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Capstone Design—Computer SystemsgStock—A Virtual Stock Application

Project Statement

Christopher JulianoMansoor Khan

Guddu Mony

Page 2: Capstone Design—Computer Systems

Overview: There has always been a desire for a fantasy stock application that lets you trade stock in the current market using virtual money. These applications let you watch stocks of interest and trade them at market price with a virtual portfolio. This is ideal for mainly two kinds of users. First are the beginners who would like to learn the trading basics and strategies to be successful in the market. Second is for users who have money invested in the market and would like a real time report indicating their gains and losses. In today’s mobile era there is a need more than ever for such applications that include these features “to-go”. Most platforms already have similar programs already deployed. But as a newly released platform, the Google Android has limited applications with limited options related to stock tracking and virtual trading. We propose a user-friendly, all-inclusive application that can be utilized by all Android users both experts and beginners alike. This application would combine many popular features like stock tracking, history, up to date news feeds, live streaming, virtual trading and risk analysis in one application for Google Android based phones.  

Customers: Currently the target customers are the Google Android GPhone Users. Any one who owns a GPhone who would like to track stocks and follow the stock while on the go are the ideal prospect as customers.

Goals/Features: Allow users to view up to date quotes and information of desired stocks on

demand Allow management of portfolio with stocks and quantities of choice Have desired amount of virtual money to try out different stocks and

strategies Watch list that monitors stocks of choice View history of recent transactions


System Functions: Evident

Track stock quotes from stock market Manage virtual portfolio and cash Buy and sell stock at real market prices View Gains/Losses at current market prices Watch List functionality View recent Transactions


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Retrieve stock information form Google Feeds Sell and buy automatically at market prices Save any changes to Portfolio/Watch list in an active database (No loss

of data if program is exited) Frill

View graphical history / streamer for stocks View News for a given stock View Risk of holding/buying a stock Setting menu to adjust update interval Link to more information from recent transactions.

System Attributes: Details

User Interface Must be aesthetically pleasing Simple and easy to navigate

Back End Code Must be efficient (to conserve resources)

Constraints Database space availability on the phone Availability of Feeds and their accuracy Lack of actual device (G1)

Emulator functionality same as actual phone Changes in google feeds and the learning curve

Must/Wants Using minimal resources

Battery life conservation Disk space Bandwidth

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Use Case Diagram

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Use Case Specification

Add Money to AccountUGS0001

Description:This use case allows the User to add money to their portfolio.

Purpose:This use case is important because it gives the User a means to adjust the amount of funds their portfolio contains. It also displays the control path of the case of a User adding money to their portfolio.

Requirements Trace:Increases the amount of money in the User’s portfolio.

Subject Area:Information Modification

Related Use Cases:UGS00002

Primary & Secondary Actors: User (Primary) Database (Primary)

Technical Requirements: Frequency of Use: Rarely Typical Actor: Human

Pre-Condition:1) The application is running.2) The database is accessible.

Main Course:1) User first selects “Navigate”.2) User then selects “Manage Money”.3) User enters amount of money to add to account.4) User selects “Add”.5) The application increases the amount of money the User can use.6) A success or error dialog is shown.

Post-Condition:The transaction succeeded and the User’s money is updated to show the new amount.

Alternate Course(s):There are no alternate courses for this use case.

Issues:There are no issues as of yet for this use case.

Assumptions:User inputs a positive, valid amount in the money field.

Design Comments:There are currently no design comments.

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Change Log:1) Created by Christopher Juliano (02/26/2009)

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Remove Money from AccountUGS0002

Description:This use case allows the User to remove money from their portfolio.

Purpose:This use case is important because it gives the User a means to adjust the amount of funds their portfolio contains. It also displays the control path of the case of a User removing money from their portfolio.

Requirements Trace:Decreases the amount of money in the User’s portfolio.

Subject Area:Information Modification

Related Use Cases:UGS00001

Primary & Secondary Actors: User (Primary) Database (Primary)

Technical Requirements: Frequency of Use: Rarely Typical Actor: Human

Pre-Condition:1) The application is running.2) The database is accessible.

Main Course:1) User first selects “Navigate”.2) User then selects “Manage Money”.3) User enters amount of money to remove from account.4) User selects “Remove”.5) The application decreases the amount of money the User can use.6) A success or error dialog is shown.

Post-Condition:The recent transaction list retrieval succeeded and the list is displayed on the screen.

Alternate Course(s):There are no alternate courses for this use case.

Issues:There are no issues as of yet for this use case.

Assumptions:There are no assumptions required yet for this use case.

Design Comments:There are currently no design comments.

Change Log:1) Created by Christopher Juliano (02/26/2009)

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Sell StockUGS0003

Description: Allows User to sell stock in his portfolio.

