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  • 8/2/2019 Caitlin Halloran- Advanced Portfolio-1


    The trailer begins with a mid shot of a teenage girl looking at a boy that she seems

    to be interested in. You can tell by the props and clothes used that the film is set

    in the 70s which helps the audience see what kind of era it is and to feel the

    background. The scene fades out and then changes to the credits and dream

    worlds iconic image and logo, it then fades into the film 4 image and back ontoanother scene of the main girl, Susie riding on a bicycle the music is classical

    which creates suspense.

    I decided to do a textual analysis on The Lovely Bones as the film is similar to ours in the

    aspect of how time can show the recognition of events. It is also set in the 70s so we

    may use certain elements of the film to include in our flashbacks. It is also about a girlgone missing and the story is about finding out what happened.

    The scene then fades out again and onto Susie running through a field, the

    voiceover continues saying "I was fourteen years old when I was murdered The

    shock of the sentence may cause some of the audience into hypodermic needle

    as the audience has got to know her and her life, and they now know that she

    was murdered.

    The scenes flicker quickly between ones of Susie, their mum and a mysterious man

    whos face we cant see. The sound of a camera tacking represents Susie

    characterisation and the flash represents the change in scene. It then flicks to an

    image of Susie and her mum sitting on someone's bed and then zooms out into a

    scene of the dad and Susie, meanwhile the non diegetic sound of Susie's voiceover

    tells the story of who she is. The audience then gets to see more of her life as the

    trailer changes to an establishing shot of her school and then onto her locker.

    There is another non diegetic sound however this time it belongs to the boy at the

    beginning of the trailer as he says you look beautiful Susie salmon creating quite

    a Goosebumps scare.

  • 8/2/2019 Caitlin Halloran- Advanced Portfolio-1


    RESEARCHBefore completing our production, we need to do some research into our genre

    of mystery, thriller drama so that we know the common elements and what is


  • 8/2/2019 Caitlin Halloran- Advanced Portfolio-1


    The voice over of the sentence continues as the shot changes into a panning shot zooming in onSusie, this creates tension as it is fast paced, it then moves upwards onto her face as she looks scaredat something in the distance. The music gets more paced and then stops as the scene goes black,creating more enigma and suspense. The camera fades in and there is point of view shot looking atSusie, followed by a non diegetic sound but one we guess that its coming from the point of view shotwhich says your a Salmon girl right?. The scene then goes white, again acting like Susies takenanother photo, this could represent another significant event in Susie's life, which questions thewatcher to think this was the person who murdered her. The scene comes alight again, theatmosphere almost looks darker then it did before, Suzies voiceover continues on December the 6th

    1973 The shot then cuts and the trailer goes blank again.

    The titles come on with the black screen saying From Academy Award Winning Director Peter Jackson

    Showing that the director has a reputation and therefore encourages the watcher to see the film. The

    music continues to build more and more creating more enigma. The voiceover changes to someone we

    guess as a detective saying We didn't find her Mrs Salmon with the scene of a detective and other

    police offices surrounding the scene of the field we just saw Susie running through. The fact that Susies

    voiceover has ended and someone else tells the story, reinforces the fact that Susies dead and creates

    more of a hypodermic needle theory. The trailer continues to cut as we see the detective telling Susies

    mother in a close up of there face which flicks from one point of view shot to the other . It then fades

    out and onto another scene where the sister comes into the dad and says shes dead isnt she Andthen fades out. The break in the trailer demonstrates the feelings to the other characters which creates

    more emotion to the watcher.

    The trailer is again interrupted with another credit on which based on the novel by Alice Sebold again

    stating her significance. It also acts like chapter in the trailer, and another part of Suzy life to discover.

    The scenes then change to Susie imagination of what the afterlife is like, as we get to see it through her.

