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  • 7/27/2019 Canada Copyright Act


    Current to June 25, 2013

    Last amended on November 7, 2012

    jour au 25 juin 2013

    Dernire modification le 7 novembre 2012

    Published by the Minister of Justice at the following address:http://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca

    Publi par le ministre de la Justice ladresse suivante :http://lois-laws.justice.gc.ca



    Copyright Act


    Loi sur le droit dauteur

    R.S.C., 1985, c. C-42 L.R.C. (1985), ch. C-42

  • 7/27/2019 Canada Copyright Act




    Subsections 31(1) and (2) of the LegislationRevision and Consolidation Act, in force onJune 1, 2009, provide as follows:

    Les paragraphes 31(1) et (2) de la Loi sur larvision et la codification des textes lgislatifs,en vigueur le 1er juin 2009, prvoient ce quisuit:

    Publishedconsolidation isevidence

    31. (1) Every copy of a consolidated statute orconsolidated regulation published by the Ministerunder this Act in either print or electronic form is ev-idence of that statute or regulation and of its contentsand every copy purporting to be published by theMinister is deemed to be so published, unless thecontrary is shown.

    31. (1) Tout exemplaire d'une loi codifie ou d'unrglement codifi, publi par le ministre en vertu dela prsente loi sur support papier ou sur support lec-tronique, fait foi de cette loi ou de ce rglement et deson contenu. Tout exemplaire donn comme publi

    par le ministre est rput avoir t ainsi publi, saufpreuve contraire.

    Codificationscomme lmentde preuve

    Inconsistenciesin Acts

    (2) In the event of an inconsistency between aconsolidated statute published by the Minister underthis Act and the original statute or a subsequentamendment as certified by the Clerk of the Parlia-ments under thePublication of Statutes Act, the orig-inal statute or amendment prevails to the extent ofthe inconsistency.

    (2) Les dispositions de la loi d'origine avec sesmodifications subsquentes par le greffier des Parle-ments en vertu de la Loi sur la publication des loisl'emportent sur les dispositions incompatibles de laloi codifie publie par le ministre en vertu de la pr-sente loi.

    Incompatibilit lois


    This consolidation is current to June 25, 2013. Thelast amendments came into force on Novem-

    ber 7, 2012. Any amendments that were not in forceas of June 25, 2013 are set out at the end of this doc-ument under the heading Amendments Not inForce.

    Cette codification est jour au 25 juin 2013. Lesdernires modifications sont entres en vigueurle 7 novembre 2012. Toutes modifications quin'taient pas en vigueur au 25 juin 2013 sontnonces la fin de ce document sous le titre Mod-ifications non en vigueur .

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    Section Page Article Page

    An Act respecting copyright Loi concernant le droit dauteur


    1 Short title 1 1 Titre abrg 1


    2 Definitions 1 2 Dfinitions 12.1 Compilations 8 2.1 Compilations 82.11 Definition of maker 9 2.11 Dfinition de producteur 92.2 Definition of publication 9 2.2 Dfinition de publication 92.3 Telecommunication 10 2.3 Tlcommunication 102.4 Communication to the public by

    telecommunication 102.4 Communication au public par

    tlcommunication 102.5 What constitutes rental 11 2.5 Location 11

    2.6 Exclusive distributor 11 2.6 Distributeur exclusif 112.7 Exclusive licence 11 2.7 Licence exclusive 11

    PART I





    3 Copyright in works 12 3 Droit dauteur sur loeuvre 12


    5 Conditions for subsistence of copyright 13 5 Conditions dobtention du droit dauteur 13

    TERMOF COPYRIGHT 15 DUREDUDROITDAUTEUR 156 Term of copyright 15 6 Dure du droit dauteur 156.1 Anonymous and pseudonymous works 15 6.1 Oeuvres anonymes et pseudonymes 156.2 Anonymous and pseudonymous works of

    joint authorship 156.2 Oeuvres anonymes et pseudonymes de

    collaboration 157 Term of copyright in posthumous works 16 7 Dure du droit dauteur sur les oeuvres

    posthumes 169 Cases of joint authorship 17 9 Oeuvres cres en collaboration 1711.1 Cinematographic works 18 11.1 Oeuvre cinmatographique 1812 Where copyright belongs to Her Majesty 18 12 Quand le droit dauteur appartient Sa

    Majest 18


    13 Ownership of copyright 18 13 Possession du droit dauteur 1814 Limitation where author is first owner of

    copyright 2014 Limitation dans le cas o lauteur est le

    premier possesseur du droit dauteur 20


    14.1 Moral rights 20 14.1 Droits moraux 2014.2 Term 21 14.2 Dure 21

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    Copyright 21 Droit dauteur 21

    15 Copyright in performers performance 21 15 Droit dauteur sur la prestation 2116 Contractual arrangements 24 16 Modalits contractuelles 2417 Cinematographic works 24 17 Oeuvre cinmatographique 24

    Moral Rights 25 Droits moraux 25

    17.1 Moral rights 25 17.1 Droits moraux 25

    17.2 Application and term 25 17.2 Application et dure 25


    18 Copyright in sound recordings 26 18 Droit dauteur sur lenregistrementsonore 26


    MAKERS 28



    19 Right to remuneration Canada 28 19 Droit rmunration : Canada 2819.1 Deemed publication Canada 29 19.1 Assimilation : Canada 2920 Conditions Canada 29 20 Conditions : Canada 29


    21 Copyright in communication signals 30 21 Droit dauteur sur le signal decommunication 30


    22 Reciprocity 31 22 Rciprocit 31


    23 Term of copyright performersperformance 33

    23 Dure des droits : prestation 33


    24 Ownership of copyright 34 24 Titularit 3425 Assignment of rights 34 25 Cession 34


    26 Performers performance in WTOcountry 34

    26 Prestation dans un pays membre delOMC 34

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    General 36 Rgle gnrale 36

    27 Infringement generally 36 27 Rgle gnrale 36

    Parallel Importation of Books 38 Importations parallles de livres 38

    27.1 Importation of books 38 27.1 Importation de livres sans leconsentement du titulaire du droitdauteur au Canada 38


    28.1 Infringement generally 39 28.1 Atteinte aux droits moraux 39

    28.2 Nature of right of integrity 40 28.2 Nature du droit lintgrit 40EXCEPTIONS 40 EXCEPTIONS 40

    Fair Dealing 40 Utilisation quitable 40

    29 Research, private study, etc. 40 29 tude prive, recherche, etc. 4029.1 Criticism or review 40 29.1 Critique et compte rendu 4029.2 News reporting 41 29.2 Communication des nouvelles 41

    Non-commercial User-generated Content 41 Contenu non commercial gnr parlutilisateur 41

    29.21 Non-commercial user-generated content 41 29.21 Contenu non commercial gnr par lutilisateur 41

    Reproduction for Private Purposes 42 Reproduction des fins prives 4229.22 Reproduction for private purposes 42 29.22 Reproduction des fins prives 42

    Fixing Signals and Recording Programsfor Later Listening or Viewing 43

    Fixation dun signal et enregistrementdune mission pour coute ou

    visionnement en diffr 43

    29.23 Reproduction for later listening orviewing 43

    29.23 Fixation ou reproduction pour coute ouvisionnement en diffr 43

    Backup Copies 44 Copies de sauvegarde 44

    29.24 Backup copies 44 29.24 Copies de sauvegarde 44

    Acts Undertaken without Motive of Gain 45 Actes but non lucratif 45

    29.3 Motive of gain 45 29.3 Intention 45Educational Institutions 45 tablissements denseignement 45

    29.4 Reproduction for instruction 45 29.4 Reproduction des fins pdagogiques 4529.5 Performances 46 29.5 Reprsentations 4629.6 News and commentary 46 29.6 Actualits et commentaires 4629.7 Reproduction of broadcast 47 29.7 Reproduction dmissions 4729.8 Unlawful reception 47 29.8 Rception illicite 47

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    29.9 Records and marking 47 29.9 Obligations relatives ltiquetage 4730 Literary collections 48 30 Recueils 4830.01 Meaning of lesson 48 30.01 Dfinition de leon 4830.02 Exception digital reproduction of

    works 50

    30.02 Exception : reproduction numrique

    doeuvres 5030.03 Royalties digital reproduction

    agreement 5330.03 Accord de reproduction numrique 53

    30.04 Work available through Internet 55 30.04 Oeuvre sur Internet 55

    Libraries, Archives and Museums 56 Bibliothques, muses ou servicesdarchives 56

    30.1 Management and maintenance ofcollection 56

    30.1 Gestion et conservation de collections 56

    30.2 Research or private study 57 30.2 tude prive ou recherche 5730.21 Copying works deposited in archive 59 30.21 Copie dune oeuvre dpose dans un

    service darchives 59

    Machines Installed in EducationalInstitutions, Libraries, Archives andMuseums 60

    Disposition commune aux tablissementsdenseignement, bibliothques, musesou services darchives 60

    30.3 No infringement by educationalinstitution, etc. 60

    30.3 Reprographie 60

    Libraries, Archives and Museums inEducational Institutions 61

    Bibliothques, muses ou servicesdarchives faisant partie duntablissement denseignement 61

