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  • 2013 Air Quality Progress Report for Calderdale MBC In fulfillment of Part IV of the Environment Act 1995 Local Air Quality Management April 2013 Amended following appraisal August 2013

  • Calderdale MBC

    LAQM Progress Report 2013 1

    Local Authority Officer

    Tommy Moorhouse

    Department Environment, Housing and Renewal


    Northgate House Northgate Halifax HX1 1UN

    Telephone 0845 245 6000

    e-mail [email protected]

    Report Reference number


    Date April 2013

  • Calderdale MBC

    LAQM Progress Report 2013 2

    Executive Summary

    This report presents monitoring data for 2012 and other assessments of potential pollutants and new sources within the Borough. The main pollutant of concern in Calderdale, and the only one for which monitoring is reported here, is nitrogen dioxide, essentially traffic-related. The monitoring results show that although the nitrogen dioxide annual mean objective is still being breached in all six AQMAs there is scope for reducing the size of some of the areas, particularly No. 1 Salterhebble, No. 4 Luddendenfoot and No. 5 Stump Cross. The Council is drafting a report which will form the basis for consultation on changes to these AQMAs. Annual mean concentrations above the annual mean objective have been measured at sites outside existing AQMAs and the Council is preparing to declare an AQMA at Hipperholme, while continuing to gather sufficient data to produce a Detailed Assessment for Ainley Top and Clough Lane, Rastrick. The data for 2012 indicates that average concentrations of nitrogen dioxide fell compared to those recorded in 2011, but it is not clear that this is a long term trend. Some further information is being sought from the operator about newly installed biomass combustion plant.

  • Calderdale MBC

    LAQM Progress Report 2013 3

    Table of Contents

    1 Introduction 5

    1.1 Description of Local Authority Area 5

    1.2 Purpose of Progress Report 5

    1.3 Air Quality Objectives 5

    1.4 Summary of Previous Review and Assessments 7

    2 New Monitoring Data 11

    2.1 Summary of Monitoring Undertaken 11

    2.2 Comparison of Monitoring Results with Air Quality Objectives 16

    3 New Local Developments 23

    3.1 Commercial and Domestic Sources 23

    4 Planning Applications 24

    The two applications with potential air quality impacts are described below. 24

    4.1 Elland Edge Quarry 24

    4.2 Hipperholme and Lightcliffe School 24

    5 Air Quality Planning Policies 25

    6 Local Transport Plans and Strategies 26

    7 Climate Change Strategies 27

    7.1 Calderdale's energy future 27

    8 Implementation of Action Plans 28

    9 Conclusions and Proposed Actions 29

    9.1 Conclusions from New Monitoring Data 29

    9.2 Conclusions relating to New Local Developments 29

    9.3 Other Conclusions 29

    9.4 Proposed Actions 29

    10 References 31

    List of Tables

    Table 1.1 Air Quality Objectives for the purpose of LAQM in England

    Table 1.2 Previous Reports

    Table 2.2 Details of passive diffusion tube monitoring sites

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    LAQM Progress Report 2013 4

    List of Figures

    Figure 1.1 Maps of AQMA Boundaries (indicative only): No 1 Salterhebble

    Figure 1.2 Maps of AQMA Boundaries (indicative only): No 2 Sowerby Bridge

    Figure 1.3 Maps of AQMA Boundaries (indicative only): No 3 Hebden Bridge

    Figure 1.4 Maps of AQMA Boundaries (indicative only): No 4 Luddendenfoot

    Figure 1.5 Maps of AQMA Boundaries (indicative only): No 5 Stump Cross

    Figure 1.6 Maps of AQMA Boundaries (indicative only): No 6 Brighouse

    Figure 2.1 Automatic monitoring location, Hebden Bridge Romon 3

    Figure 2.2 Automatic monitoring location, Sowerby Bridge Romon 4

    Figure 2.3 Automatic monitoring location, Salterhebble Romon 2

    Figure 2.4 Automatic monitoring location, Brighouse Romon 1

    Figure 2.5 Positions of Romon 1 (2007) and CRH1

    Figure 2.6 Trends in Annual Mean Nitrogen Dioxide Concentrations Measured at Diffusion Tube Monitoring Sites HB1 and CRH1

    Figure 2.7 Trends in Annual Mean Nitrogen Dioxide Concentrations Measured at Diffusion Tube Monitoring Site LF1


    Appendix A QA/QC of monitoring

    Appendix B Further information on air quality

  • Calderdale MBC

    LAQM Progress Report 2013 5

    1 Introduction

    1.1 Description of Local Authority Area

    Calderdale MBC is one of the five local authorities making up the West Yorkshire metropolitan area. Calderdale lies to the west of the area, straddling the Pennines and including urban town centres such as Halifax and Brighouse, and smaller centres at Elland, Sowerby Bridge, Hebden Bridge and Todmorden. The urban centres in the upper Calder Valley are linked by roads lying in valley bottoms, with dwellings very close to the roadside and few alternative routes available to traffic. The M62 motorway skirts the south and east of the Borough and in the event of accidents or carriageway closures traffic may be diverted through Calderdale, particularly along the A58 and A672. Good motorway access has contributed to modern industrial developments at Elland and Brighouse. Although the nature of the industries based in Calderdale has changed quite radically over the years there is still a strong manufacturing and service base.