    We then see Susie lying down on the floor with the light reflecting on her, this may demonstrate the fact

    that she is in a different world. The trailer then continues to cut through significant people in Susies life,

    like the boy she had a crush on, her grandma and little brother who all show how they deal with the

    death all ranging from close ups to mid shots, which makes it extremely powerful. The film then cuts back

    to Susies imagination world and the music changes to a more upbeat song where the landscape changes

    into a beautiful scenery with Susie in the middle. The camera zooms into the tree that represents the

    lovely bones as the leaves all come off demonstrating time and peacefulness, Susies voiceover comes

    back to life as she says but I wasn't gone, I was alive, in my own perfect world The fact that Susie's

    voiceover has res returned shows that although she is dead this is still her story. The landscapes continue

    with establishing shots , this time of a waterfall and then a massive lake with a flower opening in the

    middle which opens, demonstrating a new life. Susies voiceover continues but in my heart, I knew it

    wasnt perfect The scene changes with the lighting getting darker and the scenery less beautiful where

    Susie is walking towards what looks like a lighthouse. The camera cuts and the new scene is one in a dark

    room where Suzy voiceover continues my murderer still haunted me The way that the voiceoverconnects with the scenery makes it more powerful as we know this is Susies story.

  • 8/2/2019 Caitlin Halloran- Advanced Portfolio-1


    The scene cuts again into another title credit. As the music changes to a more suspense building one, it creates

    more enigma and presents that real issues are involved. The trailer picks up tension and gets more fast paced as

    the audience know they are going to find out more about her death. The scene begins with the detective picking

    up the phone having a conversation with Susies dad. The camera cuts between him and Susie dad, where he tries

    to convince him that Susie wouldn't go off with a stranger, she would have to know him. The conversation

    continues as the scene cuts from him to another man peering through the window, and back to the detective

    within seconds; demonstrating the thoughts of Susies dad and how he is trying to find out what really happened.

    Susie's voice continues My father had the pieces but he couldn't make them fit Every other cut seem to give

    hints that the man that we haven't properly been introduced to yet is the murderer. The camera continues to cut

    between the family and how they are dealing with it, particularly the father. I waited for justice, but justice didnot come Suzy continues . There is a shot of the dad looking through a candle at a close up of Susie reaching out

    towards him but the memory is quickly cut as the music builds up tension as the audience finally gets to meet the

    mysterious man in a two shot, who then says to Susies sister Your a Salmon girl right? The sentence matches the

    one that the audience sees at the beginning which creates more enigma as the audience know he is the murderer.

    The trailer then goes blank as the title appears The Lovely Bones and the authors names


    The music continues to build up tempo as it continues to cut between Susie and her dad as he

    continues to build up justice to what happened and then back to the detective, As the sister and

    father try to convince the detective that the next door neighbour is the murderer, he says back you

    need evidence. There is a long shot of Susies sister outside the next door neighbours house which

    she breaks into when hes out, the music continues with its pace and tempo as there is a high shot of

    Suzy sister looking for evidence, the high angle shot demonstrates how vulnerable the sister is. The

    music comes to a climax as the camera changes to a shot of the neighbour coming back into the

    house, the camera then does an low angle arc shot around the neighbour showing his power.

    Whereas the camera follows the sister in a close shot upstairs as she tries to escape, the shot

    demonstrates her vulnerability but also to the audience shows that she is the goodie and he is the

    baddie. However she hits a floor board and the neighbour hears, as the camera follows both feet as

    one tries to escape and the other to capture it builds more and more enigma along with the music.

    The camera then cuts from a scene of Suzy watching down on them. Finally the sister does escape

    through the window. The music continues to build as the scenes cut from Suzy to the family

    members and the neighbour. The scenes cut from scene to scene making it hard for the audience to

    see what's happening, but creates enigma still. There is a close up of the neighbours face as he walks

    through what looks like a bush, his facial expressions demonstrate his power which creates more

    enigma to that audience. The music finally ends as the scene goes blank and Suzy says Dont be

    afraid The music builds up again as the neighbour opens a door with a stairway leading down, the

    low angle again shows his power.



  • 8/2/2019 Caitlin Halloran- Advanced Portfolio-1


    The trailer begins with the 20th century fox logo. It then fades out and into a establishing shot of the New

    York Skyline, this immediately shows the audience the location of the scene so they already have some

    background information on how this city is important for the film. There is a graphic shot where the

    Brooklyn bridge is placed over the skyline with the voiceover saying Im gonna move upstate The scene

    then changes into the voiceover himself with the camera on a two shot of him talking to someone, he

    continues the country The camera then cuts to an over the shoulder shot of the woman he is talking

    too as she replies What about Emily? The camera cuts using parallel editing to a Close up of the

    suspected character of Emily looking out of a car window. The woman continues as a voiceover This is a

    traumatic time for her, I think its important for her to stay here and work through this

    Hide and seek is also similar in the aspect that the main character is about a

    girl who is dealing with someone close to her (her mother) dying and how

    she deals with it.

