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  • The Surface of Mars

    Our knowledge of Mars has grown enormously over thelast decade as a result of the Mars Global Surveyor, MarsOdyssey, Mars Express, and the two Mars Rover missions.

    This book is a systematic summary of what we have learntabout the geological evolution of Mars as a result of thesemissions, and builds on the themes of the author’s previous

    book on this topic.The surface of Mars has many geological features

    that have recognizable counterparts on Earth. Many arehuge in comparison to those on Earth, including volcanoes,

    canyons and river channels that are ten times larger thantheir terrestrial equivalents. The book describes the diverseMartian surface features and summarizes current ideas

    as to how, when, and under what conditions they formed.It explores how Earth and Mars differ and why the twoplanets evolved so differently. While the author’s main focus

    is on geology, he also discusses possible implications of thegeological history for the origin and survival of indigenousMartian life.

    Up-to-date and richly illustrated with over twohundred figures, the book will be a principal reference forresearchers and students in planetary science. The compre-hensive list of references will also assist readers in pursuing

    further information on the subject.

    MICHAEL CARR is a Geologist Emeritus at the U.S.

    Geological Survey, and has over 40 years’ experience ofplanetary science research. In the early 1970s Dr. Carr wasa member of the Mariner 9 team and leader of the Viking

    Orbiter Imaging team. He was co-investigator on the MarsGlobal Surveyor, the Mars Exploration Rovers, and theHigh Resolution Stereo Camera on Mars Express. He is a

    Fellow of the Geological Society of America, the AmericanGeophysical Union, and the American Association for theAdvancement of Science, and was awarded the 1994

    National Air and Space Museum Lifetime AchievementAward for his work on Mars. He is also the author of TheSurface of Mars (1981) and Water on Mars (1996).

    © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org

    Cambridge University Press978-0-521-87201-0 - The Surface of MarsMichael H. CarrFrontmatterMore information


  • Cambridge Planetary Science Series

    Series editors: F. Bagenal, F. Nimmo, C. Murray, D. Jewitt,R. Lorenz and S. Russell

    Books in the series

    Jupiter: The Planet, Satellites and Magnetosphere F. Bagenal,T. E. Dowling and W.B. McKinnon

    Meteorites: A Petrologic, Chemical and Isotopic SynthesisR. Hutchinson

    The Origin of Chondrules and Chondrites D.W.G. SearsPlanetary Rings L. Esposito

    The Geology of Mars: Evidence from Earth-Based AnalogsM. Chapman

    The Surface of Mars M. Carr

    © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org

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  • The Surface of MarsMICHAEL H. CARR

    U.S. Geological SurveyMenlo Park, CA

    © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org

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    Cambridge, New York, Melbourne, Madrid, Cape Town,

    Singapore, São Paulo

    Cambridge University Press

    The Edinburgh Building, Cambridge CB2 2RU, UK

    Published in the United States of America by

    Cambridge University Press, New York


    Information on this title: www.cambridge.org/9780521872010

    � Michael H. Carr 2006This publication is in copyright. Subject to statutory exception

    and to the provisions of relevant collective licensing agreements,

    no reproduction of any part may take place

    without the written permission of Cambridge University Press.

    First published 2006

    Printed in the United Kingdom at the University Press, Cambridge

    A catalog record for this publication is available from the British Library

    Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication data

    Carr, M. H. (Michael H.)

    The Surface of Mars / Michael H. Carr.

    p. cm. � (Cambridge planetary science)Includes bibliographical references and index.

    ISBN-13: 978-0-521-87201-0 (hardback)

    ISBN-10: 0-521-87201-4 (hardback)

    1. Mars (Planet)�Surface. I. Title. II. Series.

    QB641.C3632 2006


    ISBN-13 978-0-521-87201-0 hardback

    ISBN-10 0-521-87201-4 hardback

    Cambridge University Press has no responsibility for the persistence or accuracy of URLs for external or third-party internet websites referred

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  • Contents

    Preface page ixMaps xi

    1 Overview 1Telescopic observations 1Orbital and rotational motions 2Global structure and topography 5Atmosphere 5Surface temperatures 9Stability of water 11Global geology 14Meteorites 19

    Carbonaceous chondrites and chemicalfractionation 19

    Martian meteorites 20

    2 Impact craters 23Crater-forming objects 23Crater morphology 24

    Simple craters 24Complex craters 25Multi-ringed basins 26

    Crater formation 27Ejecta morphology 31Crater modification 34Crater size frequencies and ages 36Summary 41

    3 Volcanism 43Basaltic volcanism 43Effect of Martian conditions 44Tharsis 46

    Tharsis Montes 46Olympus Mons 51Alba Patera 54Small Tharsis shields 57

    Elysium 59Lahars and dikes 60

    Cerberus�Amazonis 64Hellas�Hesperia 68Plains volcanism 70Volcano�ice interactions 73Summary 74

    4 Global structure and tectonics 77Formation of the core 77Global dichotomy 78Thickness of the lithosphere 84Formation of Tharsis 84Surface indicators of stress 86

