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Caldwell Avenue 12” and 20” Water Main River Crossing Project

PROJECT DESCRIPTIONCiorba Group provided the Village of Morton Grove with design and construction engineering services to replace approximately 1,200 feet of parallel 12-inch and 20-inch water mains services, 2,400 ft total, through the Cook County Forest Preserve District and under the North Branch of the Chicago River. The existing segment of water main has demonstrated severe deterioration attributed to corrosive soils in the area requiring repairs of numerous leaks.

Ciorba prepared plans, specifications, estimates of cost and time, and bid documents for this Village funded project. The existing WaterCAD model was used to evaluate the options of replacing the water mains in-kind or combining them into one larger water main. Both open cut and directional boring options were also considered for crossing the river. Among the factors included in the evaluation were cost, maintenance, and constructability. The results of the analysis were summarized in an alternatives analysis memo. The best option was to maintain the two parallel water mains and directional bore underneath the river to minimize wetland impacts. A tree survey and impact estimate was required by the Forest Preserve District. Ciorba Group coordinated with the Forest Preserve District regarding tree mitigation, topsoil preservation, and prairie restoration.

Ciorba obtained survey data and worked with an environmental consultant to delineate the wetlands in the vicinity of the river to assess wetland impacts of the project. We prepared a U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 404 permit application for the proposed wetland impacts. Ciorba also obtained an IEPA public water supply construction permit, an IDOT temporary access permit for construction access on Caldwell Avenue, and determined that the project met the conditions of IDNR’s State-wide Permit Number 8 for underground utilities crossing a floodway.

Construction engineering services included bid analysis, conducting a preconstruction meeting, observing the contractor’s operations for conformance with the plans and specifications, final quantity documentation and preparation of pay estimates. The Resident Engineer was also responsible for coordinating with the Forest Preserve District during construction.

LOCATION: Morton Grove, IL CLIENT: Village of Morton Grove CONSTRUCTION COST: $1.18 Million SCOPE OF SERVICES: • Preliminary Engineering • Final Design • Construction Observation

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