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Detroit LionsRuss Werra

November 17th, 2015CAP305 Sec 2 Fall 2015

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Table of Contents:

Executive Summary 1-3

Promotional Targeting and Objectives:Message 3-4

Target Market Profile 4-5

Objectives 5

Objective One 6

Objective Two 6

Objective Three 6

Promotions:Promotional Mix 6-7

Promotion One 7-8

Promotion One Visual Aid 9

Promotion Two 10-11

Promotion Two Visual Aid 12

Promotion Three 13-14

Promotion Three Visual Aid 15

Sources/Works Cited 16

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Executive Summary:


On behalf of the Detroit Lions Organization we are happy to introduce to you our new ad

campaign to bring not only bring the product of sports but also have an impact on the young

minds of our youth. Today we are introducing the ad campaign #LionSmart. This campaign will

have many different components to it including a sales based component, a brand based

component, and a social media based component. This ad campaign will be run to impact the

young kids in Michigan. Many young kids look up to star athletes, by running this campaign we

hope to impact and motivate kids to strive off the field not just on the field. We want to

emphasize on the School side of the athlete and how the athletes are not just big athletic monster

but they are also very intelligent human beings. We plan to do this in various ways such as,

Social media school related trivia, player visits to schools around Michigan, rewarding kids for

their success in school, and many other promotional concepts. If the players in our organization

can impact the kids around the state not only do we help them we also help our organization by

gaining new followers.

Message/Target Market

The message we are sending is that the Detroit Lions are smart. With this campaign we

are targeting kids ages ten to fifteen, who are actively involved in sports or are connected in

some way with sports, whom also are enrolled in school within Michigan and has an

understanding for technology. This target market is perfect because of the amount of influence

others have on them whether that be their friend, family, teacher, coach, or any other connection

they have. Also with this target market you find a lot of them are trying to fit in or be the cool,

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with this campaign we hope to be able to influence one with expectations of them influencing



We are creating this campaign with hopes to increase brand awareness, social media

involvement, and increase merchandise sales. We choose these objectives based on the target

market and what areas we felt they needed to be introduced to more heavily and these goals we

felt were very realistic and attainable. The Objectives will be met by the help of our great

promotional ideas based on our ad campaign #LionSmart.

Promotional Component Brief

The promotions will be incentive based. They are all intertwined by the ad campaign and

are centered around Kids and their focus on school. The first promotion we plan give back to the

schools in the area and try to build up a good public image for our brand as well as influence the

kids and motivate the kids to aim there focus on school and have athletics come second we plan

to do this by visiting schools around the area. The second promotion we are trying to get the

target market more engaged in Social media by having the players posting trivia questions on

various school topics with awarding those who answer correctly with prizes such as memorabilia

and Lions Gear, the winners will be picked at random with hopes to not only increase social

media involvement but also get the kids thinking. The Third promotion we are going to give the

kids incentives for doing well in school. We plan to do this by rewarding them when they present

a photocopy of their report card with either some sort of memorabilia such as a t-shirt or some

sort of discount on other more expensive memorabilia. These we feel are very realistic

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promotions with fairly attainable goals nothing to crazy which is why I think this campaign will

turn out to be a success for the Detroit Lions.


We feel that the way we approach our target market via our ads and other great

promotions will draw them into participating with at least one of our promotional ideas. We also

feel with the target market they will influence others as well as be influenced drawing a bigger

crowd. Technology is another great reason this campaign will be a success. You as a reader can

expect to be entertained by our promotions and will see why we think that the way we market

ourselves as whole will end up resulting in meeting our goals we set for ourselves with this


Message Statement: The Detroit Lions are smart.

