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C1 top tips

If you make lots of silly mistakes, follow the tips on this website:http://mathforum.org/library/drmath/view/52382.html

1) When you want to square one side be careful

(x+9) ALL SQUARED!Not just x 2 + 81=100x

2) finding length of 2 points, in form of root 2.

3) Find asymptotes, its x=0, y=4.

In these type of questions try to somehow get the bass into the form they want you to, in this case 2y, you have to kind of force things in and then deal with the powers like you would normally with algebras, pretend the base (2) isnt there


5)Solutions/roots= when its crossing x axis



6) If x>0 then two separate inequalities because x is positive as its greater than 0. So lets say this is the equation x2+5x+6>0X=-2, x=-3. The thing on left is like a number scale so -3 is more to far left. X has to be on the left side of -3, so its x-2.

If x9 y>3ory< 3

18) For inequalities: If multiplying or dividning by a negative number, flip the sign of the inequality

19) The curve C with equation y=x2 +px+q passes through point A(-3,-2) and point B (2,3), find values of p and q.Youd have to create simultaneous equations by subbing in the coordinates, then solve for p and q.

20) remember if in the question the say to write coordinates write them!! Dont just say x= and y= write (x,y)

21) Proof of sum of arithmetic sequence, may be asked in an examexamsolution video:

22) when they give you the sigma sign for sequences and they ask u to calculate.1) Find out what a is by subiing in 1 into the equation. So 4x1+1=5 so a=52) Find out what d is by subbing in two into the equation and finding the difference. So 4x2+1=9, 9-5=4. So d=4. 3) And you should know what n, its the thing on top of the sigma. And n=20Then sub this in to the sum of the arithmitc equation (the thing in the point above- point 19). And youll get the answer* Also sometimes they may say like sigma and they wont give you n, theyll just call it n rather than a number so basically its n above the sigma, and they may say like what value of n first exceeds 100, you do the same thing as above except the sum of arithmetic sequence would be like an inequality. So sum of sequence>100. Then rearrange to find n, you can get examples in c1 txt bk pg 108 ex6G, q3,4


June 2013 question. If you dont know the d then you would be given previous answers to a1, a2, a3 for that question. And all you have to do is equal it to 2, you would end up with a quadratic coz a3 has k2.

24) If they ask you to show that the first n natural numbers is 1/2n(n+1).Natural numbers is basically, 1,2,3,4,5.n So a=1 d=1 n=nSub it into the sum of arithmetic formula and youll get 1/2n(n+1)

25) For sequences if they dont give you the first term, they give you n and give you the sum of the last term. You would have to do simultaneous equations to get a and d, the first equation is the sum of the arithmitec sequence, now the second equation is the tricky bit. You need to realise that the last term of the sequence (not sum) is double the first term, so u have to do a+(n-1)d= 2a, and its 2a because we know a is the frist term. Then you sub stuff in and youd have to do subsituttion to youre your answer. An example is pg 109 q11 (c1 bk).

26) In the differentiation questions when they give u differentiated equation, and a corrdinates. After u find out c, make sure u rewrite the equation in the format they want.

27) in b2-4ac, in one questions after using that I ended up with k2=12, make sure that its +/- 12!!!!!

28)factorising: 4x-3x2-x3 because its negative x3 after taking the x out its gona be x2 this means that when you do the factorisng method you have to have the number before +/- x.So itll be x(4+x)(1-x), rather than x (x-4) (x-1). This is only when its x2, this is important as if you sketch this curve itd look different to the positive version.

29) The first three terms of an arithmetic series are (12 p), 2p and (4p 5) respectively, Find P. you have to do 2p-(12-p)= (4p 5)-2p, and rearrange. Its similar idea to consecutive numbers in geometric sequences in c2.