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Bull Volcanol (1999) 60 :489–507 Q Springer-Verlag 1999


C. J. Hickson 7 J. K. Russell 7 M. V. Stasiuk

Volcanology of the 2350 B.P. Eruption of Mount Meager VolcanicComplex, British Columbia, Canada: implications for Hazardsfrom Eruptions in Topographically Complex Terrain1

Received: 20 January 1998 / Accepted: 29 September 1998

1 Geological Survey of Canada Contribution Number 1997224

Editorial responsibility: D. A. Swanson

C. J. Hickson (Y)Geological Survey of Canada, 8101–605 Robson Street,Vancouver, British Columbia, V6B 5J3E-mail: [email protected], Fax: (604) 666-7507

J. K. RussellDepartment of Geological Sciences, University of BritishColumbia, 6339 Stores Road, Vancouver, B. C. V6T 1Z4

M. V. StasiukDepartment of Geology, University of Lancaster, Great Britain

Abstract The Pebble Creek Formation (previouslyknown as the Bridge River Assemblage) comprises theeruptive products of a 2350 calendar year B.P. eruptionof the Mount Meager volcanic complex and two rockavalanche deposits. Volcanic rocks of the Pebble CreekFormation are the youngest known volcanic rocks ofthis complex. They are dacitic in composition and con-tain phenocrysts of plagioclase, orthopyroxene, amphi-bole, biotite and minor oxides in a glassy groundmass.The eruption was episodic, and the formation com-prises fallout pumice (Bridge River tephra), pyroclasticflows, lahars and a lava flow. It also includes a uniqueform of welded block and ash breccia derived from col-lapsing fronts of the lava flow. This Merapi-type brec-cia dammed the Lillooet River. Collapse of the damtriggered a flood that flowed down the Lillooet Valley.The flood had an estimated total volume of 109 m3 andinundated the Lillooet Valley to a depth of at least30 m above the paleo-valley floor 5.5 km downstreamof the blockage. Rock avalanches comprising mainlyblocks of Plinth Assemblage volcanic rocks (an olderformation making up part of the Mount Meager vol-canic complex) underlie and overlie the primary vol-canic units of the Formation. Both rock avalanches areunrelated to the 2350 B.P. eruption, although the post-eruption avalanche may have its origins in the over-steepened slopes created by the explosive phase of the

eruption. Much of the stratigraphic complexity evidentin the Pebble Creek Formation results from depositionin a narrow, steep-sided mountain valley containing amajor river.

Key words Mount Meager 7 Volcanic stratigraphy 7Pyroclastic flow 7 Lahar 7 Avalanche 7 Petrography 7Geochemistry


Overview and purpose

The Mount Meager complex is the site of the most re-cent major explosive volcanic activity in British Colum-bia (Hickson 1994). This activity produced a diverse se-quence of volcanic deposits, well exposed in the bluffsalong the Lillooet River (Fig. 1), that are herein de-fined as the Pebble Creek Formation. The primary vol-canic deposits are dacitic in composition and includedissected remnants of fallout pumice, pyroclastic flows,welded breccias, flood deposits (lahars) and a lava flow.The eruption was so energetic that thin, very fine-grained, distal deposits of tephra have been identifiedin Alberta, 530 km from the vent (Nasmith et al. 1967;Westgate and Dreimanis 1967). An unusual, thickapron of welded vitrophyric breccia may represent theexplosive collapse of an early lava dome or lava flowfront (e.g., Francis et al. 1974; Bardintzeff 1984; Nakada1993).

This paper describes the physical aspects of thesedeposits: their distribution, relationships, nature andhazards. We summarize and review pertinent field, pet-rographic and chemical data (Nasmith et al. 1967; An-derson 1975; Read 1977a, b; Stasiuk and Russell 1989,1990; Evans 1992; Ke 1992; Stasiuk et al. 1996), recon-struct the sequence of events that produced these vol-canic deposits, and explain several enigmatic, if notunique, pyroclastic deposits. This complex volcanic as-semblage provides an excellent example of the hazardsresulting from cyclic deposition of Merapi-type deposits



Salal Creek Pluton

Mt. Cayley







Mt. Garibaldi







Strait of GeorgiaVAN




Mt. Barr Stock


U. S. A.

Mt. Baker

Fraser River

0 20 40 60


Mount Baker


















th A





Juan de FucaPlate






















200 km

Late Tertiary Intrusive Rocks

Quaternary Volcanic Rocks

Late Miocene-Pliocene complexes

Neogene Chilcotin basaltChilcotin basalt

Large volcanic complexesCinder cone/small shield volcano



Mount Vernon


Fig. 1 Location of Mount Meager volcanic complex and the Ga-ribaldi volcanic belt. Inset map shows Quaternary volcanoes in

the Canadian Cordillera and adjacent areas of the United States(modified from Hickson 1994)















ger Cre












0 2




































Keyhole Falls







Fig. 2 Geological map showing the distribution and age of vol-canic rocks of the Mount Meager volcanic complex (Read 1977b;modified from Read 1990): PL1, basal breccia; PL2, porphyriticdacite; P1, The Devastator Assemblage; PY2 and PY3, Pylon As-semblage; P4, Job Assemblage; P5, Capricorn Assemblage; PL,Plinth Assemblage; P7, Mosaic Assemblage; R1, dacitic depositsof the Pebble Creek Formation

in rugged mountain valleys. Our work demonstratesthat volcanic activity at Mount Meager blocked the Lil-looet River, setting the stage for catastrophic failure ofthe upper part of the formation and resulted in an mas-sive outburst flood.

Geological background

The Mount Meager complex is part of the Garibaldivolcanic belt (Fig. 1), the northernmost segment of theCascade magmatic arc (Green et al. 1988; Guffanti andWeaver 1988; Read 1990; Sherrod and Smith 1990;Hickson 1994), which includes Mount Baker and Gla-cier Peak in Washington. Quaternary volcanism alongthe Cascade magmatic arc is related to subduction ofthe Juan de Fuca plate beneath North America (Fig. 1inset; Green et al. 1988; Rohr et al. 1996).

The Mount Meager volcanic complex (2645 m asl) is150 km north of Vancouver in the southern CoastMountains, between the Lillooet River and MeagerCreek (Fig. 2). The Quaternary volcanic complex over-lies a basement of plutonic and metamorphic rocks. Asoriginally mapped by Read (1977a, b), the MountMeager volcanic complex includes peripheral coevalbasaltic lava flows and pyroclastic deposits, centraloverlapping piles of andesite lava flows, dacite domesand flows, and pyroclastic units (Fig. 2). Read (1977a,b) subdivided the complex into a number of assem-blages: the Devastator; Pylon; Job; Capricorn; Plinth;Mosaic; and the Bridge River Assemblage. Read(1977a, b) demonstrated that the most recent phase ofvolcanic activity was the eruption and deposition of theBridge River Assemblage. The “Bridge River” designa-tion was based on correlation with ash beds first de-scribed near Bridge River, British Columbia, and refer-red to as Bridge River tephra (e.g., Drysdale 1916;Stevenson 1947; Nasmith et al. 1967; Westgate andDreimanis 1967). We have renamed this unit of post-glacial volcanic deposits as the Pebble Creek Forma-tion due to the prior usage of the term Bridge RiverComplex (Gabrielse and Yorath 1991) for Paleozoicrocks north of the volcanic complex.

Radiometric ages on volcanic rocks of the MountMeager volcanic complex range from 2.2 Ma (K-Ar) to2350 B.P. (radiocarbon) (Read 1977a, b; Evans 1992).The most recent dating by Clague et al. (1995) andLeonard (1995) indicates that the youngest eruption isabout 2350 calendar years old. The vent for the mostrecent eruption is no longer exposed but was located byRead (1977a, b) on the amphitheatre-like northeasternshoulder of Plinth Peak at an elevation of about1500 m, 1000 m above the floor of the Lillooet Valley(Fig. 3).

