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  • 7/29/2019 By Water and Blood



    Bro. Bill Pinto

    This is a study on 1 John 5 verse 7, but its really not just on that particular verse , it is reallya study of the chapter and how the apostle John presents the gospel to us, as he heard it from

    Jesus. And we dont have time this morning, but if you would like to really be blessed, whenyou are at home in your own private study, study John chapter 3 where Jesus taught thegospel to Nicodemus, and study it in connection with 1 John 5 and you will see someabsolutely wonderful parallels. So he had a good Teacher.

    Now regarding1 John 5:7, it is a text that says,

    For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost:and these three are one.

    This passage is often used by some to teach a Trinity doctrine. I say, by some, because formany there is much controversy regarding this verse. For many there are certain wordsinserted there that do not really belong in Scripture, but I am not going to go down that pathtoday because I dont want people to think that I am trying to avoid any words. So we aregoing to study it in its context and see if it does support a Trinity. But in order to do so, wefirst need to define what the Trinity is, then with the definition apply it to1 John 5:7and seeif it is teaching what the definition is.

    The definition we will look at is from our church, the Seventh-day Adventist church. This isour Fundamental Belief No. 2, this is the definition of the Trinity.

    Fundamental Belief No. 2. The Trinity. There is one God , Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Aunity of three co-eternal Persons.

    Now, friends, I want you to keep in mind this word fundamental it means foundational, itmeans structural, underlying, in other words, these statements of beliefs and this one beingNo. 2, is second only to the holy Scriptures themselves. And our second most importantfundamental belief, according to the churchs own literature and church manual is that God isa Trinity. A Trinity of three co-eternal persons.

    So this is our definition. Now, if God is a unity of three co-eternal Persons, God the Father,God the Son, God the Spirit, what does that make of the Father/Son relationship? Can it betruly a Father/Son relationship the way we understand it or does it mean more in a secondarysense? In other words, if they are all co-eternal, if they are all the same age, obviously theterms Father and Son must have a secondary meaning, whether it is prophetic or a role or

    just titles given in the plan of salvation, like some people explain.

    Keep this understanding in mind because when we look at1 John 5:7now we have to see if itis teaching this - a unity of three co-eternal Persons. Now, remember, if Jesus is a co-eternalPerson with the Father, with God, that means He is not really a Son. This is the mostimportant thing I want you to understand when we study this chapter. He cannot truly be a

    Son, in the true sense of the word. if He is co-eternal. These are diametrically opposed. Hemust be a Son in some type of a role or title or in another way. And this is exactly how some

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    theologians have explained it.

    A plan of salvation was encompassed in the covenant, made by the three persons of theGodhead who possessed the attributes of the Deity equally. In order to eradicate sin andrebellion from the universe and to restore harmony and peace, one of the divine Beings

    accepted and entered into the role of the Father and another the role of the Son.

    So, here we have this theologian trying to explain this unity of three co-eternal Persons andhe tells us that there was some sort of plan, which the Scriptures tell us in Zech. 6 wasbetween the Father and the Son, the plan of salvation, but he tells us here that three wereinvolved and he tells us that they took certain roles. The Father took a role, or one Beingtook a role of the Father, and anther took a role as the Son. So here we see the explanationgiven from our church literature and friends, this is no minor publication, this is the AdventistReview, 1996. Gordon Jensen, a leading theologian at Andrews University, a leadingseminary , and not only this, this was Week of Prayer. This article here was sanctioned anddeemed by the Conference worthy to go to every Adventist church in the world. So I am not

    quoting from some radical independent who is speaking his own words here. This is theofficial position of the church - the divine Beings entered into roles.

    Keep this in mind because that means you dont really have a Father, whenever we read thatterm this morning. And Jesus is not truly a Son, He entered into a role - some divine Beingwe cant really know.

    Another example here, another leading literature in our church today. This is particularlydistributed in the Sydney Conference, Understanding the Trinity, by Max Hatton. This ishow he explains it, very similar.

    The Father/Son relationship in the Godhead should be understood in a metaphorical sense,not in a literal sense.

    That word metaphor friends, as you know, means its a term given for something thatcannot be literally applied to. So when you read about the Father and the Son, understandthat it is a metaphor, according to Pr. Hatton, and according to Gordon Jensen, and accordingto the church by and large. It is not real. Remember this now as we study1 John 5:7

    With this definition now, we will go to1 John 5:7and we will see if it teaches this. We willsee if it teaches that God is a unity of three co-eternal Persons, that they entered into roles.

    But before we do, what does inspiration say? John 3:16. Friends withJohn 3:16we oftenquote, and we know this, but I like to remember, these are Jesus words. He spoke thesewords, and the Bible says,

    Every word of God is pure, and it is shield to those who put their trust in Him.Prov. 30:5

    Jesus, friends, gave the gospel to Nicodemus and the prophet of the Lord, quoting fromJohn3:16, she tells us how He is a Son. She doesnt tell us it is a metaphor, the spirit ofinspiration doesnt tell you it is a role, it tells you,

    For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, a Son, not by creation as

    were the angels, nor a Son by adoption as is a forgiven sinner,

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    Jesus is not a Son by creation, friends, nor by adoption. No God being did not adopt anotherGod being as a Son. Christ did not adopt some role as a Son. She tells us how He is a Son.

    A Son begotten. How? in the express image of His Fathers person. Nor was He a Sonat Bethlehem. There He became a Son in a new sense, as the Son of Man, born of a woman.

    But here it says begotten in the express image of His Fathers person.

    So this is how Jesus is a Son, according to Scripture, according to the testimony of Jesus, andaccording to the testimony of Jesus through the prophetic ministry of Ellen White. And aswe said, not here on earth.

    The unchangeable One gave His only begotten Son, tore from His bosom , Him who wasmade in the express image of His Person like we just read. and sent Him down to earth.

    And notice why, friends. This is the heart of the study this morning - to reveal how greatlyHe loved mankind. So, according to Scripture, according to the Spirit of Prophecy, Christ is

    the only begotten Son of the Father, and the Father sent Him down to earth to reveal His lovefor us. With this in mind lets go to1 John 5:7. If you have a marker in your Bible, it wouldbe a good place to put it because the study will focus mainly in 1 John 5. Lets have a look atverse 7.

    For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost;and these three are one.

