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Page 1: Capacitive Displacement Sensors – Nanometrology Solutions · PI capacitive sensors provide sub-nm resolution and are ideally suited for nanometrology applications. The graph shows

Capacitive Displacement Sensors –Nanometrology SolutionsMeasuring Displacement, Vibration, Rounout, Thickness ...

Page 2: Capacitive Displacement Sensors – Nanometrology Solutions · PI capacitive sensors provide sub-nm resolution and are ideally suited for nanometrology applications. The graph shows


Capacitive Position Sensors Selection Guide

Models* Nominal Extended Material* Notes

Measurement Measurement

Range [µm]* Range [µm]*

Capacitive Displacement Sensors – Selection Guide

D-510.020 20 to 100 Steel PISeca™ single-electrode capacitive sensor probes Sub-D-510.050 50 to 250 Steel nanometer resolution and excellent linearity, easy setup, D-510.100 100 to 500 Steel extended measurement ranges on request

D-015 15 45 Aluminum Capacitive 2-plate position sensors with sub-nanometerD-050 50 150 Aluminum resolution, other materials on requestD-100 100 300 Aluminum

Models* Linearity Resolution (% of full Max. Channels Notes

scale measurements Bandwidth

range, @ max. bandwidth) (kHz)

Signal Conditioner Electronics / Controllers – Selection Guide

E-852 <0.1 % <0.002 6.6 1 Compact signal conditioner for PISeca™ single plate sensors, one channel

Signal conditioner module for PISeca™E-509.E03 <0.1 % <0.002 10 3 single-electrode sensors, optional upgrade

with display or PC interface/display module

Servo controller module for PISeca™ E-509.E3 <0.1 % <0.002 10 3 single-electrode sensors, optional upgrade

with display or PC interface/display module

Servo controller module for piezo nano-E-509.CxA <0.05 % 0.0005 3 1 to 3 positioning systems featuring two-plate

sensors, upgradable with piezo amplifier module, display or PC interface/display module

E-509.E03 3-channel signal conditioner module in an E-501 9.5“ chassis (left) with an E-515 display module, PISeca™ sensor probes D-510.050, D-510.020 and D-510.100 in front (from left)

Capacitive 2-plate sensors with control electronics. Standard sensor models D-015, D-050 and D-100 (front, left to right) and a selection of custom sensors, E-509.C3A 3-channel sensor / servo controller module in an E-501 chassis in the background

Custom, 7-channel, capacitive position sensor electronics

*Custom dimensions, sensors, designs for volume buyers

For Tutorial and Glossary see p. 10 ff

*Custom dimensions, sensors, designs for volume buyers

Page 3: Capacitive Displacement Sensors – Nanometrology Solutions · PI capacitive sensors provide sub-nm resolution and are ideally suited for nanometrology applications. The graph shows


Piezo • Nano • Positioning

Measuring Straightness and

Flatness / Active Cross-Talk


Excellent resolution in straight-ness and flatness measure-ments over long travel ranges isachieved with capacitive singleelectrode sensors. One applica-tion is measuring cross-talk innanopositioning. Crosstalk, off-axis motion from one actuator inthe motion direction of another,is detected immediately andactively compensated out by theservo-loops. The high sensorbandwidth provides excellentdynamic performance.

Measuring Displacement

with Nanometer Precision

Capacitive displacement sen-sors measure the shortest ofdistances with highest reliabili-ty. The quantity measured isthe change of capacitance be-tween sensor plate and the tar-get surface using a homogen-ous electric field. Accuracies inthe sub-nanometer range areregularly achieved. Absolutemeasurement is possible with awell-adjusted, calibrated sys-tem.

Nanopositioning / Closed-

Loop Systems

One application of high-resolu-tion displacement measure-ment is for nanopositioning.Two-plate capacitive sensorscan measure distance, andhence position, of a movingobject with excellent precision.The high sensor bandwidthallows closed-loop control inhigh-dynamics applications.

Parallel Metrology / High-

Precision Multi-Axis


Closed-loop, multi-axis nano-positioning tasks are realizedwith high-performance posi-tioners that make use of directmetrology and parallel kine-matics. This allows measuringall degrees of freedom at thesame time, which compensatesguiding errors (Active Trajec-tory Control concept). Here,capacitance gauges are themost precise measuring sys-tems available, and give thebest position resolution results.

Force Sensors with

Micronewton Sensitivity

Single-electrode capacitivesensors, which measure sub-nanometer displacement froma distance with no contact, arefrequently used as high-resolu-tion force sensors. In a systemhaving suitably well-definedstiffness, the measured dis-placements translate to forceswith resolutions in the micro-newton range, all without influ-encing the process being meas-ured.