    The camera then cuts to another establishing shot of a lake which then fades out and onto a mid shot of the dad

    opening a door, this then cuts to a long shot of Emily sitting on a bed. The camera fades out again as Emily herselfdoes a non diegetic sound saying I have a new friend The camera fades in again and shows the dad tucking Emily in

    as he replies A new friend? There is a serious of cuts between the conversation as Emily tells the dad about her new

    friend Charlie and where they met, the scene also cuts between a doll and Emily lying and laughing on the playground

    equipment. As the conversation ends with the dad asking if Charlies here right now the music changes tempo and

    there is a reactions shot of a close up of the dad looking shocked by something, the scene goes black and then fades in

    to a long shot of a door where the camera seems to zoom in giving an almost point of view shot of the dad as it cuts to

    a mid shot and back to a point of view shot. The music gets more tense which builds more enigma, the camera then

    goes black and cuts to the dad opening the door. There is a mirror shot where the camera is looking at the dad through

    the mirror as he opens the shower curtain, the music gets much louder which creates a jump for the audience . The

    scene then cuts to a close up of inside the bath tub of the writing saying You let her die The camera then pans outquickly to show Emily standing there as the dad asks Emily, why did you do this?, as she replies It was Charlie The

    scene then fades out.

    The scene changes to another establishing shot where the camera tracks the cars movement. The

    scene then fades out and back to the man himself as he continues the conversation No here she

    flooded with memories, The camera cuts again to show a parallel editing, the scene changes to a

    brighter and softer lighting to represent an almost ghostly woman who is smiling representing

    someone important but who isnt in their lives any longer, and fades out. The voiceover continues

    right now I need to be a full time dad As the camera cuts back to a long tracking canted framing shot

    of the car driving which fades out. And onto a low angle two shot of Emily and her dad looking out at

    something in a depth of field shot showing Emily as the more important character.

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    The scene fades into a long shot of the dad on the phone, there is a non diegetic sound of a woman's

    voice its not unusual for a child to create an imaginary friend As the scene cuts between the woman at

    the start of the trailer back to the dad and onto a long shot of a girl we presume is Emily running outside

    giggling and then fades out again. The camera cuts to a extreme long shot of Emily and the woman who

    brought the dad the basket sitting watching Emily playing on the swings, the camera then cuts to the dad

    talking to the woman as he asks I dont mean to be to forward, but I dont see a lot of kids around, Im

    trying to find a play date for Emily in the middle of the conversation the camera cuts to a unknown

    person looking through a window of some sort at the three which then cross cuts into a shot of Emily

    looking out the car window her facial expressions showing her anger.

    The scene is then interrupted with the credits of Robert DeNiro, Dakota Fanning. Over the

    credits there is a voiceover of the dad talking to Emily as he says You know, Charlie dosentexist, as she replies You shouldnt say that As the scene cuts to the conversation and

    between each of the characters the dad contines Why not? Youre gonna make him mad

    Emily replies. The music makes a bang as the scene goes into darkness and the camera pans in

    on the house Do you like games Emily says as the camera cuts to a close up of the woman

    replying I love games, would you like to play one? The camera cuts to a long shot of the two

    having a conversation through some blides and a window and back to a close up of Emilys

    profile as she replies Im already playing one There is another match of action shot but this

    time of the dad as he washes his hands and takes a step back. The scenes begin to speed up as

    the camera cuts between the dad and a mid shot of Emily saying Charlie did it, You do

    believe me, dont you daddy? back to the scene of the door.The camera cuts from several images of an officer knocking on the door with a non digetic

    sound saying The neighbour called, said there was a problem to a close up of Emily

    drawing where the officer asks her what's she's doing, to what she replies You, dying

    The shockness of the line sends the film into a fast pace series of montage cuts between

    all characters, different actions and weapons and back to Emily. There is a voiceover of

    Emily counting as you do in the game hide and seak which creates enigma to the

    audience along with the music reaching its climax, Three one thousand, four one

    thousand five one thousand, six one thousand, seven one thousand, eight one thousand,

    nine on thousand The audience knows that the reality is soon going to come.