    30.4 Application to libraries, etc. withineducational institutions 61

    30.4 Prcision 61

    Library and Archives of Canada 61 Bibliothque et Archives du Canada 61

    30.5 Permitted acts 61 30.5 Actes licites 61Computer Programs 62 Programmes dordinateur 62

    30.6 Permitted acts 62 30.6 Actes licites 6230.61 Interoperability of computer programs 62 30.61 Interoprabilit 62

    Encryption Research 63 Recherche sur le chiffrement 63

    30.62 Encryption research 63 30.62 Recherche sur le chiffrement 63

    Security 63 Scurit 63

    30.63 Security 63 30.63 Scurit 63

    Incidental Inclusion 64 Incorporation incidente 64

    30.7 Incidental use 64 30.7 Incorporation incidente 64

    Temporary Reproductions forTechnological Processes 64

    Reproductions temporaires pourprocessus technologiques 64

    30.71 Temporary reproductions 64 30.71 Reproductions temporaires 64

    Ephemeral Recordings 65 Enregistrements phmres 65

    30.8 Ephemeral recordings 65 30.8 Enregistrements phmres : entreprisede programmation 65

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    30.9 Ephemeral recordings broadcastingundertaking 67

    30.9 Enregistrements phmres : entreprisede radiodiffusion 67

    Retransmission 68 Retransmission 68

    31 Interpretation 68 31 Dfinitions 68Network Services 69 Services rseau 69

    31.1 Network services 69 31.1 Services rseau 69

    Persons with Perceptual Disabilities 70 Personnes ayant des dficiencesperceptuelles 70

    32 Reproduction in alternate format 70 32 Production dun exemplaire sur un autresupport 70

    32.01 Sending copies outside Canada 71 32.01 Envoi doeuvres ltranger 71

    Statutory Obligations 73 Obligations dcoulant de la loi 73

    32.1 No infringement 73 32.1 Non-violation 73

    Miscellaneous 74 Autres cas de non-violation 7432.2 Permitted acts 74 32.2 Actes licites 74


    32.3 No right to equitable remuneration 76 32.3 Prcision 76





    32.4 Certain rights and interests protected 76 32.4 Protection de certains droits et intrts 7632.5 Certain rights and interests protected 76 32.5 Protection de certains droits et intrts 7632.6 Certain rights and interests protected 77 32.6 Protection de certains droits et intrts 77


    RIGHTS 77



    33 Certain rights and interests protected 77 33 Protection de certains droits et intrts 7733.1 Certain rights and interests protected 78 33.1 Protection de certains droits et intrts 7833.2 Certain rights and interests protected 79 33.2 Protection de certains droits et intrts 79




    RECOURS 79


    Infringement of Copyright and Moral

    Rights 79

    Violation du droit dauteur et des droits

    moraux 79

    34 Copyright 79 34 Droit dauteur 7934.1 Presumptions respecting copyright and

    ownership 8034.1 Prsomption de proprit 80

    35 Liability for infringement 81 35 Violation du droit dauteur :responsabilit 81

    38 Recovery of possession of copies, plates 82 38 Proprit des planches 82

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    38.1 Statutory damages 83 38.1 Dommages-intrts prtablis 8338.2 Maximum amount that may be recovered 86 38.2 Dommages-intrts maximaux 8639 Injunction only remedy when defendant

    not aware of copyright 8739 Cas o le seul recours est linjonction 87

    39.1 Wide injunction 87 39.1 Interdiction 8740 No injunction in case of a building 87 40 Pas dinjonction en matire doeuvres

    architecturales 87

    Technological Protection Measures andRights Management Information 88

    Mesures techniques de protection etinformation sur le rgime des droits 88

    41 Definitions 88 41 Dfinitions 8841.1 Prohibition 88 41.1 Interdiction 8841.11 Law enforcement and national security 90 41.11 Enqutes 9041.12 Interoperability of computer programs 90 41.12 Interoprabilit 9041.13 Encryption research 91 41.13 Chiffrement 9141.14 Personal information 92 41.14 Renseignements personnels 9241.15 Security 93 41.15 Scurit 93

    41.16 Persons with perceptual disabilities 93 41.16 Personnes ayant une dficienceperceptuelle 93

    41.17 Broadcasting undertakings 94 41.17 Entreprises de radiodiffusion 9441.18 Radio apparatus 94 41.18 Appareil radio 9441.19 Reduction of damages 95 41.19 Annulation ou rduction de dommages-

    intrts 9541.2 Injunction only remedy 95 41.2 Cas o le seul recours est linjonction 9541.21 Regulations 95 41.21 Rglements 9541.22 Prohibition rights management

    information 9641.22 Interdiction : information sur le rgime

    des droits 96

    General Provisions 98 Dispositions gnrales 98

    41.23 Protection of separate rights 98 41.23 Protection des droits distincts 98

    41.24 Concurrent jurisdiction of Federal Court 98 41.24 Juridiction concurrente de la Cour fdrale 98





    41.27 Injunctive relief only providers ofinformation location tools 99

    41.27 Injonction : fournisseurs doutils dereprage 99


    42 Offences and punishment 100 42 Infractions et peines 10043 Infringement in case of dramatic, operatic

    or musical work 10243 Atteinte au droit dauteur sur une oeuvre

    dramatique ou musicale 102


    43.1 Limitation or prescription period for civilremedies 103

    43.1 Prescription 103


    44 Importation of certain copyright worksprohibited 103

    44 Importation de certains exemplairesdfendus 103

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    44.1 Definitions 104 44.1 Dfinitions 10444.2 Importation of books 106 44.2 Importation de livres 10644.3 Limitation 106 44.3 Restriction 10644.4 Importation of other subject-matter 107 44.4 Application aux autres objets du droit

    dauteur 10745 Exceptions 107 45 Importations autorises 107

    PART V





    46 Copyright Office 108 46 Bureau du droit dauteur 10847 Powers of Commissioner and Registrar 108 47 Pouvoirs du commissaire et du registraire 10848 Registrar 108 48 Registraire 10849 Register of Copyrights, certificates and

    certified copies 10849 Inscription, certificat et copie 108

    50 Other duties of Registrar 109 50 Autres attributions du registraire 109

    52 Control of business and officials 109 52 Direction des affaires et fonctionnaires 10953 Register to be evidence 109 53 Preuve 109


    54 Register of Copyrights 109 54 Registre des droits dauteur 10955 Copyright in works 110 55 Oeuvres 11056 Copyright in subject-matter other than

    works 11156 Autres objets du droit dauteur 111

    56.1 Recovery of damages 112 56.1 Recouvrement 11257 Registration of assignment or licence 112 57 Enregistrement dune cession ou dune

    licence 11258 Execution of instruments 113 58 Excution de la cession ou de la

    concession 113

    FEES 114 TAXES 114

    59 Fees regulations 114 59 Rglement fixant les taxes 114




    DIVERS 114


    60 Subsistence of substituted right 114 60 Droits substitus 114


    61 Clerical errors do not invalidate 115 61 Les erreurs dcriture nentranent paslinvalidation 115

    REGULATIONS 115 R GLEMENTS 11562 Regulations 115 62 Rglements 115


    64 Interpretation 116 64 Dfinitions 11664.1 Non-infringement re useful article

    features 11764.1 Non-violation : caractristiques dobjets

    utilitaires 11764.2 Application of Act to topographies 118 64.2 Application de la loi aux topographies 118

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    66 Establishment 118 66 Constitution 11866.1 Duties of chairman 119 66.1 Rle du prsident 11966.2 Remuneration and expenses 119 66.2 Rmunration 11966.3 Conflict of interest prohibited 120 66.3 Conflits dintrt 12066.4 Staff 120 66.4 Personnel 12066.5 Concluding matters after membership

    expires 12066.5 Prolongation 120

    66.51 Interim decisions 120 66.51 Dcisions provisoires 12066.52 Variation of decisions 120 66.52 Modifications de dcisions 12066.6 Regulations 121 66.6 Rglement 121

    66.7 General powers, etc. 121 66.7 Attributions gnrales 12166.71 Distribution, publication of notices 122 66.71 Publication davis 12266.8 Studies 122 66.8 tudes 12266.9 Report 122 66.9 Rapport 12266.91 Regulations 122 66.91 Rglements 122




    67 Public access to repertoires 123 67 Demandes de renseignements 12367.1 Filing of proposed tariffs 123 67.1 Dpt dun projet de tarif 12368 Board to consider proposed tariffs and

    objections 12468 Examen du projet de tarif 124

    68.1 Special and transitional royalty rates 125 68.1 Tarifs spciaux et transitoires 12568.2 Effect of fixing royalties 126 68.2 Porte de lhomologation 126




    21 128


    Collective Societies 128 Socits de gestion 128

    70.1 Collective societies 128 70.1 Socits de gestion 12870.11 Public information 128 70.11 Demandes de renseignements 12870.12 Tariff or agreement 129 70.12 Projets de tarif ou ententes 129

    Tariffs 129 Projets de tarif 129

    70.13 Filing of proposed tariffs 129 70.13 Dpt dun projet de tarif 12970.14 Application of certain provisions 129 70.14 Application de certaines dispositions 12970.15 Certification 129 70.15 Homologation 12970.16 Distribution, publication of notices 130 70.16 Publication davis 13070.17 Prohibition of enforcement 130 70.17 Interdiction des recours 13070.18 Continuation of rights 130 70.18 Maintien des droits 130

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    70.19 Where agreement exists 130 70.19 Non-application des articles 70.17 et70.18 130

    70.191 Agreement 130 70.191 Entente 130

    Fixing of Royalties in Individual Cases 131 Fixation des redevances dans des casparticuliers 131

    70.2 Application to fix amount of royalty, etc. 131 70.2 Demande de fixation de redevances 13170.3 Agreement 131 70.3 Entente prjudicielle 13170.4 Effect of Board decision 131 70.4 Porte de la fixation 131