Vibration, Flatness, Thickness

The high dynamics of thePISeca™ capacitive gauge sys-tem even allows measure-ments of vibrations and oscilla-tions with excellent resolution.Flatness of a rotating work-piece or differences in thick-ness in the nanometer rangecan be detected. One field ofapplication is in the productionof disk drives or in active com-pensation of vibration.

Tip / Tilt Measurement and


Integrating capacitive sensorsin a system is a good way tomeasure tip/tilt motion precise-ly. The moved object’s tip angleis measured differentially, and,if required, compensated out.

Out-of-Plane Measurement /

Constant-Height Scans /

Out-of-Round Measurement

Compensation of undulatingand oscillating motion, e.g. inconstant height scans or inwhite-light interferometry, areapplications for which capaci-tive sensors are especially wellsuited.

Layer Thickness with

Sub-Micron Accuracy

Measuring the thickness of afilm or layer of non-conductingmaterial on a moving, conduc-tive, surface (e.g. a rotatingdrum) is an ideal job for capac-itive sensors due to their non-contact operation and theirhigh dynamic performance.

Applications for Capacitive Position Sensors

Page 4: Capacitive Displacement Sensors – Nanometrology Solutions · PI capacitive sensors provide sub-nm resolution and are ideally suited for nanometrology applications. The graph shows

One- and Two-plate Sensors

Capacitive sensors perform non-contact measurements of geo-metric quantities representingdistance, displacement, separa-tion, position, length or other lin-ear dimensions with sub-nanometer accuracy. PI offerscapacitive sensors for the inte-gration in user applications intwo-plate-capacitor versions forhighest performance and asPISeca™ single-electrode sen-sors, for more flexibility and eas-ier integration.

Measurement Principle

The measurement principle inboth cases is the same: twoconductive surfaces set up ahomogenous electric field; forshort distances, the appliedvoltage is proportional to thedistance between the plates.Dual-plate sensors measure thedistance between two well-defined sensor plates withcarefully aligned surfaceswhich generate the most accu-rate electric field and henceprovide optimal results. Single-plate capacitive sensors meas-ure the capacitance againstelectrically conductive refer-ences, such as metallic plates,and are very convenient toinstall and connect.

PI Solutions for Nano-Measuring / Positioning

Nanopositioning and


PI offers the widest range ofhigh-dynamics and high-reso-lution nanopositioning systemsworldwide. The precision andrepeatability achieved wouldnot be possible without high-est-resolution measuringdevices. Capacitive sensors arethe metrology system of choicefor the most demandingnanopositioning applications.The sensors and the equallyimportant excitation and read-out electronics are developedand manufactured at PI byexpert teams with longstand-ing experience.

Test and Calibration

PI’s nanometrology calibrationlaboratories are seismically,electromagnetically and ther-mally isolated, and conform tomodern international stan-dards.

PI calibrates every capacitivemeasurement system individu-ally, optimizing the perform-ance for the customer’s appli-cation. Such precision is thebasis of all PI products, stan-dard and customized, andassures optimum results in themost varied of applications.


Standard D-015, D-050, D-100 2-plate sensors (front from left) and a selection of custom sensors

The P-752.11C piezo nanopositioning system with integratedcapacitive sensors provides position resolution down to 0.1 nm

Properties of PI Nanomeasuring Sensors

� Measurement Ranges from 10 up to 500 µm and More

� Sub-Nanometer Position Resolution

� Non-Contact Absolute Measurement of Displacement /

Motion / Vibration

� Immune to Wear and Tear

� Ideal for Multi-Axis Applications

� Improved Linearity with ILS Signal Electronics

� High Bandwidth up to 10 kHz

� Measures Position of the Moved Interface (Direct Metrology)

� High Temperature and Long-Term Stability

� Vacuum Compatible

� Compact 1- and 2-Electrode Sensors, Custom Designs

� Guard-Ring Electrode Eliminates Boundary Effects

PI's state-of-the-art, room-in-room nanometrologycalibration lab with multiple thermal, acoustic and seismic isolation for meaningful sub-nanometer measurements.


Page 5: Capacitive Displacement Sensors – Nanometrology Solutions · PI capacitive sensors provide sub-nm resolution and are ideally suited for nanometrology applications. The graph shows

Piezo • Nano • Positioning


In the field of nanopositioning,as well as for scanning andmetrology applications, capaci-tive measurement systemsfrom PI provide highest accura-cy available at various meas-urement ranges. Capacitivesensors achieve the best possi-ble measurement linearity andexcellent long-term stability.The sensors provide contact-free measurement of the actualposition of the moving part(direct metrology) with sub-nanometer precision. Accuracy,linearity, resolution, stabilityand bandwidth are far betterthan with conventional nano-metrology sensors like LVDT orstrain gauge sensors.

Non-contact operation meansno parasitic forces influencingthe application and results inmeasurement free of frictionand hysteresis.