    Now remember the definition according to the church - the definition was that God is a unityof three co-eternal Persons, meaning that there is no real Father and Son, as we saw from ourleading theologians - they entered into roles or metaphors, etc.

    Does this verse teach that God is a Trinity? Does it say, and these three are a Trinity?Does it say, and these three are co-eternal? Does it say, and these three are one God?No. What are you doing if you say this text is saying these three are one God? What areyou doing? We are adding, arent we? And the Scripture says, friend,

    Add not unto his word, lest he reprove thee and thou be found a liar.

    We cannot twist meanings out of the Scripture to suit our interpretation or understanding ofthe doctrine. Let the Scripture speak for itself. 1 John 5:7is clearly telling you, no more

    than that these three are one.

    What is it they agree in? How are they one? Look how the verse begins.

    For there are three that bear record in heaven.

    They are one in the record that they bear. Thats how they are one. Look at verse 8.

    And there are three that bear witness in earth, the spirit, and the water, and the blood: andthese three agree in one.

    It is similar to what verse 7 is saying. It is the record that they bear in which they are one.And now we are going to see what that record is, and whats interesting you will find, far

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    from1 John 5:7teaching a Trinity of three co-eternals, which denies Jesus is truly a Son,1John 5:7, if you accept the wording that is actually there, is teaching the exact opposite.

    You will see now , we will see that the record they bear is that Jesus is truly the Son of God,and if you want to try and twist the meaning of1 John 5:7, that God is a Trinity, you are

    actually condemning yourself. And we will see that plainly.

    So lets begin in verse 1. We will do a contextual study, line upon line, and we will see whatthe prophet was trying to bring out here when we get to verse 7.

    Verse 1.Whosoever believeth that Jesus is the Christ is born of God.

    What does it mean when we say Jesus is the Christ? There are many passages we could go tobut for sake of time we will just look at a few. I may even quote them to save some time. InMatthew 16:15Jesus asked,

    Whom do you say that I am? speaking to His disciples. And Peter, answering on behalf ofthe twelve, expressed his faith and he said,

    Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God.

    So here we see that to believed that Jesus is the Christ, is to believe that He was the Son ofGod. And remember how Jesus answered,

    Blessed art thou, Simon Barjona; for flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto thee but(who?) my Father which is in heaven.

    The testimony Peter gave, friends, was inspired by the Father Himself, and we know as theLord goes on to promise,

    Upon this rock, (this declaration of faith) I will build my church, and the gates of hell willnot prevail against it.

    Another example is inJohn 11:27. Martha, coming running to see Jesus as He was coming.Lazarus is dead in the tomb and the Lord said to her,

    I am the resurrection and the life.

    He asked her if she believed and she says,

    Yea Lord. I know that thou art the Christ, the Son of God, which should come into theworld.

    So again we see that to believe that Jesus is the Christ is to believe that He is the Son of God.And notice she said, which should come into the world. This is very important, becauseyou see, Jesus didnt become the Christ at the baptism, He was the Christ in heaven. He wasanointed in heaven before He came here. Ps. 2:6will teach you that, and many other

    passages. Thats why she says we should come into the world.

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    Another one.John 20:31,And these things are written, that ye might believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God.

    So when we read1 John 5:1to believe that Jesus is the Christ is to believe that He is the Sonof God. These terms are synonymous, they go together. And notice what it goes on to say.

    Whosoever believeth that Jesus is the Christ is born of God

    What does it mean to be born of God? Again there are many passages but lets look at acouple. Verse 18 of the same chapter. 1 John 5:18

    We know that whosoever is born of God sinneth not.

    So to be born of God means that you are not sinning. Notice also1 John 3:9

    Whosoever is born of God doth not commit sin.

    Here we see clearly being born of God means that you have departed from sin. 2 Tim . 2:19says,

    Let him that nameth the name of Christ depart from iniquity.

    And thats what it goes on to say, friends,

    Whosoever is born of God does not commit sin. Why? for his seed remaineth in him;and he cannot sin, because he is born of God.

    When you are an adopted child of God there is a new Power abiding in your heart. Godsends forth the Spirit of His Son and your heart is crying what?

    Abba, Father. Thats why you are born of God, you are an adopted child of God now.

    Come back to1 John 5:1 We have seen that whoever believes Jesus is the Christ, the Son ofGod, is born of God. They have departed from sin, they are living a new life now,empowered by the Holy Spirit, as Christ abides in the heart by faith.

    Now, many people, friends, believe that Jesus is the Christ, many believe He is the Son of

    God, but what this verse is saying is more than just a profession, it is more than just a mentalascent. You see inMatt. 7:22, we have the situation where Jesus is speaking to many whohad prophesied in His name, cast out devils in His name, done many wonderful works in Hisname. What does the Lord say?

    Depart from me, ye that practice iniquity (or lawlessness)

    These people profess to believe in Jesus, profess to believe He was the Son of God, and yetthey were not born of God, they had not departed from sin. Christ says,

    I never knew you. Depart from me, you who practise iniquity.

    So obviously, when we read1 John 5:1, it is more than just what you profess with your

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    mouth. Notice what it goes on to say.

    Whosoever believeth that Jesus is the Christ is born of God: and every one that loveth himthat begat (thats our Father who has begotten us as adopted children) loveth him also that isbegotten of him.

    When we are truly born of God we will also love our brothers and sisters. Notice1John 4:21

    And this commandment have we from him, That he who loveth God love his brother also.

    This is also interesting because the apostle John, when he wrote these words, not only is heinspired but he is speaking from experience. John and his brother James are called the sonsof thunder. John had a very bad temper. John was one, it didnt take much for him to wantto extract revenge on somebody. If you remember, when the Samaritans would not receive

    Jesus because He had set Himself for Jerusalem, John says to his Master,

    Let us command fire to come from heaven to consume them.

    That was the John that met Jesus, friends, in the beginning. Jesus said to him,

    You know not what manner of spirit ye are.

    But that John, the son of thunder, became John the beloved. Inspiration tells us that nodisciple reflected more the character of Jesus than the apostle John, and he was able to penthese words.

    He that loveth God loves his brother also.

    Lets go on now to verse 2. How can we know that we are truly born of God? How can weknow that we truly love the children of God? Verse 2 will tell us.