    1.2 Purpose of Progress Report

    This report fulfils the requirements of the Local Air Quality Management process as set out in Part IV of the Environment Act (1995), the Air Quality Strategy for England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland 2007 and the relevant Policy and Technical Guidance documents. The LAQM process places an obligation on all local authorities to regularly review and assess air quality in their areas, and to determine whether or not the air quality objectives are likely to be achieved. Where exceedences are considered likely, the local authority must then declare an Air Quality Management Area (AQMA) and prepare an Air Quality Action Plan (AQAP) setting out the measures it intends to put in place in pursuit of the objectives.

    Progress Reports are required in the intervening years between the three-yearly Updating and Screening Assessment reports. Their purpose is to maintain continuity in the Local Air Quality Management process.

    They are not intended to be as detailed as Updating and Screening Assessment Reports, or to require as much effort. However, if the Progress Report identifies the risk of exceedence of an Air Quality Objective, the Local Authority (LA) should undertake a Detailed Assessment immediately, and not wait until the next round of Review and Assessment.

    1.3 Air Quality Objectives

    The air quality objectives applicable to LAQM in England are set out in the Air Quality (England) Regulations 2000 (SI 928), The Air Quality (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2002 (SI 3043), and are shown in Table 1.1. This table shows the objectives in units of microgrammes per cubic metre g/m3 (milligrammes per cubic metre, mg/m3 for carbon monoxide) with the number of exceedences in each year that are permitted (where applicable).

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    LAQM Progress Report 2013 6

    Table 1.1 Air Quality Objectives included in Regulations for the purpose of LAQM in England

    Pollutant Air Quality Objective Date to be

    achieved by Concentration Measured as

    Benzene 16.25 g/m3

    Running annual mean


    5.00 g/m3 Annual mean 31.12.2010

    1,3-Butadiene 2.25 g/m3 Running annual

    mean 31.12.2003

    Carbon monoxide 10 mg/m3 Running 8-hour

    mean 31.12.2003

    Lead 0.50 g/m3 Annual mean 31.12.2004

    0.25 g/m3 Annual mean 31.12.2008

    Nitrogen dioxide

    200 g/m3 not to be exceeded more than

    18 times a year 1-hour mean 31.12.2005

    40 g/m3 Annual mean 31.12.2005

    Particulate Matter (PM10)


    50 g/m3, not to be exceeded more than

    35 times a year 24-hour mean 31.12.2004

    40 g/m3 Annual mean 31.12.2004

    Sulphur dioxide

    350 g/m3, not to be exceeded more than

    24 times a year 1-hour mean 31.12.2004

    125 g/m3, not to be exceeded more than

    3 times a year 24-hour mean 31.12.2004

    266 g/m3, not to be exceeded more than

    35 times a year

    15-minute mean 31.12.2005

  • Calderdale MBC

    LAQM Progress Report 2013 7

    1.4 Summary of Previous Review and Assessments

    Table 1.2 Previous Reports

    Report Date Outcome/ notes

    Stage 1 to 3 reports [S1,

    S2, S3]

    1999, 2000,


    Lead to detailed assessment 2003/4

    Updating and Screening

    Assessment [USA03]

    2003 Assessments of SO2

    Detailed Assessment


    2004 Identified need for further investigations at

    Salterhebble and Ainley Top

    Updating and Screening

    Assessment [USA05]

    2005 Identified need for detailed assessments. AQMAs

    declared at Hebden Bridge (No 3) and Sowerby

    Bridge (No 2)

    Detailed Assessment


    2006 Declaration of AQMAs at Luddendenfoot (No 4),

    Stump Cross (No 5) and Brighouse (No 6)

    Progress Report [PR07] 2007 Reported monitoring results

    Updating and Screening

    Assessment [USA09]

    2009 Identified need for detailed assessments for

    nitrogen dioxide and particulates.

    Progress Report 2010


    2010 Reported monitoring results and action plan

    Detailed assessment,

    biomass [DAB10]

    2010 Assessed air quality impacts of biomass plant

    identified in [USA09]

    Detailed assessment

    (West End)

    2011 Confirmed exceedences in this area are unlikely

    Progress Report 2011 Reported monitoring results and action plan

    Detailed assessment

    (Bull Green)



    No relevant receptors

    Detailed assessment


    Nov 2012 Proposed AQMA

    Detailed assessment

    (Ainley Top)

    In progress Monitoring data being collected (April 2013)

    Detailed assessment

    Clough Lane Rastrick)

    In progress Currently (April 2013) collecting more monitoring


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    LAQM Progress Report 2013 8

    Figure 1.1 Maps of AQMA Boundaries (indicative only): No 1 Salterhebble

    Figure 1.2 Maps of AQMA Boundaries (indicative only): No 2 Sowerby Bridge

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    LAQM Progress Report 2013 9

