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2. History of Apple Inc. Founded in April 1st 1976 California, United States Steve Jobs Steve Wozniak Ronald Wayne Company was made to make Computer Software and Hardware Consumer electronics Digital distribution 3. Apples first product was the Apple Hand built Went on sale in July of 1976 Product was made by Jobs, Wozniak and Wayne 4. On April 16, 1977 the Apple II was introduced It was unique and different Colored graphics 5. In May 1980, the Apple III was introduced When it went public, created more millionaires than any company in history 6. Apple Lisa lunched in 1983 First computer with a GUI Extreme failure due high price tag 7. Designed in 1984 Sold very strong in the beginning but because of its high price, total consumption was low 8. PowerBook 7lbs with 3 hour battery The success of the power book led to a dramatically increasing revenue Macintosh LC First affordable, color-capable Macintosh Made fairly basic to keep the prices down 9. Desktop modern technology unique design Newer improved version of the Macintosh LC 10. Latest technology High power New Design 11. January 2007, Steve Jobs reveals iPhone First Time Touch Finger Technology Combination of Internet-enabled smartphone 12. iPhone 5s features an A7 chip Touch ID fingerprint identity sensor iOS 7 13. Combination Of Computer And Phone Idea revolutionized the world First Retina display Technology Power full LTE Technology Touch ID fingerprint identity sensor 14. First released October 23, 2001 Most recent September 12, 2012 four current versions: i) iPod Shuffle ii) iPod Nano iii) iPod Touch IV) iPod Classic Ranging: 2GB (Shuffle) to 160GB (Classic) 15. In April 28, 2003, Apple iTunes store was released Offered online downloads Service quickly became market leader of online music services By June 2013, there were over 50 billion downloads Each song for $0.99 16. Future 17. Apple plans on focusing on customer satisfaction Improving performance stability Something new 18. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apple_Inc https://www.google.com/search?q=thank+you&tbm=isch&tbo=u&sour ce=univ&sa=X&ei=hfROU8O5Js2H2AWy0oDgAg&ved http://time.com/8040/relax-apple-innovation-is-fine/ http://www.forbes.com/sites/nigamarora/2014/03/28/apple- innovation-overcomes-sapphire-shortcomings/ http://www.macrumors.com/2014/01/27/apple-future-products- innovation/ http://www.fastcompany.com/3023591/angela-ahrendts-a-new-season- at-apple

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