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  • 7/30/2019 Calibers of Men


    Calibers of Men


    Chapter: 1

    "I never asked for this, I never wanted it. It was forced on me. They said I waschosen, that I'm special. It was a gift to be cherished, never to be abused. I don'tfeel very special; this doesn't seem like a gift. It's a curse, or a target on my back.No matter where I run or hide, no matter where I go. Tonight I will die, tonight Iwill be murdered. And I can't do anything about it. With all my gifts, and power Iwon't survive the night, he'll come for me. I've made a lot of mistakes in my lifeand they've finally caught up with me. I'm not sure what I'm writing, a good byeletter, a suicide note?"A noise distracted him from finishing his letter. It sounded like it came from theguards outside the door. The computer lit half of the dark room. He was confinedto the bedroom of his house. He stepped away from his computer and startedtowards the source of the noise. He begged Robert not to give him slayers forprotection. They would only share the same fate as him, but Robert was stubbornand insisted on giving him a fighting chance. He heard the guards speakingearlier, they were terrified like him. Now he heard nothing. He ran back to thecomputer and hurriedly continued to type."I don't have a lot of time. I wanted to write why I deserve this but I can't he'shere. I only have time to tell you the name of my assassin, Jake Ryan."

    He stepped away from the computer. He wasn't sure what he should do. Shouldhe grab his sword and fight to the death? Should he cower under his covers andwait for the inevitable? He looked over to his katana. It begged him to release itand die with honor. But at the same time it terrified him, like trying to defendhimself would only anger the boy and bring his execution sooner with less pity.He sat at the side of his bed and stared at the bedroom door."Grab the sword you coward." He whispered to himselfTime was going by painfully slow. By now he could have written everything hewanted. Maybe I still can he thought. He stood up and grabbed his sword andwalked back over to his computer. As soon as his hand touched the handle of thesword his stomach turned. The thought of fighting Ryan repulsed him. He started

    typing again. The letter was for his family, another mistake in his life. He hadn'tseen them in years. Work had distracted him for so long. He started with anapology to his son and daughter."Gwen I"The sound of a blade being pulled from its sheath stopped his typing, stopped hisbreathing, stopped his heart. He turned towards the intruder gripping the handleof his own katana. He hadn't made a sound entering the room. In fact as far as hecould tell the door was never opened. Yet there he stood, the light from thecomputer revealed him in the pitch black room. He wasn't in any fighting stance,his posture was straight. He just stood there holding the blade. He wasn't even


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    threatening him with it. He just pointed it towards the floor, and yet his verypresence terrified him. The intensity in his eye scared him most, but he won'tshow it."I will die with honor"He started to pull his sword from his sheath, but the boy was too fast. Ryan stoodnext to him the next instant. He couldn't feel the pain, in fact he went numb. Hedidn't know what happened. Was I cut, punched, kicked? Ryan returned his sword

    to its holder. The wounded man dropped to his knees. He felt warmth travelingdown his stomach. He didn't want to look at the wound because he feared thenhe would feel the pain. He felt the cut slowly start to heal, but it was too late. Thedamage had been done. Ryan started to walk away, with his back still turned. Heturned his head to avoid looking at the man as if it disgusted him."You lost your honor 12 years ago."The world started to fade around him. His mind racing, what could he havemeant? Could he have known the things he had done? Impossible he would havebeen a small child. Then he came to a horrible realization. The boy, in thefire...he...

    Chapter: 2

    Veronica took her job very seriously. She was always successful and did the bestout of all of her colleagues. Her partner and sister Cloey isn't so dedicated. Sheenjoys fun and unproductive things as opposed to things that actually matter inlife. She is begging Veronica right now to go into a club to "relax" despite beingon duty. Veronica wasn't having it."I'm not drinking. I can't believe you want to drink, were on duty.""We've been "on duty" for 3 days. We need a break.""And your idea of a break is getting drunk?"Veronica already knew she was going to lose this argument. She was tired too buther idea of a break isn't partying. She looked down at the club from the rooftopthey were standing on. She could hear the music from up there, and see peoplegoing in and out, the club also had a huge skylight from where they are she couldsee people dancing and jumping around inside. She did not like the idea of goingin there. She isn't really the clubbing type. Cloey continued to plead her case."It would take 3 days for us to get drunk. Come on Veronica a few songs, amartini and were out of there."Cloey would beg her and talk about it for the next 3 hours if Veronica didn't lether go. Veronica wasn't up to that."One drink?"Cloey grinned, victoriously."One drinks a few dances and that's it. Promise"Veronica paused for a second looking at the club down below.


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    "Fine""Yay, thank you, thank you. You're the best." Cloey squeezed her sister in a hug.Veronica just smiled. She knew she would hate this but it would make Cloeyhappy. It can't really hurt, like she said it wouldn't impair her to have a fewdrinks."Come on," She pulled her arm towards the back of the building rooftop but thensuddenly stopped her from going any further, "oh wait. You can't go into a club

    looking like that." She pointed up and down her."What's wrong with this?" Veronica looked down at her uniform, clad in a longcoat to avoid drawing attention. Cloey refused to wear hers knowing this would bea long job. The uniform is basically a thick leather material from the neck down.Thicker material around the torso to protect from bullets, claws and anythingelse, and lighter on the arms and legs so they can move easier. S.I logo was onthe chest over the heart on every uniform. Her hair was tied up in a pony tail tokeep it out of her eyes when she fought only adding to her suspiciousappearance."You look like a cop" Cloey replied.Cloey was in stark contrast to her workaholic sister. She was wearing only jeans

