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Ancient Museum

Marissa JohnstonBailey VaughanHope ThurstonJacoya Matlock

Page 2: C L A S S I C A L






Ancient Museum

Marissa JohnstonBailey VaughanHope ThurstonJacoya Matlock

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Ancient Museum

Marissa JohnstonBailey VaughanHope ThurstonJacoya Matlock

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Roman cities were planed with two major streets running east to west, and north to south, intersecting at the Roman forum; which was the center of trade between cities.

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Summary: “Roman Cities.” History Link 101. n.d. Web. Oct. 11 2011.

Picture: “The Eternal City of Rome.” Rome Cities. Sep. 21 2011. <worldtourist.vsa/italy/rome.html.,>


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Most of the population of Rome was made-up of farmers, merchants, artisans, and traders.

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Summary: World History. Connections To Today. 2003. <http://books.google.com/books/feeds/columes?q=0130627976.>

Picture: “Gaius marius (157-86 BC) and the reform of the Roman army.” Roman Army. Sep. 21 2011. <www.the-Romans.CO.UK.(marius.htm.>


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Record Keeping

Romans kept records of roles of citizenship for taxation purposes. They kept records of owner of properties, records of trade, weather records and records of government.

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Record Keeping

Summary: World History. Connections To Today. 2003. <http://books.google.com/books/feeds/columes?q=0130627976.>

Picture: “Roman Writing.” Dreamstime. Sep. 21 2011. < http://thumbs.dreamstime.com/thumblarge_82/1157509096pM5vMW.jpg>.


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Complex Organizations

Romans believed in gods. Some of the gods are Zeus, Jupiter and Juno. Zeus was the Roman god. Juno, Jupiter’s wife, protected marriage. Jupiter ruled over the sky and other gods.

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Complex Organizations

Summary: World History. Connections To Today. 2003. <http://books.google.com/books/feeds/columes?q=0130627976.>

Picture: Cline, Austin. “Zeus (Roman: Jupiter.)” About. Sep. 21 2011. < http://atheism.about.com/library/graphics/ZeusOtricoli-s.jpg>.


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Romans were great engineers. They built chariots, buildings, temples and a vast empire. The also constructed roads to move from place to place.

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Summary: “Roman Technology.” Camelot International. N.d. Web. Sep. 24 2011.

Picture: “Road Design.” Planning Rural Roads. Sep. 24 2011. < http://www.ruralroads.org/images/roman%20road.jpg>.


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Romans relied of seas for international trade. The soil was naturally rich and fertile land. The also relied on rivers as well.

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Summary: World History. Connections To Today. 2003. <http://books.google.com/books/feeds/columes?q=0130627976

Picture: “Map of Ancient Rome.” Rome Info. Sep. 21 2011. < http://www.rome.info/ancient/map/ancientmap.gif>.


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The Spartans isolated themselves from other Greeks. Their city was built of many small city-states. The Spartans kept their city protected very well.

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Summary: World History. Connections To Today. 2003. <http://books.google.com/books/feeds/columes?q=0130627976

Picture: “History Blog.” History Blog. Sep. 21 2011. < http://blog.aurorahistoryboutique.com/images/ancient-sparta-0609.png>.


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The Spartan women managed the house and raised the children. They also wove and baked bread for their families. The cooked and cleaned also.

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Summary:“Women and Work.” Jobs and Employment in Ancient Greece. N.d. Web. Sep. 21 2011.

Picture: “Life in Ancient Greece.” Malahans. Sep. 21 2011. < http://www.mlahanas.de/Greeks/Music/MusicWork.jpg>.


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Reord Keeping

The Greeks were the first of the Europeans to learn how to write. The Greeks kept records of many things.

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Record Keeping

Summary: World History. Connections To Today. 2003. <http://books.google.com/books/feeds/columes?q=0130627976

Picture: “Greek Writing.” Travel Pod. Sep. 21 2011. < http://images.travelpod.co.uk/users/rstout/1.1267199657.greek-writing.jpg>.


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Complex Organizations

The Greeks thought that gods and goddesses controlled everything in their life. They believed in making the gods happy at all times.

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Complex Organizations

Summary: World History. Connections To Today. 2003. <http://books.google.com/books/feeds/columes?q=0130627976

Picture: “Greek gods and goddesses.” Sep. 21 2011. < http://www.greek-islands.us/greek-gods/Olympians.jpg>.


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The Spartans made a lot of war clothes that they improved over many years. They made helmets and swords and many other types of protective gear.