Petrographic characteristics

The vent of the 2350 B.P. eruption is in a col sur-rounded by steep cliffs comprising units of the Plinth

Assemblage (Plvd) (Fig. 2 unit PL; Fig. 3, unit Plvd;Read 1977a, b; Evans 1992). Although volcanic rocks ofthe Plinth and Pebble Creek Formations have a num-ber of mineralogical and chemical similarities, they canbe distinguished petrographically (Table 1). These pe-trologic differences are critical to sorting out the sourceand origin of some of the stratigraphic units.

In outcrop, rocks of the Plinth Assemblage are mas-sive, dense, light to dark grey, and commonly redweathering. In thin section, the rocks are highly por-phyritic; plagioclase dominates the phenocryst assem-blage, but biotite and quartz are also abundant, andamphibole and clinopyroxene are also present. Thegroundmass is fine-grained, hyalocrystalline and micro-vesicular. Locally, the groundmass can be partly devi-trified. The crystalline portion of the groundmass com-prises crystals of plagioclase, amphibole, pyroxene and


PYva Porphyritic (plagioclase + pyroxene)andesite flows, breccia and ash

Cretaceous and/or Jurassic

Q/Mqm Biotite, quartz monzonitelimited outcrop

Q/Mqd Biotite, quartz diorite;limited outcrop

Pyroclastic flow unit; laterallycontinuous; subrounded breadcrust-textured pumice blocks in fine-grainedash matrix; reverse grading of pumice,normal grading of lithic clasts, abundantcharred wood


Welded vitrophyric block and ash flow;less intensely welded than bx2


Pyroclastic flow unit; laterallydiscontinuous; subrounded tobreadcrust-textured pumice blocksin fine-grained ash matrix; reversegrading of pumice, normal grading oflithic clasts, no charred wood


vs Discontinuous, poorly sorted, crudelybedded, polymictic debris flow,subangular PCF blocks dominate; 20%subangular to subrounded granitic clasts

bx2Welded vitrophyric block and ash flow,variably welded, rare granitic clasts,unconsolidated basal breccia of lithicblocks



Avbx 2

HoloceneQ Colluvium, alluvium, fluvial deposits

Pebble Creek Formation (PCF)Plinth Avalanche deposits:Monolithologic poorly sorted, lithicbreccia blocks, unconsolidated

vd Vitrophyric, locally highly vesicular,porphyritic (plagioclase, orthopyroxene,amphibole and biotite) dacite

la Very poorly sorted, unconsolidated,polymictic debris flow deposit containingcharacteristic prismatically jointedwelded breccia blocks (either bx1 or bx2)

Reddish-grey, partially lithified,monolithologic, crudely bedded, matrixto clast supported breccia

tf Fallout tephra unit: well sorted grey-buffpumice lapilli and blocks; accessorypinkish-grey welded ignimbrite,accidental sparse granite and PlinthAssemblage clasts, rare rounded graniteclasts; upper portions substantiallyreworked;

Avbx1 Avalanche deposit, monolithologic PlinthPeak assemblage rocks; soil horizondeveloped on upper surface

PleistocenePlinth Assemblage

PLvd Light to dark grey, porphyritic(plagioclase, quartz, biotite) dacite flows,breccia and ash

T Till



Triassic (?)Cadwallader Group

Q/CGsv Greenstone, volcanicbreccia, grey phyllite;minor greywacke;limited outcrop


MioceneFall Creek Stock

Biotite quartz monzonite,leucoquartz monzonite;alaskite




A' B







0 1



INSETbx3 Avbx2










Lillooet Riv er




Keyhole Falls
















































tfMqm Mqm


































RIVER Keyhole Falls








3500 Creek




limit of mapping

limit of mapping

Fig. 3 Geological map showing areal distribution of PebbleCreek Formation including: a) fallout pumice deposits and re-worked equivalents (unit tf), b) pyroclastic flow deposits (unitspf1&2), c) “Merapi-type” welded block and ash deposit (unitsbx1,2&3), d) lava flow (unit vd), e) hot, jointed, block flood depos-

its (unit la), and f) Plinth-dominated rock avalanche deposits(units Avbxp1&2) (modified from Stasiuk et al. 1996 and Read1977b). Locations of cross-sections shown in Fig. 7 are indicated.Contours in feet: 1 footp0.3048 m


Table 1 Petrographic characteristics of Pebble Creek and Plinth Formation rocks

Petrography Plinth Formation –Dacite

Pebble Creek Formation – Dacite Pebble Creek Formation– Banded mafic andesite

Overall characteristics highly porphyritic; plagio-clase dominates the phe-nocryst assemblage, butbiotite and quartz arealso abundant, and am-phibole and clinopyrox-ene are presentfine-grained, hyalocrystal-line and microvesiculargroundmasslocally partly devitrifiedcrystalline portion of thegroundmass comprisesplagioclase, amphibole,pyroxene and oxides lessthan 1 mm in sizeOrthopyroxene is absentor rare.

magmatic crystal clots of magmatic mineralsoccur (e.g., Fig. 4d) and range from 2 to7 mm in diameter and, in decreasing abun-dance, comprise:i) sieved-textured plagioclase, ii) red-brownpleochroic biotite cores with amphibole andoxide (Bpyroxene) reaction rims (Fig. 4d),iii) plagioclase and orthopyroxene, iv)brown, pleochroic amphibole and oxide, andv) intergrowth of pyroxene and apatite.groundmass glass comprises 80–90% of rockby volume and is generally colourless; al-though some glass is tan or light-brown incolour (cf. Fig. 4a, b)glass also occurs as colourless and colouredmelt inclusions within crystals

banding occurs as paralleland complexly refoldedor convoluted layers 0.5to 2 cm thick, some thick-er (5–10 cm) bands ob-servedbanding defined by con-trasts in colour – white togrey-white host and sub-ordinate grey to black en-claves – which sometimescoincides with variationsin vesicularity (Fig. 4e).light coloured material ispetrologically identical tothe other PCF dacite

Plagioclase phenocrysts (2–4 mm)show coarse albite twin-ning and oscillatory zon-ing; some are partly re-sorbed.contain some glass inclu-sions

phenocrysts takes two main forms:1. Large, 1–3 mm diameter, subhedral,equant, sieve-textured plagioclase crystals(Fig. 4c). Typically, crystals are strongly cor-roded and show vestiges of coarse albitetwinning and complex zoning and growthfeatures. Late plagioclase overgrowth rimsare common and restore the euhedral char-acter of the plagioclase (Fig. 4c). Glass in-clusions in these crystals appear to followcleavages, and some are vesiculated2. small (0.2–1.0 mm), euhedral, twinned,lath-shaped crystals with optically discerni-ble zoning. These crystals differ from thelarger disequilibrium plagioclase crystals inthat they lack both abundant glass inclu-sions and corroded grain boundaries

lath-shaped microlites1.51–2 mm

Quartz (1–3 mm) are rounded,corroded or have pyrox-ene reaction rims

rare (~1%) and strongly corroded rare, fractured and cor-roded xenocrysts

Biotite (1–2 mm) euhedral, red-brown phenocrysts and asrounded clots that havebeen partially reacted toamphibole

most common form is ragged, corrodedrounded crystals (0.5–1.0 mm), or partiallyreacted crystals, or have reaction rims ofamphibole c oxides B pyroxeneless commonly found, mainly in the lavaflow, is euhedral microphenocrysts

oxide-rimmed biotitegrains

Amphibole less abundant than biotitethey form brown-greenpleochroic laths

next most abundant ferro-magnesian phase,occurring as strongly green-brown pleochro-ic, subhedral, 0.1–0.25 mm long prisms andas reaction rims on larger biotite crystals(Fig. 4d)

rare euhedral crystals

Apatite none noted common accessory phase, forming inclusionsthat are concentrated along internal growthboundaries within plagioclase

none noted

Fe-Ti Oxides none noted none noted equant Fe-Ti oxides inthe ground mass

Pyroxene clinopyroxene orthopyroxene is the most abundant ferro-magnesian phase and occurs as euhedralprismatic crystals, 0.2–0.4 mm in length withcharacteristic green-pink pleochroismclinopyroxene occurs as rare, broken crys-tals and as reaction rims on larger biotitecrystals (Fig. 4d)

large equant-shaped or-thopyroxene (0.6–1 mm)and clinopyroxene


Table 2 Major element chemical compositions of selected volcanic rocks from the Pebble Creek Formation (PCF) and the PlinthAssemblage (PL)