    and a tee shirt but whatever she wore men stared in awe. Even with the khakijacket she was wearing she is drop dead gorgeous. Her blond curly hair reachedher shoulders, and her light blue eyes seem to be able to pierce anything. Hersister looked almost exactly the same as her. Just slightly thicker more fit and herblue eyes much deeper. In fact Cloey always believed that Veronica was morebeautiful then she was, but men tend to prefer Cloey because of Veronicasintimidating, and easily irritated personality."Let me see," Cloey looked veronica up and down, "well first of all." Cloey reachedbehind her sisters head and let her hair down. Veronica's hair was much longerthen Cloey's reaching down her lower back, which instantly made her look moreattractive."That helped, now what else?""Look you wanna go? Let's go.""Fine." She knew if she pushed it Veronica would change her mind."Let's go party" Cloey giggled.Veronica was happy to see her sister excited. She hasn't been excited aboutmuch lately; they've been working hard on this new case. Not to mention Cloeywasn't too excited when she heard what the case was, it's a dangerous one."Once you have your fun we get back to work."Cloey wasn't listening anymore, all she heard was the muffled music coming fromthe club. She started towards the back of the rooftop again, and dove off the 5story building. Using the walls to slow her decent and landed on both feet as if itwere nothing. Her sister followed but she isn't as delicate as Cloey. She jumpeddown and landed straight as if it was a two foot drop. They left the alley way andturned the corner towards the club. The music gradually grew louder, andVeronicas knot in her stomach grew tighter. She didn't like dancing, she didn'tlike partying. She would just think about the case. Focus on the job, and timewould fly by. Figure out where they could be staying, what they want in this city.They stood in front of the entrance. The club is called "Two Faces". Orange lightsand neon covered the building. Before they could go in Veronicas cell phonestarted ringing. She looked at the caller i.d it read "Tech".


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    She flipped the phone open. "What?""Wait till you here this. William Samuels a retired S.I council member was founddead in his house 15 minutes from where you are.""Cause of death?""We found a lot of blood. But the wound must have closed up before he died.Autopsy shows severe damage to the internal organs. He was stabbed with what

    appears to be a sword.""Guess we know what Ryan's doing here. But that doesn't make sense he killswhoever follows him, not hunting us.""Well he hunted this one and guess what else? There were two S.I agents outsidehis door.""Wait guards? They knew he was coming, and they didn't tell us? And they onlysent two guards for Ryan?""Exactly what I was thinking, something doesn't smell right."Cloey had a worried look on her face. She knew they weren't going to the clubnow. Veronica was going to throw herself into work again. Veronica knew whatshe was thinking, but she's not gonna disappoint her like that.

    "Thanks Tech" She hung up and placed the phone back into her coat pocket.Cloey just looked at her unsure what they were gonna do next."We gonna go or not?" Veronica finally asked. Cloey hugged her and giggled.They flashed there I.Ds to the bouncer and walked in. The club flashed strobelights everywhere; people were on top of each other dancing and drinking, actinglike animals. Cloey pulled on Veronica to fight through the crowd. It would havebeen easy to push these little people out of the way, but she restrained herself.She couldn't risk hurting anyone or blow her cover. They finally reach the bar onthe other side of the club."What'll you have?" The bartender asked. An average white guy, he had a toweldraped over his left shoulder."Apple Martini please?" Cloey answered all giddy as if she was already tipsy.The bartender nodded. "And you?" He asked looking over at Veronica."Water" she answered.He chuckled to himself and went off to make the drinks. She didn't care; Cloeydidn't even look at her. She knew what Veronica would order even beforeVeronica did. She turned towards the sea of dancers and rested her elbows on thecounter of the bar. Every now and then she would scream when she saw someonedo a particular dance move or sing the words to a song she liked. The bartendersoon brought their drinks and Cloey turned back towards the counter. She startedsipping on her martini when a man sat down next to her."Here we go" Veronica thought to herself. Cloey always attracted men whereverthey went, and secretly she always envied that about her sister. Though shewould never admit it. Something was different about this one though. There wassomething in his eyes. Something's she's never seen before, she couldn't put herfinger on it."Aren't you going to ask if you can buy me a drink?" Cloey asked him seductively.Veronica knew Cloey intended to play with his emotions then drop him like a toy."I'd much rather skip all of the flirt and idle talk and get right to the deep andinsightful conversation." He smiled; he is very handsome it was difficult to seereally well with the flashing lights of the club but that much she can tell.


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    "You mean you came over here to chat with me? Nothing else on your agenda?""Nope" He rested his chin on his hand, and got ready for his "deep conversation"."Ok," She laughed "well I'm Cloey." She started to stretch out her arm to shakehis hand, but she hadn't realized how close he was to her. He took her handnevertheless."And what brings you to Las Vegas Cloey?""How do you know were tourist?" She challenged.

    "To be honest your sister there is a dead giveaway. What are you guys cops?"Veronica started to get on the defense but Cloey only smiled. She wasn't going totry and deny it and if Cloey didn't care then neither did she. In fact she was happyso maybe this guy would back off."Something like that," she replied, "We have an assignment here.""Your sister doesn't look like she is having a good time. Let me guess you'd ratherbe cuffing somebody or stopping a bank robbery miss ...I'm gonna say...something sophisticated like Annabelle?"Veronica just rolled her eyes and looked in the other direction. "Veronica, butyour dead on about the cuffing, and bank robbery stuff." Cloey answered."So what's this assignment? Or are you not at liberty to discuss it?"