I am selling this entity because everyone looks at athletes as another dumb jock and so they are

known for their athleticism, not their intelligence. But what many don’t know is a lot of these

football players are very intelligent. Before entering the league all football players trying to take

the next step and become professional must take a test called the Wonderlic Personnel Test also

known as the WPT. As stated in an article by assessment psychology, “today more than 2.5

million job applicants in companies across the nation are given the Wonderlic test as part of the

hiring process” (Assessment Psychology Online, 2005). This being said the athletes are taking

the same test as many normal successors in the world yet they are generally labelled as dumb

jocks. The average offensive lineman scores a 26 this is as high as the normal news writer and

higher than your normal sales or bank teller. This goes to show that football players are not as

dumb as many people think they are. Many of the most successful people in the United States are

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current or past football players. One example is Peyton Manning, his net worth is “185 million

dollars” (The Richest, 2015). This was stated in an article on the richest, this net worth is not just

based on football salary but also entrepreneurial investments such as Papa Johns. What I am

trying to get at with this is that most athletes have a lot more intelligence than they are perceived

to have. I am also selling this entity to motivate little kids who are involved in athletics to not

just focus on athletics but also on school. The emotions I am trying to grasp with this entity is

motivation. Kids see their idols doing something which in the end makes them want to do the

same thing they want to be who they look up too. If we sell the intelligence of the team then the

kids will want to succeed in school as well as on the field just like their idols. The Value I am

trying to infuse with this is to focus in school and it will show not only in the classroom but also

in athletics.

Target Market: Kids Ages 10-15 who live within Michigan

This is different from the current customer base because you are targeting the fans who do not

have any income and rely on their parents for any spending they do. I believe this is a great target

market because you are targeting them at such a young age and an age that they are highly

influenced by those around them. This meaning if there friend is a fan then they want to be a fan

because they want to be like their friend, and or they want to be “cool.” By targeting young you

can develop a strong fan base as well as a loyal fan. If you can influence their life in anyway and

have a great impact on them at a young age they are more prone to become a life-long fan. This

is also an age that they are influenced by those idols they have.

Kids who live in Metropolitan Detroit Ages: 10-15, in school, Lack in motivation, who idolize

athletes, is involved in athletics, enjoys being around friends and family, is influenced by those

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around them, struggling in school due to effort, spends the weekends playing and watching

sports with friends and family, uses technology daily, Huge sports fan .

The benefits, needs, and wants they have at this age are very similar and really go hand in hand.

They seek at this age is acceptance, this is the age at which kids are influenced the most. Kids

want to be “cool”, they want to fit in, they want to be like their peers, they are very influenced,

they look up and idolize those older than them, and they are really trying to find themselves.

They need the latest and greatest things whether this be clothing, accessories, or even

technology. They also have a social need meaning they need to know what’s going on around the

world they need to know the latest gossip or sports news, this goes along with the want and

benefits of fitting in with the crowd. The decision maker in this case would pry be the kids

parental figure. They are the ones who make most of the decisions for their kids at these ages,

especially the financial decisions. Their motive to purchase is based on their wants and benefits.

They make purchases based on what’s in and trending, as well as what their peers have. If their

peers have Nike shoes, they want Nike shoes, if their peers have a Calvin Johnson jersey, they

want a Calvin Johnson jersey. This is what I mean by they are very influenced by those around

them and solidifies why I think this is a good target market.

Objectives: The Main objective is to really emphasize that there is more to athletes than the

athleticism that is shown on the field and that there is a focus on not just athletics but also

academics. I want the organization to have an impact on the kids around Michigan academically

and to motivate and help them strive in the classroom as well as on the field. What I am trying to

promote to my target market is to focus more on school than on athletics because athletics can

only get you so far, and there is still life after athletics.

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Objective one (Brand Based): To increase brand awareness by 5% among my target market over

the course of a Season. I choose to accomplish this because the target market is not aware of the

athletes off the field. I plan to measure this by the use of the hashtag on social media.

Objective two (Social Media Based): To increase social media involvement by 7% among my

target market by the midway point of the season. I choose this because we want our target market

actively interested in our social media pages and to advertise our players to the kids at a young

age and keep them interested. You can measure this by the involvement in such a social media

based thing.

Objective three (Sales Based): To increase merchandise sales by 6% among my target market

within the first half of the season. I choose to accomplish this because the more merchandise you

sell the more you get your name out there, and with my target market being influenced by their

peers I feel like this is a fairly easy objective to be met. I will measure this by the sales of youth

and kids clothing, memorabilia, accessories and more.