    Examination of Agreements 132 Examen des ententes 132

    70.5 Definition of Commissioner 132 70.5 Dfinition de commissaire 13270.6 Examination and fixing of royalty 132 70.6 Examen et fixation 132


    71 Filing of proposed tariffs 132 71 Dpt dun projet de tarif 13272 Publication of proposed tariffs 133 72 Publication du projet de tarif 133

    73 Certification 133 73 Mesures prendre 13374 Special case 134 74 Cas spciaux 13475 Effect of fixing royalties 134 75 Porte de la fixation 13476 Claims by non-members 134 76 Rclamations des non-membres dans les

    cas de retransmission 134


    77 Circumstances in which licence may beissued by Board 135

    77 Dlivrance dune licence 135


    RIGHTS 136



    78 Board may determine compensation 136 78 Indemnit fixe par la Commission 136PART VIII





    79 Definitions 137 79 Dfinitions 137


    80 Where no infringement of copyright 138 80 Non-violation du droit dauteur 138


    81 Right of remuneration 139 81 Rmunration 139

    LEVYON BLANKAUDIO RECORDING MEDIA 139 R EDEVANCES 13982 Liability to pay levy 139 82 Obligation 13983 Filing of proposed tariffs 140 83 Dpt dun projet de tarif 140


    84 Distribution by collecting body 142 84 Organisme de perception 14285 Reciprocity 143 85 Rciprocit 143

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    86 Where no levy payable 144 86 Aucune redevance payable 144


    87 Regulations 145 87 Rglements 145


    88 Right of recovery 145 88 Droit de recouvrement 145





    89 No copyright, etc., except by statute 146 89 Revendication dun droit dauteur 14690 Interpretation 146 90 Rgle dinterprtation 14691 Adherence to Berne and Rome

    Conventions 14691 Conventions de Berne et de Rome 146

    92 Review of Act 146 92 Examen 146









  • 7/27/2019 Canada Copyright Act



    R.S.C., 1985, c. C-42 L.R.C., 1985, ch. C-42

    An Act respecting copyright Loi concernant le droit dauteur


    Short title 1. This Act may be cited as the CopyrightAct.

    R.S., c. C-30, s. 1.

    1.Loi sur le droit dauteur.S.R., ch. C-30, art. 1.

    Titre abrg


    Definitions 2. In this Act,architecturalwork uvrearchitecturale

    architectural work means any building orstructure or any model of a building or struc-ture;

    architectural work of art [Repealed, 1993, c.44, s. 53]

    artistic work uvreartistique

    artistic work includes paintings, drawings,maps, charts, plans, photographs, engravings,sculptures, works of artistic craftsmanship, ar-chitectural works, and compilations of artisticworks;

    BerneConventioncountrypays partie la Convention de


    Berne Convention country means a countrythat is a party to the Convention for the Protec-tion of Literary and Artistic Works concludedat Berne on September 9, 1886, or any one ofits revisions, including the Paris Act of 1971;

    Board Commission

    Board means the Copyright Board estab-lished by subsection 66(1);

    book livre

    book means a volume or a part or division ofa volume, in printed form, but does not include

    (a) a pamphlet,(b) a newspaper, review, magazine or otherperiodical,(c) a map, chart, plan or sheet music wherethe map, chart, plan or sheet music is sepa-rately published, and

    2. Les dfinitions qui suivent sappliquent la prsente loi.


    accessible sur le march Sentend, en ce quiconcerne une uvre ou de tout autre objet dudroit dauteur

    a) quil est possible de se procurer, auCanada, un prix et dans un dlai raison-nables, et de trouver moyennant des effortsraisonnables;

    b)pour lequel il est possible dobtenir, unprix et dans un dlai raisonnables et moyen-nant des efforts raisonnables, une licence oc-troye par une socit de gestion pour la re-

    production, lexcution en public ou lacommunication au public par tlcommuni-cation, selon le cas.

    appareil rcepteur [Abroge, 1993, ch. 44,art. 79]

    artiste interprte [Abroge, 1997, ch. 24, art.1]

    accessible surle march commerciallyavailable

    artiste-interprte Tout artiste-interprte ouexcutant.


    French version


    bibliothque, muse ou service darchivesSentend:

    a) dun tablissement dot ou non de la per-sonnalit morale qui:

    (i) dune part, nest pas constitu ou ad-ministr pour raliser des profits, ni ne fait

    bibliothque,muse ouservicedarchives library, archiveor museum

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    (d) an instruction or repair manual that ac-companies a product or that is supplied as anaccessory to a service;

    broadcaster radiodiffu-


    broadcaster means a body that, in the courseof operating a broadcasting undertaking, broad-casts a communication signal in accordance

    with the law of the country in which the broad-casting undertaking is carried on, but excludesa body whose primary activity in relation tocommunication signals is their retransmission;

    choreographicwork uvrechorgraphique

    choreographic work includes any work ofchoreography, whether or not it has any storyline;

    cinematograph [Repealed, 1997, c. 24, s. 1]

    cinematograph-ic work uvrecinmatogra-


    cinematographic work includes any work ex-pressed by any process analogous to cine-matography, whether or not accompanied by a

    soundtrack;collectivesocietysocit de


    collective society means a society, associa-tion or corporation that carries on the businessof collective administration of copyright or ofthe remuneration right conferred by section 19or 81 for the benefit of those who, by assign-ment, grant of licence, appointment of it astheir agent or otherwise, authorize it to act ontheir behalf in relation to that collective admin-istration, and

    (a) operates a licensing scheme, applicablein relation to a repertoire of works, per-

    formers performances, sound recordings orcommunication signals of more than one au-thor, performer, sound recording maker or

    broadcaster, pursuant to which the society,association or corporation sets out classes ofuses that it agrees to authorize under thisAct, and the royalties and terms and condi-tions on which it agrees to authorize thoseclasses of uses, or

    (b) carries on the business of collecting anddistributing royalties or levies payable pur-suant to this Act;

    collectivework recueil

    collective work means(a) an encyclopaedia, dictionary, year bookor similar work,

    (b) a newspaper, review, magazine or simi-lar periodical, and

    partie dun organisme constitu ou admi-nistr pour raliser des profits, ni nest ad-ministr ou contrl directement ou indi-rectement par un tel organisme,

    (ii) dautre part, rassemble et gre des col-lections de documents ou dobjets qui sont

    accessibles au public ou aux chercheurs;b) de tout autre tablissement but non lu-cratif vis par rglement.

    Commission La Commission du droit dau-teur constitue au titre du paragraphe 66(1).

    Commission Board

    compilation Les uvres rsultant du choixou de larrangement de tout ou partie duvreslittraires, dramatiques, musicales ou artis-tiques ou de donnes.

    compilation compilation

    confrence Sont assimils une confrenceles allocutions, discours et sermons.

    confrence lecture

    contrefaona) lgard dune uvre sur laquelle existeun droit dauteur, toute reproduction, y com-

    pris limitation dguise, qui a t faitecontrairement la prsente loi ou qui a faitlobjet dun acte contraire la prsente loi;

    b) lgard dune prestation sur laquelleexiste un droit dauteur, toute fixation ou re-

    production de celle-ci qui a t faite contrai-rement la prsente loi ou qui a fait lobjetdun acte contraire la prsente loi;

    c) lgard dun enregistrement sonore surlequel existe un droit dauteur, toute repro-duction de celle-ci qui a t faite contraire-ment la prsente loi ou qui a fait lobjetdun acte contraire la prsente loi;

    d) lgard dun signal de communicationsur lequel existe un droit dauteur, toute fixa-tion ou reproduction de la fixation qui a tfaite contrairement la prsente loi ou qui afait lobjet dun acte contraire la prsenteloi.

    La prsente dfinition exclut la reproduction

    autre que celle vise par lalina 27(2)e) et lar-ticle 27.1 faite avec le consentement du titu-laire du droit dauteur dans le pays de produc-tion.

    dbit [Abroge, 1997, ch. 24, art. 1]

    contrefaon infringing

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    (c) any work written in distinct parts by dif-ferent authors, or in which works or parts ofworks of different authors are incorporated;

    commerciallyavailable accessible surle march

    commercially available means, in relation toa work or other subject-matter,

    (a)available on the Canadian market withina reasonable time and for a reasonable price

    and may be located with reasonable effort, or

    (b) for which a licence to reproduce, per-form in public or communicate to the public

    by telecommunication is available from acollective society within a reasonable timeand for a reasonable price and may be locat-ed with reasonable effort;

    communicationsignalsignal decommunica-tion

    communication signal means radio wavestransmitted through space without any artificialguide, for reception by the public;

    compilation compilation

    compilation means

    (a) a work resulting from the selection or ar-rangement of literary, dramatic, musical orartistic works or of parts thereof, or

    (b) a work resulting from the selection or ar-rangement of data;


    computer program means a set of instructionsor statements, expressed, fixed, embodied orstored in any manner, that is to be used directlyor indirectly in a computer in order to bringabout a specific result;

    copyright droitdauteur

    copyright means the rights described in

    (a) section 3, in the case of a work,(b) sections 15 and 26, in the case of a per-formers performance,

    (c) section 18, in the case of a sound record-ing, or

    (d) section 21, in the case of a communica-tion signal;


    country includes any territory;

    defendantVersion anglaise


    defendant includes a respondent to an appli-cation;

    delivery [Repealed, 1997, c. 24, s. 1]

    dramatic work uvredramatique

    dramatic work includes

    (a) any piece for recitation, choreographicwork or mime, the scenic arrangement or

    dficience perceptuelle Dficience qui em-pche la lecture ou lcoute dune uvre litt-raire, dramatique, musicale ou artistique sur lesupport original ou la rend difficile, en raisonnotamment:

    a) de la privation en tout ou en grande partiedu sens de loue ou de la vue ou de lincapa-cit dorienter le regard;

    b) de lincapacit de tenir ou de manipulerun livre;

    c) dune insuffisance relative la compr-hension.

    dficienceperceptuelle perceptualdisability

    distributeur exclusif Sentend, en ce quiconcerne un livre, de toute personne qui remplitles conditions suivantes:

    a) le titulaire du droit dauteur sur le livre auCanada ou le titulaire dune licence exclu-

    sive au Canada sy rapportant lui a accord,avant ou aprs lentre en vigueur de la pr-sente dfinition, par crit, la qualit duniquedistributeur pour tout ou partie du Canada oudunique distributeur pour un secteur dumarch pour tout ou partie du Canada;

    b) elle rpond aux critres fixs par rgle-ment pris en vertu de larticle 2.6.