    Uh-oh veronica thought to herself. This guy was good and Cloey is losing this littlebattle there having. He just stared at her with those eyes. His brown hair wasn'ttoo long, but it draped over some of his eyes and ears. A white light flashed overhim to give Veronica a temporary clearer view. He was wearing a black buttondown shirt and an undershirt, though it did nothing to hide his muscular form. Hehad a square jaw that still rested in his palm. He had a perfect smile that madeyou trust him. He didn't seem to have a single flaw.She caught his eyes again, "what are in those eyes?" She thought."I can tell you that the assignment is we're looking for someone.""A bad guy no doubt" He replied."The worst. I guess it wouldn't hurt to tell you who." She looked over at Veronicafor confirmation but she pretended there was something really interesting on theblank wall. Cloey continued "Jake Ryan.""Oh, that's the killer guy right? The slayer that kills slayers.""There are a few clues in the city that carry his signature. Were sent here to findout what he's doing here and catch him. Not necessarily in that order."Veronica started thinking about it again. We now know what he was here to do wejust don't know why, she thought. What was so important about a retired S.Iagent? This isn't Ryan's style."I see, well that sounds exciting.""Not really. The guys a ghost, we can't find him anywhere, and he doesn't leaveany trace anywhere. It's been pretty boring, which is why I begged my sister totake a break and check this club out.""Well I'm definitely glad you did. Hey bartender can we get another round overhere?" Pointing to his and Cloey's drink."Uh no, Cloey you said one drink." This is the first time she has contributed to anyconversation since she's been here."Hey relax Annabelle its only one more drink."Veronica shot him a look that would make grown men wet themselves. This guydidn't seem intimidated.


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    "Its Veronica moron and we have to get back to work why don't you go pick upsome other chick now?""Geez some ones time of the month."Veronica shot up out of her seat. She's had enough of this guy. She can't believeallowed Cloey to tell this guy all that stuff or even allow him to try and pick up hersister. She stood in front of him giving him the same hateful look."Ok, ok let's just calm down." Cloey said, putting her hand up to keep her from

    getting any closer."No Cloey this guy is an arrogant play boy who obviously has no respect for eitherof us.""Ouch" Before he could keep talking Veronicas hand was across his throat andforced his back against the counter of the bar. She could snap it if she wanted tobut she only wanted him to go away."Veronica let him go; it's not worth all this.""You're just like every other guy going around in clubs and bars picking up girls.You're so smooth and so hot but when it comes to confrontation you're a coward.Were you even gonna tell her your name?" She tightened her grip.He choked and struggled to get a word out, "It's not ...sophisticated . . . like...

    Annabelle.""Veronica you're going to kill him." Cloey didn't try to pull her off. She knew ifVeronica didn't want to let go she wasn't going to let go."Look ..." he said barely audible "if this can all be settled ...with my name then,"He choked again as Veronica intensified her squeeze."Shut up""Veronica that's enough, he got the point."He mumbled something Veronica couldn't understand. She lifted him off thecounter with one arm closer to her ear. "What?"His faced was red, and it hurt more now that he was in the air. She moved himcloser to her ear and listened. "My name ...Ryan..."

    Chapter: 3

    She tried to process what he said but before she could he gripped her arm forcingher to release his neck. He twisted her around and wrapped his arms around her,pressing her back tightly against his chest. She tried to wiggle out but he was toostrong."Jake Ryan" He whispered in her ear. His voice caused a shiver to go down herspine after which he swung her toward the wall of alcohol behind the bar. Cloeystood in shock trying to understand what had just happened then lunged at him


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    swinging and kicking but he stepped out of the way of every blow. By this timepeople were screaming and running towards the exits. Bouncers and security rantowards the fight. Ryan grabbed Cloey's arm and tossed her out of the way so hecould deal with security. The largest bouncer swung full force at Ryan but hecaught his fist and snapped the man's arm in half. The huge man dropped to hisknees holding his arm, and Ryan faced the others eager for more. The menpaused for a second taken back by what he had done to their coworker. But Ryan

    wasn't waiting, the next second he was behind them. Ryan grabbed a guard bythe back of his jacket and lifted him into the air. He used his other hand to vicegrip the other guy's throat.Veronica stood up from behind the bar with that same look of hate on her face.She took off her coat which was covered in drinks and broken glass. She pulledfrom her belt two sai's. She was going to end this fast, he was dangerous and healready had the upper hand. She stepped over the bar and started towards him.She intended to catch him by surprise but he turned his head towards her as if heknew she was coming. Veronica didn't hesitate. He tossed both men aside andmotioned for her to come at him and she accepted his challenge. Veronica thrustthe Sais towards him, but he simply stepped to the side avoiding them. She tried

    kicking to throw him off balance but that failed as well. It seemed as if everythingshe tried failed. She's one of the best in S.I and was not accustom to losing andthe smile on his face only infuriated her more."You look angry" he said visibly enjoying the banter.She tried to ignore him. He's was trying to get her even angrier and make hersloppy. "Just focus" she told herself "you can win if you calm down and focus.""That's a nice uniform by the way. It fits you beautifully.""God I hate him" she thought, "he's just too fast." Then she saw Cloey behind himputting away her phone and pulling out a dagger. That was a bad idea; Veronicaremembered that he knew she was coming when she tried to sneak up behindhim before. She was going to have to distract Ryan while Cloey finished him off.She swung the knife at his throat but he stepped to the side. She used hermomentum for a round house kick to his face but he blocked it. He grabbed herleft arm and held it firmly behind her back. She tried to use her free hand but hegrabbed it and held it behind her as well. She struggled against his hold but againhe was to strong. Their faces were so close she could feel his breath. Before sherealized it she began to relax in his grip. "What am I doing?" Despite her normalsensibleness she let out an angry roar out of sheer frustration or perhaps toremind herself whose side she is on. "Maybe that alone will distract him" shethought to herself. Ryan sensed someone running towards him from behind andhe knew who it was. He turned his head slightly but returned his gaze to meetVeronica's eyes, and smiled again."Please," She whispered "don't." Realizing he was not going to be surprised shewas afraid he would hurt Cloey.But he didn't move, Cloey jumped onto his back wielding her own 12 inch dagger.She wrapped her legs around him and with all her might plunges her daggertoward his chest. He released Veronica and fell to the ground. A feeling of successwashed over the women, but neither let their guard down. Cloey got him into achoke hold while Veronica started to pound on his stomach. She could not seewhat effect this was having on him because of his position on the floor andbecause the room was dark but she didn't dare stop. She kept hitting him until


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    her fist hurt. Veronica was satisfied; he was on his knees clutching his stomachwhile his forehead rested on the floor. She stood back never letting her guarddown, waiting to make sure he was truly down. The club went silent, and the onlysound heard was Veronica's heavy breathing.