    The scene then fades out and there is a series of cuts between Emily, the dad and the woman as they eat

    dinner as Emily asks if he likes her, and that Charlie thinks he does, and she then asks Did daddy tell you

    about my mummy? The camera cuts to a series of match of action and montage editing of shots where

    Emily's face cuts between a series of images and then back to the conversation where Emily says lets

    hope you dont end up like her The way the scene is interfered with makes the audience very aware and

    scared of the little girl and what shes going to do.

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    The trailer then finally cuts to the title Hide and Seek as the music ends, the words

    hide and seek stay on the trailer but turn white but then finally fade out as the

    words If you want to know the secret, You have to play the game As the

    voiceover of Emily goes over the titles saying Charlieeeee, the trailer cuts to Emily

    opening a door and saying Come out, come out, wherever you are The trailer

    returns back to its credits and ends with January the 8th



  • 8/2/2019 Caitlin Halloran- Advanced Portfolio-1


    How watching trailers have helped usdevelop our media film.

    As a group, we found that looking at trailers helped us figure outthe conventions of our genre we should include when making ourown trailer.

    We liked how the lighting showed the mood and atmosphere of thesetting and location.

    We also found that the trailers used a lot more cuts than we firstthought, so we developed our script to fit this convention.

    There are a variety of camera shots throughout the trailer, forexample- close ups and special effects, establishing shots toassociate the audience with a location. All these aspects are whatwe want to use in our own trailer.

    The sound built up throughout most of the trailers we analysed andreached the climax towards the end and then goes quiet to createan eerie atmosphere. This was very helpful when deciding what wewanted to create in our trailer as it built a lot of enigma.

  • 8/2/2019 Caitlin Halloran- Advanced Portfolio-1


    Looking at the conventional titles

    As our group didnt know a lot about the thriller genres titles, we did some research into discovering what

    they were, the three main colours that kept coming up was red, black and blue. Red perhaps to show the

    danger and horror side but blue to represent a cold and uneasy feeling. Blue and white were the most

    popular themes so we have decided to use this conventional colouring in our trailer. By also researching the

    titles we discovered that a lot of them break up the trailer with quotes, facts or information about the

    characters. We have also decided we would like to use this convention in our trailer.

  • 8/2/2019 Caitlin Halloran- Advanced Portfolio-1


    Key Changes-Trailers


    As our film will be set in 2011 but will have flashbacks from the 1980s, it is extremely important that we research

    the difference in film from these years so that the flashbacks look realistic. It is also important that we do it as it to

    give us a good history of the genres we are doing in order to help us to understand the market and what is successful

    and not.

    Cape fear- (1991)

    Costumes , hairstyle and dialog are romanticised.

    Trailer starts off with a very romanticised setting and

    sound which turns more power as the enigma gets

    more dramatic. Editing are used to create sentences

    to inform the audience, actors names are last to

    come. Lighting is always quite bright and artificial.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xe9o_IwY3Fs


    Sixth sense (1999)

    Cuts are a lot more common,

    lighting is still very artificial. Editing

    is more advanced, by using

    composition cuts in the trailer, still

    but voiceover is still apparent.

    Se7en (1995)

    Already see the advancement in

    technology, more cuts that have a

    faster pace, sound is like a ticking

    bomb and voiceover talks over the

    trailer stating significant sentences

    . Costumes, hairstyles and dialog

    are again different as in a different

    era. Lighting is quite dim.

    Insombia (1997)

    Voiceover still very common, but in this trailer a lot ofediting takes place, through the change of cuts and the

    titles are a lot more developed then previous years. Lighting

    is very artificial and costumes still have elements that are

    different.The actor playing the police is always very old-

    fashioned and always the goodie






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    Trespass(2011)Voiceover reappears. Alot more

    variety again in shots and cuts as

    they rely on the main enigma

    along with sound to grab

    audiences attention.Again

    graphical editing is used to show

    the advancement in editing.

    Awake 2007

    A lot more variety of

    shots, music builds

    enigma along with the

    cuts.Lighting is much

    more naturaland

    editing only used to

    say facts or at the end

    for actors names.



    Gothika (2003)

    Uses more cuts and different shots but breaks up

    with editing of titles, music is more of the main

    element of suspense. Lighting becomes more

    natural and voiceover disappears, instead the

    sound of the character is used as a voiceover.

