberian tigersScientist estimated about 400-500 Siberian tigers in our world They are located in eastern Russia, China, and north Korea

Tiger cubs when a tiger cub is born it is blind and deafThe average weight is 1.1 kg Once the tiger is born it is all dependent with its motherAt 12 months it explores its territory but still stays with its motherAt 2-3 years old it starts being independent on a journey.

Bengal tigers The base color is white, orange and brown They can get up to 575 poundsThe Bengal tigers cousins are Siberian tigersThe Bengal cubs look exactly the same

White tigers

White tiger males get to the length of 8.8 10.2 feet they weigh between 419-569 pounds Females are smaller than males they get to the length of 7.11-8.7 she ways up to 350

Fun picturesHow you say tiger in Chinese cute tiger king Bengal tiger in the face

Circus tiger animation teenage tiger in the grass

I hoped you liked it!

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