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             Sponsorship  Opportunity  


CAMTech-­‐X  Final  Demo  Day  June  17,  2017  




The  Consortium  for  Affordable  Medical  Technologies  (CAMTech)  at  Massachusetts  General  Hospital  Global  Health,  in  partnership  with  Lattice  Innovations,  has  taken  its  successful  model  of  medtech  hack-­‐a-­‐thons  and  exponentially  expanded  its  reach  and  impact  across  India.        On  March  11-­‐12,  2017,  hundreds  of  global  health  innovators  gathered  in  five  cities  across  India  for  the  country’s  largest  multi-­‐city  healthcare  hack-­‐a-­‐thon.  During  CAMTech-­‐X:  Jugaadathon,  more  than  500  engineers,  clinicians,  entrepreneurs,  designers  and  public  health  innovators  from  across  India,  Africa  and  the  U.S.  convened  in  New  Delhi,  Manipal,  Bengaluru,  Mumbai  and  Bhubaneswar  to  help  expand  healthcare  access  to  the  urban  poor.        The  winning  teams  from  each  hack-­‐a-­‐thon  –  after  100  days  of  mentorship  and  refinement  of  their  solutions  –  will  travel  to  New  Delhi  on  June  17,  2017  to  demo  their  innovations  to  investors,  corporate  partners,  healthcare  organizations  and  other  stakeholders.  In  addition,  all  teams  that  participated  in  the  CAMTech-­‐X  Jugaadathons  are  eligible  to  apply  for  the  Post  100-­‐Day  Competition  where  up  to  five  teams  will  be  selected  to  attend  the  Demo  Day  event  and  showcase  the  progress  they  have  made  on  their  projects.  The  grand  prize  winner  will  receive  10  Lakh  rupees  and  six  months  of  acceleration  support  to  continue  moving  their  project  to  market.      




 Healthcare  Burdens  of  the  Urban  Poor  in  India:  • Of  the  370  million  estimated  urban  dwellers  in  India,  it  is  estimated  that  over  100  million  are  living  in  

urban  slums.  **  • Urban  poverty  in  India  is  over  25%.  At  the  national  level,  rural  poverty  remains  higher,  but  the  gap  is  

closing.  By  2030,  urbanization  in  India  is  projected  to  reach  50%.  *  • U-­‐5  Mortality  at  72.7%  among  urban  poor  is  significantly  higher  than  the  urban  average  of  51.9%.**  

 *  UNDP  Urban  Poverty  Report  2009.        **National  Urban  Health  Mission  of  India,  Government  of  India  

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Leveraging  CAMTech’s  expertise  and  methodology   to  co-­‐create  breakthrough  innovations    

CAMTech   is   a   public-­‐private   partnership,   with   a   global  consortium   of   academic,   clinical,   non-­‐profit   and   corporate  partners.   CAMTech’s   core   methodology   identifies   the   most  pressing  needs   from  the   field,  crowdsources  promising   innovations  from   a   diverse   community   of   participants,   and   develops   game-­‐changing   technologies.   Through   its   “co-­‐creation”   model,  CAMTech   enables   collaborations   across  medicine,   engineering  and   business   to   develop   technologies   that   are   not   only   user-­‐centric,   technologically-­‐disruptive   and   socially-­‐impactful,   but  also  commercially-­‐viable.  

       CAMTech  Hack-­‐a-­‐thons:  Expanding  the  model  to  meet  demand    Over   the   past   four   years,   CAMTech   has   organized   15+   hack-­‐a-­‐thons   across   N.   America,   India   and   Uganda.   In  partnership  with  Lattice  Innovations,  we  have  held  five  hack-­‐a-­‐thons  in  India,  engaging  over  1,000  innovators  and  more  than  100  partner  organizations.  Our  success  in  India  has  led  to  a  strong  demand  to  replicate  the  model  at  new   institutions   in   new   geographies   across   the   country.   In   order   to   meet   the   growing   demand   from   both  innovators   and   partners,   CAMTech   launched   CAMTech-­‐X   Jugaadathon   to   exponentially   scale   our   reach   and  impact.    CAMTech-­‐X  Jugaadathon  consisted  of   five  simultaneous  hack-­‐a-­‐thons   in  major  urban  centers  across   India,  with  centralized   pre-­‐event   training   and   consistent   tools/resources   across   the   events.   One   important   goal   of   this  initiative   is   to   leverage   local   talent,   partnerships   and   experts   in   each   Indian   city.   Each   city   event   was   run   by  vetted  and  trained  CAMTech  Ambassadors  to  ensure  the  quality  of  the  CAMTech  approach.  