Stratigraphy PCF PCF PCF PCF PCF PCF PCF PL PL PL PL PL PCF PCFUnit tf tf pf2 pf2 bx3 vd vd vd vd vd vd vd tf tfRock Type pumice pumice pumice pumice breccia lava lava lava lava lava lava lava pumice pumiceSample No. 88-2a 88-2b 90-1 90-3 88-7 88-16 88-32 88-26 88-29 88-30 88-39 88-40 * **

SiO2 64.35 67.69 66.90 68.11 68.33 68.64 68.82 67.10 68.74 60.50 68.10 66.94 63.94 66.05TiO2 0.57 0.46 0.50 0.46 0.47 0.44 0.44 0.54 0.47 0.84 0.48 0.52 0.45 0.50Al2O3 16.57 16.10 16.63 16.23 16.45 16.18 16.09 16.02 15.72 17.74 16.15 16.75 16.34 15.48Fe2O3 2.09 1.06 0.95 0.56 1.37 1.44 1.14 1.82 1.65 3.40 3.34 1.96 n.d. 1.31FeO 2.32 1.86 2.75 2.63 1.68 1.43 1.70 1.40 1.32 2.02 0.04 1.60 3.57 2.00MnO 0.08 0.07 0.08 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.08 0.07 0.09 0.08 0.09 n.d. 0.07MgO 1.92 1.36 1.59 1.39 1.46 1.29 1.31 1.74 1.42 2.73 1.68 1.89 1.38 1.38CaO 4.17 3.06 3.49 3.17 3.33 3.07 3.07 3.28 2.70 5.06 3.28 3.62 3.18 3.30Na2O 5.10 5.16 5.32 5.28 5.48 5.32 5.30 4.99 5.10 5.43 5.16 4.90 n.d. 4.30K2O 2.23 2.41 2.22 2.37 2.44 2.46 2.46 2.83 3.06 1.74 2.55 2.44 n.d. 2.21P2O5 0.19 0.15 0.17 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.23 0.17 0.36 0.14 0.17 n.d. 0.23

Total 99.59 99.39 100.61 100.43 101.22 100.49 100.55 100.03 100.44 99.89 101.01 100.86 94.98

LOI 1.66 2.14 1.73 0.74 0.42 0.56 0.45 0.29 0.19 0.94 0.14 0.95 2.75 n.d.H2Oc 1.34 1.96 1.48 0.75 0.31 0.40 0.28 0.23 0.28 0.90 0.08 0.98 P 2.21H2OP 0.28 0.19 0.24 0.10 0.11 0.08 0.08 0.07 0.06 0.10 0.02 0.14 P 2.25

All compositions measured by X-ray fluorescence except for FeO and H2O, which were measured volumetrically and gravimetrically,respectively (Ke 1992). Also included are chemical analyses by *Drysdale (1916) and ** Stevenson (1947)

oxides less than 1 mm in size. Orthopyroxene is absentor rare.

All primary volcanic rocks of the Pebble Creek For-mation share a common mineralogy (Fig. 4a–d) thatdiffers from that of the Plinth Assemblage (Table 1 and2). Clusters or clots of magmatic minerals occur in allPebble Creek rock types (e.g., Fig. 4d), range from 2 to7 mm in diameter and, in decreasing abundance, com-prise: i) sieved-textured plagioclase, ii) red-brownpleochroic biotite cores with amphibole and oxide(Bpyroxene) reaction rims (Fig. 4d), iii) plagioclaseand orthopyroxene, iv) brown, pleochroic amphiboleand oxide, and v) intergrowths of pyroxene and apatite.Glass, excluding vesicles, comprises 80–90% of the vol-canic rocks. The groundmass glass is generally colour-less, although glass in samples of welded breccia (cf.Fig. 4a, b) and in at least one of the lava samples is tanor light-brown in colour. Glass also occurs as colourlessand coloured melt inclusions within crystals.

Plinth Assemblage rocks differ from Pebble CreekFormation rocks by having abundant quartz, biotiteand clinopyroxene (micro-) phenocrysts. The PebbleCreek Formation has only rare broken or corrodedcrystals of quartz and clinopyroxene and small amountsof biotite. Pebble Creek Formation rocks contain sig-nificant phenocrystic orthopyroxene and sieve-texturedplagioclase, whereas Plinth Assemblage volcanic rockshave neither.

Banded rocks are an important lithologic subset ofthe Pebble Creek Formation (Table 1), and their pres-ence may have important genetic implications. Thebanding occurs as parallel and complexly refolded orconvoluted layers manifested in the field by contrasts incolour between a lighter host (white to grey-white) andsubordinate darker (grey to black) enclaves. The mi-neralogical and textural character of the darker lenses

and bands is significantly different from that of the par-allel lighter bands (cf. Table 1).


Major and trace element compositions of primary vol-canic rocks of the Pebble Creek Formation and olderPlinth Assemblage were measured by X-ray fluores-cence spectrometry (Cui and Russell 1995). Table 2presents chemical compositions of representative sam-ples of the two units.

The chemical compositions of the two rock suitesare similar. Both are strongly quartz normative and da-citic to trachydacitic compositionally (Fig. 5; Le Bas etal. 1986). A single sample (out of multiple samples) ofthe Plinth Assemblage plots as trachyandesite. Alsoshown in Fig. 5 are the chemical compositions of othermafic to felsic volcanic rocks from the Mount Meagervolcanic complex (Ke 1992). These compositions rangefrom basalt to dacite. None of the samples is a rhyolite,though the Plinth volcanic rocks contain quartz andhave been described as rhyodacitic on the basis of theirmineralogy (Read 1977a, b).

In general, rocks of the Mount Meager volcaniccomplex are strongly sub-alkaline (Fig. 5). Rocks of thePleistocene Mosaic Assemblage (Fig. 2; Read 1977a, b)are an exception; they are slightly alkaline (Irvine andBaragar 1971) and range from alkali olivine basalt totrachybasalt (Stasiuk and Russell 1989).

Stratigraphy and field observations

Mapping for this project represents a more detailedstudy than was undertaken by Read (1977a, b) and ex-


Fig. 4a–f Photomicrographs of Pebble Creek Formation volcanicrocks: a wispy structures in glassy lava clasts in unit bx2 inter-preted to be collapsed vesicles (field of view is 7.8 mm); b vitro-clastic matrix of unit bx2 (field of view is 7.8 mm); c lava showingsieve-textured plagioclase with glass inclusions (field of view is7.8 mm); d crystal clots of early biotite rimmed by reaction prod-ucts (field of view is 2 mm); e commingling of mafic and felsicmembers (field of view is 7.8 mm); note different vesicle sizes; fsubtle interface between co-mingled lavas (field of view is7.8 mm)

pands on the work of Stasiuk and Russell (1990).Read’s four subdivisions of the Bridge River Assem-blage have been further subdivided into ten and re-

named the Pebble Creek Formation. Each of theseunits represents a significant and distinct component inthe history of the Pebble Creek Formation. Relation-ships between units within the Pebble Creek Formationare tabulated in Table 3 and shown in stratigraphic andcross-section in Figs. 6 and 7. The following discussiondescribes the units in ascending stratigraphic order asinferred from field relationships (Table 3). Petrographyand rock chemical compositions of the primary volcanicunits within the formation suggest that all are cogenet-ic, and field evidence shows them to be co-eruptive.

The paleotopography at the time of eruption of thePebble Creek Formation was similar to the present-day


Fig. 5 Chemical classificationof Pebble Creek Formation(solid circles), Plinth Assem-blage (open triangles) and oth-er Mount Meager volcaniccomplex rocks (open circles)(Ke 1992). PB – picrite basalt,BA – basaltic andesite, TB –trachybasalt, BTA – Basaltictrachyandesite, TA – tra-chyandesite, TD – trachyda-cite (fields from LeBas et al.1986). The heavy curved lineis the alkaline-subalkaline div-ision of Irvine and Baragar(1971). Inset shows AFM dia-gram representation of PebbleCreek Formation, Plinth As-semblage, and other MountMeager volcanic rocks. Lineseparates the calcalkaline field(below) and the tholeiitic field(above), from Irvine and Ba-ragar (1971)


Na2O + K2O MgO

40 50 60 70 80SiO2 (wt.%)















Irvine &


Na 2

O +




mountainous topography characterized by narrow val-leys, high relief and unstable colluvium and till-coveredslopes drained by high-energy streams flowing into gla-ciated valleys. Valley bottoms contain alluvium and lo-cally, rock avalanche deposits. The Lillooet River is ahigh volume, high-energy river draining a large catch-ment area. Both slopes and valley bottoms have signifi-cant accumulations of easily mobilized sediment.