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Summary: World History. Connections To Today. 2003. <http://books.google.com/books/feeds/columes?q=0130627976

Picture: “Sparta Warfare.” Sep. 21 2011. < http://www.harunyahya.com/images_books/images_fascism/22.jpg>.


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Sparta was a Greek city-state. It was settled between the mountains in Greece.

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Summary: World History. Connections To Today. 2003. <http://books.google.com/books/feeds/columes?q=0130627976

Picture: “The Cities of Ancient Greek Myth.” Sep. 21 2011. < http://bama.ua.edu/~ksummers/cl222/ancient_greece_map.jpg>.


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This picture shows the major cities in Mesopotamia. Each city was ruled by a governor who was religiously tied to the city. These cities were often invaded by each other, but also banded together to protect each other from outside cities.

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Summary: B, Jackie. “Mesopotamia.” Blogspot. N.d. Web. Sep. 18 2011.

Picture: “Mesopotamia.” Blogspot. Sep. 18 2011. <Pastworlghistory.blogspot.com/plegypt.htm>.


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Kings were the most powerful people in thee cities. They controlled the city and its people. They made the laws. King Hammurabi made the first that helped define social classes, and what was right and wrong.

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Summary: “Specialization of Labour in Mesopotamia.” Period 40910. n.d. Web. Sep. 13 2011.

Picture: “Mesopotamia and Technology.” Brown, Harley. 2006. Sep. 13 2011. <ncls.k12.us/olhrhi/brown/mesopotamia/meso.htm>.


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Record Keeping

The Kish tablet, found in 3500 B.C. is the oldest form of writing found. This famous tablet was discovered in Mesopotamia.

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Record Keeping

Summary: “History of Writing.” Save your Heritage. N.d. Web. Sep. 13 2011.

Picture: Save your Heritage. Sep. 13 2011. <www.saveyourheritage.com/history_of_writing.htm>.


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Complex Organizations

Ziggurats are massive pyramid like structures with a temple at the top made up of only mud bricks. The average height is 70 feet and they are 4,000 years old.

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Complex Organizations

Summary: Ojibwa. “Ancient Mesopotamia: The Ziggurat.” Street Prophets. Jan. 7 2011. Web. Sep. 13 2011.

Picture: Ziggurat of Ur. Harold, Louis. 2006. Sep. 13 2011. <www.markville.ss.yrdsb.edu.on.ca/projects/classof2008/chong2/harold/zigguratofur.htm>.


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Mesopotamian people would carve a scene in stone and roll the stone across wet clay. When the clay backed the seal was used for identification. These are called cylinder seals.

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Summary: Brown, Harley. “Mesopotamia and Technology.” Mesopotamia. N.d. Web. Sep. 13 2011.

Picture: “Mesopotamia and Technology.” Brown, Harley. 2006. Sep. 18 2011. <ncls.k12.us/oljrhi/brown/mesopotamia/meso.htm>.


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Mesopotamia means land between two rivers. The rivers helped benefit the people in many ways. They used the rivers for fertile soil and irrigation.

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Summary: “Map of Ancient Mesopotamia.” Israel-a-history-of. N.d. Web. Sep. 13 2011.

Picture: Israel-a-history-of. Map of Ancient Mesopotamia. Sep. 13 2011. <www.israel-a-history-of.com/map-of-ancient-mesopotamia.html>.


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Life in ancient Egypt was centered largely on agriculture. Farmers in ancient Egypt worked to reach a level of subsistence so that they could feed themselves and pay their taxes.

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Summary: World History. Connections To Today. 2003. <http://books.google.com/books/feeds/columes?q=0130627976

Picture: “Egyptian Farming Pictures.” History Link 101. Oct. 11 2011. <http://historylink101.net/images/farming-egypt-3.jpg>.


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The Egyptians specialized in the mummification process. They would preserve the bodies. They would also bury the bodies with many items needed in the after-life.

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Summary: World History. Connections To Today. 2003. <http://books.google.com/books/feeds/columes?q=0130627976

Picture: “Egyptian Mummies.” Ancient Egypt. Oct. 11 2011. <http://www.woodlands-junior.kent.sch.uk/Homework/egypt/mummies.htm>.


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Record Keeping

Egyptians came up with hieroglyphics. They used this for their writing style. Egyptians used this to keep up with many things of their daily life.