    Figure 1.3 Maps of AQMA Boundaries (indicative only): No 3 Hebden Bridge

    Figure 1.4 Maps of AQMA Boundaries (indicative only): No 4 Luddendenfoot

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    LAQM Progress Report 2013 10

    Figure 1.5 Maps of AQMA Boundaries (indicative only): No 5 Stump Cross

    Figure 1.6 Maps of AQMA Boundaries (indicative only): No 6 Brighouse

  • Calderdale MBC

    LAQM Progress Report 2013 11

    2 New Monitoring Data

    2.1 Summary of Monitoring Undertaken

    2.1.1 Automatic Monitoring Sites

    Figure 2.1: Automatic monitoring location, Hebden Bridge Romon 3

    Figure 2.2: Automatic monitoring location, Sowerby Bridge Romon 4

  • Calderdale MBC

    LAQM Progress Report 2013 12

    Figure 2.3: Automatic monitoring location, Salterhebble Romon 2

    Figure 2.4: Automatic monitoring location, Brighouse Romon 1 Figures 2.1 to 2.4 show the locations of the continuous monitors, known as Romons, within the AQMAs shown in Figures 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 and 1.6. Table 2.1 gives details of each automatic monitoring site.

  • Calderdale MBC

    LAQM Progress Report 2013 13

    Table 2.1 Details of Automatic Monitoring Sites

    2.1.2 Non-Automatic Monitoring Sites

    Limits on the number of diffusion tubes have lead to the removal of certain tubes for use in other locations, particularly those where more information is required for detailed assessments. The locations of the diffusion tubes (passive non-automatic sites) can be found in the Pollution section of Calderdale Councils Maps online site: www.calderdale.gov.uk/siteinfo/online-services/map/index.html Discontinued sites appear in blue and active sites are shown in red. Table 2.2 shows the details for each site.

    Table 2.2 Details of passive diffusion tube monitoring sites

    Site Name

    Site type X Y Pollutants monitored

    AQMA relevant exposure/y/n (distance)

    AQ10 roadside 409789 423195 NO2 1 ceased

    AQ12 roadside 409823 423206 NO2 1 ceased

    AQ15 roadside 409780 422803 NO2 1 y (< 1m)

    AQ16 roadside 409762 423150 NO2 1 ceased

    AQ18 roadside 409371 423965 NO2 1 ceased

    AQ4 roadside 409432 423543 NO2 1 y (< 1m)

    AQ5 roadside 409559 423384 NO2 1 ceased

    AQ8 roadside 409677 423250 NO2 1 ceased

    AT2 other 411369 419439 NO2 N y (< 1m)

    AT-WLC roadside 411720 419605 NO2 N ceased

    AT-LMR roadside 411315 419390 NO2 N n

    AT-BR roadside 411515 419550 NO2 N n

    Site Name Site Type

    OS Grid Ref










    Distance to closest

    Relevant Exposure?















    Romon 1 Roadside 414385 422456

    NO2 6 1m 3m y

    Romon 2 Roadside 409488 423428

    NO2 1 10m 2m y

    Romon 3 Roadside 398990 427209

    NO2 2 10m 2m y

    Romon 4 Roadside 406073 423615

    NO2 3 10m 2m y

  • Calderdale MBC

    LAQM Progress Report 2013 14

    AT-GS roadside 411620 419500 NO2 N ceased

    BB1 roadside 414835 425144 NO2 N ceased

    BE1 roadside 414406 422468 NO2 6 ceased

    BE2 roadside 414385 422457 NO2 6 ceased

    BE4 roadside 414478 422692 NO2 6 n

    BE-SH roadside 414352 422456 NO2 N n

    BG1 roadside 409140 425053 NO2 N ceased

    BG2 roadside 409084 425064 NO2 N ceased

    BG3 roadside 409099 425087 NO2 N ceased

    BH3 roadside 414671 422740 NO2 6 y (3m)

    BN20 roadside 414842 422968 NO2 6 ceased

    BS1 Co-location 406075 423615 NO2 4 n

    BS2 Co-location 406075 423615 NO2 4 n

    BS3 Co-location 406075 423615 NO2 4 n

    CRH1 roadside 409765 423007 NO2 1 y (< 1m)

    CRH4 roadside 409464 423330 NO2 1 ceased

    CS2 roadside 409600 424843 NO2 N y (< 1m)

    ER1 roadside 414235 422901 NO2 6 y (< 1m)

    HB1 roadside 399033 427223 NO2 3 y (< 1m)

    HB3BG background 399048 427188 NO2 3 y (< 1m)

    HB4 roadside 399360 427112 NO2 3 y (< 1m)

    HB6 roadside 399502 427041 NO2 3 y (< 1m)

    HH1 roadside 412621 425504 NO2 N y (< 1m)

    HH-NV roadside 412400 425510 NO2 N ceased

    HH-GS roadside 412530 425385 NO2 N ceased

    HH-WH roadside 412510 425515 NO2 N ceased

    HH-BR roadside 412390 425465 NO2 N ceased

    HH-LR Roadside 412540 425490 NO2 N y (< 1m)