    Il est entendu quune personne ne peut tre dis-tributeur exclusif au sens de la prsente dfini-tion si aucun rglement nest pris en vertu delarticle 2.6.

    distributeurexclusif exclusivedistributor

    droit dauteur Sentend du droit vis:a) dans le cas dune uvre, larticle 3;b) dans le cas dune prestation, aux articles15 et 26;

    c) dans le cas dun enregistrement sonore, larticle 18;

    d) dans le cas dun signal de communica-tion, larticle 21.

    droitdauteur copyright

    droits moraux Les droits viss au paragraphe14.1(1).

    droitsmoraux moral rights

    enregistrement sonore Enregistrementconstitu de sons provenant ou non de lexcu-tion dune uvre et fixs sur un support mat-riel quelconque; est exclue de la prsente dfi-nition la bande sonore dune uvrecinmatographique lorsquelle accompagnecelle-ci.

    enregistrementsonore soundrecording

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    acting form of which is fixed in writing orotherwise,

    (b) any cinematographic work, and(c) any compilation of dramatic works;


    institution tablissementdenseigne-ment

    educational institution means

    (a) a non-profit institution licensed or recog-nized by or under an Act of Parliament or thelegislature of a province to provide pre-school, elementary, secondary or post-sec-ondary education,

    (b) a non-profit institution that is directed orcontrolled by a board of education regulated

    by or under an Act of the legislature of aprovince and that provides continuing, pro-fessional or vocational education or training,

    (c) a department or agency of any order ofgovernment, or any non-profit body, thatcontrols or supervises education or trainingreferred to in paragraph (a) or (b), or

    (d) any other non-profit institution pre-scribed by regulation;


    engravings includes etchings, lithographs,woodcuts, prints and other similar works, not

    being photographs;

    every originalliterary,dramatic,musical andartistic work toute uvre

    littraire,dramatique,musicale ouartistiqueoriginale

    every original literary, dramatic, musical andartistic work includes every original produc-tion in the literary, scientific or artistic domain,whatever may be the mode or form of its ex-

    pression, such as compilations, books, pam-phlets and other writings, lectures, dramatic ordramatico-musical works, musical works,translations, illustrations, sketches and plasticworks relative to geography, topography, archi-tecture or science;

    exclusivedistributor distributeurexclusif

    exclusive distributor means, in relation to abook, a person who

    (a) has, before or after the coming into forceof this definition, been appointed in writing,

    by the owner or exclusive licensee of thecopyright in the book in Canada, as

    (i) the only distributor of the book inCanada or any part of Canada, or

    (ii) the only distributor of the book inCanada or any part of Canada in respect ofa particular sector of the market, and

    (b) meets the criteria established by regula-tions made under section 2.6,

    tablissement denseignement:a) tablissement sans but lucratif agr auxtermes des lois fdrales ou provinciales

    pour dispenser de lenseignement aux ni-veaux prscolaire, lmentaire, secondaireou postsecondaire, ou reconnu comme tel;

    b) tablissement sans but lucratif plac souslautorit dun conseil scolaire rgi par uneloi provinciale et qui dispense des coursdducation ou de formation permanente,technique ou professionnelle;

    c) ministre ou organisme, quel que soitlordre de gouvernement, ou entit sans butlucratif qui exerce une autorit sur lensei-gnement et la formation viss aux alinas a)et b);

    d) tout autre tablissement sans but lucratifvis par rglement.

    tablissementdenseigne-ment educationalinstitution

    gravure Sont assimiles une gravure lesgravures leau-forte, les lithographies, les gra-vures sur bois, les estampes et autres uvres si-milaires, lexclusion des photographies.

    gravure engravings

    livre Tout volume ou toute partie ou divi-sion dun volume prsents sous forme impri-me, lexclusion:

    a) des brochures;b) des journaux, revues, magazines et autres


    c) des feuilles de musique, cartes, gra-phiques ou plans, sils sont publis spar-ment;

    d) des manuels dinstruction ou dentretienqui accompagnent un produit ou sont fournisavec des services.

    livre book

    locaux Sil sagit dun tablissement den-seignement, lieux o celui-ci dispense lensei-gnement ou la formation viss la dfinition dece terme ou exerce son autorit sur eux.

    locaux premises

    membre de lOMC Membre de lOrganisa-tion mondiale du commerce au sens du para-graphe 2(1) de laLoi de mise en uvre de lAc-cord sur lOrganisation mondiale ducommerce.

    membre delOMC

    WTO Member

    ministre Sauf larticle 44.1, le ministre delIndustrie.

    ministre Minister

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    and, for greater certainty, if there are no regula-tions made under section 2.6, then no personqualifies under this definition as an exclusivedistributor;

    Her Majestys Realms and Territories [Re-pealed, 1997, c. 24, s. 1]

    infringing contrefaon

    infringing means

    (a) in relation to a work in which copyrightsubsists, any copy, including any colourableimitation, made or dealt with in contraven-tion of this Act,

    (b) in relation to a performers performancein respect of which copyright subsists, anyfixation or copy of a fixation of it made ordealt with in contravention of this Act,

    (c) in relation to a sound recording in re-spect of which copyright subsists, any copy

    of it made or dealt with in contravention ofthis Act, or

    (d) in relation to a communication signal inrespect of which copyright subsists, any fixa-tion or copy of a fixation of it made or dealtwith in contravention of this Act.

    The definition includes a copy that is importedin the circumstances set out in paragraph27(2)(e) and section 27.1 but does not other-wise include a copy made with the consent ofthe owner of the copyright in the country wherethe copy was made;

    lecture confrence

    lecture includes address, speech and sermon;

    legalrepresentatives reprsentantslgaux

    legal representatives includes heirs, execu-tors, administrators, successors and assigns, oragents or attorneys who are thereunto duly au-thorized in writing;

    library, archiveor museum bibliothque,muse ou servicedarchives

    library, archive or museum means

    (a) an institution, whether or not incorporat-ed, that is not established or conducted for

    profit or that does not form a part of, or isnot administered or directly or indirectly

    controlled by, a body that is established orconducted for profit, in which is held andmaintained a collection of documents andother materials that is open to the public or toresearchers, or

    (b) any other non-profit institution pre-scribed by regulation;

    uvre Est assimil une uvre le titre deluvre lorsque celui-ci est original et distinc-tif.

    uvre work

    uvre architecturale Tout btiment ou di-fice ou tout modle ou maquette de btiment ouddifice.

    uvrearchitecturale architecturalwork

    uvre artistique Sont compris parmi lesuvres artistiques les peintures, dessins, sculp-tures, uvres architecturales, gravures ou pho-tographies, les uvres artistiques dues des ar-tisans ainsi que les graphiques, cartes, plans etcompilations duvres artistiques.

    uvreartistique artistic work

    uvre chorgraphique Sentend de toutechorgraphie, que luvre ait ou non un sujet.


    uvre cinmatographique Y est assimiletoute uvre exprime par un procd analogue

    la cinmatographie, quelle soit accompagneou non dune bande sonore.

    uvrecinmatogra-phique cinematograph-ic work

    uvre cre en collaboration uvre excu-te par la collaboration de deux ou plusieursauteurs, et dans laquelle la part cre par lunnest pas distincte de celle cre par lautre oules autres.

    uvre dart architecturale [Abroge, 1993,ch. 44, art. 53]

    uvre de sculpture [Abroge, 1997, ch. 24,art. 1]

    uvre cre encollaboration work of jointauthorship

    uvre dramatique Y sont assimiles lespices pouvant tre rcites, les uvres chor-graphiques ou les pantomimes dont larrange-ment scnique ou la mise en scne est fix parcrit ou autrement, les uvres cinmatogra-

    phiques et les compilations duvres drama-tiques.

    uvredramatique dramatic work

    uvre littraire Y sont assimils les ta-bleaux, les programmes dordinateur et lescompilations duvres littraires.

    uvrelittraire literary work

    uvre musicale Toute uvre ou toute com-position musicale avec ou sans paroles et

    toute compilation de celles-ci.


    musical work

    pays Sentend notamment dun territoire. pays country

    pays partie la Convention de Berne Payspartie la Convention pour la protection desuvres littraires et artistiques, conclue Bernele 9 septembre 1886, ou lune de ses versions

    pays partie laConvention deBerne BerneConventioncountry

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    literary work uvrelittraire

    literary work includes tables, computer pro-grams, and compilations of literary works;


    maker means

    (a) in relation to a cinematographic work,the person by whom the arrangements neces-

    sary for the making of the work are under-taken, or

    (b) in relation to a sound recording, the per-son by whom the arrangements necessary forthe first fixation of the sounds are undertak-en;