    Extensional structures 86Compressional structures 89Deformational features related to Tharsis 90

    5 Canyons 95Physiography 96Canyon walls 102Landslides 103Interior layered deposits 105Formation of the canyons 110Summary 111

    6 Channels, valleys, and gullies 113Outflow channels 113

    Circum-Chryse channels 114Description 114Mode of formation 116

    Tharsis 121Amazonis and Elysium Planitiae 122

    Description 122Mode of formation 126

    Utopia Planitia 127Hellas 129Argyre 130The poles 130

    Valley networks 131General description 132Drainage basins 137Origin 139

    Noachian valleys 140Post-Noachian valleys 144

    Gullies 144Summary 147

    7 Lakes and oceans 149Paleolakes in the cratered uplands 149Argyre and Hellas 156


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  • Northern oceans 160Shorelines 164Evidence for marine sediments 167Evidence for ice 168Possible fate of a northern ocean 168

    Summary 171

    8 Ice 173The stability of ice 174Spectral evidence for ice 175Permafrost 175Ice-rich surficial deposits at high latitudes 177Fretted terrain 178

    Terrain softening 179Lobate debris aprons 180Lineated valley fill 184Origin of the fretted valleys 185

    Glaciers 187Other possible indicators of ground ice 188

    Crater ejecta patterns 188Polygonal fractures 189Thermokarst 191

    Summary 191

    9 Wind 193Entrainment of particles by the wind 193Dust storms 195Wind streaks and tails 197Dunes, ripples, and drifts 198Regional eolian deposits 203Wind erosion 204Summary 205

    10 Poles 211The present polar environments 211General description of polar terrains 212Northern polar deposits 212

    Upper unit 212Basal unit 218

    Southern polar deposits 221The Dorsa Argentea Formation 222

    The CO2 residual cap 225Summary 226

    11 The view from the surface 229Vikings 1 and 2 229Mars Pathfinder 231Mars Exploration Rovers 231

    Spirit 232Gusev crater regional context 232Gusev plains 235Columbia Hills 238

    Clovis class 239Wishstone class 240Peace class 241Watchtower class 241Backstay class 242

    Opportunity 244Regional context 244

    The Meridiani rocks and soils 246The Burns Formation 246Post-depositional alteration 252Groundwater movement 253Evaporitic sources 254

    Summary 254

    12 Climate change 257Noachian climate 257Greenhouse warming 258Retention of a dense CO2 atmosphere 260Post-Noachian climate history 262Recent climate changes 265Summary 265

    13 Implications for life 267The origin of life 268Habitability 271Survival 272ALH84001 273Looking for life 274Summary 274

    14 Summary 277

    Reference 283Index 297

    viii Contents

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  • Preface

    This book summarizes our knowledge of the morphol-ogy of the martian surface and speculates on howthe surface evolved to its present state. Duringthe last three decades our knowledge of Mars hasincreased dramatically. A succession of orbitingspacecraft (Table I) have observed the planet atever-increasing resolution, rovers have traversed thesurface, analyzing and scrutinizing rocks along theway, and ever more sophisticated techniques are beingused to analyze increasing numbers of martianmeteorites. The planet has had a complicated history.The aim of the book is to summarize our under-standing of the nature and sequence of the processesthat led to the present configuration of the surface.While the book is intended for the serious studentor researcher, technical jargon is avoided to the extentthat it is possible without compromising precision. It ishoped that the book will be readable to informednon-Mars specialists as well as those active in the field.

    Sufficient documentation is provided to enable thereader to dig more deeply wherever he or she wishes.Heavy reliance is placed on imaging data. Otherevidence is referred to where available, but at thepresent time, imaging is by far the most comprehensiveglobal data set that we have in terms of areal coverageand resolution range.

    Exploration of Mars has captured world-wideinterest. Mars is an alien planet yet not so alien as to beincomprehensible. The landscape is foreign yet we canstill recognize familiar features such as volcanoes andriver channels. We can transport ourselves through oursurrogate rovers to a surface both strange and familiarand readily imagine some future explorers following intheir paths. While past speculations about martiancivilization may now seem absurd, the possibility thatMars may at one time have hosted some form of liferemains plausible. It remains the strongest scientificdriver of the Mars Exploration program. The life

    Table I. Mars missions

    Mariner 4 US 11/28/1964 Flew by 7/15/1965; first S/C images

    Mariner 6 US 2/24/1969 Flew by 7/31/1969; imaging and other dataMariner 7 US 3/27/1969 Flew by 8/5/1969; imaging and other dataMars 2 USSR 5/19/1971 Crash landed; no surface dataMars 3 USSR 5/28/1971 Crash landed; no surface data

    Mariner 8 US 5/8/1971 Fell into Atlantic OceanMariner 9 US 5/30/1971 Into orbit 11/3/1971; mapped planetMars 4 USSR 7/21/1973 Failed to achieve Mars orbit