    "Oh my God . . ." Cloey finally said. "We took down Jake freaking Ryan.""Don't get cocky, let's tie him up and wait for-"

    A cough startled her and she paused to listen to make sure she heard what shethought she did. It went silent again, and Veronica looked at Cloey with concern.She started to walk towards Ryan to tie him up but again she was startled bycoughing followed by a groan as Ryan pulled himself up."Well . . . that hurt." He said as he slowly pulled out the knife.Now she knew what the big deal was. Why all of S.I had been talking about himand nobody would take the job. Staring at that hole closing up on his chest shefelt for the first time in her life that she was in over her head."I hope you got beating the crap outta me out of your system. Now let's all staycalm then no one will get hurt.""Now why would I be worried that a mass murderer is going to hurt me?" Cloey

    countered; she and Veronica had repositioned themselves into fighting stance.The smile from his face instantly disappeared as if she had hurt his feelings. Heturned away from her and looked down at Cloey's knife."You killed that S.I council member." Veronica saysHe looked at her with sad eyes. "I-"A blinding light pierced the skylight of the club and surrounded Ryan. "Cloey musthave called for backup when Ryan first threw her out the way", Veronica thought,"bless her"."Jake Ryan we have the building surrounded! Come out with your hands aboveyour head! You have thirty seconds to comply!"Jake felt more slayers outside at the entrance and exit. The smile returned to hisface. Veronica could see that he loved this, being the center of attention. Helooked up at the chopper shielding his eyes from the light."Times up Ryan!"Ryan could hear the mounted machine starting spin, they were about to fire. Hetossed the knife back to Cloey, and winked. Then the glass shattered above themas it started to rain bullets, and Ryan took off for the exit. The sisters dove out ofthe path of fire. Veronica made a mental note to fire whoever decided to shoot atRyan with them in the way. Ryan could feel at least five S.I soldiers waitingoutside the entrance of the club. He rammed the doors at full speed and the twodoors snapped off the hinges flying into four soldiers. The only one still standingaimed his gun at Ryan but he was lifted up into the air by his throat before hecould fire. When Ryan was satisfied by the fear in his eyes he dropped the soldier,and started towards the same building Veronica and Cloey had been standing onearlier. He jumped onto a ledge over the third floor and started scaling up. Thelight consumed him again and the chopper gun turned in preparation to fire. Ryanlooked inside the windows to make sure there was no one in the buildings. "Theyobviously don't care who gets killed" he thought to himself. The place lookedabandoned but before he could confirm the helicopter started firing. To avoid thefire he picked up speed and started to run up the side of the building. Bullets torethrough the building as he scaled leaving a path of destruction behind him. He


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    finally reached the top and jumped to the center to avoid the choppers fire. Thehelicopter circled around the building and prepared to fire again. Jake took asecond to take it all in. More helicopters circled the building and shined there lighton him. The building became surrounded by swat teams, vans, and more S.Iagents. Hundreds of police sirens, and army vans for the next four blocks."Hm, didn't think this through very well."

    Chapter: 4

    Ryan paced the rooftop thinking. He scanned the surrounding buildings but when

    he didn't find what he was looking for he went back to walking the perimeter ofthe roof. They still had the entire building surrounded but they hadn't fired on himin several minutes, they were either waiting on Ryan to give up or waiting forsomeone else to arrive. Jake kept looking at his wrist but kept forgetting that heactually doesn't where a watch. He looked over the edge of the building where hesaw Veronica, Cloey and a few other slayers talking, no doubt about him."Does anybody have the time?" He screamed down to them. "No, Maybe? OK,thanks."A cop standing with a cluster of other officers yelled back up, "Umm, its 12:30!"One of the other cops standing next to him slapped him on the back of the head."Ow! What was that for?" The man who slapped him just looked at him like hewas stupid."Thanks buddy!" Ryan yelled down.He scanned the other buildings again but was interrupted by a voice from a bullhorn."What's the matter Ryan you got somewhere to be!?"Jake looked down where he saw Veronica and Cloey stand earlier. A new face wasthere but one that Ryan recognized nonetheless."Hey Devon, long time no see. I see your face healed up, sorry about the scar. Iguess there's something's Slayers can't heal from."Ryan obviously hit a nerve because his face hardened and he whisperedsomething to a soldier next to him. Ryan watched as the soldier ran off, butsomething on the rooftop across the street caught his eye. He didn't want Devonto catch on though so he kept him distracted."Don't you guys have some Calibers to kill or something?" Yelling down at Devon."I can ask the same thing of you. When's the last time you actually killed a CaliberRyan?""I don't think that's important right now.""Hey here's an idea," Devon finally said visibly annoyed, "why don't I startreading you your rights now and you come down and turn yourself in? There's noway out this time Ryan, I'd like to see you squeeze your way out of this one."


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    "So would I." Ryan thought to himself. "You know what I don't really like thatidea." He screamed, "But here's one, you tell that pilot flying in that helicopter hebetter get his butt out of there or he's gonna spend the next two days in ahospital room healing. You've got thirty seconds to comply to that Smith!"Devon lowered the mega phone and just glared at Ryan to see if he was bluffingor not. Ryan only smiled and winked down at him."What the heck is he talking about Veronica?" He growled at her.