Promotional Overview: The Overall Concept of the Promotions is to incentivize the kids in a

way to really make them realize how important academics are, making them focus more heavily

on school, and encourage them to do better in school. The hopes of our promotion is to have an

impact on our target market in some way in an academic sense. Our promotions are created to

encourage them, keep them to continue thinking and reward them for their academic

achievements. We created the campaign #LionSmart to really focus on a new target market a

younger than normal one with the hopes of impacting them in some way shape or form.

Everything in this campaign is school focused which is how our promotional mix all fits

together. We choose this because school is important and it starts at a young age, also the target

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market we choose is very influenced by those around them so what better way to influence them

than through their favorite sports team or favorite athlete.

Promotional Idea number one (Brand Based): The title of my promotion is called Saved by the

Lions. This promotion is part of the #LionSmart Campaign. I choose this title based off the show

Saved by the Bell and old school related television series. This promotion is brand focused and

really want to impact the Detroit Lions brand and show that the Lions are a lot more than

athletes. I plan to accomplish this by having the athletes go around to a select few of the

Metropolitan Detroit area schools speaking to students about the importance of school, reading to

them, helping them in school, and giving back to the community. This will make the students

aware of the intelligence of the athletes, while making them realize that they have to also do well

in school not just on the field to excel in whatever sport . The schools will be selected by

random. To be selected a teacher must submit their class, then a school will be drawn at random.

This will happen once a week only on weeks of home games because of the time of travel. The

Lucky few who win this will get a visit from a group of about six lions and will get to meet, take

pictures with, get autographs from and eat lunch with them. This will take part early on in the

week because of the busy practice week for all of the athletes. Each athlete will take part in this

promotion. This will be funded by the MDE (Michigan Department of Education), MHSAA

(Michigan High School Athletic Association), Ford, Subway and Many other sponsorships. The

Lunch will be provided by Subway one of our sponsors of not only this promotion but a sponsor

of the ad campaign. I choose the Primary sponsorship of MDE and MHSAA because we want to

have an impact on the future of the kids and emphasize that it is academics first and athletics

second. We choose Subway as our secondary sponsor and provider of food because eating

healthy not only benefits your body but it also benefits your mind. This is different than any

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involvement the lions have. The closest thing to this that the Lions are involved in is Play 60, but

this is more school oriented rather than physical activity based. This is part of the incentives

promotional mix because it will encourage the kids to do better in school, and give them that

extra motive. When they hear their idols talking about school and success it will incentivize them

to want to do better not only on the field but also in the classroom. It will impact my target

market forever and give them really an experience of a life time. It will also hopefully impact

their school work. We believe that this promotion is very plausible and will have a major impact

on our target market and can create an increase in our fan base in the long run. We feel that the

biggest strength of this promotion is the impact it will have on the kids, every kid dreams of

meeting their favorite athlete this will create a memory that will be remembered forever. The

Weakness of this promotion is getting the athletes to work around their weekly practice schedule

in order to take part in this. However I think overall this promotion will be of great success and

meet the objectives set for it. Below is a visual aid of one of the Advertisements we will use. It is

a picture of the cast of Save by the Bell but with Lions Players faces photo shopped into it. I used

Save by the Bell not only in my name for the promotion but also in the advertisement because it

is a relatable school oriented television series to connect the focus of our campaign as well as our


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Promotional Idea number one Visual Aid:

Saved By The Lions


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Promotional Idea number two (Social Media Based): The title of the second promotion is are

you smarter than a Lion? I chose this title name because it is similar to the game show are you

smarter than a fifth grader, but with a little lion twist. This promotion idea is a social media

focused. We plan to set up a trivia based promotion where we will have the athletes post school

related question on a day to day basis on various social media pages those who answer the

question correct will have a chance to win a prize. Each day we will be drawing five winners at

random from those who answered the question correctly. We hope to get our target market

involved more heavily in the social media sense and we plan on friends and family being a big

influencer in this, in the sense of if someone they know wins one of the prizes it will likely make

them want to take part in it. The prizes will be some sort of Detroit Lions memorabilia ranging

from a T-shirt, to a foam claw, all the way to a jersey. The prizes will be paid for by our sponsors

of the ad campaign. We hope for the outcome not only to be an increase in the social media

involvement, but also to have the kids learn something in the process. This promotion is also a

part of the ad campaign Lion Smart. Right now we do not have any promotions similar to this

one and are hoping to increase our social media presence within the organization. This is also an

incentives promotion, but unlike the last one you will be rewarded with an actual prize such as a