CAMTech-­‐X  Demo  Day  presents  an  unprecedented  opportunity  for  sponsors  to  engage  a  diverse  talent  pool  across  multiple  Indian  cities  (e.g.,  Bangalore,  Chennai,  Ahmedabad,  Mumbai,  Delhi,  etc.)  to  help  transform  access  to  healthcare  for  the  urban  poor.    Sponsors  experience:  • Greater  reach  to  a  network  of  1000+  innovators,  partners  and  experts    across  five  urban  centers  in  India  • Access  to  an  expanded  pipeline  of  breakthrough  health  innovations    • Amplified  positive  public  relations  with  a  broad  group  of  innovators  and  stakeholders  across  the  country  

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Highlights  from  Past  CAMTech  Hack-­‐a-­‐thons  

Reproductive,  Maternal,  Newborn,  and  Child  Health  (RMNCH)  Hack-­‐a-­‐thons  (Bangalore,  India):    Driving  innovation  and  affordable  health  technologies  that  can  help  save  the  lives  of  women  and  children  across  India    Highlights:  

• Over  450  participants  and  115  mentors  have  participated  in  the  RMNCH  hack-­‐a-­‐tons  (representing  200+  different  organizations)  with  diverse  backgrounds  in  engineering,  business,  design  and  medicine.  

• 92  breakthrough  innovations  were  developed  with  a  potential  to  impact  and  improve  health  outcomes  of  women  and  children.  

 Partners:  Harvard  Medical  School,  MIT  Hacking  Medicine,  Lattice  Innovations,  Narayana  Health,  Biocon  Foundation,  Manipal  Hospitals,  FICCI,  Villgro,  InnAccel,  Lata  Medical  Research  Foundation,  Public  Health  Foundation  of  India,  Vellore  Institute  of  Technology,  National  Health  Systems  Resource  Center    Sponsors:  GE  Healthcare,  Novartis  Foundation,  Covidien,  Merck  for  Mothers,  AB  InBev,  Terumo      

Check  out  the  CAMTech  INDIA  RMNCH    Video  Here  

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Global  Cancer  Innovation  Hack-­‐a-­‐thon  (Boston,  USA):    Creating   new   technologies,   business   models,   and   process   innovations   to   transform   cancer   prevention,  diagnosis  and  care  in  resource-­‐limited  settings    Highlights:  

• Over  200  participants  and  mentors  participated  in  the  Global  Cancer  Innovation  Hack-­‐a-­‐thon  with  diverse  backgrounds  in  engineering,  business,  design  and  medicine.  

• Over  50  clinical  challenges  were  sourced  and  20+  breakthrough  innovations  developed  to  transform  cancer  prevention,  diagnosis  and  care  in  resource-­‐limited  settings.  

• Nine  innovative  technology  solutions  addressing  cancer  were  sponsored  with  over  $5,500  in  awards,  access  to  Alpha  Core  Labs  for  prototyping  supplies  and  mentorship,  and  CAMTech  Acceleration  Support.    