    HH-LB Roadside 412431 425477 NO2 N y (< 1m)

    HH-LT Roadside 412450 425435 NO2 N y (< 1m)

    HQ1 roadside 398794 427237 NO2 3 y (< 1m)

    HQ8 roadside 399294 427125 NO2 3 ceased

    HQ4 roadside 399451 427102 NO2 3 ceased

    HQ9 roadside 399233 427175 NO2 3 y (< 1m)

    HTA H roadside 411494 419595 NO2 N y (< 1m)

    HXR1 roadside 414218 422957 NO2 6 y (< 1m)

    LF1 roadside 403810 424977 NO2 4 y (< 1m)

    LF1A roadside 403820 424977 NO2 4 ceased

    LF2 roadside 403738 425110 NO2 4 y (< 1m)

    LF3 roadside 403734 425140 NO2 4 ceased

    LF4 roadside 403735 425162 NO2 4 ceased

    LF8 roadside 404100 424385 NO2 4 ceased

    LF-DL roadside 403795 425055 NO2 4 ceased

    LFBG roadside 403926 425361 NO2 4 ceased

    LMR1 other 410958 419257 NO2 N y (< 1m)

  • Calderdale MBC

    LAQM Progress Report 2013 15

    SB1 roadside 406135 423639 NO2 2 y (< 1m)

    SB12 roadside 406525 423801 NO2 2 ceased

    SB13 roadside 406732 423981 NO2 2 y (< 1m)

    SB15 roadside 406638 423836 NO2 2 y (< 1m)

    SB16 roadside 406613 423799 NO2 2 y (< 1m)

    SB17 roadside 406366 423737 NO2 2 ceased

    SB18 roadside 406936 423799 NO2 2 y (< 1m)

    SB2 roadside 406049 423591 NO2 2 ceased

    SB3 roadside 405961 423571 NO2 2 y (< 1m)

    SB5 roadside 405854 423431 NO2 2 ceased

    SB6 roadside 405825 423415 NO2 2 ceased

    SB7 roadside 405956 423595 NO2 2 ceased

    SB8 roadside 406145 423662 NO2 2 ceased

    SC6 roadside 410846 426259 NO2 2 ceased

    SC4 roadside 410767 426266 NO2 5 ceased

    SC-PT other 410930 426195 NO2 5 ceased

    SC5 roadside 410823 426265 NO2 5 y (< 1m)

    WR1 roadside 415169 422794 NO2 6 ceased

    WR2 roadside 415090 422817 NO2 6 y (< 1m)

    WR3 kerbside 414915 422886 NO2 6 ceased

    PL1 roadside 408005 424647 NO2 N ceased

    PL2 roadside 408150 424670 NO2 N ceased

    QR1 roadside 407912 425169 NO2 N ceased

    CL1 roadside 413260 420685 NO2 N Y (< 2m)

    CL2 roadside 413295 420679 NO2 N Y (< 2m)

    CL3 roadside 413276 420736 NO2 N Y (< 2m)

    CL-XE roadside 413443 420632 NO2 N n

    CL-XW Other 413095 420558 NO2 N n

    Table 2.2 Details of Non- Automatic Monitoring Sites

  • Calderdale MBC

    LAQM Progress Report 2013 16

    2.2 Comparison of Monitoring Results with Air Quality Objectives

    2.2.1 Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2)

    Site ID Location AQMA


    of 2012

    with valid


    No of



    Annual mean



    2011 2012



    Bridge End 6 99% 0 46 47





    1 99% 0 48 53



    Hebden Bridge 3 68% * 59 *





    2 98% 0 56 43

    * Data from Romon 3 is not reported due to damage during severe flooding

    Romon 1 The annual mean concentration for 2012 at this location is roughly the same as that for 2012. There were no exceedences of the hourly mean objective, as in previous years. Romon 2 The 2012 annual mean is slightly higher than that for 2011. It was observed during the later part of 2012 that calibration with the span gas was subject to large drifts. The problem was reported to the Councils air quality servicing contractor but was not fully resolved until early 2013. The annual data is therefore taken to be indicative. The number of exceedences of the hourly objective has dropped to zero from 34 in 2011. This does not appear to be due to instrument faults. Romon 3 This unit was damaged during the severe floods of 2012 and no data is reported for 2012. Romon 4 The annual mean for 2012 is much lower than that for 2011. There appears to be no fault with the analyser and the reduction must be taken at face value.