    The butterfly effect (2005)

    Film uses flashbacks as most of the

    film is set in the past.Therefore the

    lighting changes and costumes,

    everything gets brighter. More cuts

    and editing uses the same as







    Advancement in..

    Sound EditingCostumesCamera



  • 8/2/2019 Caitlin Halloran- Advanced Portfolio-1


    Questionnaire on thethriller trailer genre

    We created a questionnaire on the thriller genreand the typical elements and conventions that

    appear in that genre. We designed a set ofquestions for our target market to answer in orderto get a better understanding on what they like andenjoy.

    At this stage of our research it was extremely usefulas we only had a few brief ideas, so to have thisfeedback it gave us a real feel for what our audiencewanted from a thriller trailer and therefore could

    design our trailer around them.

  • 8/2/2019 Caitlin Halloran- Advanced Portfolio-1


    Example of Questionnaires

  • 8/2/2019 Caitlin Halloran- Advanced Portfolio-1


    Questionnaire results



    Crime Drama Mystery Action

    What is your preferred sub

    genre? We had already decided we wanted to take the thriller genre asour main element in our trailer, and we knew we wanted

    something else as a sub genre, but didnt know what it is which

    made asking this question become very useful. As the feedback

    for this question came back very mixed we have decided to do a

    mixture of crime, drama and mystery thriller. As action wasnt

    very popular (only 2 out of 20 said they like it) we decided not to

    include it.



    Man Woman Child

    What could you more relate to as

    being the main character?

    We wanted to know what character our ideal target market

    would most relate to in order to achieve hyperdelmic needle

    theory and to intice our audience into coming to watch out film

    from the trailer, therefore this question was crucial in our

    research for our production work. The results show that the

    majority (10 out of 20) found that they related to a woman, and

    a further 8 related to a child, this was very helpful as from

    discussing in our group we decided to use two young girls as aflashback and the main character of a woman as the grown up

    version of one of the girls.




    Rural Urban Both

    What is your preferred setting?

    Although we already had an idea that we wanted to use a

    more rural setting in our trailer, the feedback from our target

    market showed that they actually like a bit of both in a trailer,

    so therefore thats why we adapted our trailer to have a mix

    of both urban and rural

  • 8/2/2019 Caitlin Halloran- Advanced Portfolio-1





    Fast Slow Quiet Loud

    What kind of music do you

    associate with thrillers?

    It was really important issue for us to get the music right as for

    trailers we felt from doing our textual analysis that it made a

    huge impact in the way that the trailer built suspense and

    emotion into it. So from the feedback we got we know that we

    need a mix of all four elements throughout our trailer.






    Kidnapping Car chase

    What would you prefer to

    happen in a thriller?It took us a while to think of what main story line wasgoing to take place in our trailer, so this feedback was

    very valuable to us when we were deciding. The fact

    that 13 out of the 20 we asked said they most preferred

    the element of kidnapping to take place really helped us

    in deciding our story line. As did the murder mystery

    that 6 people said they preferred which we have also

    tried to incorporate.


    What do you most associate

    with at the end of the thriller?The three main feedback that our target audience

    gave us were a twist, death and a resolution. So

    therefore we have incorporated them into perhaps

    not the trailer as we did not want to give

    everything away but all three elements come into

    play in some areas of the trailer. We decided to

    incorporate a resolution with a death and this

    would be the twist. So therefore again shows us,

    this feedback was extremely helpful for achieving

    our storyline

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    Yes No

    Would you like the theme of

    death to appear during the


    Although a large percentage had already told us they

    associated death with the end of a thriller we wanted to

    make sure people definitely liked the theme of death to

    appear, as it was something all of our group members said

    we wanted. The fact that 16 out of 20 said yes helped us

    decide on this idea, but for the remaining four as we still

    want them to see our film we have decided to not dwell

    on the theme of death in our trailer and it will be verysubtle.




    Winter Spring Summer Autumn

    When would you want to watch a

    trailer?As a trailer helps advertise the film and when the

    audience know it is going to come out, it was

    important to ask our target audience when theythought it was best to advertise the trailer, the two

    highest options were winter and autumn, therefore

    we decided to make the film come out in October,

    a mix between the two.




