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Page 1: Can You Be Friends With Your Boss?
Page 2: Can You Be Friends With Your Boss?

How do you know when it’s a good idea to be friends with your boss - and when it’s just too risky? The answer, experts say, depends on a number of factors.

1. Were you friends before you became the subordinate? “It’s easier to have your boss turn into your friend than to have a friend turn into your boss,” says Ben Dattner, an organizational psychologist. If a friendship predates a new reporting relationship, you have to make a concerted effort to maintain some degree of role clarity. Self-awareness – on both sides — will be key. Ask yourself, “What is my relationship to this person now? How should we be relating to one another?’” suggests Valcour. “Follow your sense of what’s comfortable and what’s not.”

2. Are you friends because you genuinely get along or did you try to develop a friendship because it might serve you? “If you have a natural affinity, genuinely like each other, and want to have a social bond, I think that’s worth cultivating, as it would be with other coworkers,’’ suggests Dattner. ‘’But I wouldn’t make a special effort beyond what you’d do with any other coworker. That would take on a Machiavellian tinge, which I think you don’t want.’’ A relationship that’s based on you making a power play isn’t likely to be a strong one, and you run a higher risk of it ending in disaster, especially if your boss senses that you’re getting close to her to advance your own career.

3. Are you willing to talk with your boss about boundaries so that the friendship/boss line doesn’t get blurred?If the relationship has shifted from being friends-colleagues to being boss-subordinate, have a direct conversation about how to make sure the lines don’t get blurred. You can even articulate the lines you’re drawing in the moment: “I’m speaking as your friend here…” or “As your employee, I’m telling you…” It may seem artificial to do that, but it helps. There’s no escaping, however, the fact that a superior-subordinate relationship comes with complications that you might not face in other friendships. You might tell your buddy about the highs and lows of your personal life or whine about a colleague who is getting on your nerves. But should you feel just as free to vent to your boss? “Anytime you provide your boss with a piece of information, think about the fact that you’re both friends and he’s your supervisor. Keep it as uncomplicated as possible.”

4. Will you face backlash from your peers if you’re perceived as be-ing the boss’s favorite?It’s possible that your colleagues will be wary of you getting special treatment so you have to make sure that your peers don’t end up resenting you. “Monitor the decisions the boss is making to make sure you’re not given all the plum assignments, all the easy trips,” says Dattner. “Get feedback from other people in the workplace on whether your relationship is a problem for others.” If it does seem to be causing resentment, discuss this with your boss. You might say, “I really appreciate you’ve given me some of the softball assignments, but I’m concerned my colleagues might perceive this as favoritism.” Work hard to be a good team member, independent of your relationship with your boss. One person I spoke with recalls that working for a friend actually made him up his game. “We both had to go to great lengths to make sure things appeared to be on the up and up,’’ he recalls. “My performance had to be exemplary so it didn’t look like she’d just hired her friend.”

It’s possible your boss will go to the opposite extreme, too. He might end up giving you the short straw so as to not be accused of favoritism. Monitor the decisions from that perspective, as well, Dattner says, and don’t be afraid to confront your boss if that’s the case. “You might want to say to your boss, ‘I understand you’re not trying to give the appearance of favoritism, but this is out of whack.’”

5. How old are you?Ask a Gen Y worker what she thinks about forging a friendship with her boss and she might give you a look of bewilderment. Be-cause younger generations tend to relate to parents as friends, there’s less separation between generations than previously ex-isted, says Tammy Erickson, an expert in managing across generations and author of What’s Next, Gen X?

“The rise of mobile technology has shifted the role traditional authority figures play in their lives,” she says. “Teachers (and parents) used to know more stuff than younger people did. Now, access to facts is equal; the older person becomes more of a guide or coach and less of a source of authoritative answers. This also adds to the shifting relationship.”

So where should the lines be drawn — if at all? At the end of the day, having a positive, constructive, and trusting relationship with your boss is always a good thing, says Erickson, and everyone should work toward that. But whether it should cross the line to genuine friendship is less clear. As Erickson says: At the end of the day, it’s a personal preference.

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