  • Calderdale MBC

    LAQM Progress Report 2013 17

    Site ID Location AQMA

    Annual mean concentrations


    Adjusted for bias

    2009 2010 2011

    f = 0.89



    HB1 Market St, Hebden Bridge 3 46 50 54 47

    HB3 BG Horsehold Road, Hebden Br N 23 23 27 22

    HB6 2 Machpelah, Hebden Bridge 3 40 46 45 39

    HTAH House, Hill Top Avenue N 40 45 42 40

    HH1 Leeds Road, Hipperholme N 41 42 49 45

    HH-LR Leeds Road, Hipperholme N - - - 40**

    HH-LB Lees Buildings, Hipperholme N - - - 43**

    HH-LT Linden Terrace, Hipperholme N - - - 46**

    CRH1 Salterhebble Hill, Halifax 1 59 67 63 62

    CS2 Lamp, Church Street, Halifax N 40 44 41 36

    BS1 colocated with Romon 4 2 49 55 55 48

    BS2 colocated with Romon 4 2 50 56 56 49

    BS3 colocated with Romon 4 2 49 56 56 50

    SC5 Bradford Road, Stump Cross 5 41 45 46 41

    BH3 Huddersfield Road, Bhouse 6 51 52 53 51

    LMR1 Lindley Moor Road N 32 38 36 35

    AQ4 1 Stafford Place Halifax 1 29 35 31 28

    AQ15 385 Huddersfield Road Halifax 1 32 35 36 28

    SB1 Wharf St, Sowerby Bridge 2 54 57 61 53

    SB3 Town Hall St, Sowerby Bridge 2 47 51 51 47

    SB12 47 Bolton Brow Sowerby Bridge 2 40 45 49 45

    SB13 163 Upper Bolton Brow 2 39 43 45 40

    SB15 former CV4 2 42 43 51 43

    SB16 2 Calder House, Sowerby Bridge 2 40 45 46 41

    SB18 Wakefield Road, Sowerby Bridge 2 38 40 45 35

    LF1 Burnley Rd, Luddendenfoot 4 51 54 54 48

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    LAQM Progress Report 2013 18

    LF2 Tillotson Buildings Luddendenfoot 4 39 43 43 37

    HQ1 59 Bridge Lanes Hebden Bridge 3 55 57 63 55

    HQ9 New Road, Hebden Bridge 3 43 42 43 39

    BE-SH Scott Hall Terrace, Bridge End 6 - - - 29

    BE4 lamp, masonic hall, Brighouse 6 53 55 60 51

    ER1 Elland Road, Brighouse 6 36 43 41 36

    HXR1 Halifax Road, Brighouse 6 52 57 61 54

    WR2 Blackburn Building Brighouse 6 43 45 51 43

    BG1 adj The Cell, Bull Green, Halifax N 36 41 40 36

    BG2 adj 12 King Cross St, Halifax N 45 50 49 43

    BG3 Drainpipe,8 Bull Green, Halifax N 43 47 51 47

    AT2 r/o Lindley Moor Rd, Ainley Top N 40 45 44 37

    AT-BR Branch Road Ainley Top N - - 44* 39

    AT-LMR Lindley Moor Road Ainley Top N - - 42* 39

    CL1 Clough Lane, Rastrick N - 44 44 40

    CL2 Clough Lane, Rastrick N - 29 47* 42

    CL-XE Clough Lane, Rastrick N - - - 35**

    CL-XW Badger Hill, Rastrick N - - - 25**

    ** Ten months data available, March to December 2012

    Trends in nitrogen dioxide concentrations The results for 2012 show a decrease in comparison with those for 2011 at almost all sites. This is also true of the continuous data and appears to reflect a real reduction across the Borough. Note that the bias correction factor for 2012 is significantly smaller than that for 2011. The raw data is presented in the appendices. A notable exception is at the location of the tube CRH1, where the concentrations are

    essentially unchanged, and remain above 60gm-3. This may indicate an exceedence of the hourly objective, but it is not possible to relocate a continuous analyser to verify this. The tube is in an AQMA declared for the annual mean objective. Previously the Council has operated a continuous analyser, Romon 1, at a nearby site (see [PR07]) and the data indicated that the hourly objective was not being breached at that location. In the case of CRH1 there is a more enclosed canyon-like environment, and breaches of the hourly objective cannot be ruled out. The respective locations of the analyser and CRH1 are shown in Figure 2.5 below.

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    LAQM Progress Report 2013 19

    Figure 2.5: positions of Romon 1 (2007) and CRH1

    Figure 2.6 Trends in Annual Mean Nitrogen Dioxide Concentrations Measured at Diffusion Tube Monitoring Sites HB1 and CRH1

    Figure 2.6 takes two sets of diffusion tube results for which a long data set is available and compares the raw and bias corrected trends (e.g. HB1 and HB1_bc). The data for tube HB1 (in the centre of Hebden Bridge) shows an overall increase in annual mean concentrations since 2004, starting below the annual mean objective (when the bias correction factor was found from a collocation study using a mobile monitoring unit to be 0.66) and ending in 2012 well above the objective. Between 2006 and 2011 the raw mean in particular remained quite constant, while the raw data for CRH1 rose steadily until 2011.


    Romon 1

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    LAQM Progress Report 2013 20

    Figure 2.7 Trends in Annual Mean Nitrogen Dioxide Concentrations Measured at Diffusion Tube Monitoring Site LF1

    Figure 2.7 sets out raw and bias corrected results for LF1 (located on a row of terraced houses in Luddendenfoot), showing similar trends to the tubes in Figure 2.6.

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    LAQM Progress Report 2013 21

    2.2.1 Particulate Matter (PM10)

    No monitoring for PM10 has been carried out.