 Partners:   Global   Oncology,  Massachusetts   General   Hospital   Cancer   Center,   Harvard  Medical   School,   MIT  Hacking  Medicine,  Center  for  Future  Technologies  in  Cancer  Care,  Mass  Bio,  BostInno      Sponsors:  Bacca  Foundation,  Biogen,  Janssen,  Lilly,  Medtronic,  Tesaro      Diabetes  Innovation  Hack-­‐a-­‐thon  (Hyderabad,  India):    Driving  innovation  to  revolutionize  prevention,  diagnosis  and  treatment  of  diabetes  in  India    


• Over  160  participants  and  50  mentors  participated  in  the  Diabetes  hack-­‐a-­‐thons  (representing  100+  different  organizations)  with  diverse  backgrounds  in  engineering,  business,  design  and  medicine.  

• 40  breakthrough  innovations  were  developed  with  a  potential  to  impact  and  improve  diagnosis,  prevention,  and  treatment  of  Diabetes  in  India.      

Partners:  Lattice  Innovations,  Narayana  Health,  Indian  School  of  Business,  Apollo  Sugar  Clinics,  LV  Prasad  Eye  Institute,  Dr.  Mohan’s  Diabetes  Specialities  Centre,  Madras  Diabetes  Research  Foundation,  Biocon  Foundation,  Public  Health  Foundation  of  India,  Villgro,  Partners  Medical  International,  D-­‐Labs,  Jana  Care,  C-­‐CAMP,  MediaTek,  Arogya  World  

Sponsors:  Medtronic,  Marico  Innovation  Foundation,  Terumo      

Check  out  the  CAMTech  INDIA  Diabetes  Video  Here  

Check  out  the  CAMTech  Cancer    Video  Here!  

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Sponsor  Opportunity:  CAMTech-­‐X  Demo  Day    Event  Details  June  17,  2017  10  AM  –  5:30  PM  Hotel  Novotel  New  Delhi  Aeorcity  (Asset  No  02,  GMR  Hospitality  District,  IGI  Airport,  New  Delhi,  Delhi  110037,  India)  *Lunch  and  tea  will  be  served      CAMTech-­‐X  Demo  Day  presents  an  unprecedented  opportunity  for  sponsors  to  engage  a  diverse  talent  pool  of  innovators  across  five  cities  in  India  (e.g.,  Bangalore,  Chennai,  Ahmedabad,  Mumbai,  New  Delhi,  etc.)  to  support  technologies  that  have  the  potential  to  transform  access  to  healthcare  for  the  urban  poor.    This  opportunity  offers:  

·∙ Connections  to  a  network  of  1000+  innovators  and  experts  across  five  urban  centers  in  India  ·∙ Access  to  an  expanded  pipeline  of  breakthrough  health  innovations    ·∙ Amplified  positive  public  relations  with  a  broad  group  of  health  innovators,  stakeholders  and  

partner  organizations  across  the  country    Sponsorship  Benefits    

·∙ Access  and  Networking    o   Attendance  to  the  Demo  Day  showcasing  the  best  innovations  from  the  five  cities  (up  to  three  

attendees),  to  be  held  June  17,  2017  in  New  Delhi    o   Engagement  with  hack-­‐a-­‐thon  participants  and  mentors  from  reputed  clinical  organizations,  

academic  institutions  and  Indian  startups      o   A  comprehensive  report,  detailing  all  resulting  innovations  from  the  five  hack-­‐a-­‐thons    o Exposure  to  one  of  the  largest  de  novo  pipelines  of  disruptive  innovations  for  India  by  India  o Invitations  to  institutional  events  at  Mass  General  Hospital  Global  Health  Seminar  Series  

 ·∙ Visibility  

o Recognition  at  Demo  Day  on  printed  materials  and  stage  screens  before  and  during  the  event        o        Welcoming  remarks  at  the  event    o   Recognition  on  post-­‐event  communications  in  press  releases  and  other  media  relations    o   Sponsor  organization  logo  placed  on  the  event  website    o Recognition   in   the   MGH   CAMTech   Pulse   newsletter   regarding   Demo   Day  

highlights    Sponsorship  Fees    

·∙ To  be  eligible  for  above  benefits,  a  sponsor  must  contribute  6.7  lakhs  INR/  $10,000  USD.            

For  further  information  on  sponsorship,  please  email  Sandra  Butler  at:  [email protected]  

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