    Minister ministre

    Minister, except in section 44.1, means theMinister of Industry;

    moral rights droitsmoraux

    moral rights means the rights described insubsection 14.1(1);

    musical work


    musical work means any work of music or

    musical composition, with or without words,and includes any compilation thereof;

    perceptualdisability dficience


    perceptual disability means a disability thatprevents or inhibits a person from reading orhearing a literary, musical, dramatic or artisticwork in its original format, and includes such adisability resulting from

    (a) severe or total impairment of sight orhearing or the inability to focus or moveones eyes,

    (b) the inability to hold or manipulate abook, or

    (c) an impairment relating to comprehen-sion;

    performance reprsenta-tion ou excution

    performance means any acoustic or visualrepresentation of a work, performers perfor-mance, sound recording or communication sig-nal, including a representation made by meansof any mechanical instrument, radio receivingset or television receiving set;


    performers performance means any of thefollowing when done by a performer:

    (a) a performance of an artistic work, dra-matic work or musical work, whether or notthe work was previously fixed in any materi-al form, and whether or not the works termof copyright protection under this Act hasexpired,

    rvises, notamment celle de lActe de Paris de1971.

    pays partie la Convention de Rome Payspartie la Convention internationale sur la pro-tection des artistes interprtes ou excutants,des producteurs denregistrements sonores et

    des organismes de radiodiffusion, conclue Rome le 26 octobre 1961.

    pays partie laConvention deRome RomeConventioncountry

    pays partie la Convention universelle Payspartie la Convention universelle sur le droitdauteur, adopte Genve (Suisse) le 6 sep-tembre 1952, ou dans sa version rvise Paris(France) le 24 juillet 1971.

    pays partie laConventionuniverselle UCC country

    pays partie au trait de lODA Pays partie auTrait de lOMPI sur le droit dauteur, adopt Genve le 20 dcembre 1996.

    pays partie autrait delODA WCT country

    pays partie au trait de lOIEP Pays partieau Trait de lOMPI sur les interprtations etexcutions et les phonogrammes, adopt Ge-nve le 20 dcembre 1996.

    pays partie autrait de

    lOIEP WPPT country

    pays signataire Pays partie la Conventionde Berne ou la Convention universelle oumembre de lOMC.

    payssignataire treaty country

    photographie Y sont assimiles les photoli-thographies et toute uvre exprime par un

    procd analogue la photographie.

    photographie photograph

    planche Sont assimils une planche touteplanche strotype ou autre, pierre, matrice,transposition et preuve ngative, et tout moule

    ou clich, destins limpression ou la repro-duction dexemplaires dune uvre, ainsi quetoute matrice ou autre pice destines la fabri-cation ou la reproduction denregistrementssonores, de prestations ou de signaux de com-munication, selon le cas.

    planche plate

    prestation Selon le cas, que luvre soit en-core protge ou non et quelle soit dj fixesous une forme matrielle quelconque ou non:

    a) lexcution ou la reprsentation duneuvre artistique, dramatique ou musicale parun artiste-interprte;

    b) la rcitation ou la lecture dune uvre lit-traire par celui-ci;

    c) une improvisation dramatique, musicaleou littraire par celui-ci, inspire ou nondune uvre prexistante.

    prestation performers


    producteur La personne qui effectue les op-rations ncessaires la confection dune uvre

    producteur maker

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    (b) a recitation or reading of a literary work,whether or not the works term of copyright

    protection under this Act has expired, or

    (c) an improvisation of a dramatic work,musical work or literary work, whether ornot the improvised work is based on a pre-

    existing work;photograph


    photograph includes photo-lithograph andany work expressed by any process analogousto photography;

    plaintiffVersion anglaise


    plaintiff includes an applicant;


    plate includes

    (a) any stereotype or other plate, stone,block, mould, matrix, transfer or negativeused or intended to be used for printing or re-

    producing copies of any work, and

    (b) any matrix or other appliance used or in-tended to be used for making or reproducingsound recordings, performers performancesor communication signals;

    premises locaux

    premises means, in relation to an educationalinstitution, a place where education or trainingreferred to in the definition educational insti-tution is provided, controlled or supervised bythe educational institution;

    receiving device [Repealed, 1993, c. 44, s.79]

    RomeConventioncountrypays partie la Convention de


    Rome Convention country means a countrythat is a party to the International Conventionfor the Protection of Performers, Producers ofPhonograms and Broadcasting Organisations,done at Rome on October 26, 1961;


    sculpture includes a cast or model;

    soundrecording enregistrement


    sound recording means a recording, fixed inany material form, consisting of sounds,whether or not of a performance of a work, butexcludes any soundtrack of a cinematographicwork where it accompanies the cinematograph-

    ic work;telecommuni-cation tlcommuni-cation

    telecommunication means any transmissionof signs, signals, writing, images or sounds orintelligence of any nature by wire, radio, visual,optical or other electromagnetic system;

    treaty countrypays


    treaty country means a Berne Conventioncountry, UCC country or WTO Member;

    cinmatographique, ou la premire fixation desons dans le cas dun enregistrement sonore.

    programme dordinateur Ensemble dins-tructions ou dnoncs destin, quelle que soitla faon dont ils sont exprims, fixs, incorpo-rs ou emmagasins, tre utilis directement

    ou indirectement dans un ordinateur en vuedun rsultat particulier.

    programmedordinateur computer


    radiodiffuseur Organisme qui, dans le cadrede lexploitation dune entreprise de radiodiffu-sion, met un signal de communication enconformit avec les lois du pays o il exploitecette entreprise; est exclu de la prsente dfini-tion lorganisme dont lactivit principale, lieau signal de communication, est la retransmis-sion de celui-ci.

    radiodiffu-seur broadcaster


    Les encyclopdies, dictionnaires, an-nuaires ou uvres analogues;

    b) les journaux, revues, magazines ou autrespublications priodiques;

    c) toute uvre compose, en parties dis-tinctes, par diffrents auteurs ou dans la-quelle sont incorpores des uvres ou partiesduvres dauteurs diffrents.

    recueil collectivework

    reprsentants lgaux Sont compris parmi lesreprsentants lgaux les hritiers, excuteurstestamentaires, administrateurs, successeurs etayants droit, ou les agents ou fonds de pouvoir

    rgulirement constitus par mandat crit.reprsentation, excution ouaudition [Abroge, 1997, ch. 24, art. 1]

    reprsentantslgaux legalrepresentatives

    reprsentation ou excution Toute excu-tion sonore ou toute reprsentation visuelledune uvre, dune prestation, dun enregistre-ment sonore ou dun signal de communication,selon le cas, y compris lexcution ou la repr-sentation laide dun instrument mcanique,dun appareil rcepteur de radio ou dun appa-reil rcepteur de tlvision.

    royaumes et territoires de Sa Majest

    [Abro-ge, 1997, ch. 24, art. 1]

    reprsenta-tion ou excution performance

    sculpture Y sont assimils les moules et lesmodles.

    sculpture sculpture

    signal de communication Ondes radiolec-triques diffuses dans lespace sans guide artifi-ciel, aux fins de rception par le public.

    signal decommunica-tion communication


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    UCC countrypays partie la Conventionuniverselle

    UCC country means a country that is a partyto the Universal Copyright Convention, adopt-ed on September 6, 1952 in Geneva, Switzer-land, or to that Convention as revised in Paris,France on July 24, 1971;

    WCT country

    pays partie autrait delODA

    WCT country means a country that is a party

    to the WIPO Copyright Treaty, adopted inGeneva on December 20, 1996;

    work uvre

    work includes the title thereof when such titleis original and distinctive;

    work of jointauthorship uvre cre encollaboration

    work of joint authorship means a work pro-duced by the collaboration of two or more au-thors in which the contribution of one author isnot distinct from the contribution of the otherauthor or authors;

    work of sculpture [Repealed, 1997, c. 24, s.1]

    WPPTcountrypays partie autrait delOIEP

    WPPT country means a country that is a par-ty to the WIPO Performances and PhonogramsTreaty, adopted in Geneva on December 20,1996;

    WTO Member membre delOMC

    WTO Member means a Member of theWorld Trade Organization as defined in sub-section 2(1) of the World Trade OrganizationAgreement Implementation Act.

    R.S., 1985, c. C-42, s. 2; R.S., 1985, c. 10 (4th Supp.), s. 1;1988, c. 65, s. 61; 1992, c. 1, s. 145(F); 1993, c. 23, s. 1, c.44, ss. 53, 79; 1994, c. 47, s. 56; 1995, c. 1, s. 62; 1997, c.24, s. 1; 2012, c. 20, s. 2.

    socit de gestion Association, socit oupersonne morale autorise notamment parvoie de cession, licence ou mandat se li-vrer la gestion collective du droit dauteur oudu droit rmunration confr par les articles19 ou 81 pour lexercice des activits


    a) ladministration dun systme doctroi delicences portant sur un rpertoire duvres,de prestations, denregistrements sonores oude signaux de communication de plusieursauteurs, artistes-interprtes, producteursdenregistrements sonores ou radiodiffuseurset en vertu duquel elle tablit les catgoriesdutilisation quelle autorise au titre de la

    prsente loi ainsi que les redevances et mo-dalits affrentes;

    b) la perception et la rpartition des rede-vances payables aux termes de la prsenteloi.

    socit degestion collective


    tlcommunication Vise toute transmissionde signes, signaux, crits, images, sons ou ren-seignements de toute nature par fil, radio, pro-cd visuel ou optique, ou autre systme lec-tromagntique.

    tlcommuni-cation telecommunica-tion

    toute uvre littraire, dramatique, musicaleou artistique originale Sentend de toute pro-duction originale du domaine littraire, scienti-fique ou artistique quels quen soient le modeou la forme dexpression, tels les compilations,

    livres, brochures et autres crits, les conf-rences, les uvres dramatiques ou dramatico-musicales, les uvres musicales, les traduc-tions, les illustrations, les croquis et lesouvrages plastiques relatifs la gographie, latopographie, larchitecture ou aux sciences.