Pre-eruption rock avalanche deposit: Avbx1

A non-indurated, unsorted, monolithologic deposit ofangular to subrounded boulders and cobbles in a greyto tan matrix of very coarse sand to granules forms thebasal unit (Avbx1) of the Pebble Creek Formation up-stream from Keyhole Falls near Salal Creek (Fig. 3, 6and 7). The clasts are mainly derived from Plinth As-semblage lava flows that form the peaks, ridges andslopes above the Pebble Creek Formation vent area(Fig. 3). The top 10 to 20 cm of the deposit is reddenedand clay-rich; the boundary between this unit and theoverlying fallout pumice (unit tf) is marked by a thinveneer of dark plant matter (“soil”). Evans (1992)traced this unit 5 km up Salal Creek from its confluencewith the Lillooet River to an elevation of 1158 m,where he reports it to be 35 m thick. Here, the depositdammed Salal Creek, impounding a lake.

Pyroclastic fall deposit: tf

A pyroclastic fall deposit, up to 80 m thick, blanketsslopes in the vicinity of Mount Meager (Fig. 8a). Thedeposit has an open framework, is well sorted and con-

sists of 98–99% angular, well-sorted pumice clasts(1–50 cm in diameter) (Fig. 8b). The pumice clasts arelight grey, fibrous and commonly have reddish ororange-coloured vesicular cores. Large clasts are perva-sively fractured, and surface breadcrust textures arecommon. About 1–5% of the pumice clasts are bandedfrom white to dark grey (see above and Stasiuk et al.1996).

About 1 to 2% of the clasts are derived from PlinthAssemblage rocks. These fragments are significantlysmaller than the pumice clasts. Four other accidentaland accessory clast types total ~~1% of the deposit. Themost common is a slightly inflated, breadcrusted greyclast, petrographically identical to the light-colouredpumice clasts. Another type, less common but of ge-netic significance (see Discussion), is a breadcrustedclast of variably welded pyroclastic flow material (ig-nimbrite). These clasts contain flattened to well-rounded white pumice fragments (typically 1–10 cm indiameter) in a red to pink, fine-grained, homogenousmatrix. Accidental clasts of well-rounded, but glaciallyfaceted, cobbles of quartz monzonite, similar to theMiocene Fall Creek Stock underlying the eastern por-tion of the map area, are another minor but ubiquitouscomponent of the deposit (Fig. 8b). Rarest of the acci-dental clasts are fragments interpreted to be baked andcharred clay-rich soil. All accidental and accessoryclasts are found throughout the deposit and are not lim-ited to any one section or horizon.

Grain-size analysis was carried out on eight tephrasamples collected 2.1–4.3 km from the vent area usingthe methodologies proposed by Walker (1971), Sparks(1976), Fisher and Schmincke (1984) and Cas andWright (1987). This analysis shows that the deposit iswell sorted (Fig. 9; Walker 1971; Cas and Wright 1987).


Table 3 Stratigraphic summary of Pebble Creek Formation members and Plinth Assemblage (after Read 1990)


Name Thick-ness(m)

Internal structure Clasts Matrix Other charac-teristics

Interpretation of de-posit type, sequenceof events and em-placement mechanism

Q Quaterna-ry coverover base-ment rock

Avbx2 post-erup-tion aval-anche de-posit

monolithologic, poor-ly sorted, lithicblocks, unconsoli-dated

PLvd clasts subangu-lar to subrounded

rock avalanche re-lated to over-steep-ened slopes of PlinthPeak

vd dacite lavaflow

15–20 vitrophyric, locallyhighly vesicular, por-phyritic (plagioclase,orthopyroxene, am-phibole and biotite)dacite

two populations ofplagioclase1Opx1Amp1Aug,Bt, Ox, Kfs(?)

bands of col-ourless tobrown glass

lava flow; waningeruption of gas-poormagma

la hot out-burst-flood de-posit

10–2 unsorted to verypoorly sorted, uncon-solidated, matrix-sup-ported polymictic de-posit grading down-stream into beddeddeposits

granule to bouldersize, prismaticallyjointed welded brec-cia blocks, clasts upto 15 m in size

polymicticgranule sizematerial

blocks ofwelded mate-rial are char-acteristicallyprismaticallyjointed, sub-angular

debris flow (lahar) ofstill hot, but weldedunit bx3 due to sud-den failure of damformed behind thisdeposit

bx3 late phase,partiallyweldedblock andash flordeposit

150 reddish-grey, partiallylithified, monolithol-ogic, crudely bedded,matrix-to clast-sup-ported breccia

crystal-rich vitroclas-tic welded brecciawith dense black glas-sy clasts

grey weather-ing glassy ma-trix

welded block and ashflow; Merapi-type hotavalanches off theface of an advancinglava flow/dome

bx2 middlephaseweldedblock andash flowdeposit

100–15 welded vitrophyricblock and ash flow,variably welded,rare granitic clasts;unconsolidated basalbreccia of lithicblocks

50% clasts of densevitrophyre, 5% gran-ite clasts, angular,leucocratic monzonitefragments, and rarerfragments of PlinthAssemblage lava andbiotite-feldspar gneiss

grey weather-ing glassy ma-trix, friable towelded, con-taining bro-ken crystalfragments

volumetri-cally largestdeposit

welded block and ashflow; Merapi-typehot avalanches offthe face of an ad-vancing lava flow/dome; formed a sub-stantive dam in theLillooet Valley

vs crudelybeddedsedimen-tary de-posit

3 discontinuous, poorlysorted, crudely bed-ded, polymictic debrisflow

subangular blocks ofPebble Creek Forma-tion dominant; 20%subangular to sub-rounded graniticclasts

fluvial processes de-posited during ashort hiatus in erup-tion sequence, duringwhich bx1 was dis-sected by the LillooetRiver

pf2 late phasepyroclasticflow de-posit

7 laterally discontin-uous, lensoid shape;reverse grading ofpumice, normal grad-ing of lithic clasts

subrounded to bread-crust-textured vesicu-lar pumice blocksweakly composition-ally banded

fine-grainedash, crystaland rockfragments

no charredwood

pyroclastic flow;more gas-rich magmapulse

bx1 earlyphase-weldedblock andash flowdeposit

5 laterally discontin-uous, friable, weldedvitrophyric angularblocks

jointed, welded, vi-trophyric, black angu-lar clasts

grey weather-ing glassy ma-trix

less intenselywelded thanbx2, foundonly nearKeyhole Falls

welded block and ashflow; Merapi-type hotavalanches off theface of an advancinglava flow/dome

pf1 earlyphase py-roclasticflow de-posit

3–10 laterally continuous;non-indurated andmassive; exhibits onlycrude internal struc-ture or sorting; re-verse grading of pum-ice, normal gradingof lithic clasts

subrounded bread-crust-textured pumiceclasts 5 cm to 1 m insize, compositionallybanded; rare (~1%)accidental clasts

fine-grainedash matrix

abundantcharredwood, includ-ing wholetrees typicallyoriented hori-zontally

pyroclastic flow de-posit; early, gas-richmagma


Table 3 (continued)


Name Thick-ness(m)

Internal structure Clasts Matrix Other charac-teristics

Interpretation of de-posit type, sequenceof events and em-placement mechanism

tf earlyphase py-roclasticfall de-posit

1 to160

open-framework, ma-trix free, 190% wellsorted large white togrey-white blocks,rare proximal blocksto 50 cm (max. di-mension); 1–2% acci-dental clasts, upperportions and nearvent substantially re-worked