    By this we know that we love the children of God, when we love God, and keep hiscommandments.

    You see, friends, true love for your neighbour will be manifested in your life, how you relateto each other. And it will be motivated by your love for God. When we love God, and keepHis commandments.

    Remember what Jesus said inJohn 14:15

    If you love me, keep my commandments.

    When we truly love God that will be revealed in our life. We cannot love God and hate ourbrother. In fact, the previous chapter says exactly that. And we know the last sixcommandments are how we relate to each other.

    So this is how we know that we truly love God, and this is the only way we can love ourneighbours, when we love God. But, sometimes these tests can seem like a bit of a clich.

    Why is it that we love God? What is it that draws a soul to love Him and to obey Him, and tolove his fellow man?

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    1 John 4:19We love him, because he first loved us.

    How has God manifested His love to us in order that we can love Him in return? Lets lookat1 John 4:9, this will tell us.

    In this was manifested the love of God toward us.

    Notice, friends, we saw that earlier in that Spirit of Prophecy statement, notice how He sentHim down to earth to reveal how greatly He loved mankind. Thats what this is saying.

    In this was manifested the love of God toward us, because that God sent his only begottenSon into the world

    Now, you see, if this is a metaphor, if it was a role, what sort of love is He manifesting? Howcan we love Him in return? How can we know what He gave? How can we know if He truly

    suffered? We understand the relationship between a parent and a child, we understandpaternal love, and the most beautiful thing in the Gospel, that transcends all cultures, and alleducation, and all ages, is the paternal love between the parent and the child. This we canunderstand. We dont need to go to school to understand this, and this is what it is telling us.God manifested His love towards us in sending His only begotten Son into the world. Whydid He send Him? Lets read the next verse.

    Herein is love, not that we loved God, but that he loved us, and sent his Son to be thepropitiation for our sins.

    God sent His Son, friends, to die for you and I, that word means the atoning sacrifice. Thatswhy we love God, thats why we can keep His commandments, thats why we can love ourfellow men. Thats what1 John 5:2is telling you.

    Lets go back now to1 John 5:3This is an important verse because , you see, what this textwill do now , it will reveal a counterfeit , it will protect us, it will protect Gods children fromknowing that their love for God is real, knowing that they are truly keeping thecommandments from a heart of love, contrasted to that which is legalism.

    You know, in Christs day, the Pharisees were expert commandment keepers. Outwardlymaybe you could not fault them. In fact, Jesus described them as white washed

    sepulchres. Outwardly they were white and clean, but what else did He say? It isinteresting how He used the term of a sepulchre, a tomb. He said,

    But full of dead mens bones. They were spiritually dead. They had no love. They werekeeping the commandments in the letter, but not in the spirit. There was no motivation oflove there for God. In fact, they looked down upon other people. So, what verse 3 will tellus now is how we can know the true commandment keeping from the false. Notice what itsays,

    For this is the love of God, that we keep his commandments; and his commandments are notgrievous.

    They are not a burden, they are a joy. This is a beautiful principle. We are here today when

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    we could be doing many things. Are we here because we want to be saved? Dont you lookforward to Sabbath? Isnt that what occupies your mind all week? Dont you rejoice whenyou open these holy hours with your family, and invite the Lord to come to a closerrelationship? This beautiful, twenty four hour period that He has set apart for His children.

    You know, and dont you have a tinge of sadness when Sabbath ends? This is how you cantell true commandment keeping from the false, or are you looking at your watch for when itends,you have other commitments to occupy your time, or your mind?

    There is a wonderful example of this in the book of Genesis. Come with me to chapter 29.You know, when one is courting their future bride, a man loves to go out of his way to doanything he can to please his bride. It is a joy, a labour of love for him to do things to makeher happy. This is what1 John 5:3is talking about. His commandments are not grievous,they are a joy.

    In the story of Jacob and Rachel , you have this beautiful illustration where Jacob lovedRachel, he asked for her hand and his uncle Laban said, You work seven years for me andyou can have Rachel.

    Now Jacob, being a shepherd, seven years of working as a shepherd was hard work, workingin the chill of night, the heat of the day, protecting the flock from predators, from wild beasts,from thieves and robbers. Wonderful illustration there of Jesus our true shepherd.

    And yet, all of this for seven years. Notice how it seemed to Jacob. Gen. 29:20

    And Jacob served seven years for Rachel; and they seemed unto him but a few days, for thelove he had for her.

    Friends, Jesus said inPs. 40:8

    I delight to do thy will, O my God: yea, thy law is within my heart.

    And we saw that when the seed remains in you, you cannot sin when you are born of God.When the seed remains in you, it will be a delight for you also to keep His law. It was adelight for J acob to serve those seven years. It wasnt a burden, it wasnt grievous. And so itis a delight for Gods people to keep His commandments. And thats how you will know if

    you are truly keeping Gods commandments . It is a labour of love, of joy.

    How can we know, friends, come back to1 John 5:3 What is it that gives us this victory?What is it now that we need in order to access this victorious life that we have been readingabout so far? We read in verse 1 that we have to believe that Jesus is the Son of God. Weread that by loving God for the gift of His Son, we can overcome. We keep Hiscommandments and His commandments are a joy.

    But what is it that brings this victory to us? Lets read verse 4.

    For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world (we saw that already) and this is the

    victory that overcometh the world (this is what we want to know. This is the victory) evenour faith.

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    It is through believing, believing exactly what we have been reading. And as we believe weknow that God works in us to will and to do according to His good pleasure, more and morewe understand Him, we get to know Him, we experience His work in our life, the more weget to love Him and want to obey Him and serve Him.

    But all this is accessed by faith, by first taking the Scripture in your hands and praying, andapplying it to your life, and it becomes a true relationship. Notice friends, it is by faith, bybelieving.

    Now what is it explicitly that we need to believe? What is it we need to have faith in that wecan overcome the world and get this victory? Lets read the next verse.

    Who is he that overcometh the world (it is going to answer that question now.) but he thatbelieveth that Jesus is the Son of God?

    That victory, friends, that overcomes the world, that faith is the belief that Jesus is the Son ofGod. There are two very important words in this verse that seem insignificant but mostimportant words in the text. Those little words but he. Who is he that overcometh theworld? But he. Those words are all inclusive. It means only the one, friends, if you dontbelieve Jesus is the Son of God, you cannot overcome the world. If you cannot overcome theworld, if you are living in wilful sin, you are going to be lost. And so you need to believe Heis the Son of God.