Purpose: The ability to sell stocks one of the critical functions of a virtual stock portfolio

Requirements Trace: Sell currently owned stocks

Subject Area: Information Modification

Related Use Cases: UGS0004

Primary and Secondary Actors: Phone User (Primary) Google Feeds (Primary) Database (Secondary)

Technical Requirements:Frequency of Use: OftenTypical Actor: Human

Pre-condition: User should have stocks in quantity he wishes to sell already in his/her portfolio

Main Course:1. User opens application2. User chooses Navigate Trade3. User Enters symbol and quantity of the stock he/her wishes to sell4. User chooses Sell5. Google Feeds then provides the current price of the stock6. User is asked to verify the sell given the Name, quantity and price. 7. User confirms the sell

Post-condition: Quantity of sold stocks removed from database Recent history updated with transaction Appropriate cash added to database Application returns to main screen.

Alternate Course A:1. User chooses Change in the verify screen 2. User Enters symbol and quantity of the stock he/her wishes to sell3. User chooses sell4. Google Feeds then provides the current price of the stock5. User is asked to verify the sell given the Name, quantity and price.

Alternate Course B:1. User chooses No in the verify screen 2. Application returns to Home screen


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Only positive available quantities are inputted. Only owned symbols are inputted.

Design Comments: None

Change Log: 1) Created by Guddu Mony (02/26/2009)

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Buy StockUGS0004

Description: Allows User to buy stock to add to his portfolio.

Purpose: The ability to buy stocks one of the critical functions of a virtual stock portfolio

Requirements Trace: Buy specified quantity of stock.

Subject Area: Information Modification

Related Use Cases: UGS0003

Primary and Secondary Actors: Phone User(Primary) Google Feeds(Primary) Database(Secondary)

Technical Requirements:Frequency of Use: OftenTypical Actor: Phone User (Human)

Pre-condition: User should know the symbol and quantity of stock he would like to buy.

Main Course:1. User opens application2. User chooses Navigate Trade3. User Enters symbol and quantity of the stock he/her wishes to buy4. User chooses Buy5. Google Feeds then provides the current price of the stock6. User is asked to verify the buy given the Name, quantity and price. 7. User confirms the buy

Post-condition: Quantity of bought stocks added to database Recent history updated with transaction Appropriate cash subtracted from database Application returns to main screen.

Alternate Course A:1. User chooses Change in the verify screen 2. User Enters symbol and quantity of the stock he/her wishes to buy3. User chooses buy4. Google Feeds then provides the current price of the stock5. User is asked to verify the sell given the Name, quantity and price.

Alternate Course B:1. User chooses No in the verify screen 2. Application returns to Home screen

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Issues: None

Assumptions: Only positive quantities are inputted. Only existing symbols are inputted. User has sufficient money for transaction.

Design Comments: None

Change Log: Created by Guddu Mony - 2/26/2009

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View StockUGS0005

Description: Allows User to view the details of any stock in the market

Purpose: The ability to view stock information is a critical functions of a virtual stock portfolio

Requirements Trace: View information of a stock.

Subject Area: Information Retrieval

Related Use Cases: UGS0006, UGS0007

Primary and Secondary Actors: Phone User(Primary) Google Feeds(Primary)

Technical Requirements:Frequency of Use: OftenTypical Actor: Phone User (Human)

Pre-condition: User should know the symbol of the stock he would like to view

Main Course:1. User opens application2. User chooses Navigate View Stock3. User Enters symbol of the stock he/she wishes to view4. User chooses View5. Google Feeds then provides information about the stock

Post-condition: None

Alternate Course(s): None

Issues: None

Assumptions: Only existing symbols are inputted.

Design Comments: None

Change Log: Created by Guddu Mony (02/26/2009)

View Portfolio

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Description: Allows User to view his current portfolio.

Purpose: The ability to view Portfolio is one of the critical functions of a virtual stock portfolio

Requirements Trace: View Portfolio elements

Subject Area: Information retrieval

Related Use Cases: UGS0005

Primary and Secondary Actors: Phone User(Primary) Google Feeds(Primary) Database(Secondary)

Technical Requirements:Frequency of Use: OftenTypical Actor: Phone User (Human)

Pre-condition: None

Main Course:1. User opens application2. User chooses Navigate View Portfolio3. Database provides a list of stocks and their quantities in the portfolio4. Google Feeds provides price and information about the stock in portfolio

Post-condition: His/her portfolio is displayed with stocks, quantities and their respective

price informationAlternate Course(s):

1. User clicks on a stock in the portfolio2. Use Case UGS0005 is executed with the symbol of the clicked stock as input3. Details are retrieved from Google and displayed

Issues: None

Assumptions: User has an existing portfolio

Design Comments: None

Change Log: Created by Guddu Mony - 2/26/2009

Watch List

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Description: Allows User to view Watch List

Purpose: The ability to watch a listed of interested stocks is useful.

Requirements Trace: View changes in stocks being watched.