T-shirt, which will be the incentive to take part in this promotion. We also have the hopes of

having the athletes post and come up with the questions, to have a player and kid interaction in a

sense. This promotion impacts the children and makes them actively think throughout the week

outside of the classroom as well as reward them for their intelligence. This idea is very feasible

and can easily meet the objective of increasing social media involvement. We feel the biggest

strength to this promotion is the social media presence in the day and age we live in making it

that much more effective. The weakness to it is that we will really have to advertise a lot to get

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the ball running. Attached Below is the first advertisement we plan to hand out at the first Lions

Home game. The Advertisement is a Billy Madison poster with Matthew Stafford Photo shopped

in as Billy Madison. I choose this because Billy Madison not only is a School related film where

he goes back through school as an adult but also because no kid wants to end up like him. I

choose Matthew Stafford as the face for the photo shop because he is really one of the main faces

of the Detroit Lions.

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Promotional Idea number two visual Aid:

Matthew Stafford



Are You Smarter Than A

Lion ?

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Promotional Idea number three (Sales Based): The Third and final Promotion is a sales based

promotion. The name of this promotion is called Lion Scholarly Discount. I choose that name

because I felt it fit for this promotion. This promotion is an incentives promotion, rewarding

those kids who do well in school. This promotion will be run at every home game throughout the

year. Each kid who brings in a photo copy of their most recent report card will get 10% off for

each A received, 5% off for each B received, and 3% off for each C received. The maximum

discount you can receive being 50% off, or simply a reward of our special Lion Smart T-shirt

Free. This discount will be limited to One Detroit Lions Souvenir and will be run in all of the fan

shops in Ford Field. The Promotion we hope will get people in the fan shops and end up buying

more than just the one souvenir. So in a sense we are rewarding the Kids for their academic

accomplishment while also luring them into the fan shop where it is filled with Detroit Lions

Gear. The hopes are that with this promotion we will see an increase in sales of Detroit Lions

Memorabilia. This is an incentive focused promotion, rewarding the kids with a discount or a

free Lion Smart T-shirt encouraging kids to do well in school and they will be rewarded. This

also is true in real life if kids do well in school they will be rewarded in the long run whether that

is a scholarship or even eventually a degree. There are many discounts given throughout the year

at Ford Field but none of them are focused at kids and associated with school so this is how our

promotion differs from any of the normal promotional discounts. This is a very plausible

promotion, who doesn’t like being rewarded for their hard work whether that be in the classroom

or even on the field. The Strengths to this promotion is that it is very encouraging to the kids

when you are rewarding them for doing well in school. The weaknesses is that we will really

have to work hard at advertising and making people aware, in order to get the results we hope for

and get people to bring in photo copies of their report card. This promotion is also part of the

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Lion Smart campaign. Attached below is a visual aid of one of the Lion Smart T-shirts which

will be given out for this promotion. On the Front is a Lion holding a book and pencil as a

symbol of school or academics, along with a flag with the Lions Logo. On the Back Is the

Campaign title followed by some of the sponsors who have made this Campaign possible,

without their funding, donations, and sponsorship this whole campaign would not have been

possible nor would any of these promotions.

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Promotional Idea number three Visual Aid:



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Works CitedAssessment Psychology Online. (2005, March 1). NFL Testing Provides Valuable Lesson for All

Employers. Retrieved from Assessment Psychology: http://www.assessmentpsychology.com/nfl.htm

The Richest. (2015). Richest NFL Players. Retrieved from The Richest: http://www.therichest.com/celebnetworth/athletes/nfl/peyton-manning-net-worth/

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