    But we saw that it is a role. We saw that it is a metaphor. We saw that it is not real. If it isnot real, what do we believe? And if we dont believe, how can we overcome. And if wedont overcome, we are not going to heaven. This is the danger that lies when we arefollowing in error.

    So only the one who truly believes that Jesus is the Son of God can overcome. And friends,again, this is not just a mental assent, it truly means to believe that the Son of God can liveout that life that He lived , that victorious life, in you.

    How can I know for sure now? You see, friends, as we study through this chapter, we askcertain questions and the next verse gives us the answer. When you do a contextual studylike this one, if you can tap in, if the Holy Spirit can reveal to you the thought that the writerwants to impart, you know the question to ask. And the very next verse he gives the answer.

    This is how we are studying 1 John 5

    For example. We read in verse 1. Whosoever believeth that Jesus is the Christ is born ofGod. We saw how can we know, how can we know its a true relationship? Verse 2 tellsus. This is how you know, When we love God and keep his commandments.

    How do we know we are truly keeping His commandments? Verse 3 tells you.

    His commandments are not grievous.

    So O.K. We want this victory, but what must we believe? Verse 4 tells you this is what you

    must believe - that Jesus is the Son of God etc. So as we study through the chapter, eachverse gives you the answer to the question you are asking.

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    So how can we know, how can we have an intelligent faith? How can we truly believe that

    Jesus of Nazareth is the Son of God? Do we believe because the church tells us? The churchdoesnt believe it, we just saw what the church teaches. Not just the Adventist church but

    just about any church in the world today, they all believe in the Trinity so they dont believe

    He is the Son of God.

    How can we have an intelligent faith, because this is the faith that is going to give us thevictory? We need to know for certain. Is there something in Scripture that can give us rocksolid evidence that Jesus is truly the Son of God, Jesus of Nazareth, and thus we can have anintelligent faith and through this faith we can overcome and believe what God has said?

    John is aware of this and in the next verse he is going to give you the answer. He says this ishow you know. Notice verse 6.

    This is he that came by water and blood: not by water only, but by water and blood.

    John is saying this is how you will know that Jesus is truly the Son of God. This is how youwill know Jesus is who He claimed to be. He came by water and blood. That word came,in other words means He fulfilled. He fulfilled two things, He fulfilled the water and theblood. When you understand what these two symbols represent and apply them to Jesus, ifHe fulfilled them then John is saying you can have an intelligent faith, you can know forcertain that Jesus is truly the Son of God, and that the Father truly gave His Son for you and I.

    We need to define now what the water and the blood symbolise. Now, the water in Scripturecan symbolise many things. In Eph. 5 the water signifies the washing of water by the word,the word of God.

    InJohn 7:38, Jesus speaking,

    He that believeth on me, as the scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of livingwater. Water is a symbol of the Holy Spirit.

    But friends, those symbols will not help us to understand that He is truly the Son of God.What John is talking about here is proof, clear proof that you cannot be mistaken. And he isreferring, friends, to a time prophecy. You see, there is a prophecy that was written morethan 500 years before Jesus was born on earth, in Daniel 9. And this prophecy foretold that

    the Messiah would appear to Israel in A.D. 31 We know the prophecy. Dan. 9:25

    Know therefore and understand, that from the going forth of the commandment to restoreand to build Jerusalem

    So from the commandment in 457 B.C. that would restore Jerusalem and build the walls,

    unto the Messiah the Prince (so when the Messiah would be revealed) shall be seven weeks,threescore and two weeks (69 weeks)

    We know that those 69 weeks, a day for a year, we know that they represent 483 years of

    Bible prophecy. When we count 483 years from 457 B.C. we come to A.D. 31. As Scripturesaid, over 500 years before, that the Messiah would appear unto Israel in A.D. 31 And John

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    says, this is how you will know that Jesus is the Son of God. He came by water. Lets see ifJesus fulfilled this sign. Exactly friends, 483 years, 69 weeks, as we read, threescore, sevenand two, the Messiah would appear. In A.D. 27 Jesus was baptised. That was the water,baptised in the waters of the Jordan.

    And the Lord Jesus in Mark, come with me toMark 1:15. Notice what the Lord saidregarding, straight after the baptism. He says something very interesting. The Lord Jesus, inMark 1:15, not long after the baptism, says these words.

    The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand: repent ye, and believe the gospel.

    Jesus started to preach the gospel of the kingdom after His baptism. That baptism, friends,was His anointing for the beginning of His public ministry, and He says the time is fulfilled.What time is He referring to? He is referring toDan.9:25

    Great Controversy, page 327 will confirm that for you. Christ was saying that Daniels

    prophecy is fulfilled today. I was baptised on time. I entered the water on time. A.D. 27

    But friends, that is not enough for me. Come back to 1 John 5. You see, we need to let theScripture teach us and have complete confidence. We cant just take parts. The Scripturesaid,

    This is he that came by water and blood ( and he says, when you apply these two principlesyou will know) even Jesus Christ. (This is how you will know)

    But look what it goes on to say.

    Not by water only You see, if the Lord Jesus fulfils only the first of the two signs Hecannot be the Son of God, He has to fulfil both. Friends, many people were crucified, werebaptised and crucified but this is a time prophecy. Only one Man in history can fulfil this.500 years before the advent Jesus of Nazareth came. He appeared to Israel in A.D. 27,baptised by John in the waters of the Jordan. Now lets see if He fulfils the blood.

    Daniel 9:26,27

    And after threescore and two weeks shall Messiah be cut off.

    In the midst of that 70th week, friends, in the midst of the week, He would be cut off. Andlook at these beautiful words.

    Not for himself; and he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week.

    That we saw in A.D. 27 when He began to preach the gospel. The kingdom of God is athand, repent, confirming the covenant with many for one week. And what was to happen inthe middle of the week? 3 1/2 years? He would cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease,He would be cut off, He would die on the cross. So 3 1/2 years friends, from A.D. 27 wouldbring us to A.D. 31. This is He that came by water and blood. Not by water only, but bywater and blood, Jesus fulfilled the two signs. He fulfilled them on time.