    2.2.2 Sulphur Dioxide (SO2)

    No monitoring for sulphur dioxide has been carried out.

    2.2.3 Benzene

    No monitoring for benzene has been carried out.

    2.2.4 Other Pollutants Monitored

    No monitoring for other pollutants has been carried out.

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    LAQM Progress Report 2013 22

    2.2.5 Summary of Compliance with AQS Objectives

    Calderdale Council has examined the results from monitoring in the Borough.

    Concentrations within the AQMAs still exceed the annual mean objective for nitrogen

    dioxide at all the existing AQMAs and the AQMAs should remain. There is scope for

    reducing the size of some of the AQMAs and the Council is preparing a report on

    these lines.

    The Council has measured concentrations of nitrogen dioxide above the annual

    mean objective at relevant locations outside of the AQMAs, and is preparing a

    Detailed Assessment for Ainley Top and Clough Lane, Rastrick. The Council is

    also in the process of declaring an AQMA at Hipperholme.

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    LAQM Progress Report 2013 23

    3 New Local Developments

    3.1 Commercial and Domestic Sources

    3.1.1 Commercial and other non-domestic sources

    A number of schools and academies have installed small biomass boilers. These have all fallen below the chimney height thresholds in the Clean Air Act 1993 and their impact has not been quantified. No other new commercial and non-domestic sources have been identified.

    The Council confirms that there are no new or newly identified local developments

    not covered in other sections of this report which may have an impact on air quality

    within the Local Authority area.

    The Council confirms that all the following have been considered:

    Road traffic sources

    Other transport sources

    Industrial sources

    Commercial and domestic sources

    New developments with fugitive or uncontrolled sources.

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    4 Planning Applications

    The two applications with potential air quality impacts are described below.

    4.1 Elland Edge Quarry

    Planning permission was granted in 2010 for an extension to a quarry overlooking Elland. The applicant provided a dust action plan considering the potential for dust emissions, particularly nuisance dust, and a range of control measures. Conditions on the planning permission were discharged in 2011. There have in the past been complaints from residents about airborne dust, particularly during crushing campaigns, but monitoring carried out using a TEOM and reported in the Stage 3 report [S3] lead to the conclusion that the quarry was not contributing significantly the mean concentration of PM10. The Council does not propose further monitoring of this site, although complaints about dust emissions will be followed up.

    4.2 Hipperholme and Lightcliffe School

    Planning consent was granted in 2012 for a new boiler house incorporating three 250kW biomass boilers at this school. The intended fuel is processed wood pellets, which takes the installation outside the provisions of the Environmental Permitting (England and Wales) Regulations 2010. Each boiler has a stack terminating 2.5m above the roof of a 5.5m high building. The stack diameter is estimated to be 0.4m, although full details are not yet available. Using the 2009 Corinair data ([Corinair]) for commercial biomass combustion plant the emission rate for particulate matter (PM10) is expected to be around 150g/GJ for each boiler. For a 250kW plant this equates to 0.038g/s. Using the biomass spreadsheet tool we find the target emission rate for a single stack of the given height to be 0.031g/s, and the estimated emissions are greater than the target emissions. The situation is complicated by the fact that there are three stacks on the same building and that the dispersion may be affected by the large school building upwind of the prevailing wind direction. The Council is seeking further information from the applicant, including a chimney height application with details of the boilers and emission rates. Preliminary modelling using ADMS-Urban 3.1.0 and the Corinair emission factors indicates that the installation will not contribute significantly to the annual mean nitrogen dioxide or PM10 concentrations.

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    5 Air Quality Planning Policies

    Local planning policies relating to air quality were essentially set aside on the introduction of the Local Development Framework. One policy remains: Policy EP 1 Protection of Air Quality Development which might cause air pollution (including that from modes of transport) will only be permitted if:-

    i. it would not harm the health and safety of users of the site and surrounding area; and

    ii. it would not harm the quality and enjoyment of the environment. Where permission is granted, appropriate conditions and/or planning obligations will be attached to ensure that the air quality is maintained. although paragraph 124 of the National Planning Policy Framework will take precedence when considering planning applications.

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    6 Local Transport Plans and Strategies

    West Yorkshire Transport Plan Partnership, of which the Council is a member, produced LTP1, its Local Transport Plan for 2001 to 2006, and replaced it in 2006 with LTP2, which expired in 2011. The current transport plan, LTP3 has three main objectives covering transport improvements to support and encourage economic growth in West Yorkshire and Leeds City region, move towards a low carbon transport system in the County and enhance the quality of life of people living and working in the County. Congestion and lack of investment in transport are to be addressed through the implementation of the plan.

    More information, and the complete set of plans, can be found at http://www.wyltp.com/

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    LAQM Progress Report 2013 27

    7 Climate Change Strategies

    Calderdale Council has developed a climate change strategy called Calderdales Energy Future.