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Record Keeping

Summary: World History. Connections To Today. 2003. <http://books.google.com/books/feeds/columes?q=0130627976

Picture: “Ancient Egyptian Writing and Hieroglyphs.” Oct. 11 2011. <http://www.crystalinks.com/hieroglyphs3.jpg>.


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Complex Organizations

Egyptians believed in many gods and goddesses. They did their best to please every god so they wouldn’t be punished in any way.

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Complex Organizations

Summary: World History. Connections To Today. 2003. <http://books.google.com/books/feeds/columes?q=0130627976

Picture: “Egyptian gods.” Oct. 11 2011. <http://ewansegyptwebsite.files.wordpress.com/2011/09/relief-anubis.jpg>.


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The Egyptians came up with many things used in their daily lives. They built pyramids and came up with the mummification process used when someone dies. It provides many things used in the after-life.

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Summary: World History. Connections To Today. 2003. <http://books.google.com/books/feeds/columes?q=0130627976

Picture: “Art and Technology of Ancient Egypt.” Lafayette. Oct. 11 2011. <http://www.lafayette.edu/about/files/2010/10/pyramid3.jpg>.


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The Nile River provides water to irrigate the farms. It is also used for transportation. Without the Nile River Egypt would be a desert.

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Summary: World History. Connections To Today. 2003. <http://books.google.com/books/feeds/columes?q=0130627976

Picture: “Ancient Egypt.” Oct. 11 2011. <http://6cancientegypt1.pbworks.com/f/ancient_egypt_EN_1.gif>.


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Indus River Valley


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Complex Organizations

In the Indus River Valley Civilization, people believe their world is run by gods and goddesses. Terracotta seals were discovered by archaeologists. These stones or seals were enshrined and worshipped by the people.

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Complex Organizations

Summary: Alison. “Indus River Valley Economy.” The Indus and Huang River Valleys. N.d. Web. Sep. 13 2011.

Picture: “Indus River Valley.” Sep. 18 2011. <http://www.crystalinks.com/induscivilization.html >.


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The Indus River Valley Civilization has the most sophisticated systems in the world. These sophisticated systems are the drainage systems and water storage systems. These systems help them water their crops and animals.

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Summary: “Indus Valley.” Indus Valley. n.d. Web. Sep. 13 2011.

Picture: “Indus Valley.” Sep. 18 2011. <http://www.fullissue.com/index.php/history-of-writing.html>.


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The Indus Valley was located by the Indus River and was very important to their daily life. It provided fertile land.

The Deccan Plateau protected the Indus people fro foreign invaders.

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Summary: “Indus Valley.” Indus Valley. n.d. Web. Sep. 13 2011.

Picture: “Indus Valley.” Sep. 18 2011. <http://www.allaboutgemstones.com/images/history_jewelry_indus_valley_map.jpg>.


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Record Keeping

The people of the Indus Valley developed a writing system used for several hundred years, however no one could decipher it, so the language is still unknown.

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Record Keeping

Summary: “Indus Valley.” Indus Valley. n.d. Web. Sep. 13 2011.

Picture: “Indus Valley.” Sep. 18 2011. <http://www.fullissue.com/index.php/history-of-writing.html>.


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People began to specialize into craft workers. They made fish hooks, razors, statues, cooking pots, and clothes. They developed many skills in pottery and painting.

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Summary: Zach. “Indus River Valley Economy.” The Indus and Huang River Valleys. N.d. Web. Sep. 13 2011.

Picture: “Indus River Valley.” Sep. 18 2011. <http://www.crystalinks.com/induscivilization.html >.


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A vast number of settlements were built out of bricks and stones on the banks and surrounding areas. The cities were well organized and had the drainage systems and water systems flowing through the cities.

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Summary: “Indus Valley.” Indus Valley. n.d. Web. Sep. 13 2011.

Picture: “Indus Valley.” Sep. 18 2011. <http://www.crystalinks.com/induscivilization.html >.


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Chinese River


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The first cities were scattered islands in a sea of older, most of the cities included empires meaning they were controlled by one ruler, but having an empire also had benefits. It helped end war between neighboring communities and created common bonds among people.

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Summary: World History. Connections To Today. 2003. <http://books.google.com/books/feeds/columes?q=0130627976

Picture: “Ancient China.” Blogspot. Oct. 11 2011. <http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_8S7b5DFCpPU/TUWcLCwt43I/AAAAAAAABaw/WAeypabQxwA/s400/01sun22.jpg>.