    "How should I know Smith?" Doing nothing to hide her annoyance. "But everytime he smiled like that he had something up his sleeve. He isn't bluffing."

    "Fine," he raised his walkie talkie up to his mouth. "Prepare to fire."The choppers aimed their turrets at Ryan. He didn't try to move out of the way oravoid the choppers spot light. He only stared at the pilot of helicopter he pointedat earlier. The pilot started to sweat and pull at his collar. The windows weretinted but it looked like Ryan was looking dead at him. He unbuckled himself fromthe seat. "Just in case."Ryan whispered to himself "24."The world went silent no sirens, no speaking, nothing. Everyone only stared.

    "25"The pilot began breathing heavily; he couldn't shake Ryan's eyes."26"The chopper turrets started spinning."27""This is a bad idea Devon." Veronica said. "Shut up" He replied."28""Ready to fire, awaiting orders" One of the pilots said."29"This was too much for him; the pilot stood out of the seat and headed for the sidedoor of the chopper."Times up Smith!" Ryan ram towards the edge of the building towards Devon andVeronica."Fire!" Devon screamed.The other pilots pressed their thumbs on the trigger to fire but before they coulda missile shot out from the rooftop of a building across the street and hit theterrified pilot's chopper. It exploded, and became completely engulfed in fire. Youcan see though that pilot jumped out before it was too late only getting slightlysinged from the flames. The chopper slowly fell to the ground and crashed onto acluster of cars. Ryan dove off the edge of the building and as he fell a sword wasthrown at him from the same roof top the missile came from. Jake caught it andspun as he continued falling.Veronica grabbed Devon's walkie talkie and pushed him out of the way towardsRyan. As she ran she screamed into it "Its Woods! New target on top of bluebuilding roof top! Subject is armed and dangerous! Take him out!"Ryan landed cracking the floor beneath his feet. A soldier charged him but Ryansimply back handed him and sent the man flying. The others were smart enoughnot get close to him and they fired their weapons instead. Jake effortlesslyavoided most of them some he took in the chest but he had much biggerproblems than that.


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    A very pissed off Veronica pulled out her Sai's and charged Ryan with death in hereyes.

    Chapter: 5

    She leapt at him thrusting the blades at his chest, but he swung the katanadeflecting the attack. When she got her footing she swung the knife at animpossible speeds and it took everything he had to deflect every blow, though hedid his best to make it look easy.

    "You know." He blocked another attack, "I think you fight better when you'repissed off."

    She ignored him and kept swinging; he would eventually get sloppy and leave heran opening. Veronica drove the sai towards his stomach; he used the sword toblock the attack and propel the blade out of her hands. Cutting her arm cleanthrough her uniform in the process. She looked up at him, but her look of hatewas replaced by something else. A look of confusion, and admiration.

    "First bloods mine." He said winking at her.

    She quickly got a hold of herself and tightly gripped her only weapon ready foranother round. The wound on her arm closed up and she rocketed towards himbut Ryan grabbed her and used her own momentum to throw her through thewall of a nearby building. He was surprised she went through it, he hadn't meantto throw her that hard and he started towards her but a chopper started firing onhim. He ran in the other direction cursing under his breath. Another chopper flewtowards him, preparing to fire. He was trapped. "Crap"

    Woods was on the rooftop directly above Jake. He was hoping that once he bailedhim out the first time, Jake would be able to get out of there. "Looks like I'm goingto have to bail him out again." He stood back from the ledge, and pulled twopistols out. Two choppers were coming at him in both directions and Jake wastrapped. He stepped onto the ledge, and paused for a second.

    "This is gonna look so cool."

    He dove off the building holding the pistols out on both sides of him. He fired atthe helicopters, without looking at either one once. He only focused on where hewas landing. The choppers front glass shattered and they pulled back. Woodslanded on a cop car with such force it bent in the middle.


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    "What took you so long?"

    "I was busy!" Woods screamed back as 3 slayers attacked him.

    More slayers charged Ryan as well. These were obviously well trained ones,fighting in some form of martial arts. Ryan didn't really care; he was getting real

    tired of this. One of the slayers to his right did a kick flip; Ryan caught his footinches from his face and swung him around into a nearby van. Another did aflurry of punches but Ryan blocked all of them and gave the slayer one goodpunch to the face sending him flying.

    "Wait, I didn't know I was gonna get in trouble at the club. We were just gonna gofor drinks." Ryan said still fighting.

    "So?" Woods said fighting his own group of slayers.

    "So? You just shot down a helicopter with a freaking bazooka! You just carry those

    things around every once in awhile on your way to a club?!"

    "You never know, ok?! I just happened to have one!" Jake laughed. "Jake, werenot gonna make it out of here like this!"

    "Just give me a second to think!" Both Woods and Ryan had finished off theslayers. But the others have now resorted to shooting. Jake took a bullet in theshoulder before diving behind a car where Woods was."Now would be a good time for a plan!" Woods screamed as he fired back on thesoldiers.

    "Ok look this many slayers in one place has to attract a few calibers. Watch myback while I check."

    Ryan closed his eyes, and focused on his surroundings. There were at least 50slayers in the area. He felt Veronica still inside the building, "She must beunconscious." There were one more choppers, and there were a few slayers onthe rooftops. He knew there were cops, swat teams, and other governmentpeople but he can't sense them. Jake opened his eyes and looked at Woods.

    "None, there aren't any Calibers nearby."

    "Where the heck are they?"

    The gun fire stopped. They both looked at each other, and then cautiously peekedover the car. They saw Devon standing who obviously thought he won already.

    "Give it up Ryan! There's no way out!"

    "Says you! You just can't see very well cause your left eyes half gone!" Woodsscreamed back.