Function, Properties, Advantages

Guard-Ring Design for

Improved Linearity

Sensor design has a stronginfluence on linearity. Thesuperior PI design uses aguard-ring electrode that elimi-nates sensor electrode bound-ary effects. This ensures ahomogenous field in the meas-urement zone and results inhigher measuring linearity.

Single- and Multi-Channel


PI’s signal conditioner electron-ics are specially designed forhigh bandwidth, linearity andultra-low noise and are perfect-ly matched to the various PIsensor probes. PI offers signalconditioner electronics andcontrollers for one to threechannels. The E-509 multi-channel modules plug into themodular E-500 / E-501 con-

troller chassis. Bandwidth andmeasurement range can be fac-tory-set to meet the specificneeds of each application. TheE-852 one-channel signal con-ditioner electronics for PISeca™single-plate sensors are de-signed as stand-alone systemswith user-selectable bandwidthand range setting and can besynchronized to operate inmulti-channel applications.

Higher Linearity through

ILS Electronics

All of PI’s signal conditioningelectronics are equipped withthe PI proprietary ILS lineariza-tion circuit that minimizes non-parallelism errors.

Easy Handling and Integration

PISeca™ single-electrode sen-sors are particularly easy toinstall in a measurement sys-tem. On the single-channelelectronics, an LED-bar indi-cates the optimum probe-to-target gap for the differentmeasurement range settings.The multi-channel electronicscome optionally with displaysand/or a PC interface on a mod-ule in the same housing.

Ideal for Closed-Loop Piezo


Closed-loop nanopositioningsystems may be controlled bysensor / servo-controller mod-ules of PI’s E-500 series. Suchmodules are available for con-necting up to three positionsensors, either stand-alone orintegrated into the motion sys-tem. Closed-loop operationeliminates the drift and hys-teresis that otherwise affectpiezo actuators.

For nanopositioning tasks withthe most stringent accuracyrequirements PI offers high-end digital controllers.

PI capacitive sensors provide sub-nm resolution and are ideally suited for nanometrology applications. The graph shows piezo stage motion (0.3 nm steps)

D-510.050 with LEMO connector

for easy handling

Capacitive 2-plate sensors from PI, here D-100.00

measured with a PI capacitive sensor (lower curve) and a laser interferometer.

Page 6: Capacitive Displacement Sensors – Nanometrology Solutions · PI capacitive sensors provide sub-nm resolution and are ideally suited for nanometrology applications. The graph shows


Ordering Information


PISeca™ Single-ElectrodeCapacitive Sensor Probe, 8 mm diameter, 20 µm nominal range


PISeca™ Single-ElectrodeCapacitive Sensor Probe, 12 mmdiameter, 50 µm nominal range


PISeca™ Single-ElectrodeCapacitive Sensor Probe, 20 mmdiameter, 100 µm nominal range

Ask about custom designs!

D-510PISeca™ Single-Electrode Capacitive Sensors for Sub-Nanometer Precision Measurements

� Non-Contact Measurement for Distance / Motion / Vibration

� Absolute Position Sensing

� Sub-Nanometer Resolution

� Measurement Ranges to 500 µm

� Easy Integration

� High Bandwidth

PISeca™ high-precision single electrode capacitive sensor probes. From left: D-510.050 with 50 µm, D-510.020 with 20 µm, D-510.100 with 100 µm nominal measurement range

D-510.020, D-510.050 andD-510.100 capacitive sen-

sor probes, dimensions inmm. Sensor connection

LEMO FFC00.650.CLA.543,triaxial, cable length 1 m

Technical Data

D-510.020 D-510.050 D-510.100 Unit

Sensor type Single-electrode, Single-electrode, Single-electrode,capacitive capacitive capacitive

Measurement accuracy

Nominal measurement range* 20 50 100 µm

Min. gap 10 25 50 µm

Max. gap 150 375 750 µm

Static resolution** <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 % of measurement range

Dynamic resolution** <0.002 <0.002 <0.002 % of measurement range

Linearity*** <0.2 <0.1 <0.1 %

Mechanical properties

Sensor active diameter 3.8 6 8.4 mm

Sensor active area 11.2 27.9 56.1 mm2

Sensor diameter 8 12 20 mm

Sensor area 50.3 113.1 314.0 mm2

Mounting shaft diameter 8 8 8 mm


Operating temperature range -20 to +100 -20 to +100 -20 to +100 °C

Material Stainless steel Stainless steel Stainless steel

Mass 8 10 16 g

Recommended signal E-852.10 E-852.10 E-852.10conditioner electronics

* Extended measurement ranges available for calibration with E-852 signal conditioner electronics** Static resolution: bandwidth 10 Hz, dynamic: bandwidth 6.6 kHz, with E-852.10 signal conditioner electronics

*** Linearity over nominal measurement range

Application Examples

� Semiconductor technology / test & measurement

� Data storage

� Automotive industry

� Metrology

� Precision machining

Page 7: Capacitive Displacement Sensors – Nanometrology Solutions · PI capacitive sensors provide sub-nm resolution and are ideally suited for nanometrology applications. The graph shows

Piezo • Nano • Positioning


Ordering Information


PISeca™ Signal ConditionerElectronics for Single ElectrodeCapacitive Sensors, 1 Channel (with E-852.PS Power Supply)

Ask about custom designs!