    And then when you come back to1 John 5:6, here the apostle gives you concrete evidence

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    that you can have an intelligent faith, not that any man has to tell you, there are no eyewitnesses today that were around then, but through the Scripture you can know for sure that

    Jesus of Nazareth was who He claimed to be.

    The sad thing regarding this prophecy is that we teach this in Adventism quite often, this is a

    beautiful prophecy. You know that many Jews have been converted to Christianity becauseof the 70 week prophecy. Many Jews when they studied Daniel 9 and they calculated theyears they saw that Jesus of Nazareth was the Son of God and they became Christians. Infact they were losing so many people, friends, that the Jews, the Rabbis, put a curse on thischapter. They put a terrible curse on their own prophet because of the power of this beautifulprophecy.

    Sadly, Adventists today, we teach this prophecy but we ourselves, like the Jews in Christsday, are rejecting the two signs that prove He was the Son of God.

    Come back now to 1 John 5, lets continue with verse 6. It goes on to say,

    the Spirit also will bear witness.

    What will the Spirit bear witness of? What is it we have learned up till now? Every text hassurrounded one thing. That you can believe Jesus is the Son of God. By overcoming,through believing He is the Son of God. He that believes that Jesus is the Christ, the Son ofGod, is born of God. We love God and keep His commandments because He gave us the giftof His Son. Every text we have read is centred around one thing - believing that Jesus is theSon of God. And now we see that the water and the blood also prove conclusively throughthat prophecy that He is the Son of God.

    And now we say, the Spirit also beareth witness. Beareth witness to what? That Jesus is theSon of God.

    Does the Spirit bear witness? Jesus said, the Spirit will testify of Me. John 15:26theSpirit of truth which proceeded from the Father shall testify of me.

    Lets just look at two passages to see if the Spirit does bear witness. Acts 9:17. Saul ofTarsus was blinded, he is praying and God calls Ananias to go and to lay hands on him and topray over him that he may receive his sight. Acts 9:17we read.

    And Ananias went his way, and entered into the house; and putting his hands on him said,Brother Saul, the Lord, even Jesus, that appeared unto thee in the way as thou camest, hathsent me, that thou mightest receive thy sight, and be filled with the Holy Ghost.

    So Ananias comes, he lays his hands upon him, he prays and Saul is filled with the HolySpirit. Lets read the next verse.

    And immediately there fell from his eyes as it had been scales.

    And friends, although these may be literal scales, they are also spiritual. Many today alsohave scales that need to be removed from their eyes. Paul was persecuting those that

    believed Jesus was the Son of God, and God had to remove the scales from him.

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    Notice what happens friends. When Ananias prayed, laid hands upon him, and he receivedthe Holy Spirit, notice what happens. We want to see if the Holy Spirit bears witness. Hestrengthened certain days and then in verse 20, what is the first thing Paul does?

    And straightway he preached Christ in the synagogues, that he is the Son of God.

    So here we see the Holy Spirit will bear witness that Christ is the Son of God. Anotherpassage,1 John 4:13There are quite a few actually but we will just look at a couple here.We are seeing if the Spirit bears witness that Christ is the Son of God. 1 John 4:13

    Hereby know we that we dwell in him, (thats in God ) and he in us, because he hath givenus of his Spirit.

    And what do we testify when we receive the Spirit of God? Look in the next verse.

    And we have seen and do testify that the Father sent the Son to be the Saviour of the world.

    So again we see the Spirit will also bear witness. So1 John 5:6we saw that the water and theblood testify that Christ is the Son of God. We see the Spirit also bears witness to the same.

    Now we come to verse 7 and it says,

    For there are three that bear record in heaven.

    I wonder what it is they are bearing record of. Could it be that Jesus is the Son of God? Nowremember, the Trinitarian uses this verse to teach there is a Trinity, denying that He is theSon of God - the exact opposite to what the context is telling you. The three that bear recordin heaven, friends, if you want to accept the words, are that He is the Son of God. TheFather, the Word - who is the Word friends? Jesus. What is the biblical interpretation?John1:14

    And the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us and we beheld his glory, the glory of theonly begotten of the Father.

    The Word is the only begotten of the Father. So you can read1 John 5:7like this.

    And there are three that bare record in heaven, the Father, his only begotten Son, and theSpirit.

    And friends, we all believe in God the Father. We all believe in the only begotten Son ofGod. And we all believe in the Holy Spirit. This text poses no problems, whether you acceptits authority or not, it poses no problems at all. What this verse is telling you is that they allbear record that Jesus is truly the Son of God. Now verse 8.

    And there are three that bear witness in earth, the spirit, and the water, and the blood (wehave already seen) and these three agree in one.

    Again, the same thing we have seen the water and the blood testified that Jesus of Nazareth isthe Son of God, and we have seen the Spirit also bears witness to the same.

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    Now John is going to call for testimonies now. He wants us to believe so much this truth,because John knows how much it will change your life. He is going to call some witnessesnow . In verse 9.

    If we receive the witness of men, the witness of God is greater.

    Before we go to the witness of the Father, lets just take two witnesses. InJohn 1:49, letsread the witness of Nathanael, for it says here, if we receive the witness of men. AndNathanael should be a good witness because Jesus said of Nathanael that he had no guile,there was no falsehood.John 1:49

    Nathanael answered and saith unto him, Rabbi, thou art the Son of God; thou art the Kingof Israel.

    So here is the witness of Nathanael clearly testifying that Jesus was the Son of God. What

    about John the Baptist? Greatest prophet born of a woman. In the same chapter, verse 34.John the Baptist bearing record here. What does he say?

    And I saw, and bare record that this is the Son of God.

    So here we see the witness of two men, John the Baptist and Nathanael, both testifying thatChrist is the Son of God.

    Come back to1 John 5:9now, because it says something here.

    If we receive the witness of men, the witness of God is greater;

    The apostle now calls the highest witness in all the universe. This truth is so important,friends, to understand and believe that he calls the highest authority in all the universe, theFather Himself. Notice what he says.

    For this is the witness of God which he hath testified of his Son.

    The Father Himself, now be careful when you say it is a metaphor, be careful when you saythey are playing a role, this is the Sovereign of the universe, friends, that testified of HisSon. John records here the Fathers testimony , the Father speaks three times in the New

    Testament, that I am aware of. Matthew 3:17at the baptism. He said,

    This is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased.