    7.1 Calderdale's energy future

    Calderdale's Energy Future sets out how Calderdale Council and its partners can transform Calderdale into a resilient low carbon economy, leading to a 40% reduction in carbon emissions by 2020 (from a 2005 baseline). It focuses attention on priority actions that will have the biggest carbon reduction impact while protecting Calderdales communities and landscapes. The Council aims to achieve these targets in a way that delivers the maximum social, economic and environmental benefits to the community.

    The full strategy document and executive summary are available on the website http://www.calderdale.gov.uk/environment/sustainability/environmental-projects/energy-future.html .

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    LAQM Progress Report 2013 28

    8 Implementation of Action Plans

    The Council intends to submit a separate report covering the implementation of action plans. The report is in preparation.


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    LAQM Progress Report 2013 29

    9 Conclusions and Proposed Actions

    9.1 Conclusions from New Monitoring Data

    The monitoring results show that although the nitrogen dioxide annual mean objective is still being breached in all the AQMAs there is scope for reducing the size of some of the areas, particularly No. 1 Salterhebble, No. 4 Luddendenfoot and No. 5 Stump Cross. The Council is drafting a report which will form the basis for consultation on changes to these AQMAs.

    9.2 Conclusions relating to New Local Developments

    No new developments have been identified that have been found likely to have an impact on air quality.

    9.3 Other Conclusions

    No pollutants other than nitrogen dioxide have been monitored, and the Council is not aware of any proposed or active developments that would require such monitoring.

    9.4 Proposed Actions

    The Council is using its limited monitoring resources to gather evidence to justify further action in areas where an exceedence of the air quality objectives has been observed and where the air quality objectives are being met within an AQMA. AQMAs in which there is evidence supporting reducing the extent of the AQMA are

    No. 1 Salterhebble No. 4 Luddendenfoot No. 5 Stump Cross

    The Council is preparing a Detailed Assessment covering proposed changes to the extent of these AQMAs. AQMAs in which there is evidence for exceedence of the hourly objective are

    No 1 Salterhebble this is to be considered in the Detailed Assessment covering the revision of the AQMA boundary

    Areas outside AQMAs where there is evidence for an exceedence of the annual objective for nitrogen dioxide are

    Areas around M62 including Ainley Top and Rastrick - The Council is collecting more evidence on the likely extent of the area of exceedence

    Hipperholme the Council is consulting on the declaration of an AQMA Biomass combustion plants for which further information is being collected are

    Hipperholme and Lightcliffe High School [expected Summer 2013]

    jennyshepherdHighlighthas this data been collected?

  • Calderdale MBC

    LAQM Progress Report 2013 30

    Next actions The Council proposes to

    submit a Detailed Assessment for existing AQMAs and exceedences of the hourly objective in AQMA No.1 Salterhebble in Autumn 2013

    complete its consultation on the declaration of AQMA No. 7 Hipperholme by 1st June 2013, and declare the AQMA by 1st September 2013

    complete its assessment of the biomass boilers at Hipperholme and Lightcliffe High School when the required information is received and proceed to a Detailed Assessment if required

    complete additional monitoring at Ainley Top and Rastrick by 31st December 2013, and submit a detailed assessment in Spring 2014

    submit the 2014 Progress Report in April 2014.

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    LAQM Progress Report 2013 31

    10 References



    [DAHH12] Detailed Assessment, Hipperholme 2012

    [PG09] Local Air Quality management Policy Guidance LAQM.PG(09), DEFRA 2009

    [PR07] Progress Report 2007, Calderdale MBC, 2011 [PR11] Progress Report 2011, Calderdale MBC, 2011 [STR01] Stage 3 Report, Calderdale MBC, 2001 [TG09] Local Air Quality management Technical Guidance LAQM.TG(09),

    DEFRA 2009 [USA09] Updating and Screening Assessment 2009, Calderdale MBC, 2009 [USA12] Updating and Screening Assessment 2009, Calderdale MBC, 2012

  • Calderdale MBC

    LAQM Progress Report 2013 32


    Appendix A: QA:QC of monitoring Diffusion Tube Bias Adjustment Factors

    Discussion of Choice of Factor to Use

    The local factor was 0.74, and the overall factor for tubes prepared and analysed by West Yorkshire Analytical Services was 0.79. The latter includes the Councils collocation data and has been adopted by the Council as it is likely to represent the response of the diffusion tubes over a wider range of exposure conditions than the local factor. Both factors appear in Figure A1, which is a screenshot of the latest LAQM spreadsheet.

    Figure A1: Factor from LAQM Helpdesk spreadsheet

    Short-term to Long-term Data adjustment No short-to-long-term data adjustment has been made in the report.

    QA/QC of Automatic Monitoring The Councils automatic monitors are serviced under contract twice yearly by ET Kingfisher Business Park, London Road, Stroud, Gloucestershire GL5 2BY. Routine checks on the units are carried out by Council staff at least once every two weeks, and there is a call-out element to the contract in the event of instrument malfunction.

    Romon 1, Brighouse There were no problems with this analyser in 2012. Romon 2, Salterhebble This analyser showed some instability during 2012. This was reported to the contractor (then Casella) but a robust resolution was not obtained until early 2013. The data from this analyser is reported, and seems reasonable, but should be treated with caution.