    Black White Red Blue

    What colour titles do you think

    most fits with the thriller

    genre? Again like music, we thought the titles wereextremely important from doing our textual analysisso from our feedback we can work out which ones we

    should use in our trailer. Although red came out the

    highest at 8, we decided to go against this feedback

    as from watching the textual analysis and by looking

    at the changes of the trailers from the 90s to the

    2000 we found that a lot of them were blue and

    white, so we have decided to do this instead of our

    target audience choice

    Date at the top readers normally T t l A l i f Th

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    Binery opposites in this

    case represents the light

    and dark, which could

    also connote heaven and

    hell. Again, links in with

    the title suggesting the

    forgotten. The light may

    represent the ones that

    have hope, whereas the

    dark side representing

    no hope.

    The fact that the slogan is

    second represents again, it'simportance. The layout of the

    sentence tells the reader how

    to read and process the

    sentence, by leaving a gap

    before never happened,

    makes the reader question

    what's ever happened and

    already begin to think about

    the poster and what it


    Date at the top, readers normally

    read from top to bottom, so this

    is the first thing they are going to

    see, this will get in their heads

    when the film is out and they are

    more likely to remember it.

    The title tells the audience the genre

    of the film, and how the audience is

    going to remember it as, it has a

    huge impact. The title The

    Forgotten works into every element

    the poster shows and allows the

    audience to know instantly it is

    going to be some kind of

    psychological thriller. The way that

    the title seems to give an illusion

    that it is fading into the background

    shows the forgotten element but it

    also ties into the slogan but also

    contrasts the bottom sentence


    The whiteness of thebackground illustrates how

    something can fade which

    reinforces the idea of the title

    the forgotten

    As said before, the first thing in a poster is important as its the first thing the audience reads, howeverthe last is also important as its what the reader reads last and therefore should also have lot of

    significance, the sentence remember almost acts like a threat to the audience to watch the film.

    Textual Analysis of TheForgotten

    Finally, we can see that the

    credits are one of the least

    important elements of the

    poster, they are in the smallest

    font and only when you squintyou can see them, although

    there small they still hold

    importance as the audience

    would relate it to other films

    that particular production

    have done. As this was a small

    production company, it wasnt

    as important.

  • 8/2/2019 Caitlin Halloran- Advanced Portfolio-1


    Textual analysis of Gothika

    The fact that Halle Berrys name

    is the fist thing on the poster,

    and the picture herself shows

    that the company has used Dyer

    star theory in the sense that one

    big reason why people will seethe film is because of the actress.

    The statement on the characters

    arms Not Alone represents the

    image the girl is giving, Presence,

    this is likely to scare some people

    as it tells the audience that it is

    going to be a thriller.

    The background of the poster is

    pathetic fallacy, the rain

    represents misery and depressing

    which reinforces the thriller

    genre. Also the tint of blue could

    represent the weather again

    representing the thunderstorm,making her look surreal and

    ghostly affect.

    The picture is so present with the

    hands could represent that she is

    trapped in the poster, it

    automatically gets the audienceinvolved with this character with

    the hyperdelmic needle theory,

    we dont feel scared of her instead

    we want to help her. When going

    into the film after seeing this is

    already puts the audience on her


    The slogan is very powerful as we

    dont know what it is representing,

    it could be about the girl, but she

    looks so present that it confuses the


    Although the actors are

    obviously not as importantas Halle Berry, they are still

    a significant information as

    they are both beneath the

    title and are still readable

    from a distance.

    The fact that the release date is in a different font and

    lowercase could represent the fact that it should stand

    out of the poster and pop out, so that the audience will

    remember it. Which could also be why they put it right atthe bottom, so that it stays in the audiences mind.

    We can also see that the credits again are at the

    bottom and are very small, this again represents

    they arent as important.

    The title as a massive part of the

    poster as it is so distinctive due to

    the colour and font, although it is

    the same as the Not Alone scar on

    her arm, which could represent

    how the two things are related, this

    also keeps the audience guessing. It

    also gives some kind of identity to

    the character, which again shows

    the hyperdelmic needle theory. The

    title also represents lightning again.

  • 8/2/2019 Caitlin Halloran- Advanced Portfolio-1


    How analysing media posters hashelped us develop our poster.

