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BOSS sauce

BOSS sauce EXPLAINEDDominique CainHonors Research 2ResearchThe human brain is a vast metropolitan for activity involving the sensation of taste in correlation with sight. The sum total of these signals, plus our emotions and past experiences, result in perception of flavors, and determine whether we like or dislike specific foods.TheoryMy theory is that the brain has a direct correlation between food and design.ColorPackagingBoldnessBasically the human eyes, have a very powerful influence on taste. The brains lateral geniculate body and primary visual cortex are activated by bold, bright colors, which is why colorful foods tend to be appealing.

What This Test Involves?Subjects will provide their name, gender, and grade level.Subjects will choose between two products displayed.For some of the products, select which pre-opinioned statement(s) you agree with. EXAMPLE: Hot Sauce

1 2

EXAMPLE: Cereal Time

EXAMPLE: Ice Cream

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