    L.R. (1985), ch. C-42, art. 2; L.R. (1985), ch. 10 (4e suppl.),art. 1; 1988, ch. 65, art. 61; 1992, ch. 1, art. 145(F); 1993,ch. 23, art. 1, ch. 44, art. 53 et 79; 1994, ch. 47, art. 56;1995, ch. 1, art. 62; 1997, ch. 24, art. 1; 2012, ch. 20, art. 2.

    toute uvrelittraire,dramatique,musicale ouartistiqueoriginale every original

    literary,dramatic,musical andartistic work

    Compilations 2.1 (1) A compilation containing two ormore of the categories of literary, dramatic,musical or artistic works shall be deemed to be

    a compilation of the category making up themost substantial part of the compilation.

    2.1 (1) La compilation duvres de catgo-ries diverses est rpute constituer une compi-lation de la catgorie reprsentant la partie la

    plus importante.


    Idem (2) The mere fact that a work is included ina compilation does not increase, decrease orotherwise affect the protection conferred bythis Act in respect of the copyright in the workor the moral rights in respect of the work.

    1993, c. 44, s. 54.

    (2) Lincorporation dune uvre dans unecompilation ne modifie pas la protection conf-re par la prsente loi luvre au titre du droitdauteur ou des droits moraux.

    1993, ch. 44, art. 54.


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    Definition ofmaker

    2.11 For greater certainty, the arrangementsreferred to in paragraph (b) of the definitionmaker in section 2, as that term is used insection 19 and in the definition eligible mak-er in section 79, include arrangements for en-tering into contracts with performers, financial

    arrangements and technical arrangements re-quired for the first fixation of the sounds for asound recording.

    1997, c. 24, s. 2.

    2.11 Il est entendu que pour lapplication delarticle 19 et de la dfinition de producteuradmissible larticle 79, les oprations nces-saires vises la dfinition de producteur larticle 2 sentendent des oprations lies laconclusion des contrats avec les artistes-inter-

    prtes, au financement et aux services tech-niques ncessaires la premire fixation desons dans le cas dun enregistrement sonore.

    1997, ch. 24, art. 2.

    Dfinition de producteur

    Definition ofpublication

    2.2 (1) For the purposes of this Act, publi-cation means

    (a) in relation to works,(i) making copies of a work available tothe public,

    (ii) the construction of an architecturalwork, and

    (iii) the incorporation of an artistic workinto an architectural work, and

    (b) in relation to sound recordings, makingcopies of a sound recording available to the


    but does not include

    (c) the performance in public, or the com-munication to the public by telecommunica-tion, of a literary, dramatic, musical or artis-tic work or a sound recording, or

    (d) the exhibition in public of an artisticwork.

    2.2 (1) Pour lapplication de la prsente loi,publication sentend:

    a) lgard dune uvre, de la mise la dis-position du public dexemplaires de luvre,de ldification dune uvre architecturaleou de lincorporation dune uvre artistique celle-ci;

    b) lgard dun enregistrement sonore, dela mise la disposition du public dexem-

    plaires de celui-ci.

    Sont exclues de la publication la reprsentationou lexcution en public dune uvre littraire,dramatique, musicale ou artistique ou dun en-registrement sonore, leur communication au

    public par tlcommunication ou lexpositionen public dune uvre artistique.

    Dfinition de publication

    Issue ofphotographs andengravings

    (2) For the purpose of subsection (1), the is-sue of photographs and engravings of sculp-tures and architectural works is not deemed to

    be publication of those works.

    (2) Pour lapplication du paragraphe (1),ldition de photographies et de gravures desculptures et duvres architecturales nest pasrpute tre une publication de ces uvres.

    dition dephotographies etde gravures

    Where noconsent ofcopyright owner

    (3) For the purposes of this Act, other thanin respect of infringement of copyright, a workor other subject-matter is not deemed to be

    published or performed in public or communi-cated to the public by telecommunication if thatact is done without the consent of the owner ofthe copyright.

    (3) Pour lapplication de la prsente loi sauf relativement la violation du droit dau-teur , une uvre ou un autre objet du droitdauteur nest pas rput publi, reprsent en

    public ou communiqu au public par tlcom-munication si le consentement du titulaire dudroit dauteur na pas t obtenu.

    Absence deconsentement dutitulaire du droitdauteur


    (4) Where, in the case of an unpublishedwork, the making of the work is extended overa considerable period, the conditions of this Actconferring copyright are deemed to have beencomplied with if the author was, during anysubstantial part of that period, a subject or citi-

    (4) Quand, dans le cas dune uvre non pu-blie, la cration de luvre stend sur une p-riode considrable, les conditions de la prsenteloi confrant le droit dauteur sont rputes ob-serves si lauteur, pendant une partie impor-tante de cette priode, tait sujet, citoyen ou r-

    uvre nonpublie

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    zen of, or a person ordinarily resident in, acountry to which this Act extends.

    1997, c. 24, s. 2.

    sident habituel dun pays vis par la prsenteloi.

    1997, ch. 24, art. 2.


    2.3 A person who communicates a work orother subject-matter to the public by telecom-munication does not by that act alone perform

    it in public, nor by that act alone is deemed toauthorize its performance in public.

    1997, c. 24, s. 2.

    2.3 Quiconque communique au public partlcommunication une uvre ou un autre objetdu droit dauteur ne les excute ni ne les repr-

    sente en public de ce fait, ni nest rput, duseul fait de cette communication, autoriser unetelle excution ou reprsentation en public.

    1997, ch. 24, art. 2.


    Communicationto the public bytelecommunica-tion

    2.4 (1) For the purposes of communicationto the public by telecommunication,

    (a)persons who occupy apartments, hotelrooms or dwelling units situated in the same

    building are part of the public, and a commu-nication intended to be received exclusively

    by such persons is a communication to thepublic;

    (b) a person whose only act in respect of thecommunication of a work or other subject-matter to the public consists of providing themeans of telecommunication necessary foranother person to so communicate the workor other subject-matter does not communi-cate that work or other subject-matter to the

    public; and

    (c) where a person, as part of(i) a network, within the meaning of theBroadcasting Act, whose operations result

    in the communication of works or othersubject-matter to the public, or

    (ii) any programming undertaking whoseoperations result in the communication ofworks or other subject-matter to the pub-lic,

    transmits by telecommunication a work orother subject-matter that is communicated tothe public by another person who is not a re-transmitter of a signal within the meaning ofsubsection 31(1), the transmission and com-munication of that work or other subject-

    matter by those persons constitute a singlecommunication to the public for which those

    persons are jointly and severally liable.

    2.4 (1) Les rgles qui suivent sappliquentdans les cas de communication au public partlcommunication:

    a) font partie du public les personnes qui oc-cupent les locaux dun mme immeubledhabitation, tel un appartement ou unechambre dhtel, et la communication quileur est exclusivement destine est une com-munication au public;

    b) neffectue pas une communication au pu-blic la personne qui ne fait que fournir untiers les moyens de tlcommunication n-cessaires pour que celui-ci leffectue;

    c) toute transmission par une personne partlcommunication, communique au public

    par une autre sauf le retransmetteur dunsignal, au sens du paragraphe 31(1) constitue une communication unique au pu-

    blic, ces personnes tant en loccurrence soli-daires, ds lors quelle seffectue par suite delexploitation mme dun rseau au sens dela Loi sur la radiodiffusion ou dune entre-

    prise de programmation.

    Communicationau public partlcommunica-tion

    Communicationto the public bytelecommunica-tion

    (1.1) For the purposes of this Act, communi-cation of a work or other subject-matter to the

    public by telecommunication includes makingit available to the public by telecommunicationin a way that allows a member of the public to

    (1.1) Pour lapplication de la prsente loi,constitue notamment une communication au

    public par tlcommunication le fait de mettre la disposition du public par tlcommunicationune uvre ou un autre objet du droit dauteur

    Communicationau public partlcommunica-tion

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    have access to it from a place and at a time in-dividually chosen by that member of the public.

    de manire que chacun puisse y avoir accs delendroit et au moment quil choisit individuel-lement.

    Regulations (2) The Governor in Council may make reg-ulations defining programming undertakingfor the purpose of paragraph (1)(c).

    (2) Le gouverneur en conseil peut, par rgle-ment, dfinir entreprise de programmation

    pour lapplication de lalina (1) c).


    Exception (3) A work is not communicated in the man-ner described in paragraph (1)(c) or 3(1)(f)where a signal carrying the work is retransmit-ted to a person who is a retransmitter within themeaning of subsection 31(1).

    1997, c. 24, s. 2; 2002, c. 26, s. 1; 2012, c. 20, s. 3.

    (3) La retransmission dun signal un re-transmetteur au sens du paragraphe 31(1) nest

    pas vise par les alinas (1) c) et 3(1)f).

    1997, ch. 24, art. 2; 2002, ch. 26, art. 1; 2012, ch. 20, art. 3.


    What constitutesrental

    2.5 (1) For the purposes of paragraphs3(1)(h) and (i), 15(1)(c) and 18(1)(c), an ar-rangement, whatever its form, constitutes arental of a computer program or sound record-ing if, and only if,

    (a) it is in substance a rental, having regardto all the circumstances; and(b) it is entered into with motive of gain inrelation to the overall operations of the per-son who rents out the computer program orsound recording, as the case may be.