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The Huang-He people determined their jobs on social class and last names. Their jobs included working in the fields, farm workers, protectors, advisors, ministers and


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Summary: World History. Connections To Today. 2003. <http://books.google.com/books/feeds/columes?q=0130627976

Picture: “Imagine FX.” Oct. 11 2011. <http://community.imaginefx.com/forums/storage/7/315966/Ancient-China-BG3.jpg>.


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Record Keeping

The Huang-He people kept their records by using pictograms, meaning simply drawings that looked like objects they represented, they later started adding symbols. They might stand for sounds or words or for ideas that could not be expressed easily in pictures.

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Record Keeping

Summary: World History. Connections To Today. 2003. <http://books.google.com/books/feeds/columes?q=0130627976

Picture: “Chinese Writing.” Oct. 11 2011. <http://www.historyforkids.org/learn/westasia/literature/cuneiform.jpg>.


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Complex Organizations

For the Huang He River Valley people the common religions practiced, were Taoism. This sign represented the opposites in life.

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Complex Organizations

Summary: World History. Connections To Today. 2003. <http://books.google.com/books/feeds/columes?q=0130627976

Picture: “Huang-He River Valley.” Oct. 11 2011. < http://civilization.yolasite.com/huang-he.php>.


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The Han period was one of the golden ages of Chinese civilization. Han China made such tremendous advances in so many fields of science, medicine and technology. Acupuncture was a medical treatment that the Chinese explored.

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Summary: World History. Connections To Today. 2003. <http://books.google.com/books/feeds/columes?q=0130627976

Picture: “About Traditional Chinese Medicine.” Oct. 11 2011. < http://www.drhye.com/images/sexyman.jpg>.


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The Chinese people used rivers in a main part of their daily lives. They used the rivers for fertile soil and many other things in their daily life.

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Summary: World History. Connections To Today. 2003. <http://books.google.com/books/feeds/columes?q=0130627976

Picture: “China.” Oct. 11 2011. < http://members.ozemail.com.au/~slacey/images/china-map.gif>.


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Milo Bios



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Milo Bios is one big city-state. There are mountains surrounding it and a river flowing through it that keeps the land fertile.

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Picture: “Ten of China’s most stunning.” Oct. 10 2011. <http://topren.net/travel/sights/top/jiahgwan.htm>.


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Milo Bios’ geography is very good. It has mountains for protection, rivers to keep the soil fertile, and a coastline for trade.


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Record Keeping

We invented cursive and use this to keep records of the people in our city. We also keep records of the weather, climate, and time changes.

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Record Keeping

Picture: “Web weather for kids.” Oct. 10 2011. <http://topren.net/travel/sights/top/jiahguan.htm>


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We invented cursive, and discovered how to make paper. We also invented computers and decided to name the brand, Apple. After that, we made a cursive font on our computers so you can use our cursive and computers together.

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Picture: “Apple Products.” Oct 10 2011. <http://picspousay.blogspot.com/2010/odappleproducts.html>.


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We invented cursive, and discovered how to make paper.

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Picture: “Cursive: Where is it headed?” oct. 10 2011. <http://fremdamericanstudies.ning.com/profiles/blog/shon?id=3153356%3ABlogPost%3A27306&comnentid=3153356%3Acommetn%3a31392&xg_source=activity>.


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Complex Organization

Every Citizen of Milo Bios believes in God, and that his son, Jesus Christ died for us.

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Complex Organizations

Picture: “Jesus Christ.” Oct. 10 2011. <http://trendingrooms.com/2011/06/jesus-Christveils-help-to-mourn-crucifixion-of-jesus/>.


Page 94: C L A S S I C A L

Works Cited• “Roman Cities.” History Link 101. n.d. Web. Oct. 11 2011.• “The Eternal City of Rome.” Rome Cities. Sep. 21 2011.

<worldtourist.vsa/italy/rome.html.,>• World History. Connections To Today. 2003.

<http://books.google.com/books/feeds/columes?q=0130627976.>• “Gaius marius (157-86 BC) and the reform of the Roman army.” Roman Army. Sep.