E-852 signal conditioner electronics with D-510.100 PISeca™ capacitive sensor probe

E-852PISeca™ Signal Conditioner Electronics for Single-Electrode Capacitive Sensors

Technical Data


Function Signal conditioner for PISeca™ capacitive sensor probes

Channels 1


Sensor type Single-electrode, capacitive

Sensor bandwidth 6.6 / 3 / 0.3 kHz 1.1 / 0.1 / 0.01 kHz (option)

Measurement range extension factors* 1 & 2.5 (calibrated); 2 & 5 (option)

Ext. synchronization Auto master-slave

Temperature stability 1.56 mV / °C

Electrical properties

Output voltage -10 to +10 V / -5 to +5 V / 0 to +10 V

Output signal 1 kΩ / 1 nF

Supply voltage ±15 V (125 mA), +5 V (20 mA) supplied by (E-852.PS) / ±15 V

Static resolution** <0.001 % of measurement range (RMS)

Dynamic resolution** <0.002 % of measurement range (RMS)

Noise factor*** 0,14 ppm / ���Hz

Linearity @ nominal range <0.1% (<0.2 & for D-510.020)

Interface and operation

Sensor connection LEMO ECP.00.650.NLL.543 socket, triaxial

Analog output BNC

Display LED bar (gap indicator)

Linearization ILS


Operating temperature range +5 to +40 °C

Weight 0.355 kg, E-852.PS: 1.2 kg

Dimensions 80 x 130 x 40 mm, E-852.PS: 100 x 170 x 62 mm

Target Ground Connector Banana jack

* Extension factors to multiply by the nominal measurement range** Static: bandwidth 10 Hz, dynamic: bandwidth 6.6 kHz, cable length 1 m

*** Change of active surface size in ppm (parts per million), refers to measurement range

E-852.10, dimensions in mm

� Cost-Effective System Solution for PISeca™ Capacitive

Position Sensor Probes

� Special Linearization System (ILS) for Maximum Linearity

� Bandwidth Adjustable from 10 Hz to 6.6 kHz

� Multiple Measurement Ranges per Probe

� LED-Bar Measuring-Range Display for Easy Setup & Sensor


� External Synchronization for Multi-Channel Applications

Application Examples

� Semiconductor technology/ test & measurement

� Data storage

� Automotive industry

� Metrology

� Precision machining

Page 8: Capacitive Displacement Sensors – Nanometrology Solutions · PI capacitive sensors provide sub-nm resolution and are ideally suited for nanometrology applications. The graph shows


Ordering Information


PISeca™ Modular SignalConditioner Electronics for SingleElectrode Capacitive Sensors, 3 Channels


PISeca™ Sensor / Servo-ControllerModule for Single-ElectrodeCapacitive Sensors, 3 Channels



19’’-Chassis for Modular Sensor /Piezo Servo-Controllers, 1 to 3 Channels


9.5” Chassis for Modular Sensor /Piezo Servo-Controllers, 1 to 3 Channels


Display Module for Displace-ment/Piezo Voltage, 3 Channels


Interface- / Display Module, 20 Bit D/A, IEEE 488 / RS-232, 3 Channels


LVPZT-Amplifier Module,-20 to +120 V, 3 Channels


Analog Output for ControllerSignal, Plug-In Module, 3 Channels

Ask about custom designs!

Application Examples

� Semiconductor technology / test & measurement

� Data storage

� Automotive industry

� Metrology

� Precision machining

E-509.E03 3-channel signal conditioner module in an E-5019.5“ chassis (left) with an E-515 display module

E-509.E03 · E-509.E3Three-Channel Sensor / Servo Controller Module for PISeca™ Capacitive 1-Plate Sensors

Technical Data

E-509.E03 E-509.E3

Function Signal conditioner electronics Sensor / Servo-Controller Modulefor PISeca™ for PISeca™

Channels 3 3


Servo characteristics – Analog proportional-integral (P-I) algorithmwith notch filter

Sensor type PISeca™ single-electrode, capacitive PISeca™ single-electrode, capacitive

Sensor bandwidth 3 kHz 3 kHz 0.3 / 3 / 10 kHz (option) 0.3 / 3 / 10 kHz (option)