    2.5 (1) Pour lapplication des alinas 3(1)h)et i), 15(1)c) et 18(1)c), quivaut une locationlaccord quelle quen soit la forme etcompte tenu des circonstances qui en a lanature et qui est conclu avec lintention de faireun gain dans le cadre des activits gnrales duloueur de programme dordinateur ou denre-gistrement sonore, selon le cas.


    Motive of gain (2) For the purpose of paragraph (1)(b), aperson who rents out a computer program orsound recording with the intention of recover-ing no more than the costs, including overhead,associated with the rental operations does not

    by that act alone have a motive of gain in rela-

    tion to the rental operations.1997, c. 24, s. 2.

    (2) Il ny a toutefois pas intention de faireun gain lorsque le loueur na que lintention derecouvrer les cots frais gnraux compris

    affrents la location.

    1997, ch. 24, art. 2.

    Intention duloueur


    2.6 The Governor in Council may make reg-ulations establishing distribution criteria for the

    purpose of paragraph (b) of the definition ex-clusive distributor in section 2.

    1997, c. 24, s. 2.

    2.6 Le gouverneur en conseil peut, par r-glement, fixer les critres de distribution pourlapplication de la dfinition de distributeurexclusif figurant larticle 2.

    1997, ch. 24, art. 2.



    2.7 For the purposes of this Act, an exclu-sive licence is an authorization to do any actthat is subject to copyright to the exclusion ofall others including the copyright owner,whether the authorization is granted by the

    owner or an exclusive licensee claiming underthe owner.

    1997, c. 24, s. 2.

    2.7 Pour lapplication de la prsente loi, unelicence exclusive est lautorisation accorde aulicenci daccomplir un acte vis par un droitdauteur de faon exclusive, quelle soit accor-de par le titulaire du droit dauteur ou par une

    personne dj titulaire dune licence exclusive;lexclusion vise tous les titulaires.

    1997, ch. 24, art. 2.


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    Copyright in


    3. (1) For the purposes of this Act, copy-right, in relation to a work, means the soleright to produce or reproduce the work or anysubstantial part thereof in any material formwhatever, to perform the work or any substan-tial part thereof in public or, if the work is un-

    published, to publish the work or any substan-tial part thereof, and includes the sole right

    (a) to produce, reproduce, perform or pub-lish any translation of the work,

    (b) in the case of a dramatic work, to con-vert it into a novel or other non-dramaticwork,

    (c) in the case of a novel or other non-dra-matic work, or of an artistic work, to convertit into a dramatic work, by way of perfor-mance in public or otherwise,

    (d) in the case of a literary, dramatic or mu-sical work, to make any sound recording,cinematograph film or other contrivance bymeans of which the work may be mechani-cally reproduced or performed,

    (e) in the case of any literary, dramatic, mu-sical or artistic work, to reproduce, adapt and

    publicly present the work as a cinemato-graphic work,

    (f) in the case of any literary, dramatic, mu-sical or artistic work, to communicate thework to the public by telecommunication,

    (g) to present at a public exhibition, for apurpose other than sale or hire, an artisticwork created after June 7, 1988, other than amap, chart or plan,

    (h) in the case of a computer program thatcan be reproduced in the ordinary course ofits use, other than by a reproduction during

    its execution in conjunction with a machine,device or computer, to rent out the computer


    (i) in the case of a musical work, to rent outa sound recording in which the work is em-

    bodied, and

    3. (1) Le droit dauteur sur luvre com-porte le droit exclusif de produire ou reproduirela totalit ou une partie importante de luvre,sous une forme matrielle quelconque, denexcuter ou den reprsenter la totalit ou une

    partie importante en public et, si luvre nestpas publie, den publier la totalit ou une par-tie importante; ce droit comporte, en outre, ledroit exclusif:

    a) de produire, reproduire, reprsenter oupublier une traduction de luvre;

    b) sil sagit dune uvre dramatique, de latransformer en un roman ou en une autre

    uvre non dramatique;c) sil sagit dun roman ou dune autreuvre non dramatique, ou dune uvre artis-tique, de transformer cette uvre en uneuvre dramatique, par voie de reprsentation

    publique ou autrement;

    d) sil sagit dune uvre littraire, drama-tique ou musicale, den faire un enregistre-ment sonore, film cinmatographique ouautre support, laide desquels luvre peuttre reproduite, reprsente ou excute m-caniquement;

    e) sil sagit dune uvre littraire, drama-tique, musicale ou artistique, de reproduire,dadapter et de prsenter publiquementluvre en tant quuvre cinmatogra-


    f) de communiquer au public, par tlcom-munication, une uvre littraire, dramatique,musicale ou artistique;

    g) de prsenter au public lors dune exposi-tion, des fins autres que la vente ou la loca-tion, une uvre artistique autre quune

    carte gographique ou marine, un plan ou ungraphique cre aprs le 7 juin 1988;

    h) de louer un programme dordinateur quipeut tre reproduit dans le cadre normal deson utilisation, sauf la reproduction effectue

    pendant son excution avec un ordinateur ouautre machine ou appareil;

    Droit dauteur

    sur luvre

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    (j) in the case of a work that is in the form ofa tangible object, to sell or otherwise transferownership of the tangible object, as long asthat ownership has never previously beentransferred in or outside Canada with the au-thorization of the copyright owner,

    and to authorize any such acts.

    i) sil sagit dune uvre musicale, denlouer tout enregistrement sonore;

    j) sil sagit dune uvre sous forme dunobjet tangible, deffectuer le transfert de pro-

    prit, notamment par vente, de lobjet, dansla mesure o la proprit de celui-ci na ja-

    mais t transfre au Canada ou ltrangeravec lautorisation du titulaire du droit dau-teur.

    Est inclus dans la prsente dfinition le droitexclusif dautoriser ces actes.


    (1.1) A work that is communicated in themanner described in paragraph (1)(f) is fixedeven if it is fixed simultaneously with its com-munication.

    (1.1) Dans le cadre dune communicationeffectue au titre de lalina (1)f), une uvreest fixe mme si sa fixation se fait au momentde sa communication.


    (1.2) to (4) [Repealed, 1997, c. 24, s. 3]R.S., 1985, c. C-42, s. 3; R.S., 1985, c. 10 (4th Supp.), s. 2;1988, c. 65, s. 62; 1993, c. 23, s. 2, c. 44, s. 55; 1997, c. 24,s. 3; 2012, c. 20, s. 4.

    (1.2) (4) [Abrogs, 1997, ch. 24, art. 3]L.R. (1985), ch. C-42, art. 3; L.R. (1985), ch. 10 (4e suppl.),

    art. 2; 1988, ch. 65, art. 62; 1993, ch. 23, art. 2, ch. 44, art.55; 1997, ch. 24, art. 3; 2012, ch. 20, art. 4.

    4. [Repealed, 1997, c. 24, s. 4] 4. [Abrog, 1997, ch. 24, art. 4]WORKSINWHICH COPYRIGHTMAY SUBSIST UVRESSUSCEPTIBLESDEFAIRELOBJETDUN


    Conditions forsubsistence ofcopyright

    5. (1) Subject to this Act, copyright shallsubsist in Canada, for the term hereinafter men-tioned, in every original literary, dramatic, mu-sical and artistic work if any one of the follow-ing conditions is met:

    (a) in the case of any work, whether pub-lished or unpublished, including a cinemato-graphic work, the author was, at the date ofthe making of the work, a citizen or subjectof, or a person ordinarily resident in, a treatycountry;

    (b) in the case of a cinematographic work,whether published or unpublished, the mak-er, at the date of the making of the cinemato-graphic work,

    (i) if a corporation, had its headquarters ina treaty country, or

    (ii) if a natural person, was a citizen orsubject of, or a person ordinarily residentin, a treaty country; or

    (c) in the case of a published work, includ-ing a cinematographic work,

    (i) in relation to subparagraph2.2(1)(a)(i), the first publication in such aquantity as to satisfy the reasonable de-

    5. (1) Sous rserve des autres dispositionsde la prsente loi, le droit dauteur existe auCanada, pendant la dure mentionne ci-aprs,sur toute uvre littraire, dramatique, musicaleou artistique originale si lune des conditionssuivantes est ralise:

    a)pour toute uvre publie ou non, y com-pris une uvre cinmatographique, lauteur

    tait, la date de sa cration, citoyen, sujetou rsident habituel dun pays signataire;

    b) dans le cas dune uvre cinmatogra-phique publie ou non , la date de sacration, le producteur tait citoyen, sujet oursident habituel dun pays signataire ouavait son sige social dans un tel pays;

    c) sil sagit dune uvre publie, y comprisune uvre cinmatographique, selon le cas:

    (i) la mise la disposition du publicdexemplaires de luvre en quantit suf-fisante pour satisfaire la demande raison-nable du public, compte tenu de la naturede luvre, a eu lieu pour la premire foisdans un pays signataire,

    (ii) ldification dune uvre architectu-rale ou lincorporation dune uvre artis-

    Conditionsdobtention dudroit dauteur

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    mands of the public, having regard to thenature of the work, occurred in a treatycountry, or

    (ii) in relation to subparagraph2.2(1)(a)(ii) or (iii), the first publicationoccurred in a treaty country.

    tique celle-ci, a eu lieu pour la premirefois dans un pays signataire.

    Protection forolder works

    (1.01) For the purposes of subsection (1), acountry that becomes a Berne Conventioncountry or a WTO Member after the date of themaking or publication of a work shall, as of be-coming a Berne Convention country or WTOMember, as the case may be, be deemed tohave been a Berne Convention country or WTOMember at the date of the making or publica-tion of the work, subject to subsection (1.02)and section 33.