190% white to grey-white pumice blocks,120% macroscopicvesicularity; acciden-tal clasts include, 1)slightly inflated,breadcrusted greyclasts petrographical-ly identical to the pu-mice clast,2) breadcrusted, in-flated clasts of varia-bly welded pyroclas-tic flow material (ig-nimbrite);3) well-rounded cob-bles of quartz mon-zonize;4) baked to charredclay-rich soil

matrix-free,open frame-work

rare pumiceclasts (1–5%)exhibit com-positionalheterogeneity(banding),large blockshave pinkishcores, bread-crusted sur-face and arefractured. De-posit thinsrapidly out-side of maparea, to traceaccumulationsat distancesof 11000 km

tephra fall deposit;early, gas-rich magmaproducing a vent-clearing phase afterdeposition of earlierignimbrite

ignimbrite foundonlyas clasts

inflated clasts of vari-ably welded pyroclas-tic flow material (ig-nimbrite); clasts con-tain flattened to well-rounded white pum-ice lapilli and blocks(typically 1–10 cm indiameter) in a red topink fine grained, ho-mogenous matrix

rare clastsfound withinunit tf

initial or concurrent-ly(?) formed proxi-mal deposits, possiblyvent infill repre-senting the first phaseof eruption and pro-ducing welded, proxi-mal ignimbrite

Avbx1 pre-erup-tion rockavalanchedeposit

1–35 monolithologic PlinthAssemblage clasts,rocks; soil horizondeveloped on uppersurface

PLvd clasts subangu-lar to subrounded

grey to tancoloured,very coarsesand to gran-ule sized

rock avalanche de-posit; avalanche re-lated to oversteep-ened slopes of PlinthPeak

PLvd Plinth As-semblage

massive, dense andlight to dark grey orred weathering, high-ly porphyritic, plagio-clase dominates thephenocryst assem-blage and biotite andquartz are also abun-dant

light grey,porphyritic(plagioclase,quartz, bio-tite) daciteflows, brecciaand ash

pre-Pebble CreekFormation Assem-blage

Maximum grain size concentrations are in the 1–5 cmrange. Less than 10% is less than 0.1 cm in size and10% is coarser than 6.4 cm size (Fig. 9). The most distalsample has a substantially higher percentage of finer-grained material.

Thin, very fine-grained, distal deposits of unit tf havebeen identified as far east as Alberta (530 km) (Steven-son 1947; Nasmith et al. 1967; Westgate and Dreimanis1967). The central axis of the plume trends approxi-mately 637 east-northeast (Nasmith et al. 1967).

Early phase pyroclastic flow deposit: pf1

A pyroclastic flow deposit (unit pf1) directly overliesfallout pumice (unit tf) in exposures along the LillooetRiver (Figs. 3, 6, 7, 8c). The unit is matrix- to clast-sup-ported, massive, non-indurated, and consists of sub-rounded to rounded pumice blocks in a fine grey clasticmatrix. In some exposures it exhibits crude internalstructure or sorting (Fig. 9). The deposit near the ventis generally 3 to 10 m thick. The most proximal expo-sure is close to Keyhole Falls (Fig. 3; Figs. 6, 7, sectionA); the most distal is at Pebble Creek (Fig. 3; Figs. 6, 7,section D).









80 2











Base elevation

































20 210 10 0


Base elevation




Lillooet River

N0 1


Pebble CreekFormation primaryvolcanic units

Plan viewCross-section views



Vertical scale change

580 1






Fig. 6 Stratigraphic sectionsof Pebble Creek Formation.Solid circles and letters marklocation of sections. Rockunits as in Fig. 3. Measure-ments are given in metresabove base elevation

The dominant clasts are 5-cm to 1-m blocks of pum-ice, commonly breadcrusted and compositionallybanded. Blocks of Plinth Assemblage rocks, carbonizedwood fragments, branches and rare whole trees are ac-cidental components (Fig. 8c, d). Quartz monzonitecobbles are extremely rare, and no clasts of welded py-roclastic flow material or soil were found. The matrixconsists of small, rounded pumice grains, curved glassshards and crystal fragments (predominantly plagio-clase).

At section A (Figs. 3, 6) the base of unit pf1 is notvisible, though it presumably overlies units tf andAvbx1. Here the deposit is at least 10 m thick, reverselygraded, and contains subangular pumice blocks up to25 cm in diameter. Banded pumice blocks are also pres-ent; charcoal is rare. Downstream, at section B, unit pf1

is about 4 m thick and overlies 1.4 m of fallout pumice(unit tf). Trees rooted in underlying fluvial sands andgravels are buried by the pumice. At this site unit pf1

displays reverse grading, contains numerous subangularpumice blocks up to a few tens of centimetres in diam-eter and horizontal carbonised tree branches and logs.At the most distal exposure (section D), unit pf1 is 6 mthick, contains pumice blocks up to 2 m in diameter andnumerous large, horizontal tree trunks up to 50 cm indiameter and 3 m long. Both the pumice blocks andcharred tree trunks are concentrated near the top ofthe unit (Fig. 8c, d). At the base of the unit is a 40-cm-thick, massive fine ash layer that rests on a lithic

and crystal-rich layer containing entrained reddish ox-idized soil clots and pebbles from the underlying soilhorizon. The soil is itself underlain by fluvial sand andgravel. Unit pf1 pinches out abruptly downstream; nearthe end of the exposure, a vertical, slightly charred treeremains in growth position protruding through unitpf1.

Early phase welded block and ash flow deposit: bx1

Unit pf1 is overlain by about 5 m of jointed, friable,welded vitrophyric breccia (Fig. 3; Fig. 6, section A).The breccia has closely spaced joints that range fromirregular to radial in pattern and suggest rapid quench-ing by water. This deposit may be the first indication ofthe role of water as an influence in the eruptive prod-ucts and is found only in the vicinity of Keyhole Falls.

Pyroclastic flow: pf2

A second pyroclastic flow deposit (unit pf2) overliesunit bx1. In section A below Keyhole Falls (Fig. 6), it islensoid in shape and approximately 7 m thick, with alower, pumice-rich, reversely graded, 4-m-thick zoneand an upper lithic-rich, crudely bedded normallygraded layer. Pumice clasts in the deposit are subangu-






3.5x vertical exaggeration
















D D'

C C'

B B'

A A'





River distancefrom vent

Pebble Creek Formationprimary volcanic units



Basement Rock


from A-A’

0 km

2 km

3.2 km

5.5 km





Lillooet River

N0 1



D D’

C C’

B B’






Cross-section views Plan view

Fig. 7 Cross-sections showing the stratigraphy and distribution ofmembers of the Pebble Creek Formation. Rock units as inFig. 3

lar and up to 7 cm in diameter; lithic blocks are angularand up to 12 cm across.

A matrix-supported block and lapilli breccia overliesunit pf1 at section D. This flow unit has conspicuouslyfewer large pumice blocks and charred wood fragmentsthan unit pf1. This exposure may be near the distal mar-gin of unit pf2.

Debris flow: vs

Unit vs is a crudely bedded, poorly sorted, heterolithic,3 m thick, waterlain, deposit. It comprises roundedboulders of Pebble Creek Formation welded breccia,lithic clasts and rounded boulders and cobbles of leuco-cratic granite in a granule to sand matrix dominated bymaterial other than clasts of the Pebble Creek Forma-tion. Welded breccia boulders are not radially jointedas in unit bx1. Unit vs was observed in only one loca-tion, downstream from section B (Figs. 3, 6, 7). Whereobserved, it clearly underlies unit bx2 (see below), butits relationship to pf1 (or possibly even pf2) cannot bedetermined.

Welded block and ash breccia: bx2

Unit bx2 is volumetrically the largest member of thePebble Creek Formation; it is a valley-filling deposit of

variably welded, monolithologic, vitrophyric breccia.The unit thins from 100 m at Keyhole Falls (Fig. 8c, d)to 15 m just downstream of section B (Fig. 3). It formsan apron ahead of, and possibly beneath, the PebbleCreek Formation lava flow (unit vd; Fig. 3) but is notpresent where the base of the flow is exposed, along themiddle to upper reaches of Fall Creek and above theLillooet River.