Measurement range 2 / 2.5 / 5 (option) 2 / 2.5 / 5 (option)extension factors*

Synchronization 3 synchronized channels 3 synchronized channels

Elektrical properties

Output voltage ±5 V (0–10 V) ±5 V (0–10 V)

Operating voltage Requires E-530 / E-531 power supply Requires E-530 / E-531 power supply(E-500 / E-501 system) (E-500 / E-501 system)

Static resolution** <0.001 % of measurement (RMS) <0.001 % of measurement (RMS)

Dynamic resolution** <0.002 % of measurement (RMS) <0.002 % of measurement (RMS)

Linearity @ nominal range <0.1 % (<0.2 % for D-510.020) <0.1 % (<0.2 % for D-510.020)

Interface and operation

Sensor connection 3 x LEMO ECP.00.650.NLL.543 socket, triaxial 3 x LEMO ECP.00.650.NLL.543 socket, triaxial

Signal output LEMO 6-pin FGG.0B.306.CLAD56 LEMO 6-pin FGG.0B.306.CLAD56

Display 3 x Overflow LED 3 x Overflow LED

Supported functionality ILS ILS


Operating temperature range +5 °C to +40 °C +5 °C to +40 °C

Dimensions 7T/3H 7T/3H

Target Ground Connector 3 x banana jack 3 x banana jack

� Plug-In Modules for E-500 / E-501 Chassis

� E-509.E03: 3-Channel Sensor Module

� E-509.E3: 3-Channel Sensor Module with Additional Servo

Controllers for Piezo Positioning Systems

� Integrated Linearization System (ILS) for Maximum Linearity

� Optional: Measurement Range

� Optional: Bandwidth

The E-509.E3 servo-controller module in an E-501 9.5“ chassis with E-503 piezo amplifier module and E-516

PC-interface/display module provides servo-control of piezonanopositioning systems with external PISeca™ D-510

capacitive 1-plate sensors (in front)

* Extension factors to multiply by thenominal measurement range, to be specified with order

** Static: bandwidth 300 Hz, dynamic: bandwidth 10 kHz, cable length 1 m

Page 9: Capacitive Displacement Sensors – Nanometrology Solutions · PI capacitive sensors provide sub-nm resolution and are ideally suited for nanometrology applications. The graph shows

Piezo • Nano • Positioning


Application Examples

� Semiconductor technology

� Metrology

� Precision machining

E-509.C3A 3-channel Sensor / Servo-Controller Module (left)in an E-501 chassis with E-503 piezo amplifier module

(center) and E-516 interface / display module (right). D-015.00 capacitive 2-plate sensors and PIHera®

P-625.1CD nanopositioning stage in the foreground

D-015 · D-050 · D-100Capacitive Two-Plate Position Sensors with Sub-Nanometer Resolution

� For Applications Requiring Highest Precision

� Measurement Range to 1000 microns

� Resolution to 0.01 nm

� Linearization to 0.01 % (with E-509.CxA)

� Bandwidth up to 10 kHz

� Servo Controller E-509.CxA, Compatible with

E-500 Controller System

� Custom Design

Technical Data E-509.C1A / E-509.C2A / E-509.C3A

Function Sensor & Position Servo-Control Modules for Piezo-Driven Nanopositioning Systems


Servo characteristics Analog proportional-integral (P-I) algorithm with notch filterSensor type Two-plate capacitive sensorSensor channels 1 / 2 / 3Sensor bandwidth 0.3 bis 3 kHz (jumper selectable); up to 10 kHz on requestMeasurements ranges nominal / x3Temperature drift* -30 ppm / °KNoise factor* 0.115 ppm / ���HzLinearity error <0.05 %Interfaces and operation

Sensor connection LEMO EPL.00.250.NTDAnalog output ±5 V (0 V–10 V)Sensor monitor socket LEMO 6-pin FGG.0B.306.CLAD56Supported functionality ILSDisplay Overflow LED (one per channel)Linearization <0.05 %Miscellaneous

Operating temperature range +5 °C to +50 °CDimensions 7T/3HMass 0.2 / 0.25 / 0.35 kgOperating voltage ±15 V requires E-530/E-531 power supply (E-500/E-501 system)

D-015.00 D-050.00 D-100.00 Units


Sensor type Capacitive Capacitive CapacitiveNominal measurement range 15 50 100 µmExtended measurement range 45 150 300 µmResolution* 0.0005 0.0005 0.0005 % of

masure-ment range

Linearity 0.003 0.003 0.003 %Sensor active area 16.60 67.70 113.10 mm2

Thermal drift** 50 50 50 ppm/KMiscellaneous

Operating temperature range -20 to 80 -20 to 80 -20 to 80 °CMaterial*** Aluminum Aluminum Aluminum

Recommended sensor electronics E-509.CxA E-509.CxA E-509.CxA

* 3 kHz, with E-509.C3A servo controller ** Change of active surface size in ppm (parts per million), refers to measurement range *** Ask for custom materials


Capacitive 2-Plate Position Sensor,15 µm, Aluminum


Capacitive 2-Plate Position Sensor,50 µm, Aluminum


Capacitive 2-Plate Position Sensor,100 µm, Aluminum

Ask about custom designs!