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    "You try anything and that chopper is gonna saw you in half!"

    Ryan laughed, "You said the word 'saw', and you can't see!"

    Devon said something else, but Ryan stopped listening. He had an idea.

    "Ok look here's what were gonna do." He said as he pulled Woods back downbehind the car.

    A few minutes had passed since Ryan or Woods made a smart comment. Devonstarted to get suspicious. Veronica walked up behind him covered in dust andrubble, Cloey following closely behind her.

    "There up to something." He said to them. He was just about to tell the chopperto fire when he saw Ryan jump out from behind the car and charge them.Veronica had pulled out her weapon eager for another round with him, and Cloeydid the same. But Ryan was to fast the next instant he was upon them. He caught

    Veronica by surprise and did a spinning kick sending her back a few feet. Whileshe lifted herself up she saw Woods run into an alley way directly across fromwhere they had been hiding.

    She stood up and pulled from her belt the walkie talkie she had stolen earlier."Chopper one woods is escaping! African American man running down north alleyway, coming your way."

    "Roger that." The pilot replied.

    Cloey lunged at Jake, driving the dagger at a downward slice but he leanedbackwards to evade the attack and grabbed her arm twisting it behind her back.Then he shoved her into Devon knocking them both to the ground. Other Slayerscircled around him carrying all different weapons. He lifted his sword pointing it ata few of them, and smiled his devilish grin. A few of them began charging, butDevon grabbed them and pulled them back.

    "You'll only make idiots of yourselves. This is your last chance Ryan."

    Ryan said nothing. He twirled the sword in his hand and prepared to make onelast stand.

    "Fine. Chopper one, fire."

    The chopper hovering, aimed its turret at the circle of slayers. The gun startedspinning, and any second now Ryan would be mowed down by the bullets.Devon's heart began racing at the thought. He has hated Ryan for so long afterwhat he did to him. Now he will finally watch Jake Ryan get what he deserved.

    "Hey Smith!" He heard from the chopper. He looked over at the helicopter andsaw a black man hanging half way out of the cockpit.


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    "Woods!?" He screamed.

    "You should really use that one good eye of yours. By the way . . . heads up."

    Devon looked back over at Ryan but instead saw a fist flying at him. Ryan hit himso hard Devon was sure that his jaw was broken. Blood and spit flew out of his

    mouth and he was rocked backward. Then Ryan stepped onto his back and leaptinto the air grabbing hold of the chopper. He stepped half way onto the landinggear, but stuck his head out.He looked over at veronica and shaped his hand like a phone. "Call me!"Slayers began firing, but Veronica, Cloey, and Devon could only watch as thechopper disappeared over the tall buildings.

    After a few minutes of silence in the chopper, Woods looks over at Ryan.

    "No you can't shoot anything."

    "Aww man" Wood whines

    Chapter: 6

    "Hi welcome back to the Jay Leno show. We have with us Doctor Damon Rams.Now on this show we don't usually do this kind of stuff but Dr. Rams here hasbeen going to different press conferences, and shows to promote his book onCalibers. Is that right doctor?"

    "Yes, Jay that is correct."

    "Now doctor, why don't you tell us what is a Caliber?"

    "Well the caliber is a human infected with the caliber virus. This virus attacks thecells of a host sending the wrong signals from the DNA in each and every cell,physically changing the host."

    "Into what exactly?"

    "Well basically the perfect predator. There built stronger and faster than a regularhuman, but at a loss of sanity. Even the intelligence is affected, they are capableof very little self aware, and they can sometimes form words that were oncefamiliar to them. But nothing beyond that. There only objective is to infect and tokill. I've yet to figure out which one is top priority or what determines whether a


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    caliber decides to kill or infect."

    "How is a person infected? What are the symptoms?"

    "A person can become infected through open contact in the mouth or a wound.Any way you are touched and it gets inside your body, you are infected. Yourtemperature will first rise exponentially, that's your cells changing. Your skin will

    begin peeling, your vision will become blurry, next extreme joint and muscle pain.Extreme abdominal pain, after awhile the pain spreads to your whole body. Whenit reaches that state the changes will become apparent to an onlooker. You willphysically change before their eyes. Your skin darkens to a grayish blue, your eyecolor changes to yellow to grow more accustom to night, your nails have growninto claws surprisingly durable almost like knives, you'll grow fangs, and yourvoice will change into a savage roar. That is the basic transformation for any oneinfected. We are working on a cure but so far we've made very little progress."

    "Jesus, so there are these things that infect and kill people running around theUnited States, what is the government doing about this?"

    "There is a facet of the government called S.I that deals with Calibers and slayerthreats specifically."

    "Now I've heard about that. S.I is completely run of Slayers. What is a Slayer?"

    "Slayers are closely related to Calibers. We believe they have some form of thevirus themselves. No one knows how someone becomes a slayer but this is beingresearched as well. They are much stronger than humans, and they heal at anexponential rate. In interviewing many slayers we find that they naturally are atodds with Calibers, something they find unexplainable. They are completelyimmune to infection; the only flaw to a slayer is numbers. It takes a few hours tomake a caliber, Slayers are born. They take a life time."

    "Now Jake Ryan, he's a Slayer. What's his issue do you know anything aboutthat?"

    "The only thing I know about Mr. Ryan is that he's killed 7 other S.I officials. ButI'm afraid we are getting off topic. The purpose of my book is not to educatepeople about the virus and slayers. My purpose is to raise awareness about thethreat. The government has people believing that they have the virus undercontrol and that there are very few in the country. Statistics show that they aremaybe 20 in the country. My research shows that this is far from the truth forthere is in fact thousa-

    A loud bang from outside the studio cuts the doctor off. He paused for a second tolook over at Jay, who seemed just as confused as the doctor was.