    Matthew 17:5, the mount of Transfiguration where He says,

    This is my beloved Son (and He shook the mountain, friends, when He spoke) in whom I amwell pleased.

    And He said, Hear ye him.

    AndJohn 12:28 I have glorified it, and will glorify it again.

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    All three times God speaks it is for one thing - to testify that Jesus of Nazareth was His Son.And John the apostle now calls the highest witness he can possible call that we may believe.Now look what he goes on to say in verse 10

    He that believeth on the Son of God hath the witness in himself.

    Remember1 John 4:13?

    Hereby know we that we dell in him, and he in us, because he hath given us of his Spirit.

    And when we receive of His Spirit we will testify that the Father sent the Saviour, the Son, tobe the Saviour. 1 John 5:10is saying the same thing.

    He that believeth on the Son of God hath the witness in himself.

    The Spirit will testify of the Son in your life. Notice what else he says now.

    He that believeth not God hath made him a liar.

    Friends, these, I think, are the strongest words you can read in all the Scripture. The apostle isnow saying if you dont believe He is the Son of God, if you want to talk about metaphors,role plays. By the way, friends, when we looked at those earlier statements, I forgot tomention these were high ranking theologians, men that know the Scriptures, that know theoriginal languages. Did you notice any verses when they gave those statements, did younotice one text regarding any role play, or prophetic title? You never do. We have Scriptureevidence in abundance, we could go from passage to passage, perfect harmony, nocontradictions, but when they talk about these speculative theories they dont have one verse. What are we to believe - the testimony of the Father, or a theologian that doesnt have oneword to support what he is saying? It is more serious than that because the apostle now saysthat you make God a liar. How much more serious can it be for you to doubt that Jesus is theSon of God, that you say that God is a liar? The Father who cannot lie?

    Lets read on. Verse 11

    And this is the record, that God hath given to us (notice friends your eternal life depends onthis)

    You know, people say to me, This what you teach, it is getting in the way, it is notimportant. It is all you ever talk about. We have to preach the first angels message, we aretoo busy giving the Gospel.

    Friends, if you deny Jesus is the Son of God, you dont have the Gospel. The first angel,flying in the midst of heaven, having what? - the everlasting Gospel. Whats the heart of theGospel?

    For God so loved the world, (J esus words) that he gave his only begotten Son.

    So before one objects and says , We are too busy to hear this truth, we are too busy doing

    Gods work, You are not doing Gods work. You need to understand this truth first. Firstfor your own sake, then for those who you can influence and then you can help in the work,

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    and then you can preach the everlasting gospel to the world.

    In fact, Jesus says inJohn 3:18, He says that

    He that believeth on the Son is not condemned; What does He go on to say? He that

    believeth not (on the Son) is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name ofthe only begotten Son of God.

    Here are people, professing to believe in the Trinity, which denies Jesus as the Son,professing to preach the gospel, and Jesus says they are condemned already. You see howimportant it is friend? You need to understand this first - for our sake and then to be able tobe a blessing to others.

    And this is the record, that God has given us eternal life, and this life is in his Son.

    He that hath the Son hath life; and he that hath not the Son of God hath not life.

    Friends, what have we read? Every single verse , over and over again, it is to emphasize thisone point. You must believe Jesus is the Son of God. You have life for believing in Hisname. If you dont believe, you have not life.

    Remember, remember when we said earlier, if you compare this chapter with John 3, thereare some beautiful parallels. Jesus said you are condemned if you believe not on the name ofthe only begotten Son of God.

    John the beloved says He that hath the Son hath life, and he that hath not the Son of Godhath not life.

    And notice the next verse.

    These things have I written unto you.

    Everything we have read so far, John says, I have written these things unto you for onereason. This is my prayer that ye believe on the name of the Son of God, that ye may knowthat ye have eternal life. This is your guarantee for eternal life - believing that Christ is trulywho He claimed to be.

    You know, friends, we looked at quite a few witnesses but we left one out, and thats JesusHimself. You remember in His trial, before the Sanhedrin, when Caiaphas stood up and heswore by God Himself, he said,

    I adure you by the living God , tell us, Art thou the Christ, the Son of the living God?

    That was a very good question you know because they couldnt get Him that night. Theyconfused each other, contradicted their own statements. Caiaphas asked a brilliant question.He knew the answer you see. The Desire of Ages , page 322, will confirm it to you.Caiaphas knew. And Christ says, in the gospel of Mark, He says,

    I am.

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    This is important, friends, because you see, Jesus testified many times that He was the Son ofGod but it was at the trial that night, just a few hours earlier, He had prayed in Gethsemane ifGod would take this cup from Him.

    When He resolved to drink of the cup, He knew that when He acknowledged that He was the

    Son of God, He knew what was waiting for Him. The devil knew it, so did Caiaphas. AndChrist said, I am. He confessed He was the Son of God . Jesus Himself.

    Now here are Gods people today trying to teach a Trinity, denying He is the Son of God,how can they possibly, how can they possibly be held by Chriss sacrifice on their behalf,when they deny the very testimony that Jesus gave which bought the cross, in order to die fortheir sins, and yet they deny that He is the Son of God? The very testimony He gave thatbrought condemnation upon Him.

    Keep this in mind because we are going to read an important verse now in verse 16. In 1John 5, before we read verse 16, one more thing I wanted to point out. John says here,

    These things have I written unto you that you may believe.

    John wanted to get these things in writing, that throughout the ages we could read thischapter, and of course, most of inspiration, and believe this beautiful truth. And it remindsme of a beautiful passage in Peter. 2 Peter 1, because he says very similar words. 2 Peter1:14 Peter is speaking here. Peter knows he is about to die very soon. And friends, whenyou are about to die, and you are going to leave your last words, you are going to leave themost important thing you could possible leave for those who are coming after you to read. Itparticularly fits the apostle Peter. Notice what he says in verse 14.

    Knowing that shortly I must put off this my taberrnacle, even as our Lord Jesus Christ hathshewed me. Moreover I will endeavour that ye may be able after my decease to have thesethings always in remembrance.

    He is saying before I die, I want to make sure one thing, that you will have these things inyour remembrance. I am going to write them down. Look what he says,

    For we have not followed cunningly devised fables, when we made known unto you thepower and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but were eyewitnesses of his majesty.