Piezo Sensor / Servo-ControllerModule, Capacitive Sensor, 1 Channel


Piezo Sensor / Servo-ControllerModule, Capacitive Sensors, 2 Channels


Piezo Sensor / Servo-ControllerModule, Capacitive Sensors, 3 Channels



19’’-Chassis for Modular Sensor /Piezo Servo-Controllers, 1 to 3 Channels


9.5“ Chassis for Modular Sensor /Piezo Servo-Controllers, 1 to 3 Channels


Display Module for Displace-ment/Piezo Voltage, 3 Channels


Interface- / Display Module, 20 BitD/A, IEEE 488 / RS-232, 3 Channels

* Change of active surfacesize in ppm(parts per million), refersto measure-ment range

Ordering Information

E-509.C1A · 2A · 3ASensor & Position Servo-Control

Modules for Piezo-Driven

Nanopositioning Systems

� Position Servo-Control Module for Piezos Positioning

Systems with 2-Plate Capacitive Sensors

� 1-, 2- and 3-Channel Versions for Ultra-High Precision

Closed-Loop Nanopositioning Applications

� Integrated Linearization System (ILS) for Improved Linearity

� Eliminates Drift and Hysteresis

� Virtually Increases Piezo Stiffness

Technical Data

Page 10: Capacitive Displacement Sensors – Nanometrology Solutions · PI capacitive sensors provide sub-nm resolution and are ideally suited for nanometrology applications. The graph shows


Fig. 1: Piezo nanopositioning system making 0.3 nm steps, measured with PI capacitive sensor (lower curve) and with a highly precise laser interferometer. The capacitive sensor provides significantly higher resolution than the interferometer

Tutorial: Nanopositioning / Nanomeasuring

Resolution in nanopositioningrelates to the smallest changein displacement that can still bedetected by the measuringdevices.

For capacitive sensors, resolu-tion is in principle unlimited,and is in practice limited byelectronic noise. PI signal con-ditioner electronics are opti-mized for high linearity, band-width and minimum noise,enabling sensor resolutiondown to the picometer range.

Electronic noise and sensorsignal bandwidth are interde-pendent. Limiting the band-width reduces noise and there-by improves resolution. Theworking distance also influ-

ences the resolution: the small-er the working distance of thesystem, the lower the absolutevalue of the electronic noise.

Figure 1 shows measurementsof nanometer-range actuatorcycles taken with a D-015, 15 µm capacitive position sen-sor and a laser interferometer.The graphs clearly show thesuperior performance of thecapacitive position sensingtechnique.

Figure 2 illustrates the influ-ence of bandwidth upon reso-lution: the PISeca™ single-electrode sensors show excel-lent resolution down to thesub-nanometer range, even athigh bandwidths.

Resolution / Bandwidth

Fig. 2: Resolution significantly below 1 nm is achieved with a 20 µm PISeca™ single-electrode sensor (D-510.020) and the E-852 signal conditioner electronics. Left: 0.2 nm-steps under quasi-static conditions (bandwidth 10 Hz), right: 1 nm-steps with maximum bandwidth (6.6 kHz)

The linearity of a measurementdenotes the degree of constan-cy in the proportional relationbetween change in probe-tar-get distance and the output sig-nal. Usually linearity is given as linearity error in percent ofthe full measurement range. A linearity error of 0.1 % withrange of 100 µm gives a maxi-mum error of 0.1 µm. Linearityerror has no influence whatso-ever upon resolution andrepeatability of a measure-ment.

Linearity is influenced to a highdegree by homogeneity of theelectric field and thus by anynon-parallelism of the probeand target in the application. PIcapacitive position sensor elec-tronics incorporate a propri-

etary design providing superi-or linearity, low sensitivity tocable capacitance, low back-ground noise and low drift. TheIntegrated Linearization Sys-tem (ILS) compensates for non-parallelism influences.

A comparison between a con-ventional capacitive positionsensor system and a PI ILS sys-tem is shown in Figure 3. Whenused with PI digital controllers(which add polynomial lin-earization) a positioning linear-ity of up to 0.003 % is achiev-able.