    (1.01) Pour lapplication du paragraphe (1),le pays qui devient un pays partie la Conven-tion de Berne ou un membre de lOMC aprs ladate de cration ou de publication de luvreest rput avoir adhr la convention ou tredevenu membre de lOMC, selon le cas, compter de cette date, sous rserve du para-graphe (1.02) et de larticle 33.


    Limitation (1.02) Subsection (1.01) does not confercopyright protection in Canada on a work

    whose term of copyright protection in the coun-try referred to in that subsection had expired

    before that country became a Berne Conventioncountry or WTO Member, as the case may be.

    (1.02) Le paragraphe (1.01) ne confre au-cun droit la protection dune uvre au

    Canada lorsque la dure de protection accordepar le pays vis a expir avant que celui-ci nedevienne un pays partie la Convention deBerne ou un membre de lOMC, selon le cas.


    Application ofsubsections(1.01) and (1.02)

    (1.03) Subsections (1.01) and (1.02) apply,and are deemed to have applied, regardless ofwhether the country in question became aBerne Convention country or a WTO Member

    before or after the coming into force of thosesubsections.

    (1.03) Les paragraphes (1.01) et (1.02) sap-pliquent et sont rputs avoir t applicables,que le pays en question soit devenu un pays

    partie la Convention de Berne ou membre delOMC avant ou aprs leur entre en vigueur.

    Application desparagraphes(1.01) et (1.02)

    First publication (1.1) The first publication described in sub-paragraph (1)(c)(i) or (ii) is deemed to have oc-curred in a treaty country notwithstanding thatit in fact occurred previously elsewhere, if theinterval between those two publications did notexceed thirty days.

    (1.1) Est rpute avoir t publie pour lapremire fois dans un pays signataire luvrequi y est publie dans les trente jours quisuivent sa premire publication dans un autre



    Idem (1.2) Copyright shall not subsist in Canadaotherwise than as provided by subsection (1),except in so far as the protection conferred bythis Act is extended as hereinafter provided toforeign countries to which this Act does not ex-tend.

    (1.2) Le droit dauteur nexiste au Canadaquen application du paragraphe (1), sauf dansla mesure o la protection garantie par la pr-sente loi est tendue, conformment aux pres-criptions qui suivent, des pays trangers aux-quels la prsente loi ne sapplique pas.


    Minister mayextend copyright

    to othercountries

    (2) Where the Minister certifies by notice,published in the Canada Gazette, that anycountry that is not a treaty country grants or hasundertaken to grant, either by treaty, conven-tion, agreement or law, to citizens of Canada,the benefit of copyright on substantially thesame basis as to its own citizens or copyright

    protection substantially equal to that conferredby this Act, the country shall, for the purpose ofthe rights conferred by this Act, be treated as if

    (2) Si le ministre certifie par avis, publidans la Gazette du Canada, quun pays autrequun pays signataire accorde ou sest engag accorder, par trait, convention, contrat ou loi,aux citoyens du Canada les avantages du droitdauteur aux conditions sensiblement lesmmes qu ses propres citoyens, ou une pro-tection de droit dauteur rellement quivalente celle que garantit la prsente loi, ce pays esttrait, pour lobjet des droits confrs par la

    tendue du droitdauteur

    dautres pays

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    it were a country to which this Act extends, andthe Minister may give a certificate, notwith-standing that the remedies for enforcing therights, or the restrictions on the importation ofcopies of works, under the law of such country,differ from those in this Act.

    prsente loi, comme sil tait un pays tombantsous lapplication de la prsente loi; et il est loi-sible au ministre de dlivrer ce certificat, bienque les recours pour assurer lexercice du droitdauteur, ou les restrictions sur limportationdexemplaires des uvres, aux termes de la loi

    de ce pays, diffrent de ceux que prvoit la pr-sente loi.

    (2.1) [Repealed, 1994, c. 47, s. 57] (2.1) [Abrog, 1994, ch. 47, art. 57](3) to (6) [Repealed, 1997, c. 24, s. 5] (3) (6) [Abrogs, 1997, ch. 24, art. 5]


    (7) For greater certainty, the protection towhich a work is entitled by virtue of a notice

    published under subsection (2), or under thatsubsection as it read at any time before thecoming into force of this subsection, is not af-fected by reason only of the country in question

    becoming a treaty country.

    R.S., 1985, c. C-42, s. 5; 1993, c. 15, s. 2, c. 44, s. 57;1994, c. 47, s. 57; 1997, c. 24, s. 5; 2001, c. 34, s. 34.

    (7) Il est entendu que le fait, pour le pays vi-s, de devenir un pays signataire ne modifie enrien la protection confre par lavis publiconformment au paragraphe (2), en son tatactuel ou en tout tat antrieur lentre en vi-gueur du prsent paragraphe.

    L.R. (1985), ch. C-42, art. 5; 1993, ch. 15, art. 2, ch. 44, art.57; 1994, ch. 47, art. 57; 1997, ch. 24, art. 5; 2001, ch. 34,

    art. 34.

    Protection ducertificat


    Term ofcopyright

    6. The term for which copyright shall subsistshall, except as otherwise expressly provided

    by this Act, be the life of the author, the re-mainder of the calendar year in which the au-thor dies, and a period of fifty years followingthe end of that calendar year.

    R.S., 1985, c. C-42, s. 6; 1993, c. 44, s. 58.

    6. Sauf disposition contraire expresse de laprsente loi, le droit dauteur subsiste pendantla vie de lauteur, puis jusqu la fin de la cin-quantime anne suivant celle de son dcs.

    L.R. (1985), ch. C-42, art. 6; 1993, ch. 44, art. 58.

    Dure du droitdauteur

    Anonymous andpseudonymousworks

    6.1 Except as provided in section 6.2, wherethe identity of the author of a work is unknown,

    copyright in the work shall subsist for whichev-er of the following terms ends earlier:

    (a) a term consisting of the remainder of thecalendar year of the first publication of thework and a period of fifty years followingthe end of that calendar year, and

    (b) a term consisting of the remainder of thecalendar year of the making of the work anda period of seventy-five years following theend of that calendar year,

    but where, during that term, the authors identi-

    ty becomes commonly known, the term provid-ed in section 6 applies.

    1993, c. 44, s. 58.

    6.1 Sous rserve de larticle 6.2, lorsquelidentit de lauteur dune uvre nest pas

    connue, le droit dauteur subsiste jusqu cellede ces deux dates qui survient en premier:

    a) soit la fin de la cinquantime anne sui-vant celle de la premire publication deluvre;

    b) soit la fin de la soixante-quinzime annesuivant celle de la cration de luvre.

    Toutefois, lorsque, durant cette priode, liden-tit de lauteur devient gnralement connue,cest larticle 6 qui sapplique.

    1993, ch. 44, art. 58.

    uvresanonymes etpseudonymes

    Anonymous andpseudonymousworks of jointauthorship

    6.2 Where the identity of all the authors of awork of joint authorship is unknown, copyrightin the work shall subsist for whichever of thefollowing terms ends earlier:

    6.2 Lorsque lidentit des coauteurs duneuvre cre en collaboration nest pas connue,le droit dauteur subsiste jusqu celle de cesdeux dates qui survient en premier:

    uvresanonymes etpseudonymes decollaboration

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    (a) a term consisting of the remainder of thecalendar year of the first publication of thework and a period of fifty years followingthe end of that calendar year, and

    (b) a term consisting of the remainder of thecalendar year of the making of the work and

    a period of seventy-five years following theend of that calendar year,

    but where, during that term, the identity of oneor more of the authors becomes commonlyknown, copyright shall subsist for the life ofwhichever of those authors dies last, the re-mainder of the calendar year in which that au-thor dies, and a period of fifty years followingthe end of that calendar year.

    1993, c. 44, s. 58.

    a) soit la fin de la cinquantime anne sui-vant celle de la premire publication deluvre;

    b) soit la fin de la soixante-quinzime annesuivant celle de la cration de luvre.

    Toutefois, lorsque, durant cette priode, liden-tit de un ou plusieurs des coauteurs devientgnralement connue, le droit dauteur subsiste

    pendant la vie du dernier survivant de ces au-teurs, puis jusqu la fin de la cinquantime an-ne suivant celle de son dcs.

    1993, ch. 44, art. 58.

    Term ofcopyright in


    7. (1) Subject to subsection (2), in the caseof a literary, dramatic or musical work, or anengraving, in which copyright subsists at thedate of the death of the author or, in the case ofa work of joint authorship, at or immediately

    before the date of the death of the author whodies last, but which has not been published or,in the case of a lecture or a dramatic or musicalwork, been performed in public or communi-cated to the public by telecommunication, be-fore that date, copyright shall subsist until pub-lication, or performance in public orcommunication to the public by telecommuni-cation, whichever may first happen, for the re-

    mainder of the calendar year of the publicationor of the performance in public or communica-tion to the public by telecommunication, as thecase may be, and for a period of fifty years fol-lowing the end of that calendar year.

    7. (1) Sous rserve du paragraphe (2), lors-quune uvre littraire, dramatique ou musi-cale, ou une gravure, qui est encore protge la date de la mort de lauteur ou, dans le cas desuvres cres en collaboration, la date de lamort de lauteur qui dcde le dernier na past publie ni, en ce qui concerne une conf-rence ou une uvre dramatique ou musicale,excute ou reprsente en public ou communi-que au public par tlcommunication avantcette dat

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