    He is referring toMatt. 17:5friends, when the Father spoke from heaven and said,

    This is my beloved Son, hear ye him.

    Peter was a witness that day, along with John and James. Look what he says,

    We were eyewitness (friends) of his majesty.

    For he received from God the Father honour and glory, when there came such a voice to himfrom the excellent glory.

    Peter was an eye witness to this. Look what he says, the most important thing he wants youto remember before he dies, that he writes down. The Fathers words.

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    This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.

    How many more witnesses do we need? The witness of J ohn, the witness of J ohn the Baptist,the witness of Nathanael, the witness of Jesus , the witness of the Father, the witness of the

    Holy Spirit, the prophetic witness of the water and the blood, the witness of Peter theapostle. Everybody swearing, and adjuring, and pleading with you. The Holy Spirit pleadingwith you to believe that He is the Son of God and people tell you it is a role.

    Notice what he says, friends.

    And this voice which came from heaven we heard, when we were with him in the holymount.

    Thats Peters testimony for us today. Now come to 1 John 5. We will finish up with thisverse 16. This is a precious chapter, it is full of wonderful promises and victory, and I could

    never understand this verse until I understood this truth, and then one truth sheds light uponanother and the light dawned upon me what verse 16 was talking about ,1 John 5:16

    If any man see his brother sin a sin which is not unto death, he shall ask, and he shall givehim life for them that sin not unto death.

    This is a good biblical principle. We have an example in the book of Job where God told himto pray for his friends, and God forgave them. Even Simon the sorcerer when Petercondemned him, he said, Pray for me that these things will not come upon me. We have topray for our erring brethren when they repent and are sorry and together petition our prayersto the Father.

    But notice what it says here.

    There is a sin unto death; I do not say that he shall pray for it.

    There is one sin that the Scripture says you dont pray. Dont think that God is going to hearyour prayer if people commit this sin. What sin is that? This is the sin against the HolySpirit, friends. This is when you go too far.

    What is the sin against the Holy Spirit? The sin of blasphemy against the Holy Spirit does

    not lie in any sudden word or deed. It is not one instance, friend, when you do somethingwrong. God is long suffering with us. Its not any sudden word or deed where you havegone too far. Notice what it is. It is the firm, determined resistance of truth and evidence.

    Do you think this morning we have had some pretty good truth and evidence revealed to us?The Spirit of Prophecy says, this is why he mentions it in verse 16. After all the evidence hegives, after all the pleading he does on your behalf, he says, friends, Be careful now that youdont go too far and reject this, because you are in danger of committing this sin. When youwant to be determined and resist the truth, and the evidence is presented to you, God wantsto reason with us. He doesnt just say blindly believe. We had that prophecy in Daniel whichis totally faultless. God goes out of His way to make sure we have an intelligent faith and

    belief, but then He will give you this warning.

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    Now I want you to notice what this is connected to. Come with me to Luke 12. This isconnected to an event where Jesus cast a devil out of a man. It is also in Matthew. I think itis also in a few of the gospels. We will look at Luke 12.

    Christ had cast the devil out of a man, that was from the previous chapter, Luke 11, and He

    cast it out by the finger of God, by the Spirit of God. Now the leaders were scared becausepeople were starting to believe on Jesus, believing who He was, the Son of God. And so theysaid,

    Thou castest out demons by Beelzebub, by the spirit of the devil.

    Now Christ is going to, He is talking. If you understand this point, when we read these twoverses in Luke, Jesus is talking about that event. When you go home, when you can takeyour time, read Desire of Ages, page 321-323, or just read Luke 11 and 12 and you will seethe connection. Thats what He is talking about when He talks about sinning against theHoly Spirit.

    Notice here friends. Before we read this one, noticeLuke 12:10Jesus speaking, He says,

    And whosoever shall speak a word against the Son of man, it shall be forgiven him: butunto him that blasphemeth against the Holy Ghost it shall not be forgiven.

    Why can you speak something about Jesus and it can be forgiven you, but against the HolySpirit, you cannot? That doesnt seem to make sense. You see, friends, remember, the HolySpirit will testify of the Son. You could speak wrongly about the Son because you haventdiscerned, you are in ignorance, or you have been deceived, God will forgive you. Why willHe forgive you? Because the Holy Spirit is going to come? What do you think the HolySpirit is going to do?

    What have we seen this morning? He is going to testify of the Son. He is going to convictyou, Brother you are wrong. Thats the Son of God you are speaking about. You have tobelieve on Him. And that sinner will repent and see their error, and they will be forgiven.

    Thats why you can say a word against the Son and it will be forgiven you. But if you resistthe Holy Spirits teachings, you resist the determined truth, then what can God do? You arecutting your self off from the only hope of salvation. Thats what this passage is talkingabout.

    It was referring to the healing of that man, the casting out of the devil.

    It was just before this that Jesus had a second time performed a miracle of healing in a manpossessed, blind and dumb. And the Pharisees had reiterated the charge. He casteth outdevils through the prince of devils. Christ told them plainly that in attributing the work ofthe Holy Spirit to Satan, they were cutting themselves off from the fountain of blessing.

    Those who had spoken against Jesus Himself, not discerning His divine character, mightreceive forgiveness.

    This is whatLuke 12 :10is telling you. Thats why you can speak a word against the Son ofMan and it will be forgiven you. They hadnt discerned something. What was it they hadnt

    discerned? What does His divine character mean? They hadnt discerned He was the Sonof God . And so God says it can be forgiven you. Why? For through the Holy Spirit they

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    may be brought to see their error and repent.

    Whatever the sin, if the soul repents and believes, the guilt is washed away in the blood ofChrist; but he who rejects the work of the Holy Spirit is placing himself where repentanceand faith cannot come to him.

    That is why you cant speak a word against the Holy Ghost. It cannot be forgiven you,because He is going to show you your error. And if you reject that, there is nothing morethat God can do.

    It is by the Spirit that God works upon the heart: when men wilfully reject the Spirit anddeclare it to be from Satan, they cut off the channel by which God can communicate withthem. When the Spirit is finally rejected there is no more that God can do for the soul.