Figure 4 shows the linearity ofa P-752.11C piezo flexure nano-positioning stage with inte-grated capacitive position sen-sor operated in closed-loop

Linearity and Stability of PI sensors

Fig. 3: Linearity of conventional capacitive position sensor system vs. PI ILS (integrated linearization system), shown before digital linearization

Fig. 4: Linearity of a P-752.11C, 15 µm piezo nanopositioning stage operated with E-500/E-509.C1A control electronics. The travel range is 15 µm, the gain 1.5 µm/V.Linearity is better than 0.02 %; even higher linearity is achievable with PI digital controllers

Page 11: Capacitive Displacement Sensors – Nanometrology Solutions · PI capacitive sensors provide sub-nm resolution and are ideally suited for nanometrology applications. The graph shows

Piezo • Nano • Positioning


mode with an analog con-troller. All errors contributed bythe mechanics, PZT drive, sen-sors and electronics are includ-ed in the resulting linearity ofbetter than 0.02 %. Even higherlinearity is achievable with PIdigital controllers like the E-710.

Stability of the measurement islimited mainly by thermal and

electronic drift. For accuracyand repeatability reasons, it isthus necessary to maintainconstant environmental condi-tions. The exceptional long-term stability of the PI capaci-tive position sensor and elec-tronics design is shown in Figure 5.

Fig. 5: Measurement stability of an E-509.C1A capacitive position sensor control module with 10 pF reference capacitor over 3.5 hours (after controller warm-up)



When a voltage is applied to thetwo plates of an ideal capacitor,it creates a homogenous electricfield. This principle is the basisof measuring displacement withcapacitive position sensors. Forsmall gaps, the applied voltageis proportional to the plate dis-tance. The planes of the sensorsurface (“probe”) and the targetform the two capacitor plates.The target should not be belowa certain size because of bound-ary effects. This is important forapplications with, say, a rotatingdrum as target. For metallicmaterials, the thickness of the

target has no influence on themeasurement.

Guard Ring Geometry/Design

The proportionality referred tois based on the homogeneity ofthe electric field. To eliminateboundary effects, the superiorPI design uses a guard-ring elec-trode that surrounds the activesensor area and is actively keptat the same potential (see Fig. 7). This design shields theactive sensor area and providesfor excellent containment of themeasurement zone. Thus opti-mum measuring linearity overthe full range is achieved withinthe specified accuracy.

Principle of the Measurement

PI’s nanometrology calibrationlaboratories offer optimumconditions for factory calibra-tion. As references, ultra-high-accuracy incremental sensorslike laser interferometers areused.

PISeca™ systems are calibrat-ed at PI with a NEXLINE® posi-tioning system having a

closed-loop resolution betterthan 0.01 nm in a test standwith friction-free flexure guid-ance and an incremental refer-ence sensor featuring a resolu-tion better than 0.1 nm (Fig. 8and 9).

Calibration for Best Accuracy

Fig. 6: Capacitive sensor working principle

Fig. 7: Capacitive sensors with guard ring design provide superior linearity

Fig. 8: Output linearity error of a PISeca™ single-electrode system is typically less than 0.1% over the full measurement range

Page 12: Capacitive Displacement Sensors – Nanometrology Solutions · PI capacitive sensors provide sub-nm resolution and are ideally suited for nanometrology applications. The graph shows


Direct Metrology / Parallel

Metrology with Two-Plate

Capacitive Sensors

Capacitive sensors are the idealchoice for nanometrologyapplications in positioning,scanning and metrology requir-ing the highest possible accura-cy. Two-plate capacitive sensorsachieve the highest linearity andlong-term stability. The meas-urement probe can be attacheddirectly to the moved surface(direct metrology) and provideabsolute, non-contact displace-ment values against a reference

surface, with no influence what-soever on the motion per-formed. These sensors are par-ticularly well-suited for parallel-kinematics nanopositioning sys-tems. There, in a multi-axis sys-tem, motion in all degrees offreedom is measured against acommon reference, and therunout of the various actuatorscan be compensated out in realtime (active trajectory control).In this way, motion accuracies inthe subnanometer and submi-croradian ranges can beachieved.

Direct Metrology, Parallel Metrology

Fig. 9: Ultra-high-precision NEXLINE® positioning system with incremental sensor in a calibration and test stand for PISeca™ sensors. The resolution is significantly better than that of a laser interferometer

Fig. 10: Capacitive position sensors in anultra-high-accuracy, six-axis nanoposition-ing system designed by PI for theGerman National Metrology Institute(PTB). Application: scanning microscopy

When measuring distance bydetection of capacitancechanges, fluctuations in thecable capacitance can have anadverse effect on accuracy.This is why most capacitivemeasurement systems onlyprovide satisfactory resultswith short, well-defined cablelengths. PI systems use a special designwhich eliminates cable influ-

ences, permitting use of cablelengths of up to 3 m withoutdifficulty. For optimum results,we recommend calibration ofthe sensor-actuator system inthe PI metrology lab.Longer distances between sen-sor and electronics can bespanned with special, loss-free,digital transmission protocols.