21 2011. <www.the-Romans.CO.UK.(marius.htm.>• “Roman Writing.” Dreamstime. Sep. 21 2011. <

http://thumbs.dreamstime.com/thumblarge_82/1157509096pM5vMW.jpg>.• Cline, Austin. “Zeus (Roman: Jupiter.)” About. Sep. 21 2011. <

http://atheism.about.com/library/graphics/ZeusOtricoli-s.jpg>.• “Roman Technology.” Camelot International. N.d. Web. Sep. 24 2011.• “Road Design.” Planning Rural Roads. Sep. 24 2011. <

http://www.ruralroads.org/images/roman%20road.jpg>.• “Map of Ancient Rome.” Rome Info. Sep. 21 2011. <

http://www.rome.info/ancient/map/ancientmap.gif>.• “History Blog.” History Blog. Sep. 21 2011. <

http://blog.aurorahistoryboutique.com/images/ancient-sparta-0609.png>.• “Women and Work.” Jobs and Employment in Ancient Greece. N.d. Web. Sep. 21

2011.• “Life in Ancient Greece.” Malahans. Sep. 21 2011. <


Page 95: C L A S S I C A L

Works Cited• “Greek Writing.” Travel Pod. Sep. 21 2011. <

http://images.travelpod.co.uk/users/rstout/1.1267199657.greek-writing.jpg>.• “Greek gods and goddesses.” Sep. 21 2011• “Sparta Warfare.” Sep. 21 2011. <

http://www.harunyahya.com/images_books/images_fascism/22.jpg>.• “The Cities of Ancient Greek Myth.” Sep. 21 2011. <

http://bama.ua.edu/~ksummers/cl222/ancient_greece_map.jpg>.• B, Jackie. “Mesopotamia.” Blogspot. N.d. Web. Sep. 18 2011.• “Mesopotamia.” Blogspot. Sep. 18 2011. <Pastworlghistory.blogspot.com/plegypt.htm>.• “Specialization of Labour in Mesopotamia.” Period 40910. n.d. Web. Sep. 13 2011.• “Mesopotamia and Technology.” Brown, Harley. 2006. Sep. 13 2011.

<ncls.k12.us/olhrhi/brown/mesopotamia/meso.htm>.• “History of Writing.” Save your Heritage. N.d. Web. Sep. 13 2011.• Save your Heritage. Sep. 13 2011. <www.saveyourheritage.com/history_of_writing.htm>.• Ojibwa. “Ancient Mesopotamia: The Ziggurat.” Street Prophets. Jan. 7 2011. Web. Sep. 13

2011.• Ziggurat of Ur. Harold, Louis. 2006. Sep. 13 2011.

<www.markville.ss.yrdsb.edu.on.ca/projects/classof2008/chong2/harold/zigguratofur.htm>.• Brown, Harley. “Mesopotamia and Technology.” Mesopotamia. N.d. Web. Sep. 13 2011.• “Mesopotamia and Technology.” Brown, Harley. 2006. Sep. 18 2011.


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Works Cited• “Map of Ancient Mesopotamia.” Israel-a-history-of. N.d. Web. Sep. 13 2011.• Israel-a-history-of. Map of Ancient Mesopotamia. Sep. 13 2011. <www.israel-a-history-

of.com/map-of-ancient-mesopotamia.html>.• Alison. “Indus River Valley Economy.” The Indus and Huang River Valleys. N.d. Web. Sep. 13

2011.• “Indus River Valley.” Sep. 18 2011. <http://www.crystalinks.com/induscivilization.html >.• “Indus Valley.” Indus Valley. n.d. Web. Sep. 13 2011.• “Indus Valley.” Sep. 18 2011. <http://www.fullissue.com/index.php/history-of-writing.html>.• “Indus Valley.” Sep. 18 2011.

<http://www.allaboutgemstones.com/images/history_jewelry_indus_valley_map.jpg>.• “Indus Valley.” Sep. 18 2011. <http://www.fullissue.com/index.php/history-of-writing.html>.• Zach. “Indus River Valley Economy.” The Indus and Huang River Valleys. N.d. Web. Sep. 13

2011.• “Indus Valley.” Sep. 18 2011. <http://www.crystalinks.com/induscivilization.html >.• “Ten of China’s most stunning.” Oct. 10 2011.

<http://topren.net/travel/sights/top/jiahgwan.htm>.• “Web weather for kids.” Oct. 10 2011. <http://topren.net/travel/sights/top/jiahguan.htm>• “Apple Products.” Oct 10 2011. <http://picspousay.blogspot.com/2010/odappleproducts.html>.• “Cursive: Where is it headed?” oct. 10 2011.


Page 97: C L A S S I C A L

Works Cited• “Jesus Christ.” Oct. 10 2011. <http://trendingrooms.com/2011/06/jesus-Christveils-

help-to-mourn-crucifixion-of-jesus/>.• “Jesus Christ.” Oct. 10 2011. <http://trendingrooms.com/2011/06/jesus-Christveils-


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