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    LAQM Progress Report 2013 33

    Romon 3, Hebden Bridge The severe floods of 2012 put this unit out of action for part of the year. Romon 4, Sowerby Bridge There was a brief episode of unreliable data, which was remedied by the contractor.

    QA/QC of Diffusion Tube Monitoring

    The Council uses diffusion tubes prepared and analysed by West Yorkshire Analytical Services. This laboratory achieved good precision for 2012 in the summary at http://laqm.defra.gov.uk/diffusion-tubes/precision.html. Recent quality control (WASP) assessments have indicated that there may be laboratory systematic bias, based on the results for R116, R117 and R118 (first three quarters of 2012).

    Complete set of diffusion tube results 2012 (gm-3)

    Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec mean f=.79


    56 61 52 42 42 46 42 65 53 53 51 40


    62 73 60 47 42 52 33 65 51 59 54 43


    80 55 50 49 50 51 48 58 70 69 58 46

    HB1 71 76 61 61 - 53 43 - 49 57 56 61 59 47

    HB3 BG 26 36 30 27 25 25 19 23 28 32 33 33 28 22

    HB6 57 62 41 58 45 45 43 41 42 51 58 44 49 39

    HQ1 88 84 68 74 58 59 55 64 71 71 78 75 70 55

    HQ9 57 60 49 52 1 53 45 47 47 52 59 62 49 39

    LF1 66 69 57 65 68 58 54 56 55 60 62 57 61 48

    LF2 57 60 52 55 46 21 40 37 37 51 53 56 47 37

    SB1 68 75 68 78 73 58 61 62 61 68 70 60 67 53

    SB3 63 61 - 67 60 56 65 56 50 52 54 62 59 47

    SB12 60 64 50 63 54 48 -

    57 45

    SB13 59 63 55 56 46 - 44 45 37 45 60 55 51 40

    SB15 66 62 58 58 48 47 49 51 47 58 49 56 54 43

    SB16 54 61 55 59 61 43 42 47 42 55 56 48 52 41

    SB18 55 57 45 42 40 36 36 36 38 48 44 55 44 35

    BS1 65 65 58 66 68 56 56 47 54 68 65 65 61 48

    BS2 67 71 60 66 74 54 57 61 48 63 66 62 62 49

    BS3 68 71 68 71 70 54 54 61 43 66 66 63 63 50

    SC5 53 57 50 65 59 50 47 52 40 44 54 55 52 41

    HH1 62 64 66 56 48 54 47 61 49 62 64 51 57 45

    WR2 66 68 64 61 38 41 42 48 50 60 67 57 55 43

    BH3 75 77 68 73 56 45 51 52 62 69 73 65 64 51

    BE-SH 47 42 41 - 30 26 27 31 32 38 45 47 37 29

    BE4 72 76 69 63 55 48 57 56 65 66 75 73 65 51

    ER1 56 55 46 53 46 39 40 39 37 51 49 46 46 36

    HXR1 67 74 71 66 62 61 55 69 69 71 74 71 68 54

    BG1 48 53 47 53 42 37 36 41 39 55 51 52 46 36

    BG2 54 65 58 67 49 44 44 50 50 54 58 68 55 43

    BG3 65 70 61 71 50 47 49 54 61 63 59 61 59 47

    AQ4 47 55 44 29 28 26 24 29 24 42 40 39 36 28

  • Calderdale MBC

    LAQM Progress Report 2013 34

    AQ15 43 42 - 16 40 34 30 35 36 45 37 37 36 28

    CRH1 75 85 74 92 93 73 68 71 71 75 80 89 79 62

    CS2 56 61 51 51 39 40 35 43 42 45 44

    46 36

    CL1 48 61 55 54 50 47 38 44 41 60 60 54 51 40

    CL2 64 64 59 48 37 44 40 - 45 58 59 60 53 42


    56 44 41 26 39 41 41 42 57 57 44 35


    41 34 25 44 22 28 24 - 42 30 32 25

    HTAH 59 58 50 63 52 41 36 35 46 55 51 48 50 40

    AT2 57 52 53 52 43 34 34 37 42 54 56 50 47 37


    61 53 56 48 44 38 45 38 60 42 50 49 39

    AT-BR 59 62 53 59 42 38 34 40 43 49 53 52 49 39

    LMR1 56 56 54 47 37 35 31 33 35 52 41 45 44 35

    Note: the results for BG2 and BG3 are reported for completeness. These diffusion tubes were sited at

    Bull Green, but have been discontinued as there is no relevant exposure for the annual mean


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    LAQM Progress Report 2013 35

    Appendix B: More information about air quality More information about the management of air quality in Calderdale can be found on the website http://www.calderdale.gov.uk/environment/pollution/air-quality/index.html and maps showing the locations of diffusion tubes can be found at Calderdale Councils Maps online site: http://map.calderdale.gov.uk/connect/?mapcfg=Pollution . Defras air quality pages can now be found at www.gov.uk but links to www.defra.gov.uk/environment/quality/air/air-quality/ should still work.

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