    "Sounds like someone really wants to get in here." a louder bang from outside thedoor. "Whoa Conan, no hard feelings buddy!" The audience laughed.


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    "Is there a problem Jay?"

    "We're off the air." The camera man said.

    "Sorry folks looks like we're having some technical difficulties, but if you just barewith us we'll-"

    A piercing roar echoes through the studio.

    "The heck was that?" Jay asked.

    "Oh no" Damon whispered to himself.

    The door flew off the hinges sliding a few feet in front of the audience. Crouchedon top of it was a creature none of them had ever seen before, but Doctor RamsKnew all too well. It stood there studying them for a second, searching theaudience. Its eyes finally rested on Damon, and gave a low growl. A woman letout a deafening shrill, and the monster returned with its own inhuman scream.

    More poured into the studio. Each one looking different, but share the sameinhuman features. They tore through the audience, leaving nothing behind.Screams filled the studio, becoming quieter as each person is silenced. Jay andthe doctor hid behind the couch on stage.

    "Doctor please I can't-"

    A Caliber gripped Jay by the collar and pulled him into a frenzy of other monsters.Damon saw him clawing at the ground as he disappeared into the pile of death.He sat with his back against couch, still behind it. He knew this was coming someday, he knew he wasn't going to survive this. But he can't lose hope just yet, hehad a family. He had to try for his wife he had to try. He searched the roomlooking for any way to escape. There was a doorway to back stage on his right. Ifhe could make it back there he might be able to find a way out before they findhim. He didn't waste time; he got to his feet and ran as fast as he could to thedoor. He was just a foot away from it, he thought he was going to make it, for abrief second he thought he was home free. But a caliber jumped in front of himand started growing. It crept at him slowly, challenging him. Damon stoodcompletely still; he didn't know what to do. It kept getting closer, until finallyturned to run. But before he could get far the creature slashed his stomach,sending him flying on to his back. The pain was excruciating, but he couldn't stophe had to keep moving. He started crawling away from it but he couldn't go anyfurther the pain was to great. He sat with his back against the wall and held hisstomach. He was losing blood but it didn't matter if he died. He was infected now,if he survives this he will become a monster. The world was fading; he wasgetting disoriented from the lack of blood. He started to lose consciousness butthe caliber jumped on top of him and raised his hand to cut him again but apowerful roar made him stop and cower away from Damon. The only thing hecould compare the sound to is a lion's roar but this was something all togethernew. His vision began blurring but he could vaguely see the source of the roarwalking towards him. He stood taller than any man he's ever seen, and built even


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    more powerfully. This was no ordinary Caliber; behind his piercing yellow eyeswas rage, and intelligence. He commanded fear, and Damon had never seenanything more terrifying in his life. Damon saw too that there was scaring acrosshis chest, a word. Four scars in the shape of letters was written across his chestand left shoulder. The monster knelt down and brought his face close to Damon's.

    "You study us as a profession," his voice was low and was the most sinister thing

    Damon has ever heard. "You seek more understanding about our way of life andour comprehensive abilities. Welcome Doctor." He stood up and started walkingaway. "Soon you will experience this first hand. Soon the whole world will."

    Damon almost started crying. None of the other calibers attacked him theyfollowed their leader out and the silence that replaced the chaos was too muchfor him to bear. There were bodies everywhere, no one survived but him. Only sothat he would soon become one of them.

    "What was that thing?" He thought to himself.

    Before he transformed he had to find out. There was an experimental antidotethat might keep the infection at bay long enough. He slowly picked himself upholding his bleeding stomach, and limped towards the exits. He tried his best notto vomit, though he didn't know if it was the infection that made him sick or thefact that he was stepping over bodies of men and women. He needed help, hecouldn't do this alone. He knew where he will start too; he will start with the wordacross the monsters chest, the name.


    Chapter: 7

    There were workers everywhere fixing the damage that had been done to the cityafter Ryan and Woods escape. Devon organized every one into different groups,assigned to different task. He was visibly upset, and Cloey expected Veronica tobe the same. When Cloey saw her however she was surprised to see that she washelping soldiers up and out of the destruction, and she didn't look upset at all. Nothappy, but not fuming either. She walked over to Veronica as she was pullingsomeone out from beneath a car.

    "Hey, Devon has to get out of here. He said he wants you take over and reportback to him when it's done and were back on Ryan's trail." Cloey told her.


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    Veronica said nothing she just continued to move large objects out of the way,searching for anyone trapped. Cloey started to help but then Veronica stoppedand started to walk away, apparently satisfied with her search.

    "V? You ok?"

    Veronica sat down on the curb of the street. She rested her chin on her knees and

    wrapped her arms around her legs. She looked deep in thought.

    "Something's been bugging me." Veronica finally said.

    "You mean other then the fact that two men beat the crap out of an army ofslayers?" Cloey said with a chuckle.

    "But that's just it. Jake Ryan and Dionte Woods are these mass murderers. Theykill people without hesitation and without remorse. But Cloey, there were 57slayers here and they didn't kill a single person all night."

    The roar of a helicopter approaching cut everyone's conversation off. It slowlylanded on the street and out hopped an older man with salt and pepper hair. Hehad soft features, and sparkling blue eyes that made him a gentle look. Cloeyoften thought he looked a lot like Richard Gere only a lot more built, because hewas the director of S.I, a slayer himself. Everyone stood straight and saluted assoon as they saw him, everyone except Devon.

    "Sergeant Smith" He said to Devon.

    "Director" Devon replied coldly

    "Hello Veronica," The director said looking over at the two of them. "Cloey"

    "Hi Uncle Robert" They both said smiling. They knew it made him uncomfortableto call him that while they were on the job. He smiled at them nonetheless andthen returned his attention to Devon.

