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By Jamal Giornazi

Lair of the Bear


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Page 2: By Jamal Giornazi Lair of the Bear  R11.htm Web sites Google.com  69/530wm/C0092439-

Water of lair of the bear

1.5 miles of bear creek and other streams and floodplains cover lair of the bear. Bear creek has shelter for aquatic animals and type of insects such as caddis flies.

This is bear creek A bridge across bear


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Topographic map

The highest point of lair of the bear is 6860 feet.The lowest point of lair of the is 1200 feet.

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Earthsystem connections

• Bear creek has shelters for many animals mostly if you look under a rock or log there are many insects.

• Rock formations like Bears on Milos Look like bears.• Tall towers of rock like devil’s tower are high like

human buildings

• Animals like water ouzel live near Bear creek. And you can see this bird hopping and bobbing on the rocks.

• The atmosphere can help in erosion by talking rocks and depositing them and can be a Wind of rock that can break rock down.

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Rock formations

This rock formation is called Devil’s Tower This rock formation is called the Bears on


In lair of the bear it has many formations. Like Devil’s Tower. Also Bears on Milos.

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Humans at the park

• Humans at lair of the bear do walking on tails, fishing at bear creek , bird watching, animals watching, and they have picnics there too.

• Lair of the bear no jobs but people go there for trips like me when we went to lair of the bear during the dinosaur ridge field trip.

People biking and fishing

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Landform features, erosion, and deposition

• Landforms here are eroded by bear creek mostly because water weathers and erodes rock and can make abonsion that can break rock by colliding on each other.

• The land breaks down and rivers change diction or widens and deepens.

• Lair of the bear deposition is inthe water because it deepens it self to low down but there areno carters to lower it on land.

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Originally known as the Mountain Nook Ranch, early Swedish settlers including "Rutabaga

Johnson" delivered fresh produce to the area's summer residents in the early 1900s.  Limited

grazing replaced farming by the 1930s, which has allowed the disturbed areas to revert to the wild.  In the northeast corner of the parking lot, lilac bushes and other domestic plants mark the site of a long gone ranch house.  The canyon floor still reveals

remnants of the old timber hauling road that became the main route to Evergreen.  The park

was purchased by Jefferson County Open Space in 1987.


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When I was there

When I was there we took a walk to find a place to have lunch. After some of us had lunch we went to see the river called bear creek. I touch a plant. I think it was algae. Then some kids splash some water on there face. Then we went on a walk on a trail. When we got to a street we crossed it to get on a bus to go back to school.

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Everything of lair of the bear is wonderful. We did things like walk on a trail. The land formations are special like devil’s tower because it is tall. How bear creek is important in the ecosystem. It gives shelter and water to animals that live there like the water ouzel. People come for fishing, taking a walk on trails, biking, taking picnics, and field trips. Lair of the Bear is a real fun place to go to.

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