    A lot of the poster we looked at concentrated on binery opposites, in particularblack and white to create a contrast between good and bad, and the unknown andthe vulnerable. This helped us as we decided to use this convention in our ownposter to show the unknown of the setting in the woods and the vulnerability ofthe two girls.

    The posters also tend to use the main character as the main image, it focuses onthat particular characters facial expression to create an enigma and hypodermicneedle theory. We have used this idea again in our own poster to show the girls asthe main iconic image and Amys facial expression of fear to relate to the audienceas well reinforcing the idea of the unknown.

    Most of the titles on the posters our group looked at were at the top, as they arethe main focus of the poster. This is because they capture your attention and stickin your mind. We decided that it was important for our title to have a colour thatstands out.

    Usually the main actors name is on the poster to represent dyer star theory,although we dont have anyone to use this theory, we still think it is an importantelement of the poster so will print actors names.

  • 8/2/2019 Caitlin Halloran- Advanced Portfolio-1


    Textual analysis of Empiremagazine

    Big tagline, gets audience

    interested and is one of the

    first things they see when

    purchasing a magazine, this

    suggests and confirms they

    are making the right


    Date and price equally

    seen but not as

    important as other


    The title is the

    companies main brand

    image, therefore

    making sure it is very

    eye catching is a big


    Using dyers star theory to make

    people buy the magazine from his

    high profile, the way he stands outfrom the rest of the character

    makes him look almost 3D and

    therefore more significant

    The gun tells the

    audience what kind of

    genre the film is. Action/


    Pathetic fallacy

    of the


    gives the



    Again using the high

    profile actor (dyers

    star theory) makes

    people buy the


    Title of the film in big

    bold letter promotes

    the film.

    The barcode in the left hand

    corner so looks hidden and not


    The movie strip is a good effect as it builds into the

    whole movie magazine concept but also breaks upthe main promotion picture with a different


    The extras show a list of things like movie

    and DVD reviews, interviews and


  • 8/2/2019 Caitlin Halloran- Advanced Portfolio-1


    Textual analysis of TotalFilm magazine

    Title of the film is in

    shattered letters which

    represents the whole

    image of the film and

    what genre it is. It is

    also very bold and has a

    very iconic effect which

    might make reader

    choose this magazineover another.

    Catchphrase The modern

    guide gives a the idea that

    they are fitting a n in the

    market which might make

    readers interested. It also

    tells them the readers what

    there mission statement is

    and this might make them it.The price of the magazine and

    date is again in small print and

    not that noticeable, which

    reinforces the idea that the

    normal magazine on films,

    price isnt one of the main

    ways of advertising.

    The magazine again uses theidea of dyers star theory and

    uses a high profile actor-

    Angelina Jolie which will make

    people buy it over


    The background of the

    magazine again represents

    what film genre the magazine

    is: mystery.

    Title of the film is also in bigbold letters which makes

    people interested in that

    genre of film buy the


    This magazine has a lot more

    extras then Empire

    magazine, this could make

    more people buy it as they

    have more things to read.Also by looking at they type of

    extras it does have, they

    seem to have an interest for

    all different audiences so that

    we can see their trying to

    target the mass market

    instead of targeting a niche.

    Whereas when looking at the

    Empire target market we get

    the impression its focussed on


    The prop of the gun again reinforces the genre of thefilm as action and crime

    Has a guide of the top

    100 coolest things in

    movies, clearly fits in

    with the magazine

    and will feed readers

    with interest.

    barcode, in far

    right corner,

    hidden away.

  • 8/2/2019 Caitlin Halloran- Advanced Portfolio-1


    How analysing film magazinesfront covers have helped us

    develop our media film. Looking at film magazines really helped our group develop our knowledge as we

    were unsure on the conventions used to create the magazine.

    We found that the majority have the main actor in the middle of the magazine toagain create dyers star theory to promote the film. We decided that we were going

    to use our main actor (Anna) to be on the front to reinforce this idea. The title of the magazine was always at the top of the magazine this makes the

    reader automatically know what there buying but can also bring in new customers.

    The content of the magazine mainly focuses on that one film with interviews ofthe characters along with special features and behind the scenes, but also has afocus on the overall film industry. We have taken some of these ideas and putthem into our own film magazine.

    The majority of the time the caption is at the top of the magazine to attractreaders and enhance their reading. Again we want to take this and put it in ourown ancillary task.

