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  • 8/12/2019 Cambridgeenglish Cambridgeenglishfirstandpreliminaryproductiveskills 140218100203 Phpapp01


  • 8/12/2019 Cambridgeenglish Cambridgeenglishfirstandpreliminaryproductiveskills 140218100203 Phpapp01


    Handout 1 Listening and Speaking Can Do statements

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  • 8/12/2019 Cambridgeenglish Cambridgeenglishfirstandpreliminaryproductiveskills 140218100203 Phpapp01


    Handout 2

    The differences between Cambridge English:Preliminary and Cambridge English: First Speaking

    You are going to watch two videos of Cambridge English: Preliminaryand Cambridge

    English: Firstcandidates performing Part 1 of the Speaking test. Whilst you are

    watching, take notes about the differences in level between Cambridge English:

    Preliminaryand Cambridge English: First, using the following questions as a guide.

    1. All four candidates are asked where they are from. What do you notice about the

    difference in the responses from the Cambridge English: Preliminaryand

    Cambridge English: Firstcandidates?

    2. What do you notice about how the candidates use connectors and discourse

    markers. In which exam do you hear these?


  • 8/12/2019 Cambridgeenglish Cambridgeenglishfirstandpreliminaryproductiveskills 140218100203 Phpapp01



    Handout 3 Common clangers! FCE


  • 8/12/2019 Cambridgeenglish Cambridgeenglishfirstandpreliminaryproductiveskills 140218100203 Phpapp01


    Handout 4Part 1 Personal questions

    A) Read these extracts of different students completing Part 1 of the Cambridge

    English: FirstSpeaking test. Which answer do you think is the best?

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  • 8/12/2019 Cambridgeenglish Cambridgeenglishfirstandpreliminaryproductiveskills 140218100203 Phpapp01


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    1. Tell the class an interesting and true fact about yourself, e.g. Im getting married

    in the autumn/Ive just taken an exam/I was really worried last week/etc.

    2. Pause, and hopefully someone will ask you a follow-up question.

    3. Answer it, and explain that asking questions is a very important part of the

    speaking skill.

    4. Write the following sentences on the board:

    I never eat breakfast.

    Im writing an important email.

    I hate flying.

    My mother is in the USA.

    5. Tell students that they have to think of at least three questions for each piece

    of information. N.B.If necessary, give them prompt words like why/what/how


    6. Divide the students into groups of four. One person in the group says one

    of the sentences on the board and the other three have to ask them

    questions. The person then has to invent answers and create a situation or

    story: a sort

    of role play.

    7. When students have had enough time for each person to make a statement,

    ask for some group feedback which was the strangest/funniest situation?

  • 8/12/2019 Cambridgeenglish Cambridgeenglishfirstandpreliminaryproductiveskills 140218100203 Phpapp01




    Help! I have to talk about this photograph What can I say?

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  • 8/12/2019 Cambridgeenglish Cambridgeenglishfirstandpreliminaryproductiveskills 140218100203 Phpapp01


    Handout 6 Part 2 Comparing photos FCE

    1 Timing


    1. Students work in pairs. Student A is given a Part 2 task. They should describe

    the first photograph for 1015 seconds, then move to the second photograph

    and say what is similar and what is different from the first. Allow 1520 seconds

    for this. Finally, student A addresses the task written above the photographs,

    all the time mentioning similarities and differences. There will be approximately

    2530 seconds left for this.2. Student B times student A, indicating when each block of time is up.

    3. Students swap roles, and repeat the activity with a second pair of photographs.


    It is a good idea to practise this regularly to give your students a better feel forthe timing they should be able to gauge the amount of time to spend on each

    photograph, and on the question. This will increase their confidence regardingPart 2 of the paper.

    2 Answering the question


    1. Distribute the worksheet (A): Answering the questionto one person in each

    pair. Ensure that they read the question before folding the page and showing the

    photographs to their partner. Give student A a minute to speak and then ask

    student B in each pair to guess what the question was.

    2. Distribute the worksheet (B): Answering the questionto the students who

    listened the last time. Ensure that they read the question, fold the page and

    show the photographs to their partner. Give them a minute to speak and then

    allow time for student A to guess the supplementary question.

    3. In feedback, you can discuss whether students guessed right or wrong and you

    could give (or elicit from students) some good examples of ways to answer the

    questions that they have just discussed.

  • 8/12/2019 Cambridgeenglish Cambridgeenglishfirstandpreliminaryproductiveskills 140218100203 Phpapp01


    Worksheet (A): Answering the question-5HA1:5 "

    You are going to compare the following photographs and answer the question. Do

    not tell your partner what the question is. Fold the sheet and show the photographs

    to your partner, but do not show them the question.

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  • 8/12/2019 Cambridgeenglish Cambridgeenglishfirstandpreliminaryproductiveskills 140218100203 Phpapp01


    Worksheet (B): Answering the question

    You are going to compare the following photographs and answer the question. Do

    not tell your partner what the question is. Fold the sheet and show the photographs

    to your partner, but do not show them the question.

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  • 8/12/2019 Cambridgeenglish Cambridgeenglishfirstandpreliminaryproductiveskills 140218100203 Phpapp01



    Handout 7: Challenges in writing


  • 8/12/2019 Cambridgeenglish Cambridgeenglishfirstandpreliminaryproductiveskills 140218100203 Phpapp01


    1. Handout 8: Writing Part 1 sample task

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  • 8/12/2019 Cambridgeenglish Cambridgeenglishfirstandpreliminaryproductiveskills 140218100203 Phpapp01


    2. Handout 9: Writing Part 1 sample answers

    Candidate A

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  • 8/12/2019 Cambridgeenglish Cambridgeenglishfirstandpreliminaryproductiveskills 140218100203 Phpapp01


    Classroom activities

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  • 8/12/2019 Cambridgeenglish Cambridgeenglishfirstandpreliminaryproductiveskills 140218100203 Phpapp01


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