The breccia has crude horizontal layering defined byzones of differing grain size and welding (Fig. 8d). Thelayers are several metres thick and are laterally discon-tinuous. Vertical columnar joints, with metre-scalespacing, cut the deposit irregularly, and smaller hori-zontal columnar joints, about 10 cm apart, form normalto the vertical joint surfaces (Figs. 8c, d). These hori-zontal joints are most prominent below Keyhole Fallsnear section B (Fig. 3).

The principal (50%) constituent of the breccia isblack, dense, glassy, angular blocks of porphyritic lava,some of which are flow banded (Fig. 8e). Weatheredsurfaces commonly highlight a diffuse, waxy-grey, cen-timetre-scale banding, perhaps resulting from incipientdevitrification. The clasts range in size from a few cen-timetres to about 1 m across and are variably flattenedto produce conspicuous horizontal alignment. Fig. 10compares aspect ratios of dense vitrophyric clasts in thewelded interior of the breccia and the unwelded base.Analysis of the two data sets suggests that a maximumflattening of 30% took place during welding. Rarewelded breccia clasts contain grey spherulites and litho-physae. These were noted in the thickest section of unitbx2 near Keyhole Falls. Some glassy clasts are slightlyvesicular. In thin section, wispy lineations within other-


Fig. 8a–f Photographs of units of the Pebble Creek Formation: afallout pumice deposit (unit tf, 2 m thick) underlain by and over-lain by rock avalanche deposits (units Avbx1&2); b pyroclasticflow (unit pf1) and overlying flood deposit (unit la) at section D(figure for scale, note circle); c cliffs of unit bx2 at Keyhole Falls;cliffs are 100 m high and represent the welded breccia thatformed the competent portion of the dam but was eroded by thecatastrophic flood waters (the notch represents erosion by the Lil-looet River since the 2350 B.P. eruption and catastrophic flood);d layered, variably indurated unit bx3 (which failed catastrophi-cally) overlying unit bx2. B; e close-up view of massive weldedlava breccia; f radial jointing in glassy blocks within unit la (blockshown in photograph is 1 m in diameter)

wise homogeneous glass represent collapsed vesicles(Fig. 4a).

Accidental clasts include small, angular, leucocraticmonzonite fragments, forming up to 5% of the breccia,and rarer fragments of Plinth Assemblage lava and bio-tite-feldspar gneiss. The accidental clasts do not have apreferred orientation and are not flattened. Black glas-sy clasts are slightly bent around sharp edges of acci-dental lithic clasts.

The matrix of the welded breccia ranges from lightgrey, friable, and granular to grey, porous and porce-lain-like, to black, dense and glassy. In thin section thematrix is clastic, comprising comminuted fragments ofthe black glassy clasts (Fig. 4a, b). Where strongly


0 1 10 100

Minimum particle size (mm)














by w



Fig. 9 Particle size distributions for eight samples of fallout pum-ice (solid circles), one sample of pyroclastic flow (unit pf1) andone of the rock avalanche units (Avbx1)

0 20 40 60 80Horizontal clast dimension (cm)








io (



Values of R

R = 1

Mean R unwelded (1.748)

Mean R welded (2.805)

Fig. 10 Aspect ratios of lava clasts from the non-welded basalpart of the breccia (open circles) and the strongly welded interiorof the breccia (closed circles), shown as function of the horizontaldimension of the clast

welded, the matrix is a “dusty” glass containing brokencrystal fragments (Fig. 4b).

Welding diminishes near the base and top of theunit. The uppermost material is a poorly indurated,massive, chaotic deposit described separately below(unit bx3). The blocks in the unwelded part of the de-posit range from vesicular pumice to dense vitrophyrebut are petrographically identical to flattened clastswithin the densely welded breccia.

Unit bx2 contains cylindrical vertical holes tens ofcentimetres in diameter and metres long. The holes ex-

tend from the unwelded base of the unit into thewelded interior and lie directly above the blackenedstumps of trees protruding through the pyroclastic flowdeposits (Stasiuk et al. 1996).

Late-phase partially welded block and ash flowdeposit: bx3

Unit bx2 is overlain by variably indurated, crudely bed-ded breccia (unit bx3) exposed in precipitous cliffsabove Keyhole Falls (Fig. 8d), where it attains a thick-ness of more than 100 m. At this site the breccia con-tains a few thin (~1 m), strongly welded layers. Unitbx3 is also present downstream from Keyhole Falls andis inferred to underlie much of the covered slopes be-low the lava flow and above unit bx2 (Figs. 3, 6). Theupper part of the breccia is deeply eroded in most loca-tions and forms vegetated, recessively weatheredslopes. The unit is clast to matrix supported. The clastsare angular and lithic textured in a coarse, granular ma-trix reddish-grey in colour.

Hot outburst flood deposit: la

A chaotic, unsorted and non-indurated, heterolithicmixture of subangular to subrounded granule- toboulder-size material overlies unit bx2 downstreamfrom section B (Fig. 8f). It is best exposed in a road cutat section C (Fig. 3, 6 and 7), where it is 10 m thick.From this point it thins and fines rapidly downstream tosection D, where it is only 2 m thick.

Unit la is typically matrix supported, particularly indistal exposures, but is clast supported at a few locali-ties. The matrix ranges from very coarse sand to peb-ble-sized material and locally forms crudely bedded,discontinuous lenses in interstices between larger clasts.Clasts in the deposit range from cobbles to boulders upto 15 m in long dimension. The dominant clasts are an-gular to subrounded blocks of welded glassy breccia,which are distinguished by numerous centimetre-scalecooling joints perpendicular to the clast surfaces, form-ing radial patterns (Fig. 8f). The cooling joints occur inall breccia blocks regardless of size.

Dacite lava flow: vd

The youngest primary volcanic deposit is a glassy, por-phyritic dacite lava flow. The flow is weakly flowbanded and ranges in vesicularity from almost pumi-ceous at the top to extremely dense at the base. Thelava flow is heavily vegetated, but its original form iswell preserved and is defined by a 10–20 m high scarpfringed by coarse talus blocks. The vent location is in-ferred to be close to the point where the lava outcropnarrows and disappears (Fig. 3 and 7a); ice and talusaccumulation obscures all primary volcanic features in


this area. The base of the unit, exposed along the lava’ssouthern margin (along Fall Creek), is a partiallywelded, oxidized breccia. The thickness of the flow ex-posed along Fall Creek varies from 15 to 20 m over the2 km length.

Post-eruption rock avalanche: Avbx2

The uppermost unit of the Pebble Creek Formation is achaotic and structureless monolithologic rock ava-lanche deposit derived from Plinth Assemblage lavaflows (unit Avbx2) (Fig. 3). Unit Avbx2 is very difficultto distinguish from the older unit Avbx1; both depositscomprise mainly blocks of dacitic lavas derived fromPlinth Peak (Read 1977a, b; Evans 1992). Unit Avbx2

can be separated from unit Avbx1 where it overlies thefallout pumice deposit (unit tf). Additionally, a thin soilmarks the upper surface of the older rock avalanchedeposit where it is overlain by the fallout pumice. Theyounger rock avalanche sits conformably upon falloutpumice (Fig. 8a), other members of the Pebble CreekFormation, and basement rock. There is no evidence ofa paleosol on the surface of unit Avbx2, and clasts fromother units of the Pebble Creek are not incorporatedinto the debris. Large (up to 5 m), angular blocks ofPlinth lava can be found strewn on the upper surface ofunit vd. These blocks are assumed to be thin proximalclasts of unit Avbx2. The rock avalanche had sufficientenergy to deposit only sparse debris on the west side ofthe valley prior to running up to an elevation of 914 meast of the river.


The Pebble Creek Formation comprises primary andsecondary volcanic deposits produced by a variety ofprocesses and styles of volcanic activity. Field relation-ships suggest that all units were emplaced over a periodof time that may have been as short as a few weeks,with the exception of the rock avalanches. The rapidemplacement of the primary volcanic units implies littleor no hiatus in the supply of magma to the surface. Thesequence of eruptive events is best described as a sin-gle, multi-phased volcanic eruption; here simply termedthe 2350 B.P. eruption.