    Friends, this page, Desire of Ages , 321, I really appeal to you friends, if you have time, justto read three pages when you have time. This page and all the way to 323. It is powerful,

    powerful words because if you on to read, it is all connected with the sin against the HolySpirit, it is all connected with denying that Jesus is the Son of God. Thats why John uses itin1 John 5:16

    The Spirit is talking through the prophet about the leaders in Christs day. Remember whenwe said Caiaphas knew? All the leaders in Christs day, they all believed on Him.Inspiration will tell you this in these pages. They all believed. They knew who He was.How could they deny it? His words, His life, His works. You know why they committed thissin, friends? You know what the reason was? This is why it is so dangerous. Remember thestatements we saw earlier. Metaphor, role play. You know why they committed this sin? Ittells you, page 322.

    They had spoken publicly against Him. They knew He was the Son of God but when theyhad spoken publicly they couldnt take it back, their pride was too much. Their public, howpeople perceived them was too much to take it back. They perished, friends, they are lost.

    The Holy Spirit was trying to show, the Holy Spirit convicted them. They couldnt take itback. They committed a sin against the Holy Spirit . Thats what1 John 5:16is saying.

    Come to Luke 12. Now look at the previous two verses. We read verse 10, look at verse 8and 9. Oh friends, is this not coming true today. Just before Jesus mentions theunpardonable sin, look what He mentions it in connection with. Luke 12:8

    Also I say unto you, Whosoever shall confess me before men.

    How do we confess Jesus? Before men. Many ways obviously in our life - how we live, ourwords, our works, our honesty. All ways of confessing Jesus before men. But, they all meannothing if you deny who He is. The first thing foremost is to confess He is the Son of God,then all these other things are important and they add to the witness. If you deny the Son ofGod , friends, the rest mean nothing. We saw that

    He that hath the Son hath life. He that hath not the Son of life hath not life.

    So, He who confesses Me before men, he who confesses that Jesus is the Son of God, beforemen.

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    Before men - what does that mean? It means publicly. When you publicly go before people, thats exactly what we are doing this morning. We are publicly coming before here and weare just confessing Christ is the Son of God. How ironic it is that in the last days God has toraise up lay people, uneducated people, to go before His church to tell them that Jesus is the

    Son of God.

    If that wasnt bad enough, whats worse is that people dont even believe them. And so,friends, that is what we are doing this morning - we are confessing that Jesus is the Son ofGod, before men and publicly.

    Look at the promise He gives.

    Him shall the Son of man also confess before the angels of God.

    You know what that means, friends? What does it say inDan. 7:10?

    When the ancient of days did sit, and ten thousands, and ten thousands ministered, and thebooks were opened and the judgement was set.

    When Jesus confesses you before the angels of God, He is going to confess you in thejudgement. Revelation 3. Come to Revelation 3 and we will have a look. Rev. 3:5 Whatdoes it mean to confess us before the angels of God?

    He that overcometh, the same shall be clothed in white raiment; and I will not blot out hisname out of the book of life, but I will confess his name before my Father, and before hisangels.

    Come back to Luke, friends. Christ has promised there, when you confess Him before men ,when you confess He is the Son of God, He is going to confess you in the judgement beforeHis Father . But notice the warning now, just before the sin against the Holy Spirit. Look atverse 9.

    But he that denieth me before men .

    Well, if confessing Him is to confess He is the Son of God, what do you think it means todeny Him before men? Come to1 John 2:22, lets see what it means to deny Jesus before

    men. 1 John 2:22

    Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ?

    Notice. Remember, believing Jesus is the Christ is to believe He is the Son of God. Whatdoes it mean to deny He is the Christ?

    He is antichrist that denieth the Father and the Son.

    It is the spirit of antichrist that denies that Jesus is the Son of God, friends. Thats why it islinked to the unpardonable sin. Thats why they cant come back, if you dont repent.

    Come back to Luke 12 now. We will finish up here. After that beautiful promise that He

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    would confess us in the judgement if we confess Him publicly before men, the Lord also addsthis. This is also a promise .

    Whosoever shall deny me before men, shall be denied before the angels of God.

    You see why it is a sin against the Holy Spirit? You see why you cannot come back from it?You see why these men committed that sin?

    Friends, these are the two choices we have today. Thats why we need to pray for thebrethren that are writing these large books and giving these Trinity presentationseverywhere. They are in great danger ofLuke 12:9, great danger.

    Friends, you can choose this morning. You can choose the promise inLuke 12:8. You canconfess Jesus is the Son of God and He will promise to confess you before the angels. Youcan deny Him, we saw thats the spirit of antichrist, deny He is the Son of God and He willdeny you before His Father. The choice is yours.

    You know, when Christ was dying on the cross, how many believed upon Him? You knowwhat inspiration says? Of the disciples, it says, their faith perished. All of them, friends.When the hardest time to believe on Jesus when He was dying on the cross, believe me,before and after, it is not hard, but at that time, all their faith perished, all the disciples. Itsays that Mary, His mother, doubted. Mary, who had heard the words of Simeon that a swordwould pierce her heart, even Mary doubted.

    But friends, a man confessed that day, while Gods professed commandment keeping people,who had the Spirit of Prophecy, and kept the Sabbath were saying, If thou be the Son ofGod, come down .

    Suddenly a voice was heard, in Desire of Ages it says a loud voice Everyone stopped andthey turned to see where this voice came from. It was a pagan soldier, friends, a Romansoldier, a centurion. Mark 15:39it says

    Truly this man is the Son of God.

    Friends, Gods hand is not shortened that He cannot save, or his ears heavy that he cannothear. God will use the rocks to cry out if we deny Him. But the work will be finished, andGod is going to use pagans, He is going to use people anywhere. Friends, we came back

    from New Guinea and I appeal with you please stay this afternoon to hear the message and tosee the mission report from New Guinea.

    Friends, the Roman soldier confessed his faith. A lowly thief on the right hand of Christconfessed his faith, he calls him Lord. I want to appeal to you this morning. If you are herefor the first time, if you have never believed this truth before, but you believe it now, if youwant to confess Jesus before men, before us, this morning, if you, like that Roman soldierwant to confess your faith, if you want to, with the Father, testify His Son, if you want totestify with Jesus Himself who died on your behalf, will you stand this morning and confessyour faith that Jesus is truly the Son of God?

    Let us have a prayer and finish.


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