    The background of the magazines mainly focus on the genre the film is set. As ourfilm is has an element of mystery, we think the woods is an ideal location for ourbackground of the magazine, along with it being the most iconic setting.

  • 8/2/2019 Caitlin Halloran- Advanced Portfolio-1


    Key Changes- Posters

    1991 1995 1999

    By looking at the decade of the 1990s and comparing the transformation of the posters we can see that

    they all focus on the main character, and represents the role they play in the film, this uses the idea of

    Todorovs theory of ____. However the images get a lot more distinct and simple in terms of the image

    being the focal point, and the colours being more subtle to reinforce the mystery genre. In terms of

    the titles, all are clear in the terms of the colour, but dont necessarily jump out at the audience.


  • 8/2/2019 Caitlin Halloran- Advanced Portfolio-1


    In terms of the 2000 decade, the posters seem to have more focus on the

    terms of the lighting and placement of the character, perhaps this suggests

    that poster is a more important element of marketing the film as nowadays

    marketing is more of a focal point when distributing the film. The titles all

    seem to follow the theme and colours of the posters.

    2003 2005 2007 2011

  • 8/2/2019 Caitlin Halloran- Advanced Portfolio-1


    Key changes in magazine posters

    Empire magazine 1990

    Magazine is very plain with few content on the magazine. There is limited colours as most is

    black and white with the title the only colour that stands out accept the free addition, this

    may show that the magazine is only just starting of so have to a big emphasis on advertising

    rather then content.

    Image is very small and acts more like a newspaper print with a heading and semi-heading.

    Empire magazine 1992 Magazine is still has the newspaper feel and is still keen on advertising themselves with

    the free advertisement on the bottom.

    Image takes more of a central focus and magazine concentrates more on the title of


    Magazine uses dyers star theory with the Robert De Niroswaiting.. this shows that

    they are using box office draw and selling the fact that he is a famous actor. Yet from

    looking at the image you wouldnt be able to tell who it was.

    There is still little content on front cover, and main focus is on the title.

    Empire 1998

    Magazine has changes significantly, we can now relate the actor to the DavidDuchovny as the main actor of the XFiles as the main selling point of themagazine (dyers star theory)

    There a lot more content around the focus of the film industry which unlikethe past two issues makes it look more like a film magazine than a newspaper.

    However, the title is still in front of the image which may again represent that

    the magazine is still not that established and still needs to be the focal point.

  • 8/2/2019 Caitlin Halloran- Advanced Portfolio-1


    Empire magazine 2008

    Magazine again represents it is established as image layers over the title. There is acaption of the magazine as ultimate movie and DVD review which may suggest thatthey now have a image and reputation.

    The images again use the rule of thirds but this time it represents the image by usingTodorovsidea of narrative characters in this one McGregor is being the hero and is themasculine character looking after Johanson. Where she is acting the damsal in distress

    The magazine uses dyers star theory again to promote the magazine and sell it by usingthe two famous actors, and promoting their names on magazine.

    Empire magazine 2005

    There have been a massive change since the last addition. This front cover fits around the

    image of the film Robin Hood The image uses the rule of thirds which represents robin hood as the main character- so

    therefore taking up the main and central space on the cover and the other two in thebackground showing they are less significant.

    Magazine fits round a typical action genre, with the colours of red, white, blue and yellowand content: Robin Hood, Iron Man, Prince of Persia. This may make customers buy it asthey know what the content is likely to be on.

    Image also layers on top of the title which represents it is now an established magazineand people will recognize it without seeing the full title.

    Empire magazine 2010

    Magazine shows significant changes from the 1990 issue.

    Using dyers star theory, Robert downey takes up the whole of the magazine with along shot which establishes the genre of the film: action. There is a hole behind himwhich makes him look powerful as the props he is holding suggest he made it.

    The magazine again shows it is established as image blocks the full title.

    More content on front cover with pictures and titles of each addition.

    Title has a more modern approach and seems to fit in with the colours throughout.

    Empire magazine 2002

    Magazine seems to go back a stage and looks more like cape fear from 1992.

    However there is a lot more content like the 1998 addition. There is also more of a focuson the title of the film Hannibal so therefore has more of a focus and everything elsetakes a back seat. For example the colours of the image connote violence and evil.


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