A notable aspect of the 2350 B.P. eruption is thatexplosive volcanism occurred in mountainous terraindrained by a high-energy river with a large catchmentarea. These geomorphic attributes had a significant im-pact on the eruption, controlling the distribution andcharacter of the volcanic deposits. These factors alsohave specific implications for the hazards associatedwith other volcanoes in such areas. The discussion be-low is intended to elucidate some of the aspects of aneruption in such an environment.

Plinian phase

Eruption trigger

Blocks of banded pumice and lava flows are an impor-tant lithological subset of the Pebble Creek Formation.The banding is most evident in pumice blocks in thepyroclastic flow (pf1) and fallout pumice units (tf).None of the accessory blocks of welded ignimbrite inunit tf is banded. Some clasts in the welded breccia arealso banded, but this is less obvious because of weldingand compaction. Enclaves of apparently unmodifiedmafic material and rare, dark-coloured, dense blockscontaining subordinate 1–2 cm light-coloured bandsprovide the best constraints on the character of themore mafic magma type. Minerals in these enclaves andbands are dominantly equant, euhedral orthopyroxene(0.6–1 mm) and plagioclase (1.5–2 mm) phenocrysts(not sieve textured), augite and plagioclase microphe-nocrysts and groundmass plagioclase microlites and ox-ides. The light-banded material is characterized by i)sieved-textured plagioclase, ii) red-brown pleochroicbiotite cores with amphibole and oxide (Bpyroxene)reaction rims (Fig. 4d), iii) plagioclase and orthopyrox-ene, iv) brown, pleochroic amphibole and oxide, and v)intergrowth of pyroxene and apatite.

The banded pumice clasts in both the fallout and py-roclastic flow deposits are inferred to result from min-gling and mixing (cf. Philpotts 1990) of i) volumetricallydominant dacite consisting of colourless glass, pheno-crysts of sieve-textured plagioclase, orthopyroxene, am-phibole, and biotite; and ii) subordinate basaltic ande-site comprising phenocrysts of equant orthopyroxene,non-sieve-textured plagioclase, and clinopyroxene anda hyalocrystalline groundmass of Fe-Ti oxide, plagio-clase, pyroxene and light-brown-yellow glassy mesosta-sis. Magma mingling rather than mixing more accurate-ly describes the process, although, at least on a localscale, there is evidence of homogenization forming “hy-brid” material that subsequently has been infolded intothe uncontaminated dacite.

Field observations indicate that the mingling pre-dates eruption of the fallout pumice but postdates for-mation of the welded ignimbrite, as inferred from ac-cessory blocks of welded ignimbrite within unit tf thatshow no evidence of magma mixing or mingling. Themafic magma was volumetrically small compared to thedacite magma. The preservation of millimetre- to centi-metre-scale banding and sharp compositional interfacessuggests that mixing occurred close to the initiation ofthe eruption of unit tf or during its early stages (e.g.,Sparks et al. 1977; Koyaguchi 1985). Stasiuk et al.(1996) suggested the mixing may have triggered theeruption (e.g., Sparks et al. 1977). Field relationshipsobserved within the Pebble Creek Formation are con-sistent with this suggestion.


Pyroclastic deposits

The fallout tephra deposit (unit tf) is the first direct evi-dence of volcanic activity during Pebble Creek time.The deposit is interpreted to be fallout material depos-ited from a turbulent convecting plume formed from aPlinian eruptive column (Sparks et al. 1978; Cas andWright 1987). The accidental clasts of Plinth Assem-blage volcanic rocks, glacially faceted quartz monzonitecobbles, and baked clay rich clots (soil?) suggest ero-sion of the conduit and surrounding margins during theeruption. The dense grey breadcrusted clasts and theinflated breadcrusted clasts of welded pyroclastic flowmaterial may represent clasts of earlier or concurrentlyforming proximal deposits, possibly vent infill. Thesewelded pyroclastic flow clasts are the clearest evidenceof syn- or pre-Plinian “vent” deposits (Sparks et al.1978).

The central axis of the Plinian eruption plume de-posits trends approximately 637 east-northeast (Nas-mith et al. 1967). Thin, very fine-grained, distal falloutdeposits have been identified as far east as Alberta(530 km) (Stevenson 1947; Nasmith et al. 1967; West-gate and Dreimanis 1967). Attempts to constrain thecharacteristics of the eruption by relating size and den-sity of pumice and lithic fragments to distance from thevent location (Luty 1994) were done using the method-ology of Carey and Sparks (1986). Using their tech-nique, we calculated a preliminary plume height of 15–17 km. This estimate may be low, as it does not includedata from the most distal portions of the plume.

Much of unit tf was deposited on steep slopes whereerosion rates are high. As a result, unit tf has been ex-tensively modified and eroded by creep, slope wash andstream dissection. These processes have resulted in sec-ondary (post-eruption) centimetre-scale laminations inthe upper quarter or third of the deposit (see upperportion of Fig. 8a). At one site along the south side ofthe Lillooet River north of the vent, the entire deposithas been reworked into a complex, channelized accu-mulation of pumice 60 m thick (Russell and Stasiuk1997). This is now the site of a commercial pumice-min-ing operation.

The eruption, once a Plinian column developed, pro-duced at least two significant pyroclastic flows (e.g.,Sparks et al. 1978). The first of the flows, unit pf1, waslarger and more energetic. The occurrence of banded,breadcrusted pumice blocks and large tree fragmentssuggests that unit pf1 is laterally continuous betweensections A and D, a distance of 5.5 km. The presence ofa fine-grained basal unit further suggests that the elu-triated cloud of the pyroclastic flow may have outrunthe main avalanche phase.

Lava flow collapse and brecciation phase

Units bx1,2&3 are unusual deposits of similar origin.Their distribution, internal structure, constituents and

textures are consistent with deposition from the col-lapse of a series of lava domes or lava flow fronts. Lavaflow avalanches, also termed block and ash flows, arecommon in “Merapi-type” eruptions (e.g., Bardintzeff1984; Boudon et al. 1993), and are caused by extrusionof viscous silicic magma on steep slopes. They havebeen documented at volcanoes in Chile (Francis et al.1974), Guatemala (Davies et al. 1978; Rose 1987), Mex-ico (Rodriguez-Elizarraras et al. 1991) and Japan (Satoet al. 1992; Nakada 1993). Fragmentation of the lava iscaused by gravitational collapse of the flow front onsteep slopes, explosive decompression of exsolving vo-latiles, or some combination of these two processes(Moore et al. 1981; Heiken and Wohletz 1987; Stasiuket al. 1993a, b). Deposits similar in character to thePebble Creek Formation welded breccia have been de-scribed by Francis et al. (1974), Rodriguez-Elizarraraset al. (1991), Boudon et al. (1993) and Kerr et al.(1974). The deposits described by Francis et al. (1974)are similar in thickness (up to 100 m) and length(2–7 km) to those of the Pebble Creek Formation, butmost Merapi-type block and ash deposits are substan-tially smaller.

Another striking contrast between Pebble CreekFormation welded breccias and most modern Merapi-type block and ash deposits is that all of the PebbleCreek Formation breccias are strongly or incipientlywelded, similar to deposits described by Kerr et al.(1974) but very different from most modern examples(Francis et al. 1974; Rodriguez-Elizarraras et al. 1991;Boudon et al. 1993; Nakada 1993). Strong welding oflava basal breccias commonly occurs beneath thick lavaflows (Bonnichsen and Kauffman 1987; Sparks et al.1993) where there is significant heating through advec-tion by the flowing lava. Such breccias, however, arenormally only a few metres thick, occur in close prox-imity to the lava supplying the heat, have no internalstructures such as layering and do not have a valley-infilling form.

The layered and welded nature of units bx1&2 and, toa lesser extent, unit bx3 indicates that these units weredeposited episodically and conserved heat during em-placement. This suggests that the source is close to thepresent location of the breccia and that the accumula-tion rate of hot material must have been sufficientlyhigh to provide adequate heat to weld the material. Thebreccia was emplaced at temperatures in excess of theglass transition temperature, assumed to be greaterthan about 500 7C. A final contributing factor to thewelding may have been the narrowness of the valley inwhich the breccia was deposited. Incision of the easilyerodible unit Avbx1 by the Lillooet River likely createda narrow gorge which was then filled by the breccia.This narrow valley conserved heat and promoted weld-ing.