    Mars 5 USSR 7/25/1973 Into orbit 2/12/1975; imaging and other dataMars 6 USSR 8/5/1973 Crash landedMars 7 USSR 8/9/1973 Flew by Mars

    Viking 1 US 8/20/1975 Landed on surface 7/20/1976; orbiter mappingViking 2 US 9/9/1975 Landed on surface 9/3/1976; orbiter mappingPhobos 1 USSR 7/7/1988 Lost 9/2/1988Phobos 2 USSR 7/12/1988 Mars and Phobos remote sensing

    Mars Observer US 9/22/1992 Failed Mars orbit insertionPathfinder US 12/4/1996 Landed 7/4/1997; lander and roverGlobal Surveyor US 11/7/1996 Into orbit 9/11/1997; imaging and other data

    Odyssey US 4/7/2001 Into orbit 10/24/2001: imaging, remote sensingSpirit Rover US 6/10/2003 Landed in Gusev 1/3/2004Opportunity Rover US 7/7/2003 Landed in Meridiani 1/24/2004

    Mars Express Europe 6/2/2003 In orbit 12/25/2003; imaging, remote sensingReconnaissance Orbiter US 8/12/2005 In orbit 3/10/2006; imaging, remote sensing


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  • theme is constantly in the background throughout thebook. Impacts have implications for survival of anyearly life, and may have resulted in cross-fertilizationof Mars and Earth. Large floods may have temporarilyaffected global climates and provided temporaryrefuges in the resulting lakes and seas. Volcanicactivity may have created hydrothermal systems inwhich life could thrive. Conditions on early Mars mayhave been very similar to those on early Earth, at atime when life had already taken hold. Thus, while thebook is not explicitly about life, almost every chapterhas implications for the topic.

    The book is intended as a replacement for anearlier book (Carr, 1981) that summarized our under-standing of the planet as it was shortly after comple-tion of the Viking missions. This book is different fromthe original in several ways. The field was much lessmature when the first book was written. I was able toread most of the literature and examine most of theimaging data. Neither of these tasks is possible anylonger. Approximately 500 papers are published onMars each year and the number is increasing. One canno more write a book about Mars and reference all therelevant papers, than one can about the Earth.Similarly, the book has been written without seeingmost of the available imaging.

    Over 200,000 images have been taken just withthe Mars Orbiter Camera on Mars Global Surveyor,and a comparable amount of imaging data has beenacquired by THEMIS on Mars Odyssey, the HighResolution Stereo Camera on Mars Express, and theMars rovers. In addition to the imaging there are vastamounts of other remote sensing data, as well asanalytical data from the surface and from meteorites.Clearly, summarizing all this data has involved a greatdeal of simplification.

    The book is a snapshot of a moving picture.Following Viking there was almost a twenty-yeardrought during which barely any data was returnedfrom the planet. But since the landing of MarsPathfinder in 1996 and the insertion of Mars GlobalSurveyor into orbit in 1997, we have been receiving asteady stream. Along with the new data have come newideas as to how the planet has evolved. The pace ofchange is rapid because our knowledge of the planet isstill rudimentary and the data flux is high. It could be

    argued that the time is inopportune for a summary

    because of the rate of change. But change will

    continue. After two decades, new interpretations of

    the Viking data were still forthcoming. It will likely

    also take decades to digest the data currently being

    returned. I hope that there will never be a time when

    the field stabilizes and a good time to write a summary

    arrives.The book was written in 2005 and 2006. I had

    just retired after having participated in almost every

    mission to Mars since the late 1960s, including several

    months of Mars Exploration Rovers (MER) opera-

    tions at Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL). The book

    has benefited significantly from the continuous infor-

    mal science discussions that are part of participating in

    missions. The Mars Rover end-of-day discussions,

    when the scientists would gather and exchange ideas

    about any topic that had intrigued them, were

    particularly stimulating. The Mars Orbiter Laser

    Altimeter (MOLA) team on Mars Global Surveyor

    held regular meetings on different science topics that

    were always fun. Of course, the book has benefited

    mostly from the engineers who have built and operated

    the spacecraft that have flown all the science instru-

    ments to Mars in recent years. Without sound

    engineering there is no science. The engineers do

    most of the hard work acquiring the data. The

    scientists have the fun of interpreting it all.Two people deserve special mention for the

    help they provided. Phil Christensen, of Arizona State

    University, the THEMIS Principal Investigator,

    offered to make mosaics of areas of interest for

    illustrations. Some of the most spectacular images in

    the book are these THEMIS mosaics. Jim Head of

    Brown University is also a major contributor to the

    book. Jim has unusually broad expertise in planetary

    science, and is possibly the most prolific author in the

    field of planetary geology. He agreed to review all the

    chapters as they were written and provided numerous

    insightful comments that added greatly to the accuracy

    and comprehensiveness of the final product. Above all

    he provided encouragement to keep at it.

    Michael H. CarrU. S. Geological Survey

    Menlo Park, CA 94025, USA

    x Preface

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  • xii Maps

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  • Maps xiii

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