Subject Area:Information Retrieval

Related Use Cases: UGS0005, UGS0008, UGS0009

Primary and Secondary Actors: Phone User(Primary) Google Feeds(Primary) Database(Secondary)

Technical Requirements:Frequency of Use: OftenTypical Actor: Phone User (Human)

Pre-condition: None

Main Course:1. User opens application2. User chooses Navigate View Watch List3. Database provides a list of stocks and their quantities in the Watch List4. Google Feeds provides price and information about the stock in Watch List

Post-condition: His/her Watch List is displayed with stocks, quantities and their respective

price informationAlternate Course(s):

1. User clicks on a stock in the Watch List2. Use Case UGS0005 is executed with the symbol of the clicked stock as input3. Details are retrieved from Google and displayed

Issues: None

Assumptions: User has items on the Watch List

Design Comments: None

Change Log: Created by Guddu Mony - 2/26/2009

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Add Stock to Watch ListUGS0008

Description:This use case allows the User to add a stock symbol to their watch list.

Purpose:This use case displays the control path of the case of a User adding a stock to their watch list. This action is necessary for maintaining the User’s watch list.

Requirements Trace:Adds a stock to the User’s watch list.

Subject Area:Information Modification

Related Use Cases:UGS00007 & UGS00009

Primary & Secondary Actors: User (Primary) Database (Primary)

Technical Requirements:Frequency of Use: ModerateTypical Actor: Human

Pre-Condition:1) The application is running.2) The database is accessible.

Main Course:1) User first selects “Navigate”.2) User then selects “Watch List”.3) User then selects “Add to Watch List”.4) User enters symbol of the company they would like to add.5) User selects “Add”.6) The application adds the symbol of the company to the watch list section of

the database.7) A success or error dialog is shown.

Post-Condition:The transaction succeeded and the symbol is added to the User’s watch list and also to the database.

Alternate Course(s):There are no alternate courses for this use case.

Issues:There are no issues as of yet for this use case.

Assumptions:User inputs a valid stock symbol.

Design Comments:There are currently no design comments.

Change Log:1) Initially created by Christopher Juliano (02/26/2009)

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Remove Stock from Watch ListUGS0009

Description:This use case allows the User to remove a stock symbol from their watch list.

Purpose:This use case displays the control path of the case of a User removing a stock from their watch list. This action is necessary for maintaining the User’s watch list.

Requirements Trace:Removes a stock from the User’s watch list.

Subject Area:Information Modification

Related Use Cases:UGS00007 & UGS00008

Primary & Secondary Actors: User (Primary) Database (Primary)

Technical Requirements:Frequency of Use: ModerateTypical Actor: Human

Pre-Condition:1) The application is running.2) The database is accessible.

Main Course:1) User first selects “Navigate”.2) User then selects “Watch List”.3) User then selects “Remove from Watch List”.4) User enters symbol of the company they would like to remove.5) User selects “Remove”.6) The application removes the symbol of the company from the watch list

section of the database.7) A success or error dialog is shown.

Post-Condition:The transaction succeeded and the symbol is removed from the User’s watch list and also from the database.

Alternate Course(s):There are no alternate courses for this use case.

Issues:There are no issues as of yet for this use case.

Assumptions:User inputs a valid stock symbol.

Design Comments:There are currently no design comments.

Change Log:1) Initially created by Christopher Juliano (02/26/2009)

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Show Recent TransactionsUGS0010

Description:This use case allows the User to view the most recent transactions they have performed.

Purpose:This use case displays the control path of the case of a User choosing to display their recent transaction list.

Requirements Trace:Display a list of the User’s recent transactions.

Subject Area:Information Retrieval

Related Use Cases:There are no related use cases for this use case.

Primary & Secondary Actors: User (Primary) Database (Primary)

Technical Requirements:Frequency of Use: Moderate UsageTypical Actor: Human

Pre-Condition:1) The application is running.2) The database is accessible.

Main Course:1) User first selects “Navigate”.2) User then selects “Recent Transactions”.3) The application retrieves the recent transactions stored in the database.4) The application displays in a list form the recent transactions.

Post-Condition:The transaction succeeded and the User’s money is updated to show the new amount.

Alternate Course(s):There are no alternate courses for this use case.

Issues:There are no issues as of yet for this use case.

Assumptions:User inputs a positive, valid amount in the money field.

Design Comments:There are currently no design comments.Change Log:

1) Created by Christopher Juliano (02/26/2009)

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Data Dictionary Document

Virtual Stock Portfolio – The page that contains all the currently owned stocks.

Database – The backend storage used to keep track of transactions and account balances

Stock Symbol – The unique letters used to identity each company

Google Feeds – The source used to obtain current stock prices. This comes in the form a an RSS Feed.

Watched List – The paged used to track stocks prices. This page is similar to portfolio except it can contain stocks not currently owned.

User Interface Map

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Use  Case # Deliverable Contributers

UGS0001 First Deliverable Chris Juliano

UGS0002 First Deliverable Chris Juliano

UGS0003 First Deliverable Guddu Mony

UGS0004 First Deliverable Guddu Mony

UGS0005 First Deliverable Mansoor Khan

UGS0006 Second Deliverable Chris Juliano

UGS0007 Second Deliverable

Guddu Mony

UGS0008 Second Deliverable

Mansoor Khan

UGS0009 Second Deliverable

Mansoor Khan

UGS0010 Final Deliverable Group`

*These Use Case only correspond to the basic functionality of the applicationOthers will be added for the final deliverable if time permitting.

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