Variations in columnar jointing, welding, and clastsize define layering within unit bx2. On the basis ofthese differences, we suggest that unit bx2 consists of upto four cooling units and hence was emplaced episodi-


cally, presumably from a number of closely spaced flowfront collapses (avalanches) or explosions (e.g., Nakada1993; Young et al. 1997). Two implications of the layer-ing are that the lava extruded from the vent was highlyunstable and that eruption styles may have varied rap-idly (e.g., explosive vs. extrusive).

Support for changes in the style of the eruption de-rives from the stratigraphic relationship among unitspf1, bx1 and pf2 (Fig. 3, section A). An inflated pyro-clastic flow, followed by emplacement of a welded brec-cia, then a second pyroclastic flow suggest unstable ac-tivity and rapid shifts from explosive to extrusive be-haviour. This type of behaviour has been observed atMount St. Helens (Moore et al. 1981) and Mt. Unzen(Sato et al. 1992), and is a common feature of prehistor-ic silicic eruptions (Fisher and Schmincke 1984; Heikenand Wohletz 1987). Such oscillations are of great prac-tical importance, because they represent unpredictableswitches from quiescent lava extrusion to dangerous ex-plosions.

Catastrophic dam-failure phase and flood hazards

Unit vs is interpreted to be a debris flow deposit result-ing from partial dissection of unit bx1 by the LillooetRiver. This deposit is the first direct indication of thecompetition between the volcanic deposits and theriver.

Of even greater significance are the younger brecciaunits. Unit bx2 dammed the Lillooet River to a heightof at least 100 m (Fig. 8c), impounding a lake. This lakecontinued to fill as unit bx3 was deposited. Deltaic de-posits upstream from Salal Creek indicate that the lakeattained a maximum elevation of 810 m and thus was atleast 50 m deep. Its volume is estimated as 0.25–1.0 109

m3.As the water level rose, the dam of variably welded,

poorly indurated breccia formed by unit bx3 (above thewelded bx2 unit) failed catastrophically. Lake waterrapidly cut through the still hot and poorly induratedunit bx3 deposits (Fig. 8d). The water quickly removedthe bulk of that unit and began to cut into the distaledge of the still cooling unit bx2 (downstream of sectionB-Bb (Figs. 3, 6, 7). Once an incision point was estab-lished in the unwelded, distal portions of unit bx2, rapidheadward erosion undermined and removed massiveblocks of unit bx2. Boulders up to 15 m long were sweptaway and deposited up to 3.5 km downstream. Thisrapid headward erosion produced a canyon 0.5 kmwide and 2 km long, and the flood was sufficient toleave deposits 30 m above the pre-existing valley floor5.5 km downstream of the dam failure.

The outburst flood occurred after unit bx2 hadwelded but still retained enough heat for breccia blocksplucked from the deposit to develop radially orientedcooling joints. The jointing most likely did not formduring transport but rather shortly after the blockscame to rest in the water-saturated debris. Plucking of

large intact blocks of unit bx2 also produced the irregu-lar pattern of columnar joints seen on some of the ca-nyon walls. The removal of blocks resulted in larger-than-average fracture faces on the canyon walls. Thesefaces were rapidly quenched from the passing flood,and small columns developed perpendicular to them.

The flood, however, was neither long nor largeenough to complete headward erosion through the en-tire sequence of breccia deposits. A 0.5-km-wide depos-it, mainly of unit bx2 remains in the valley of the Lil-looet River, which has presently cut a gorge 30 m deepand 10 m wide through the deposit.

Landscapes such as exist in the vicinity of the PebbleCreek Formation vent pose a serious threat of signifi-cant downstream flooding. Even though unit bx2 wasstable, units bx1 and bx3 were not. These breccia unitscreated a serious hazard as the level of impounded wa-ter rose. Unit bx1 was most likely the least stable of thethree dams. The deposit was only a few metres thick,and when hot material ceased to be added at a rate thatwithheld the river, it failed and produced unit vs. Unitbx2 was volumetrically larger and infilled the river val-ley sufficiently quickly that it formed a stable dam.Welding progressed in the narrow confines, solidifyingthe deposits. It may then have taken some time for bx3

to be deposited and the lake levels to rise sufficiently toovertop and remove unit bx3.

The importance of this reconstruction is that the pri-mary eruption products may not directly impact sur-rounding infrastructure, but flooding may reach vulner-able structures at great distances downstream underthese conditions. These temporary, and inherently un-stable, “dams” must be closely monitored for signs offailure.

In addition to blockages by primary volcanic depos-its, the Lillooet Valley is vulnerable to blockages byrock avalanches. This is a consequence of the topogra-phy and the fact that much of the adjacent slopes is un-derlain by unstable volcanic rock. As suggested byEvans (1992), the character and distribution of unitAvbx1 is consistent with a rock avalanche derived fromthe volcanic rocks forming the steep slopes of PlinthPeak. The avalanche must have occurred sufficientlylong before the 2350 B.P. eruption for soils to develophigh on the valley walls and for unit Avbx1 to be re-moved from the valley bottom. There is no evidencethat it is linked to the eruption, but it likely blocked theLillooet River. Similar rock avalanches have blockedstreams in similar terrain to the south at Mount Cayley(Clague and Souther 1982; Evans and Brooks 1991;Cruden and Lu 1992) and near Mount Garibaldi(Moore and Mathews 1978).

The later avalanche, unit Avbx2, may also have dam-med the Lillooet River as suggested by Evans (1992).However, Evans (1992) did not distinguish unit bx3,comprising quartz-poor dacite, from the younger unitAvbx2, comprising mainly clasts of quartz-phyric PlinthAssemblage dacite. Our studies show these deposits de-rive from two separate events; it is likely that both


events blocked the Lillooet River and impoundedlakes.

Upstream of Keyhole Falls, Evans (1992) sampled atree rooted in a rock avalanche deposit. The tree, ra-diocarbon dated at 1860B50, was subsequently killedby rising water after downstream damming of the riverimpounded a lake. We suggest that deposition of unitAvbx2 may have formed this dam, placing the rock av-alanche several hundred years after eruption.

The tight confines of the valley represent a continu-ing hazard. This narrow defile could be easily blockedby future landslides. The presence of at least two land-slide deposits, seemingly unrelated to volcanic events,attests to the instability of the adjacent volcanic edificeof Plinth Peak. Regardless of future volcanic activity,other rock avalanches can be expected (Read 1990).


The Pebble Creek Formation records some of the haz-ardous events associated with eruptions in mountain-ous terrain. The formation comprises the eruptiveproducts of the 2350 B.P. eruption of the Mount Mea-ger volcanic complex and two unrelated rock avalanchedeposits. The eruption was episodic, and the formationcomprises fallout pumice, pyroclastic flows, weldedbreccias, lahars and a lava flow. The welded brecciadammed the Lillooet River. Collapse of the dam trig-gered an outburst flood with an estimated total volumeof 109 m3. The flood inundated the Lillooet Valley to adepth of at least 30 m above the paleo-valley floor5.5 km downstream of the blockage. Rock avalanchescomprising mainly blocks of Plinth Assemblage vol-canic rocks underlie and overlie the primary volcanicunits. Much of the stratigraphic complexity evident inthe Pebble Creek Formation results from deposition ina narrow, steep-sided mountain valley containing a ma-jor river.

Acknowledgements This research was funded by the GeologicalSurvey of Canada through its former Research AgreementGrants (1988–1989 to JKR) and A-base funding (*920008) toCJH. Analytical costs were borne by NSERC operating grantA0820 (JKR). Whole-rock analyses were by Stanya Horsky andPeiwen Ke. Richard Waitt and James G. Moore are thanked forassistance in elucidating aspects of volcanic landslides and floods.Thoughtful and constructive reviews of the manuscript were doneby John Clague, John Stix, Don Swanson and Richard Waitt.These reviews helped improve the manuscript. B. Vanlier assistedvery ably with text editing and C. Despins, M. Klassen, A. Jensen,M. Lambertson and T. Williams drafted the figures.


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