    "Sergeant if I'm not mistaken you are quite out of place here. You should be inNew York; you're assigned to the Titan case. Is that not correct?"

    "Yes, sir it is. But with all due respect no one knows Ryan better than I do, andwhen I heard he was here I got on a jet and I go-"

    "That's enough Smith"

    "It was a mistake to put me on that case! Ryan is mine!"

    Roberts hand was across Devon's chest so quickly Cloey's eyes couldn't follow,and Devon's back was forced against a van.

    "You were pulled off the case because you are obsessed. You are no longer in a


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    position to find Ryan because you can't think with a clear head when it comes tohim. Now you will leave here, get back on a plane, and get to New York. Andcontinue your search for Titan."

    He stared at the Director shocked. He had never seen him upset.

    "Don't test me Smith. Now"

    Devon looked over at Veronica who offered no sympathy. He saluted the directorand walked away trying his best to hide his fury.

    "Uncle Robert?"

    He regained his composure; he didn't want his niece's to see him like this. Cloeygave him a comforting hug.

    "What's wrong?"

    He took a deep breath. "There's been an incident in New York. Had Smith beenthere it could have been avoided." His voice was getting upset again. "Over ahundred people were slaughtered. They waltzed onto the Jay Leno show andkilled everyone."


    "An hour ago."

    "No survivors?"

    "One, Doctor Damon Rams."

    "Damon? Is he alright?" Veronica was taught personally by the doctor in a specialclass for S.I agents when she was a small child.

    "He's been infected. He only has a few hours . . . but that's not even the worsepart. Something big is happening; they left Damon alive on purpose. And he wasgiven a warning message."

    "A message?"

    "Yes, that's why I know something huge is happening. . . .Titan was therepersonally."

    "Oh my god, what was the message?"

    "Soon the whole world will know what it's like to be a caliber."


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    Chapter: 8

    Gwen sat on her couch cuddling a pillow watching her TV.

    "You can see here the destruction left behind by what we can only assume wasdone by Slayers or Calibers. S.I is on the scene here, and we'll see if we can speakto one of the agents."

    The reporter stepped to the yellow tape that divides the officers from thecivilians.

    "Excuse me sir, could we ask you a few questions about what happened here?Jessica Parker Fox 45 news."

    "Hello Ms. Parker, I'm Robert Simmons."

    "The director of S.I?"

    "Yes maim, if you don't mind I'm very busy."

    "Yes of course, could you tell us what has happened here?"

    "Yes what you see here is the result of Jake Ryan's and Dionte Woods resistingarrest."

    "Jake Ryan was here? What was he doing in Las Vegas?"

    "I'm sorry Ms. Parker, but I'm not at liberty to discuss that particular piece ofinformation."

    "Did Ryan escape Director?"

    Robert looked down contemplating the question. He was hard faced, and stern.But then he smiled and looked up at her, "Yes, he always does."

    "And Director-"

    "I'm sorry Ms. Parker but that's all the time I have."

    She tried to continue to ask him questions but he kept walking towards thehelicopter.

    Gwen turned off the TV and squeezed her pillow tighter.


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    "Jake you idiot"

    A noise from outside the window startled her. She stared at it for a few secondslistening for another sound. When she didn't hear anything else she slowly movedthe pillow aside and stood up. She backed up slowly never taking her eyes off thewindow. Once her back was against the book shelf she turned slightly to pullsomething from the shelves. Between two books she grabbed a small case and

    removed the lid. She pulled out a pistol, placed the ammo, and cocked it.

    "One arm extended, the other arm bent, and half steps towards the target." Justlike he taught her.

    She made her way towards the door, breathing steadily, controlling herself.

    "They smell fear, control your breathing, control your heart, control your fear."She whispered to herself, "Get it before it gets you."

    She finally made it to the door and she stood on her toes to look through the peep

    hole. All she could see was her dimly illuminated front porch.

    "Get them before they get you." She said to herself one more time to get pumpedup.

    Her hands were shaking as she removed the chain and turned the lock. Taking inone last deep breath she swung the door open and immediately got ready to fire.When nothing jumped out at her she stepped out checking both sides of thedoorway first, never lowering the gun. NothingShe looked to the right of the door and saw a tall, thick plant in front of herwidow. The same window the noise came from earlier. She kept her hand steadyand targeted the plant, moving slowly towards it. It was big enough for a caliberto hide in and she wasn't taking any chances.

    "They smell fear, control your breathing, control heart, control your fear."

    Gwen stood over the plant, close to throwing up from the anxiety. She kicked theplant over, and a cat jumped out screaming.

    "Jeez!" She yelled jumping back.

    She closed her eyes and put her face in her hands cursing herself for being sostupid. She took a deep breath and turned to go back inside.When she was half way through the door a hand grabbed her shoulder.She gasped and swung around with her finger on the trigger.

    "Whoa maam! It's alright I'm not going to hurt you."

    "What do you want?" She said shaken up.

    "I'm S.I agent Eric Odell," He had his arms in the air surrendering. "I've been


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    assigned to stake out your house."

    "Of course you are." She laughed "This just keeps getting better and better!" Shescreamed sarcastically.

    "Ms. Peterson?" He had a thick British accent. "I can only assume you were outhere looking for a Caliber. My job as an S.I agent is to stake out your house, but

    it's my duty as a Slayer to protect you from any Caliber."

    She sighed; he really did make her feel better by saying that. "Thank you misterOdell."

    "You're quite welcome Ms. Peterson."

    She closed the door putting all three locks in place. She rested with her backagainst the door and fought back tears, slowly sliding down until she sat on thefloor.She had no one to blame but herself; this is the life she chose. The life she chose

    for him.

    "Jake you idiot"


    Chapter: 9

    Chapter: 10

    Chapter: 11

    Chapter: 12

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