Special Design Eliminates Cable Influences

During sensor production, greatcare is taken to maintain criticalmechanical tolerances. Meas-uring surfaces are diamondmachined using sophisticated

process control techniques. Theresult is the smooth, ultra-flat,mirrored surfaces required toobtain the highest resolutioncommercially available.

Electrode Geometry, Sensor Surface Flatness

and Finish

For optimum results, target andprobe plates must remain paral-lel to each other during meas-urement. For small measure-ment distances and small activeareas, any divergence has astrong influence on the meas-urement results. Tilt adversely

affects linearity and gain,although not resolution orrepeatability (see fig. 12). Positioning systems with multi-link flexure guidance reduce tipand tilt to negligable levels (seeFig. 13) and achieve outstandingaccuracy.

Parallelism of Measuring Surfaces

Fig. 11: Digital sensor-signal transmis-sion (DST) allows a distance up to 15 mbetween positioning unit and controller,here an E-710 multi-axis digital piezocontroller

Fig. 12: Nonlinearity vs. tilt. Resolution and repeatability are not affected by tilt

Fig. 13. Flexure-guided nanopositioning systems like the P-752 offer submicroradianguiding accuracy and are optimally suited for capacitive sensors

Tutorial cont.

Page 13: Capacitive Displacement Sensors – Nanometrology Solutions · PI capacitive sensors provide sub-nm resolution and are ideally suited for nanometrology applications. The graph shows


Piezo • Nano • Positioning


The measurement range de-pends on the size of the activesensor area as well as on theelectronics used. Due to PI’s proprietary signalconditioner electronics design,the mid-range distance isalways identical to the selectedmeasurement range. The probe-to-target gap may vary from

50 % to 150 % of the measure-ment range (see Fig. 14). The sensor capacitance is thesame as that of the referencecapacitance in the electronics.Different reference capacitancescan be used to extend the nom-inal (standard) measurementrange (see Fig. 15).

Measurement Range

Two-electrode capacitive sen-sors consist of two electrodes,named probe and target. Single-electrode sensors meas-ure against a surface that iscalled the target. The target sur-face is, in principle, a conductivematerial electrically connectedto ground. Measurement againstsemi-conductors is possible aswell.

While two-plate capacitive sen-sors consist of two well-defined

high-quality planes, with single-plate sensors, target surfacecharacteristics can influence theresults. A curved or rough sur-face will deteriorate the resolu-tion because the results refer toan average gap (see Fig. 16 and17). Surface shape also influ-ences the homogeneity of theelectric field and thereby themeasurement linearity. For fac-tory calibration, a target planethat is considerably larger thanthe sensor area is used.


Precision measurement withnanometer accuracy requiresminimizing environmental influ-ences. Constancy of tempera-ture and humidity during themeasurement are as essentialas cleanliness. Electronics from PI are basicallyvery temperature stable. Tem-perature drift is under 0.2 % offull measurement range with achange of temperature of 10 C°.Temperature changes alsocause all material in the systemto expand or contract, thus

changing the actual measuredgap. The influence of a change in rel-ative humidity of 30 percentagepoints is less than 0.5 % of themeasurement range.Condensation must always beavoided. Dusty or damaged sensor sur-faces will also worsen the meas-urement quality. Environmental conditions at thetime of calibration are noted onthe calibration sheet PI provideswith each individual system.


Fig. 14: Definitions: measurement range and mid-range distance have identical values

Fig. 15: Measuring ranges of different PI capacitive position sensors (standard ranges in blue, extended ranges in black)

Fig. 16: Roughness of the target surface downgrades resolution and linearity

Fig. 17: Curved surfaces lead to an averaged distance measurement

Page 14: Capacitive Displacement Sensors – Nanometrology Solutions · PI capacitive sensors provide sub-nm resolution and are ideally suited for nanometrology applications. The graph shows


Piezo • Nano • Positioning



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PI Japan Co., Ltd.

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Physik Instrumente

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PI (Physik Instrumente) L.P.

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Lambda Photometrics Ltd.

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Physik Instrumente (PI) S.r.l.

Via G. Marconi, 28I-20091 Bresso (MI)Tel: +39 (02) 665 011 01Fax: +39 (02) 665 014 [email protected]

Program Overview

� Piezoelectric Actuators

� Piezo Nanopositioning Systems and Scanners

� Active Optics / Tip-Tilt Platforms

� Capacitive Sensors

� Piezo Electronics: Amplifiers and Controllers

� Hexapods

� Micropositioners

� Positioning Systems for Fiber Optics, Photonicsand Telecommunications

� Motor Controllers

� PILine® High-Speed Ceramic Linear Motors

Request the 500 p. Hardbound PI Catalog

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